Starkey  Biographies 

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History & Directory of Yates Co., VolII, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland

Information listedbelow in (  ) are NOT sourced from this book, but from other sources, suchas census information. 


JOHNSON   pg 982 � 983

Buckley JOHNSON came to Starkey withDeliverance SAYWER in 1814, settling in the same neighborhood. His first wife was Anna, daughter of Azariah NEWCOMB, and his second,Julia YOUNGS of Barrington.  He diedthere an old man and his second wife in 1870. He was a citizen of worth.   Thechildren by the first marriage were Lyman, Rebecca, William and Sylvia; by thesecond, Eliza and Ana.

Lyman, born in 1804, married first Clarissa,daughter of Evert VOSBURGH.  Hemarried in 1833 a second wife, Ann, daughter of Anthony SHARP. He died in 1869, leaving by his second marriage, one son, Buckley, bornin 1834.  He married in 1858,Margaret MC MANNERS.  She was bornin 1838.  They reside on the oldBuckley JOHNSON homestead farm, and have two children, Eliza and Carrie.

Rebecca married Isaac VAN GORDEN.  Their surviving children are, Sylvia J., Martha A.,Catharine, Francis, Olive and Elizabeth.  SylviaJ. married Caleb C. GARDINER, a softer son of Caleb COWING.  Hedied leaving a daughter, Mary, now the wife of Wells D. CAPRON of Penn Yan. Sylvia J. lives in Starkey, her father residing with her. None of the others resides in Yates county, except Martha A., who marriedLorenzo STANTON, and lives in Bennett�s Settlement. Rebecca died in 1871.

William JOHNSON married first, Ann, daughterof Samuel ROSS and had a second wife, Delia NORTHROP.  He lived some years in Starkey, and finally moved to Big Flats. His children by the first marriage were John, John L., and Ulissa; by thesecond,  Emma, Anna and Ann (twins).

Sylvia married first, George SWARTS, son ofTewalt SWARTS 2nd, and her second husband is Alva WRIGHT. They reside at Watkins, and are persons of more than common worth. By the first marriage she had a son, William, and by the second, thechildren are Harriet, Marian, Mary and Helen.

Eliza married Philetus YOUNGS of Barrington. They live in Chautauqua county.

Ana married at the west and had twochildren. 


JONES    pg 1003 � 1005

Benjamin E. JONES, son of Edward andElizabeth JONES was born at Clarkstown, Rockland county, in 1787, learned thecarpenter�s trade and worked at it there till 1815. He married at twenty one, Polly JONES. They came to Reading in 1815 and settled half a mile west of Rock Stream,where he lived about 20 years, when he purchased the tavern property at RockStream, formerly kept and first opened as a tavern by Rufus HENDERSON,afterwards kept by WEBB and later by Philip WARD and also Daniel G. HUNTER. For a few years he kept the public house and these premises he stilloccupies.  He also owns thatproperty and the farm he first bought.  He owned three saw mills on rock Stream, also a distillery. His wife died many years ago.  Theirchildren are Absolom, Levingston, Erastus, Wakefield, Pierson, Ralph D.,Benjamin E. and Mary. 

Absolom married Jerusha STURDEVANT. He died about 30 years ago, by accidental drowning. Their children were James, Albert, Dwight and Henry. Albert was a Union soldier.

Levingston married Hannah WOODWARD. They reside with his father.  Theirchildren are Mary, Rachel, Ann, Huldah, Rosetta, Winfield S. and Hannah. Mary married David WILCOX, and their children are Hannah J., Levingston,Scott, Nellie, Frank and Rachel.  Theother descendants of Levingston reside without the county. He and four of his sons in law were effective Union soldiers. 

Erastus married Sarah J. BROWN.  He died and has two surviving children, Fanny and Maria, whomarried Wesley STANLEY, a solider who was killed in the battle at Petersburg,fighting for the Union.

Wakefield married Maria, daughter of HamptonMILLER.

Pierson married Margaret, daughter of DavidHAWKINS 2nd.   Theyhad several children, one of whom died a Union soldier.

Ralph married Mary Jane CLARK.  They have two children, Mary and Ida.

Benjamin E. married and died early, and Marydied a young woman.  


KEELER   pg1068

Caleb KEELER was the original settler whereDennis W. DISBORW now resides, at Eddytown. He was a soldier of 1812. 


KELSEY    pg 1008

Enoch KELSEY and his wife, Sarah ROGERS wereamong the early settlers of Starkey, living in or about Eddytown.  They were New England people and a family of intelligence. Both the parents were buried at Eddytown nearly half a century since. Their children were, William R., Maria A. Betsey, Zenas P. Pamelia E.Alexander and Clarissa.

William R. married Polly, daughter of AndrewHARRISON and was a citizen of Starkey many years.

Marie Ann (or Ann Marie) was the wife of Judge Richard SMITH of Hector, and themother of an interesting family.  Oneof her daughters was the second wife of David LACY, formerly of Starkey. 

Betsey married Patrick BRODERICK, who wasmany years a Presbyterian deacon at Eddytown and was a worthy citizen. He lived on the farm now owned by William E. GABRIEL, where his wife diedin 1827.  Their children were James,George, Ann and Eliza.  PatrickBROIDERICK was a son of James BORDERICK of NJ and had three brothers, Anthony,Brice and John.  Minor T. BRODERCIK,a leading citizen of Havana, is the only child of Anthony, who was born in 1774.

Zenas P. married Retta, daughter of SimeonROYCE and lived many years in Starkey.

Pamelia E., born in Cobbleskill, NY, marriedJeremiah CUTLER.  He has been DeputyCounty clerk of Monroe county during the life of one generation withoutinterruption.  She died in 1871.

Alexander was a physician and a leadingcitizen of Rochester.  In 1841 hewas a member of Assembly form Monroe county. For many years he was a prominent Whig politician. 

Clarissa M. resides single, at the house ofJeremiah CUTLER at Rochester.  


KIMBEL    pg 1005

Stephen KIMBEL was born in New Jersey in1800.  His father was Caleb KIMBELand his mother before her marriage, Rachel PERRIGO. He came to Reading in 1816 with James O�NIEL, his foster father, whosesecond wife, Catharine, was a sister of Caleb KIMBEL. Stephen KIMBEL learned the carpenter�s trade with Robert D. BENJAMIN,and married in 1825, Margaret, daughter of David HALLOCK. She was born in Orange county in 1810. They have always lived near Rock Stream, are members of the ChristianChurch and are persons of estimable character.

James O�NEIL had three children by aformer wife, Patrick, Jane and Charles.  Patrickmarried Sally PERRIGO in New Jersey.  Janemarried James UPDEGRAFF in New Jersey.  Allthese came to Reading together; and Charles afterwards married Sarah, daughterof David HAY.  UPDEGRAFF settled inShannontown and afterwards moved elsewhere. 

James O�NIEL and his son, Charles, werethe original settlers of the Sharp homestead, now occupied by Calvin SHARP.



KINGIN    pg 952 � 953

Andrew KINGIN was a native of Ireland and atailor by trade.  He came fromPhiladelphia to Newtown, thence to Reading in 1811, and settled at Reeder�sCorners, since known as Starkey Corners, where he lived five years plying histrade, and then moved to Shannon�s Corners. At the latter place he remained 40 years, and then moved to Grand Rapids,Mich., where he died in 1864, well advanced in years. He married in Pennsylvania, Anna YOUNG, who survived him by two years. Their children were William, James, Jane, John H., Eliza, Joshua T.,Harry H. and Sally T.  William diedat 19 years.

James married Sally, daughter of PeterWALLING.  They moved west.

Jane born in 1807, married Royal LINCOLN ofConnecticut.  They were married byJohn STARKEY, Justice, in 1827.  Theyhave always resided in Starkey.  Hewas for many years a canal boat captain and is a man of good character, residingnow at Big Stream Point, a dealer in merchandise. Their children are Patrick Q., Laura A., Joshua K., Russel A., David, andAlzada J..  Patrick Q. marriedElizabeth, daughter of John O�DONNEL and died leaving two children, Marcus andFrancis.  Laura A. married LewisHILL.  Their children are: Cora B.,Myron and Moran (twins).  Joshua K.married Mary PEASE, and died at aged 34 years in 1868, leaving three children,Adille, Frank and Fred.  Russell A.married Anna TIMS.  He died in 1863,at 28 years.  Their children areRoyal, Carrie and Lizzie.  Daviemarried Jane HARVEY.  Alzada J.married David SHEAR.  Their childrenare Maud and Glen.

John H., married Eliza, daughter of WilliamMURDOUGH.  They had a daughter,Mary, who married Dr. J. H. CHAPMAN of Dundee. 

Eliza married Greenwood SEMANS, half brotherof David SEAMANS (1860 census in VA; children William & Ann).

Joshua T. married Jane CHANDER.  He died at 28 years in 1841.

Harry H. married Elizabeth, daughter ofSamuel STOUT.  They live near GrandRapids, MIch. and have a large family.

Sally T., married Robinson SHEARMAN. They live in Tyrone and have a son, William.


KRESS    pg 919 � 921

Samuel KRESS was a native of Orange county,born in 1763.  He there marriedCatharine SLAUGHTER, and they moved at an early period to Newtown, where heworked at his trade as a miller.  In1804 they took up their residence in what is now Starkey, buying 50 acres of thePotter Location of Philo INGRAHAM, in 1806, and remaining thereon while theylived.  He was a zealous Methodistand one of the earliest class leaders in his vicinity. He was in all respects a good citizen and accumulated a good estate. His wife died at 72 years, in 1837, and he in 1845, at 82 years. Their children were John J., Samuel, Mary, Leah, William, Rebecca, Sarah,James and Isaac.  Samuel KRESS Sr.,married in 1840, a second wife, Mehetabel, widow of Deacon LA FEVER, who isstill living.

John J. KRESS, born in 1787, marriedMargaret MURDOUGH in 1810.  She wasborn in 1789.  They resided inStarkey and she died in 1867 and he in 1869. Their children were Maria, Catharine, Eliza Ann. Semantha, Jane, MargaretH., John S., William, Mary B., Andrew J., Susan A. S. Minerva, Halsey S. andGeorge W.  Maria married IsaacWILKIN and their children were John and Catharine. Catharine married Elisha REED and their children were George, John, Maryand Wallace.  Eliza married ShannonMC LOUD, and their children were Huldah, Montgomery, Emery and Bell. Semantha married Joshua NORRIS and their children were Nelson, John,Mary, James and Susan.  Nelson died at the South of wounds received while in theservice of the Union, during the Rebellion, and Susan died at the age of 17years.  Jane married John O�BRIENand their children were Myron, Ann, Horace, Mary and Ida. Margaret H. married William KETCHUM and they had a son, James L. John S. married Rachel, daughter of Anthony B. RYAL and they had a son,Charles.  William married Lucy,daughter of Anthony B. RYAL, and their children were Zeruah, Elizabeth, Jane,Anthony, Margaret and William C.  MaryB. married Peter BUNCE and their children were Spencer, John, Alida, Charles,George and Melvin.  Andrew J.married Adaline SHANNON and their children were John, George and Melissa. Susan A. married J. Wesley SLAUGTHER, and their children were Maggie andIda.  S. Minerva died young. Halsey S. married Martha AYRES and their children were Ida and Arthur. George W. married Sarah RAPLEE and they have one child, Lee ELLSWORTH. Thirteen of this family grew up to adult age and had families of theirown.  The parents reared also tow oftheir grandchildren, and lived to see them all married and well settled.

Samuel KRESS Jr., born in 1789, marriedfirst, Betsey, sister of John STARKEY and had a second wife, Asenath KEYES. He had two children, Catharine and Andrew P. T., by the first marriageand four, Charles, Mary E., Emily and Harriet by the second marriage. He had a third wife, Sarah HUTCHINS. He lived in Starkey and died there at the age of 63 years.

Mary born in 1791, married Levi WALLING ofStarkey and had five daughters, Rebecca, Alvira, Mary, Susan and Elizabeth. They moved to Rockford, Ill., where Mrs. WALLING lives, a widow.

Leah born in 1795, married Jacob WALLING. Their children were Hannah, Catharine, Sarah A., Clinton, Amanda andSamuel.  Samuel WALLYING was Captainof a Company of the 161st NYV in the war of the Rebellion, and diedin the service.  The mother of thisfamily resides at Nunda, NY.

William born in 1798, married Eliza,daughter of Peter GABRIEL.  Theirchildren were Charles W., Susan, Adelaid, Isaac, Grandison, Scott, Genette andOlivette.  Grandison lives atAddison, NY, a mechanic.  Schott isCity Marshall at Elmira.  Charles isa joiner and a local Methodist preacher at Hornellsville, NY. Isaac is a carpenter at Hornellsville.

Rebecca born in 1800, married Dr. RichardHUSON.  She now resides at Lawrence,Kansas.

Sarah born in 1802, married Orison SEAMAN. They lived and died at Watkins, and their children were James, Clinton,Catharine, Samuel, Eliza and DeZeng.

