Yates Co. News Articles

for the town of Torrey



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Yates County Chronicle, Penn Yan, June 22, 1875    by Cheri Branca


Died on the 18 inst. at his home near City Hill, three miles south of  Dresden, EDWARD D. DENNISTON aged 74 years.
The subject of this notice was born on the 25th day of May, 1801 at or  near New Bridge in Bergen County New Jersey. While yet a boy he with his  parents moved into the town of Seneca, Ontario County, N.Y. Here he learned the trade of a carpenter and worked on the old Glass Factory  near Geneva when that was built. He worked at his trade until about twenty years ago when he abandoned it for that of a farmer. He lived a  few years on the "Old Downey Farm" two miles north of Dresden. He then bought the Nabby Sherman farm and moved on it, here continued to reside  up to the time of his death.
 In 1826 he married Miss Mary Jones of Seneca and went to housekeeping in Benton, where they had born unto them seven children, all of whom survive him, as does Mrs. Denniston.
Caroline married Thomas Spencer, Elizabeth married George Hayes,  Margaret married William A. Hayes, Perry married Ann Meek, Theodore H. married Fanny Smith, Dewitt C. married Susan Meek and Johnson married  Louisa Dunlap. Mr. Denniston enjoyed very good health up to within four years when he had a shock of paralysis of his right side and tongue since which time his speech was broken so as to be unable to talk as to be understood--since the shock he has gradually failed 'till he became almost entirely helpless.   Mr. Denniston was a peaceable, quiet, good neighbor, loved his home and family. He lived to see hundreds of his early acquaintances numbered with the dead, before the messenger called for him.     

 May 17, 1876 -   Oswego Palladium Times, Syracuse, NY Daily Standard, Buffalo Daily News, Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle, New York Sun , & Auburn Morning News Papers       by Dianne Thomas

OSWEGO Paper - Casualties - The house of Daniel MINGO, near Dresden, Yates county, was burned last evening, and three children aged proprietarily, fourteen, eight and six years, perished in the flames.  MINGO, who was a widower, left the children alone in the house. Their bodies were found thismorning lying close together, the arms of the elder, about the two younger children.  [his wife was Julia, who predeceased her family [bet 1870 - 1876]; the 3 children who died May 16, 1876,  were Margaret, Charles & Cornelia Mingo; unsure of burial of Julia & her children]

SYRACUSE Paper - Three Children Burned to Death -Elmira , NY - May 17 - The house of Daniel MINGO, near Dresden, Yates county, was burned last evening and three children aged respectively fourteen, eight and five years, perished in the flames.  MINGO, who is a widower, left the children alone in the house.  Their bodies were found this morning, lying close together, the arms of the elder about the two younger ones.

Ontario Messenger, Canandaigua, NY        Aug 20, 1885    Pg.3   by Dianne Thomas

Hon. James HUNTINGTON of Dundee died on the 11thinst., aged 88 years.  He was at one time a State Senator.

Yates County Chronicle, Penn Yan, NY, September 11, 1889   by Cheri Branca


GEORGE S. HAYES - Died at his home in Hopeton, on Wednesday morning, September 4, 1889,   Mr. George Hays aged 81 years. Mr. Hays had been a resident of this town  nearly his entire life time, and was a respected, quiet citizen.  The funeral services were held from the M. E. Church on Saturday P. M;. his pastor Rev. W. F. Rippey officiating.

Yates County Chronicle, Penn Yan, NY, October 21, 1896    by Cheri Branca 

ADELAIDE HAYES BUCKLEY - Died at her home near Dresden on Saturday night, Mrs. Addie Buckley,  wife of Norton Buckley, of consumption. Mrs. Buckley had been a victim to this terrible disease for some time and after much suffering the young life was extinguished.  It is indeed a sad occurrence as three young children are left motherless in this cold world and a husband again called to mourn. The funeral services were held from the M. E. Church on Tuesday afternoon of this week, the Rev. F. M. Windnagle officiating.

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