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History & Directory of Yates Co., VolII, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland

Information listedbelow in (  ) are NOT sourced from this book, but from other sources, suchas census information. 


EDDY     pg895 � 897

William EDDY was a native of Ireland, bornin 1757 and married in Ireland, Mary HAYES. They landed in New York, March 1793. In Ireland he was a weaver of corduroy; in New York he kept a grocerystore and boarding house.  In thefall of 1797 he first came to this region and cleared a piece of land on thefarm now owned by Peleg BRIGGS, on lot 13 of Watson�s Purchase, and within thepresent village of Eddytown.  Hebuilt a log hut called �The Castle�, in which he staid alone till the nextsummer when he returned to New York and brought his family in July. They were three weeks coming by way of the Mohawk. Their nearest neighbors were Stephen CARD and the Friends Settlement onthe north of them.  Their oldest daughter, Elizabeth was then 11 years old. Margaret was born in April 1800.  Whenshe was 2 months old, her mater started with her for New York on an ox sled. Mr.EDDY went with them to Geneva and returned the next day. Robert DUNLAP and wife then lived on the Matthew ROYCE place, and Mrs.DUNLAP staid with Elizabeth while her father was absent. DUNLAP worked on the Cayuga Bridge, then in process of construction. He afterwards returned to Pennsylvania, from whence he had emigrated toReading.  At the south the firstneighbors of William EDDY were John DOW and David CULVER.

The tract on which William EDDY firstsettled was known as the Lawrence Tract.  LAWRENCEgave EDDY 50 acres for making the first settlement. In the autumn of 1800 he andhis oldest daughter, Elizabeth, followed Mrs. EDDY to New York and remainedthere two years.  While absent theRoyces HURDS had moved in and formed a considerable settlement. After two years longer residence on the old place, they sold to PhineasCLARK and moved half a mile father west, near where George PLUMMER settled. Eight years later, he moved to a farm one mile and a half southwest ofEddytown, where he resided twenty years on a place now owned by Caleb COWING. In 1834 he went to Ireland and was not afterwards heard of. His wife died in 1831 and was buried in the Fulkerson burying ground.  They had several children, all of whom died young, exceptElizabeth and Margaret, the oldest and youngest. 

Margaret EDDY married Walter BERRY in 1818. He was from New Jersey and came to this county in 1815 and resided nearAdam CASTNER�S.  They were married in Starkey by Elder BIGELOW. Their children have been, Mary, William, Catharine, Rebecca, Elizabeth,Charles, Margaret, George and Priscilla.  Maryis single.  William married Adaline, daughter of Frederick DEAN ofHimrods.  Their children are, Ashsa,John and Elizabeth Catharine.  Theylive at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.

Catharine BERRY married Freeman FITTS ofColumbia Co.  He is a carpenter andresides in Dresden.  They have adaughter, Mabel.  Rebecca marredJesse HAVENS, a carpenter of Dresden.  Theirchildren are Anna, Walter and Ernest.  Elizabethmarried in 1844, Uriah STAMP, a farmer on lot 11 in Milo. Their children are Mary Alice, Lelia, Rebecca, Ada, and George W. Mary Alice is the wife of Mark BABCOCK and they have a son, Frank Uriah.

Charles BERRY is a miller in Penn Yan. He married Sarah NORTHRUP, widow of Hiram KENYON.

Margaret married Stephen R. STEPHENS,manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes at Greenville, Mich. Their children are Charles, Thomas, Walter and one other. George died young.  Priscilla married Nathan P. BEEDEN of Dresden. Their children are, Ida, Mary and Henry. Nathan P. BEEDEN was one of the soldiers pf the 126th NYV,serving with it throughout. 

Margaret EDDY was the first white child bornin Starkey.


EDGERTON   pg 1001 � 1002

Andrew EDGERTON was born in 1768, inHartford, Conn., and his wife, Catharine MURRAY, who was a sister of Mrs. EnosALLEN, was born in Vermont in 1777.  Theymoved into Reading in 1814 and settled close by Rock Stream, where they bought50 acres of land.  He died there in1832 and she in 1861.  Theirchildren were Polly, James, Elizabeth, Harriet, Andrew, Hannah and Deborah.

Polly born in 1802, married in 1819, WilliamCHAMBERS.

James born in 1803, married in 1829, SarahWAKEFIELD.  They lived in Starkeysome years and now reside in Rathborneville, NY. Their children are Harriet, Charles, Andrew, Morton, Marvin, Madison andFrank.

Elizabeth born in 1805 married in 1827 LewisPROPER.  Their children are Gilbertand George.

Harriet born in 1808 lives single on thehomestead.

Andrew born in 1811, married Jane, daughterof Ralph SMITH of Reading.  Theylived a long time on the old homestead of his father, and finally moved toWisconsin.  Their children are Mary,Stafford, William, Eugene, George, Eva, Theron and Freddie. George married Josephine CHASE and lives at Rock Stream.

Hannah born in 1812, married Isaac CHASE ofParma, NY in 1858.  Deborah died at22 years in 1840. 


ELLIS   pg 1043 � 1045

Amos and Levi W. ELLIS were sons of WilliamELLIS of Orange Co., and Marie FENTON, his wife. William ELLIS settled in 1818 on the premises occupied by Levi BENTON the town of Benton, where he and his wife both died. Their children were Abner, Amos, Levi W., Lazarus, Charles, Samuel,Simeon, Keziah, Beda, Rebecca and Wisner.  Rebeccamarried Epenetus TRIMMER.

Amos born in 1787, married in 1806, Mary,daughter of Jacob SMITH.  She wasborn in 1790.  They lived first inHopeton, and afterward bought of Richard TORRENCE the place now owned andoccupied by Daniel SPROWLS on lot 7 of the Potter location, where they residedmany years.  Afterwards they residedat Himrods, where he died in 1860, and his widow still lives. He was a citizen of much worth and a member of the Baptist Church. Their children were Maria, Rachel, William S., Bridget S., Henry S.,Miriam B. and Martin D.

Maria born in 1807, married in 1822, JamesSUTPHEN Jr., whom she survives, residing with her mother. Their children were Jane, Amos, Mary, Minerva and Daniel.

Rachel born in 1811 married George VAN OSDOL.

William S., born in 1818, married first,Emeline, daughter of Orange HOLLISTER and has a second wife, Eliza, daughter ofGilbert BAKER.  The children of thefirst marriage are Algernon and Penelope.

