Yates County, New York
Schools for the Town of Starkey
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Fromthe History & Directory of Yates Co., Vol. 2
published1873, by Cleveland
pg1105 - 1114
This valuable institution of learning owesits origin to the Christian denomination, a widely scattered body of people,with no stringent coherence of doctrine or organization, but with many able andindependent minds, holding views and doing a work which in times past have actedwith no little disintegrating force on other sects, especially in this county. Upholding the right of private opinion and taking issue with some of theleading tenets of the current orthodoxy of the age, they required the equipmentof learning in their work, and long felt the need of educational opportunitiesfree from the bias of hostile opinions.
In 1835, at a meeting of the N.Y. CentralConference of this church, held at Marion, Wayne County, the subject ofeducation was discussed, and a committee appointed which initiated measures thatled finally to the erection of Starkey Seminary. Their object, as stated by themselves, was �to place our youth andchildren in a situation to obtain an advanced education without subjecting themto that contaminating control of sectarianism which is visible in someinstitutions.�
The Central Conference met at Rock StreamJune 10, 1839. After duedeliberation, a committee of seven was composed as follows on the subject ofeducation: Joseph BADGER, O. E. MORRILL, Ezra MARVIN, Joseph BAILEY, DavidMILLARD, G. A. HENDRICK and E. G. HOLLAND. At a second adjourned meeting of this committee �and the friends ofeducation,� held at Eddytown Jan. 15, 1840, Elder Ezra MARVIN was chosenPresident, and Daniel D. VAN ALLEN Secretary. On this occasion the first board of Trustees of the proposed Seminary waschosen, as follows: Isaac LANNING, Clarkson MARTIN, Harvey G. STAFFORD, DanielD. VAN ALLEN, Leverett GABRIEL, Caleb COWING, Dr. Henry SPENCE, HoraceHENDERSON, Hiram A. NEWCOMB, Eli TOWNSEND, James HUNTINGTON, Elder Ezra MARVIN,Obadiah CHASE, Elder Joseph BAILEY, Elder Seth MARVIN, Elder John GUTHRIE, andElder O. E. MORRILL. It was alsoresolved to call the institution �The Seminary of the New York CentralChristian Conference.�
Funds for the erection of the Seminary werechiefly collected by Elder Ezra MARVIN, who was the appointed agent for thatpurpose, and were gathered from all quarters where the adherents of that faithresided. Eddytown was selected asthe location of the institution, no less on account of the beauty and salubrityof its situation than the superior liberality of the local subscription. Of a subscription of about $11,000, upwards of $4,000 was raised in thatneighborhood. The erection of theoriginal building, 80 by 32 feet, three stories high, with a basement, wasfinished in 1842. It is a brickedifice. The building committeewere, Isaac LANNING, Horace HENDERSON, James HUNTINGTON, and Hiram A. NEWCOMB;the contractors, Clarkson MARTIN and Harvey G. STAFFORD. John D. CARPENTER did the wood work, and Benjamin ROSS the mason work. The money expended in the original structure was about $7,000.
