Starkey Biographies
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History & Directory of Yates Co., VolII, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland
Information listedbelow in ( ) are NOT sourced from this book, but from other sources, suchas census information.
Deliverance SAWYER was born in 1750 and hiswife, Mercey NASH in 1723 (sic). Theywere of New England birth, and were married about 1775. In the spring of 1814, they moved to the place known as Canada Settlement,and bought a farm near that of Buell NEWCOMB, where they lived till his death,about 1830. She survived till 1843. Their children were Joseph, Deliverance, Cynthia, Eunice, Mercy, Sarah,Dorothea, Mary and Nash.
Joseph, born in 1779, lived a bachelor, anddied at the residence of his brother, Nash, in Starkey in 1865, having residedon the old homestead to the end of his days.
Deliverance Jr., born near Boston in 1781,married first in 1805, Abigail, daughter of Azariah NEWCOMB. She was born in 1787. Theyowned a farm in Canada Settlement, settling there with the rest of the family. She died in 1817 and he married in 1819, Lucy, daughter of Henry LORD. He died in advance years. Theychildren by the first marriage were Adna, Cyrus, Orril and Olive A.; by thesecond marriage, Nelson, Abagail, William H., Mary e., Elliott L. Adelia A. andByron. Adna born in 1806, marriedElizabeth A., daughter of Judge Cornelius MASTEN. He has been a merchant, farmer, and an enterprising operator and nowresides at Dundee, a citizen of wealth, prominence and respectability. Their children are Edward M., Agnes M., Lizzie and Ella.
Orril born in 1808, married Captain EdmundWETHERBY of Hector. Theyreside in Ohio and their children are Clotilda, Adna S., Olive, Philancy,Samuel, Harriet and Cyrus. Adna S.was an eminent physician and died at 32 years, in 1870 at Cardington, Ohio. Olive A. SAWYER born in 1810, married Rev. Edward HOITCHKISS,a Presbyterian clergyman and resides in Corning. They have a son, Edward A. who married Cynthia, daughter of JamesHUNTINGTON. The reside in Minnesotaand have two children, May and Bell. CyrusSAWYER born in 1811, was an able and effective minister of the Methodist faith,and died in 1848 at Delaware, Ohio, leaving a widow there. Nelson was born in 1819 and married in 1847, Mary GIBBONS of Trumansburg. He was a teacher and pupil of Beriah GREEN, also an editor and aphysician. He died at Pennville,Indianan, in 1870, leaving four children. Abigailborn in 1821, married Dr. Charles B. PORTER, of Ann Arbor, Mich. She was principal of Grass Lake, Mich. Seminary. They have two children, Alice and Charles. William H., born in 1823, married in 1857, to Mary P., daughter of JamesHUNTINGTON. He was a merchant ofcharacter in Dundee and died in 1868. MaryE. born in 1829, married in 1849, Charles KELSEY of Benton. He died leaving a son, Charles. Shehad a second husband, William f. SPAULDING, a merchant at Jackson, Mich. They have a son, Arthur. ElliottL. born in 1831, is a merchant and banker in California. Adelia A. born in 1835, married Gen. O. L. MANNING, a wealthy citizen ofChicago. Their children are May,June and Maud. Byron born in 1840,married Lizzie M. SMITH of New York. Heis a grain dealer at Chicago. Theyhave a daughter, Ida Bell.
Cynthia married Mr. MANNING of Allsbury, NY.
Eunice married Lyman MOREHOUSE in Canada,where they remained.
Mercy married first, Mr. BELDING in Canada,and second, Thomas FINGLAND in Canada. Sheis still living in the city of New York. Herdaughter, Pamelia, is the wife of a New York millionaire.
Sarah married Rev. Stephen LAMPHIER, aChristian minister. They moved toOhio after a long residence in Starkey. Theirchildren are Mercy, Sarah, Eliza, Stephen, Byron, Eunice and Wesley.
Dorothea born in 1791, married BuellNEWCOMB.
Mary married Rev. Nathan DODSON, a Methodistpreacher of considerable note. Theirchildren are James, Loring, Samuel, Torrey, Mary and George.
Nash, born in 1800, married in 1822, Mary C.daughter of Judge Richard SMITH of Hector. She died in 1827, and he married asecond wife in 1828, Sarah C., daughter of Christopher LONGSTREET Sr. He inherited the paternal homestead and died thereon in 1862. His widow resides there now with her youngest son. The children by the first marriage were Richard S. and Olive M. (twins);by the second, marriage, Adaline, Eliza h. and Cyrus M. Richard M. born in 1823, died young. Olive M. married in 1849, Joel SAMMIS, a merchant of NewYork. She died in 1854 leaving onechild, Rovaine. Adaline born in1829, died in 1849. Eliza H. bornin 1832, became the second wife of Joel SAMMIS. Cyrus M., born in 1843, married in 1864, Sarah, daughter of William ROSS. He resides on the old SAWYER homestead with his mother.
Melvin SCHENCK was born in New Jersey in1778 and married Sarah WALDEN born in 1783. They settled as early as 1805 in Bennett�s Settlement on Phillipp�sLocation. They lived there till1811, when they sold to Tewalt SWARTS and moved within the present limits ofDundee. Subsequently they moved toIllinois. Their children wereMarian, Eliza, Christopher, Catharine, Eleanor, Delilah and Garrett.
Marian born in 1803, married in Illinois.
Eliza born in 1805, was the wife of LeviFRENCH, son of Benjamin FRENCH.
Christopher born in 1807, married Margaret,daughter of Conrad BOGER, and finally moved to Bath. Their children are Isabella, Levi, Matilda, Janett and Hester Ann. Matilda married Stephen THOMAS of Savona and lives in Milo. They have ason, Eddie.
Catharine born in 1809, married MiltonCOYKENDALL, who died in Starkey. Theirchildren were Mary, Sarah and Emma. Theylive at Battle Creek, Michigan.
Eleanor born in 1810, married Nathan STEVENSof Bath and died in 1865. He too isdead, leaving a son, William, who is a printer at the Chronicle Office, PennYan.
Delilah born in 1813, married Raymond BOOTH,brother of Gifford J. BOOTH, founder of the Dundee Record. She died in 1866 at Lyons, Iowa, leaving two children, Jeromeand Lina.
Garrett born in 1815, married Betsey WALROUT. They have two children, Addison and Ellen and live in Steuben county.
Melvin SCHECK�S first wife died in 1818. He married a second wife, Anna SPROWLS (widow LONGCOR) and they had threechildren, Sally Ann, Melvin and Rachel.
Sally Ann born in 1819, married Mr. ELLIOTTin Illinois. Melvin married Sarah,daughter of James B. LANNING. Theylive at Pikes Peak, Colorado. Rachelborn in 1823, married Mr. GOODENOUGH, in Illinois.
Melvin SCHENECK died at 71 yeas, and hiswife the same year at aged 69 years. Hewas one of the school teachers of the early days and taught school winters formany years.
David SEMANS was a son of David SEMANS andSarah CHANCE, his wife and was born in Kent county, Maryland in 1787. His father was of English ancestry, his grandfather beingWilliam SEMANS and his grandmother, Letitia CLAYTON. They were wealthy planters and slave owners. David SEMANS Jr.,, spent his early life near the boundaryline of Delaware and Maryland till about 1813. His mother died in 1797, and his father in 1808. He had a second wife, Rebecca GREENWOOD and they had a son, Greenwood. By the first marriage the children were Leititia, David, Rachel, Claytonand Tabitha. Letitia and Rachelmarried and remained in their native state. David SEAMANS married first, Sally JONES of Delaware, and before he leftMaryland, married a second wife, Mary, sister of John STARKEY. In 1813, David with his wife and one child, And Clayton and Tabitha, cameto Ovid, now Lodi, along with John STARKEY, who had returned to Maryland afterthem. John STARKEY�S sister,Elizabeth, was also one of the company, and was Haley MOFFITT. They brought with them three slaves and two free colored persons. David and Clayton SEMANS owned a farm in Lodi, together. Clayton moved to Reading in 1817, built the Red Mill at Dundee, and wasin trade there one year with John STARKEY. In 1819, after selling the mil to Thomas RAPLEE, he moved back to Lodi,nad remained there a farmer till 1845, when he moved West. He is now a resident of Marysville, MO., and a man of wealth andintelligence. He married while aresident of Starkey, then Reading, Sally, daughter of Joshua WYCKOFF. They were married by Rev. Loring GRANT in Reading. She died in 1870. They hadtwo sons, Clovis C. and Lawrence. Tabithamarried Michael BIGGS, long and well known as one of the foremost citizens ofLodi. They had ten children. Their oldest daughter, Mary, is the wife of William H. GOODWIN, D.D., ofthe East Genesee Conference. Emily,another daughter, married Jehiel H. MONTGOMERY, who was a merchant of the firmof Royce & Montgomery, at Shannontown in 1842-3. Greenwood SEMANS was brought to Reading, by his brother, David, who wentafter him in 1819. He was a hatterat Eddytown, and married Eliza, daughter of Andrew KINGIN. They moved West, and their children are William, Rebecca and Ann.
David SEMANS moved to Reading in 1818,settling on lot 8, of the Potter Location, and buying the land of Peter WALLING. He lived there till well advanced in years. He was a Justice of the Peace, and a prominent citizen, taking an activepart in all public questions. Recentlyhe has resided at Himrods. His wifedied in 1870. She was a woman ofrare excellence of character. Theirchildren are: Mary B., William S., Clayton, Nelson, Matilda, John E., Tilden,Emily A., Sarah and Ben J.
Mary B. was born in 1812 in Maryland, and isthe wife of James M. LEWIS of Milo.
William S., born in 1814, married Ann,daughter of Thomas RAPLEE. He hasbeen a merchant and Justice of the Peace at Himrods, and is now a grain buyerthere. They have a daughter, Mary. He was formerly a captain in the 206th Regiment.
Clayton born in 1816, married Hannah,daughter of Henry HUNT. He is afarmer, now resident in Torrey, formerly in Milo, and a man of intelligence anddecided convictions. Their childrenare Mary, Frank, Henry and Fred.
Nelson, born in 1818, married Hannah,daughter of William R. BRIGGS. Heis a prosperous farmer. Theirchildren are William D., Byron, Mittie, Cora D. and Carlton (twins).
Matilda born in 1820, married John C.WILSON, now of St. Charles, Kane Co., Illinois. Their children are: Walter, John E., Janett, Albert, David and Jesse F.
John e. and Sarah live single with theirfather at Himrods.
Tilden, born in 1822, married Ellen JENNISON. She died leaving a daughter, Velnette. He resides on the old homestead farm.
Emily A., born in 1825, married robber F.CONKLIN, a farmer of Milo. Theyhave a daughter, Frank, wife of Tehodore ROSS.
Ben J. born in 1831, married Loretta BATESand lives in Starkey.
SEARS pg 917 � 919
John SEARS was a native of Washington,Conn., the son of a sea captain. Hewas apprenticed to a miller and attended a tide mill at his native place. He was three times married before he settled near Eddytown in1802. His second wife was PrudenceHURD of Sandgate, VT, and his third wife was Deborah, daughter of Mark ROYCE,who was an early settler on the east side of Seneca Lake, and an uncle ofMatthew ROYCE. His children wereall born of his first and third marriages. In 1806, he built a mill, the first in Starkey, half a mile east ofEddytown. He left Starkey in 1812and died in Tyrone in 1821. Thechildren by his first marriage were Olive, Fanny, Anna, Phebe and John; by thethird marriage, Lewis, Harley, Sheldon, Sarah, Andrew, Rebecca and Ann Maria.
Olive was the wife of Peter GABRIEL andFanny and Anna married and remained in Sandgate, VT.
Phebe married De Laumy LOOMER. They came to Starkey with her father and resided there manyyears.
John married Massey, daughter of WilliamBEARD and returned finally to Sandgate, VT.
Lewis was drowned in Seneca Lake in April1812 at the age of nearly 20 years.
Harley married Cynthia KNICKERBOCKER, widowof Sylvester P. PHILLIPS, who was killed in battle in the War of 1812. They lived in Tyrone and their children were Lucina, Jerusha and Lester.
Sheldon married Patience, daughter of ThomasBENNETT. They finally moved west. Their children were Alonzo, Caleb and William. Alonzo lives in Bath. Caleband William were Union Soldiers during the Rebellion. William perished in the service and Caleb lives in Oregon.
Sarah married Amasa A. FRENCH.
Andrew SEARS married Anna BENNETT, a sisterof Sheldon�s wife. They live westand their children are Irene, Jackson, Maria, Phebe, Mary, Jane and John.
Rebecca (dau of John SEARS) born in 1806,married in 1821, Loren GLEASON, who was born in 1802. They were married by Richard LANNING, Justice of the Peace. He was a son of John GLEASON, who started the first ferry across theLake, and was succeeded by John Goodwin. Rebeccaand her husband are still living in Wayne, and their children are Edward,Arrilla, Louisa, John s., William ,S, Mary and Martha J.
Ann Maria married Noble WHITE, a gunsmith atEddytown and a very ingenious man. Theyhad a son, Noble, and finally moved west.
Deborah, third wife of John SEARS, died in1851 at Italy Hill.
In April 1812, Thomas L. TERRY, a schoolteacher married Anna, daughter of Mark ROYCE, living east of the lake. During their honeymoon they visited Eddy�s Settlement in company withIsaiah GIBSON, a Revolutionary Captain. Ontheir return, they invited Lewis SEARS to go with them. When about a third of the distance across, TERRY being intoxicated, upsetthe boat, as was believed. All weredrowned, except TERRY, who was rescued by John SEARS Sr., who saw the calamity.
One of the most noted and prominent citizensof Starkey was James L. SEELY, who was born at Cochecton, NY, Jan 1, 1801. He was a son of James L. SEELY Sr. and Mary BAILEY, his wife. His mother died when he was 8 years old, and he was taken in charge by amaiden aunt, Temperance BAILEY. Shebecame blind when he was 18 years and was thereafter supported by him, till herdeath, many years later.
In his earlier life he was a farmer, andacquired by night study, by the light of pine knots, education sufficient tomake him a school teacher. In 1828he came to Eddytown, where he taught school, and studied law at the same timewith James TAYLOR. He also taughtin Penn Yan and pursued his legal studies with Roderick N. MORRISON. He taught schools in Barrington and Tyrone and practiced lawat the latter place with Henry ARNOLD. Heconcluded his studies with Evert VAN BUREN in Penn Yan and before 1835 had beenadmitted to practice in the Common Pleas. Ata later period he was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court. In 1833 he became a resident of Dundee, and there he remained till 1868,and industrious practitioner of the law. Hewas a good lawyer, and his advice was much relied on by his clients. His practice was large and his success in his profession was grounded onhis sincerity of character and his thorough knowledge of the principles of thelaw. His ability as a lawyer wasmanifested by the soundness and excellence of his legal papers, and the force ofhis arguments on legal questions. Hehad high standing in the Whig party; was its candidate for Member of assembly in1849, for County Judge in 1851, for Presidential Elector in 1852, and for Memberof Congress in 1854. He married in1836, Maria, daughter of Francis LITTLE and Catharine WINFIELD, his wife. She died in 1867, at aged 55 years. Their children were Marcus T., Valencourt, James L. and Mary M.
