Yates County, New York
Early Settlers for the Town of Torrey
From the History of Yates County, NY
published 1892, by L.C. Aldrich
pg 435- 437
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EarlySettlers of Torrey
Thefamily of Benedict ROBINSON was one prominently conspicuous and important in theFriend�s settlement on Seneca Lake. Thehead of this family was not only a pioneer, but is said to have been one of thecommissioners sent to locate a tract for the society�s home, although the nameof Mr. ROBINSON has not been previously mentioned in that connection. Mr. ROBINSON was also one of the leading men who became alienated fromthe society, and from that time forth was in bitter enmity with the Friend�sdoctrine. Benedict ROBINSON died in1832 and his wife in 1837. Thefamily home was on the �gore� as it had been commonly known. The children in the family were Phebe, Daniel A., James C. and Abigail.
In1869 Dr. John HATMAKER, at the expense of much time and labor, made and reportedto the Yates County Historical Society, a complete list of the first settlers ofthe town of Torrey, together with the names of the person who in 1869 were theoccupants of the lands on which the pioneers located. The report was as follows: �The south part of what is now the town ofTorrey, on the south side of the stream, was all a part of the John LANSINGJr.�s location, where small improvements were made by different individuals,viz.: Elisha BOTSFORD, SHEFFIELD, Elisha and Beloved LUTHER and afterward,Benedict ROBINSON and William POTTER became owners or agents of the location,and it was sold to those who made improvements.�
Thefirst settlers, with occupants at the time of making the report, 1869, were asfollows *(for brevity, the names of the first settlers are in italics) :
JepthaRANDOLPH, DanielRANDOLPH, Jonathan Lamb, Moses RAPALEE; Jonathan SISSON, George Y.DAINS; Isaiah YOUNGS, Benjamin YOUNGS; James MEEK, Perry DENNISTON;Richard HAYES, Henry BROWN; Wright BROWN, Wright BROWN Jr.,; EstherBRIGGS (or PLANT), Mr. GELDER and Mrs. J. PERRY; Silas HUNT, Dr. E.S. SMITH; Elsie HAZARD; Russell BUCKLEY and D. W. DOX. Above the road: Silas HUNT, Uriah Bennett; Jesse DAINS, N.RAPALEE; George SISSON, --; George & Abner GARDNER, George G.GARDNER; Sheffield LUTHER, Rufus E. TOWNSEND and Mr. DENISTON; DavidKING, Daniel KING, J. BELL And J. BEARD; the Friend�s place, ownedby C. J. TOWNSEND; Abel BOTSFORD, A. Leach and James CLARK; Adam &John CASTNER, Charles J. TOWNSEND; William & Arnold POTTER, AdamCLARK; John BRUCE, G. TURNER; Hezekiah TOWNSEND, Allen OWENS; ElijahMALIN, Samuel EMBREE; Gilbert HATHAWAY, Richard H. HATHAWAY; ThomasHATHAWAY, Manchester TOWNSEND; John REMER, J.J. & G. B. HAZARD; B.W. HAZARD, Andrew OLIVER; Benedict ROBINSON, William BENEDICT, P. J.SEELEY and David HATMAKER; LATIMORE & BIRKETT, A. V. REMER.
Oneof the most historic and sadly interesting situations in the town of Torrey isthat commonly called the City HillCemetery. It is well know that theFriends intended to not only found a colony and spread their possessions over aconsiderable area of country, but it was also their purpose and design to foundand establish a village or city, where should be the chief center of trade fortheir community of people. They didestablish a village, and named it Hopeton. As a necessary adjunct also to this village, and as well of their entiresettlement, they laid out and founded a cemetery for the burial of their dead. The Friend herself here on many an occasion officiated at a funeral, andlaid peacefully away some of the most devout and worthy members of her flock.
Thecemetery itself was laid out on an elevated land that too the name of City Hill,from whence the burial place was likewise named. It was and is a beautiful situation, about one mile west from the lake. The first person here buried was the wife of pioneer Jedediah HOLMES, oneof the first comers of the Friend�s society, and one of her most faithfuladherents. To make a coffin or burial casket, a log was hollowed outafter splitting a slab from one side; and being afterward replaced, the slabserved as a cover.
*** Wright BROWN was actually born 1 July 1748 in Ware River Parish, Hampshire Co. MA and died 25 April 1837, making him 89 at the time of his death. On his wife, Bertha's (Bethiah) grave...actually on the tombstone is inscribed 25 (--) 1756 Correction from Sonja Abate
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