Elder Ezra MARVIN was President of the Boardof Trustees until his death, with the exception of seven years, while he waspastor at Enfield. Isaac LANNINGhas been one of the trustees from the first, and several years President of theBoard. Other trustees not belongingto the original Board have been: Daniel SHANNON, Jr., John ROBERTS, 2d, AllenHUNTLEY, John ROYCE, Simeon ROYCE, Allen BASSETT, David MILLARD, O. E. CHASE,Ebenezer S. FLEMING, De Grasse MALTBY, William ANDREWS, Isaac L. HAZEN, James C.HENDERSON, Samuel J. MAY, Albert FEARING, Elder Oliver BARR, Rev. E. PEABODY,Rev. Samuel OSGOOD, Samuel B. BUCKLEY, Daniel LANNING, Rev. Orris FRASER, DanielA. JENISON, Nicholas WEBB, John H. CURRIER, Thomas NICHOLAS, Adam CLARK, DennisW. DISBROW, Lewis W. PROPER, Bryant R. HURD, Abraham A. POST, Jr., NathanielSUTTON, J. S. BAILEY, Joseph McALPINE, Abram J. SWART, Reuben B. HENDERSON, JohnNOYES, Matthew ROYCE, Thomas MANDELL, Rev. William SIBLEY, Alfred A. BURNHAM,Thomas HENRY, Edward HOTCHKISS, Philetus ROBERTS, Edwin R. WADE, Isaac CHASE,Aaron ALDRICH, Amasa STANTON, Rev. George W. HOSMER, Charles HAUSE, WilliamSAMPLE, Thomas LAMOREAUX, Rev. William B. HAIGHT, George S. BAILEY, William L.SHARP, Ezra McALPINE, Cyrus BARBER, William O. CUSHING, Ira S. DISBROW, GeorgeN. KELTON, George COREY, J. ASHWORTH, Elder Samuel S. BOWDISH, Jeremiah SIMONDS,Hezekiah LEONARDSON. Cyrus BARBERis President of the Board in 1872. LarmonG. TOWNSEND was the first Treasurer. JamesHUNTINGTON was Secretary and Treasurer many years.
The Seminary was opened for the reception ofpupils November 28, 1842, and 142 students attended the first quarter. Rev. Charles MORGRIDGE was the first Principal, and was assisted thefirst year by Richard TAYLOR and Rev. Samuel WHITE, the latter teaching Latinand Greek. Mr. MORGRIDGE was a man of superior learning and personalworth, but the school did not prosper under his care, and he resigned at the endof two years. He was succeeded byMr. Abram MILLER, a native of Barrington, and a son of Daniel MILLER of thattown, an amiable and worthy young man. Hehad the free use of the institution and the free scholarships were suspended;but he abandoned the undertaking at the end of the second quarter. The next Principal was Thomas E. TURNER, who continued till 1847, and waschiefly assisted by his wife. Theyhad previously taught a select school in Dundee. They moved to Iowa, where he was a member of the Legislature, andafterwards died of consumption.
The 4th Principal was Prof.Edmund CHADWICK, who took charge of the institution when it had reached a verylow ebb. The free scholarshipsgiven as inducements to the original subscribers to the Seminary fund, hadnearly destroyed the school. Hecommenced Nov. 8, 1847, with 14 pupils, after making considerable effort toreplaster the walls and improve the surroundings of the Seminary. Prof. CHADWICK remained Principal 14 years. Though informed by Mr. MORGRIDGE that the Seminary might as well havebeen located in the moon, he entered upon his work with courage, and byindustry, perseverance and careful management, put the Seminary on a paying andprosperous basis. At his coming,such men as Abbott LAWRENCE, Charles Francis ADAMS, Albert FEARING, ThomasMANDELL, and others of Boston and vicinity, contributed funds to purchaseapparatus for the school. EdmundCHADWICK was born in 1812, in Milton, New Hampshire. He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1840, paying his way by teaching. He studied two years at Lane Theological Seminary, and graduated aTheological student at Bangor, Maine. Hishealth failed as a preacher, and he then took charge for two years of theClassical and Mathematical Institute at Nashville, Tennessee. He next became Principal of Starkey Seminary; and after the close of hisservice there, taught three years in Dundee, as Principal of the Academy in thatvillage. He still resides at Eddytown, engaged in fruit culture andmiscellaneous pursuits. He marriedin 1854 Cassandra D., daughter of Joseph L. HOBART. She was a woman of worth and amiable character, and died thefollowing year. He subsequentlymarried Adaline, daughter of Philip WARD, who was some years Preceptress atStarkey Seminary and at Dundee. Prof.CHADWICK did a work of lasting good at Starkey Seminary, and retrieved thefortunes of the institution where few men could have accomplished it.