Marcus T., born in 1838, is a lawyer inDundee. He married in 1858, LydiaA., daughter of Benjamin B. BEEKMAN. Theirchildren are Cornelia A., Harriet E. and Elizabeth A.
Valencourt born in 1840, married in 1864,Rachel GOLDEN and lives at Watkins. Theirchildren are Frederick, Maria and Emma.
James L. born in 1844, married in 1865,Cornelia, daughter of Rev. N. N. BEERS, and has a second wife, Julia REDDINGTON.They have a son, James L.
Mary M., born in 1854, lives single with herfather and her brother, James L., in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia.
Francis LITTLE came from Ulstercounty in 1804, settled at the place afterwards known as Harpending�s Cornersand owned 50 acres on the northwest corner. He lived in Dundee and died in 1841 at 69 years. His wife died in 1851 at 72 years. Theirchildren were: Isaac, John, Eliza, Alexander, Pamelia, Selah T., Maria, Wesley,Harriet and Barclay. Eliza marriedfirst, Russel HAIR and was the second wife of Nehemiah RAPLEE. Pamelia, born in 1808, married James P. HAZZARD, whom she survives. Maria was the wife of James L. SEELY. Harriet was the wife of Abraham YOST. John LITTLE, born in 1800, married Eunice SUTPHEN, and still lives inDundee. Their children were Russel,Sally, Catharine, John II, William and James H.
William ALEXANDER was born in Dublin. His wife was Elizabeth TERWILLIGER (widow of Peter WINFIELD). They came from Ulster county in 1815 and settled on the place since knownas the Judson MILLARD farm, near Dundee. Hedied in 1844 at 88 years; his wife in 1839 at 85 years. She was the mother by her first marriage of Mrs. Francis LITTLE. William ALEXNADER was a exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church.
Abraham VAN GORDEN settled in 1807 ona part of Francis LITTLE�S lot. Hewas also from Ulster county and his wife was Polly TERWILLIGER, a sister of Mrs.William ALEXANDER. They died inadvanced years. Their children wereCatharine, Betsey, Cornelia and Ann.
Josiah WINFIELD and Margaret, hiswife, came to the same neighborhood with his step-father, William ALEXANDER. His wife died early and he went elsewhere, leaving fourchildren, Alexander, Stephen, Amanda and Eliza. Alexander and Amanda were adopted by William ALEXANDER and Stephen andEliza by Mrs. (Eliza) Russell HAIR (dau of Francis LITTLE). Alexander marriedMary, daughter of John COLE and finally moved to Michigan. Amanda married first Calvin HONEY an early merchant in Dundee. She has now a third husband and lives in Campbelltown. Stephen married Miss MILLER, and lives near Havana. Eliza married John A. CARMICHAEL, a substantial citizen of Starkey. They have a son Charles.
Isaac P. SEYMOUR, son of Truman SEYMOUR andZabiah PACKARD, his wife, was born in 1795 in Albany, NY. He was before his majority, nine years a clerk for Joseph PACKARD, anuncle who was a merchant at Johnstown, NY. At 21, he came to Geneva, where he was a clerk for William s. DE ZENG andafterwards for Septimus EVANS. Heopened a store at Eddytown in 1819, on the same spot where James HUNTINGTONafterwards had a store many years. Inthis store, J. J. PEASE was the predecessor of Isaac P. SEYMOUR. In 1821 he was married by Rev. Joseph CRAWFORD, to Ann, sister of JoshuaMAPES. About 1824, after suspendingbusiness as a merchant, he kept a public house for a short time. During 18 successive years he held the office of Justice of the Peace,and engaged in various callings, during a long lifetime. He died in 1871. He wasunexcelled as a salesman, clerk and accurate businessman, and his penmanship wasstrikingly beautiful and excellent. Asa citizen he was a model of uprightness and candor, and during half a centurywas a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. His wife survives him. Their children were, James O., Elizabeth M., Maria H., Henrietta H.,Hiland R., Harriet and Robert P.
James O., born in 1823, married in 1851,Sarah A. FRYER of Watkins. He hasseveral years been superintendent of the Central Railway Station at Waterloo, NY
Elizabeth M., born in 1825, married LewisHUSTED, son of Daniel HSUTED. Theyreside in Chicago and have a son, William.
Maria H., born in 1828, married in 1857,Samuel N. ANTHONY, present postmaster at Geneva. She died leaving a daughter, Libbie.
Henrietta H., born in 1830, resides singlewith her mother at Dundee.
Hiland R. born in 1833 married AdellaROBBINS of Watkins. Their childrenare Louis, Archibald, Washington J., Nettie and one other.
Harriet born in 1839, died in 1861.
Robert P. born in 1844, married Alzada,daughter of Joel WIXSON of Wayne. Hedied at Wayne in 1866.
Daniel SHANNON was born in Sussex Co. NJ in1767 and there married Elizabeth WADE, born in 1771. She died in New Jersey in 1800, leaving five children, Noadiah, John C.,Eunice, Polly and Thomas. Hemarried in 1800, a second wife, Lydia, daughter of James RAPLEE Sr. She was bornin 1782. In 1806 they came toReading, now Starkey, and settled at the mouth of Indian Run, buying of SimeonPOTTER, 246 acres for $431. The netyear they bought 60 acres for $370. In1817 they bought 500 acres, including the south halves of lots 10 and 26, of thePotter Location. They then moved ashort distance west from the Lake where they remained through life. He erected on Indian Run, a grist mill, sawmill, ashery and distillery;and afterwards at Shannon�s Corners, he built a sawmill and clothing works. The clothing works have been changed into a grist mill, which remains inoperation to the present day. Healso built a sawmill and clothing works on Big Stream, now known as the UnionMills, at Dundee. He was alsolargely engaged in boating on Seneca Lake and the Seneca and Mohawk rivers,previous to the construction of the Erie Canal. He built 24 boats for this lake and river navigation and was afterwardsinterested in Canal navigation. InNew Jersey he was a merchant and also a millwright. He conducted a large business and was a valuable man in the early periodof the country. He died in 1851 at84 years. His second wife died in1854 at 74 years. The children bythe second marriage were Daniel, Elizabeth, George W., James, Robert L., Mark,Henry N., Harrison, Joshua L., Lydia, William, Sally and Samuel B.
Noadiah, the oldest of Daniel SHANNON�Schildren, born in 1788, married Sally LITTLE in New Jersey. The lived first on the 60 acres forming the second purchase made inStarkey by his father, afterwards near Shannon�s Corners, and later moved toLodi, sold his farm there to John STARKEY, and finally died in Hector, at aged55 years. His children wereWilliam, Daniel, Thomas, Jefferson, Lydia, Emily, Clayton, Loretta, Elizabeth,Philinda, Elmira, Martha and Lewis M. Noneof these reside in Yates county, except Martha. She married Tewalt WALLING of Starkey. They reside on a part of the SHANNON homestead. Thomas J., born in 1810, married Jane DUNN. They had a large family, one of whom, Lewis, married Huldah, sister ofEmery MC LOUD of Starkey and resides on a part of the SHANNON homestead.
John C., born in 1791, married Anna, sisterof Clarkson MARTIN, born in 1801. In1816 he and Timothy HURD and Richard LANNING bought of Wilkes & Simond,merchants of New York, 180 acres of land on Big Stream, about a mile and halfbelow Dundee. There he residedthrough life, owning the stone mill. In1826 he was killed by his team and wagon, falling off the bank of the ravineinto the mill pond of Timothy HURD, on the Eddytown road. He was a man of enterprise and likely character. His wife died in 1839. Theirchildren were, Sarah, Peter C., Samuel W. and John C. Sarah married James HOLDEN of Starkey, and died in 1841 at 22, leaving adaughter, Sarah. Peter C. diedsingle in 1847, at aged 25 years. Samuel W. died at 20 years in 1843. John C. born in 1825, married in 1847, Mary Ann, daughter of SamuelCONKLIN. She was born in 1827. They own and reside on his paternal homestead. Their children are Samuel W. and Mary E.
Eunice, born in 1793, married Henry OSMAN,son of Daniel OSMAN, who was born in 1783 in New Jersey and came to this countryin 1807. They resided on lot 8 ofWatson�s Purchase, about half a mile west of Rock Stream. He died in 1855 and she is still living on the old homestead,in vigorous enjoyment of her natural powers. Their children were Betsey, Roxa, Matilda, Harriet, Daniel S., Emily,Lydia, Sally, Ann, Henry H., John W. and Hettie. Daniel S. married Fanny, daughter of James H. CARMICHAEL, andresides on the OSMAN homestead. JohnW. married Celinda DAVIDSON, and resides near the old homestead. They have a daughter, Adella. Thedaughters are chiefly married and reside out of the county.
Polly born in 1795, married John W. BIGELOW.
Thomas born in 1797, married MehetableCORWIN of Starkey. They resided atMillport, where she died. He hasbeen thrice married since. Thechildren by the first marriage were Nehemiah, Fanny, Sally A., Eunice, Mark,George, Parshall and Noadiah.
Daniel born in 1802, married ElizabethJENNINGS of Ovid. They have alwaysresided at Shannon�s Corners where he has accumulated a good estate as afarmer and businessman. Theirchildren are Lydia, John, Alletta, Almeda, Marinda and Maranda (twins). Lydia marred Seeley BAILEY of Tyrone. They reside at Eddytown and have four children, Emma, Addie,Olivia and Alletta. John was killeda young man, by the kick of a horse. Allettais the wife of William L. SHARP. Almedaand Maranda are single. Marindamarried Clark M. SHARP. Theyhave one child, Daniel Shannon SHARP.
Elizabeth, born in 1804, married WilliamELLIS. They reside in Dundee andhave three children, Martha, Henry S. and Daniel. Martha married Peleg BRIGGS of Starkey. Henry S. married Keziah, daughter of Ira RAPLEE. Daniel married Miss BARTHOLOMEW, and has a second wife, also one child byhis first marriage.
George W. born in 1806, married ElizaWILKINS of Milo. They lived inStarkey many years and finally settled near Penn Yan, on the VAN PELT place. They had one daughter, Mary A. Shemarried Edwin S. MORRIS of Penn Yan. They settled at Newburg, Indiana, where he died in 1869,leaving two children, Luella and George. Thefamily now resides in Penn Yan. GeorgeW. SHANNON married a second wife, Mary GOULD, widow. They have a daughter, Lillie A. Mrs. SHANNON had two daughters by her first marriage, Adella E. and MaryE. GOULD. Adella E. is the wife ofWilliam C. TRACY, Penn Yan. Mr.SHANNON is a thrifty farmer, a member of the Baptist Church and an exemplarycitizen.
James born in 1808, married Susan M.,daughter of Joseph C. LEWIS. Theysettled east of Dundee and she died in 1836. He married a second wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Abia KETCHUM. They live now at Crystal Spring in Barrington. The children by the first marriage are Marinda, Lewis, Henry,Myron, Minerva, John and Martha; by the second, Byron and Calista. Marinda married James LOSEY of Starkey. They have a daughter, Lillie. Lewismarried Caroline, daughter of Horace WINFIELD. They live in Michigan. Theirchildren are Susan, Caroline, Mary, and a son. Henry married and resides in Colorado. Myron was a Union soldier, and suffered greatly as a prisoner atAndersonville. He resides in Nevada. Minervamarried Michael B., son of Lewis MISNER. Theymoved to Wisconsin. He was a Unioncaptain and serves well in the war. Theyhave two children. John was also aUnion solider, serving out two enlistments. Martha married George SMITH of Dundee and died in California. Calista married Theodore HOWELL of Barrington. Byron is single.
Robert L. born in 1812, married Abigail,daughter of James PERRY. They livedmany years in Starkey and now reside at Honeoye, NY.
Henry N., born in 1814, married Huldah,daughter of William R. BRIGGS. Theyreside in Tyrone and have five children, Augusta, Addie, Jamie, Emmet andDaniel.
Harrison born in 1816, married Maridina,daughter of Joseph C. LEWIS. Theyreside in Starkey, where he has accumulated a good estate as a farmer. She died leaving a daughter, Mary.
Joshua L., born in 1818, is a bachelorresiding at Wayne.
Lydia born in 1820, married Jarvis BAILERYof Tyrone, where he died leaving a daughter, Arminda. She married a second husband, Mr. BEACH of Dansville. Arminda married Henry BREWSTER of Dansville and lives at St. Paul,Minnesota.
William born in 1822, married Martha,daughter of Levi W. ELLIS, of Starkey, and widow of his brother, Samuel B. He is the present owner and keeper of the hotel at the village of Wayne. He is a man remarkable for generosity and kindness of heart.
Sally born in 1824, married William ELLIS.They reside in West Bloomfield, Ontario Co. Their children are Alice, Samuel and Miners.
Samuel B., born in 1828, married MarthaELLIS and died early of apoplexy.
Anthony SHARP was a son of Jacob SHAP, anative of Germany, and was born in Morris county, New Jersey. He married Patience, daughter of Christopher CASE, whose wife was asister of Isaiah YOUNGS, one of the early setters of Milo. Patience was born in 1784. Theycame to the Lake country in 1825 and settled on 65 acres of land on lots 5 and 6of the tenth section of Watson�s purchase, which they bought of CharlesO�NIEL. This with 22 acres moresubsequently purchased of James and Charles O�NEIL, on lots 3 and 4, ninthsection of Watson�s tract, comprised their homestead on which they lived anddied. They were good people of thePresbyterian faith. She died in1844 and he in 1848, at 75 years. Theirchildren were Christopher S., Stephen, Ann, Calvin, Benjamin H., John,Catharine, William L., Lydia, Ambrose and Clark M.
Christopher S., born in 1804, marriedDelilah, daughter of Samuel CHAMBERS. Theirchildren are Jane, Celinda, Mary and Martha (twins), Julia, Alice and Edna. Jane married Franklin MITCHELL. Theylive in Dundee and their children are Frederick and John. Celinda married Robert ROBSON of Barrington. They have a daughter, Lena. Marthais the second wife of James SPICER. Marymarried Nelson FOWLER. They live inStillwater (Saratoga Co.), NY and have two children, Helen and Hiram. Julia, Alice and Edna reside single at Rock Stream.
