Yates County, New York

Churches for the Town of Starkey


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Fromthe History & Directory of Yates Co., Vol. 2

published1873, by Cleveland

pg1079 - 1105



Phineas CLARK, a Baptist preacher residingat Ovid, was the first man that preached in Eddy Settlement. He crossed the Lake occasionally for that purpose, beginning in 1802, andcontinuing two or three years, if not longer. A conference was formed in 1803, and a church organized in 1804, in thelog house of Caleb KEELER, one of its members, residing where Dennis W. DISBROWnow lives, about one mile south of Eddytown. It was called the �Reading Church,� and was immediately recognized bya council of ministers and delegates.  Thesermon was preached by Rev. David IRISH of Aurelius, Cayuga County. At the close of the sermon three persons related their Christianexperience, and about midnight of the same day were baptized in Seneca Lake byElder John GOFF of Vernon. 

Elder Phineas CLARK was the father of 11children, three of whom, Elisha, Phineas and William, have already beenmentioned as pioneer settlers of Starkey. 

In 1805, Elder Abner GRIFFIN settled onLamb�s Tract, just north of the residence of Stout SMITH, where the Baptistserected for him a hewed log house.  Hepreached to the little church of about 12 members in a log school house, erectedin 1802 near where Starkey Seminary now stands, a building used for a town houseas well as a school and meeting house.  Thenext minister was Elder Samuel BIGELOW, who preached in the settlement a numberof years.  Elder Simon SUTHERLAND came there on foot through the woodsto hear Elder CLARK preach, the first time losing his way in the forest. He left an appointment to preach himself, and continued to preach thereoccasionally several years.  Smallas this church was, it became divided and did not prosper, but its organizationwas maintained, and in 1826 its name was changed to Plainville. In 1831 the society erected a house of worship in Dundee, and it wasbuilt by Benjamin B. BEEKMAN.  In1839 its name was changed to the �Dundee Baptist Church.� In 1853 they erected a larger and more costly church edifice, which wasbuilt by William CLOSE and Samuel SPICER.  Thiswas destroyed by fire in 1855.  Anew one was erected again in 1856.  HerschellW. PIERCE was the builder, and it cost $8,800. 

Among the earlier members of this churchwere Andrew RAPLEE, Warren NICHOLS, David HAY and his wife, Betsey DAVIDSON,Levi FRENCH, Isaac CORWIN, Simeon ROYCE, Moses LITTLE, Sarah VESCELIUS, JamesREADING, Matthew HAUSE, Abner SKIFF and his wife Mehitable, Hans CUMBACK, SarahMOSS, Ann PERRY, Margaret LAFEVER, Luther McCONNELL, Joel HAYES, Thomas ROSWELL,Richard TOWNSEND, Constantine VAUGHN, Henry OBERT, Henry OSMAN, Minor LAFEVER,James CLARK, John J. SMITH, Elias PERRY, Edwin W. MARTIN, David PETERSON, LutherHAIR, Christopher WHEELER, Abram SHELDON, Ephraim HAY, William McCONNELL,Bartholomew TURNEY, Samuel CHAMBERS, Jedediah CHAMBERS, Gibson ROYCE, DanielWILSON, Thomas HOWARD, David B. BARTHOLOMEW, Ebenezer HOLLEY, Reuben LAFEVER,Doctor MILLARD, Lewis LAFEVER, Ephraim BENNETT, John BEERS, Alonzo W. SUNDERLIN,Samuel CONKLIN,  

George FITZSIMMONS, Stephen VAN ORDER, JacobSMITH, Abiah KETCHUM, Robert and Albert WILSON, Joseph KIRKHAM, Samuel BIGELOW,Matthew HAUSE, Israel COMPTON, John ROYCE, Gilbert F. TURNER, Anson CLARK,Theophilus EVELITH, Hope CARPENTER, Jacob Y. CARPENTER, Sarah ROYCE, HannahCHAMBERS, Mary HAY, Elizabeth McCONNELL, Rhoda CLEMONS, Phebe KIRKHAM, SybilDIXON, Ann SPINK, Zuba LYBOLT, Martha PALMER, Elizabeth HAY, Catharine RAPLEE,Anna ROSWELL, Elizabeth and Marah BIGELOW, Sophia HAYNES, Fanny McCONNELL, JoanaHAUSE, Damaras McCONNELL, Lydia SWARTHOUT, Nancy LITTLE, Lydia FITZSIMMONS,Phebe MAWNEY, Mary Ann and Ruth VAUGHN, Abigail VINING, Ann SPINK, ElizabethBASKIN, Sarah OBERT, Martha KELLOGG, Eunice OSMAN, Hannah and Sarah VESCELIUS,Ann SWEEGLES, Susan and Zernah TOWNSEND, Nancy and Julia SMITH, Susan HAIGHT,Celinda MARTIN, Mitty Ann PETERSON, Eliza FRENCH, Mary HAIR, Mary Ann O�NEIL,Eliza LANNING, Diantha WHELPLEY, Catharine BARTHOLOMEW, Catharine REEDER,Catharine TUNISON, Theresa, Mary and Miriam BEERS, Millison TOMPKINS, Mary AnnSUNDERLIN, Elizabeth, Nancy and Catharine TURNER, Ann POORY, Mary Ann SPINK,Abigail NICHOLS, Abigail and Waity COREY, Ruth THOMPSON, Zuba EVELITH, Esther,Elizabeth and Betsey CLARK, Temperance HAY, Margaret, Nancy, Sophia, Huldah andMehitable LAFEVER, Elizabeth READING, Martha WHEELER, Lucy CURTIS, Jane andFanny McCONNELL, Margaret WESTBROOK, Martha VANCE, Amy CURTIS, Ann HOLLY,Philotte ROSE, Patty, Cornelia and Caroline CLARK, Sally WILSON, Elvira MILLARD,Phebe and Mary CARPENTER, Elizabeth SOUTHWELL, Jane KIRKPATRICK, Phebe GREEN,Thankful DAVIDSON, Esther CORYELL, Jemima BENNETT, Artimesia WEBB, AbigailSWARTS, Mary WINTERS, Mary Jane MOORE, Clara CLARK, Martha PARKER, DeborahKETCHUM, Sophia HULSE. 

Among the names of later members are thefollowing: Lewis RANDALL, Harriet PUTNAM, Elizabeth RANDALL, William PLUMMER,Levi G. MOSIER, Allen SMITH, James D. BOOTH, Henry C. TOMS, Dorcas DISBROW,Charles J. MILLARD, Leonard WILKIN,  WilliamPOTTS, Mary POTTS, Harriet CHUBB, Martha TITSWORTH, Alfred BARTHOLOMEW, MarkSHANNON and Abigail his wife, John LANNING, Serepta TURNER, Daniel MILLER,Benjamin VAUGHN, Gifford J. BOOTH, Evan M. POTTER, Ogden SHERWOOD, AndrewBENJAMIN, Lucy RIKER, Madison RAPLEE, William B. HAMLIN, Charles HAUSE, JohnCOOLBAUGH, Cornelius BODINE, Harrison SHANNON, Hugh HULSE and Rachel his wife,James M. HALL, David E. BEDELL and Theodosia his wife, Daniel WINTERS andmembers of his family, Lewis J. WILKIN, Jarvis BAILEY and Lydia his wife, HenryMALCOLM, William HARRINGTON, Elizabeth BASKIN, Wilmer CONKLIN, Alexander M.LAWRENCE, Vermilyea T. BROUWERE, Lorenzo STANTON. 

The number of members in this church in 1828was 20 males and 50 females.  Thewhole number in various years was: 

108in 1834,

98in 1835,

92in 1836,

91in 1837,

85in 1838,

85in 1839,

86in 1840,

96in 1841,

121in 1844,

121in 1845,

168in 1846,

160in 1847,

153in 1848,

146in 1849,


137in 1851,

128in 1852,

132in 1853,

142in 1854,

126in 1855,

111in 1856,

114in 1857,

165in 1858,

164in 1859,

171in 1860,

167in 1865,

162in 1870,

167in 1871. 

The clerks of this church have been: Warren NICHOLS in 1825 and 1826; Moses S. LITTLE from 1827 to 1832; JohnBEERS from 1832 to 1854; and Uriah HAIR from that time to the present, 1872. 

The deacons, so far as appears from existingrecords, have been: Lewis LAFEVER and Moses S. LITTLE, both chosen in 1832;Alonzo W. SUNDERLIN, chosen in 1833; Smith HULSE, in 1838; Jacob Y. CARPENTER,1842; Lewis J. LAFEVER and John BEERS, in 1850; Uriah HAIR and Mark SHANNON in1854; Horace J. KIDDER and Dr. George Z. NOBLE in 1859; Julius STANTON, 1868. 

The pastors have been: Samuel BIGELOW, whoserved till 1831.  Edward W. MARTINfollowed the same year, and remained 10 years. Cyrus G. SMITH succeeded two years. Philander SHEDD four years, resigning in 1849. Oreb MONTAGUE took charge in 1850, staid two years, and was followed byJohn J. SEELEY, who resigned in 1855.  FrederickGLANVILLE was the next pastor, and was followed in 1857 by T. Spencer HARRISON,who continued till 1862, when he became Chaplain of the 126thRegiment N. Y. V., and followed its fortunes through its entire service.  His successor was David TAYLOR, who was followed in 1866 byL. C. BATES, and he in 1867 by William CORMAC, who remained till 1870. George W. ABRAMS succeeded in November, 1870, and resigned in January,1872. 

Elder Samuel BIGELOW, whose long andlaborious service laid the foundations of this church, did his work for verylittle pay.  It would probably bejust to say that he received an average of less than $100 a year for hispreaching.  The records show thathis successor, Elder MARTIN, received $250 a year and his firewood, and hissuccessor had the same.  ElderFULLER had $200 and firewood.  ElderSHEDD had $300, firewood and house rent.  ElderSEELEY had a salary of $500, and Elder HARRISON $450, with parsonage anddonation.  In 1850 an estimate ofthe property of the members of this church amounted to $75,000. 

The name of the church was changed fromPlainville to Starkey in 1834. 

The building committee for the erection ofthe meeting house in 1831 was Andrew RAPLEE, Doctor MILLARD, Thomas ROSWELL andLevi FRENCH, 2d.  The building was36 feet by 56, with gallery and steeple.  It cost $1,400, and was furnished with a bell. At its dedication John B. CHASE preached the dedicatory sermon. 