Oscar F. INGALSBEE succeeded Mr. CHADWICK asPrincipal in 1861. He was fiveyears teacher of Mathematics in the Seminary before he took charge of theschool. He remains Principal in1872. The institution has beensuccessful and prosperous under his administration. Chiefly through his efforts an additional building waserected in 1866, 84 by 32 feet, three stories high, at a cost of $9,000. It is named Hathaway Hall, in honor of Elisha HATHAWAY of Bristol, RhodeIsland, who contributed $1,000 towards its construction. In 1868 the original building was remodeled and improved, at a cost of$2,000. Of this sum CarolineFOREMAN of Milford, New Jersey, gave $1,000, and it was christened Foreman Hall,in honor of her gift. Prof.INGALSBEE was the architect of Hathaway Hall, and C. T. WHITNEY, of HoneoyeFalls, the builder.
Oscar F. INGALSBEE is a son of Asa INGALSBEEand Wealthy SWEET his wife, and was born in Chenango county in 1830. He was a farmer�s boy, and studied until he arrived at the age of 22,receiving his education chiefly at Oxford Academy. He married in 1854 Sarah C. HENNIKER, born at Redfield Springs in 1832. He was a select school teacher before he came to StarkeySeminary. Their children are EmmaJ., Alison E., Edmund C., Frank W. and E. Marion.
In 1849 Ezra MARVIN, the indefatigablefriend of the Seminary, took the field to collect money to pay a discouragingdebt of $1,500, which had then accrued. Jason G. MILLER, of Covington, Genesee county, gave $1,000 ofthis sum, enjoying strict silence on the subject during his life.
The first Preceptress of the Seminary wasthe wife of the third Principal, Mrs. TURNER. The second was the first wife of Prof. CHADWICK. His present wife was the third Preceptress. Miss N. N. DOANE was several years Preceptress, under Prof. INGALSBEE. Miss Helen C. BASSETT has held that position several years.
Among the assistant teachers of StarkeySeminary worthy of mention have been, Augustus C. WINTERS, Abram J. SWART,Elizabeth M. DISBROW, Mrs. Elizabeth FOX.
The catalogue of 1855-8 reported 484students; that of 1858-60 reported 288; that of 1865-8 gave account of 395; andthat of 1868-71 numbers 427.
Starkey Seminary sent 40 of its students assoldiers to the war that suppressed the Rebellion.
Ezra MARVIN, to whom Starkey Seminary owesso much, was a son of James MARVIN and Polly REED his wife; was born at Laurens,Otsego county, in 1806, and married in 1827 Huldah, widow of Charles INK anddaughter of Elder Ezra CHASE, a noted preacher of the Christian connection. Elder MARVIN was an effective minister of this faith, and a man ofability and practical character. Butfor his persistency in the work, Starkey Seminary would not have achieved anexistence in his day. He resided inStarkey at the time of his death in 1871, and was buried at Rock Stream. His first wife died in 1868, and he married a second wife,Lucinda A. CHAPMAN, widow of Joseph McALPINE. The children, all of whom were born of the first marriage, were, JuliaAnn, Amanda Caroline, Aurilla J., Lois L., Polly Elizabeth, Eva Delphine. Julia A., born in 1828, married in 1848 Daniel BOYER, who was a Christianpreacher of ability, and who died in 1853. She married a second husband in 1858, Samuel P. MARVIN, of Havana,Schuyler county. They have three children, Ezra M., William P. and John P. Amanda C., born in 1830, married in 1851 Oliver W. PURDY, who is a farmerin Wisconsin. Their children areCharlotte E. and Caroline M. AurillaJ. born in 1832, married in 1851 Ezra COOPER, a banker at Union Mills, Pa. Their children are Ida D. and Marvin. She died in 1855. Lois L.born in 1834, married in 1853 Elder Philemon R. SELLEN. He is now a Christian pastor at Plainville, NY. They have a son, Ezra M. PollyE. born in 1836, married in 1859 Rev. Jefferson M. FOX, a talented minister ofthe Christian faith, held in high estimation, who died in 1872, leaving twochildren, Lillian A. and Bertha M. Mr.FOX had been some years a teacher of worth at Starkey Seminary. Eva Delphine, born in 1853, is a student of Starkey Seminary.