Stephen born in 1806, married Susan,daughter of Henry MIZNER. They livein Starkey where he is a prosperous farmer and have a daughter ,Eliza, who isthe wife of Martin J. SUNDERLIN.
Ann born in 1808, was the second wife ofLyman JOHNSON, whom she survives, residing on his homestead.
Benjamin H. born in 1813 died in 1830 andJohn born in 1816 died in 1846.
Catharine born in 1818, married John W. MCALPINE of Benton. They reside inReading.
William L. born in 1820, married in 1853,Alletta, daughter of Daniel SHANNON. Shewas born in 1830. William L. SHARPwas trained a clerk by Larmon G. TOWNSEND,and was subsequently several years a partner in business with Charles W. BARNESat Rock Stream. He has since livedand still resides on the Andrew G. MARSHALL homestead at Rock Stream. He was Supervisor of Starkey in 1859 and 1860 and is aprominent influential citizen. In June 1867, it was his fortune to escape from agreat peril to his life, which occurred by the fall of the Big Stream Bridge onthe Eddytown road. He and two men,Thomas THOMPSON and Thomas POWERS were driving a farm team with a wagon acrossthe bridge, leading their horses behind, when it went down, making a precipitatecrash of 30 feet. One horse wasinstantly killed and two others seriously injured; but strange to say the menwere little injured, Mr. SHARP being somewhat bruised, and two of the horsesunhurt.
Ambrose born in 1824, lives single on a farmnear Rochester.
Clark M., born in 1828, married Marinda,daughter of Daniel SHANNON. Theyreside on the Hiram NEWCOMB homestead, and have one son, Daniel S.
John SHOEMAKER was a native of ColumbiaCounty, NY, and his wife was Anna LAMPHIER, whom he married when she was 16years old. They settled in 1804, onthe farm in Bennett�s Settlement, afterwards occupied by Melvin SCHENK, stilllater by Tewalt SWARTS and now by the grandson of the latter, William C. SWARTS. They moved thence a few years later to the farm now known as the CalvinHUSON place, later still to the Daniel RAPLEE place on lot 6 in Barrington,afterward traded wit Daniel RAPLEE for the Teeples tavern and farm on the Bathroad and finally owned the Oliver PARKER farm on lot 27, in Barrington, where hedied in 1859, at 91 years.
His wife survived him till 1865, dying at 93years. Their children were Godfrey,Polly, John, Daniel D., Lamitta, Eleanor, Isaac, Ryreson, Ann, Smith and Asher. Lamitta became the wife of John F. HAVENS of Barrington. They live in Bradford, where he is a prominent citizen. He was formerly a Justice of the Peace in Barrington. Their children are James, Eliza A., DeWitt, Lorenzo D. and Alonzo. Eliza A., married Caleb LEGG a wagon maker of Dundee and their childrenare Ida, Kitty and John.
Smith SHOEMAKER born in 1816. married in1839, Catharine BIDDLEMAN. She wasborn in 1816. He learned the tradeof wagon maker of James COOLEY in Penn Yan and pursued his vocation many yearsin Dundee, accumulating a fine estate. Hehas now one of the finest residences in Dundee, located at the head ofWashington St. He also owns hisfather�s homestead on lot 27, in Barrington. Their children are John H., James M., and Lamitta. John H., born in 1840, married in 1862, Emma, daughter of David E. BEDELL. They live in Elmira and have a daughter, Zena. James Monroe born in 1842, married in 1961, Delia, daughter of LewisBENEDICT of Starkey. They have ason, Guy. Lamitta born in 1845,married in 1865, Le Grand TERRY.They live in Dundee and have a son, Arthur. James M. SHOEMAKER and Le grand GERRY are partners and successors ofSmith SHOEMAKER in the manufacture of carriages. James M. SHOEMAKER was a Union solider of the 148th NYV. John H. SHOEWMAKER and Le Grand TERRY were also Union soldiers.
The remaining descendants of the elder JohnSHOEMAKER reside beyond the limits of Yates County.
Samuel SHOEMAKER was a native of New Jerseyand settled within the limits of Bennett�s Settlement before 1806. He was one of the first assessors elected in the old town of Reading. He left the town many years ago.
Alonzo SIMMONS was a son of Shubael SIMMONSand Anna WALES, his wife, and was born in 1798 at Whitehall, NY. He came to Dundee in 1824 with Calvin HONEY and they starteda store where the store of William B. HAMLIN now stands. The store was built for them by Samuel HARPENDING in 60 days, and was thefirst store built on the corners. Allprevious stores had been built south, nearer Big Stream Creek. In 1825 a Post Office was established at Dundee and Samuel HARPENDING wasappointed Postmaster. The officewas kept in Honey & Simmon�s store and Mr. SIMMONS was Deputy Postmaster. The firm dissolved and HONEY bought out the store of Samuel KRESS Jr.,which stood where the Presbyterian Church now stands. The store was the one recited by Joshua WYCKOFF for John STARKEY and wasmoved there from its original location. NehemiahRAPLEE being appointed Postmaster moved the office to Honey�s store, where itwas kept till HONEY failed. IsaacKRESS was a clerk for Honey & Simmons. In 1831 Alonzo SIMMONS moved to Rock Stream, built a store there andremained in business till 1842. Hethen sold to Samuel H. STAFFORD and Thomas ROSS, and moved to Reading Center,where he now resides. He has been acompetent and successful businessman and has accumulated a goodly estate. He is a man of commendable character. He married in 1827, Anna, daughterof Nathaniel HUSON Sr. Theywere married by Rev. Samuel WHITE. Theirchildren are Mary Susan, Charles, Laura E. and George.
Mary S. born in 1829, married Charles W.BARNES.
Charles born in 1831, married first in 1852,Amelia GRAHAM and has a second wife, Nancy ROSS, of Horseheads, whom he marriedin 1856. He is a farmer in Reading.
Laura born in 1834, resides single with herparents.
George born in 1836, married in 1860,Louisa, daughter of Francis CRANDALL. He is a hardware merchant at Watkins incompany with Edwin D. TOMPKINS.
Susanna, Charlotte, sisters and George W.SIMMMONS, a brother of Alonzo SIMMONS, were also residents of Yates county. Susanna born in 1801, died in Starkey. Charlotte born in 1806, resides at Rock Stream.
George W., born in 1809, came to this countyat 14 years. His wife was Deborah,daughter of Gilbert HATHAWAY Sr. Shewas born in 1811. They were marriedin 1832 and she died in Dresden in 1850. Hemarried in 1851 a second wife, Caroline M., daughter of John BOGART. She was born in 1830. Theirchildren were Anna R., and Hattie A. Hedied at Dresden in 1858. she movedto Independence, Iowa, there married a second husband, Rev. William HUNTER, andthey have a son, William.
Jacob SMITH was a native of Kinderhook, NYand died in Starkey in 1834, in his 82nd year. He married in Orange Co., Jane SEARS. In 1797 they settled between the Cayuga and Seneca Lakes. Somewhere about 1820 they settled in Shannontown, buying a farm ofNoadiah SHANON. There his wife diedat 73 years, in 1829. He was a man of wealth. Their children were Rachel, Elizabeth, Rhoda, John J., Margaret, Joseph,Mary, Bridget, Jacob and Jane.
Rachel married Hugh HULSE. They lived in Starkey many years. Shedied in 1849 in Illinois. Their descendants are all West.
Elizabeth married George DUNN and they livedand died in Hector. Their childrenwere Polly and Martin. Polly bornin 1799, married in 1818, Dennis O�NIEL, who was born in 1796. They have lived in and near Dundee. He died in 1865 and she still resides there. They were persons well and favorably known to all the olderresidents. They were the foster parents of his nephew, Albert O�NIEL and NancyTERRILL. Albert married Mary WAFER. They have moved West and have two children, Harriet and Dennis. Nancy is the wife of martin BEAM. MartinDUNN was a physician and practiced his profession some time in Dundee. His wifewas Lucinda, daughter of Elder FAIRBANKS. Theylive in Illinois.
Rhoda married first, William CHANDLER andsecond, Harvey CLEMONS. They livedin Starkey. The children by thefirst marriage were Catharine and Belinda; by the second, one son, Sears.
John J. married Nancy, daughter of ThomasCLARK, whose wife, Elizabeth, was a sister of Rachel and Margaret MALIN. He was a solider in the War of 1812, afterwards became acolonel of cavalry and was always known as Col. SMITH. He became a resident of this county as early as 1813, living first atHopeton and afterwards in Starkey. Theylived for a time a little east of Dundee, on the place long afterward the homeof his son, David SMITH. Afterwardshe built the brick tavern directly east of Dundee, were fro some years the masonheld their lodge, until the Morgan excitement broke them up. Still later he bought the Jacob HACKET farm in Dundee. At a later period he kept the tavern at the Ellis stand in Dundee. His wife receiving a farm in Jerusalem form Rachel MALIN, her aunt, onlot 22 of Guernsey�s Survey; they erected a new house there, where she diedabout 1840. He afterwards moved toIllinois and died there about 1860. Hehad a second wife, Percis, sister of Miles and William MARINER, who surviveshim. The children by his firstmarriage were David, Thomas, C., Jacob, Lewis, John J. and Dennis. All these are West, except David, whose line is mentioned with thePLUMMERS and John J., who is a merchant at Watkins.
Mary, born in 1709 was married in 1806, AmosELLIS. (an obvious mistype of dates)
Jacob born in 1796, married in 1817, JuliaSWEEGLES. She was born in 1794. they lived in Starkey at an early period. Their children were Stout and Benson. Stout, born 1820, married Susan Ann, sister of Jonathan TAYLOR ofBarrington. They live in Starkey onthe old Griffin B. HAZARD farm and have two children, Omar and Julia. Benson SMITH born in 1825, married in 1844, Jemima HALLOCK of Tyrone. He is one of the proprietors of the Crystal Spring House in Barringtonand has been Supervisor of that town.
Jane married in 1816, James SUTPHEN Jr. They live in Milo.
Reuben SMITH came to Hector (now in SchulerCounty) in 1794 and his brother Grover, the following year. They were natives of Salisbury, Conn. Reuben SMITH and his wife Hannah SWIFT, his sons Jabez, Harry, Caleb andChauncey W., and his daughter Amanda, afterwards wife of peter HAGER, settled onMilitary Lot 20, at Peach Orchard. Thesewere all heads of noted families of Hector, except Harry, who became a citizenof Reading at an early date. GroverSMITH settled in 1795 on Military Lot 21, adjoining his brother. His wife was Lydia, sister of Enoch KELSEY. Reuben SMITH his oldest son, and but 19 years his junior, married firstin Connecticut, Mary SMITH, and had a second wife, Anna COGSWELL (widowWEBSTER). He was a lawyer of note and both died quite aged atPeach Orchard. They had twodaughters, Caroline and Mary Ann. Carolinewas the wife of Aaron HANLEY of Peach Orchard, and Mary Ann was the wife of Dr.Moses TOMPKINS, long a resident at Peach Orchard, and now of Ohio. Other children of Grover SMITH were William, Richard and Mary C. William married Mary WARNER. LeMoine S. SMITH, editor of the Grand Haven (Mich.) Union, is his son. Richard SMITH was a first Judge at Tompkins County. He married first Patience HINMAN and second, Maria A., daughter of EnochKELSEY. His youngest child by thefirst marriage was Louisa P., second wife of David LACY of Starkey. Mary C. was the first wife of Nash SAWYER.
Richard SMITH related among the earlyincidents of their residence in Hector, when all the land was a continuousforest, that one still morning he heard the sound of a cow bell across the Lake,and informed the family there must be settlers on the other side. Soon after, William EDDY made his appearance on that side,and made their acquaintance. Frequentvisits were thereafter interchanged.
Harry SMITH, born in 1779, married Belinda,daughter of Capt. WARNER, a sea captain, and a sister of Mary, wife of WilliamSMITH. About 1803 they took uptheir residence east of eddy Settlement, in a log house on the road to the millof John SEARS. Later they moved onthe place now occupied by Seeley BAILEY, and built in 1817 the large mansionstill standing on the premises, and afterwards occupied by David LACY. HE was a active man and a very prominent citizen. In 1812 he was U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue (24thdistrict). He was long a Justice of the Peace and Deputy Sheriff and held manyother offices. He was nick-named�Black Harry SMITH,�, his complexion being quite dark. He was of heavy build and commanding appearance. About 1825 they moved back to Hector, and finally moved to Pennsylvania,and thence to Rockford, Illinois, where he died in 1865. His wife died still earlier. Theirchildren were Amanda, Semantha, Harrison, Harry, Charlotte and Melinda.
Jabez, the oldest son of the elder ReubenSMITH, born in 1777, married Betsey, daughter of Richard ELY Sr., and was the father of an important family in Hector.
Caleb, born in 1782, is still living, andalso the father of a large and important family. His son, Dr. Amos B. SMITH is the proprietor of the Geneva HygienicInstitute. Chauncey W. is also still alive inHector.
The father of Dr. Henry SPENCE was JohnSPENCE, a native of Ireland, his mother, Rachel ROBERTS, and they were marriedin Pennsylvania in 1794. She was anative of Philadelphia. They hadsix children born in Pennsylvania, William W., Amy, John R., Henry, Isabella andMary. In 1800 they settled in whatis now Lodi, directly opposite the present residence of Dr. Byron SPENCE inStarkey. Henry, born in 1800 wasthe only member of the family that became a resident of Yates county. In early life he was a teacher in Lodi. He studied the medical profession with Dr. Claudius C. COAN,and received his diploma in 1823, from the college of Physicians and Surgeons inNew York. He came soon after tothis count and boarded in the family of Russel A. HUNT of Milo, where hecommenced his practice. In 1824 hemarried Patty, daughter of Allen BOARDMAN and Phebe, his wife, of Covert, Senecacounty. The same year he bought ofSamuel LOOMER 100 acres of land on lot 10 of the Potter location, for $1750,which was thereafter their homestead. Headded to this farm in after years 263 acres, forty of which he bought of SamuelBAYLES, 94 of Esther BRIGGS and the rest was the Jacob SMITH farm. Dr. SPENCE was a physician of eminence and widely extendedpractice, being often called for consultation in difficult cases far from hishome. He was also an enterprisingfarmer and a skillful fruit culturist of large experience. He was a man of superior intelligence and liberal views, and a citizen ofmuch worth and influence. Inpolitics he always took an active interest, and was elected to the Assembly in1841. In 1860 he was presented by the delegates of this county forthe Republican Congressional nomination. Hewas a man of genial and kindly spirit and in social life was highly respected. He died in 1866. His firstwife died in 1843 and he had a second wife, Elizabeth SHOEMAKER (widow DONLEY),who is still living. The children of Dr. SPENCE were all by the first marriageand their names are Byron, Flora and Riley.