Bridget S., born in 1821, married PeterPUTNAM.  They reside on the oldJacob SMITH homestead in Starkey, and their children are Martin, George,Emeline, Hettie, Ellis, Mira, Arvilla, Mary, Ogden and Dennis O. Martin married Mary, daughter of Joseph ROAT.  George married Frank, daughter of David CLAPP. Emeline married Lewis, son of Delazon J. SUNDERLIN. Hettie married William, son of Nelson SEAMANS. Ellis married Orra MYERS.  Theothers are single. 

Henry S. ELLIS, born in 1824, married NaomiSTONE.  They live in Iowa and have adaughter, Viola.

Miriam B., born in 1826, married Jonathan G.BAKER.

Martin D. born in 1828, married Sarah,daughter of Jacob Y. CARPENTER.  Shesurvives him, residing in Michigan.  Theirchildren were Edward, Benjamin, Louisa Ann and Frank.

Levi W. ELLIS, born in New Jersey, in 1792,married in 1815, Charity, daughter of Emanuel COYKENDALL. She was born in 1799.  Theywere married by Hezekiah TOWNSEND.  In1816, they settled in a place long known as �Slab City�, on lot 8 of thePotter Location and resided in that vicinity through life.  He died in 1862 and his wife is still living. Their children were: Squier W., William, Mary, Charles, Rebecca, Palmer,Sally Ann, Martha, Henry S., Emily, Rachel and Flora.

Squier W. born in 1816, married in 1842,Lucretia, daughter of David HYATT.  Theyreside in Michigan and their children are Rebecca, Jane, Ada and Ida.  William born in 1818, married Sally, daughter of DanielSHANNON.

Mary born in 1819, and Flora born in 1842,reside single on the homestead with their mother. 

Charles born in 1821, married in 1840, AnnMaria, daughter of Benjamin ROSS.  Theylive in Michigan and their children are Charity, Rebecca A. and Leander.

Rebecca died in 1842 at aged 19 years.

Palmer born in 1825, married in 1852, Ellen,daughter of Bernard BUSH.  They livein Torrey and have a son, George.

Sally Ann born in 1827, married in 1870,Pierce TRAVIS in Michigan.

Martha born in 1829, married first, SamuelB. SHANNON and afterwards his brother, William.

Henry S., born in 1832, married in 1863,Ruth, daughter of Halsey SWARTS.  Theylive on his paternal homestead with his mother. 

Emily born in 1834, married in 1853, DarwinVAN ALLEN.  They live inPennsylvania and have two children, Julia and William. 

Rachel, born in 1837, married in 1853, ByronS., son of Rev. Alonzo W. SUNDERLIN.  Theylive in Wayne and have two children, Retta and Ida. 



Thomas FITZSIMMONS was an early settler onthe place now owned and occupied by Daniel SUPPLEE. 


FOWLER   pg 1070 � 1071

Ira FOWLER was born in Cayuga County in 1808and married Charity LOCEY.  Theysettled in 1832 in Starkey, on a farm near Shannontown. In 1834 he went into partnership with Clark K. WARD at Shannontown, wherethey built a store and continued two years in business.   He then moved on the farm now owned by Peter PUTNAM,and in 1841 moved to Starkey landing, where he was largely engaged as a grainbuyer, keeping a warehouse and having an interest in the Ferry. He also owned the GOODWIN farm on the west side, and added largely to it. Before the construction of the Canandaigua and Elmira Railroad, thebusiness at the Point was large, as all goods for the trade of Dundee andseveral other places were shipped by way of that landing. He also carried the mail, which was received by way of the Lake. In 1857 he located on the railway at Starkey Station, and there built astore, a tavern, a dwelling house and warehouse. Two years later he failed, making an assignment to Delazon J. SUNDERLIN,William R. BASKIN and Henry W. FOWLER.  In1864 he moved to Geneva and died there in 1866. He was long a popular citizen of Starkey and twice elected Supervisor. His wife Charity, died in 1848 at aged 38 years. He had a second wife, Mary Jane CHANDLER, widow of Joshua T. KINGIN.  She was born in 1815 and is still living in 1872. The children of Ira FOWLER were all by his first marriage, and were LydiaAnn, Hiram S., Mary L., Ira D., John K. and Lyman H.

Lydia Ann, born in 1827, married JohnHUTCHINSON of Vermont, a lawyer.  Theylive in Chicago and their children are Celeste and Estelle.

Hiram S. FOWLER, born in 1829, married SarahM. CULVER, niece and foster daughter of John T. ANDREWS. They live at Marshall, Mich., and their children are Eliza and Ira. 

Mary L., born in 1831, married Joseph PETRIEof Little Falls, NY.  He died in1856 and she has a second husband, Rev. M. BULLOCK, a Methodist clergyman. She had two children by her first marriage, William and Edward.

Ira D., born in 1834, married in 1859,Mahala, daughter of Henry KINNE.  Theylive in Dundee.  He has been amerchant, station agent on the railway at Starkey for nine years, a hotel keeperand is now a farmer.

John K. born in 1837, lives single inCalifornia.

Lyman H. died at 23 years in 1866. 


FRENCH    pg 921 � 925

Philemon E. FRENCH and John FRENCH werebrothers, and cousins of Benjamin and Levi FRENCH, their fathers, beingbrothers.  They were form New Jerseyand all settled in Starkey.  PhilemonE. was a son of Joseph FRENC and Joanna OSBORN, his wife. He was born in 1774, and married Temperance BLAIR in New Jersey. She was born in 1777.  Theymoved into Eddy�s settlement in 1801 and on lot 11 of Watson�s Purchase. When they came there they went from house to house by marked trees therebeing no roads.  Their cabin atfirst had no floor, and a quilt served for a door. They had fire outdoors at night to keep off the wild beasts. A little brook on which was afterwards built a tannery, run directlythrough their house.  Their floorwas finally made of basswood logs, split and hewed.  They lived there till 1816 when they moved to the vicinity ofKeuka Landing on Lake Keuka, then known as Gibson�s Ferry. Moving subsequently to Bath, Mrs. FRENCH died there in 1856 at the age of80 years.  He then returned to Keukaand died there at the house of his daughter, Joanna, wife of Andrew SWARTHOUT in1860, at nearly 87 years.  When theymoved to Wayne, Indian wigwams dotted the ground about the landing. He and Daniel DE WITT as Commissioners of Highways of the town ofReading, laid out most of the original roads in Starkey. He as a man of resolute will and vigorous character. Their children were: Joseph, Elias, Elmer, Maria, Joanna, John, David andElizabeth.   Joseph died ataged 23 years in 1821.  Elias bornin 1799, married Abagail JONES of Wayne, and is still living. Their children have been Joseph, Floretta, Henry S. Betsey and Hannah. 