James born in 1806 married Mary HULSE. They reside in Michigan and have six children, Thompson, Mary, Garwood,Theodore, Richard and Rachel A.  Thompsonwas a soldier in the Mexican war.

Isaac KRESS born in 1809, is still aresident of Starkey .  He marriedJoanna, daughter of Wilson AYERS.  Theyformerly occupied the homestead of Samuel KRESS Sr.  He was supervisor of Starkey in 1870. Their surviving children are Elizabeth, Melissa and Samuel H. Elizabeth married James MOORE, Melissa married Jephtha F. RANDOLPH,youngest son of Daniel F. RANDOLPH.  Theyhave a son, Orville Y.  Samuel H. isa classical student. 


KRESS  pg 1067

George KRESS, a brother of Samuel KRESS Sr.,was a very early resident, living on the Judson MILLARD place, near Dundee,where he was the original settler.  Hewas some years a Justice of the Peace.  JohnKRESS, another brother, was an early resident of Barrington.

Moses DEAN resided on the place now ownedand occupied by Isaac KRESS. 


LANNING   pg 928 � 932

Richard LANNING was born in Sussex Co., NJin 1765, and there married Martha BIGGER, born in 1762. They moved to Danville, PA in 1796, thence to the Lake Country in 1806,and settled on lot 10, of the eleventh section of Watson�s Purchase. Their farm of 100 acres between Eddytown and Dundee, was purchased for$343.  They made that place theirhome while they lived.  He was earlyappointed a Justice of the Peace, and held the office 30 years to the entiresatisfaction of the people.  As Commissioner of Highways, he and his associatesestablished many of the first roads in Starkey and Reading.  He died in 1842, and his wife in 1843.  Their children were John, Isaac and James B. (twins) andEliza.

John LANNING, married Hannah, daughter ofArthur SUTPHEN Sr., and settled on a farm west of Eddytonw. After some years he moved to Ohio, where his wife died. He then returned to Starkey and finally removed to Woodhull, where hedied in 1864.  His second wife,Margaret, sister of Aaron JOHNSON, survives him. The children by his first marriage were Richard, Arthur S., Hannah andEliza, and by his second, Henry and William. They all reside out of the county.  Elizamarried Philo MILLARD, a young man of intelligence and good education and highlyesteemed.  They reside in Woodhull.

Isaac LANNING was born July 4, 1793. At seventeen he was made an apprentice in a blacksmith shop started byhis father and �Black Harry SMITH� in Eddy�s settlement. He finished his apprenticeship in ha shop conducted by his father nearhis own residence.  In 1812 hestarted a shop on his own account, directly opposite his present residence inEddytown and on the spot where Simeon ROYCE had a tailor�s shop many years. He was a Corporal in Captain Timothy HURD�S  company of Light Infantry, said to have been the best drilledcompany in Western New York.  InSeptember 1813, they were three months �on the lines� under Gen. George MCCLURE.  Caleb COWING was aLieutenant of this company. 

Isaac LANNING married Catharine, daughter ofTewalt SWARTS Sr., Feb 3, 1814.  Theymoved soon after into a small log house that stood west of the road, and southof the brook, between his present residence and that of Matthew ROYCE, paying$50 and built a house thereon in which he lived several years. He then bought of Samuel COLT and Harry SMITH, assignees of WilliamHUSTON, the lot upon which HUSTON had erected a large frame house. This he moved across the road, and it forms the front of his presentresidence.  He built his presentshop, in which he put a furnace, and a horizontal wheel propelled by horsepower,to blow the bellows, by which heat was generated for melting iron. This was the first blast furnace  establishedin the county and people far and near were furnished from this foundry with plowpoints and other castings.  IsaacLANNING was the first supervisor of the town of Starkey, and was repeatedlyre-elected, and also held many other town offices. He was County Superintendent of the Poor six years, Excise Commissionersix years, and Loan Commissioner six years. In 1831 he was the Anti-Masonic candidate for Sheriff. He was the first postmaster of Eddytown.  His first wife died in 1848. He married a second wife, Lydia MYERS, who died in 1853. His third wife, Emeline PALMER he married in 1854. By his first marriage the children were Daniel, Richard, Eliza, James C.and Dorcas; by the third marriage, Seward P., Ethel A. and Hattie C.

Daniel LANNING born in 1816, married in1836, Mary MYERS.  He was for someyears a prosperous farmer in Starkey, was a captain in the 206thMilitia regiment, and a prompt and popular officer. He was Supervisor of Starkey in 1853 and was elected Sheriff of Yatescounty in 1855, holding the office one term. He has since resided in Penn Yan and is now a member of the firm of D.Lanning & co., prosperous dealers in lumber and coal. He is an efficient and enterprising businessman.

Richard, born in 1820, married Adaline,daughter of Hiram BELL.  He died in1858, much lamented as a man of sterling worth. Eliza is the wife of Reuben b. HENDERSON. 

James C., married Frances, daughter of JohnTims RAPLEEE.  They have one child. He was Under Sheriff during the official term of his brother, Daniel. Dorcas LANNING is single, residing with her father.

Isaac LANNING has borne an honorable andconspicuous part in the history of Yates county. His life has been one of laborious industry, and still at the age ofnearly 80 years, he swings the blacksmith�s hammer in the same place where hebegun his trade more than 60 years ago.  Inpolitics, religion and all social, moral and public concerns, he has been apositive and effective man, leaning uniformly to the right side, without regardto temporary expediency, or the direction of the popular breeze.  He ahs always endeavored to do with his might, whatever thecause for which he enlisted expected at his hands, and such is his boldoutspoken sincerity that he always has the respect of those who oppose him. He is one of the few early pioneers, yet remaining for whom the latergenerations can never entertain too high a degree of respect and esteem.

James B., twin brother of Isaac LANNING,married Sally, daughter of Andrew RAPLEE.  Theyresided in Starkey, but many years ago moved to Belvidere, Ill., where he diedin 1869.  Their children were Amos,Uriah, John, Richard, James, Martha, Jane, Huldah and Sarah.  Martha is a widow of Henry TITSWORTH and has a daughter, Ann.

Eliza, sister of Isaac LANNING, marriedArthur SUTPHIN Jr.  Their childrenwere Martha, Mary, Retta, Isaac and James. They moved west and Mary alone resides in this county. She married Walter BENNETT and resides in Milo.

Isaac LANNING relates that when he came toEddytown in 1806, Caleb FULKERSON had a long tavern at the south end of Eddy�sSettlement, on the west side of the highway. Stephen RAPLEE lived in a long house where James P. HENDERSON now lives;one KEELER in a log house where Simpson HALLECK now lives. Sherman HURD was the occupant of a log house where William e. GABRIELresides, and Ransom HURD where James M. HALL now lives. Abner HURD lived in a double log house, half a mile south of Eddytown, onthe east side of the road.  SimeonROYCE lived in a log house where James c. HENDERSON is the present resident. There was a log school house on the north side of the road near thecorner leading west from Starkey Seminary. This was the meeting house for all sects and preachers from far and nearfor many years.  Mr. LANNINGremembers attending school there very soon after coming into the country. Zophar ROBERTS was one of the early teachers and Rhoda ROYCE was thefirst teacher.  Reuben HENDERSONlived in a log house where Seeley BAILEY now lives, Mathew ROYCE in a log houseeast of the road, and Salmon STILLSON in another where Isaac LANNING�S housestands.  Timothy HURD lived in a loghouse where now stands the Presbyterian church. It was in this house that Mrs. HURD had a thrilling experience with ablack snake.  Going out one day fora short time, she returned, took up her baby from the cradle and found a hugeblack snake, six feet in length coiled directly under the child. Nobody remembers what was done with the snake. The parties to the encounter probably parted company as soon as possible.

Andrew HARRISON�S log tavern, said to havebeen the first there, was the next house north of Timothy HURD, on the west sideof the road.  J. MC MILLAN lives nowon the same spot.  The log house ofPhineas CLARK was where the residence of Peleg BRIGGS now stands.  Benjamin FRENCH lived where the widow of his son, Levi, nowresides.  A Baptist preacher, whosename is not remembered, lived in a hewed log house where Stout SMITH resides, onthe old Griffin B. HAZARD place.  Therewas no other dwelling between that and the log tavern kept by Stephen CARD, ashort distance south of Himrods.  Suchwas Eddy�s settlement in 1806.  Westwardwas mostly, unbroken woods, and all the native wildness of the wildernessprevailed.  But Eddytown grew space. The first building used expressly as a store was opened in 1813. Previous to that time the people went chiefly to Hopeton to do theirtrading.  In a few years Eddytownbecame an important point, the most so of any between Geneva and Newtown, and onthe route of a daily line of stages between those points.  A steamboat on Seneca Lake finally broke up the stage line. Had the owners of land at Eddytown been liberal in its disposal, thatplace would have been a large village, and Dundee, probably a small one, now.  


LEWIS    pg 989 � 999

Joseph C. LEWIS was born at Fredericksburg,Dutchess co. in 1794.  His parentswere emigrants direct from Holland.  Hiswife was Hannah BOYD, who was born in 1797. In 1811 they moved to Genoa, Cayuga county, and two years later, locatedon a place entirely new, on the Phillip�s Location. They died there, she in 1846 and he in 1848. Their children were Addison B., Harry P., Sally, Merritt C., Susan M.,James M. and Thomas J. (twins), Hiram M., Melinda and Hannah.

Addison B. born in 1798, married Harriet,daughter of Alfred RICH of Starkey and settled in Starkey. He had a second wife, Mary CORYELL of Starkey. He was a blacksmith andnow resides in Barrington.  Thechildren by the first marriage were Sally, Adaline, Livia, Polly, David andJoseph; by the second, Mott, Frank and Emma. Sally married George LAMAN of Ulysses. She died leaving three children, Harriet, Frank and Eliza A. Adaline married Erasmus EDDY.  Liviais single.  Polly married Azariah FINCH. Their children are Liveria and Charles. David married Mary SPINK.  Theylive in Kansas and have three children.  Josephmarried Mary J. HYLAND, and resides in Richmond, Ontario Co. Mott died single.  Emma married Charles SMITH of Barrington and resides inWayne.  Frank resides in Barrington. 

Harry P. born in 1802, married ElizaWINFIELD of Starkey, and now resides at Grass Lake, Mich. Their children are Maria, William, John, Emeline, Hannah, Sarah and JamesK. Maria married Elisha COLE of Jerusalem.  They reside at Clinton, Iowa, and have a son, William.  William LEWIS married Mariette WILLETT of Jerusalem. She died leaving a daughter, Mariette, and he died in California. John married Arabell CRETHERS of Jerusalem.  He is an enterprising grain buyer in Penn Yan. Their children are Mary and Ida.  Emelinemarried Simeon BAINES of Ohio and resides in Clinton Co., Michigan. Hannah married Frank CAMPBELL and resides at North Camden, Ohio. Sarah is married and resides in Michigan. James K. is married and resides at Battle Creek, Mich.

Sally, born in 1804, married Joel COYKENDALLof Starkey and resides in Canadice, Ontario Co.

Merritt C., born in 1806, married SallyCOYKENDALL.  They reside inBarrington and their children are Harlem, Joel, Mary J. and Dennis. Harlem married Mary, daughter of Ezra RAPLEE.  They reside in Barrington and their children are Ezra andEdward.  Joel married Melissa VANGORDEN of Barrington.  Theirchildren are George and Ida.  MaryJ. married Nelson HALL.  They residein Starkey and their children are Delmer, Ida and Sarah. Dennis married Millie COYKENDALL of Tyrone.  They live in Starkey.  Hewas a solder of the 148th Regiment.

Susan M. born in 1809 married James SHANNON.

James M. born in 1811, married Mary B.,daughter of David SEMANS.  Theyreside on the VORCE farm in Milo.  Theirchildren are Clayton, John E. and Robert B.

Clayton married Nancy TAYLOR and resides inTorrey.  John E., is single, and aTreasury Clerk at Washington.  RobertB. married Mary J. HAYES.  He was asoldier of the 14th NY Heavy Artillery.

Thomas J., twin brother of James M., marriedSally A., daughter of Wilson AYRES.  Theyreside on lot 46 in Benton, where he is a thrifty farmer.  Their children are, Charles G., Agnes A., Wilson A., Eli andFrank E.  Charles G. married EmmaMORGAN of Canadice.  Their childrenare Hattie, Adell and Emma.  He wasa soldier of the 23 NYV, serving one year, and was afterwards a volunteer of the33rd Independent Battery.  Hewas engaged in several severe battles.  AgnesA. is single.  Wilson A. was asoldier of the 20th Michigan Infantry. He died in the service at Knoxville, Tenn. Eli was four months a volunteer in the State Militia during the war. Frank E. married Mary H., daughter of Norman WASHBURN and resides on hispaternal homestead.

Hiram M., born in 1815, married Charlotte,daughter of Ephraim MERRITT.  Theyreside on lot 27 in Milo, and have a son, Eugene.

Merinda born in 1816, married HarrisonSHANNON of Starkey.

Hanna born in 1823, married Joshua, son ofEzra RAPLEE.  They reside at Ovid,Mich. and their children are Viola and Merinda.  