Byron, born March 19, 1825, was one of thefirst students of Starkey Seminary and was educated a physician. He graduated at the New York University in 1850. He was a Union officer in one of the New York Regiments during the war ofthe Rebellion and is now a farmer and fruit grower on the old homestead,occupying the elegant cobble stone mansion, erected by his father in 1848. He married in 1863, Susan, daughter of Nathaniel K. BEASRSLEE. Their children are Henry, Thomas B. and Theodore.
Flora born in 1826, is the wife of JeremiahS. JILLETT.
Riley born in 1835, resides with hisbrother, Byron.
The second wife of Dr. Henry SPENCE had twodaughters by her previous marriage, Augusta and Elizabeth (DONLEY). They were a few years members of the family of Dr. SPENCE. Augusta married William MERCER, moved to Minnesota and died in 1863,leaving three sons, William, Benjamin and Charles. Elizabeth married Henry HARROWER, resides in Wilkes-Barre, PA and theirchildren are Levi, Carrie and Charles.
Allen BOARDMAN, the father of thefirst wife of Dr. SPENCE, was an early setter in Covert, and had a family of 10children, Russel, Maria, Delia, Harry, Patty, Truman, Emily, Gertrude, Lucy andDouglass. Russel was a citizen ofBarrington from whence he moved West. Deliawas the wife of Gilbert HATHAWAY Jr., and resided many years in Barrington. Thefamily is now West. Truman waselected to the State Senate form the 26th district, including Yates,Ontario and Seneca counties and held the office one term. Douglass is Justice of the Supreme Court in the 6th judicialdistrict, residing in Ithaca.
Ezra SPINK was from Rhode Island, andsettled very early southwest of Dundee, near the old Pre-emption Line. He was a nephew of Silas SPINK Sr., and came soon after himto the country and lives with him several years. He went back to Rhode Island and there married Mercy Ann HILL. They had two sons, George and Ezra, both of whom married daughters ofBenjamin REYNOLDS. Ezra and hiswife Martha inherit the homestead and have several children. George and his wife Elizabeth, had three children.
Samuel SPINK (NOT a relative of Ezra), wasfrom Rhode Island, came to Wayne in 1823 and settled on the Pre-emption Linenear Ezra SPINK, and it was thus called the Spink neighborhood. He died in 1845, at aged 71 years. His wife was Barbara LINDLEY, and she died at 93 years in1863. Their children were SarahAnn, Samuel, Thomas L., Nicholas and Charlotte T. Thomas L. married Ann, sister of Lewis CULVER. He died leaving eight children. Nicholas married Susan, daughter of Benjamin REYNOLDS and lives in theSpink neighborhood. Charlotte T.married John LORD.
Harvey G. STAFFORD, son of Henry STAFFORDand Polly GAY, his wife, was born in 1803 in Saratoga county. He came a clerk for Benjamin CHEEVER to Eddtyown in 1820, and served inthat capacity six years, when he became a partner in the business. Finally buying out his partner, he conducted the trade on his own accountmany years, doing a large and prosperous business. He was also a stock and produce buyer, canal forwarder, and operator inmany ways. He was an active,untiring businessman, highly useful to the community in which he lived. Leaving Eddtyown in 1847 he moved to Dundee, where he wasengaged in trade with William B., HAMLIN and Charles H. MARTIN. He has besides had stores in other places and engaged in a variety ofspeculations, and for several years has been a banker at Dundee. He has been a man of great activity and energy and has preserved a goodcharacter for integrity and honorable dealing. During the military days he was a very sprightly and popular officer, andbecame colonel of the old 206th Regiment of Infantry. He married Eliza, daughter of Andrew BOOTH Jr. Shewas born in 1805. Their childrenare Marian, Harriet and Sophronia S.
Marian born in 1828, married in 1848,Charles H. MARTIN of Dundee. Theylive in Dundee and he is a member of the firm of Martin, Vosburgh & Co. They have a son, Eddie.
Harriet born in 1830, married Spencer S.RAPLEE.
Sophronia S. born in 1832, is single.
The man who gave his name to the town, thehistory of which we have now under consideration, was John STARKEY. He was the son of William STARKEY and Mary MOFFITT, his wife,and was born in Kent county, Maryland, May 21, 1788. In 1807 he came alone to Seneca county and wrought for sometime in the distillery of Joshua WYCKOFF, in what is now, Lodi. In 1812 Mr. WYCOFF established a store at the south end of Bennett�sSettlement, in what is now Dundee, and sent STARKEY there as his partner to takecharge of it. On the 18thof October,1813, he married Catharine, daughter of Joshua WYCKOFF. She was born in 1796. Hecontinued in partnership with WYCKOFF about one year. After conducting his business alone till 1818, he took Clayton SEMANSinto partnership. This firm existedone year, at the end of which eh sold the Abraham DE MOTT. Semans & De Mott continued one year, when that store wasdiscontinued. John STARKEY moved toReeder�s Corners, where he built a dwelling and store and the place has sincebeen know as Starkey Corners. Thestore stood on the southwest corner, the dwelling on the northwest, and becamethe �Starkey Hotel,� long kept by Benjamin TUTHILL. STARKEY continued in business at that place until the autumn of 1828,when he removed to Lodi and settled on a farm he had purchased of NoadiahSHANNON. His failing health inducedhim to give up his business and retire to rural life. He died on consumption in 1829. JohnSTARKEY was a prominent and leading citizen an early member of the MethodistChurch and a man of character. Acapable business man and active in his public duties, it is not strange that hewas accorded the honor of giving his name to the new town when Reading wasdivided. He served several years asJustice of the Peace, and was Supervisor of the town when he moved away,Clarkson MARTIN being appointed to fill out his term. By his influence a Post Office was established at Starkey Corners, thefirst in the town. His early deathwas a serious public loss. Theirchildren were: Wilmer W., Susan M., Nancy W., Mary and Maria.
Wilmer W., born in Ovid in 1814, became aphysician. He studied hisprofession and taught school in Maryland. Hemarried there in 1843, Sarah E. BOSEE. In1848 he graduated at Geneva Medical College. He practiced his profession in Lodi three years, and in 1852 moved toWatkins, where he pursued his profession 14 years, dying in 1866. In his profession he held a good rank, and enjoyed a goodpractice. His wife died in 1855. In 1857 he married a second wife, Ruth A. WHITNEY. The children by the first marriage were John and William; by the second,Frank W. John is a physician andresides at Watkins. William is afur merchant at Watkins.
Susan M. is the wife of Casper B. VESCELIUS,a prominent citizen of Lodi. Theironly child, Emma, married C. P. WOODWORTH and has a son, Freddie.
Nancy W. married Ebenezer SKINNER of Lodi. They reside at North Reading and have a son, Edwin M.
Mary married Edwin C. ANDREWS. Maria died a young woman.
Salmon STILLSON was the first blacksmith atEddytown. He was from Sandgate, VTand located there before 1806, on the spot where Isaac LANNING now lives and hisshop was directly opposite the east side of the road. His children were Salmon, Andrew and Rebecca. Salmon Jr. was a blacksmith, and lived in a log house on theopposite corner from Isaac LANNING�S house, on the north side of the road. Rebecca born in 1791, married in 1808, Ransom HURD. He was born in 1786.
John STOUT was a native of New Jersey andwas a son of Samuel STOUT and Anna VAN KIRK, his wife. He was born in 1797 and married in New Jersey, Sally, sister of WilsonAYRES. She was five years hissenior and died in 1850, and he has a second wife, Rebecca CHRISJOHN (widowBAILEY), born in 1811. He came ahatter in 1818 to Milo Center, and wrought at his trade there for William J.BROWN. He afterwards worked in PennYan for Seeley & Brownell. Nexthe went to Shannontown, wrought there at his trade 15 years on his own account,and bought 30 acres of land there of Wilson AYRES. He has lived there over 50 years, and now in 1872, says that all the mennow living on the Eddytown road when he moved there, are Isaac LANNING, Dr.Walter WOLCOTT and himself. He is aman of sterling traits of character. Thechildren by his first marriage were Elizabeth and Harriet N. Elizabeth, born in 1823, married Jacob SWARTS. Harriet N., born in 1832, married James, son of Aaron BEARD. He was a blacksmith, formerly of Shannontown, now residing in Orange,Schuyler County. Their children areAda, John, Myron, Frances and Charles.
Joseph STULL was a very early resident ofBennett�s Settlement. Others ofwhom the author can only mention the names, are as follows: Nicholas HAIR,Jonathan DAVIS, David BENNETT, Matthias J. HOUGTAILING, Joseph IRETON, JohnDAVIS, Joseph BELLAMY, Joel JONSON, Judah WEEKS, William BENNETT*, HenryROGERS*, William CURRY, a clergyman, Morgan and Silas YOUNGS, Cyrenus BLODGET*,John MC CONNELL, John WICKHAM, Philip CULP*, Abraham VAN ZANDT*, Nathan SAYRE*,Isaac BUNCE*, Daniel BARTON*, Hendrick HOUGTAILING, Robert HAIR, IsaacHOUGTAILING, Samuel A. MAWNEY, and Peter WALLING. (* Soldier of 1812)
John S. SUTPHEN was born in 1793 in NewJersey. He was a son of RichardSUTPHEN and Mary VAN MATER, his wife, whose children were Peter, John S.,Richard, Polly, Nelly, Elizabeth and Jane. This family were early residents of Starkey, and included Arthur, a sonof Richard SUTPHEN Sr., by his first marriage. Peter married Elizabeth MATHEWS, and was a resident of Hector. John S., married in 1814, Ann, daughter of Andrew RAPLEE. They lived in Bennett�s Settlement till 1849 and thereafter in Dundeewhere he died in 1868. His wife died the following year at 72 years. They were a thrifty pair and had a goodly estate.
Richard Jr., born in 1791, married in 1816, Ellen Ann MATTHEWS. She was born in1800. They resdied many years inBarrington on lot 34. She died in1846 and he in 1866. their childrenwere Peter M, and Mary Rebecca. PeterM., born in 1820, married first, Marian, daughter of Orange HOLLISTER and has asecond wife, Maggie WAITE, of Oregon, Ill. He and his brother I n law, Ashbel HOLLISTER, were for some timemerchants at Eddytown, succeeding George W. SIMMONS. The children of Peter were by his first marriage, Emmet O., Charles,Alida, Truman and John S.; by the second, one child, Lenora. Mary Rebecca born in 1822 is the wife of Anthony C. HARPENDING.
Polly married Laban CRANDALL and lived inMilo. Nelly married and moved West. Elizabeth was the wife of James HYATT, of Benton. Jane married David HYATT brother of James and a soldier of the War of1812.
Tewalt SWARTS, son of Daniel SWARTS, born inNew Jersey in 1755, married Elizabeth CORSELOIUS, who was born near New York in1754. They came to Bennett�sSettlement in 1811 and settled on the farm now occupied by William SWARTS,originally bought of Melvin SCHNECK. Hewas a farmer and died in 1850. Hiswife died in 1820. Their childrenwere Daniel, Susannah, Catharine and Peter.
Daniel born in 1787, married Sally, daughterof Casper ROSS, one of the pioneers of Starkey. They children are Eliza, Susan, Peter, Tewalt, Rossitier, Daniel, Jonus,Thomas and Mary J. They moved toCanadice.
Susannah born in 1789, married SamuelWALLING who came to Starkey with her father. They lived and died in that town. Theirchildren were, Asa, Daniel, Eliza, Peter, Elisha, Alvah, Catharine and Noah. Asa married Sarah WILSON.
Catharine was the first wife of IsaacLANNING.
Peter born in 1796 at Wantage, NJ, marriedin 1826, Tacey Ann, daughter of Hope CARPENTER, and Abigail YOST, his wife. She was born in 1807. Theyresided many years in Chubb Hollow, afterwards succeeded his father on thehomestead, and he now resides in Dundee. Hemarried a second wife, Lydia, daughter of Uriah SMITH and now has a third,Roxanna, widow of Jesse W. WELLS. Hischildren, both by the first marriage, are Elizabeth and William. Elizabeth born in 1826, became the second wife of Floyd FLORENCE. They live in Milo, and their children are Cassius, Tacey A., Lydia, Emma,Adaline and William. William SWARTS married Mary Jane, daughter of Daniel RAPLEE. Their children are Carpenter, Ursula, Melvin and one other.
Tewalt SWARTS, the ancestor of this family,was a Revolutionary soldier.
Tewalt SWARTS 2nd, was a son ofBaltus SWARTS of New Jersey, where he married Margaret, daughter of MicajahDEAN. They came to Starkey in 1812and bought a farm on Phillip�s Location, and reside there through life. He was noted for his large size, weighing about 300 pounds. Both died in old age, and their children were Anna, Micajah, George,John, Halsey, Jacob, Jane and Miles.
Anna married Nathaniel HUSON, Jr.
Micajah born in 1804, married in 1826,Sarah, daughter of Peter BEAM and resided on her paternal homestead many years. He died in Dundee in 1865. Theirchildren were Mary Ann, Tewalt and Clarissa. Mary Ann, born in 1827, is the wife of Stephen CHUBB. Tewalt, born in 1829, married Huldah, daughter of Luther HAIR. Their children are Frank and Fred. Clarissa born in 1834, married Warren DUNN. They have one son, John.
George married Sylvia, daughter of BuckleyJOHNSON.
John married Mary Ann SNOOK. HE was killed in 1871 by the kick of a horse. Their childrenare James, Oliver, Sarah, Ann, Marion and Melvin B. James married Harriet, daughter of Strader HOWELL, and livesin Dundee. Sarah is the wife ofCharles ROBINSON. Ann married JohnFREEMAN.
Halsey married Phebe CORBIN. They live in Steuben Co. and their children are George, SusanA. and Ada.
Jacob married Elizabeth, daughter of JohnSTOUT of Starkey. They live inBarrington and their children are Sarah, Mary, Francis, Lissa and Ada.
Jane married Daniel S. VANCE and diedleaving two children, Miles and Emmet.
Miles SWARTS married Sarah SHEPHERD. Their children are Susan A. and Emmet.
Tewalt SWARTS 2nd, was drafted, asoldier in the War of 1812, and hired for a substitute, John NICHOLS.