Maria born in 1864, married Asa SWARTHOUT Their children are Susan, Alonzo, Birdsall, Lorenzo, Margaret, Amanda,George and Sarah.  They reside inWayne, Steuben Co.

Joanna born in 1806, married Andrew D.SWARTHOUT, of Wayne.  Their childrenwere: Derastus, Derius, David F., Temperance, Martha, Annette, Henrietta, Maryand Della.  Derastus married Ursula,daughter of Delazon J. SUNDERLIN.  DavidF. married Emily, daughter of Nathaniel HUSON Jr., of Starkey. Annette married Charles L. EASTMAN, merchant at Penn Yan. Mary married Wallace W. MILLSPAUGH of Starkey, and they have a daughter,Myrtie. 

John born in 1809, married and lives inCameron, Steuben Co.

David born in 1811, married Henrietta,daughter of John L. SWATHOUT in Benton.

Elizabeth born in 1815, married WashingtonW. WAGENER and lives West.


John FRENCH, brother of Philemon E., born in1778, married Rebecca ANSLEY, moved into Eddy�s settlement in 1805 and settlednear his brother.  Subsequently hemoved to the neighborhood of James ROBERTS in Reading. In 1828 he traded his farm away with Gen. Timothy HURD and took a placepreviously occupied by Rochester HURD in Jerusalem, on the Beddoe Tract, lot 29,where he died in 1861. His wife died 10 years earlier. Their children were: Amasa A., Charles, Lewis, Robert, Ann, Philemon,Elizabeth, Chester and Maria.

Amasa A. born in 1801, married Sarah,daughter of John SEARS.  Theirchildren were Amanda, Deborah, Cordelia A., Maria, Phebe J., Mary J., Susan A.,John and Johnson (twins).  Amanda isthe wife of Ferris P. HURD.  Deborahmarried Willet T. SEARLEYS and lives in Wheeler, Steuben Co. John married Catharine DUNN and lives in Wheeler. Johnson married Phebe ST. JOHN and lives in Penn Yan.

Charles born in 1802, married Hannah ROFF ofJerusalem and they reside in Wisconsin.

Lewis born in 1803, married Mary, sister ofRichard D. LANE of Barrington.  Theirchildren were Smith, Ansley, Andrew, Ada, Elizabeth, Morton and Orpha. 

Robert born in 1805, married Janette,daughter of James MC GOWAN.  Theylived a few years in Starkey, have since owned three or four farms in Benton,and have now the farm formerly owned by David L. PHELPS, on the Pre-emptionroad.  Their children are MargaretA. and Mary Janett. Margaret A. born in 1839, married in 1858, Heman J. CHAPMAN.

Ann born in 1807, died single at 25 years.

Philemon born in 1809, married Eunice BROWNwho was reared in the family of Caleb COWING. He has a second wife and lives in Pultney. Elizabeth born in 1811, died single in 1863.

Chester born in 1813, married Amelia,daughter of Jackson WRIGHT ad died in 1868.

Maria born in 1814, married MichaelFRANCISCO and resides in Ontario County. 

Benjamin FRENCH was born in New Jersey in1776, and was a son of David FRENCH and Sarah WILCOX, his wife.  He married Mary CONKLIN, born in 1778.  They took up their residence at Eddy�s Settlementimmediately north and opposite the Eddy lot, about 1802, where they residedthrough life.  They were quiet andrespectable people, members of the Baptist church and had one son, Levi. Benjamin FRENCH died in 1808 at the age of 32 years, and his wife in 1811at the age of 31 years. 

Levi FRENCH born in 1805, married in 1826,Eliza, daughter of Melvin SCHENCK.  Theywere married by Elder Samuel BIGELOW.  Helike his parents was a member of the Baptist church, and a quiet peaceablecitizen, distinguished as a cultivator of the choicest fruits, years beforefruit growing was a popular pursuit.  Hedied in 1868 and his wife is till living on the old Benjamin FRENCH homestead. Their children are Sarah M. and Benjamin.

Sarah M. born in 1827, married Henry D.SEELEY and died in 1862.  They had ason, Frank.

Benjamin Jr. born in 1830, married in 1860,Catharine H. GALLAGHER and resides on a part of the old homestead.  Their children are: Eliza H., Hattie B. and Grace G.


Levi FRENCH, a brother of Benjamin FRENCH,born in 1782, settled at Eddytown with his brother in 1803, a single man. In 1806 he returned to New Jersey, married there, Fanny, daughter ofRichard DURHAM and Sarah HIGH, his wife.  Shewas born in 1787.  They soon aftersettled on lot 14 of the 7th section of Watson�s Purchase and builta log house where John ROBERTS now lives in Reading. A few years later they removed to the farm directly opposite the home ofRalph ALLEN at Rock Stream, and there remained till 1851, in which year Mrs.FRENCH died.  He afterwards marriedHannah, widow of John A. PELHAM, a cooper, formerly resident in Eddytown, wherethey resided until his death in 1870.  LeviFRENCH was blind many years of his later life. He was a member of the Christian church and a worthy many. The children by his first marriage were Sally, Joel, William, Linus H.,Esther and Nancy. 

Sally born in 1808, married Charles D.HATHAWAY.  They resided many yearsin Starkey, and now lives at Osceloa, PA.  Theirchildren are: Lewis F., Emeline, George W., Enos B., Aaron, Sophia, Nancy, Maryand Joel.  Aaron was a Union soldierof the war of the Rebellion and died in the service. Enos B. married Ella, daughter of Hampton MILLER and resides at RockStream.

Joel married and lived in New Orleans. Linus H. born in 1813, married Esther CORYELL of Barrington, lived nearRock Stream many years and now resides in Urbana, Steuben Co.

Esther born in 1815, married WilliamHILLEGUS and resided in Starkey.  Hewas accidentally killed in 1860 by an accident on a steamboat on Seneca Lake.  Their children were: Joel F., Freeman L., Adelia, Laura Ann,Sarah E. and Jennie.  Freeman waskilled in the battle of Cold Harbor, a soldier of Co. B., 148th NYV

Nancy born in 1824, married George MACK. They resided some time in Starkey and moved to Osceloa, PA. Their children are Urania, Henry, Ella and Levi. 