LOGAN   pg1056

Robert LOGAN was an Irishman and a distillerby trade, at which he wrought prior to 1806, for the father of John B. MITCHELL,at Wayne, Steuben Co., whence he came to Reading and purchased of the POTTER�Sthe farm adjoining the Daniel SHANNON Sr. homestead, east of Shannontown, andnear the stone school house on the Potter Location. His wife was Betsey ROWE of Steuben county.  They settled on this place in 1807, and there resided tillabout 1824, when he exchanged it with Josiah HENRY for a farm near Bath, andremoved thereon with his family, where he died about 1830, at 58 years. His widow afterwards became the wife of Josiah HENRY, and died in Steubencounty many years ago.  HENRYoccupied the LOGAN place in Starkey till 1833, and then sold it to George W.SHANNON, and returned to Steuben county.  RobertLOGAN was a man of strong and decided convictions, inclined to the Baptistfaith.  He was a stirring wellinformed man, of approved integrity; a soldier in Capt. Timothy HURD�S companyin the War of 1812, afterwards Lieutenant of the same company (light infantry),his commission as such bearing date April 6, 1815. The children of Robert LOGAN and wife were Barbara, Betsey, Sally Ann,Smith and one other.  Barbaramarried a merchant at Bath, and resided there. None of the descendants of Robert LOGAN are residents of Yates county.


LONGCOR   pg1052

Henry LONGCOR was from New Jersey and amiller.  His wife was Catharine,sister of Jacob MIZNER.  They cameto Reading quite early and he wrought at his trade in several of the early millsof Starkey, and principally that of Clarkson MARTIN. Their children were Anthony, Mizner, Emanuel, Nehemiah, Jane Anna,Margery and Susan.

Anthony married a sister of Benjamin ROSS. Mizner married Margaret, daughter of Henry TITSWORTH. Emanuel married Margaret, daughter of Azariah FINCH. Nehemiah married Alzada, daughter of Abner SKIFF. Jane was the first wife of Joshua RAPLEE Jr.  Anna was the wife of Squier COYKENDALL.  Margery married Ezra RAPLEE, son of Joshua RAPLEE Sr., Susan married Stephen SHARP. 


LOCKWOOD   pg1025

James LOCKWOOD was from Orange county. His wife was Ann CARPENTER.  Theysettled in what is now Starkey, about 1820. He was a carpenter and builder and his shop was Benjamin CHEEVER�S millthat failed to run.  They lived atEddytown some years.  Their childrenwere Maria, Robert, John, Hiram, Hiel, Eliza, Nancy, Emmett, Dunning andWilliam.  Robert born in 1818,married in 1840, Elizabeth DORCETT who died in 1843. He married in 1845 a second wife, Jane CLARK. She was born in 1821.  He waselected sheriff of Schuyler county in 1859 and held the office one term. He died a few years later.


LOCKWOOD    pg 1054 � 1055

Samuel LOCKWOOD was a son of David LOCKWOODand was born in North Stanford, Conn., in 1788 and married in 1809, in OrangeCo., Phebe, daughter of Peter WALLING.  Shewas born in 1790.  They moved toGeneva in 1812, thence to the GANUNG farm in Benton, thence to Reading, previousto 1819, residing on the place now occupied by Benjamin POTTER. They moved some years later to Barrington, residing thereafter on lot 45. He was a prominent citizen and a man of influence and good repute. For several years he was an Associate Judge in Yates county. His wife died in 1843 and he in 1853. Their children were Cynthia, Lewis, Peter, David, Sally, Hannah, Daniel,George and Harriet.

Cynthia, born in 1810, married William O.BAILEY in Barrington.  They residedsome years in that town, and moved to Steuben county where both died. Their children were Joseph, William, Samuel and Sarah.

Lewis born in 1812, married in 1835,Eleanor, daughter of George KELS Sr. or Barrington. They lived 10 years in Canadice and have since resided in SunderlinHollow, where he is a prosperous farmer and a respected citizen.

Peter born in 1815, married first, Viletta,daughter of John WARD of Barrington and has a second wife, Nettie RADIKER. He inherited the homestead of his father in Barrington and resided theremany years, finally moving to Watkins where he now resides. The children by the first marriage were Phebe and Eunice. Phebe married John RYAL, son of Anthony B. RYAL of Torrey and Eunicemarried George DAILEY. 

David born in 1817, married Susan, daughterof Joseph FINTON.  They reside inBarrington where he died in 1853, leaving two children, Samuel and Joseph. Samuel married Katy GRACE, lives in Tyrone and has a daughter, Susan May.Joseph is single.  The widow of David LOCKWOOD married George KELS Jr. and theyhave a daughter, Elizabeth.

Sally born in 1819, married Truman WARD andlives in Milo.  Their children areJohn, Hannah and Eunice.  Johnmarried Elizabeth SMITH and lives in Urbana, and has two children, Truman andWilliam.

Hannah born in 1821, married Lewis SHERWOODof Barrington and lives in Bradford.

Daniel born in 1825, married Eliza SHERWOOD;was long a tavern keeper at Warsaw, and lived in Barrington. 

George born in 1827, married Nancy, daughterof James MILES and resides in Barrington.

Harriet born in 1829, married David MROSE. She lives in Wayne, a widow. 


LOGAN   pg1056

Robert LOGAN was an Irishman and a distillerby trade, at which he wrought prior to 1806, for the father of John B. MITCHELL,at Wayne, Steuben Co., whence he came to Reading and purchased of the POTTER�Sthe farm adjoining the Daniel SHANNON Sr. homestead, east of Shannontown, andnear the stone school house on the Potter Location. His wife was Betsey ROWE of Steuben county.  They settled on this place in 1807, and there resided tillabout 1824, when he exchanged it with Josiah HENRY for a farm near Bath, andremoved thereon with his family, where he died about 1830, at 58 years. His widow afterwards became the wife of Josiah HENRY, and died in Steubencounty many years ago.  HENRYoccupied the LOGAN place in Starkey till 1833, and then sold it to George W.SHANNON, and returned to Steuben county.  RobertLOGAN was a man of strong and decided convictions, inclined to the Baptistfaith.  He was a stirring wellinformed man, of approved integrity; a soldier in Capt. Timothy HURD�S companyin the War of 1812, afterwards Lieutenant of the same company (light infantry),his commission as such bearing date April 6, 1815. The children of Robert LOGAN and wife were Barbara, Betsey, Sally Ann,Smith and one other.  Barbaramarried a merchant at Bath, and resided there. None of the descendants of Robert LOGAN are residents of Yates county.


LORD     pg978

Henry LORD was a native of Maine, born in1755.   He married there, AnnVAN DYKE, who was born in 1761.  Theysettled one mile directly west of Rock Stream in 1812. He was the original settler on that place, and died in 1834 and his wifein 1837.  Their children were Polly,William, Helen, Thomas, Henry, Nancy, Lucy, Harriet, James, Cornelius and John. Polly married Charles FRASER.  Williammarried Polly TOMPKINS.  Helenmarried Col. Philo HURD.  Thomasmarried Susan HURD.  Henry marriedSally MC CLARY.  Nancy died single.  Lucy married �Dill� SAWYER. Harriet married Charles AVERY.  Jamesmarried Sally, daughter of Daniel WASHBURN. Cornelius married Mary STURDEVANT.  John,born in 1805, married in 1831, Charlotte T., daughter of Samuel SPINK, ofBarrington.  She was born in 1810. They still reside on his paternal homestead in Starkey, and have a sonJohn, born in 1833, who resides with his parents. The foregoing families have chiefly moved out of the county.  


LORD    pg1076 � 1078

Ebenezer LORD, son of Ebenezer and CatharineLORD, was born in Connecticut in 1771.  Atsixteen he moved with his father�s family to Ballston, NY.  The father was a man of great force of character, and died in1812, bequeathing a competency to all his children, eight sons and threedaughters.  Ebenezer LORD Jr.,married Mary MORRIS and they had ten children, Catharine, Benjamin W., Sherwood,William, Joseph W., Mary Ellen, Sarah Ann, George P., Robert D. and Mary. In the spring of 1824, Benjamin W. and Sherwood purchased a lot of forestland near Irelandville in Reading, and the following summer their fatherpurchased 250 acres , one mile west of Warsaw, for $1,000 and to this place thefamily of Ebenezer LORD Jr., with three sons, Anson, Jarvis and Daniel, moved toPittsford.  Jarvis LORD and his sonsare now wealthy and influential citizens of Monroe County, the father twice aState Senator, and his son, George D. LORD, twice a member of Assembly. Ebenezer LORD Jr., was an Episcopalian, and one of the founders of St.Mark�s Church, Penn Yan.  He diedin Barrington in 1949 at aged 76 years, and his wife in 1855 at about the sameage. 

Catharine married Thomas SHERWOOD andremoved to Saratoga County.  (on the1850Ballston census

Benjamin W. and Sherwood sold their farms inReading and bought land near the father in Barrington. Sherwood moved finally to Mc Henry county, Illinois.

Benjamin W., born in 1801 at Ballston,married in 1827, Elizabeth FLEMING.  Shewas born in New Jersey in 1806.  hedied in 1857 and his wife survives.  Theirchildren were Rachel, Mary, George P., Charles B., Kate and Libbie.  Rachel, born in 1828, married Horace KENYON of Barringtonwhere they now reside.   Theirchildren are Benjamin J. and Lucretia.  Mary,born in 1829, married Albert OVENSHIRE of Barrington. Their children are Maud and Guy.

George P. LORD born in 1831, married in1858, Eliza Ann, daughter of Loomis BUNCE. She was born in 1838.  Hegraduated from Hobart College in 1856 and followed teaching and surveying at theWest, two years.  He was electedSchool Commissioner of Yates County in 1860 and held the office two terms ofthree years each.  He has sinceresided in Dundee, and was elected member of Assembly in 1870 and 1871. During his second legislative term, he was chosen chairman of theAssembly Committee on Education.

Charles B., born in 1832, married EllenCHANDLER.  They have five children,George, Ella, Kate, Edith and Ray.  Kate,the third daughter of Benjamin W. LORD, born in 1834, married Emmett SHEPPARD ofSaratoga County, and died in 1858.  Libbie,born in 1841, married Theron R. WHEELER.  Theyreside in Barrington and have three children, Kate, Georgianna and Carrie.

William LORD married Nancy CORBETT ofReading and resides in Newark, NY.  Rev.William H. LORD or Ruthford park and E. E. LORD of Newark, are his sons.  Joseph W. LORD has a wife and daughter, and resides atNewark.  Sarah married AlansonBASSETT and resides in Kane county, Illinois, a widow with seven children. George P., brother of Benjamin W. LORD, resides in the town of Wayne. Robert D. has a family and resides at Marysville, California.  He was a Union officer of note in the War of the Rebellion. Mary married Seymour SWARTHOUT and died in 1854, leaving five children. 


MAPES    pg1014 � 1015

Joshua MAPES, son of James, and his wife,Elizabeth HALLOCK, was born in 1793 at Sugar Loaf, Orange county, NY and was atailor by trade.  HE came toEddytown in 1817, with his mother, then a widow, and two sisters, Ann andElizabeth.  He conducted thetailoring business there many years as a partner of Simeon ROYCE 2nd,and had 25 acres near the village.  Hemoved in 1849 to the town of Orange, Schuyler county, where he still lives invigorous health and preservation.  Hemarried Martha, daughter of Isaac BAKER, of Jefferson county. She was born in 1803 and died in 1839. she was a sister of Benjamin M. BAKER of Rochester, Proprietor of theiron works at Charlotte.  He marrieda second wife, Rosanna RICH (widow PHILLIPS). She died in 1847, at 32 years.  Thechildren all of whom were by the first marriage, were Eugene B., Sabra P. Jamesand Isaac B.

Eugene B. born in 1825, married first,Lenora KIMBLE, and had a son Henry, who became a Printer. Mr. MAPES has a second wife, Mima, daughter of Alvin DOLPH, and theirchildren are Hezekiah, Lillie, Charles, Alvin D., and Cora. Eugene B. MAPES has been several years clerk of the Schuyler Count Boardof Supervisors, and resides at Monterey.  Hehas been one of the Commissioners of Loans for Schuyler county.

Sabra P., born in 1821, married James KING. They reside at Dundee and have a son, James.

James born in 1829, married Elizabeth,daughter of Alvin DOLPH.  They livein Orange and their children are Frank and Flora.

Isaac B. born in 1831, lives single in KaneCo., Illinois. 

Ann MAPES, sister of Joshua, born in 1800,was the wife of Isaac P. SEYMOUR.


MARSHALL   pg1033 � 1034

Major MARSHALL was born of Quaker parentagein 1767, and married Millicent GEROW, who was born in 1765. She was also of the Quaker faith, to which both adhered through life. They came from Dutchess county about 1816, and settled on the place whereWilliam L. SHARP now resides.  In1819, he was assessed for 650 acres of land, which he owned in separate packets,and which was valued by the assessor at $1700. On this with the addition of $132 personal property, he was taxed, $7,68. They were people of unobtrusive worth, and exemplified the best traits ofthe Quaker character.  He died in1821 and his wife in 1848.  Theirchildren were, Susan, Andrew G., James, Ija, Catharine, Oliver and Jane.