The building committee for the erection ofthe church edifice in 1853 was William B. HAMLIN, David B. BARTHOLOMEW and JohnBEERS.  This house was dedicated in1854; sermon by Charles MORTON. 

The committee in 1856 was Samuel SPICER,David E. BEDELL, and Madison RAPLEE.  The trustees that year were Madison RAPLEE, Mark SHANNON,David E. BEDELL, Vermilyea T. BROUWERE and Robert WATSON.  The church was dedicated in 1857; sermon by David B. OLNEY.

Alonzo W. SUNDERLIN was licensed by thechurch to preach in 1835, Smith HULSE in 1844, and William PRENTISS in 1847. 

The choristers in 1831 were Reuben LAFEVERand William HARMON, in 1833 Moses S. LITTLE and Doctor MILLARD, in 1835 SmithHULSE, in 1838 Enos PERRY. 

At a church meeting held April 14, 1840,�William PLUMMER declared a non-fellowship for the church, became some of itsmembers had espoused the cause of Abolition.� A few months later he ceased to be a member of the church. 

At a church meeting July 17, 1857, aresolution was adopted setting forth that Deacon John BEERS had been one of thepioneers of the church and one of its main pillars, a prominent, practical anduseful member for 25 years, and that the fullest sympathy of the church wasextended to him on the decease of his wife, Eliza LEONARD. John BEERS resided in Barrington, and was a son of Silas BEERS, an earlysettler at Big Stream Point.  He isstill living in 1872, in Ohio. 

Elder MARTIN, who was long held in highesteem by the church, died in 1850, at 62. His first wife and the mother of Charles H. MARTIN, merchant of Dundee,was Eliza LA HATT.  His second wifeand the mother of Eliza and Mary F. MARTIN, was Celinda WALL, who resides inDundee, her daughters living with her.  MaryF. is the wife of Leonard TRIMBLE. 

Lewis FAFEVER, one of the early deacons ofthe church, was also a licensed preacher.  Hesettled before 1811 in �Canada Settlement.� Reuben and Lewis J. LAFEVER, mentioned in these records, are sons of his.



Previous to 1806 a number of ministers ofthe Presbyterian faith had been at Eddy Settlement as missionaries. On the 26th of October, 1806, a society of eight persons wasorganized by Rev. Jedediah CHAPMAN of Geneva. They were Caleb FULKERSON and Deborah, his wife, Cornelius OLMSTED, ablacksmith of Eddy Settlement, and wife, Sarah, wife of Robert BIGGER, Martha,wife of Richard LANNING, Isaac ANDREWS and wife. Isaac ANDREWS was a surveyorand an elder in the church.  Theyheld their meetings in the log school house near the site of Starkey Seminary. To their number two more were added the next year, Salmon STILLSON andwife.  The church did not flourish,and became virtually extinct.  Itwas reorganized in 1817, by Rev. David HIGGINS, Caleb FULKERSON and wife, HiramTITSWORTH and Charity his wife, and Clarkson MARTIN and Nelly DeWITTconstituting the membership.  It wastaken under the care of the Presbytery of Bath in 1817, and was called �TheFirst Presbyterian Society in Reading.�  Itwas changed to Starkey in 1829.  In1821, Oct. 29, a meeting of the Society was held at the house of George PLUMMER,for the purpose of incorporating itself, John O. COOK and Clarkson MARTINpresiding, when it was voted that John O. COOK, John TAYLOR, Richard LANNING,George PLUMMER and Timothy HURD be the trustees of the society. James TAYLOR was then chosen clerk, and Clarkson MARTIN collector andtreasurer.  In 1822 Benjamin CHEEVERand appointed a trustee.  In 1823,James TAYLOR; in 1826, Isaac LANNING; in 1829, James H. WICKES; in 1831, AaronPORTER; in 1833, Frederick A. KING; 1835, Wilhelmus M. HIMROD, James M. REEDERand Hiram TITSWORTH; 1836, John NOYES and John MITCHELL; 1838, Harvey G.STAFFORD and Clarkson MARTIN; 1841, Joseph B. GANO and William G. FULKERSON;1843, David LACY; 1846, William R. KELSEY; 1849, Abiel BALDWIN and Marshall J.COWING; 1856, Nathaniel K. BEARDSLEE and James McMILLAN. The trustees in 1872 are James M. REEDER, Abiel BALDWIN and Wallace W.MILLSPAUGH.  Many of these men werere-elected from time to time for many years. 

The clerks have been James TAYLOR, Dr. EnosBARNES, Isaac P. SEYMOUR and James M. REEDER. 

The elders have been John TAYLOR, John O.COOK, Clarkson MARTIN, Dr. Enos  BARNES, James NORTON, Patrick BRODERICK, Isaac P. SEYMOUR,James H. WICKES, Hiram TITSWORTH, James M. REEDER, Abiel BALDWIN and James OTIS. 

The preachers who have officiated in thischurch have been: 

Joseph CRAWFORD, who was ordained pastor ofthe church and that of Wayne in 1821.  Heremained two years.  In 1825 SamuelWHITE was installed, and served the church very effectively till 1831. Linus W. BILLINGTON followed two or three years, and B. Foster PRATT twoor three more.  Absolom K. BARRlabored with the society for some time.  Theministers subsequently preaching for this society have usually been thoseemployed at the same time at Rock Stream or at Dundee. 

In 1828 a building committee, consisting ofPatrick BRODERICK, Benjamin CHEEVER, Samuel L. BIGELOW, Isaac LANNING, Dr. EnosBARNES, John O. COOK and James TAYLOR, were designated, and they proceeded withthe work and erected a house of worship in 1825. Patrick BRODERICK was the builder, assisted by Samuel L. BIGELOW. It was the first church edifice erected in Starkey. Before the steeple was finished it was blown down by a violent gale. The house was furnished with a fine-toned bell. The building was a good one for its day, and appears well yet, though ithas never been remodeled externally.  Thebell in this meeting house was among the first within the present boundaries ofYates County.  The house wasdedicated in 1829, and Rev. Jabez CHADWICK preached the dedication sermon. Isaac LANNING fabricated the iron spire, 18 feet long, surmounting thesteeple, also the lightning rod, making a present of both to the church. 

In 1825 the church numbered 54 members; in1826, 82; 1832, 169; 1846, 85.  Thepresent number is quite small, owing to the contiguity of two other PresbyterianChurches in the town.  A revivaloccurred in 1831, by which 80 members were added. 

Among the early members of this church wereClarkson MARTIN, Mary HALL, Jerusha BOOTH, Hannah PLUMMER, Patrick BRODERICK,Sarah MARTIN, Peter HARPENDING, Micajah DEAN, Cornelia DEAN, John COOLBAUGH,Mary COYKENDALL, Matilda CLARK, Mary B. STEELE, Sarah ACKERSON, Rebecca BARNES,Lydia MORSE, Arvilla KINNAN, Phebe WILKIN, Elizabeth O�DANIELS, Mary HAYES,Elizabeth READING, Jacob DOREN, Abigail DOREN, Rebecca ARMSTRONG, Mary LANE,Pardon GIFFORD, Margaret SINSIPAUGH, Henrietta WHITE, Maria BELL, George REEDER,a blind man and a brother of Stephen and Josiah REEDER, Charlotte WEIDMAN,Delila PLUMMER, Mary LANNING, wife of Robert LANNING, Moses DEAN, James TAYLOR,Maria TAYLOR, Fanny REEDER, Sarah HURD, Susan HONEY, Nathaniel RUSCO, SilasWICKES, Morgan S. JOHNSON, Elizabeth TITSWORTH, James NORTON, James H. WICKES,Catharine BRODERICK, Letitia FULKERSON, Joel JOHNSON, Maria WICKES, Alice B.DEMOREST, Esther LANNING, Sophia BILLINGTON, Warren NORTON, Amanda C. KING,Samuel W. WILLIAMS, Eliza CHEEVER, Margaret FIELDS, Jonathan ABEL, Ansel BENHAM,Frederick A. KING, James M. REEDER, Joseph HALL, Harvey G. STAFFORD, LavinaGIFFORD, Helen SCHENCK, Catharine SCHENCK, Coe S. REEDER, Andrew BOOTH, EstherBOOTH, Eliza STAFFORD.



The Presbyterian Church in Dundee hasdescended from the Eddytown organization, from which most of its members drewoff in 1832.  At a meeting of themale members of full age belonging to the Presbyterian congregation atHarpending�s Corners, assembled at the school house April 11, 1832, forincorporating the congregation according to law, Aaron PORTER and John TAYLOR,elders, presided; Hiram BELL, Joseph IRETON, James H. CARMICHAEL, Aaron HARWOODand Myron HAMLIN were chosen trustees, and it was further voted that the societybe called the Second Presbyterian Church in Starkey. At a meeting a few days later, Myron HAMLIN was elected clerk andcollector, and Hiram BELL treasurer.  JamesT. GIFFORD was made a trustee in 1834; Dr. Hervey SMITH and Ezra D. COOK in1835, Thomas WILSON in 1836, Nehemiah RAPLEE in 1839, Robert FERRIER in 1840,Alonzo DeWOLF and John E. BLIVEN in 1841, Joel A. TAYLOR in 1844, James HOLDENin 1845, Alanson GABRIEL in 1846, (in which year the name of the church waschanged to Dundee), Valentine OLDFIELD in 1847, Allen ANDREWS and Benjamin B.BEEKMAN in 1850, Joseph B. GANO and Dr. ROSCIUS MORSE in 1852, Joseph R. BELLand John T. RAPLEE in 1853,  Baltus TITSWORTH in1855, Hiram CORNELL in 1857, Ira S. DISBROW in 1860, L. R. GAYLORD in 1861, JohnBACHMAN and James HUNTINGTON in 1864, John COOK in 1870. Many of these have been often re-elected. The present trustees in 1872 are Benjamin B. BEEKMAN, Valentine OLDFIELDand Baltus TITSWORTH.  Since Myron HAMLIN the clerks have been Ezra D. COOK, AlonzoDE WOLF, Nehemiah RAPLEE and Valentine OLDFIELD, the latter having held theoffice 25 years.  The originalmembers were, Elizabeth HARPENDING, John O. COOK, Sarah TAYLOR, Nancy PIERCE,Thomas WILSON, Eunice LITTLE, Hiram BELL, Mary VAN GORDEN, Minerva RAPLEE,Catharine IRETON, John TAYLOR, Elizabeth LONGSTREET, Martha WILSON, Jane DEPUY,Susanna KRESS, Huldah HAIR, Eliza HAIR, Catharine LITTLE, Betsey READING,Asenath KEYES, Rebecca DAVIS, Mary HARPENDING, Andrew HARPENDING, James H.CARMICHAEL, Helen Maria DE WOLF, Nancy CARMICHAEL, Alonzo DE WOLF, PameliaGABRIEL, Alanson GABRIEL, Susan HARWOOD, Sarah WILSON, Hannah M. COOK, AaronHARWOOD, Sarah Ann TAYLOR, Nancy IRETON, Maria LITTLE, Martha SMITH, AaronPORTER, Sally PORTER, Mary Ann HAMLIN, Sarah L. PORTER, Abraham VAN GORDEN, JaneLE MUNYON, Triphena HOLCOMB, Ruth DIXON, Elizabeth PURDY, Elizabeth HOWARD,Philo HATCH, Jerusha HATCH, Joseph H. IRETON, Mary BELL. 