Elder Seth MARVIN was a younger brother ofEzra, and a preacher of power. His wife was Lydia Elizabeth, daughter of Elder JosephBADGER. He lived some years atEddytown. He died at Honeoye Fallsin 1844, at 35, and at that time was Editor of the Christian Palladium, theorgan of the denomination.
Connected with Starkey Seminary, butentirely distinct from it in organization, is the Christian Biblical Institute,a school for the education of ministers, established in 1869. It provides for a three years� course of Biblical study, and aconsiderable number of young men have improved its advantages. Austin CRAIG, D.D., a man of ability and erudition, is its President andResident Professor, and Rev. Warren HATHAWAY Visiting Professor of Homiletics. Thus far the Biblical Institute is but the germ of what it ishoped to make it. It proceedsmoderately without contracting debt, and depends upon the liberality of theChristian connection for its future. ItsTrustees have been the following:
Rev.Latham COFFIN, Medusa, NY.
Rev.A. STANTON, Marion, NY.
Rev.G. S. WARREN, Watertown, NY.
IsaacCHASE, Parma, NY.
Rev.J. W. TILTON, N. Hampshire.
Rev.E. H. WRIGHT, N. Hampshire.
Rev.James Maple, Indiana.
Rev.Isaac C. GOFF, Illinois,
Rev.D. E. MILLARD, Michigan,
Rev.D. W. MOORE, Michigan.
Rev.D. P. PIKE, Mass.
WilliamPHILLIPS, Mass.
Rev.J. N. SPOOR, Pa.
GeorgeCORAY, Pa.
Rev.O. T. WYMAN, Ohio.
Rev.H. Y. RUSH, Ohio.
Rev.J. B. WESTON, Ohio.
Rev.Thomas HENRY, Canada.
J.E. BRUSH, New York City.
W.A. GROSS, Ohio.
The endowment of the Institute at itscommencement was $40,000. Itstuition is free. The ministry ofthis denomination in the United States numbers over 1100. It is not settled thatthe Biblical Institute will be permanently located at Eddytown.
In 1849, David SMITH, James SHANNON, JosephBARTHOLOMEW and Isaac MAPLES bought the old Methodist Church and fitted it up asan academy. Richard TAYLOR occupiedit two years as Principal, assisted by Miss Mary ROSE from Cortland county. He was followed one year by Charles T. WHITE, now pastor at Rock Stream,also assisted by Miss ROSE. AmongMr. White�s pupils were George P. LORD, Martin J. SUNDERLIN, Loren G. THOMAS,Rev. D. COREY, and about 30 who became school teachers. Other teachers of this school have been, Thomas E. TURNER, WilliamMARVIN, H.M. ALLER, P.G. WINFIELD, Hanford STRUBLE and Ziba H. POTTER. Mrs. Edmund CHADWICK conducted the school one year alone, and she and herhusband three years. ThomasROBINSON bought the Academy property in 1868. He conducted it one year with a faculty of several teachers. The property soon passed into other hands. The institution was incorporated as an academy, received money from theliterature fund, and also for a teachers� class, a number of years, but notafter Mr. Robinson had control of it. ArchibaldGRANT and his sisters have since been teachers of the school, and now in 1872,Ira H. STOUT is it�s Principal.
