Italy Hill Cemetery

Italy , NY

Pictures of Headstones

Please contact me if you have any pictures of headstones to share for this cemetery.  

Pictures are compliments of: Cheri BrancaJack  Lamphier, Terry Cheeseman, Bruce  Sherwood Sr.


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Adelbert T.  & Rose Angell 

George W. Angell

Ira & Elizabeth Angell

John Angell

Sarah Annabel

Milos & Catharine (Lyons), Horace, Nathan & Phoebe (Robinson)  Babcock & Henrietta (Babcock) Strong

Elisha & Thankful (Gregory), Nathan G. & Polly (Torrance) Benedict 

Richard Lacy, Polly, Nathan Gregory Benedict, Laurna (Benedict) Wilcklow, Catharine Eliza, William N & Huldah A. (Green) Benedict

Mable G. Cheeseman

Hugh Chriscaden

James Chriscaden

Abigail & Olivia Corey

Alida M. Drew

Peter & Agnes Dugan

Danforth P. & Helen M.  (Smith) Ellsworth

. . .

Timothy Griswold

Henry & Sarah (Smith) Hare (on Dugan stone)

James Henderson

Matthew & Mary (Kennedy) Henderson

William, Isabella, Jane & James Henderson


Jane Houston  & ?? Kennedy


Kennedy family stone


Bess Kennedy

Clarence & Blanche Kennedy

David Kennedy

Elizabeth (McMichael) Kennedy

Francis E. & Lucelia C. Kennedy

Francis M. Kennedy

George M. Kennedy

Herbert D, Nellie I, Agnes & Glenn Kennedy


James M. Kennedy


James & Margaret Kennedy 2 [negative]


James & Margaret Kennedy

Jane, Sarah & Johnston Kennedy

John Kennedy

John & Jane M. Kennedy

Johnny A. Kennedy

Lillian I. Kennedy

Lina (Lamphier) Kennedy

Mary B. Kennedy

Mary H. Kennedy

Sarah J. Kennedy

Walter G. Kennedy

Frederick M. & William C. Klice

William  & Eliza (Albro) & Henry L. Klice

Charles E. & Eliza E. Lamphier

David A. Lamphier

Henry G. Lamphier

John A. Lamphier


Rhoda (Ward) Lamphier

Smith McLoud

Smith & Sarah McLoud

J. Nelson & Mary Dell (Wilcox) Pulver

J. Nelson, Mary Dell (Wilcox) Pulver [closeup]

John & Mary Pulver


  Nettie & bro Franklin Puliver (children of Peter & Jane)

Peter & Jane (Miller) Pulver

Clark Reynolds

Adelia Royce & Sarah (Royce) Kennedy

Clark & Temperance (Beeman) Royce & unknown Royce

Chapman D. & Margaret S. Sherwood

Edward J. & Carrie Sisson

Eugene Sisson 

George W. & Lottie A. Sisson

William, Melissa & Eugene Sisson

John Spore

Ellen Squires

Stanton family stones


Catharine Stanton

Fayette Stanton

Infant Stanton



George Tripp

Reuben & Jane Turner

Richard M. Turner

Gusanella Wallis

Mercey Wallis

Samuel A. Wallis

Strella Wallis

Rhoda Ward

John Wilson

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