FULKERSON     pg 913 � 915

Caleb FULKERSON was born near Somerville, NJin 1762 and in his early life was apprenticed to a tailor, whose business hefollowed many years.  In the latterpart of the Revolutionary war, at the age of 19, he enlisted as a musician. Joining a scouting party he was taken a prisoner and confined in New Yorkin very uncomfortable quarters for 8 or 9 months, suffering great hardships andprivations.  He was exchanged in June 1782 and returned to his home andbusiness.  In 1787 he marriedDeborah TUNISON.  The lived aboutten years in New Jersey, when they moved to Newtown and about 1805 took up theirabode on lot 11, of Watson�s Purchase, about one mile south of Eddytown, wherethey resided while they lived.  At avery early period they kept a public house there, and it was a place for manypublic gatherings.  He was a veryearly member of the Presbyterian church at Eddytown, always a citizen held inhigh respect.  He had a large farmand was in independent circumstances.  Hedied in 1848 and was buried in a coffin made from a tree planted by his ownhand, which he assisted in cutting down for that purpose. His wife died in 1859 at the age of 88 years.  Their children were Philip, Margaret, Deborah, Anna, Joseph,Letitla, Eleanor, Samuel H. and Peter M., (twins), Caleb and William G.

Philip married Eunice, sister of RichardTORRANCE.  He died in 1829, aged 41years.  His family resides atMarshall, Michigan.

Margaret married William GOUNDRY.  Their surviving children are Caleb, Deborah, Margaret andCaroline.  Caleb married Electa,daughter of Gen. Timothy HURD.  Deborahmarried Henry S. BARNES.  Margaretmarried Clement W. BENNETT and Caroline married Dr. George W. BRUNDAGE ofDresden. 

Deborah married Richard HURD Jr.  Their children were Bryant, Mary Ann, Richard, Caleb, Letitiaand Harvey.   They lived inSteuben county.

Anna married Thomas CULVER. Their children were Wallace, Vandevere, Sarah, Ellen, Letitia andHarriet. 

Joseph married Mary Ann, daughter of SolomonNORMAN, and resided in Starkey, dying at 32 years. He was a man of superior intelligence and a prominent citizen. They had a son, Washington, who resides in Mc Henry Co., Illinois.

Letitia married John BROOKS of Lodi, SenecaCo., and died in 1866 at the age of 63 years.

Eleanor married first, Richard HOWARD. Theyhad a daughter, Margaret.  Hersecond husband was Thomas DAVIS. They had two children, Sarah Ellen and William. Her third husband is David J. MC MASTER of Potter.

Samuel H. born in 1807, married in 1831,Jane Ellen, daughter of Solomon NORMAN and resided on a portion of the oldhomestead through life, and was in all respects a good citizen.  He died at aged 44 years. His wife survives at the age of 63 years in 1871. Their children were: Ellen, Wallace W., Norman, Samuel, Harlan P., Monroeand Caleb.  Ellen born in 1833,married George DAVIS and resides at Boss city, Idaho. Wallace born in 1854, married Ann M. GENUNG of Dix, and lives inIndependence, Iowa.  Norman issingle, living in Michigan.  SamuelMonroe and Caleb are all in Montana.  HarlanP. resides with his mother on the homestead. Wallace W., Norman, and Caleb were Union soldiers in the war of theRebellion.

Peter M. married Lucinda POTTER.  They moved to Ovid, Michigan, where they reside. They moved to Ovid, Michigan where they reside. Their children are Deborah, Nettie, Augusta, Ruby and Francis.

Caleb FULKERSON Jr., married Delia WEBSTER. They reside in Michigan and their children are Lydia A., Margaret,Deborah, Mary, Letitia, Vandevere, William and Prudence.  Lydia A. married William STOWE and resides at Horseheads. The others reside in Michigan.

William G. married Ruby ROYCE and lives atOvid, Michigan. 


GABRIELS    pg 915 � 915

Peter GABRIEL of Old Milford, Conn, marriedOlive, daughter of John SEARS.  Theycame to Eddy�s Settlement in 1803.  Heson after left and was not heard from thereafter, his wife and children,remaining.  Their children wereAlanson, Leverett, Susan, Lewis and Eliza. Alanson born in 1794 was a solder in the War of 1812, enlisting inCaptain HURD�S Company at 19 years.  Hisbrother, Leverett, was a drummer boy in the same regiment. He married Permilla, daughter of John PLUMMER, a relative of GeorgePLUMMER.  They lived about two milessouth of Dundee.   He was arespectable citizen and a member of the Dundee Presbyterian Church.  He died in 1869 (headstone has 1865) and his wife is stillliving.  Their children were Lyman,Benedict, John P., Mary J., Mahala and Harriet.  Lymandied at 19 years. 

Benedict married Sarah E., daughter ofSamuel PIERCE.  He lived many yearsin Starkey, was a builder and school teacher, and now lives at Elmira.  Their children are Deja and Ella M.

John Plummer GABRIEL married Elizabeth,daughter of Luther CLEVELAND of Reading.  Theyhad two children, Er C. and Lucia.  Hehas a second wife, Abigail SANFORD and they have one child, Elizabeth . Luciamarried Wallace CORBITTT and they have a son, Lee.

Mary Jane married Ezra D. COOK.

Mahala married Alonzo SKIFF.  They live in Starkey and their children are Eugene andPlummer. 

Harriet married George C. BRACKET.  Their children are Millie G., Edith E. and Harold G.

Leverett GABRIEL, born in 1795, was broughtup in the family of Gen. Timothy HURD.  Hemarried Harriet, daughter of Andrew BOOTH Jr., She was born in 1803.  Theylived half a mile south of Eddytonw.  Hewas a man of intelligence, a lawyer in Justice�s courts, and quite skillful inthat capacity, a Methodist and a man of integrity. He died in 1865.  His wife isstill living in 1871. Their children were, William E., Maria and Hester.

William E., born in 1821, married in 1841,Alzada, daughter of Charles TRUSEDELL and widow of Nelson HUSON.  She was born in 1818.  Theyreside on the Sherman HURD farm, the next place south of his father�s oldhomestead.  They have a daughter,Calista, who was born in 1842.  Shemarried Lewis G. PHINNEY in 1859.  Theirchildren are Hattie G. and Willie.

Maria born in 1821, married George T. HUSON,son of Elijah HUSON.  Their childrenare Nelson, Ann, Nettie, Lillie, Fred, Etta and Marshall.

Hester married Floyd FLORENCE and died at 25years of age, in 1850.

Susan, a sister of Alanson and LeverettGABRIEL, born in 1797, married first James ROYCE, son of Simeon ROYCE.  Her second husband was Phillip L. DRAKE. She died in 1830.