John TAYLOR was born in Sheffield, Mass in1771. His father, Phineas TAYLORmoved late in life, to Bloomfield, Ontario Co., and died there in 1800. Mary WELLS, the wife of Phineas TAYLOR died in 1779. John was in early life a shoemaker�s apprentice and later learned thetrade of a tanner and currier. At16 years, he was three months in the army that quelled Shay�s Rebellion. At 22 years he came on horseback to the Genesee Country, and crossing theriver where Rochester now stands, found there but two log houses. He lived a few years in Bloomfield, sold out there and bought50 acres on the bank of Seneca Lake, eight miles south of Geneva, where heerected a tannery and pursued his trade till 1808 in which year he bought 100acres, two miles south of Dundee and resided thereon till his death in 1857. He was a Presbyterian Elder many years and a man at once truthful,unostentatious, simple in habits, charitable, pious and a friend of schools andchurches. In 1797, he married MaryBENTON, a relative of the Missouri senator, Thomas H. BENTON. She died in 1801 and he married in 1805, Sarah ACKLEY of Canandaigua. She was born in 1778 and died in 1862. She was a person of superior worth. The children by the first marriage were Horace Benton and Edric Seyfourth;and by the second. Austa L., Henrietta, Joel A., Sarah A., John Wells andSamuel.
Horace B. born in 1799, married in 1822,Jane, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth BARNES of Seneca. She was born in 1803 and is still living. He died in 1864 at Bellona. Their children were John Benton, Horace, Jane E., Elizabeth A., GeorgeW., Mary E., Charles W. and Mark Sibley. JohnB. born in 1823, married in 1863, Lucinda, daughter of Ithamer and Ruth SMITH ofWaitsfield, VT. They had adaughter, Ruth E., born in 1857. Theylive in Seneca, one and a half miles from Bellona; and his occupation isfarming. Horace born in 1826,married in 1850, Olive, daughter of Samuel and Sarah CURTIS. Their children were Sarah Jane, born in 1852, George C., born in 1854,Charles H., born in 1859, Nettie M., born in 1865 and Ernest E. born in 1869. Sarah J., married in 1871, M. WILLSIE, a real estate broker at Ashland,Nebraska. Jane E. (twinsister of Horace) married in 1849,Benjamin CODDINGTON of Bellona. Shedied in 1852 and he about a year after. ElizabethA. born in 1827, married Peter K. DEYO, in 1851 and died in 1860. Mary E. born in 1823, married in 1860, Horace HALBERT and they reside atConway, Mich. He is a farmer. CharlesW. born in 1834, married first, Gertrude LOOMIS. He resides at Independence, Iowa and is a merchant. George W., born in 1830, married in 1856, Hattie, daughter of BenjaminREED. She died in 1862. Their children are Frank, born in 1856 and Kittie A., born in 1858. He married a second wife, Carrie REED, sister of the first, in 1869. They reside at Bellona and he is a farmer. MarkS. born in 1836 is a merchant at Eureka, California.
Edric S. TAYLOR was born in 1801 and marriedin 1824, Alemney, daughter of James and Mary SEAMON of Reading. He died in Wheeler, in 1837. Shedied in 1849. Their children were: James E., John W. and Helen S. James E., born in 1825, married in 1847, Eliza Ann, daughter of Orva H.and Mary WILLIAMS of Wheeler. Shewas born in 1825. They have onechild, Mary Bell, born in 1858. Theyreside at Starkey on the Clark BELL farm. JohnW., born in 1828 married in 1849, Margaret J., daughter of Robert and EstherSCOTT of Prattsburg. He is a farmerresiding in Wheeler, Steuben Co. Theyhave two children, Esther A. born in 1850 and Helen born in 1864. Esther married Smith K. ROSE of Wheeler in 1870. Helen S., born in 1835, married in 1857, Clark BELL, a lawyer fromSteuben Co., now resident in New York. Heowns a beautiful summer residence near Dundee. They have two daughters, Kate born in 1858 and Carrie, born in 1868.
Austa L. born in 1805, died at the age of 20years.
Henrietta born in 1807, was the wife of Rev.Samuel WHITE.
Joel Ackley TAYLOR was born in 1809 andmarried in 1832, Amy STARK of Waterloo, born in 1811. She was a lineal descendant of Molly STARK of Revolutionary history anddied in 1851. Their children are Minerva C., Sarah E., Mary C., Harriet A., Johns., Eliza J., Charles, Nancy M. and Adaline R. Minerva C. born in 1833 died in 1845. Sarah E. born in 1835 married in 1868, Emmett DAILY of Barrington. They have one child, Eldric T., born in 1870. He resides in Barrington, a carpenter. Mary C., born in 1837, died in 1863 in Milo. Harriet A., born in 1839, died in 1867. John S., born in 1843 resides in Benton, a farmer. Eliza J., born in 1845, died in 1860. Charles born in 1847 resides inMilo, a farmer. Nancy M. born in1847 died in 1848. Adaline R. bornin 1849 married in 1869, Charles P. DISBROW. They have one child, Clark F., born in 1870.
Sarah Ann TAYLOR born in 1815, married in1834, Abram SLEEPE of Dundee and died in 1838. They had one child, Austa, born in 1835. She married Henry K. REYNOLDS and they have two children.
John Wells TAYLOR born Sept 18, 1819,married May 17, 1854, Elizabeth T., daughter of Russell A. HUNT of Milo. She was born in 1831. Theyhave one child, Frank Russel, born in 1860. J. Wells TAYLOR graduated at Wabash College in 1851. He studied law with Spencer & Kernan at Utica, practiced sometime atCanandaigua, and is now a farmer in Milo.
Samuel TAYLOR born in 1822 married in 1850,Mary E., born in 1824, daughter of John B. and Harriet L. MILLIUS of Barrington. They have two children, John W. born in 1851 and Henry L., born in 1854.
A name held in kindly remembrance by theolder citizens of Yates county is that of James TAYLOR. His father, Simon TAYLOR was an English soldier of the army of Burgoyneand his mother, Ruth CHAPPELL, a native of Connecticut. He was the fourth son of a large family and at 19 yeas, his father�gave him his time: that he might earn for himself the means to gratify hislove for books and enlarge his studies. Hewent to Canada, where the destruction of a timber raft on the Lachire rapidsended a disastrous lumber enterprise in which he was engaged with others, and hetook charge of a winter school. Hisefforts to keep in advance of his pupils made his teaching a valuableexperience. The War of 1812induced him to leave Canada, and he next taught a school at Trumansburg. About the same time he began the study of law. In 1816 he was licensed to practice in the Court of Common Please ofSeneca county; in 1823, in the Supreme Court; and in 1831 the Court of Chancery. In 1816 he commenced his residence at Eddytown and in 1819, marriedMaria, daughter of Capt. Silas WICKES. Theobserved their 50th anniversary of their wedding at the residence oftheir daughter, Mrs. C. B. BRACE, in Leavenworth, Kansas, on the 19thof January, 1869. Afther16 yearsresidence in Eddytonw they moved to Penn Yan where they lived till 1856. They then moved to St. Paul, Minnesota and a year later to Leavenworth,where he died on December 30, 1869, in his 80th year. He was a lawyer of superior acquirements and more than average abilityand a candid and forcible advocate. From1823 to 1836 he was District Attorney of Yates county. Upon the adoption of theconstitution of 1846, he was a candidate on the Democratic ticket for Justice ofSupreme Court, and received much more than a party vote. In early life he was a great admirer of DeWitt CLINTON. Upon the unjust removal of that able statesman from the office of Canal Commissioner by a hostile Legislature in 1824, a committee ofcitizens in Readying consisted of John STARKEY, James TAYLOR and Stephen REEDER,presented a brief address of confidence to Mr. CLONTON, who was much gratifiedby their action and made a reply in which the following passage occurs: � As Ifeel no resentments I shall express none. Inthe wise and benevolent dispensations of Providence, the aberrations of man arefrequently rendered subservient to his best interests; and cases often occurwhen we may unite with Joseph in his pathetic address to his penitent brethren,and exclaim, �Ye wrought evil against me but God meant it for good.� From early manhood, Mr. TAYLOR was an exemplary member of thePresbyterian Church. His wife was awoman of rare social worth. Theirchildren were: James W., Henry C., Eliza, Charles C and Harriet, all of whomwere born at Eddytown.
James W. is a lawyer of ability, a man ofgreat energy of character, and liberal and comprehensive views. He has long been a resident of St. Paul, Minnesota. A scheme put forth by him for the preservation and civilization of theIndians, by putting them on a territory to be exclusive theirs, is the mostfeasible and humane of any proposition made for that purpose. He married Chloe LANGFORD of Utica, and their children are Mary, Alice,Eliza and Harriet. Mary marriedCharles L. ALDEN, a lawyer of Troy, NY.
Henry Chappell was drowned at the age of 11years, in Lake Keuka.
Eliza married Semptimus WATKINS of Waterloo. They reside in Leavenworth, Kansas, and their children are Kitty,Harriet, and a third daughter.
Charles C., then a resident of Madison,Indiana, died in Penn Yan in 1856
Harriet born in 1831, married in 1851,Claudius B. BRACE for some hears a hardware merchant in Penn Yan, and now aprosperous resident of Leavenworth, Kansas. Their children are: Maria P., Kate S., Charles, Walter and James F. Maria P. and Kate S. are students of the Vassar FemaleCollege at Poughkeepsie.
Job S. TERRILL was a native of Brookfield,Conn., and was born in 1776. Hemarried Phebe, daughter of Ferris HURD. Shewas thirteen years his senior. Theycame to the Genesee country with Richard HURD, and settled on a farm west ofHurd�s Corners, now known as Rock Stream. He was an original settler on the land he occupied and was a citizen ofrespectability and worth. He andhis wife lived to advanced age, she living to near the age of 100 years. Their children were Ruth Ann, Patty and Panina (twins), George and AbelF.
Ruth Ann married Orra KEELER and moved toIndiana.
Polly married Whitney WOOD. They lived some years in Starkey and the family now resides at Bellona. The children were George, Sherman, Abby and Frank. Panina married Daniel MILLER. Theylive at Coldwater, Mich., and have a son, Harvey.
George married Nancy, daughter of ElderLafever. Their children were,George, Phebe and Ruth Ann.
Abel F. born in 1807, is an excellentmillwright and an industrious and estimable citizen. He married Eliza, daughter of Timothy E. JONES. She was born in 1812. theylive at Shannon�s Corners, and own the mill at that place. Their children are Martha, Sherman, Harvey, Timothy J.,George and Anna. Martha marriedRichard JOHNSON. Their children areLillie and Sherman. Harvey was asolider of Co. B., 126th NYV and died in the service at Fort McHenry, VA. Sherman TERRILL is atsea. Timothy J. was also a unionsolider, serving two enlistments. Hewas severely wounded in the fight of the Wilderness and was imprisoned atAndersonsville. He was towncollector in 1868.
Reuben THOMAS was from Fort Ann, NY and hiswife was Lucy HITCHCOCK. Theysettled in 1806 on the road leading south from Dundee on the place subsequentlyoccupied many years by Benjamin REYNOLDS. Whileon the way to their new home in the wilderness, they were stopped at the houseof Elisha WARD by the memorable eclipse of that year. He died in 1812, at 53 years and his wife in 1841, at 80 years. Their children were, Reuben, Jared, Gideon, Lucy, Roxana, Lucinda,Pamela, and Obed S. Reuben and hisdescendants are in Ohio. Jaredmarried first Chloe THOMPSON and second, Nancy, daughter of Philip FULKERSON. Gideon married Fanny HOWARD and moved to Ohio. Lucy was the wife of Aaron HURD. Roxanamarried Frederick HOWARD and their family resides at Bath. Lucinda married Dr. Jacob VOSBURGH. Pamela, born in 1799, married Sherlock ANDREWS. Oven S. born in 1802, married Lola, daughter of Icabod ANDREWS. He was a man of worth and died at North Reading, where he was a merchantand Postmaster for many years.
David THOMPSON and his wife, Hannah MEEKER,were early settlers on the Rev. Samuel WHITE place, west of Rock Stream, comingthere about 1803. They remainedtill about 1814 when both died, within five days apart of each other. Their children were Sheldon, Chloe, Eli, Comfort, Henry, Harriet, andPhila Ann. Sheldon died at 19years. Chloe was the first wife ofJared THOMAS and died six years later than her parents (1820). The remainder of the family were kept together by them while she lived. Eli married in Ohio, Lydia BARSTOW. Comfort married Ruth, daughter of David DAVIDSON of Reading, and nowlives in Michigan. Henry married inOhio, dolly COLE. They have 10children all living. Harriet bornin 1808, married in 1826, Charles HIBBITTS, many years a hotel keeper at ReadingCenter. Phila Ann born in 1812,married Alexander H. QUIN. She diedin 1864. Their only child, Theresa,married Christopher WILOVER and their children are Minnie, Frank, Lucy and John.
Chloe, a sister of David THOMPSON, was thewife of Jesse DAINS of Milo. Esther,another sister of David THOMPSON, was the mother of Almy ROBERTS, second wife ofAlfred RICH Sr.
Hiram TITSWORTH was born in 1788 in SussexCo., NJ and married there in 1808, Charity, daughter of Baltus SWARTS. She was born in 1785. Theycame to the Lake Country in 1812, and settled above Eddytown, just south ofRichard LANNING. He bought ofWilliam EDDY the land on which he begun. Reachinghis destination with one span of old white horses and $45 in money, he made themoney a first payment for his land. Heafterwards bought land till he owned 340 acres, and died in 1861, leaving a fineestate besides providing well for his children. He was drafted into the War of 1812, and hired John S. SUTPHEN to go tothe field as his substitute. He wasone of the founders of the Presbyterian Church at Eddytown, long one of itsdeacons, and a man of sterling character. Hiswife died in 1869. Their childrenwere Susan, Henry, Baltus, Martha A., and Margaret M.
Susan born in 1810, died in 1830.
Henry born in 1812 in Starkey (then Reading)married Martha, daughter of James B. LANNING. They live on DeWitt�s Patent in Starkey. He died in 1840, leaving a surviving daughter, Mary Ann, who marriedThomas J. CONKLIN. They have adaughter, Charity.
Baltus, born in 1814, married in 1835,Elizabeth, daughter of Doctor MILLARD. Shewas born in 1816. They reside inDundee, where he is a highly respected citizen. They have one surviving daughter, Ella, now a student in the ElmiraFemale College.
Martha A., died at 15 years in 1835.
Margaret M. married Mizner LONGCOR, who diedsome years ago. She resides inDundee.
Dan TOMPKINS was born in Danby, Putnam 1800. He was a son of SolomonTOMPKINS and Deborah DAN, his wife. Helearned the trade of shoemaking at Danbury, Conn., and when his apprenticeshipwas ended, he came to Ithaca and thence in 1821 to Eddytown. There he married, the same year, Hannah M., daughter of Charles A. DEMINGand Hannah WARNER, his wife. Mrs.DEMING was a sister of Mrs. Harry SMITH (see SMITH), and died in 1805. Her daughter, Hannah M., born in 1802, lived in the families of Harry andWilliam SMITH. Dan TOMPKINS pliedhis trade 10 years in Eddytown, when he moved to Dundee, pursuing his trade till1854. He then moved to ColumbiaCounty, Wisconsin, where he lives, a farmer. His wife also survives. Hehas been a character of note in Starkey, and his shop at Eddytown was always aresort for current news and a discussion of public topics. Like most of his neighbors he was a sound Whig. Their children were Edwin D., Charles S., George W., James, Maria, Jane,William, Catharine, Lucretia and Samuel.