Susan married Austin CROSS, a tanner andcurrier.  They had a large familyand both died in Rochester a few years ago. 

Andrew G. born in 1791, married in 1824,Mary, daughter of Jesse COOK.  Heinherited his father�s homestead, and remained thereon through life. He was a citizen of prominence and a man of much worth. They belonged to the Christian church. She died in 1849 and he in 1856.  Theirchildren were Major A., Wellington, Mary Ann and Elizabeth. Major A. born in 1826, married in 1851, Caroline RYNDERS of Newark, NY. She was born in 1824.  Theylived at the Rock Stream railway station.  Hedied very  suddenly in 1867, leavingtwo sons, James and Andrew B., who reside at Rock Stream with their mother. Wellington born in 1828, married Ellen FLINT of Lockport. He was a Union solider and after one visit home, was not heard from. They had a son, George A.  MaryAnn born in 1833, married James MARSHALL of Ithaca.  They reside west and have four children, Anna, Arthur, JamesH. and one other.  Elizabeth born in1840, married first, David MARSHALL, brother of James MARSHALL. She had a second husband, Mr. KELLOGG of Ithaca. The children by the first marriage were Jennie and Louise; by the second,Mary.

James and his wife Harriet, moved early fromStarkey whither is not known to the writer. 

Ija married in 1824, Mary C., sister ofClarkson MARTIN.  They moved west in1852 and had a family of several children.

Catharine was the wife of Dr. David S.WICKES.

Oliver married Eliza HAWLEY.  They resided in Starkey some years, south of Dundee, and nowreside in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Theyhad two daughters.  Jane was the wife of ClarksonMARTIN.


MARTIN   pg1034 � 1035

Clarkson MARTIN was born in the city of NewYork in 1797.  His father was PeterMARTIN, who was born in 1772.  Hismother, Sarah, was born in 1776.  Peterand Sarah were married in 1794.  Hedied in New York city in 1804.  Theirchildren were Clarkson, Anna and Mary C. 

Clarkson came to Reading in 1816, bringinghis mother, then a widow, and his sisters. In 1819 he owned 100 acres of land, valued at $577 and Taxes $2,41. In 1824 he married Jane, daughter of Major MARSHALL. She was born in 1806.  Theylived thereafter on the farm now owned and occupied by Nicholas WEBB. He owned and operated a mill property on Big Stream, the next aboveCrandall  & Petersons, and nowknown as the stone mill.  That millhe built in 1836.  Previously he hadbuilt a sawmill at the same point.  Hewas an active citizen, industrious and enterprising, and in military times, acaptain of cavalry. In politics he was an ardent Anti-Mason and Whig, and wassupervisor of Starkey seven years in succession and once again some years later. He was elected County Clerk in 1852. In 1856 he moved to Illinois and died at Marseilles in that State, in1858.  He was a man highly esteemedand many years a member of the Presbyterian Church. His wife died at Plymouth, PA in 1867. Their children were Mulford, Oliver M., John c., Mary A., Clarkson,Marshall and Hiram T.  

Mulford born in 1826, is single, residing atWalla, Walla, Washington Territory, engaged in stock raising.

Oliver M. born in 1828, is a Methodistminister of the Wyoming PA conference.  Hemarried in 1850, Harriett CALKINS at Geneva. They have a daughter, Maggie.  Heis a man of eminent moral worth, highly useful and exemplary in his life andprofession.

John C. born in 1832, married AmeliaMARSHALL and resides in Michigan, a lumber dealer.

Mary A. born in 1834, married in 1866, CaptJohn B. MILLER and resides at Albion, NY.  Theirchildren are Lulu and Jane.

Clarkson Jr., born in 1839, is single and amerchant at Little Rock, Arkansas.

Marshall born in 1842, is a blacksmith. He married in 1866, Mary DAVENPORT of Plymouth, PA and they now reside atWalla Walla, in Washington Territory.  Theyhave one son.

Hiram T., born in 1850, is a cabinet makerat Plymouth, PA. 

Anna, sister of Clarkson MARTIN Sr., born in1801, married John C. SHANNON in 1818.

Mary C. MARTIN, born in 1804, married IjaMARSHALL in 1824.  Sarah, the motherof Clarkson MARTIN Sr., accompanied her youngest daughter to Michigan, and diedthere in 1858. 


MILLARD    pg1056 - 1057

Doctor MILLARD was a native of GreatBarrington, Mass., and a son of Joshua MILLARD and Lydia, his wife. He was born in 1790 and married in 1811, Alvira, daughter of AckleyATWOOD.  She was born in 1791. They settled in 1826 in Bennett�s Settlement, where Daniel SUPPLEE nowresides, buying the place of Capt. Frederick HAINES. They resided there many years, and he was a substantial citizen of thetown.  They moved to Michigan, wherehe has since died.  Their childrenare John A., Malinda, Elizabeth, Charles, Thomas B., Leander, Nancy J, GirdonJ., Lydia M., and Mary M.

John A. born in 1812, married in 1834,Charity, daughter of Moses DEAN.  Theylived some time in Starkey and finally moved to Michigan. Their children are Electa Ann, Phinney, Lester, Harrison, Susan, Baltusand Melvina.  Phinney was a Unionsoldier.

Malinda, born in 1814, married in 1831,Madison RAPLEE.

Elizabeth, born in 1816, married in 1835Baltus TITSWORTH.

Charles, born in 1819, married Catharine,daughter if Ira FISHER.  They livedin Michigan, and their children are Fidelia, Alvira, LeRoy and Lucy.

Thomas B., born in 1822, married in 1846 MayJennings, in Michigan.  Theirchildren are William, Jay and Lewis.

Leander, born in 1824, married in 1846, inMichigan, Sarah VAN VLECK.  Theirchildren are Matthew, Seymour, Frank and Lucy.

Nancy J., born in 1826, married in 1845, inMichigan, Nathaniel BARNES.  Theyreside in Starkey, on the old Richard LANNING place. He is the son of Loren BARNES and Nancy Ann GOUNDRY, his wife. They have a daughter, Emma, born in 1846, and married in 1865 to EdwinJESSUP.

Girdon J., born in 1829, married JoannaFREEMAN in Michigan.  Their childrenare Francis and Spencer.

Lydia M., born in 1831, married in Michigan,Jerome REYNOLDS.  They have a son,Oscar.

Mary M., born in 1834, married Peleg COREYin Michigan.  Their children areMorley, Willie, Frank and one other. 


MIZNER    pg1052 � 1053

Jacob MIZNER was a stone mason and came fromNew Jersey, settling in Starkey at an early date. His wife was Mary HAND.  Shedied in 1861 at aged 83 years, and he in 1866, at aged 87 years. Their children were Daniel, Ann, Lewis A., Catharine, B. Halsey, Betsey,James, Mary and Phebe.

Daniel married Polly SAGER lived in Penn Yanand died leaving three children, Ann, Elizabeth and Louis.

Ann married Jonathan SUPPLEE and had asecond husband, Henry STRUBLE.

Lewis A., born in 1807, is a mason by tradeand has resided more than 40 years at Shannontown. He married in 1827 to Sarah T. BANGHART. She was born in 1809.  He isan exemplary man and a good mechanic.  Theirchildren are Michael B. Sarah E. and Angeline. Michael B., born in 1828, married in 1857 to Minerva, daughter of JamesSHANNON.  He was a lieutenant in aninfantry company and two years in the army of the Potomac. Afterwards he raised a company of cavalry, of which he was chosencaptain, and served under SHERIDAN till the end of the war, making a goodrecord.  Sarah E., born in 1832married in 1852, William, son of Elder Alonzo W. SUNDERLIN. He died leaving a son, Delmer and she has a second husband. TheodoreCASSELMANN.  They live in JerseyCity, NJ.  Angeline born in 1834,married in 1855, James E. BAILEY and has a daughter, Velnette S.

Catharine born in 1809 married Hiram WHITE. They live in Iowa and have several children. 

B. Halsey married Lucinda RAPLEE and nowlives at Monterey, Schuyler county.

Betsey married Levi LONGCOR.  He is a son of John LONGCOR and a blacksmith at Himrod. They have a daughter, Mary.

James married Hannah, daughter ofChristopher CHAMBERS.  Mary marriedLevi STRUBLE.  Phebe married GabrielLONGCOR, son of John LONGCOR.  Shelives a widow in Michigan, and the mother of a numerous family.  


NEWCOMB    pg 978 � 980

Buell NEWCOMB was a son of Azariah NEWCOMB,of Salisbury, Conn. And was born in 1785.  Hiswife was Dorothea, daughter of Deliverance SAWYER. She was born in 1791.  Theywere married in 1810 in Vermont.  Theysettled in Ormstown, district of Montreal, Canada, and remained there till theoutbreak of the War of 1812.  Ratherthan take the oath of allegiance to the British king, they left Canada, and inMarch 1813, moved into Reading, now Starkey, buying 160 acres on the LittleGore, directly south of Big Stream, and in the locality still know as CanadaSettlement, form its being chiefly settled by Canadian refugees.  They lived there till 1824, when they moved to Reading, andlocated on the farm next north of that of David CULVER. In 1832, after selling his Reading farm, he bought the farm of Harry HURD,near Rock Stream, now owned by George A. REEDER. There he died the same year, of consumption. His wife survived till 1834.  Theirchildren were: Hiram A., Hester Ann, Sarah, Harvey B., Algerson S., Louisa A.,Alvah M. and William M.

Hiram A. born in 1811, married in 1837,Louisa S., daughter of Thomas S. PAGE of Dundee. He was many years a prominent school teacher in Starkey, and a schoolofficer of some kin in the town for a period of 16 years. His firs school was taught At Harpending�s Corners in 1831, five monthsat thirteen dollars a month, at Starkey Corners.  He continued to teach in these two districts about six years,receiving some instruction in the meantime at the Yates Academy in Penn Yan. He settled after his marriage on his paternal homestead, and was afarmer, merchant, and teacher at Rock Stream till 1852, when he moved to Orange,Schuyler county, where he still resides.  Hewas one of the founders of Starkey Seminary, one of the building committee, atrustee, and secretary of the Board while he lived in Yates county. He was also prominent in military affairs and rose to be Colonel of theold 206th Regiment of Infantry. His children are Charlotte A., Clay M., Hiram S., Thomas W., Scott K.,Buell F. and Carrie.

Hester Ann born in 1814, died a young woman.

Sarah born in 1817, married dr. Lorenzo D.WIGGINS.  She died in Starkey,leaving a son Frank. H.

Harvey B. born in 1819, married Maria A.,daughter of Milton WHEELER.  He wasa merchant some years at Rock Stream associated with his brother, Hiram A., andnow resides in New York.

Algernon S., born in 1821, married Sarah,daughter of Thomas CULVER and granddaughter of Caleb FULKERSON Sr. He has beenmany years a merchant at Monterey, in the ton of Orange, also county clerk ofSchuyler county.  His children areCaius Cassius, Marcus Brutus, Cora A. and Sarah J.

Louisa A., born in 1823, died early. 

Alvah M. born in 1827, married Mary E,daughter of Rev. Charles CHAPMAN, and resides in Starkey. Their children are Charles and Hiram. 

William M. born in 1830, married in 1860,Mary Eliza, daughter of George W. SIMMONS. They reside on the Horace HENDERSON farm, between Big Stream and RockStream.  Their children are WillardS., Hattie l., George and Hiram. M.

Among the brothers and sisters of BuellNEWCOMB were Anna, Abigail, Sarah, Hiram, Alvah and Amanda, all of whom died inStarkey.  Anna was the wife ofBuckley JOHNSON.  Abigail was thewife of Deliverance SAWYER Jr.  Theothers died single.  Hiram andAmanda lived together many years on the Garrett HARING farm on the Starkey line,southeast of Rock Stream, dying of old age. They accumulated a large estate, which was left chiefly to Alvah M., sonof Buell NEWCOMB.  �Uncle Hiram�and �Aunt Amanda� were excellent persons, and sterling members of theMethodist church.  Hiram died in1864 at 66 years and Amanda six days later. 


NORTON    pg1039 � 1040

James NORTON was a native of Vermont, bornin 1783 and married first, Charlotte OTIS. They settled in the Rock Stream ravine in 1809, where he pursued hisbusiness as a wool carder and cloth dresser. He had a carding machine and fulling mill a few rods below the Eddytownroad.  His was the firstestablishment of the kind in Reading, and his house was near by. In 1817 he built on Big Stream, a short distance east of Gen. TimothyHURD�S mills, a grist mill, fulling mill and carding machine. The mill frame was raised on the fourth of July. The buildings are now used for the manufacture of grape boxes and othermechanical work.  He afterwardslived at Eddytown. His first wife died at 27 in 1814, and he married a secondwife, Betsey HOWARD, a widow.  Shedied in 1829 at 42 years.  He diedat Big Stream in 1831. 