Lewis GABRIEL, another brother of thisfamily, married Eliza DEXTER of Geneva, and lived in Starkey, where he died in1863 at the age of 64 years.  Hiswife still survives at 62 yeas, in 1871.  Hewas an excellent millwright.  Theirchildren were Levertt, Spencer, Sarah, Charlotte, Henry, Charles, Serepta,Permila, George, Thomas and Peter.  Mostof these have moved away from the county.  Sarahmarried Robert ELWERT.  Theirchildren are Charles and Cora.  Permilla,married Myron E. HENDERSON.    Georgemarried Viola STERLING.  George andCharles were soldiers in the war of the Rebellion making a good record. Eliza, another sister of the GABRIELS married William KRESS. 


GOODWIN    pg 1065 � 1066

John GOODWIN was a native of Pennsylvania,and a son of Richard GOODWIN.  Hecame single with his father at an early day to Goodwin�s Point on Cayuga Lake. At that place he married Jane, daughter of Isaac SMITH, one of thepioneers of that locality.   In 1807 they moved to what has since been known asGoodwin�s Point, on the west side of Seneca Lake. Isaac SMITH gave his daughter 100 acres of land at that place, to whichwere added 30 more.  In 1808 JohnGOODWIN started a ferry at the Point, and being interfered with by John GLEASON,he bought of one GRANDIONE, 37 acres on the east side, embracing what has sincebeen known ad Goodwin�s Point, at North Hector. John GOODWIN was largely engaged in the boating business. He remained at Starkey Landing till 1840; then lived 12 years atHammondsport; thence he moved to Rochester, where he died, engaged in boating,about 1860, nearly 80 years old.  Hiswife died at the residence of her daughter, Prudence, in 1870 at aged 85 years.  Their children were Alfred, Firman, Prudence, Hiram andSeneca.

Alfred, born in 1803, married in 1827,Betsey, daughter of Samuel CORYELL of Bennett�s Settlement. She was born in 1802 and died in 1830. She perished by drowning, with her only child, in Lake Keuka. They were on a visit to his brother in law, Ira GIBSON, at Gibson�sLanding in Pulteney.  GIBSON�Swife was Harriet, daughter of Samuel CORYELL. It was in February and the husbands put their wives, with each a youngchild, in a cutter, on which they raised a sail for a ride on the frozen lake. Crossing toward the east side, the ice broke through as the men pushedthe cutter, and Mrs. GOODWIN and both children were drowned. He married a second wife in 1833, Elizabeth, daughter of Rebecca HOWARD. She was born in 1798 and died in 1871. Mr. GOODWIN bought of his father the farm on the west side, and in 1835traded it with his brother, Hiram, for the property on the east side, where hehas since resided, retaining an interest in the Ferry. He is a citizen of sterling qualities. His foster son, William E. HOWARD, a son of Thomas R. HOWARD and nephewof Mrs. Alfred GOODWIN, keeps the Grove Hotel at the Point, east side, and is agrain buyer there.  He was born in1843 and married in 1865, Ella A. BOWLBY.  Shewas born in 1849.

Firman, born in 1807, married Mary BARTLETTof Geneva.  He is a physician,licensed in 1837 by Yates County Medical Society. He practiced near Dresden; later at Dey�s Landing in Varick, then atGeneva, and finally in Williamsburg, NY, where his family resides. He has been 18 years in California, returning at intervals to visit hisfamily.  Their children are Fannyand Mary. 

Prudence, born in 1809, married first,Pinchen WARNER, second John WILLIAMS and third, John CRANDALL of Hammondsport. By the first marriage, she had a daughter, Martha, and by the second, twosons, Harmon and Henry.  They livein Iowa.

Hiram, born in 1813, married Lydia, a sisterof Firman�s wife.  He was blindand established in 1830 a grocery at Starkey Landing. The property on the east side of the Lake was given him by his father,which he traded for the west side property; he disposed of that and died in 1846in Dresden.  Their children wereCharles S. and Annette.

Seneca married Mary Ann, daughter of WilliamKIMBLE of Milo.  He was long acaptain on the Keuka Lake Steamer, �Steuben�. He finally emigrated to Des Moines, Iowa, where he is a wealthy resident.


HARRISON    pg 915

Andrew HARRISON was a native of Ireland,born in 1762.  He emigrated first toPennsylvania, where he married Dorcas CALHOUN, who was born in 1777. They settled in 1804 on lot 13 of Watson�s Purchase, where Mr. MCMILLAN now resides in Eddytown.  Hekept the first tavern in Starkey and also built the first distillery. He afterwards became a leading Methodist, and his house was the home ofthe itinerants.  There was preachingat his house every two weeks on the old Lyons Circuit. He died in 1828 and his wife in 1841. Their children were, Polly, Nancy, Margaret, Eliza, Sally, Andrew andGeorge.

Polly was born in 1799, married William R.KELSEY who was a carpenter and builder.  Hekept a public house in Eddytown and in other places. She died in 1840.  Theirchildren were Albert and William H.

Nancy married George BARKLEY of Geneva. Their children were Emeline, Maria, Arba, Eliza, George and Margaret.

Margaret HARRISON born in 1803, married in1823. Chidsey FIELDS, who still lives at Big Stream, at the age of 71 years in1871.  Their children were Mary andLucy.  Mary died at 17 years, andLucy born in 1826, married in 1849, George CONGDEN, a malster of Elmira.  Their children were Edward, Anna, Joseph and Bell.

Eliza married William H. FRENCH of Geneva. They had a daughter, Eliza. 

Sally married Mathew HAIR. They resided on the HARRISON homestead and he was a noted Methodist. The family emigrated South, some years ago. Their children were Emeline, Maria, Mary and George.

George HARRISON married west, moved toCanada, and has not since been heard from. Andrew died young.


HACKETT    pg 965 � 966

Jacob HACKETT was born in 1772 in Plymouth,Mass.  He moved in 1803 to what isnow Warren Co., NY, where he married in 1806, Clara ORTON, who was born in 1789. In 1810 they visited in the town of Seneca, his uncle, James COWING,father of Caleb and Albert R. COWING.  On invitation of Caleb, he visited what is now Starkey, and bought 140acres of the HORNBY estate, on the northwest corner of what has since becomeMain and Seneca streets in Dundee.  Fiftyacres of this lad was then in possession of Frank LITTLE, 50 acres in possessionof a Mr. DEPUE and the remaining forty was occupied by widow MURDOUGH, mother ofMrs. John J. KRESS.  He purchasedthese possessory rights of the several owners. The land was then chiefly covered by a fine forest of pine.  This was some years before the village was founded. They lived on this place till 1834, when he sold to Col. John J. SMITH,and purchased of one RYCKENBURG, the farm previously owned by Patrick QUIN,south of Eddytown.  Several years later he sold that farm to Ansel RICH andbought 50 acres in �Beartown.�  Hedied in 1859.  His widow still livesin Dundee in her own house, quite alone, upwards of 80 years.  This was a noble and excellent couple, industrious, frugaland honest.  The farms they occupiedwere much improved and beautified by the industry and energy of �Uncle JakeHACKET,� as he was always familiarly called. He was a child of the Revolution bluff, hospitable, honest and true, andhis wife was his meet companion.  Theywere childless.