Edwin D., born in 1822, married in 1844Catharine, daughter of Gamaliel D. CONKLIN. She was born in 1824. He isa prosperous hardware merchant at Watkins, of the firm of Tompkins &Simmons. He was a mercantile clerkat Tyrone for 10 years, and was there a partner 3 years with John J. SMITH Jr.,as dealers in dry goods. They werealso dealers together at Watkins for 16 years. Their chidlrne are Lydia Ann, Thaddeus C. and Caroline E.
Charles S., born in 1824, married Susan,daughter of Chauncey ROUSE of Barrington, andnow lives near Columbus, Wis. Theyhave four children.
George W. TOMPKINS born in 1826, resided inWatkins till 1851. He went with the �Ithaca Company: � to California and married and died there, leavingthree children.
James TOMPKINS, born in 1830, married in1862, Antoinette, daughter of Henry F. MORGAN. He has lived in New York since 1852.
Maria, born in 1832, married in 1856 toJoseph COTEE, in Wisconsin. Theylive in Iowa and he is a prosperous merchant. They have two children.
Jane, born in 1834, married Thomas JAMES. They live near Columbus, Wis.
William, born in 1836, died in 1858.
Catharine, born in 1838, married in 1866,Mr. WHITEFIELD in Wisconsin and moved to Minnesota.
Lucretia and Samuel are single. Samuel was born in 1850.
The mother of Dan TOMPKINS and her daughterMillison, lived in his family till 1834, when Millison married David OLMSTEADand after several years residence in Dundee, moved West. The mother died at her daughter�s residence in Chemung County in 1836,very aged. Millison died in 1866,upwards of 70 years, at the residence of Dan TOMPKINS � outliving her husband.
Thomas TORRANCE was the father of Richardand Ezra B., who purchased jointly in 1811, of George BROWN and Sarah, his wife,234 acres of land on lot 7 of the Potter Location, payb $1,404. Richard settled there first clearing off a place in the woodswhereon to place his log cabin. ONthe same spot now stands the expensive mansion of Daniel SPROWL. In 1816, Ezra B. TORRANCE sold his interest in the south half of thisfarm to his brother, who continued to reside on it till 1837, when he sold toAmos ELLIS. Richard TORRANCE kept a public house there during most of hisstay. In 1820 he was secondlieutenant of cavalry, in the company of which John J. SMITH was captain andJohn BODION, lieutenant. He wasjustly held in high esteem. Inreligious faith he was a Unitarian. FromStarkey he moved to Avon, NY. Hiswife was Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel DANN, a native of Nova Scotia and diedin 1846, at 56 years. He died atAvon in 1852 at 63 years. Theirchildren were Charles Grandison, Lucinda P., Underhill D., Louisa P., Phebe A.,Lacy, Henrietta C. and Floyd D.
Charles G. married in 1846, Harriet CHAPELof Avon and has a second wife, Eunice MOREHOUSE. They live in Batavia. Thechildren by the first marriage are Ella E. and Charles F.; by the second,William and John.
Lucinda P. died at 23 years.
Underhill D. married Eliza J., daughter ofAmasa BRYAN of Avon. He was long aclerk for Harvey G. STAFFORD. Theyreside in Avon and their children are, Floyd R., Bell A. and Edith B.
Louisa P. married Alexander F. WHITAKER.
Phebe A. born in 1821, married in 1852,Richard B. BRYAN, son of Amasa BRYAN of Avon. He has been some years a resident of Penn Yan, engaged in Foundry andmachine business at the Commercial Iron Works. Their children are Frederick W.A. and Carrie.
Lacey died at 18 years in 1840.
Henrietta C. born in 1830, married CharelsR. ST JOHN and died in 1855.
Floyd D. married first Caroline UPTON ofVictor in 1852. They were marriedin Florida and she died of consumption before they reached home. His second wife was Alvira, sister of his first. She died in 1863 by being thrown from a carriage in Penn Yan. She left a son, Charles F. FloydD. TORRANCE is now a resident of Montana.
Ezra B. TORRANCE came from Vermont in 1806and lived a year or two in Reading, moving thence to the Friend�s settlement,working at his trade as a millwright and carpenter. He built the old �Supplee House,� and superintended the raising ofthe Friend�s House in Jerusalem. Hemoved to the town of Seneca and built the meeting house of the old secederchurch in �No 9,� about 1810. Healso erected the old Glass Factory, about 3 miles south of Geneva. He next united with his brother in the purchase of land alreadydescribed, his half of which he sold after improving it, to Wilson AYRES. From thence he returned to Seneca in 1816, and erected the tavern knownas Widow TAYLOR�S. While there he built a grist mil for John DEY. He afterwards lived west of Geneva, owning the place known as Brockwaystand, and held the office of Justice of the peace. He died at 56 years in 1828. Hisdaughter, Sally, is the wife of Nathan G. BENEDICT. His son Asher, was long an influential citizen of Lockport, a businessman of note and postmaster of that place.
Thomas TORRANCE, the father of thesefamilies, was a Revolutionary soldier and was made a cripple in the service. He lived many years in a small log house near that of his son, Richard inStarkey. He died in 1842 at Avon,at 93 years. His wife died at theresidence of another son, Hiram, not resident here.
Richard TOWNSEND was born in Westchestercounty in 1774 and married Zeruah KLINE in Columbia county. They came to Starkey in 1824 and bought 50 acres of land of Samuel A.MAWNEY in the southwest part of the town. Thisland is 1819 was assessed at $120, and taxes 81 cents. Joel WRIGHT bought the same land of TOWNSEND and still owns and occupiesit. Mrs. Richard TOWNSEND died in1835, age 59 years, and he in 1851. Theirchildren were Polly, Eli, Susan, Caleb, Luisa, Sally, Robert, Hiram and Esther.
Polly married first, Alanson PIXLEY andsecond, Daniel BROWN of Steuben county. Herdescendants reside without the county.
Eli born in 1797 in Columbia county, marriedin 1821, Betsey, daughter of Nathaniel HUSON. They were married by Rev. Stephen LAMPHIER, a Christian minister. They settled first on the farm now owned by R. a. PRATT, and next alittle latter on the Dr. John WARNER place, directly west of Big Stream Point,on the Eddytown road, where they still live. He has been a prominent and popular citizen, a thrifty farmer andsuccessful man in business. The family has been one distinguished for its hospitality andgood cheer. Their children areNathaniel, Richard, William, Mary Ann, Elizabeth and Angeline. Nathaniel married Austa, daughter of Samuel ROSE of Reading. They live near his father and their children are Bell and Willie. Richard married Jane GUSTION. Theyreside at Big Stream Point and have a daughter, Ida. William married Julia WELLER and lives in Kentucky. Mary and Angeline live singe with their parents. Elizabeth is the wife of David L. ROYCE of Starkey.
Susan TOWNSEND married Roswell RAPLEE andafter her death, Louisa (TOWNSEND) also became his wife.
Caleb married Eliza, daughter of ElishaWARD. They had a large family andmoved West.
Sally married Lora HUDSON. They had anumerous family and moved to Dix, Schuyler county.
Robert married Ann, daughter of JudsonMILLARD. Their children are Janeand Janett.
Hiram married Freelove A., daughter of JudahWEEKS and died in 1850, leaving four children, Robert, Zeruah, Mary Ann andClark,
Esther married John NICHOLS of Reading. Their children are Amasa, Martha, Mary, Henry, Charlotte, Emma, Richard,Charles and Lewis.
Larmon G. TOWNSEND was a native ofConnecticut and was engaged near New Haven in business some time before helocated at Big Stream. His firstwife was Julia BRONSON. In companywith Philo BRONSON, his brother in law (latercorrected to his father in law), he purchased in 1829, of Andrew P. TILLMAN ofGeneva, for $4,825, 180 acres at Big Stream and 6 acres on the opposite side, atPeach Orchard. In 1806, Dr. SamuelBARD of Dutchess county, petitioner in partition vs. Elisha BODENOT and othersunknown, defendants, was allotted by Samuel S. HAIGHT, George HORNELL andChristopher HULBUT, Commissioners appointed by the Supreme Court, section 9,1,226 acres, and section 10, 1,326 acres, the latter including Big Stream Point;also other lands, amounting in all to 3, 580 acres. A two-third interest in these lands was held by Dr. BARD for NathanielPENDLETON. The latter purchasedfrom Dr. BARD in 1812, his entire interest in this property. Nathaniel PENDLETON conveyed in 1816 to Caleb FULKERSON, lot 1 0f section10 of Watson�s Patent, containing 123 acres for $555.75. In 1818 Caleb FULKERSON conveyed to William W. FOLWELL of Romulus, 37acres of lot 1, embracing the mill seat. January25, 1820, PENDLETON by his attorney, Andrew MC NAB, conveyed to George S.SHELLMIRE and Harry CLARK, for $2,478, lot 8 of section 10 of Watson�spurchase, 309acres, embracing Big Stream Point. January 29, 1820, Henry SHRIVER, Sheriff of Steuben Count, sold toZebulon WILLIMS the interest of SHELLMIRE in this property. Avery SMITH of Milo, SHELLMIER�S grantee, redeemed the property in 1821and because the sole owner. InFebruary 1821, Dr. Claudius C. COAN and George S. SHELLMIRE conveyed a part oflot 8, section 10 to Avery SMITH, and on the same day Dr. COAN conveyed to AverySMITH a part of lot 1, section 10. Theproperty consisted of land and other things, and its purchase price was $6,200. Richard HENDERSON had an interest in it to the amount of $1,100 and helda stipulation accordingly, which he assigned to David HENDERSON. In 1822 Avery SMITH conveyed to David HENDERSON 1/6 part of lot 8,section 10 and also 1/6 of lot 1, section 10. Avery SMITH in 1828 conveyed to Andrew P. TILLMAN, for $2,000, part onlot 8, 180 acres lying east of the land deeded by him to David HENDERSON andalso 6 acres in Hector. In 1831,Townsend & Bronson took into partnership, Nicholas AYRAULT, conveying tohim, � the property for $2,500 andformed the firm of Townsend & Co. In1832 AYRAULT assigned to TOWNSEND. In1835 Townsend & Bronson conveyed to George BARKLEY of Geneva, the mill seatfor $1,475. BARKLEY built avaluable flouring mill and in 1837 conveyed one half of the mill property toLarmon G. TOWNSEND for $7,500. Stilllater, the same year, Philo BRONSON conveyed to TOWNSEND the Point for $5,000. In 1839 BARKLEY conveyed the other half of the mill property to Mr.TOWNSEND for $7,000. In those daysBig Stream Point was one of the greatest wheat markets of Western New York, andTownsend & Barkley did a very thriving business.
Mr. TOWNSEND was fairly supreme at BigStream Point about 1840. Hebuilt a woolen factory, a plaster mill, a saw mill for sawing ship timber, builta stone dam at the summit of the falls, cut a race through the rocks to carrywater to the mills, which was an expensive work, established a Ferry across theLake, built a warehouse and a large dock for the steamboat, built a dry dock,and kept a boat yard in operation. Hehad at the Point a blacksmith shop, and also a tailor, shoe, harness and othershops, built a school house, sustained a preacher at his own expense, and owneda number of houses, which he kept as dwellings for his workmen; also a publichouse. He also has a post officeestablished at the Point, and was the first postmaster. He had at work 500 men at one time. In his boa tyard a large number of boats were constructed, including oneor two steamboats. During a dozenyears or more, Mr. TOWNSEND�S business was large and flourishing.
In an evil day he took Charles GODFREY intopartnership and his prosperity departed. Theylaunched into
litigation, and disaster to all enterpriseand prosperity at Big Stream was the result. In 1852 Mr. TOWNSEND made an assignment to Daniel D. WARNER. Long and sharply contested lawsuits followed, and TOWNSENDmoved to Geneva, where he resided many years. He died in Illinois in 1870, at 69 years, while on a visit to his son inMichigan.
Larmon G. TOWNSEND was a son of Larmon G.TOWNSEND of Connecticut and married in Middlebury, Julia, daughter of PhiloBRONSON, who was therefore his father in law, and not brother in law, asheretofore stated. BRONSON andTOWNSEND were in business together in New Haven, CT, and came together withtheir families to Geneva, on the same canal boat with Hiram SEELYE, long anhonored merchant of that village. Hiswife died in Geneva in 1853, at 50 years. Hemarried a second wife, Julia A. CAMPBELL, widow BRADLEY, and mother of George B.BRADLEY, a noted lawyer at Corning. Shesurvives, residing with her son at Corning. The children of Larmon G. TOWNSEND were four, all by his first marriage,Julia, Larmon B., Mary and Henry.
Julia, born in 1832, married in 1853 OrlandoHURD of Watkins, President of the Second National Bank of that village. She died in 1858, leaving a son, Frank.
Larmon B., born in 1834, married in 1857,Gertrude, daughter of George W. VAN ALLEN. He resides at Iona, Michigan, where he is extensively engaged in realestate operations and in the lumber trade. He is a citizen of prominence and influence.
Mary, born in 1836, married in 1862 AugustusH. MOORE, an insurance agent and furniture dealer at Watkins. Their children were Nellie, Freddie and Juliana.
Henry, born in 1838, died in 1861 atMaysville, Kentucky.
Of Larmon G. TOWNSEND, it is proper to saythat he was a man of fine qualities of heart, as well as correct and fair inbusiness. He was open-handed, kindto the poor and a man of liberal devices.
Joshua TUTHILL was born on Long Island in1774 and married in Orange Co., Sarah, sister of Stephen and Josiah REEDER. She was born in 1782. Theysettled at Reeder�s Corners in 1810, where they resided through life. Joshua TUTHILL was a prominent Methodist and died in 1849. His wife died in 1843. Theirchildren were Fanny, Benjamin, Maria, Abagail and Charles G.
Fanny was the wife of Harry HURD.
Benjamin, born in 1801, married Rebecca H.DUNN. In 1824 he opened a hotel atStarkey�s Corners and kept it most of his life. He was a prominent Democratic politician, was Postmaster at his place formany years, was the candidate of his party for the office of delegate to theConstitutional Convention in 1846 and for Member of Assembly in 1852. In the older military days he was a Colonel of the 10thRegiment of cavalry. He died as hehad lived, a consistent Christian man, in 1856 and his widow still survives. Their children were Theron, Henry, Joshua E., Darwin, Susan, Minerva andSarah.