He was Town Clerk of Reading, 8 years insuccession, Justice of the Peace many years, Associate Jude of Common Pleas inSteuben when Yates county was organized, and Associate Judge in this county. He was a man of character, and a Presbyterian.  His children by the first marriage were Philander, Agnes and Otis; by thesecond, Warren, Norman, Celinda, Aurora, James and Charles.

Philander married an adopted daughter ofElmer KEELER, and resides in Elmira, a railway general agent.

Agnes married Edward WILLIAMS, brother ofJudge Henry S. WILLIAMS of Tyrone.  Theyare now at the south. 

Otis married and lived in Milwaukee. The whereabouts of the remaining children, is not known, except Norman,who resides in Elmira.  Charles was a foster son of Benjamin CHEEVER.

Betsey HOWARD, the second wife of JudgeNORTON, had two daughters, Amanda and Caroline by her previous marriage. Amanda was the wife of Frederic A. KING, an early merchant at Eddytown. Caroline married Jonathan T. ABELLL, who was also an early merchant atRock Stream and Shannontown.  


PEASE    pg 972

Dr. Jacob PEASE, was born at Keene, NewHampshire in 1759, and married Experience FISHER in 1782. He married a second wife, Bernice STONE in 1785. She was born in 1761. They moved into the town of Hector in 1802 and thence to Reading, nowStarkey, in 1804, locating where Nicholas WEBB now resides. He was a good physician, and resided there about 6 years, when he movedto Canada, and thence to Detroit, where they were at the time of Hull�ssurrender.  Both died in that cityshortly after. 

He built the second sawmill on Big Stream,near the mill know known as the Stone Mill. His was the first framed barn raised in the town of Reading, and theoccasion was one of great jollification. His children were, William F., by hisfirst marriage, and Experience, Laura, Louisa, Amanda, Clarissa, Emily and Henryby the second.  William F. was acarpenter and resided a few years in Starkey. 


PETERSON    pg974

David PETERSON was a son of John PETERSON,who settled in Starkey in 1807, locating half a mile south of the originalresidence of Dr. Jacob PEASE.  JohnPETERSON�S wife was a widow, Hannah RUSSEL. She had a son, Demas RUSSEL, by her first marriage. Her children by the second marriage were David, Nancy and Mary. The daughters went single with their father to Indiana in 1815.

David PETERSON was a gunsmith and marriedMitty Ann, daughter of James ACKERSON.  Theyhad a daughter, Joana, who married Calvin PURDY and they have a son, Russel. Mr. PETERESON was a mechanic of exquisite ingenuity, and was a celebratedfifer.  After the death of hispartner, Ira CRANDALL, moved disconsolate to Iowa and died there soon after. ACKERSON settled in Starkey in 1816, buying the mill property of Wickhamand Murray, also the farm now owned by Peter SMITH. His wife was Sally HALLOCK.  Hemoved to Michigan in 1829 and is now about 100 years old.  


PIERCE    pg1036 � 1038

Abel, Samuel and Abner PIERCE, natives ofOtsego county, were sons of Abner PIERCE, a native of Massachusetts and apatriot solider of the Revolution.  Thethree sons came to Reading in 1818 and located along side each other, directlysouth of Dundee, about two miles from that place. 

Abel born in 1788, married first BelindaLISK and had a second wife, Nancy LEWIS, whom he marred in Otsego county. He was a leading citizen and a Justice of the Peace in Starkey, also aMethodist, as were his brothers.  Hedied in 1862.  His first wife died in 1815 and his second in 1863, at 76years.  He had a daughter, Adaline,by the first marriage and by the second marriage, a son, Horatio L.

Adaline born in 1810, was the wife ofAlexander ROSS.

Horatio L. born in 1820, married in 1845,Sophia, daughter of Israel MEAD, who died the same year. In 1846 he married Dorothea E., daughter of Jacob Y. CARPENTER. He resides on his paternal homestead and is a citizen of independence andmuch personal worth.  They have a daughter, Sophia, born in 1849.

Samuel PIERCE born in 1790, married first,Sally Maria WRIGHT, who was a native of Connecticut. She died in 1833 at 39 year.  Hemarried for his second wife, Nancy THOMPSON, who died in 1853 at aged 48 year. His third wife was widow CHRUCHILL, a sister of Nancy. He died in 1864, a respected citizen. He was a soldier of the War of 1812. All his children were by his first marriage. Their names were Herschell W., Levi S. and Eli S. (twins), Sarah E. andJerusha Maria.

Hershell W. born in 1818 is an architect andbuilder and in early life was an able and popular teacher. While quite a young man he was First Lieutenant of an IndependentArtillery Company in Starkey, commissioned by Gov. Silas WRIGHT, and was apopular officer.  His brother, LeviS., was at the same time a Second Lieutenant of the same Company. In 1861 he enlisted 25 men, united with the 76th NYV and wasmustered as a private.  He was promoted a Second Lieutenant, Jan 13, 1862. In the following battles he was engaged with his company having manynarrow risks for his life: First and Second Fredericksburg, Chancelorsville,Gettysburg, Mine Run, Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Spotsylvania, North Anna,Polopotomy Creek, Cold Harbor, Bethesda Church, Petersburgh, Weldon Railroad,Poplar Grove and Chapel House.  Fewsoldiers did harder or more meritorious service.  He married Marietta, daughter of Abner PIERCE. They reside in Dundee and have two surviving children, Joseph H. andWilliam H.

Levi S. born in 1820, is also a carpenterand joiner, a skillful workman, a man of solid merit and superior intelligence. He married Eliza, daughter of Abner PIERCE. They reside in DUNDEE and have a daughter, Caroline. 

Eli S. married Cyrena LINDSEY, and is afarmer residing on his father�s homestead. Their children are Mary and George O. Sarah E. born in 1822, married Benedict GABRIEL.

Jerusha Maria born in 1831, was the firstwife of Henry A. BRUNER and died in 1865, leaving a daughter, Lizzie P. Mr. BRUNER grew up to manhood in Starkey, acquiring the trade of harnessmaker with Gilbert A. LAYTON.  Hewas a teacher of note, and six years School commissioner of Yates county beingfirst chosen in 1856 by the Board of Supervisors and afterwards elected by thepeople.  Subsequently in companywith his brother, David S., he became Editor and proprietor of the OrleansAmerican, at Albion, NY and is now its sole owner and Editor and Postmaster atthat place.

Abner PIERCE born in 1792, married BetseyDEWEY.  After living till 1850 inStarkey, they moved to Virginia, where he died in 1862 and she at a laterperiod.  Their children were Eliza,Marietta, Helen, Jane, Dewey, Ralph and Huldah. 

Eliza is the wife of Levi S. PIERCE andMarietta of Capt. Herschell W. PIERCE.

Helen married Dr. Franklin LOCKWOOD. They reside in Bradford and Huldah resides single with them. 

Jane married in Virginia, Dr. Joseph HARTand resides in that State.

Dewey died a young man in Virginia.

Ralph married Mary COON of Barrington andthey have a son, Ernest. 


PLUMMER    pg949 � 951

George PLUMMER came from Belvidere, NewJersey.  He was a son of WilliamPLUMMER and was born in 1763.  Hemarried Hannah MC MURTREE in 1787.  Shewas born in 1769.  They settled halfa mile west of Eddytown in 1807, on section 13 of Watson�s Purchase, residingthere through life.  He was a steadygoing, respectable citizen, and accumulated a large estate. Their children were William, Elizabeth, Jane, Nancy and Mary.

William born in 1789, married Delilah,daughter of Thomas FITZSIMMONS and settled near his father. Late in life he moved to Illinois and died there. He was an active Democratic politician in Starkey many years, and a goodcitizen.  His children were George,Thomas, Susan, Hannah, John, Abraham, Oliver, Mary and Harry T. George married Hannah, daughter of David B. BARTHOLOMEW. The live at St. Charles, Ill., and have a daughter, Mary A. Thomas was drowned at aged 15, in Seneca Lake. Susan married Thomas ROSS.  Hannahmarried Daniel COOK.  John marriedCaroline, daughter of David B. BARTHOLMEW. They live in California and their children are David and Josephine. Abraham and Oliver married and have families in California. Mary married Isaac BABCOC and lives in Wisconsin. Harry T. married and lives in Illinois.

Elizabeth born in 1791, married RichardSOVEREIGN.  They finally moved toIllinois.  Their children wereHannah, Plummer, Mary A., Clark, Emily and Joshua. Mary A. resides single in Starkey.

Jane born in 1800, married Thomas CLARK Jr. They settled near Martin�s Mill in Starkey. They moved to Illinois after many years residence in Starkey. Their children were Malin, John, Desdemona, George, Thomas, William, Maryand Barton.  The mother of ThomasCLARK Jr., the father of this family, was a sister of Rachel and Margaret MALIN.

Nancy born in 1807, married David, son ofJohn J. SMITH and Nancy CLARK, his wife.  Theylived a short distance east of Dundee.  Davidwas a devout and earnest Methodist exhorter, very effective in protractedmeetings, also a prosperous farmer and a good man.  Their children were, Julia A., John, George, Clark andMartin.   Julia A. was thefirst wife of Uriah HAIR.  Johnmarried first, Harriet HEDERSON, and has a second wife. He has a son, Clarence, by his first marriage and a daughter, Cora, bythe second.  He resides at StarkeyLanding, and keeps the warehouse at the Point. George married first, Sarah A., daughter of James WRIGHT; second, Martha,daughter of James SHANNON and third, Charity, daughter of Robert L. SHANNON. By his first marriage he has a daughter, Sarah; and by the third marriagethe children are Nellie, Clark and Ella.  Clarkmarried Mary A., daughter of Chillion HEADLY, and is a merchant in Dundee.  He was supervisor of Starkey in 1871.  Martin married first, Anna, daughter of Moses B. HEADLEY, andsecond, Elizabeth HOYT, and resides in Dundee.

Mary born in 1810, married Lewis BEAM. 

(note from pg 1067) William DURALAND wasanother pioneer, who lived near the residence of George PLUMMER.


POTTER   pg1067

Benjamin POTTER was an early tavern keeperand blacksmith on Big Stream, within the present limits of Dundee, precedingSamuel HARPENDING and John WALTON.  POTTERwas from New Jersey.  His wife wasAnn KING and their children were Alexander, George, William, another son andCatharine, Maria and Eliza.  Theymoved to Ohio in 1812. 


QUIN  orQUINN   pg 991 � 992

Patrick QUIN came to America from Ireland in1794.  With him were his wife,Tomason CAFFERY and two children, Patrick and Jane. From New York the moved the same year to Bath, where he, entered into theservice of Charles WILLIAMSON, and remained till 1800, when he moved to Hopeton. There he died in 1803.  In1807 his widow married William REED with whom she and her younger children livedtill her death in 1810.  Dominic,Daniel and Edward, were three sons of Edward QUIN, born after his emigration tothis country. 

Patrick QUIN, born in 1789 in Dulick,Westmayth county, Ireland was at 18 years, apprenticed to Morris F. SHEPPARD tolearn the trade of tanner and currier.  Afterlearning his trade he worked one year in Canandaigua. Returning to Penn Yan he married in 1811, Betsey, a sister of Dr. WalterWOILCOTT.  In 1813 he bought a farmand tannery at Eddytown and remained there till 1834.  In that year he purchased a tannery at Millport (Chemung Co)and lived there till 1865.  He thenmoved to Hinsdale, Cattaraugus Co., where he still lives. His wife who is sevenyears younger, keeps house without assistance and takes care of her husband, avictim of paralysis, and a feeble daughter. Patrick QUIN in the vigor of his life was a man of uncommon talent, andthough a workingman was a lawyer of no trifling ability in Justices� Courts. He was also a prominent Democratic politician, and a man of integrity andhonor.  He was a Deputy Sheriffunder John MAGEE and for a long period, a magistrate in Chemung county. Their children are Alexander H., Hannah W., Erastus W, George E., OliveW., Daniel, Betsey and Harriet.   AlexandraH., born in 1812, married in 1831, Philena A. THOMPSON. They live at Hinsdale and have a daughter, Theresa, and wife ofChristopher WILLOVER, a wealthy lumber dealer at that place. Hannah W. born in 1814, lives single with her parents. Erastus W. was born in 1817, died at 27 years. George E., born in 1818 studied and practiced law at Watkins with hisuncle, Edward.  He married Winifred,daughter of Gen. William KERNAN.  In1858 he moved to Utica, and was in practice with Francis KERNAN, till his deathin 1863.  He was an accomplishedlawyer and a man of genial character.  Theirchildren were seven sons.  Olive W.,born in 1810, married Augustus H. PHELPS.  Theylive at Hinsdale, and their children are Hamilton and Betsey.  Daniel born in 1823, died in 1847.  Betsey born in 1825 married in 1852, Edwin J. SHAUT. Harriet died young.

Jane QUIN married David CULVER of Reading. He died many years ago.  Shenow lives in Bath, Steuben Co.

Dominic married Mary SMITH. HE died at Bath in 1828 leaving two children, Edward and Andrew.