HAINES   pg 1055 � 1056

Captain Frederick HAINES was one of thepioneers in Bennett�s Settlement.  Hiswife was Mary WILSON.  In lateryears they lived in Eddytown on the place where Seeley BAILEY now resides nearthe Seminary.  He died first and hiswife about 1846, at 70 years.  Theirchildren were John, Coe, Maria, Lydia, Huldah, Peter, Benjamin, Sarah, Susan,Henry, Frederick and Phila Ann. 

John married Mary Ann daughter of EmanuelCOYKENDALL.  They moved to Ohio, andtheir children are, Simeon, Harrison, Eliza and Susan Ann. Maria married Jotham, son of Emanuel COYKENDALL.  Huldah is the wife of Simeon ROYCE 2nd. He is a merchant tailor at Horseheads and they have a daughter, Sophia. Peter resides at Grass Lake, Michigan, a wealthy farmer.  Benjamin learned the trade of tailor with Simeon ROYCE 2nd,at Eddytown, wrought there at his trade some years, and is now a Christianclergyman.  The others have not beentraced.



HAIR   pg 1074 � 1075

Nicholas HAIR was a son of Francis HAIR, wasone of the earlier settlers of Starkey and located in Bennett�s Settlementnear the present corporation of Dundee.  Bothhe and his wife died there.  Theirchildren were Francis, Sophronia, Russell, Luther, Matthew, Hannah and William.

Francis married Harriet BLOSSOM, lives sometime in Starkey and Barrington, finally moved to Batavia.

Sophronia married Hiram, son of George KRESSand moved to Indiana.

Russell married Eliza, daughter of FrancisLITTLE and died early.

Luther born in 1803, married in 1825, Mary,daughter of Andrew RAPLEE.  Theirchildren were Uriah, Mary Ann and Huldah.  Uriah,born in 1825, married in 1846, Julia, daughter of David SMITH. (His second wife was Emeline HUSON). Mary Ann married Levi SLAUGTHER, and lives in Barrington.

Matthew married a daughter of AndrewHARRISON.

Francis HAIR Sr., came from Ireland, livedin a little log house near his son Nicholas, and died there. His wife Huldah, died at 82 years in 1840.

Robert HAIR, a one-armed man, and relativeof Francis HAIR Sr., also came from Ireland and located early in Bennett�sSettlement.  He was the father ofEzra HAIR of Jerusalem.


HARPENDING    pg 966 � 969

Samuel HARPENDING was born at Perth Amboy,NJ in 1778 and was a son of Peter HAREPNDING and Anna COMPTON, his wife. The family was descend from Dutch ancestors, who emigrated from Newenhuysin Holland, landing at New Amsterdam in 1663. Peter HARPENDING spent the last years of his life with his son in Dundeeand died there in 1840 at 96 years.  Hewas a soldier of the Revolution and had a son, Peter, who lived and died inTyrone.  The mover of Samuel andPeter died while they were young, and the father had two subsequent wives.

Samuel at the age of thirteen, wasapprenticed to a hatter.  His masterin the trade was Godfrey BARTLES, a son of Frederic BARTLES, who was theoriginal settler and builder of the mill at the outlet of Mud Lake. After four years service at his trade, he worked some with his father,and tramped from place to place following his vocation, coming as far west asCayuga Bridge and Aurora, where Walter WOOD offered him an acre of land forevery hat he would make.  He workedhis way back to New Jersey, where in 1806, he married Hannah COSAD. She was born in 1782 in Somerset Co., NJ and was next to the youngest ofa family of nine, of whom Samuel COSAD became a wealthy resident of Junius,Seneca county. 

Early in 1806, Samuel HARPENDING and wifemoved to Genoa, Cayuga Co., where he conducted the hatting business five yearswith David OGDEN.  In May 1811, withthree children they moved to Reading, crossing Cayuga Lake in a ferry boat andSeneca Lake in company with Joshua WYCKOFF. They landed at GOODWIN�S and stayed there all night.  The next morning they started for Stark�s Mill (a sawmill), located on Big Stream, directly south of Dundee, where they tookpossession of a very poor log house.  Theeast road was not then cut through, and the route was a pathway thickly impededby underbrush.  He conducted hisbusiness there a number of years, first buying one acre of land on which heerected a house where he kept a tavern as well as a hat shop, the familyresiding in the same building.  Thiswas directly opposite the log tannery of Hiram BELL. In 1817 he sold this place to Clayton SEMANS, who that year erectedthereon what has since been known as the Raplee Red Mill. Mr. HARPENDING then built a frame house on the well know tavern standwhich still belongs to his descendants, and on 25 acres of land which hadpreviously been articled to him.  Thatwas the home of his family thereafter, and there he kept a public house widelyand favorably known, as it still is in the hands of his son, Andrew. He was a prosperous man, and accumulated a good estate. Mirthful and jolly, he loved all active sports, was fond of hunting andthe turf, and owned among his horses, �Old Rock,� a noted racer, who wonmany fields and is still well remembered by many of the older citizens ofStarkey.  He took an active interestin all public concerns.  In politicshe was an inflexible adherent of the Whig party. The place was long known as Harpending�s Corners, and the proprietor ofHarpending�s tavern was justly regarded as no ordinary character.  He died in 1852 and his wife is still living with remarkably wellpreserved bodily powers and mental faculties. She has always been held in high esteem for the excellencies of hercharacter.  Their children were:Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Anthony C., (Asbury), Abraham V., Andrew and Samuel. MaryAnn was the first wife of Samuel HUSON.  Elizabethis the wife of Jesse G. ANDREWS of Dundee.