The elders of this church have been AraonPORTER, John TAYLOR, James M. CARMICHAEL, Ezra D. COOK, Isaac P. SEYMOUR. Benjamin B. BEEKMAN and Hiram CORNELL. 

The ministers have been, quite generally,the same that served at Eddytown.  B. Foster PRATT, David I. PERRY, Absolom K. BARR, A. V. H.POWELL, preached there before 1848.  OrrisFRASER, William BRIDGMAN, W. W. COLLINS, Mr. WARNER, John C. MOSES and Walter S.DRYSDALE have been preachers in this church since 1848. Mr. MOSES served the society upwards of 12 years, at two differentperiods, leaving the last time in 1871.  Hewas an accomplished man, and took much interest in educational affairs. 

This society first worshiped in the schoolhouse, and afterwards in a building which was the first store of John STARKEYsubsequently converted into a meeting house. A church edifice was built in 1844, where the old meeting house stood, onMain street.  Harvey GALLAGHER wasthe architect.  The edifice is 35feet by 60, with an enclosed porch and basement rooms, and a modest steeple; isfurnished with a bell, and is a commodious house of worship. It cost originally $1,400, and was remodeled in 1857, at an expense of$1,000.  The original building committee was Benjamin B. BEEKMAN, EzraD. COOK, and James H. CARMICHAEL.  SamuelSPICER was the contractor.  Herschelland Levi S. PIERCE were the builders.  Thehouse was dedicated by Rev. Alfred EDDY.  The present membership is 89. 

Benjamin B. BEEKMAN came from the city ofNew York in 1830, and his wife was Lydia COMPTON of that city. He has been 38 years a member of this church, and 36 years a deacon in1872.  It is fair to state that hehas been one of the principal pillars of the society.



This church is also an offshoot of theEddytown Society, and was organized as the Third Presbyterian Society ofStarkey.  It was organized February25, 1833, by a committee consisting of Rev. Ethan PRATT, Samuel WHITE and EldersJohn P. COUCH and Myron COLLINS.  Thesame day, after preaching by Rev. Ethan PRATT, the following persons wereadmitted by letter: Dr. Enos BARNES, Daniel H. JOHNSON, Philander NORTON, FestusDEMOREST, Harry R. BARNES, Thomas L. VROOM, Catharine DEMOREST, ElizabethHATHAWAY, Achsah VAN COURT, Mary L. LORD, Margaret DEMOREST, Mary VROOM,Catharine VOSBURG, Betsey BACKER, Eliza, Delia M. and Woodruff L. BARNES, fromthe Eddytown Church, David ABBEY, Nancy ABBEY, Tyler H. ABBEY and Horatio G.ABBEY, from the Dutch Reformed Church at Olive, Ulster County, and Leah VANCOURT from the Dutch Reformed Church of Norwich, Orange County. 

The following resolution was passed at thesame time:-- �Resolved, That in view of the light which is thrown from theWord of God and by His Providence on the subject of ardent spirits, the ThirdPresbyterian Church of Starkey do adopt the principle of total abstinence fromthe use of ardent spirits, and also from the traffic in the article, except as amedicine.  And also that acompliance with this regulation be required as a term of membership of all whoshall hereafter offer themselves to be received by this church.� A similar resolution was passed the preceding year, by the parent church. 

At the first session meeting in March, 1833,Patience SHARP, Charlotte WEIDMAN and Celinda C. NORTON were admitted by letterfrom the Eddytown Church.  Jane,wife of Alonzo SIMMONS, was admitted by letter from the Presbyterian Church atWhitehall, NY.  Calvin SHARP wasalso admitted at that time. 

At a meeting of the society held April 1,1833, at the school house at Rock Stream, David ABBEY and Dr. Enos BARNESpresided.  It was voted that DavidABBEY, Garrett HARING, Daniel H. JOHNSON, Alonzo SIMMONS and Enos BARNES be thetrustees of the society.  EnosBARNES was the first clerk.  In 1834Stephen HURD was chosen a trustee.  In1835 Jonathan E. ABBEY, son of David ABBEY, was chosen a trustee; in 1836 DavidC. SWEEZEY; in 1839, Gilbert V. SWEEZEY and Horace P. SLEEPER.  GeorgeT. EVEREST was then chosen clerk.  In1840 John ROSS was made a trustee, and in that year the church took the name ofRock Stream.  In 1841 George W. RUSCO was chosen trustee and Stephen HURDclerk.  In 1842 Benjamin CHEEVER andWilliam HILLIMAN were made trustees, in 1845 Adna AYRES, in 1846 George ROBERTS,in 1847 Dr. Newman ABBEY, son of David ABBEY, in 1848 David C. HILLIMAN, in 1850Charles W. BARNES.  He was alsochosen clerk the next year, and has held the place ever since. In 1851 Ralph ALLEN was chosen a trustee, in 1856 Nathaniel PENNY, in1857 James H. WICKES, in 1859 Alvah M. NEWCOMB, in 1862 George A. REEDER, in1865 Calvin SHARP, in 1868 Amos H. ARNOLD. Several of these have held the office many years. 

The deacons of this church have heretoforebeen David ABBEY, Dr. Enos BARNES, Stephen HURD, Luther CLEVELAND, James H.WICKES, Adna AYRES, Dr. Harry R. BARNES, Amos H. ARNOLD, and they were electedin the order named.  The deacons of1871 were Jared W. SLEEPER, Frank DE MUNN and Calvin SHARP. The elders of this church have been David ABBEY, Dr. Enos BARNES, LutherCLEVELAND, Adna AYRES, Dr. Harry R. BARNES and Amos H. ARNOLD, the four latterholding the office in 1871.  LutherCLEVELAND, who was long one of the pillars of the church, and over 30 years aruling elder, was a resident of Reading, a faithful Christian, and a goodcitizen.  He died in January, 1872, at 71. 

The ministers of this church have been:Linus W. BILLINGTON, a few months.  SamuelWHITE, from August, 1833, one year.  Egbert ROOSA in 1835.  B.Foster PRATT in 1836.  George T.EVEREST in 1838; succeeded by Absolom K. BARR in 1841. Elijah J. WOOLAGE in 1843.  EthanPRATT in 1846.  Orris FRASER in1850.  W. W. COLLINS in 1862. Ashbel OTIS and D. C. SACKETT in 1865. It is now supplied from Auburn Theological Seminary. Its present membership numbers 65 in 1872. A call has just been accepted by Charles T. WHITE, D.D., to serve as itspastor. 

In 1834 the society erected a churchedifice, 1 � stories high, with an arched roof. Gilbert HATHAWAY, Sr., gave the land. In 1864 that building was removed opposite the store of Charles W.BARNES, and is used as a store-house.  Anew edifice was erected on the same spot in 1864, in Gothic style; audience room34 by 50 feet, and seats for 200, with two enclosed porches and a tall steeple. It was built by George H. GILBERT and William W. DEAN, under thedirection of Charles W. BARNES, George A. REEDER, Ralph ALLEN and Adna AYRES. It is a very neat structure, and was dedicated in May, 1865; thededicatory sermon was preached by Rev. Timothy M. HOPKINS of Geneva. James H. WICKES, who was a cunning worker in wood, devoted much time andperformed many days� labor, gratuitously, as a finisher and builder, in theconstruction of the new edifice. 

The following is a copy of the subscriptionon which the Presbyterian Church at Eddytown was built. It was drawn by James TAYLOR:

 �Whereas, it is in contemplation to erect a house of publicworship in the village of Eddytown, so called, and opposite or nearly so of thedwelling house of James TAYLOR, and being willing and desirous of promoting anobject promising so many good and lasting benefits to ourselves, our children,and to society at large; we do therefore, in consideration thereof, severallypromise to pay to the Trustees of the First Presbyterian Society in Reading, ortheir successors in office, for the purpose aforesaid such amounts as may beannexed to our names respectively hereunto affixed, at such time or times and insuch manner as shall be particularly expressed by us. 

Dated 26th April, 1823.

TimothyHURD, $200, half in building lot, half lumber and team work.

JosiahREEDER, $50, labor, team work, materials.

WilliamR. KELSEY, $50, carpenter and joiner�s work.

SolomonSILSBEE, $50, cabinet furniture.

JamesTAYLOR, $50, labor, materials, notes of hand.

BenjaminCHEEVER, $50, to be paid in merchandise.

IsaacLANNING, $50, half lumber, half cash.

SamuelL. BIGELOW, $50, to be paid in labor.

PatrickQUIN, $25, leather or notes of hand.

PardonGIFFORD, $25, to be paid in lumber.

ChidseyFIELDS, $25, to be paid in tailor work.

HarryC. LEONARD, $40, to be paid in hats.

JamesH. WICKES, $25, cabinet work or painting.

IsaacP. SEYMOUR, $50, to be paid in merchandise.

DanTOMPKINS, $25, to be paid in shoemaking.

HarryHURD, $35, to be paid in lumber.

LeverettGABRIEL, $25, to be paid in work.

ClarksonMARTIN, $75, to be paid in lumber.

AndrewBOOTH, $50, to be paid in team work and lumber.

JamesACKERSON, $20, to be paid in lumber.

RochesterHURD, $30, to be paid in lumber.

DavidPETERSON, $10, lumber.

RobertW. BRYNER, $25, to be paid in shoemaking.

AndrewVESCELIUS, $20, to be paid in lumber.

PeterORR, $20, half lumber, half shoemaking.

PhiloHURD, $10, in lumber.

EnosBARNES, $50, materials, labor or notes.

JamesNORTON, $25, in lumber.