Daniel died single in Missouri in 1821.

Edwin QUIN studied law with James TAYLOR andJudge William M. OLIVER.  Hepracticed law some years at Watkins, where he was Postmaster when the place wasknow as Salubria.  He moved fromWatkins to Elmira and was elected District Attorney of Chemung Co., and died in1855.  He was a sound and ablelawyer.  He married Margaret,daughter of Gen. William KERNAN.  Shedied in 1845.  Their children wereMaria and Jane.  Maria is the wifeof F.X. MANAHAN of Utica, and Jane is the wife of Peter BURKE of Brooklyn.  


RAPLEE ( or Rapalee or ROBLYER)  pg 932 �  941

The pioneer member of this family wasStephen RAPLEE, a son of James.  Hecame to Eddy�s Settlement with Thomas ROSWELL, his brother in law, in 1801 andboth lived in the same log house located where James P. HENDERSON now lives.  Of  ROSWELL, wehave only to say that his wife, Anna ADAMS, was a sister of Stephen RAPLEE�Swife and a most worthy woman, long and well know in that town.  They afterwards lived in Bennett�s Settlement, on the JohnSUTPHIN farm, but died on a place about one mille and a half south of Dundee,occupied by Roswell RAPLEE, their foster son, to whom their property was left. Thomas ROSWELL was a respected citizen and died at 64 years. His wife died at 78 years. 

James RAPLEE was a native of New Jersey, aswas his wife, Byer MORSE.  Theyfollowed their son, Stephen, with the residue of their family and settled nearthe Lake on Indian Run, in the neighborhood of the Shannon Mill in 1805.  Their children who were all born in New Jersey, were, Andrew,Stephen, Joshua, Ezra, James, Thomas, Lurcretia, Lydia, Byer, Elizabeth, Sarahand Polly.   In its descendentsthis is the most numerous family in Yates county. 

The name which was at first �ROBLYER�,was changed by Judge Nehemiah RAPLEE of Dundee, to its present orthography, andby common consent that is now the family name. It was of French origin.

Andrew married Catharine ADAMS, and theylived in Bennett�s Settlement, on Owen�s Patent, about half a mile north ofDundee, where they kept a Tavern at an early day, and where they both died.Their children were Patty, Anna, Susan, Polly, Jane, Lydia, Catharine, Sally andMadison.  Patty married SamuelVANCE.  They settled on Phillipp�sLocation, where he is still living.  Theirchildren were John, William and Andrew.  Annamarried John S. SUTPHIN.  Susanmarried Daniel HAUGHT, who was for some years a merchant at Dresden. Their children were Andrew N., Sylvenus, Hiram, Jacob, George, Susan andSarah.  Polly married first, LutherHAIR.  He died in Starkey leavingthree children, Huldah, Mary A. and Uriah. Of these, Huldah married Tewalt SWARTS, son of Tewalt SWARTS 2nd;Uriah married first, Julia A., daughter of David SMITH.  They had a daughter, Mary, who married William STANTON ofBarrington.  Uriah had a secondwife, Emily, daughter of Calvin HUSON.  Theyhave a son, Luther.  Polly, widow ofLuther HAIR, has a second husband, Peter H. CROSBY, of Barrington. Jane was the first wife of Jephtha F. RANDOLPH and has a second husband,Uriah BENNETT, residing in Torrey.  Theirchildren are Josephine, Ray, Madison and Lee Ellsworth.   Lydia married George FITZSIMMONS.  Theyhad a large family and moved to Michigan where he was a leading citizen, and amember of the Legislature.   Catharinemarried Robert WILSON.  Sally wasthe wife of James B. LANNING.  Madisonborn in 1810, married Melinda, daughter of Doctor MILLARD in 1831.  She was born in 1814.  Heresided on the homestead of his father and died there in 1870. His widow survives.  Theirchildren were Dorcilla, Marilla and Melissa. The first died a young woman.  Marillamarried Frank BENEDICT of Dundee.  Theyhad a son, Charles.  She had asecond husband, Samuel S. WICKHAM, residing at Middletown, Orange Co. Melissa married Reuben VOSBURG, merchant at Dundee. They have a son, Freddie.

Stephen RAPLEE born in 1774, married Sarah,daughter of Uriah ADAMS.  She wasborn in 1779.  After residing inStarkey till 1827, he moved to Steuben Co., and died there in 1867. His first wife died at 61 years in Starkey.  He had a second wife, Rebecca MC SQAYNE, widow and sister ofthe wife of Stephen REEDER.  Hischildren, all by his first marriage, were: James, Anna, Sally, Byer, Roswell,Uriah, Thomas, Martha and Andrew.

James born in 1797, married Keziah GREEN. He lived many years in Starkey and he and his son, Stephen, and his thirdwife. Alvira, now live at Madison, Ohio.  Annaborn in 1799, married Elam ROBERTS and afterwards a second husband, Elias PERRY,whom she survives residing in Michigan.  Shehad a daughter, Sarah Ann, by her first marriage, and the children by the secondmarriage are Erasmus, Phirson, Zalotus and Uriah. Sally born in 1801, married Joseph CARPENTER.  Their children are Jacob, Burrows, Stephen, Mary Ann,Elizabeth, Dorcas and Uriah.  Stephenwas a Union soldier.  Byer born in1804, married William JONES.  Theyhave three sons, Stephen William and George. The last was a Union soldier. 

Roswell RAPLEE born in 1806, was reared byhis uncle, Thomas ROSWELL, whose estate he inherited. He married in 1826, Dorcas, daughter of Benjamin REYNOLDS and SarahWESTCOTT his wife.  She was born in1806.  They were married by ElderSamuel BIGELOW.  She died in 1826leaving a son, Joseph.  He married asecond wife, Louisa, daughter of Richard TOWNSEND. She died in 1836 and he married a third wife, Susan, sister of hissecond.  She died in 1837, and hemarried a fourth wife, Martha, daughter of William AYRES. By the second married he had a daughter, Sarah; by the third, a son,Thomas; and by the fourth, three children, Dorcas A., Anson A. and Eli T. Josephmarried Mehetable, daughter of Abner SKIFF. Their children are Anna and Byron.  Annmarried Norton SAGE and has a son, Bertie. Sarah, born in 1829, married in 1852, Ira NICKERSON. They have a daughter, Lois, who married James WILMOT. Thomas born in 1836, married Patty Jane ALLEN.  Their children are Cora and Nettie.  Thomas was a Union soldier. Dorcas A. born in 1838, married Ebenezer HAVENS.  Their children are Eddie A. and Roswell R. Anson A., born in 1850, was a soldier of Co. B., 148th NYV. He was wonded before Petersburg, VA and died in hospital at Fort McDongal in 1865.  Eli T. born in1857, died at Keokuk, Iowa, at 23 years.  Roswell RAPLEE was quite a military character and rose to beLieut. Colonel in the old 206th Regiment of Militia.

Uriah, son of Stephen RAPLEE, born in 1808,married Lucretia ANDERSON in Indiana.  Henow resides at Keokuk, Iowa, where he has been many years a successful merchant. Their children are Sarah B. and Emma. Thomas born in 1811, married Sally STORMS. They lived in Steuben Co., and moved to Michigan. Their children areMartha, Madison, Dorcas, Sally, Elizabeth and James. Martha born in 1813, married Christopher WHEELER. They resided at Naples, Ontario Co., where he still lives, surviving her.(On 1880 census he has a 2nd wife, Sarah). Their children are, Amelia, John, Jane, Shepherd, Ann, James, Rhoda, andEmma.  Andrew J., born in 1815,married Rebecca GARDNER of Reading.  Theyreside now at Hillsdale, Michigan and their children are Sarah, Zalotus, Stephenand Elizabeth.

Joshua RAPLEE born in 1767, married Keziah,sister of Solomon FINCH.  When theyfirst came to the Lake country, they stopped one years, east of Seneca Lake,coming to the west side in 1807.  Theysettled on lot 21, of the Potter Location, on the bank of Seneca Lake, wherethey remained through life.  Theyhad several hundred acres of land, 208 acres of which is still retained by hisson, Miles G.  He died in 1823 andhis wife in 1863, at the age of 92 years.  Theirchildren were Daniel, Lewis, Ezra, Ira, Joshua, Hiram, Miles G. and Minor.

Daniel married Betsey MC COLLUM, half sisterof Adam CLARK. They lived first in Barrington, keeping the old TEEPLES tavern,which place they traded for that of John SHOEMAKER on lot 6 in Barrington, wherethe family still resides.  Theirchildren were Ursula, Joshua, Clinton, Mary Jane, John, Melvin, Myron andCastner.

Lewis, son of Joshua RAPLEE, born in 1797,married Christiana FINCH.  Theylived many years in Milo and moved to Michigan and thence to Illinois, about 30years ago, with a family of several children. Ezra, born in 1799, married Margery LONGCOR, and settled near Seneca Lakeon lot 14, of the Potter Location, where they still live. Their children are Joshua, Henry, Elcena, Miles and Keziah. Joshua (b. 1822) married Hannah, daughter of Joseph C. LEWIS and moved toMichigan (had a daughter, Rinda).  Henrymarried Mary, daughter of John PRATT.  Theylive on the homestead and have a daughter, Florence. Elcena married Henry DEPEW, and both died leaving a daughter, Adnora. Miles married Mary DEMING and resides on the paternal homestead. They have a daughter, Frances.  Keziahmarried Ezra COLE of Jerusalem, and finally moved to Michigan.

Ira RAPLEE, fourth son of Joshua, born in1804, married first Polly, daughter of Uriah SMITH, in 1827. They lived 12 years on lot 9, of the Potter Location, and 11 years on lot8 of the Potter Location, on the farm next north of Dr. Henry SPENCE. He next resided at Dundee till 1870, when he moved to Penn Yan. His first wife died in 1846, and he married her sister, Caroline. His children were all by the first marriage, were William R. Keziah,Sarah, and Arvilla.  William R.married Lydia, daughter of Abner SKIFF of Starkey. He resides on the farm last occupied by his father, and has two children,Carrie and Ira.  Keziah marriedHenry ELLIS of Starkey.  They livein Tyrone and their children are Polly A., Viola and Ida. Sara married Oliver G. BRYANT of Penn Yan. Arivlla married John T. ANDREWS 2nd, of Starkey. They residein Penn Yan.

Joshua RAPLEE Jr., born in 1808, marriedfirst Jane LONGCOR of Milo and settled in Barrington on the Ezekiel BLUE farm,on lot 23, where he still resides.  Hissecond wife was Rebecca Jane BELCHER, his third, Elizabeth WELKER, and hisfourth Abigail, widow of George T. FITZWATER. He is a noted stock grower, celebrated for high blood horses and merinosheep and has a farm of 441 acres.  Thechildren by his first marriage were Anthony, Erastus, Hiram, Elizabeth, Calistaand Mary; by the second, one son, Oliver; by the third, three, Daniel, Georgeand Jane.  Anthony died west and theothers of this branch are married and live out of the county. Oliver was a soldier of Co. I, 33rd NYV. He married Matilda, daughter of Nathaniel HUSON Jr., and resides inBarrington.  Daniel married Frances,daughter of James SNOOK. George married a daughter (Lydia Dyvern) of MiltonPULVER.  Jane married Hiram ARWINE. All these reside in Barrington.  JoshuaRAPLEE has lived over 40 years on the same farm.

Hiram RAPLEE born in 1808, married Phebe AnnHEADLEY, and soon after moved to Gorham, where he still lives.  Their children were Christina, Mary and Arvilla.

Miles G., born in 1811, married MariaWESTBROOK, and has since resided on his father�s homestead. He is a noted stock grower.  Hiswife died in 1871.  Their childrenwere Margaret, Amanda, Mariette, Miles, and Minor. Margaret married Nelson JONES of Milo. They have a son, Herbert. Amanda married Mr. JOHNSON of Chicago and settled west. Mariette married William HENDERSON of Starkey. Miles married Emma, daughter of Peleg BRIGGS of Starkey. Minor is single.

Minor, son of Joshua RAPLEE Sr., married adaughter (Arminda) of Solomon NORMAN and moved to Illinois about 1830. 

Ezra, son of James RAPLEE the elder, marriedAmarillis, daughter of Jesse DAINS.  Theylived on a farm one mile north of Himrods, where he died and his wife survivesin advanced age.  Their childrenwere Arnold, Aurelia, Almira, Jesse, Jeremiah and Delanson. Arnold married Rebecca, daughter of David DAINS. Their daughter, Susan, married Thomas ELDRED of Milo. They have a daughter, Eva.  Sarah,daughter of Arnold, married George KRESS of Starkey. They have a son, Lee E.  Aureliamarried Benjamin NORRIS.  Almiramarried Charles, son of Micajah BROWN of Dresden. She survives him with three children, Minor D., Ann M. and George J. Jesse married Naomi WESTBROOK.  Theyfinally settled in Illinois and have three children, Hannah J, Hester and Miles. Jeremiah married Caroline, daughter of Cyrus KIDDER of Benton, andresides on his paternal homestead.  Shedied there leaving five children, Ada, Ursula, Gertrude, George and Emma. Delanson married Arvilla PERRY.  Theyreside on a portion of the homestead, where she died leaving two children,Frances and Frederick D.

