Yates County, New York
History and Genealogy
Welcome to Yates County, NY, History and Genealogy !
*** Do you have a NY library card? Check with your local library, for FREE internet access for Genealogical information through Heritage Quest (Census reports) and so much more offered by your local library, that you can use any time of day or night, from your own home computer!
Link to neighboring ONTARIO CO., NY
[Yates Co. was formed from Ontario Co., NY in 1823 & some early information can also be found on this website]
Yates County Towns |
Barrington | Benton | Italy | Jerusalem | Middlesex | ||||
Milo |
Village of |
Potter | Starkey | Torrey |
Biographies and Family Trees If you have any family information you'd like to contribute, please contact me .
1850 Census completed!
Family Pictures for Yates County please contact me if you wish to display family pics.
Yates County History Vol. I pub 1873
Yates County History Vol. II pub 1873
Historical Collections of the State of New York, Past and Present, John Barber, Clark Albien & Co., 1851
Brief Yates County
Yates County was taken from Ontario in 1823; centrally distant from New York
via Albany 330, and from Albany 185 miles; greatest length E. and W. 24,
greatest breadth N. and S. 20 miles. The surface of this county is agreeably
diversified; the northern part is gently undulating, and the southern hilly.
The soil is in many places composed of a warm rich mould, yielding abundant
crops, though as a whole it is more of a grazing than a grain country. The
climate is temperate, and for the cultivation of fruit is not exceeded by any
portion of the state. It lies wholly in the tract ceded to Massachusetts, and
in that portion of it which passed through Messrs. Gorham, Phelps, and Robert
Morris to Sir William Pulteney. It is divided into eight towns.
See Neighboring Site for Ontario County, NY
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