Twenty others subscribed $320, to be paid in�goods of some store in Reading,� lumber, stock, hats, board, shingles,shoes, carpenter or joiner work, team work and grain, �cash or wheat,�&c.  Their names are torn offthe original subscription, except Francis LITTLE, $10, to be paid in lumber;Isaac YOUMANS, $5, in mason work; David S. WICKES, $15, in notes of hand; JohnROBERTS, $5, in stock; and Richard HURD, $10, in lumber.



On the old Lyons Circuit, there waspreaching as early as the year 1806, every two weeks, at the house of AndrewHARRISON in Eddy Settlement.  Butthere is no record or tradition that can be ascertained of the existence of anyclass within the limits of Starkey previous to 1820.  In that year a class was organized at Reeder�s Corners, andJohn STARKEY was the first class leader.  Theoriginal members, so far as can be learned, were: John STARKEY and wife, JoshuaTUTHILL and wife, Timothy HURD and wife, Samuel KRESS, Sr., and wife, DavidSEMANS and wife, Samuel KRESS, Jr., and wife, Noadiah SHANNON and wife, Anna,wife of Andrew KINGIN, Harry HURD and wife, Andrew HARRISON and wife, CalebCOWING, Abigail, wife of Dr. Walter WOLCOTT, Henry BROWN and wife, Mary, wife ofTHOMAS SWARTHOUT. 

Among later members are: John J. KRESS andwife, Susan DUNN, Daniel VAN ALLEN and wife, Russell A. HUNT and wife, BenjaminTUTHILL and wife, Charles G. TUTHILL and wife, John W. HYATT and wife, Daniel D.VAN ALLEN and wife, George W. VAN ALLEN and wife, Matthew HAIR and wife, GeorgeS. WHEELER and wife, Mrs. Elijah HUSON, Burgess TRUESDALE and wife, Adna SAWYER,George VAN LEW and wife, Harry H. KINGIN and wife, Hiram and Amanda NEWCOMB,Jonah G. HYATT and wife, Nancy HYATT, Homer W. DUNN and wife, Edward HOTCHKISSand wife, James L. WICKES, Leverett GABRIEL and wife. 

This society held its meetings in the schoolhouse near Starkey Corners till 1828, when a church was erected. The first trustees were John STARKEY, Joshua TUTHILL, Samuel KRESS, Sr.,and Elisha CLARK.  Thechurch was remodeled in 1846.  JoelG. SIMONSON did the work.  Thesociety was reorganized and incorporated the same year. The meeting for this purpose was held August 8th, and NathanFELLOWS and Joshua TUTHILL presided.  Trusteeswere chosen as follows: Russel A. HUNT, William ELLIS, George W. VAN ALLEN, AdnaSAWYER, Charles G. TUTHILL, Matthew HAIR and James L. KETCHUM. 

Other members of this Society have been:Thomas B. CURTIS and wife, Frances CURTIS, Elijah CASTERLINE and Sarah M., hiswife, George W. DENSE and wife, William HULSE and Mary E. his wife, MontgomeryMcLOUD and Sarah his wife, Wallace W. MILLSPAUGH and Mary his wife, George MOOREand Lovina E. his wife, Fanny DUNN, Mrs. J. Wells TAYLOR, Mrs. Daniel ELLIS,Mrs. John STOUT, Ann, wife of Jonathan BAILEY, Mrs. Ira FOWLER, J. Elbridge GANOand wife, Alzada GABRIEL, Sarah INGALSBE, William PERRY and Ellen his wife, JohnSHOEMAKER and Mary his wife. 

Among the later trustees have been: WilliamPERRY, Clinton C. BACKUS, John W. HYATT, Elijah CASTERLINE, Thomas B. CURTIS,Montgomery McLOUD, Homer W. DUNN, Peleg BRIGGS, Daniel ELLIS, Nelson SEMANS,George McMILLAN, J. Wells TAYLOR, J. Elbridge GANO, William HULSE. 

Among the class leaders have been: JoshuaTUTHILL, Daniel VAN ALLEN, Benjamin TUTHILL, George W. VAN ALLEN, Charles G.TUTHILL, Jonah G. HYATT, George McMILLAN, Montgomery McLOUD. 

An adjunct of this church was a class whichoriginated from a revival that occurred in 1833 in the �Beartown� schoolhouse, southwest of Eddytown.  AnthonyB. RYAL and David SMITH conducted the meetings, and a class of 75 members wasformed, of which Richard HUSON, 2d, was made the leader. Among the members were Elijah HUSON and wife, John RICH and wife, AbnerSKIFF and wife, George T. HUSON, Harriet, William E. and Maria GABRIEL, AlzadaHUSON, Allen SMITH and wife, Martin WHEELER, Sarah PIERCE, Benedict GABRIEL,Oliver Minerva SAWYER, Jane FULKERSON, Polly STAFFORD, Nelson HUSON and wife. 

In 1835 Anthony B. RYAL and David SMITHconducted a revival in the �Stone School House,� east of Shannontown, and aclass of 60 persons was organized.  James SHANNON was made teacher. Among these were: Jared WOODIN and wife, William ELLIS and wife, DanielS. McLOUD and wife, Mrs. William KETCHUM, Joshua T. KINGIN and wife, Lewis A.MIZNER and wife, Mrs. John H. KINGIN, Elijah DENSE and wife. 

A revival took place at Starkey Corners in1852, conducted by Calvin L. BOWN and Samuel B. ROONEY, and a considerablenumber were added to the church.  The present number of members is 60. 

In 1850 the Starkey circuit was composed ofthe Starkey Corners church and that at Dundee, together with the class at BigStream.  At a later period theStarkey Corners and Reading societies were associated under one charge, andDundee and Barrington another, as they now remain. 

In 1850, Russell A. HUNT, George W. VANALLEN, Thomas B. CURTIS, Leverett GARBRIEL, Hiram NEWCOMB and Samuel F. EMBREEwere stewards of the Starkey Corners Church. Since 1854, Thomas B. CURTIS, Russell A. HUNT, John W. HYATT, ElijahCASTERLINE, George McMILLAN, Adna SAWYER and George MOORE have served asstewards.  Thomas B. CURTIS has beenrecording steward since 1854.




This church was organized in 1831 as �thePlainville Methodist Episcopal Society of Starkey.� At a meeting held July 28, 1831, at the school house at Harpending�sCorners, Asher SPICER and Burgess TRUESDALE presided, and Samuel KRESS, Jr.,Burgess TRUESDALE, Asher SPICER, Thomas SWARTOUT, Abel PIERCE, Ezekiel BLUE andSamuel KRESS, Sr., were elected trustees.  BurgessTRUESDALE was also chosen clerk.  In1832 Samuel KRESS, Jr., Burgess TRUESDALE and Asher SPICER were appointed abuilding committee for the erection of a house of worship. In 1833 a church edifice was built at a cost of $1,500 on a lot given bySamuel HARPENDING, on Union street.  Thehouse was 25 by 45 feet in size, and had a gallery andsteeple, and finally a bell.  BenjaminB. BEEKMAN was the builder.  Thisstructure has served as the Dundee Academy since 1849, in which year it wasreplaced on the same ground by a new edifice of brick, 44 by 70 feet indimensions, and costing, $4,000.  Thearchitect and builder of this house was Charles V. BUSH of Penn Yan, and it is abuilding of modern and convenient style, with steeple and bell. The building committee that officiated at its construction were WilliamMcLEAN, Samuel PIERCE, James WRIGHT, John CATON, Joseph BARTHOLOMEW, SamuelKRESS, Jr., Alvah WRIGHT and Herschell W. PIERCE, acting with the trustees, whowere, Chillion STOLL, Isaac H. MAPLES, David SMITH, John CATON, Lewis M.MILLARD, and Harry S. DUNN. 

Other trustees of this church have been:Edward J. SMITH, Abel PIERCE, Thomas FERRIER, Loren BARNES, Arch STROBRIDGE,Tewalt SWARTS, 2d, Anthony B. RYAL, George W. SIMMONS, Valentine OLDFIELD, HarryTERRILL, Stephen TOBEY, James WATSON, John SMITH, James SHANNON, John D.CARPENTER, Nathaniel W. BARNES, Joseph HORTON, Lewis BENEDICT, Lewis BEAM, AaronSTILLSON, Smith SHOEMAKER, George W. KINGSLEY. Some of these have been repeatedly re-elected. 

The clerks since Burgess TRUESDALE havebeen: Samuel KRESS, Jr., Cyrus MILLER, Harry S. DUNN, John CATON, Russel H.LITTLE and Nathaniel W. BARNES. 

The class leaders, so far as ascertained,have been: Abel PIERCE, Solomon WHEELER, Samuel PIERCE, Edward J. SMITH, DavidSMITH, James WRIGHT, Squier MILLARD, Cyrus McALLASTER, Russel H. LITTLE, IsaacH. MAPLES, James SHANNON, Nathaniel W. BARNES, Lewis M. MILLARD, SmithSHOEMAKER. 

Among the members of this church composingits original organization were: Moses HARTER and Mary A. his wife, CharlesCHANDLER and Mary his wife, Mr. and Mrs. GILES, Burgess TRUESDALE and wife andmother, Alvin TRUESDALE, Ira FISHER and wife, Calvin L. EASTMAN and wife, TewaltSWARTS, 2d, and wife. 

At a period anterior to the organization ofthe Dundee Church, a class existed in the PIERCE neighborhood, of which AbelPIERCE was the leader.  Among itsmembers were: Samuel and Abner PIERCE and their wives, Mrs. Abel PIERCE,Deliverance SAWYER and wife, Asher SPICER and wife, and several others;including quite a number of women.  Thisclass was the principal source from which the Dundee Church was derived.  

In 1832 the Methodists had a revival ofthree weeks duration, the meetings being held in the Baptist Church at Dundee. William JONES, Allen STEELE and Ira FAIRBANKS were the preachers engagedin the work, and a large number of conversions took place. Among those added at that time to the society were Nash SAWYER and wife,Edward J. SMITH and wife, Harry TERRILL and wife, David SMITH and wife, MaryPLUMMER, Thomas C. SMITH and wife, George S. WHEELER and wife, Jacob SMITH, 2d,and wife, John D. CARPENTER and wife. 