James RAPLEE Jr., married Betsey CULVER andsettled near his brother Ezra.  Theyhad four children, Robert, Betsey, Lucinda and James.

Thomas RAPLEE born in 1777, died in Milo in1848.  He married Anna BOUNTAIN. She was born in New Jersey in 1780 and lived to the same age at which herhusband died to a day.  They settled in 1805 near Goff�s Ferry, west side of SenecaLake, where they remained through life.  Theirchildren were Nehemiah, Electa, Moses, John T., Keziah and Ann.

Nehemiah RAPLEE born in 1800, was at anearly age a clerk of John STARKEY and was many years a merchant and grain buyer,and a conspicuous businessman at Dundee.  Hebecame in military rank, a Colonel of cavalry, and later ,General of the 28thBrigade of NY State Militia.  He wasone of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in Yates county, and representedthe county in the Assembly in 1847.  Duringfourteen years he was Postmaster at Dundee. He has held many other civil positions and has always been regarded as asubstantial and worthy citizen.  Hemarried first, Minerva, daughter of Samuel TUTHILL in 1821. They had three sons, Jefferson, T., Myron and Spencer S. His second wife was Mrs. Eliza HAIR; his third, Mary E., a widow of Dr.Benjamin NICHOLS and his fourth, Rebecca, daughter of Richard HEDERSON Sr., andwidow of George B. NICHOLS.  JeffersonT. RAPLEE was for some years a merchant at Dundee and afterwards became a bankerthere.  Subsequently he moved toPenn Yan and occupied the old Yates County Bank edifice about 11 years as abanker.  He failed disastrously in1869, and has not since resided in the county

Myron married Elizabeth JOHNSON of JeffersonCo.  He has been a merchant. They have three children, Minerva, Nehemiah and Jefferson. Spencer S. married Harriet, daughter of Co.. Harvey G. STAFFORD. He has been Cashier of J. T. Raplee�s Bank, Insurance Agent andSecretary of the Cascade Paper Company.  Heis now a banker at North Springfield, MO.  Their children are Ida, Eva and Cora.

Electa, daughter of Thomas RAPLEE, marriedThomas NORRIS. 

Moses married Caroline BUCKINGHAM of Mio. They reside near Himrods.  Theirchildren are Minerva, Newton, Harriet, Eliza and Mary.

John Tims RAPLEE married Caroline, daughterof Thomas HATHAWAY Jr.  They live inMilo, where she died leaving two daughters, Cornelia and Frank.  He married a second wife, Julia, daughter of Alfred ARNOLD. They now reside in Geneva.  Corneliamarried Orrin HAGGERTY of Starkey.  Frankis the wife of James C. LANNING.  Theyhave a daughter, Linda.

Keziah married John W. RANDALL of Milo. He died leaving four children, Ceylon, Wheeler, Byron and Sophia. 

Ann is the wife of William S. SEMANS.

Lucretia, daughter of James RAPLEE Sr.,married the father of James and David HYATT, in New Jersey. She came to this county at an early period, a widow with four children,among whom were James and David.  Shepurchased 50 acres of land near Plum Point, which she paid for by spinning andweaving, in which arts she was a notable expert.  She subsequently married Philip MORSE, and the children bythis marriage were, John, Philip, Stephen, Nehemiah and Cynthia. Her son, James HYATT, married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard SUTPHIN Sr., They settled on the Potter Location, and later on the GANO farm west ofStarkey Corners.  His wife diedthere, and he moved to West Benton, where he is still living and nearly 90 yearsold.  He has a second wife, MargaretREADING, widow of William KETCHUM of Starkey. His children, all of whom were by the first marriage, were Harrison,John, Uriah, Newell and Douglass.  Harrisonborn in 1814, married Hannah, daughter of William SCOFIELD. She was born in 1815.  Theyreside in Benton and are held in high respect. John married Abby MINOR and moved to Michigan. Uriah married Sarah, daughter of Jacob CRWAFORD and Phebe, his wife, whowas a sister of Robert BOYD of Benton.  Theyreside in Dundee and their children are Charlotte, Eugene and Eddie.  Newell married at Buffalo, and lives in Cattaraugus county. Douglass married Susan, daughter of Robert ROBSON of Benton. They live in Michigan and their children are Phebe, Harriet, Elizabethand James.

David HYATT married Jane, daughter ofRichard SUTPHIN Sr., and moved to Michigan.

Lydia, daughter of James RAPLEE Jr., was thesecond wife of Daniel SHANNON.

Byer married Matthew TURNEY, an Irishman. They lived and died in Starkey.  Theirchildren were Bartholomew, William, Lydia and Nancy. Bartholomew married Betsey, daughter of David HAY. William and Lydia moved single, to the West. Nancy married Chapman MC CONNELL of Starkey and they had two sons, Aaronand William.  Aaron married EmilyBREWER and lives in Dundee.  Theyhave one daughter, Mary.  Williammarried Sarah, daughter of Marvin BYINGTON. He died in 1869, leaving one daughter, Frances.

Elizabeth married William BASKIN, of Irishbirth, who became a wealthy citizen of Starkey and both died well advanced inyears.  They had fourteen children.The survivors were Stephen, Edwin, James, John, Daniel S., Robert, George,William, Margaret, Ann, Lucretia and Elizabeth.

Sarah RAPLEE married George CULVER of NewJersey and settled in Starkey.  Theyhad seven children, Thomas, Susan, Ann, Clara, Lewis, George and Sarah (twins). Thomas married Anna FULKERSON of Eddytown. Susan married Pierson HOWELL of Orange Co., and settled at Millport,where he died and she still resides with their children. Ann married Thomas L SPINK of Starkey. Clara is married and lives in Wayne. Lewis married Eliza, sister of Horace WINFIELD and resides in Starkey. He is a skillful millwright and a respected citizen. Their children are Solon and Mulford. Solon married Frances, daughter of Robert BASKIN. Sarah married John ROSS of Milo and moved West.

Polly RAPLKEE married Isaac OSMUN andfinally moved to Livingston county.

Nancy, daughter of James RAPLEE Sr., andByer, his wife, married Robert HAIR of Starkey, where they resided many years. Their surviving children are James, Byer, Mary, Elias, Ezra and William. Byer HAIR married Cornelius ELLIS and always resided in Starkey, wherethey reared a numerous family.  EzraHAIR married Eliza Ann, daughter of Joel TOMER and lives in Jerusalem. Their children are Elwyn, Levi, Mary and Althea. He has a second wife, Sarah GARDNER. Elwyn married Melinda, daughter of Elias CHASE of Penn Yan. None of the other descendants of Nancy reside in this county.   

(pg 1067) Benjamin GREEN was an early settler who lived near the tavern of AndrewRAPLEE, in Bennett�s Settlement. 


REED    pg1068

Lazarus REED in mentioned as another earlysettler, but his location is not known.


REEDER    pg 960 - 962

Stephen REEDER was a son of Samuel REEDERand Amy, his wife, of Orange County.  Hewas born in 1773 and married Catharine DRAKE at Newtown in 1802.  she was born in 1778.  Themoved from there to Romulus and thence in 1810 to the place now known as StarkeyCorners, where James M. REEDER resides.  He built a tavern in 1818, the first there, and kept it tenyears.  He died in 1830 and his wifein 1834.  Their children were:Adaline, Sylvester, Joseph W., Amy, James M., Susan, Maria and Benjamin F.

Adaline born in 1803, married Joseph B. GANOof NJ.  He as a son of Richard GANOand Martha BEVERS, his wife.  Hecame to Reeder�s Corners as a clerk in 1822 and was married in 1827 by Rev.Samuel WHITE.  They resided inStarkey and he was a prominent citizen of worthy character. Their children were: Francis M., Martha, J. Elbridge, Darwin S. and EmmetJ.  Francis M. born in 1827 marriedJoseph R. BELL of Dundee and their children are Mary, Charles S. and Fanny.  Martha born in 1833 and J. Elbridge born in 1837 are single, residing onthe homestead.  Darwin S., died ataged 23 years.

Sylvester born in 1805 married in 1822 toAletta PRUDEN.  He died in Starkeyin 1834 leaving a son, Stephen, now in the west. 

Joseph W. born in 1807, died single inmiddle life.

Amy born in 1809, married Jabez BEERS. Aftermany years residence in Starkey they moved to Wisconsin. Their children are Judson, Elma, Melissa, Sylvester, Seymour, Spencer andEddie.

James M., born in 1811, married AngelineADAMS, adopted daughter and niece of Benjamin CHEEVER. She was born in 1814 and came to Eddytown to live at the age of 12 years. They reside on the old homestead of Stephen REEDER, all of which isretained by them.  He is a prominent citizen and a member of the Presbyterianchurch.  Their children are: GeorgeA., Maria, James H., Lyman and Lucy.  GeorgeA., born in 1835, married Cornelia KOON and they reside near Rock Stream. Maria born in 1838, died at aged 21 years. The others are single, residing on the homestead.

Susan born in 1814, married George W. VANALLEN in 1833.  They lived manyyears about half a mile west of Shannon�s Corners, and moved thence to Ionia,Mich.  Their children are Gertrude,Sylvester, Catharine, Marion, Daniel D. and Harmon. Gertrude married Larmon B., son of Larmon G. TOWNSEND, formerly of BigStream Point.  They live at Iona,Mich., and their children are Julia, Susan, Gertrude and Larmon G.

Maria died at 21 years, and Benjamin F. inearly manhood. 

Josiah REEDER was a brother of Stephen, bornin 1786 and came into the county in 1812.  Hemarried in Orange Co., Fanny, daughter of William SEELEY. They settled directly opposite the residence of Benjamin FRENCH inEddytown, and he died there in 1829.  Hiswife also died at the same place in 1858 at 75 years. Their children were: George S., Coe S., Sarah and Morris B.

George S. born in 1805, is single, stillresiding on the homestead.

Coe S. born in 1807, married Perlina BOOTH and finally moved west.

Sarah born in 1809, married Abner, son ofGen. Timothy HURD.  Morris B. diedin 1837 at aged 25 years.


RICH     pg1041 � 1043

Among the earlier residents of Reading, wereAnsel and Alfred RICH.  They weresons of John RICH, who followed them to the new country from Connecticut, comingtwo or three years later.  The sonssettled in the year 1805 on 200 acres of land near the New Pre-emption Line inwhat is now Reading, just across the Starkey Line. In 1806, their brother, Elias, settled adjoining them. When their father came, he took 100 acres, Elias 50 and Ansel 50 of thefirst purchase.  Alfred then movedto Eddy Settlement ad purchased the farm now owned by Peleg BRIGGS. He afterwards traded that farm with Elisha CLARK for the farm now ownedby Rochester RAPLEE.  Fifteen yearslater, he traded with his brother Ansel, who had before traded with his father,and returned where he first settled, and died there in 1847 at aged 61 years. Ansel finally settled on the Patrick QUIN place near Eddytown, and diedthere in 1852 at 68 years.  Eliasdied where he first settled in Reading.  JohnRICH, the father, settled in �Beartown� and died there in 1815.  

Ansel the oldest of the sons, married Rhoda,daughter of John GRISWOLD at Fort Ann, NY. She died in 1853 at 66 years.  Theirchildren were John, Milo, Richard, Henry, Sanford and Phila Ann. 

John was born in 1803, married in 1823, LanyHORNING and died a farmer in 1848, in Starkey. Their children were Maria, Julia Ann, Theodorus, John, George, Richard,Otis, Alonzo and Melissa.  Thefamily resides in Illinois, except Richard, who married Elizabeth FOSDECK andlives in Elmira. 

Milo born in 1813, married Elizabeth,daughter of John SUTPHEN of Milo and moved West. Their children were Rhoda, Polly, Ansel, John , George, Milo and Cass. 

Richard died at 19 years in 1838.

Henry born in 1820, married in 1841, Serepta,daughter of Belden RICH.  He did in1866 in Michigan.  His family resideat Grand Rapids in that State.  Theirchildren are Nelson, Franklin and Ralph. 

Sanford, born in 1824 married Eliza VANHORN.  They live in Dix, Schuylercounty and have two daughters, Emily and Mary. Emily married Henry ARMSTRONG of Watkins and Mary married James POPE,school commissioner of Schuyler county. 

Phila Ann born in 1826, married in 1841,Simpson HALLOCK, and resides on her paternal homestead in Starkey.  Their children are Lydia, James H., Stephen K., Martha,Theresa, William H., Elizabeth, Simpson and George F. Stephen K., was a soldier of the 148th NYV and hand a legamputated on the field in consequence of a wound received at the battle of FairOaks. 