Anthony C., born in Genoa, in 1811, marriedin 1838, Mary Rebecca, daughter of Richard SUTPHIN Jr., She was born in 1821. He was a mercantile clerk in his early years in Dundee, Eddytown andHimrods.  In 1837 he commenced as amerchant on his own account in Dundee, and continued in business many years,conducting a profitable trade.   The Harpending block in Dundee was built by him. He was appointed Postmaster under Gen. HARRISON, and was Supervisor ofStarkey two years.  Their children were Emmett, born in 1842, died in 1845,Spencer, born in 1846, and Andrew A. born in 1851. Spencer is single, residing at Rochelle, Ill.  Andrew A. married Tavia, daughter of Richmond GRISWOLD andlives in Dundee.

Asbury, born in 1814, married Mary, daughterof Henry SAYRE.  He died in 1853,leaving three children, Hannah, William H.H. and Henry Clay (twins). Hannah E. is the wife of Charles S. BAKER, a lawyer of ability andprominence, resident in Dundee.  He is a son of Elijah BAKER, long noted as a businessman ofgreat prominence in Hector.  Theyhave a son, Asbury H.  William single, residing in Dundee and Henry Clay is a student at law in Dundee.

Abraham V. HARPENDING, born July 19, 1816,died in the city of Albany, April 23, 1871. His early opportunities of education were imperfect, but he became asound an able lawyer, winning prominence and distinction at the Yates countybar.  His study of law was begununder James L. SEELY at Dundee, and completed under Evert VAN BUREN at Penn Yan.Fore some years he was a partner of William S. BRIGGS, and afterwards practicedwith much success on his own account.  In1853 he was elected District Attorney, and held the office one term, discharginghis official duties with ability and fidelity. In 1857 he  was electedMember of Assembly and made an influential and useful representative. In the autumn of 1869, Charles J. FOLGER resigned the office of StateSenator immediately after his election.  Mr.HARPENDING had been supported in the convention of his party for the office andwas nominated and elected to fill the position. He served till near the close of the second Legislative session, when hewas very suddenly taken ill and died, much lamented by a large circle offriends.  He was a man of fine social qualities and generous feelings. His mind was well poised and discriminating, with a sound judgment ofmen.  He was buried at Dundee withother deceased members of his family.

Andrew, born in 1819, is single, residing onthe old homestead, and keeping up well the name and fame of the old public house first established by his father. He is a man of wealth and probity of character.

Samuel C., born in 1822, died in 1859. He was a partner of Andrew in keeping the public house and was a worthyman.


HARING   PG 1013 � 1014

Garret HARING was a son of Cornelius HARINGand Annette ORIANCY, his wife, and was born near Hoboken, NJ in 1782. He was in early life a teacher and married in 1804 at Otsego, NY, Phebe,daughter of Timothy HOWE.  Theymoved in 1805 to what is now Lansing, Tompkins county, and thence in 1816 toReading, having purchased the farm opposite that of Clark M. SHARP, near RockStream and on the boundary of Starkey.  Theylived there till 1835, removing then to the town of Orange. He was a farmer and surveyor, held many local offices, did a large amountof public business and when he left Yates county, was one of its AssociateJudges.  During his residence nearRock Stream, hew as largely employed as a surveyor and as a lawyer inJustices� Courts.  He died in 1854and his wife in 1871.  Theirchildren were, Cornelius, William, Isaac, Polly, Anna B., Keziah, Deborah,Clarissa, Chauncey J. and Harriet.

Cornelius born in 1805, married in 1828,Achsa, daughter of Joel JOHNSON.  Shedied in 1822 and he married in 1834, her sister, Mary. She died in 1854 and he married in 1855, Freelove, a daughter of JudahWEEKS and widow of Hiram TOWNSEND.  Hehas resided in Orange, a farmer and surveyor since 1828. His children by the first marriage are Phebe, Elizabeth and Wealthy; bythe second, Garrett, Charlotte, Helen, William, Mary L., Ira L. and Alice A. Garrett was a Union soldier of the 141st NYV.

William was born in 1808, married Eliza,daughter of Jesse COCK of Starkey.  Heis now a merchant at Watkins and a man of wealth. He has lived there about 30 years.  Theirchildren are Charles and George, both merchants at Watkins. 

Isaac married Charlotte, daughter of AmasaNICHOLS and died a merchant at Watkins in 1842. They had two children, Oscar R. and John.

Polly married Thomas JOHNSON in 1833. Anna B. born in 1816, married Simeon JOHNSON in 1836 . Keziah married Ira JOHNSON.  Clarissamarried James HAMMOND.  Deborahmarried James HORTON.  Chauncey J.married Abigail, daughter of Barna BROWN.  Harrietmarried Dr. Robert BELL.  All thesemarried and resided in Steuben county.  ChaunceyJ. became a lawyer and died in 1863 at Corning, Steuben Co., where he thenresided.


HAWKINS    pg  927 � 928

Daniel HAWKINS was a native of Orangecounty.  His wife was Hannah FENTON. He settled on section 11 of Watson�s Purchase. Fifty acres were given him by one of the PUMPELLEYS, a land surveyor, forhunting his meats while he was surveying the country. He lived there many years and finally sold his farm to James HUNTINGTONwho also lived on it many years.   HAWKINSowned several parcels of land and was a thrifty man. He died in Starkey or Reading.  Theirchildren were, Reuben, Sybil, Zilpha, Nancy, Margaret and Mary (twins). Reuben married Nancy ELLIS.  Zilphamarred Josiah HAGGERTY.  Nancymarried Samuel SHATTUCK.  Margaretmarried John ESLIC. 

Mary married William GREEK, son of JamesGREEK and grandson of Marmaluke GREEK.  OfMarmaluke GREEK it is related that he was a native of ancient Greece, stolenwhen a lad by a sea captain and brought to this country. He was an early inhabitant of Reading and his name was given him by thecaptain who stole him form his native land.


HAY    pg 925 � 926

David HAY was born in New Jersey in 1772 (ason of Ephraim HAY and Mary TERRILL, his wife), and married there, Mary, sisterof Benjamin and Levi FRENCH.  Shewas born in 1778.  They settled atEddytown with or near Benjamin FRENCH on the same lot in 1808. Afterwards they moved a mile west of Eddytown, where they lived till hisdeath in 1847.  She survived himtill 1868, dying at 90 years.  Theywere Baptists and people of excellent character. Their children were Betsey, Joel, Sally, Benjamin, Levi, Rachel, Ephraimand David F.

Betsey born in 1797, married BartholomewTURNEY.  They lived many years inStarkey, finally moving to Steuben Co.  Theirchildren were Eliza, Mary, Harvey and David. 

Joel, born in 1799, married Betsey HURLEYborn in 1805.  He has a second wife,Jane HURLEY, cousin of his first, born in 1805. They still reside one mile and a half south of Dundee, where he has livedover half a century.  The childrenby his first marriage were Fanny and Mary J., and by the second, Warren, David,Elizabeth, Melissa and John.  Theyoungest, John, was a solder and was in the march of SHEARMAN to the sea. (don�tknow which side or Co.)