Among later members are: Lewis LOCKWOOD,Samuel LAZEAR, Peter HOUCK, CLARK SMITH, Herschell W. PIERCE, Levi S. PIERCE,Aaron STILLSON, Lewis BEAM, Oliver R. HALL, Henry DUTCHER, Joseph BARTHOLOMEW,Ira Chamberlain, Jonathan GREGORY, Leverett GABRIEL, David C. HUSON, CalvinHONEY, George HUTCHINS, John RHOADES, Miles SWARTS, Thomas STEDWELL, Samuel H.TENNANT, Samuel WALLING, George WADE, Samuel H. WRIGHT, and their wives. Also, Benjamin H. OSBORN, Andrew LITTLE, Maria, Sarah, Mary and AverillOSBORNE, Andrew L. PUTNAM, Henry CAMPBELL, Lewis BENEDICT, Pamelia HAZARD,Elizabeth H. ELLIS, Mary R. MAPLES, Sarah A. BENJAMIN, Cynthia STEDWELL, DeliaCHAMBERS, Eliza FORESTER, Phebe KINGSLEY, Sarah HOVER, Catharine SHOEMAKER, MaryLAZEAR, Mary YOST, Martha BROWN, Elizabeth CATON, Vella TRIPP, Mary J. CHURCH,Dorothea CATON, Caroline ELWELL, Mary A. FRANK, Amelia H. GAY, Hannah HUSTED,Phebe HUSON, Mary H. KRESS, Sabra KING, Harriet KETCHUM, Mary LAYTON, AdalineMALCOLM, Clarissa MEAD, Mary PAGE, Mary Ann SOVEREIGN, Semantha PORTER, EmelinePAULDING, Mianda PAGE, Alice RINGER, Eliza ROSS, Zillah WRIGHT, Mary A. TUTON,Orvilla WELLER, Mary E. WILKINSON, Harriet and Helen WHEELER,Mary WOLCOTT, Jerusha Maria BRUNER, Mary A. WHITAKER, MaryJane WRIGHT. 

The stewards on the Starkey circuit in 1850were: John D. CARPENTER, Abel PIERCE, Joseph BARTHOLOMEW, Loren BARNES, WilliamMcLEAN and Harry S. DUNN.  Subsequentstewards were: Ira CHAMBERLAIN, John CATON, Adna SAWYER, Thomas B. CURTIS,George W. ROGERS, Nash SAWYER, Lewis BENEDICT, James SHANNON, Joseph HORTON,George W. KINGSLEY, Russell A. HUNT, Alfred G. BARTHOLOMEW, Eli S. PIERCE, LewisBEAM, Herschell W. PIERCE, Cranston HEWITT, Benjamin FREEMAN, John OVENSHIRE,Levi ARMSTRONG, Aaron STILLSON, Levi C. KNAPP, Smith SHOEMAKER, George LAZEAR. The present Recording Steward is Alfred G. BARTHOLOMEW. 

In 1834 Joshua TUTHILL, Samuel CASTNER, AbelPIERCE and Arch STROBRIDGE were stewards on the Starkey circuit. 

Among preachers who have served in Starkeyhave been, Chester V. ADGATE, Gideon LANNING, Gideon DRAPER, Jonas DODGE, AsaSTORY, Abner CHASE, Manley TOOKER, William P. DAVIS, and many others whose nameshave long been familiar in the annals of Methodism in this region. Those who have been stationed in Dundee since 1849 have been: ThomasSTACEY in 1849-50; Thomas TONSEY, 1851; John N. BROWN, 1852-3; George WIKINSON,1854; Thomas McELHENNY, 1855-6; N. A. DEPEW, 1857; E. H. CRANMER, 1858-9;Charles M. GARDNER, 1860-1; Thomas B. DICKINSON; 1862; Calvin L. BOWN, 1863; N.N. BEERS, 1864-5; William W. WOHLGEMUTH, 1866-7-8; James LANDRETH, 1869-70;Charles J. BRADBURY, 1871-2. 

John W. BROWN is in 1872 preacher in chargeon the Reading and Starkey circuit. 

The report of members for 1871 was 120 forDundee and 47 for Barrington. 

Among those who preached in this region asearly as 1806, was James SMITH, who had charge of the circuit. William CURRY was a local preacher, who settled in 1811 on Lamb�s Tractand on what is known as the TUTHILL place. He lost his improvements on the land by the unexpected appearance of aclaimant to the title, which had been supposed extinct. 

The first preaching in Bennett�sSettlement was by James PARKER, one of the Friends, then a Freewill Baptist, whoremarked that �if his preaching was not very good it was not very clear, as hecharged nothing for his services.�



In 1826 a Methodist class was formed at RockStream, to which belonged, in the course of its existence, Enoch WILBUR andwife, and his sons Frederick and Alfred, Isaac E. VOSBURG, and wife, Moses HURDand wife, Isaac STILSON, Rochester HURD, Hiram and Amanda NEWCOMB, ChesterFRANCIS and wife, Judah WEEKS, his wife and daughters Adaline and Freelove,Granville PECK, Cyrus BATES and wife and daughters Laura and Amanda, Lucy PECK,Enos VAN TROSS and wife, Harry HURD and wife, John D. CARPENTER and wife, Lucy,Phebe, and Maria HOWE, Adaline HURD, Maria ACKERSON, Jane SEARS, Mary FRANCIS,Abner HURD, George W. LOVELESS and wife, Matthew RUTLEDGE, James BUCHANAN andwife, Chidsey FIELDS and wife and Lucy FIELDS, Samuel F. EMBREE and wife anddaughter Letta, Benjamin DYKEMAN and wife, Jared WOODIN and wife, Nelson HANMER,Lewis BRIDGMAN. 

At one time the class numbered 60 andupwards.  In 1848 a revivaloccurred, which added largely to the number.  The meetings were originally held in the school house at RockStream, which stood opposite the tavern of Benjamin E. JONES in the triangularcommon at that point, and subsequently in the school house built on anothersite, southwest of the common.  Afterthe revival of 1848, the additions being largely at Big Stream Point, a changeof location was effected.  Therevival had taken place as the result of meetings held by David SMITH, WilliamMcLEAN and James WRIGHT, at the Point.  Asmall church edifice was erected in 1848, on land given by Timothy HURD,�between the streams� near the residence of Cyrus BATES, who was chieflyinstrumental in getting the work accomplished. The building cost about $300.  JohnD. CARPENTER, Matthew RUTLEDGE and Samuel F. EMBREE werethe trustees and building committee.  Alfred SOFIELD and Stephen KIMBEL were the builders. John W. NEVINS preached the dedication sermon in the fall of 1848. Calvin L. BOWN was the preacher in charge of the Starkey circuit at thistime, and was effective in the work thus accomplished. Elder Abner CHASE baptized 32 persons one day at Big Stream Point, aboutthis time.  The present number ofmembers is quite small.  The classleaders in this society have been: Isaac E. VOSBURG, Moses HURD, Isaac STILSON,Rochester HURD, Hiram NEWCOMB, Samuel F. EMBREE, Chester FRANCIS, who was also alocal preacher, Jared WOODIN, Nelson HANMER and Lewis BRIDGMAN. The preachers here have usually been those who served at Dundee and onthe Starkey circuit.



In 1818 Joseph G. ANDERSON, a native ofSaratoga, came into Wayne, now Barrington, where he still resides at the age of79 in 1872.  He was a preacher of aform of faith then quite new and closely allied to the Unitarian, but taking thesimple designation of Christian.  They made considerable inroads into other sects, and werebitterly fought, especially by the Methodist ministers. Of their fold Reuben and Benjamin FARLEY, living near Hopeton, MartinPIERSON in Benton, James POTTER in Jerusalem, Stephen LAMPHIER, Ephraim ANSLEYand William CURRY in Reading, were imbued with the new heresy. They were expelled from the church for unsoundness of doctrine, and nolittle commotion was excited thereby.  EldersOliver TRUE and Allen CROCKER soon afterwards visited the Lake Country andexpounded the new doctrine.  Theygathered a church at Hopeton, another in Jerusalem, another in Wayne, and stillanother in Reading.  In 1819 a twodays meeting was held on the farm of Robert BUCKLEY in what is now Torrey, atwhich Elders David MILLARD, Joseph BADGER and Elijah SHAW were present, and onthis occasion Benjamin FARLEY, James POTTER and Stephen LAMPHIER were ordainedelders.  Reuben FARLEY had beenordained to the ministry while a Methodist. The Hopeton church was broken up largely by emigration, but left a strongimpress on that community.  Amongother early ministers �belonging to this people, and who have labored in YatesCounty in building up and sustaining the cause,� were: Ezra CHASE, Lorenzo D.FLEMING and Jabez CHADWICK. 

The principal fruit of this church in YatesCounty is the erection and continuance of Starkey Seminary, which owes itsorigin and support chiefly to this denomination.



This church was organized by Elder ReubenFARLEY in 1819, as the First Christian Church in Reading. The following are names of members belonging to this church in itsearlier years: Andrew EDGERTON and wife, Enos ALLEN and wife, Timothy E. JONES,Levi FRENCH, Buell NEWCOMB and wife, Dr. John WARNER and wife, James MARSHALLand wife, Philip WARD and wife, Horace HENDERSON and wife, Harriet EDGERTON,James M. EDGERTON and wife, Stephen KIMBEL and wife, Electa, wife of AlfredSOFIELD, Joseph TUNNICLIFF, George W. WILMOTT, Huldah, wife of Ezra MARVIN,Phebe HARING, Hannah HETFIELD, Betsey EDGERTON, and Hiram A. NEWCOMB. 

Among later members have been: Hannah Jane,wife of Hector L. LEE, Alletta, wife of William L. SHARP, Eliza Ann, wife ofJohn ROBERTS, 2d, Hannah EDGERTON, Eleanor, wife of Moses HETFIELD, EstherFRENCH, Maria J. WILLMOT, Peleg H. SIMPSON, John WASHBURN, Tempe Ann WASHBURN,W. R. PECK, M. E. PECK, Mrs. P. M. MARGESON, Daniel WASHBURN, Mrs. E. L.WASHBURN, Philemon R. SELLEN, Lois S. SELLEN, Jane LINEON, Oscar F. INGALSBE,Sarah WALDRON, Hector L. LEE, Shadrach CONKLIN, Albro SIMPSON, Obed P. NYE,Isaac and Ferris HOBBIE, Linus H. FRENCH, Albert AYERS, Hester AYERS, AdeliaJONES, Maggie McMANNERS, Mary Ann MARSHALL, Jane GUSTIN, Mary A. JONES, GeorgeW. LOVELESS, Sarah A. LOVELESS, Joseph BRIGGS, John L. BRONSON, ElizabethMARVIN, Ebenezer and Amanda SHEAR, Ann LATIMORE, William SAMPLE, Horace HOWE,Harvey DRAKE, George SMITH, Sarah ELWART, Harrison S. HYATT, Phebe J. CRANDALL,Elsie HENDERSON, William G. SLAWSON, Susannah MONROE, Enos BATES, WakefieldJONES, Stephen HOBBIE and Sarah his wife, Isaac W. WILMOTT, John M. WARNER andMary his wife, William MARSHALL and Martha his wife, Buckley JOHNSON and Marthahis wife, Harriet H. EDGERTON, Maggie JOHNSON, Mary Jane TOWNSEND, Reuben B.HENDERSON and Eliza his wife, Benjamin and Emma BABBITT, Chidsey FIELDS, TimothyJ. TERRILL, Elizabeth M. FOX, Sarah HILLIGUS, Isaac CONKLIN, Miranda CONKLIN,Isaac LANNING and Emeline his wife, Edmund CHADWICK and Adaline his wife,Matthew ROYCE and Jane his wife, Eliza GABRIEL, Julia CLAPP, Nancy S. ORTON,Hannah M. JONES, Margaret FIELDS, Olive M. HAIGHT, Ezra, Catharine and WilliamMcALPINE, George CONKLIN, Lizzie WARNER, Ella, Eugenia and Warner HETFIELD. 