Alfred RICH, brother to Ansel, marriedfirst, Sarah GRISWOLD, sister of the wife of Ansel. She died in 1823 at aged 37 years.  Hissecond wife was Almy ROBERTS.  Shewas born in 1802 and died in 1853.  Thechildren by the first marriage were Harriet, Polly and Sarah Ann; by the second,a son, Alfred.  Harriet born in1805, was the wife of Addison B. LEWIS.  Pollyborn in 1810, married Joseph REYNOLDS.  They reside in Dundee and have abundant means. Sarah Ann, born in 1821, married James HAWLEY and died in 1852.  Theirchildren were Erastus, Edgar, Alfred, Mary and Joseph. They reside in the town of Howard.  AlfredRICH Jr., born in 1824 in Starkey, on the RAPLEE place, married in 1850, AbigailC., daughter of Thomas DRAKE and Mary Ann SWEEZEY, his wife. They reside on the original homestead of the RICH family in Reading, awealthy and excellent family.  Theirchildren are, Charles B. and Flora A.  Theson is a student of Starkey Seminary.

Elias RICH, another brother of Ansel, hadtwo children, Amanda and Richard.  Amandamarried Luck OLDS Jr., and has three children, Elias, Albert and Frank. Richard moved West.

The brothers RICH had an only sister, Clara,whose first husband was one RICH, a sea captain. She had a second husband, whose name was SMITH. By the first marriage she had a son, Harris RICH, who married in 1819,Sally Ann BUNCE and they had two sons, Harrison and Washington. By the second marriage, Clara RICH had a son, Silas SMITH, who marriedEliza, sister of John BAKER.  Theirchildren were Albert, Clarissa, Alfred, Almeda and George. The family of Clara RICH lived many years in �Beartown� and hermother, who as a maiden was Elizabeth AIKENS, died there at the house of SilasSMITH at 97 years.


ROSS    pg947 � 949

Samuel ROSS was born in 1773, in Sherman�sValley, Perry Co., PA.  His fatherwas also Samuel ROSS, and his mother was Miss BUCHANAN, a cousin of the latePresident BUCHANAN.  He was a tannerand currier by trade.  He married atLandisburg, PA, Margaret, daughter of James DIVEN, and cousin of William DIVENof Reading.  They came in 1808 towhat is now Starkey, and lived in one part of a double log house, where thepresent residence of William E. GABRIEL now stands, Sherman HURD occupying theother part.  The same year he boughtof Philemon E. FRENCH, on the east side of the road, the tannery lot, and builta log tannery, also a house near by it, residing there till 1813.  He thus started the first tannery in Starkey. Patrick QUINN bought the tannery in 1813, and ROSS moved on a farmnorthward of that of William EDDY, in �Beartown�.  He was a soldier in the Company of Captain Timothy HURD, and lived inStarkey, a farmer, till 1836, when he moved to Reading, where he died at 86years, in 1858.  His wife died in1830 at 53 years.  Their childrenwere James, Alexander, Margaret, Samuel, William, John, Thomas, Ann, Joseph,Mary and Jane.

James born in 1800, married Cynthia,daughter of William BASKIN.  Theirchildren are William, Margaret, Catharine, Oscar, Terissa, Mary and Emma.

Alexander born in 1802, married Adaline,daughter of Abel PIERCE of Starkey.  Theirchildren were Alonzo, Abel and John. 

Margaret born in 1803, married WilliamBASKIN Jr.  Their surviving childrenare Susan and Maria.  Susan marriedJohn BATTHOLOMEW of Bradford.  Theirchildren are Daniel D. and Alice.  DanielD., is a Homeopathic physician at Dundee.

Samuel born in 1805, married Thankful,daughter of Jacob and Ruth MYERS.  Theirchildren are Austa, Eli T., Almeda and Alzada (twins), William P. and D.Lanning.  Austa married NathanielTOWSNED.  Their children are Belland Willie.  Elit T. married Louisa,daughter of Roswell SHEPHERD of Altay.  Hedied leaving a daughter, Maud.  Almedamarried Leverett SHEPHERD.  Theirchildren are Eliza and Harriet.  Alzadamarried John R. SAGE.  They live atMitchelvlle, Iowa.  William marriedAnn, daughter of George SWARTS, of Himrods. They live in Wisconsin.  D.Lanning married Anna, daughter of Ezra LOSEY.

William born in 1807, married Theresa,daughter of Sylvester FROST of Starkey.  Theirchildren are Hyatt D., Louisa and Sarah.  HyattD., married Ellen, daughter of Thomas ARCHER and adopted daughter of EliTOWNSEND.  Sarah married Manly, sonof Nash SAWYER.

John born in 1807, married Polly WEBSTER ofHorseheads.  Their children areHeman H., Francis M., Webster, Enoch W., Henry and Myron. Enoch W. was a bank clerk with Jefferson T. RAPLEE and resides now atOwego, Kansas.

Thomas born in 1811, married Susan, daughterof William PLUMMER.  They now resideat Elgin, Ill.  Their children areMary, Joseph and Myron.  Thomas ROSSwas a partner of Samuel H. STAFFORD, merchant at Rock Stream in 1842, and JohnD. WOLCOTT was their chief clerk.  Stafford& Ross were the immediate successors of Alonzo SIMMONS, who built the storein 1831.  They sold to H.A. & H.B. Newcomb, who in their turn, sold to Barnes & Sharp. William L. SHARP of this firm, sold afterwards to Charles W. BARNES, hispartner, who still continues the business at the same place. 

Ann born in 1813, married William, son ofBuckley JOHNSON.  Their children areJohn and Ullyra.

Joseph born in 1815, died in 1840, single, ayoung man of much worth and promise.

Mary born in 1821, married William TUTTLE, amerchant at Big Flats, Chemung Co.  Hewas Supervisor of his town 16 years successively. Their children are Margaret, Edgar, Henry and Charles.

Jane born in 1823, married Morris, son ofComfort BENNETT, of Big Flats.  Theylive at Horseheads and their children are Frances, Ella and Stella. 


ROYCE    pg 902 � 904

One of the most noted of the notableSandgate (VT) colony that settled in Reading, was Matthew ROYCE. He resided 70 years on his farm on the southerly outskirts of Eddytown.  He was born in Woodbury, Conn., March 10, 1771, and died in Starkey atthe age of nearly 99 years.   Hehad two brothers, Simeon and Reuben and two sisters, Rhoda and Mehetable. He married Jane HENDERSON in Salem, NY in 1799. She was born at Salem in 1784.  Hisfather also Matthew, was born in Woodbury, Conn., in 1744. His mother was Mercy PORTER.  TheROYCES were also residents of Sandgate, VT, before emigrating to Reading.

The father and mother of this family ofROYCES, soon after came into the country to live among their children.  The father died in Reading as it was then called, in 1814,and the mother at the house of Caleb COWING, in the town of Seneca, in 1823. The children of Matthew and Jane ROCYE were: James H., born in 1800, Johnborn in 1805, Simeon born in 1806, Harvey born in 1810, Caleb C. born in 1812,Eliza born in 1819, and David L. born in 1826. The youngest of these is the only descendant of his parents now living inYates county.  He resides on the old homestead. David L. married Elizabeth, daughter of Eli TOWNSEND and is a worthy sonof his excellent father.

John ROYCE was captain of a company ofartillery attached to the old 206th Regiment and was a true militaryman and a good officer.  He movedfrom Starkey to Thurston, Steuben county ,and has been supervisor of that town. Simeon resided many years in Eddytown, and also moved to Steuben Coutny. Harvey died young and Caleb C. was a devout Christian minister, and anamiable conscientious man.  He wasdrowned in Seneca Lake, Aug 16, 1850, by the upsetting of a boat. Attempting to cross to Hector Falls in a sail boat with two young ladies,a flaw of wind upset the boat.  Hesucceeded in fastening the young ladies to the boat and kept afloat nearly twohours, when he attempted to swim ashore and was drowned, it is supposed fromchills.  Eliza, the only daughter,died in 1823.  Mrs. ROYCE, themother, died in 1860.

Reuben ROYCE, brother of Matthew, marriedLucinda, daughter of Andrew BOOTH Sr. Her sister Mabel was the wife of Gen.Timothy HURD.  He died in Starkey in1839.  They had seven children,Maria, Dennis K., Harvey, Harriet Jerusha, Ruby and Rhoda (twins) and Sophia.  Maria became the third wife of Philip L. DRAVE, whose second wife wasRebecca BROWN, who was well and favorably known among the older settlers inStarkey.  He kept the �YatesHotel� at Eddytown, at the time when there was a line of our house stagesrunning from Elmira through Eddytown to Geneva. DRAKE also kept a tavern at Milo Center several years, and finally movedto Steuben county.  He now lives in this county, and his wife too, at JamesHENDERSON�S, his son in law, who married his first wife�s daughter, Martha.

Dennis K. was an early merchant at Eddytown,also at Shannontown and later at Weston in Tyrone. He now lives in Starkey, a bachelor. 

Harvey died in 1834 at the age of 23 years,by eating the roots of cicuta, which he mistook for spikenard.

Harriet Jerusha, married Alva WRIGHT, atanner and currier.  She died in1837, the next year after her marriage at the age of 20, leaving a son, Harvey. Mr. WRIHGT was a partner of Alexander h. QYUINN in the tannery businessat Eddytown, and afterwards followed the business at Dundee. He was a man held in good esteem and was supervisor of Starkey in 1845.

Rhoda married John ROOF and died at 25 in1846, leaving one child.  Mr. ROOFafterwards married  Cornelia,daughter or Alexander HEMIUP of Eddytown.

Ruby married William G. FULKERSON and liveswest.  Sophia is married and livesat Horseheads.

Reuben ROYCE, the father, lived after hismarriage some years in the town of Seneca. He returned to Starkey, owned and resided on a farm near StarkeySeminary, now owned by Seeley BAILEY.  Hewas a Colonel of the Militia at an early day.

Simeon ROYCE, another brother of Matthew,first settled on the farm now owned and occupied by James C. HENDERSON. His son James died in 1827.  Hisdaughter Retta, married Zenas P. KELSEY.  About1830, Simeon ROYCE sold his farm to Caleb COWING and he and his wife Sarah,moved with Kelsey and family to Erie, PA., where �Uncle Sam,� and �AuntSarah� now lie buried.  


ROYER   pg 1066

Conrad ROYER was a brother in law of JohnGLEASON, who was the man that started the first Ferry, interfering with that ofJohn GOODWIN.  His Ferry startedfrom the east side.  The wife ofROYER was Isabel OWEN, and GLEASON�S wife was her sister. Their descendants are in Steuben County.  Their children were Hiram, Betsey, Margaret and Catharine. Betsey married Clement TUBBS of Eddytown, a blacksmith. Margaret married Christopher SCHENCK. Catharine married Joseph WHITE.  


RUSCO    pg 1029 � 1030

Nathaniel RUSCO was born in Huntington, LongIsland, in 1756.   His father,David RUSCO was a Revolutionary soldier.  Britishofficers made his house their headquarters, permitting the family to reside inthe barn.  They were seekingrecruits for the British service.   Theyasked Mr. RUSCO, �where are your sons!� He replied, �they are in Connecticut.� 

Nathaniel and his brother were then inConnecticut, in the American service.  Nathanielmarried in Albany County, Catharine CARPENTER. She was born in 1763.  Theymoved to into Starkey in 1824, and settled on lot 10 of Watson�s Purchase,�between the streams�.  Theylived there till his death in 1844 and hers in 1847. They were people of the highest worth, and members of the Presbyterianchurch.  Their children were SarahR., David, Eliza, Amelia, Maria A., George W. and Albert.

Sarah R. born in 1788, married in 1810,Hartman SHEER, a German.  They hadsix children.

David married Elizabeth SNYDER and came toStarkey with his father, bought of Zebulon WILLIAMS the farm where Reuben B.HENDERSON now resides, and where he died in 1825. Their children were Eliza and Maria A. They are single residing atLansingburg, NY, where their mother died.

Eliza married in 1826, Sheldon BASSETT,still residing in Hector, where he has long lived. He was born in 1778.  Theirchildren were Mary, Joseph and Charles. 

Mary married in 1853, Rev. Newton HURD. They went as missionaries to Madras in India, where she died two or threeyears later, leaving one son.  Josephand Charles are single.

Amelia born in 1809, married FrancisCRANDALL of Starkey. 

George W. born in 1808, married in 1843,Charlotte, daughter of Holbrook BENSON and Susan POTTER, his wife. They own and reside on his paternal homestead, where he is a thrifty andrespected citizen.  In militarydays, he was Adjutant in the old 206th Regiment and Major in the 59th.

Albert married Lydia TOGOOD, and theirfamily resides in Buffalo.  Maria A.died in Troy, at 19 years.

Mrs. Sheldon BASSETT (Eliza RUSCO) gives thefollowing history of an English Bible, still preserved in the RUSCO family. It was printed in 1599, 11 years before the publication of the presenttranslation, and was purchased at a cost of $140. Through eight generations of this family it has been carefully preserved. One matron kept it in a box fitted to it�s size under the seat of herchair.  She sat in this chair whenthe house was searched and other books seized and burned. Two brothers brought it to America in 1644, landing in New York after along and perilous voyage.  Itfinally became the property of Nathaniel RUSCO, and is now in the possession ofMrs. BASSETT.  


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