Theron, born in 1824, died at 18 years, ayoung man of promise, greatly beloved by friends. Henry born in 1826, married Sarah E., daughter of Dr. Claudius C. COAN,of Ovid. He was many years captainof a passenger steamer on Seneca Lake, and more recently has resided in PennYan, engaged in the malting business. Hiswife died in 1868, leaving one son, Clarence C. Joshua born in 1828, resides at East Saginaw, Mich., a dealerin coal. He married Mary HARRINGTONin Illinois, who died in 1870, leaving four children, Fanny, Benjamin, Edwardand Henry. E. Darwin born in 1830,married first, Penelope, daughter of George W. HAZARD, who died in 1856, leavinga son, Harry. He married a secondwife, Annette LEWIS. He was manyyears a railway conductor; was for some time proprietor of the Benham House,Penn Yan, and more recently of the Clifton Springs Hotel. He is also associated with Henry in the malting business. Sarah married Augustus W. FRANKLIN of Penn Yan and they have two sons,Richard W. and Henry T. Minerva died in 1856, aged 18 years and Sarah in 1855, aged 8years.
Maria married James H. WICKES. He was acabinet maker and worked in Eddytown many years. He was a leading and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church and amost exemplary and upright man, highly esteemed. Their children were Sarah, James L., George A., Henry, Edward andCharles. Sarah died a young woman. The sons, except George A., are at East Saginaw, Mich., in the foundrybusiness and is now interested with his brothers at the West.
Abigail born in 1806, married Jesse S.LAYTON. They lived many years inStarkey, and finally moved out of the county. Mrs. LAYTON died in 1862. Theyhad a daughter, Elizabeth T., who married John RUNNER and died in 1851 at 26years.
Charles G. married Elizabeth F., daughter ofSamuel CASTNER. He resided inStarkey a number of years. He was acitizen of good repute and a major in the regiment previously commanded by hisbrother. He was a merchant atBurdett where his wife died in 1865. Theirchildren are Mary, Helen, Emmet, Frances and Isadore. Mary married D. Thompson DUNN of Elmira. They live at Brunswick Georgia. Helenmarried S. Otis LIVINGSTON. Theylive in New York. Emmet marriedDell VAN BUSKIRK of Burdett and they live in Ithaca.
Samuel VANCE was born in Warwick Orangecounty in 1782 and learned there his trade as a miller. He came to this county at an early date and operated for some time themill of Daniel SHANNON on Indian Run. Hemarried in 1810, Polly, daughter of Andrew RAPLEE. She was born in 1793. Theysettled near the west line of Starkey and the south line of the De Witt�sPatent, where they resided 60 years. Hewas a soldier of the War of 1812. Bothare still alive in 1871. Theirchildren were John J., William, Andrew, Katy Ann, Daniel S., Madison, Chauncy,Eliza Jane, Mary and Candace. The youngest daughter, Candace born in 1831, married MorrisLOOMIS; they reside on lot 13 in Barrington and her parents reside with them. Their children are Samuel, Dorcilla, Melvin and Marilla. The other descendants of Samuel VANCE reside without the county.
John VAN LEW was born in New Jersey in 1794and died in Starkey in 1840. Hemarried in 1816, Catharine MYERS pf Phelps, originally from New Jersey. She also was born in 1794. JohnVAN LEW was a son of Frederic VAN LEW, a Revolutionary solider, who settled inOvid in 1800. While living he was unable to make all the proofs required tosecure a pension; but after his death the proofs were furnished and his widowand family received the accruing benefits of his service. He died at the age of nearly 100 years. Their children were John, Nathan, Richard, Peter, Elnatan, Frederic, MaryAnn and Penelope.
John settled in 1822, about two milessoutheast of Himrods, on the Lake road, where he died. His widow still survives. Theirchildren were George, David, Catharine, and John. George married Polly Ann, daughter of Daniel VAN ALLEN, and emigrated toSouth Carolina in 1869, where he died. Theyhad long resided in Elmira and had two children, Mary and Augusta. He was a useful and competent citizen, many years a teacher. David married and resides at Knoxville, Tennessee. John resides single, east of Himrods with his mother. Catharine is the wife of Timothy SUPPLEE.
Isaac E. VOSBURGH and Henry VOSBURGH, weresons of Evert BOSBURGH, who settled in Reading in 1814. Isaac E. preceding the others, settled on the south line of Starkey, ashort distance east of the New Pre-emption Line in 1811. His wife was Christine WARWICK of Herkimer county. They were original settlers on their farm, where they lived 50 years,respected members of society. Hedied in 1861 at 74 years, and his wife in 1867 at 77 years.
Henry VOSBURGH born in 1800, married in1826, Sally Ann FISHER, who was born in 1810. They lived near the home of Isaac E. VOSBURGH, where he died in 1870, andshe still lives. He lived inReading on his paternal homestead, 56 years, and was known as an honest,industrious citizen. Their childrenwere Rachel, Lyman, Kendrick and Mary.
Rachel born in 1827, married in 1846,Charles, son of Philip WARD. Theirchildren are William and Sarah.
Lyman born in 1831, married Helen JOHNSON in1854. They reside in Starkey andtheir children are, Ervy, Jane, Kendrick J., Henry and Charles.
Kendrick born in 1836, married in 1863,Helen T., daughter of Joshua HATFIELD of Reading. They reside on the old homestead of Isaac E. VOSBURGH, and have a son,George.
Mary born in 1850, resides with her motheron the homestead.
Evert VOSBURG was born in 1765 and died in1852. His wife, Catharine, was bornin 1767 and died in 1838. Theirchildren were, Isaac E., Lana, Henry, Jacob, John, Clarissa and Cornelia. Lana married Isaac LITTLE. Jacobis a physician, and married Lucinda, daughter of Reuben THOMAS. They reside in Pennsylvania and their children are Nelson, Sarah, Henry,William E., Minerva, Mortimer and Reuben S. The latter is a merchant of the Firm of Martin, Vosburgh & Co., atDundee. He married Melissa,daughter of Madison RAPLEE. Theyhave a son, Freddie.
John married Laura WATSON. Clarissa was the first wife of Lyman JOHNSON. Cornelia married Isaac BUNCE.
John WALTON was the first husband ofPatience, daughter of Griffin B. HAZARD. Hewas a native of Nova Scotia, and previously lived in Genoa. He came with Samuel HARPENDING to Reading and aided him in establishingthe hatting business. He alsobrought a stock of goods and opened a store. He was married in 1817. Hewas the first store in Bennett�s Settlement.
Elisha WARD was a native of Vermont, born in1780. He married there in 1804,Zeruah DENSLOW. She was born in1788. They settled in Reading in1806, near the New Pre-emption line, at the south extremity of the town ofStarkey, where they resided many years. Hewas a military character of distinction, rising to the grade of Colonel of the81st Regiment of Infantry. Theirchildren were Maria, Eliza, Charles, Clark K., Zelima, Publius G. C., Rosetta,John W. and C. Denslow.
Maria born in 18105, married AnthonyTHOMPSON. They live in Irwin,Steuben Co. Their children areHelen, Elizabeth, Anna, James W., and Robert.
Eliza born in 1807, married Caleb TOWNSEND,son of Richard TOWNSESND. She has asecond husband, Jira ROOT.
Charles born in 1809, married Jane JOHNSON.
Clark K. born in 1812, married Alice,daughter of Robert SELFRIDGE, of Milo. Hewas a merchant at Himrods and Shannontown. He was a partner at the latter place, of Ira FOWLER. He is now at Bucyrus, Ohio, and has been two years a member of theLegislature of that State. He isnow a stock dealer. By a secondmarriage in Ohio, he has a daughter, Sarah, wife of George W. GORMLY, banker atBucyrus.
Zelima born in 1814, married in 1850,Frederick S. SMITH of Ohio.
Publius G. C. born in 1816, is a teacher ofability, a bachelor and wanderer.
Rosetta born in 1818, married in 1836, EdwinC. ANDREWS.
John Warner WARD keeps a public house atBellfonte, Ohio.
C. Denslow married Mary Jane HARPER andlives at Bucyrus, Ohio. Theirchildren are Harper and Blanche.
Philip WARD born in 1796, came to Starkeyfrom Westchester county, where he married in 1820, Rebecca, daughter of JesseCOCK, who was born in 1801. Theymoved into the country with her parents. Itappears that Jesse COOK was the father in law of Andrew G. MARSHALL, Philip WARDand William HARING. Anotherdaughter, Anna, married Stephen EDGARTON and a son, Samuel, married Anna VINCENTwho lived with his father near Rock Stream, in Reading. Samuel had a son, Edmund, who married Zilpha HAWKINS and became wealthyin Ohio.
Philip WARD was a tavern keeper at RockStream and finally died at the house of Prof. Edmund CHADWICK in 1870. His wife survives him. Theirchildren were Charles, William, Adaline, Phebe, John and George.
Charles born in 1820, married Rachel,daughter of Henry VOSBURGH and lives in Reading.
William born in 1822 married Carrie,daughter of Moses CASS. They livein Chicago and have one child, Frank.
Adaline born in 1824 married Prof. EdmundCHADWICK. She is a woman ofsuperior capacity and an admirable teacher. Their children are Albert, Ada, Emma, Thomas M., Charles and John. Albert is a student of Rochester University. Ada is a teacher of more than common merit, and married George H.WILLIAMS of Delaware county.
Phebe born in 1828 married John H. BIGGERand resides in Canada.
John born in 1835 married first, Marian,daughter of Alanson WHEELER and has a second wife, Elizabeth SPENCER. They havea son, George S.
George born in 1839 lives single in Watkins.
A man of no little note in the early historyof Starkey was Dr. John WARNER. Hewas born in Woodbury, Conn., in 1772 and was the son of Eliphaz WARNER and MercyDRINKWATER, his wife. He studiedmedicine in Rutland, VT, with Drs. CLEVELAND and PORTER, having moved in earlylife to Sandgate, VT. Hefollowed the Sandgate colony to Frederickstown in 1803, and taught school andpractices medicine boarding with the HURDS while he remained a bachelor. In 1806 he returned to Vermont, and there upon examination received hislicense to practice physic and became a member of the Medical Society ofVermont. Returning to Reading hecontinued his practice and taught school; and December 8, 1808, married Mary,daughter of Daniel DE WITT. Themarriage took place at her father�s log palace in Bennett�s Settlement, and�Black Harry SMITH� as Justice of the Peace performed the ceremony. They first kept house in one half of Simeon Royce�s double log house in�Eddy�s Settlement�, on the spot where James C. HENDERSON now lives. He then had a small stock of goods for retail and thus opened the firststore in Starkey. In July 1810, hewas examined and admitted to the practice of surgery and received a diploma fromthe Medical Society of Vermont. Onthe 4th day of February, 1812, he was commissioned by Gov. Daniel D. TOMPKINS,�Surgeon of the Regiment of Infantry, in the county of Steuben, whereof ReubenROYCE Esq., is Lieutenant Colonel Commandant.� He resided in 1811 in Bennett�s Settlement, the three following yearsat Harpending�s Corners then moving to the farm now occupied by Eli TOWNSEND,where he lived till 1833, when he removed to Rock Stream, residing there tillhis death in 1839. His wifesurvived him by 30 years. He was inhis lifetime a member of the Steuben and Yates County Medical Societies, andPresident of both. For many yearshe was Overseer of the Poor, and nearly always an Inspector or Commissioner ofSchools. He took high rank in hisprofession and was a physician or rare merit. An outspoken and honest man he was respected more than he was loved andalways maintained a high character for personal integrity and all the severervirtues of life. Their childrenwere Daniel De Witt, Eliza Ann, James W., Ellen S. Hannah Jane and John W.
Daniel De Witt born in Eddy�s Settlementin 1809, married in 1850, Charlotte, daughter of John COON, of Salem, NY andresides in Starkey. He is a genialman and she is a school teacher of celebrity. Their children are, John d., Charlotte E., Hector L., James W., Mary E.and Cynthia J. John D. is a studentat Cornell University.
Eliza Ann, born in 1812, married JohnROBERTS, son of James ROBERTS of Reading. Shedied in 1871. They had one son, John W.
James W. born in 1814, was a teacher and anaccomplished Professor of Penmanship. Hedied in 1840 in New Haven Co., CT.
Ellen S. born in 1816, married MosesHETFIELD, son of John HETFIELD of Starkey.
Hannah Jane born in 1823, married Hector L.LEE, son of David LEE in 1841. Hedied in 1866 and she survives a widow on his farm in Reading.
John W. born in 1832, married Nancy,daughter of Chester CORBITT of Reading. Theyreside in Reading and their children are Ada M. and Inda.
Dr. John WARNER had a brother, James W.WARNER, also a physician, who practiced his profession a few years at Dundee,where he resided as early as 1812. Thepractice of medicine is those days were very farm from lucrative, and physiciansdid a large amount of gratuitous service.
James M. WESTCOTT, son of Samuel WESTCOTTand Cynthia BATES, his wife, was born in 1809 in the town and county of Otsego,NY. His parents were natives ofRhode Island. His father died inRushford, Allegany co., in 1856, at 75 years and his mother is still alive in1872, at 82 years. They had foursons and four daughters and James M. is the oldest son. The family moved to Mendon, Monroe Co., in 1816 and his early life wasspent there. He became a cabinetmaker. At 19 years, he commencedpreaching and became an able and effective exponent of the Christian faith. He preached in Schoharie, Tompkins, Delaware, Otsego, Monroe and Yatescounties. He was 3 years a settledpastor at Dundee. He came toEddytonw in 1838 and lived there nearly a year while a pastor at Dundee. He then moved to Barrington and lived there 8 years. He was then a pastor four years at Mendon when he returned to Barringtonand resided there till 1863, in which year he purchased the Dundee Record(newspaper). While living inBarrington, he was four years, a Justice of the Peace. He still conducts the Record, with ability and interest. In 1831 he married Mary, daughter of Samuel BURT of Livonia, LivingstonCounty. Their children are JosephB., Martin R. and Ruth.
Joseph B. born in 1832, married Eliza B.,daughter of Orrin BISHOP of Barrington. Heis a lawyer and now a clerk in the Revenue Department at Washington. Their children are: Mary B., Carrie, Ella and Ruth.
Martin R. born in 1837 married Harriet(Bishop), sister of the wife of his brother. He is a farmer of the town of Wayne and was an efficient soldier in theUnion service. He was firs asolider of the 44th NYV, afterwards served in the 105thNYV and was nearly three years in the organization of the Sharp Shooters. He took part in 18 battles. Theirchildren are, William W., James O. and one other.
Ruth born in 1839 married Anthony COYKENDALL,resides at Addison and has a son, James S.