The church was reorganized about 1835, asthe First Christian Church of Starkey and Reading, and a chapel was built soonafter at Rock Stream, which was completed a year or two later, and dedicated. Elder David MILLARD preached the dedicatory sermon. It is a very commodious house of worship, is a substantial structure ofwood, 32 by 40 feet, and has a gallery.  AndrewEDGERTON gave the land. 

The preachers of this faith at Rock Streamhave been: Stephen LAMPHIER, Ira BROWN, David MILLARD, Ezra MARVIN, Seth MARVIN,Daniel BOYER, Oliver E. BRYANT, Alva COBURN, John H. CURRIER, George H. KELTON,William B. HAIGHT, William B. H. BEACH, and Samuel S. BOWDITCH, who is thepastor in 1872. 

The deacons of this church have been: AndrewEDGERTON, Joseph TUNNICLIFF, Isaac LANNING, Chidsey FIELDS and Ezra McALPINE. The last two named are deacons in 1872. 

Among the trustees have been: HoraceHENDERSON, James M. EDGERTON, Stephen KIMBEL, Hector L. LEE, John W. WARNER,Joseph TUNNICLIFF, William L. SHARP, Reuben B. HENDERSON, Ezra McALPINE. The three last named are trustees in 1872. 

The clerks have been: Hiram A. NEWCOMB,Horace HENDERSON, Reuben B. HENDERSON, John W. WARNER, George J. EDGERTON. The latter is clerk in 1872. 

The present membership, in 1872, is about60.



In 1828 a society was organized with thedesignation at Harpending�s Corners, which gathered in the former church inWayne; and in 1832 a fine chapel was erected for their use, which cost $2,400,and was then the largest house of worship in Yates County. Much public aid had been given to the erection of the church then held bythe Baptists, with the understanding that it should be free to all of whateverform of faith.  The Baptists hadobtained control, and naturally disliked to open the building to the dreadedschismatics of the Christian denomination. Taking advantage of their refusal, a feeling was aroused among the peoplewhich caused the speedy erection of the Christian Church in Dundee, generallyknown as the Free Church.  Thesubscription was started in September, 1832, and on the following 4thof July the dedication sermon was preached by Rev. Joseph BADGER, who wasfollowed the same day by Rev. David MILLARD. Both of these men were able champions of their faith. The land on which the church stands was given by Samuel HARPENDING. The trustees were: Daniel HUSTED, Daniel RAPLEE, Isaac LANNING, Jesse S.LAYTON, Samuel HUSON, Nehemiah RAPLEE, Jacob HACKETT, Benjamin NICHOLS andSamuel HARPENDING.  The house was to be free and open to all religious sects anddenominations, when not occupied by the regular appointments of the Christiansociety. 

At a meeting of the society held at theschool house at Harpending�s Corners on the 23d day of October, 1832, at whichIra BROWN and Matthew ROYCE presided, the trustees before mentioned wereappointed, and were also authorized to act as a building committee, and attendto all matters of business for the society. The house was erected 40 by 60 feet in size, and has a steeple, bell andgallery.  John WHEELER was thebuilder. 

The preachers of this faith at Dundee havebeen: Ira BROWN, David MILLARD, Ezra MARVIN, James M. WESTCOTT, Seth MARVIN,Charles MORGRIDGE, Charles G. WARD, Jonathan BROWN, John H. CURRIER. 

The deacons of this church have been IsaacLANNING and Allen BASSETT. 

Among the clerks of society, Daniel HUSTEDwas first chosen, and was retained in that position till 1840, when he wassucceeded by John ROYCE, who served eight years. Dan TOMPKINS was clerk from 1848 till 1853. David M. GARDNER followed three years. Ezra McALPINE, A.J. SWART, Daniel A. JENISON and Palmer H. BASSETT havesince been clerks. 

The trustees, aside from those alreadymentioned, have been: Addison B. LEWIS, Allen BASSETT, William SNOOK, JohnROYCE, Daniel SHANNON, Jr., Cornelius SICKLES, Thomas PORTER, D.G MALTBY, MosesGUSTIN, Samuel S. BENHAM, Daniel A. JENISON, George S. BAILEY, James M.WESTCOTT. 

Among the members of this church have beenfollowing: Allen BASSETT and wife, Isaac LANNING and Catherine his wife, DavidM. GARDNER and Susan his wife, Patience YOST, Clarinda, wife of James LONGOOR,Thomas PORTER and Polly his wife, Elizabeth, wife of Jesse G. ANDREWS, Rachel,wife of Samuel HUSON, Matthew, John and Simeon ROYCE and their wives, LucindaCHAPMAN, Sally BISHOP, sister, and Polly, wife of Hiram BISHOP, Orrin BISHOP andJulia his wife, Mrs. Daniel SHANNON, Jr., and Lydia SHANNON, Cornelius SICKLESand Angelina his wife, Moses MILLER and his wife, Deborah, wife of Rev. IraBROWN, Mary, wife of Elder James M. WESTCOTT, Semantha, wife of Joshua NORRIS,Calvin BROWN and Susan his wife, Eliza, wife of James WILSON, Mr. and Mrs.Stephen SPRAGUE, Rev. Joseph G. ANDERSON and Deborah his wife, Dan TOMPKINS andhis wife, Lydia MYERS, Benjamin VAUGHN and wife, Zenecia T. BASSETT, Mary Annand Elsie EDDY, William SNOOK, John HAGGERTY, David SPENCER and wife, DavidANDERSON and wife, Matilda ANDERSON, Polly CHAMBERS, Noah CORWIN, Henry FOWLER,Uriah SMITH, Caleb C. ROYCE, Benjamin HAYNES, Bryant R. HURD. The three last named were all natives of Starkey, and became effectiveministers of the Christian church.



On the 13th day of February,1869, Isaac LANNING and Emeline his wife, Mrs. Geraldine WAITE, widow, Mrs.Mary, wife of Elder George W. FULLER, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Elder William B.H.BEACH, Emily BEACH, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Daniel SHANNON, Almeda SHANNON,David WILKIN, Daniel A. JENISON and Martha his wife Mrs. Lydia, wife of GeorgeSeeley BAILEY, Oscar F. INGALSBEE and Sarah C. his wife, and Mrs. Martha GANO,widow, met in the chapel of Starkey Seminary for the purpose of organizing aChristian Church.  Elder William B.H.BEACH was the officiating minister, and the organization was perfected thefollowing day.  Mrs. LANNING waschosen Clerk and Mrs. BAILEY Treasurer.  The following is a copy of the church covenant adopted bythis body:  

�We the undersigned, having givenourselves to the Lord, do now give ourselves to each other, uniting in churchorganization and adopting the following covenant. This church shall be called the First Christian Church of Starkey. 

�We accept the name Christian as divinelyappointed, to the exclusion of all party names. We receive the Bible as our rule of faith and practice, rejecting allcreeds of human invention, but not the truth which in any creed may be found. Our test of fellowship is Christian character, a life produced by thebelief and practice of the truth given to the world in the sacred volume;recognizing them as brethren who do the will of our Father in Heaven.� 

At a subsequent meeting, March 20, 1869,Isaac LANNING and Daniel A. JENISON were appointed deacons. 

Mr. Beach continued with the church aspastor till April, and was succeeded by Elder Lorenzo F. ABBOTT, who remains in1872.  The church had a revival in1871, and 15 were baptized.  Theirmeetings are held in the chapel of Starkey Seminary. 






From the History of Yates County, NY
published 1892, by L.C. Aldrich

pg. 391, 394-404, 406-407


Churchesof Starkey    

Theyear 1831 was noted for a new impetus given to building and other interests inthe village (of Dundee).  The firstchurch (Baptist) was built in 1832, and in the year 1833 the Methodist and FreeChurch (now Catholic) were erected.  Anold Eddytown merchant once told the writer that the decline in business in thatplace dates from the building of the churches in Dundee. 

Itwould be interesting if we could trace the religious movement back to the earlytimes when the settlers, few in numbers and poor in purse, congregated in theirlog cabins for prayer and praise and when the larger congregations were gatheredtogether in barns and groves to hear the preached word. Unfortunately the pioneers have passed away. The march of time has wiped out all those old landmarks, and the memoryof those times, treasured in many hearts, but scantily recorded, have passedaway with them beyond any hope of recovery, and there are few traditions thatwould give us much light on the happenings of those long ago times. We must begin at a later date and tell what has happened under our ownobservation. 

In theyear 1830 we find the Methodists strongly entrenched at Starkey�s Corners. Their church edifice, now standing, was built in the year 1821, and fromthat time the church has flourished and grown until it has become one of thestrongholds of Methodism in the county.  Amongthe members were numbered the TUTHILLS, VAN ALLENS, HURDS, SEAMANS, TRUESDELLS,HUNTS, PIERCES and HYATTS, of blessed memory. 

At thattime the village and church were at their zeniths; since then there has been agradual decline of both.  Thevillage has disappeared and the church has been weakened by deaths and othercauses until it has become one of the weaker churches in the connection. 