All traditions say that Rhoda ROYCE,afterwards Mrs. Caleb COWING, taught the first school in Eddy Settlement. Among other early teachers was Zophar ROBERTS. Isaac LANNING was one of his pupils. Dr. John WARNER resorted to school teaching at an early day, to supporthis family. Alfred GRIDLEY taughtat a very early period in Bennett�s Settlement. Dr. William CORNELL taught a school quite early in the north part ofBennett�s Settlement. JosephFULKERSON was another early teacher, and John CULVER, Jane QUIN, John, Jabez andTeresa BEERS were others. JonasWICKES was also a teacher. Subsequentteachers of more or less note in the town have been, Elmer KEELER, John T.ANDREWS, Edwin C. ANDREWS, Walter DICKERSON, James L. SEELY, Alice DEMOREST,Stephen and Zebona EDGERTON, Richard DURHAM, Philander COGSWELL, Henry BURGESS,Daniel D. WARNER, Ichabod KNEELAND, Christopher LONGSTREET, James W. WARNER,Street DAVENPORT, Hiland G. WOLCOTT, Eliza Ann WARNER, Mary WOLCOTT, JamesAYRES, Hiram A. NEWCOMB, Ezra D. COOK, Ellen S. WARNER, Sarah NEWCOMB, Delia M.BARNES, Herschell W. PIERCE, Hiram CORNELL, William WIXOM, John D. WOLCOTT,Henry A. BRUNER, Henry ROBERTS, Lewis J. WILKIN, James H. POPE, Richard TAYLOR,Charlotte, wife of Daniel D. WARNER, Dr. Samuel H. WRIGHT.
Beyond all doubt, the first school withinthe present limits of Starkey was taught by Orpha SCOTT in the vicinity ofEdward POTTER�s, some time before 1800. Orpha SCOTT was a daughter of Dr. Barnabas SCOTT, ofConnecticut. She and her widowedmother and younger sister Margaret came to the Friend�s Settlement in 1790. She was a well educated woman for those times, and a person of ability. She married Perley GATES and lived and died in Gorham at the age ofnearly 100. Her sister Margaret wasthe wife of Elijah BOTSFORD, and died at 96 in 1871.
It is stated that the only schools beforethe formation of districts under the law of 1812, were but four in number withinthe present limits of Starkey; one near Potter�s, one in Eddy Settlement,another at Hurd�s Corners, and a fourth in Bennett�s Settlement. In 1826 the town of Starkey was divided into nine school districts andtwo parts of districts. Number onewas the northwest and number two the northeast corner of the town; number threedirectly south of number two; number four the next south, including EddySettlement; number five the Fulkerson neighborhood; number six �between thestreams,� extending to the Lake; number seven, the Pierce neighborhood; numbereight, Dundee; number nine, between Dundee and number one, on the west line ofthe town. Part district, numberone, was at Rock Stream and included a portion of Reading. Part district, number four, embraced portions of Starkey,Tyrone and Barrington. The publicschool moneys of Starkey in 1826 were $218.88; in 1827 the same; and the fivefollowing years, $263.36; in 1833 and five years following, $236.60; in 1839,$485 for instruction and $121.31 for library fund; in 1848, $429.01 forteachers, for libraries, $107.19; in 1854, $957.63 for teachers and $50.40 forlibraries; in 1871, $1,598.82 in all, of which $33.75 was for libraries.
The number of pupils in 1826 was 631,between five and 15 years of age, one less in 1827, and 726 in 1828. In 1838 the number between five and 16 was 708; in 1848 the number was725; in 1854 the number was 1,007, counting all between the ages of 15 and 21;in 1867 the number was 795; in 1871, 737; in 1872, 738.
The increase in the number of children hasbeen chiefly in Dundee, which at the present time has about 1/3 the whole numberin the town. Some of the ruraldistricts show a great falling off. Oneof the older citizens says that �families ranging from 10 -15 were once quitecommon--now are seldom heard of.� Hegoes on to say, �I recollect, when I was a little boy, going to school in adistrict where there is now an average attendance of 15 scholars; the schoolthen numbered 100. In that districtthere was one family of 14, including the parents, one of 15, two of 17, and oneof 18.�
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