Rev. Samuel WHITE was a son of Solomon andRhoda (Braman) WHITE and was born in Randolph, Mass. in 1791. To his pious and excellent mother, early left a widow, his earlyeducation was due. Thomas WHITE ofWeymouth, a representative in the Colonial Legislature of Plymouth in 1636, wasthe ancestor of this family.
Samuel WHITE graduated at Dartmouth Collagein 1812 and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1815. He soon after came to Western New York, and February 14, 1818, wasordained by the Presbytery of Geneva, pastor of the Church at Williamson, wherehe remained three years, preaching also at Sodus. He was then engaged in teaching at Ovid and Trumansburg. In 1824 he came to Starkey church at Eddytown. During the next 7 years by his untiring labors, Presbyterian Churcheswere organized in Barrington, Dundee and Rock Stream. He was an able organizingitinerant; visited from house to house, set others at work, and preached innearly every schoolhouse, traveling often over rough and devious roads. Winds or weather seldom detained him with his light sulky and fleethorse, �Old Sorrel.� With thisfaithful animal he traversed the whole of Starkey, Reading and Tyrone and timeswithout number �fetched a compass� around the southern extremity of SenecaLake and also around the whole circuit of Keuka Lake, as well as the lesserlakes of Tyrone and Tobehannah. Inthe great extent of territory, which at different times comprised his field oflabor, are now many flourishing churches, which are much indebted to him fortheir
organization and prosperity.
In 1831, Mr. WHITE removed to Pultney, wherehe remained nearly two years. Duringhis ministry her there was an extensive revival, and soon after, 58 were addedto the church. A like successattended his labors in Havana, where he lived in 1833, preaching also atWatkins. In 1835 his home was inTyrone where he is remembered by many of the present members of the church. His last charge was the Pultney church, which he held during his secondabode there, nine and a half years. Underhis care the church received large accessions and ere he closed his ministry thecongregation which had more than doubled in numbers, rebuilt their house ofworship. Many of them had received baptism form his hands and as heleft them, they parted from him unwillingly, as a child parts from his dyingparent.
From 1839 Mr. WHITE was for 2 � yearsPrincipal of Ovid Academy; and in 1842-3 he was Classical Teacher in StarkeySeminary. Man of his studentsprepared for college and many have entered the ministry. Intense activity as well as an earnest devotion to the good of all whomhis influence might reach, characterized his life as a minister. Accurate scholarship and an impulsive rousing of thestudent�s ambition, and a decided antipathy to all idleness, were theprincipal features of his teachings.
He married in 1826, Henrietta, daughter ofJohn TAYLOR. Their children wereSamuel Braman, Charles Taylor, William Peregrine, George, Rhoda and Martha.
Samuel B., born in 1827, married in 1847,Amanda TOMER of Pultney. They havetwo children, Flora born in 1848 and Fanny Emily born in 1859. Flora married Harrison DIXON and they have two children, Alice and a son.
Charles Taylor WHITE, D.D., born in 1829,married Ann Marie CHILD of Derby, VT in 1856. He graduated at Wabash College in 1851 and at Lane Theological Seminaryin 1855. He was principal of theDundee Academy in 1851-52. Soonafter their marriage they sailed for India as missionaries where they arrived after a voyage of 100 days. Their home a greater part of the time ws in Pultney, MaduraDistrict, 300 miles southwest of Madras. Theywere absent 13 years, and in their labors among the Tamil people met with muchsuccess. On their return, after avoyage of 123 days, one night of which was spent on the Island of St. Helena,they arrived at London. Soon after, they took a steamer from Liverpool for New York and arrived homeAugust 20, 1869. Mr. WHITE is nowpreaching at Branchport, a highly esteemed pastor. On leaving India, he was a recipient of an affectionate address, preparedby a native Christina and read in the Tamil language.
Their children were all born in India; MariaChild, born in 1857, Charles born in 1859, William Peregrine, born in 1861 diedin India in 1864, Jane R. born in 1863.
William Peregrine WHITE born in 1831, diedat home in 1859 of consumption.
George WHITE born at Rock stream in 1836,married Maria WALTERS in 1860. Theyreside in Ovid, Mich., and have one child, Rubie, born in 1862.
Rhoda, born at Rock Stream, April 5, 1843.
Martha, born in Pultney in 1847.
William P., another son, died ofconsumption. The mother if thisfamily is still living.
The mother of Rev. Samuel WHITE, left awidow with two sons, Samuel and Charles, subsequently married Rev. Asa BURTON,D.D. of Thetford, VT., celebrated in his day as a Theological Teacher and as anauthor of what is called the Taste Scheme in Theology. The younger son, Charles WIHTE, D.D., was 20 years, President of WabashCollege and died in 1861 at Crawfordsville, Indiana, at the age of 64 years.
Rev. Samuel WHITE was 40 years a member ofthe Presbytery of Steuben, and was spoken of very justly as Father WHITE. His talents were of a high order and his character elevated and highlysocial. He died at 72 years in1864. His later years were passedon a farm near Rock Stream, where his society was much prized by friends fromfar and near. His son, Rev. CharlesT. WHITE, is in all respects a worthy descendant of his venerated father.
Thomas WILSON son of Robert WILSON, was bornin Ireland in 1772. He emigrated toNew Jersey at 23 years. He movedthence to Romulus, and from there to Reading in 1811, making the originalsettlement on the farm now owned by Joseph HORTON, on the Old Pre-emption Line,northwest of Dundee. He purchased105 acres at the Geneva Land Office, at 28 shillings per acre. He sold a part subsequently to Cornelius BODINE, and traded the residuein 1835, for the farm on which his son, James Wilson, now resides on lot 15 inBarrington. He died there in 1851.He married in Romulus, Susanah BUCHANAN (widow HULBURT). She had a daughter, Clarissa HULBURT. By her second marriage, the children were Robert, Rebecca,Sarah, James and Susan. ClarissaHULBURT married William, son of Emanuel COYKENDALL, and had a son, Austin, whois married, lives in Shannon�s Corners and has two children, Anna and Milton.
Robert WILSON married Catharine, daughter ofAndrew RAPLEE, and the family is without the county.
Rebecca married Elijah DAVIS. They live in Steuben county. Their children are Benjamin F., Martha, John and Mary. Benjamin F. married Jane WHITE. Marthadied a young woman. John marriedAngeline, daughter of Martin POYNEER Jr. Mary married Allen SPOONER of Milo. Benjamin and John live in Iowa.
Sarah married Asa WALLING. They have six children and live in Steuben county.
James born in Reading in 1818, marriedEliza, daughter of Squier COYKENDALL. Shewas born in 1820. He was aprosperous farmer on the homestead of his father.
Susan married Elias HARGROVE. They live in Iowa and have six children.
The first wife of Thomas WILSON died in 1822and his second wife was Martha, sister of Gen. George MC CLURE of Bath. After her death he married a third wife, Sarah J. BROWN. By his third marriage the children were Thomas and Mary.
Dr. Walter WOLCOTT is one of the oldestliving residents of Starkey, and one of its most noted citizens. His father, Gideon WOLCOTT ofLitchfield county, Conn., was a blacksmith, was born in 1750 and married inConnecticut in 1771, Hannah, daughter of Abner WOODWORTH and sister of Molly,the wife of Levi BENTON Sr., Hannahwas born in 1754. The family livesat Coxsackie, NY where Walter was born and afterwards moved to Herkimer county. The father died at Catskill in December 1794, while temporarily absentfrom his family. The mother movedsoon after to Pompey, NY, where in the ensuing March her youngest and posthumouschild, Betsey, was born. Thechildren were Roger, Erastus, Elisha, Thomas, Olive, Stephen A., Gideon, Walterand Betsey. Soon after the death ofthe father, the family received a visit form Levi BENTON, Sr., and his wife, whobrought Olive home with them. Sheremained in the family till her marriage by Levi BENTON Sr., to James BARDEN, abrother of Otis BARDEN, and one of the pioneers of the town of Seneca. He died in 1807 and she subsequently became the wife of Dr. Erastus B.WOODWORTH.
In May 1795, the son, Elisha, whose historyhas already been given in the BENTON records, brought his mother and the youngerchildren to Benton, then Jerusalem. Hehad been there the year before. Thejourney was chiefly performed on horseback, the mother carrying her infantchild, Betsey, nad Walter riding on the same horse. Soon after the marriage of Elisha, the widow married a second husband,Francis GRISWOLD, and lived on flat Street on lot 62. She died at the house of Patrick QUIN in 1826 and was buriedin �Uncle Sim. Royce�s burying ground� near Eddytown.
Her son Robert, born in Salsbury, Conn., in1773, married Rachel ASH in 1794. Shewas born in 1773. They moved toCanada and he was a British captain in the War of 1812. At the age of 60 he moved to St. Charles, Kane Co., Illinois, where hedied at 90 years, the father of nine children. Erastus left home at aged 19 years, and was never heard from.
Thomas born in 1777, came here with hismother, and afterwards lived in Wayne Co., dying in 1854. HE married Joana KELLEY (widow REED), and they had two children, Ann andAmanda.
Stephen A., born in 1781, learned the tradeof cabinetmaker in Canandaigua, and was a very skillful workman. He became a citizen of LeRoy, NY. He married in 1803 Lois, daughter of Judge Ezra PRATT. He died in 1857 and his wife in 1868, at 84 years. Their children were Nathaniel, Stephen, Margaret, Anna, Martha S., JohnGregg and Pauline S. Margaret bornin 1808 is the second wife of David H. BUELL of Benton. They were married in 1840. JohnGregg born in 1821, was a physician of rare intelligence and skill and residedin Penn Yan several years prior to the Rebellion. At the opening of the war he enlisted in the 33rd NYV, foughtin several battles and was taken a prisoner and carried to Richmond. After his exchange he was long employed in hospital duty, acting as asurgeon, was afterwards sent by the government as an Army Surgeon to SanFrancisco and followed the fortunes of an army detachment in the Indian serviceseveral times across the plains over the new territories. He finally died at Washington in October 1866, while awaiting asettlement for his services. Annaand Pauline S. reside single at LeRoy, and they with their sister, Margaret, arethe only survivors of the family.
Gideon born in 1784 was accidentally killedwhile the family lived in what is now Benton, by the limb of a tree falling onhis head while in the woods.
Betsey born in 1795 is the wife of PatrickQUIN.
Walter WOLCOTT born Aug 3, 1791, was one ofthe pupils of John L. LEWIS. Helived in the family of Elisha WOILCOTT, and by his own preserving labor obtainedthe means to acquire the profession of medicine. He studied with Dr. Joshua LEE and Dr. William CORNWELL. While gaining his profession he was a school teacher. His first school was taught in Reading in 1813, and his certificate wassigned by John ROBERTS, John DOW and Addie SKINNER. He also taught two summers at Benton Center. He received his diploma in 1816 and commenced his practice in Penn Yan. In 1817 he married Abigail, daughter of William CORNWELL. After living a year or more in Penn Yan, they move to Eddytown, and ayear or two later moved to Starkey Corners, where they lived till 1823. They then moved to Rushville, and after a few months returned to Eddytownand remained till 1846, engaged in an extensive practice. They then moved to Dundee where he still resides and still practices hisprofession. His wife died there in1865 at 73 years. She was a womanalways held in high esteem for her excellence of character. Dr. WOLCOTT has been a remarkable character and has enjoyedin a high degree the confidence and esteem of his fellow men. A careful and skillful physician and surgeon and eminent in hisprofession, he has been equally attentive to rich and poor without regard topersonal reward. No personalcalumny or reproach has ever stained his reputation, and he has led a quiet,peaceable and honorable life, of entire sobriety and simplicity. At the age of four score he reads without glasses, and his natural forceis still remarkable for his age. Hehas been a friend of education and was long a school officer in Starkey. Their children were Hiland G., Mary, Sophia, John D. and Walter.
Hiland G., born in 1818, in Penn Yan, was astudent of the Yates Academy at Penn Yan, became a school teacher and surveyor,studied medicine with his father and in 1844 was licensed to practice by theYates County Medical Society. Hepracticed some times at St. Charles, Ill., when he returned and practiced withhis father at Dundee. Subsequentlyhe studied law with James L. SEELY, whose partner he became in 1852 in the lawpractice. He was admitted topractice law in 1851. He was paymaster of the staff of Gen. Gilbert HURD o theFirst Brigade of Infantry in the military days. He is a thorough and accomplished lawyer in partnership with James SPICERat Dundee. He married in 1860,Emily C., daughter of Sherlock ANDREWS. Theyhave two children, Helen P. and Edith A.
Mary born in 1820, at Starkey Corners,married in 1860, Amos W. WILCOX of Canton, PA. They now reside at LeRoy, Pennsylvania.
Sophia born in 1822, at Starkey Corners, issingle.
John D. born March 19, 1825, in Eddytown wasin early life a school teacher, merchant�s clerk and student. He was the first pupil registered at Starkey Seminary. After four years study with his father, he was licenses in September1849, by the Yates County Medical Society to practice medicine and surgery. He is a member of the Society now and its Secretary, while his father isPresident. While studying medicinehe also studied law with James L. SEELY, and afterwards completed the patterprofession with Evert VAN BUREN in Penn Yan, to which place he came in October1849. He was admitted to thepracticed of law in 1850, making Penn Yan his home. He became a partner of Justus S. GLOVER in 1851, and they were associatesin practice till 1860. In 1855 hewas elected Police Justice and held the office four years. In 1862 he was elected District Attorney of Yates County, and retainedthe office six years. During the year 1869, he was associated with Stafford C.CLEVELAND as editor and proprietor of the Yates County Chronicle. In military times, he was Judge Advocate of the 28th Brigadeof New York militia, on the staff of Gen. Nehemiah RAPLEE, and had previouslybeen surgeon of the old 206th Regiment of Infantry, as had his fatherbefore. He is a lawyer ofcapability and prominence, a good advocate, and a man of unquestioned integrity,practicing in Penn Yan. He married in 1856, Caroline, daughter of Dr. WilliamCORNWELL. Their children areAbigail, Walter, Francis Evert and John. FrancisEvert died in infancy.
Walter born in 1827 in Eddytown was bred tothe mercantile business; was a clerk at Eddytown, Dundee, Watkins, Rochester,New York, Philadelphia, New Orleans and St. Louis. He was in business as a merchant of Rodney and Vicksburg, Miss., being atthe latter place when the war of the Rebellion broke out. He enlisted as a soldier in the Rebel army, and was a Second Lieutenantof the �Vicksburg Volunteer Southrons.� In LONGSTREET�S terrible charge of the second day of Gettysburg, he wasone of the slain. All accounts describe him as a brave man, leading his menwith undaunted resolution on that bloody field. He was remarkable as a mathematical student and an accomplished violinplayer.
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