Whathas been said of the Methodist church would in a degree apply to thePresbyterian.  They had selectedEddytown as their base and had become a strong body. The Eddytown church was organized in April 1822, and the church edificewas built soon after.  The churchwas strong in numbers, and among its members, James TAYLOR, was a leading memberof the bar of Yates County, and afterward a resident of Penn Yan. Other names were John O. COOK, John TAYLOR, James H. CARMICHAEL, HiramTITSWORTH, Isaac P. SEYMOUR, Hon. James NORTON, P. BRODERIC, Harvey WEEKS,Clarkson MARTIN, Benjamin CHEEVER, Dr. Enos BARNES, Nathaniel ROSCOE, ThomasWILSON, Pardon GIFFORD.  The Rev. Charles WHITE officiated either as pastor or�supply�.  Mr. WHITE was a ripescholar, and after his connection with the church was dissolved, was for yearsprincipal of Ovid and Prattsburgh Academies. 


Thefirst Baptist organization was in 1812, at Eddytown, which at the time was inthe extensive town of Reading, and was called the �Baptist church ofReading�, finally re-named the �Baptist Church of Starkey�. The church did not flourish there; it was overshadowed by thePresbyterians, so it drifted away, stopping for a while at Beartown schoolhouse, but finally settling at Harpending�s Corners, where it obtained apermanent foothold, and there, under a new organization, it has remained. Harpending�s Corners at that time was considered of little importance,and for several years its possession was not disputed by other denominations. Elder Samuel BIGELOW was a zealous man of great energy, just the man forthe times.  His ministrations werescattered over a great deal of territory, and there effects cannot be as easilyestimated as they could be if they had occupied less space.  There is a class of unrecognized benefactors; their serviceis none the less because it is unrecognized. Elder Simon SUTHERLAND often lent a helping hand. In his old age, with tremulous voice, he loved to tell in his quaint wayof his journeyings from Second Milo to Eddytown and Harpending�s Corners,through the wilderness, guided by marked trees (there were few roads in thosedays), taking his chances against wild beasts, the terror of the forests, todispense the everlasting Word.  Ofthe unrecognized benefactors, Rev. Simon SUTHERLAND deserves a high position. His ministerial labors extended over a series of fifty years, for whichhe not only never asked but refused to receive any compensation. 

Thelabor of those fathers in the ministry have never been appreciated as theydeserve.  It is a pity that more isnot known of them, their privations and hardships. This is a busy world now a days, and it does not pause to inquire of whatdoes not concern it.  Theirs is acommon story, often told.  Alllabor, all self-denial, little else; a small pittance given grudgingly andcalled charity.  It seemed to makeno difference with those pioneer preachers or their labors. They were encouraged and buoyed up, not by what they had or expected tohave here, but by the anticipation of what was to come in the future. Like the great apostle they labored with their hands for their support,and after a day of toil would return to their poor homes and taking the Biblefrom the shelf perhaps would read that �It is easier for a camel to passthrough the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom ofHeaven�, and they would thank God devoutly that they were not rich. Or they might read of the beautiful city with streets of gold andfoundations of precious stones.  Thiswas their inheritance, this was durable riches. They were positive in these possessions. To others it might be romance; to them it was real, and so they laboredand prayed and went to their reward, and the world was better for their havinglived in it. 

Thepreaching of those days would not have been acceptable in these times, neitherwould the present style have pleased the pioneers. They were stalwarts and required strong spiritual food and a good deal ofit, including hard doctrinal sermons.  Therewas more fire and brimstone than love in sermons of those days. 

Theyear 1832 was a notable one in the religious history of the village. In that year the first church edifice erected in Dundee was completed(The Baptist).  The PresbyterianChurch was organized and the first class of the Methodist Church was formed. The Presbyterian Church was a icon from the Eddytown church. Its beginnings were exceedingly small; a mere handful, so to speak, wereorganized into a church that year.  Thechurch supplied with preaching from the parent church. The Rev. William BILLINGTON supplied both pulpits, preaching in themorning here, and in the afternoon at Eddytown. 

Theproportion of the salary paid by the Second Presbyterian Church of Starkey (Ibelieve that was the title), was $100 a year. Even this small sum was not raised without difficulty.  Mr. BILLINGTON was very popular with both congregations, andhis removal was generally regretted.  Hemoved to the western part of the State, and a short time ago was living at avery advanced age.  So far asremembered the male members of the church as organized were: John TAYLOR, JamesH. CARMICHAEL, Aaron PORTER, Mr. HATCH, Joseph IRETON, Thomas WILSON and AlonzoDE WOLF � a very small number.  Mr.BELL was a very liberal giver to the church, and among the gifts was the lotupon which the parsonage was erected.  JoelA. TAYLOR, Ezra D. COOK, Benjamin B. BEEKMAN and Baltis TITSWORTH came into thechurch a few years later, and were active and efficient members. To the latter two, thee late Mr. BEEKMAN and our esteemed citizen, BaltisTITSWORTH, the church is under many obligations. Both have done good service and have tided the church over manydifficulties.  Without the help andthe generosity of these families the present beautiful structure would not havebeen erected.  John TAYLOR and JamesH. CARMICHAEL were ruling elders in those early days of the church.  How readily the picture of those worthies comes up before me,seated on a bench, one on each side of the preacher�s desk, calm, sedate anddignified.  A smile in church wouldto them have been a sin.  Grand oldmen they were, long since gone to their reward. 

Duringthe early years of the church, the late Myron HAMLIN and Nehemiah RAPLEEcontributed liberally to its support.  Soonafter the church was organized, the present site of the new church edifice waspurchased.  On the lot at that sametime was the building formerly built and occupied by John STARKEY as a store, anold dilapidated concern, �painted red�. The building, repaired and added to and seated with benches, was used onSundays as a place of worship, and on week days was rented for school purposes. For about ten years it was the meeting place of the church, when it wasremoved, and the building demolished about five years ago, was erected in itsplace.  The price paid for the lotand building was about $400, and the repairs about $150 more, making anaggregate of $550.  From the bestinformation obtained this is the only church building that was completed withoutdebt, except the Baptist Church, which was built and donated by H. SHANNON. The building was not elegant, but it was comfortable and served thepurposes of the church until a better one could be afforded.  

Followingare the names of the ministers who have served as pastor of Dundee PresbyterianChurch, with the date of their terms of service: William BILLINGTON, 1832; B. Foster PRATT (first time), David Perry, B.Foster PRATT (second time); Avon H. POWELL 1845-1848; William BRIDGEMAN,1848-49; MR. FRAZER, John C. MOSES (first time), 1852 � 1857; J. K. WARNER,1857 � 1859; W. W. COLLINS, 1859 � 1861; J. C. MOSES (2nd time),1862 � 1871; Walter S DRYSDALL, 1871 � 1872; S. A. RAWSON, 1873-74; NathanBOSWORTH, 1874 � 1883; W. H. TRACY, 1884 �1887; Stanley B. ROBERTS, 1887 �1891. 

In thelatter part of 1830 the Baptists called the Rev. F. W. MARTIN of Geneva to betheir pastor.  This pastoratecontinued until 1841 or 42, and is the longest on the records of the churchunder its present organization.  Itwould probably have continued longer had it not been for the anti-slaveryquestion.  During all those yearsthe spirit of peace and harmony brooded over the church. Its membership was largely increased and the foundation was laid for itspresent commanding position. 

In theearly months of 1831 the question of building a �meeting house� wasagitated.  Such a house had become anecessity, and a subscription was circulated to raise the necessary funds forthat purpose. 

Aconsiderable portion of those subscriptions were payable in labor and materials. Andrew RAPLKEE headed the list with a gift of $100. He also gave a large amount in timber for which there was no charge. Samuel HARPENDING donated the lot and $100.  These were the largest subscriptions on the list. Excepting the above, which were cash, no amount appears on the paper over$50.  It was no easy matter to raisethe comparatively small amount needed to build the church edifice proposed. It required a resolute and patient effort, and after obtaining allpossible by subscription, there was still a deficiency. The building of the church was commenced in the spring of 1831.  Benjamin B. BEEKMAN was the contractor. There were the usual delays, and it was not completed until some time inJune 1832.  the building, ascompared with the present edifices in this village, was a small affair, but itaveraged well with the same kind of buildings at the time.  It cost less than $2,000 but small as that amount appears it was toolarge for the subscriptions, and a deficiency was reported of $300 at date ofdedication.  This seeming smallamount, which nowadays would be paid for a pair of diamond earrings or aseal-skin sack without much consideration, remained unpaid for some years andwas a grievous burden.  The memberswere poor, with a few exceptions, and the greater number were in debt for theirfarms.  The aggregate wealth of thechurch did not exceed $40,000 and was probably less. The debt was a source of annoyance to pastor and people. At a meeting called for the consideration of �ways and means� forpayment, the pastor proposed to allow $50  ayear to be deducted from his meager salary, to be applied to extinguish theindebtedness.  This offer was accepted and that amount for three years wasregularly deducted from his yearly stipend.  

Beforea deed was given for the lot a defect was discovered in the organization of thechurch.  It was considered doubtfulwhether by that organization it was legally entitled to become owner and holderof real estate.  The machinery ofthe Baptist Church is so extremely simple that this defect was easily remedied. The male members met at the pastor�s house and organized the �BaptistChurch of Plainville�.  Themeeting in a private house was a common occurrence. The ordination services of Elder BIGELOW were held in his dwelling. The schoolhouse during the secular days of the week were used for schoolpurposes, hence the necessity of resorting to private dwellings. The regular Sunday service was sometimes held in private houses. The writer remembers one held at the dwelling of Thomas ROSZELL.  At the close of the service there was a general invitationfor the congregation to remain to dinner, and the greater part accepted. The tables were bountifully spread with good things, and the most pleasedof the party were host and hostess.  Atthe time of the organization of the Baptist Church of Plainville, the malemembers were Andrew RAPLEE, Thomas ROSZELL, Dr. Millard DEACON, Moses S. LITTELL,John BEERS, Levi FRENCH, Deacon Lewis LA FEVAR, father of the late Deacon LAFEVAR, Samuel CONKLIN, Ephraim BENNETT, Abram SHELDON, Henry OSMAN, Joel HAYES,David PETERSON, Daniel MILLER, Alonzo W. SUNDERLIN (afterward ordained aminister), David B. BARTHOLOMEW, Abia KETCHUM, David HAYES Sr., RichardTOWNSEND, John HARMON and Daniel WILSON. 

In theyear 1834 the name of the church was changed from Plainville to Dundee. Of the members of the Baptist Church of Plainville at its organization,not one is now living.  Thefollowing is a complete list of the pastors that have served the Baptist Churchsince its first organization: Samuel BIGELOW, Baptist Church, Reading, 1812; E.W. MARTIN, Plainville, later Dundee, 1831-1842; C. S. SMITH, 1841-1843; J. J.FULLER, 1843; Philander SHEDD, 1845-1850; O. MONTAGUE, 1850-1852; J. L. SEELEY,1852-1855; F. GLENVILLE, 1855-1856; T. S. HARRISON, 1857-1862; Daniel TAYLOR,1863-1866; L. C. BATES, 1867-1869; William CORMAC, 1867-1870; G. W. ABRAMS,1870-1871; William H. PEASE, 1873; James MULLEN, 1873; W. N. TOWER, 1876;William WENTWORTH, 1880; Isaac B. THOMPSON, 1881-1883; W. F. BENEDICT,1883-1886; Jesse A. HENGATE, 1886-1890, R. H. COLBY, 1891. 

In theyear 1833 a band of Christian ministers invaded Dundee for the purpose ofholding a series of meetings and if sufficiently encouraged, of forming achurch.  Among the number were theRevs. Ira BROWN, Millard BADGER, and Dr. HOLLAND (whether it was the �TimothyTitcomb� HOLLAND or another person of the same name, the writer does not know;some persons who made his acquaintance aver that it was the veritable Timothy). The ministers applied to the Baptist trustees for the privilege ofholding the meetings in their church.  Therequest was refused.   

Fromone standpoint the refusal was unwise.  Italienated friends and exasperated nearly the whole community. In those early times the people in all matters of difference usually�took sides� and so a fierce and bitter controversy was the result, and thechurch was placed in a wrong position, on the defensive. And so it came to pass from the refusal of the trustees came the buildingof the Free Church.  The ministerssecured the use of a large barn belonging to Jacob HACKETT, located on a lot nowowned by Mr. OLDFIELD.  In that barnthey held their meetings of several days duration, and in it was organized theChristian Church of Dundee. 

Whilethe dissatisfaction at the refusal of the Baptist trustees was highest theproject of building a free church was agitated, and a subscription toraise the necessary funds was circulated.  Theresponses were liberal and there was soon enough to warrant the commencement ofthe undertaking.  Samuel HARPENDINGcame down with his usual subscription of $50 and the building lot. The terms of the subscription were curious. After reciting the grievances it went on to say in substance that theproposed church should be absolutely free to any or all sects, denominations orindividuals, that no one should ever be debarred from its use on account ofreligious belief, whether Pagan, Mahometan, Jew or Christian. The terms of the subscription paper gave to the infidel, deist oratheist, or the disciple of Buddah, the same rights and privileges as those ofthe most orthodox sects.  The termsof the subscription were never repudiated while under the control of the freechurch or Christian trustees.  Fromits pulpit, Christians, Presbyterians, Methodists and Universalists haveproclaimed their doctrine and dogmas. 

TheChristian Church organization was continued for many years.  The building of Starkey Seminary diverted the attention ofthe church to that place, and the organizing of the church at Rock Stream soweakened this church, that it ceased to exist. As was the case with the other churches, the subscriptions for thebuilding of the free church were insufficient and the curse of debt rested uponit.  For the payments of the debt,it was mortgaged, and as time went on and the excitement that brought it intoexistence, was forgotten, no provision for the payment of the debt having beenmade, the mortgage was foreclosed, and at the sale of the church was bid off byDaniel SHANNON, who donated it to the Christian Church. There was a proviso in the deed given for the lot that when it ceased tobe used for religious purposes it should revert to the original owners. The Christian Church having abandoned it, the lot became the property ofthe Harpending estate and was sold with the building to the present owners, theCatholics. 

TheMethodists from the smallest beginning numerically have become the largest inthe village.  The first Methodistclass was formed in the year 1833.  Itwas the outcome of a �protracted meeting� held in connection with theBaptists the previous year.  Theclass numbered but a few members.  Ican remember only the three PIERCE brothers, Abel, Samuel and Abner, ArchSTROWBRIDGE, Thomas SWARTHOUT, Asher SPICER, Nash SAWYER, Dill SAWYER, Isaac H.MAPLES, Edward J. SMITH, Burgess TRUESDELL, Charles CHANDILER. If there were any others among the male members, their names have escapedmy memory.  The wives of males namedwere all members.  An effort was atonce made to secure subscriptions for the building of a chapel. The chapel was built by donations of labor, timber and other materials,but still there remained a debt on it that harassed the society for a number ofyears.  Samuel HARPENDING donated alot and $50, his usual subscription.  In1835 the quarterly conference made a recommendation to liquidate the debt. This chapel was used until 1849, when it was moved off the lot and usedfor an academy and other purposes, and is now a part of the Casino. 

A largebrick church was built on the same site.  Itis a singular coincidence that each of the three Protestant churches have builtthree houses of worship.  The chapelwas queerly arranged, being long and narrow, with galleries on two sides and oneend, a single aisle running form the door to the alter, with long benchesrunning from the aisle to the wall.  Theaisle separated the sexes, the men and women sitting on different sides. This was at the time the custom in all churches. The benches were not ornamented, but for comfort were an improvement overpews of the churches of the times and the other churches of the village.  

Amongthe conspicuous and active members who came into the church in those early dayswere David SMITH, Lewis MILLARD, Loren BARNES, and James WRIGHT, and afterward,William MC LEAN.  These with theolder members formed a band of earnest workers. The church began to be heard from the first, and its meetings both forpreaching and prayer were largely attended and the church soon became a power inthe village. 

Thepreaching was �served� by circuit preachers. These preachers were hard workers and poorly paid. Three sermons on Sunday, with a ride of miles between their appointments,were their usual work.  A fewspecimens will illustrate how small was the amount paid for their services. The circuit was very large, covering most of Yates County and part ofSteuben and Schuyler.  The threeministers received that year (1826) $231.71. The succeeding year, Abner CHASE was still presiding elder, and DennisonSMITH and Nathan B. DALSON were the circuit preachers and received $345.56 forthis year. 

In1830-31, R. M. EVARTS and C. STORY served the circuit and received for theirservices $388.72, including presiding elder�s claims. Who remembers the Methodist circuit preachers of olden times? There was a tacit regulation in their dress and equipage. The sulky, the clerical coat, unusually of indigo-blue broadcloth, thewhite neck cloth, and summer or winter, the inevitable tall white beaver hat. They always drove fine horses, and it was generally understood that thecircuit preachers were good judges of horse-flesh.  There have been greater preachers than those poorly paidministers of the circuit, but the list of names in one that any church might beproud to recognize.  Some of thembecame eminent in there denomination.  Manyof the churches for the first few years had a hard struggle for existence, andhad it not been for the fidelity and devotion of the early members would haveperished in their infancy.  Thecircuit system was good for those early times, but he country has outgrown it,and except in newly settled portions it has bone into disuse. The name of Abner CHASE often appears in the early history of the church. He honored the office of presiding elder for two or more terms.  His record is one of fidelity and confidence �fidelity onhis part to his duties and obligations to his church, and confidence on the partof those over whom he presided.  Outsidethe church he was respected and reverenced for his sterling worth. 

On allthe great moral questions of the times the Methodist Church has been on theright side.  Early in its historystringent temperance resolutions were passed and it was strongly anti-slavery. The building of the last church gave it an impetus and its future looksbrighter than ever before. 

Thegreat religious awakening of the century occurred in the years 1831-32. Never since the times when Wesley and Whitfield preached repentancethroughout the length and breadth of the land, has there been anythingcomparable to it in extent and interest.  Inthe years mentioned, Rev. Charles G. FINNEY (afterward president of the OberlinCollege) preached and held revival meetings in this and adjoining States. The interest created by those meetings spread and widened until itreached the smaller villages, the hamlets, and the school districts. The additions to the churches during those years were numbered bythousands. 

In thefall or early winter of 1832, there was held in what is now Dundee, thenPlainville or Harpending�s Corners, the first �protracted meeting�.  My recollection is that the meeting was projected by theMethodists, and after its commencement the Baptists joined and made it a unionmeeting, or it may have been union form the commencement. It was held in the Baptist Church.  TheMethodists were represented by their circuit preacher, the Rev. W. JONES, andthe Rev. Dr. COMSTOCK, of Trumansburg, and the Baptists by their pastor, Rev. E.W. MARTIN and the Rev. Joseph SHEARDOWN, an evangelist of considerable localfame.  The meeting was continued 22days and the converts numbered considerably more than 100. As a result of these meetings the churches received numerous additions,and from the converts and others the first Methodist class was formed. 

Theresults of that period may be of sufficient importance to warrant a few lines,more or less, to be added to those already written. Who would have ventured the prediction of New Year�s day of 1885, thaton New Years� day of 1888 there would have been built within three years, fourbeautiful churches, at an aggregate cost of $40,000, nod that three goodbuildings of the same kind would have been demolished to make room for new andbetter ones.  The Rev. William TRACYcommenced his labors as pastor of the Presbyterian Church eight years ago, witha membership of 65.  The church hadthen been organized fifty-two years.  Duringhis pastorate of four years there were added ninety members. The number at the time of his resignation was 147, after deducting fordeaths and removals nearly one and one half of the original number. There was but one communion while he was pastor, in which there was noaddition.  Mr. TRACY was followed byRev. Stanley B. ROBERTS four years ago, who had just closed his pastorate andremoved to Utica.  During Mr.ROBERT�s labors there were added 110.  Thepulpit is now supplied by their new pastor, the Rev. Augustus FREDERICK. 

Mr.HUNGATE closed his four years� pastorate with the Baptist Church and accepteda call from the Baptist Church of Hornellville. Mr. HUNGATE�s labors were acceptable to his people and his removal wasvery much regretted.  With the pasteight years the Methodist Episcopal Church has had phenomenal additions and theother churches report satisfactory gains. 

TheCatholic Church has been organized about twelve years. It numbers about 125 members.  Serviceis held once in three weeks.  FatherEugene PAGANI, the priest, is very popular with his church, and has made hostsof friends outside of his own pastorate.  Atthe present time he is under treatment for disease of the eyes, which has nearlydeprived him of sight.  All who knowhim wish him a speedy recovery. 

TheOlivet Baptist Church was organized in 1884. The Rev. R. KOCHER was pastor fouryears and was succeeded by Rev. D. T. VAN DOREN, May 1888, to September 1890;Rev. N. C. HILL, from October 1890 to February 1891.  The church edifice was built in 1885-86 and dedicated in1886.  The church has had a healthygrowth up to the present time.  JosephTAYLOR, a licentiate and student of Cook�s Academy, has supplied the pulpitsince May last.



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