Sally born in 1801, married Charles O�NEIL and they finally moved to Steuben Co. Their children were Mary Ann, Levi, David and Willis. Levi was a Union solider serving through the war. 

Benjamin born in 1809, married BetseyBELCHER and after many years, moved to Missouri. Their children were, Maria, Mary E., Emeline, Angeline, George, Ella andFrank.  George was a Union Solider.Ephraim died at 19 years in 1833 and Levi and Rachel died young. 

David F., born in 1816, married in 1838,Emeline BELCHER born in 1821.  Theyreside on his paternal homestead, and their children are Janett, Fanny, Sarah,Eliza, Washington and Columbus.  Janettmarried Albert QUICK, who was a soldier in the 126th Regiment andkilled at Harper�s Ferry.  Theyhad a child, Leona.  Janet has asecond husband, Allen GAY, and resides in Dundee. Fanny married George BECKER who was a soldier and hospital steward of the126th Regiment, and died of disease contracted in the service. 


HEMIUP    pg 1040 � 1041

Alexander HEMIUP was born at Bath, NY in1799.  He was a son of John HEMIUPand Katrina Savona VON DOLLEN, his wife.  Hemarried in 1821, Mary, daughter of John MILLS. He came to Penn Yan in 1822, and wrought at his trade as a shoemaker. His father died at his house in Penn Yan in 1823. They moved to Eddytonw in 1829 and kept a tavern some time, beingpreceeded by Joshua MAPES and succeeded by Philip L. DARAKE. They then purchase the James NORTON homestead, in Eddytown and reside there still, he following his tradetill a recent period, also owning a small farm. He has been one of the best citizens Starkey can boast, and his wife isan equally worthy woman.  TheirGolden Wedding anniversary was celebrated Dec. 2, 1871. Their children are George, Catharine and Cornelia. 

George born in 1822 in Penn Yan, went youngto Geneva as a clerk for his uncle, Anthony HEMIUP, a merchant at that place andbecame his successor.  He marriedMaria, daughter of Rev. S. W. REMINGTON.  Theyhave a daughter, Verna.

Catharine born in 1826, is the second wifeof John ROOF, brother of Philip, whom she married in 1849. They live about two miles south of Dundee, and have one survivingdaughter, Ida May.


HENDERSON    pg904 � 906

The wife of Reuben HENDERSON was Mehetabel,a sister of Matthew ROYCE and they with their oldest two sons, Rufus and Horace,were members of the original Sandgate colony. The parents lived and died in what is now Starkey. He died in 1816 at the age of 39 years and his wife in 1823 at the age of47 years.  Their children wereHorace, Rufus, Jennie, Susan, James C., Matthew and Rhoda.

Horace HENDERSON born in 1799, married in1819, Harriet, daughter of Elisha BABCOCK and Phebe PIPER, his wife.  They resided many years at Rock Stream where he was Justiceof the Peace several years.  He diedin 1864 and his wife in 1859.  Theirchildren were Reuben B., James P., Eliza Jane, Lathrop S. and Sarah. Reuben B. born in 1820, marred Eliza, daughter of Isaac LANNING. He resides at Rock Stream, where he ahs been a Justice of the Peace andPostmaster.  They have a son. MyronElwyn, who married Millie, daughter of Lewis GABRIEL. James P. born in 1822, married Sarah, daughter of David KING, of Geneva,and resides in Starkey.  Theirchildren are Louisa and Eugene.

Eliza Jane born in 1823, married HoraceLEAVENWORHT of Geneva and resides there.  Theyhave a daughter Elmira Josephine, who married Oscar TIFT.  Lathrop S., born in 1829, married Caroline, daughter of Rev.Oliver E. BRYANT.  They live at RockStream, and have one surviving child, Julia A. Sarah M. born in 1831, married Charles W. MANCHESTER of Ithaca.

Rufus HENDERSON married Abigail FAIRBANKSand is still living in Schuyler county.  Jenniedied at the age of 16 years.

Susan married first, Rev. William GARDNER ,a Methodist clergyman.  Theirchildren were William and Caleb C.  Williammarried and is at the west.  CalebC., married Sylvia, daughter of Isaac VANGORDEN. They had one daughter, Mary, who married Wells D. CAPRON of Penn Yan. The second husband of Susan HENDERSON was Marshall J. COWING, brother ofCaleb COWING.  Their children areCynthia, James, Elizabeth and Jane.  Theyreside west.

James Cowing HENDERSON lives on that part ofsection 12, first occupied by his uncle, Simeon ROYCE. He is a substantial farmer and an industrious and hospitable citizen. He was a member of Col Harvey G. STAFFORD�S military staff and when theold 206th trained, he was always armed and equipped according to law,and rode a splendid charger, and was a fine appearing officer. He married Caroline, daughter of William FIERO, of Seneca, and they hadtwo children, James and William.  Jamesdied a young man; William married a daughter of Miles G. RAPLEE and has onedaughter, Madaline.

Living with James C. HENDERSON, are hisfoster parents, Caleb COWING born in 1785, and his wife Rhoda ROYCE, born in1783, both well preserved and vigorous and truly venerable people of the oldentime.  Rhoda ROYCE taught the firstschool in Starkey in 1809, near where Starkey Seminary now stands.

Mathew HENDERSON married Sally ESTEE. Their children are Jane, Rufus, Rhoda and Horace.

Rhoda HENDERSON married John PLETCHER. They live in Niagara county, and have a son, Matthew.


HETFIELD    pg 964 � 965

John HETFIELD was born in 1770, in NewJersey, and married there in 1805, Hannah AIKEN. They lived six years in New Orleans, where he was a builder, architectand draftsman.  His eyesightfailing, he was obliged to quit his trade and moved to Reading in 1811, settlingnear Hurd�s Corners, now Rock Stream.  Theyremained there the residue of their lives, dying in old age. Their children were, Moses, William, Samuel, Mary and John.

Moses married Ellen S., daughter of Dr. JohnWARNER.  They lived on the paternalhomestead, where he died at a recent date. Their children were, Eliza J., Ellen S., Charlotte E., Warner M. andAngeline H.

William married and lived at Port Byron, NY. He died wealthy, leaving most of his estate to the Free Masons forcharitable purposes.

Samuel married a sister of William�s wife,is a banker and broker in the city of New York, was formerly a tanner andcurrier.  He is a Democraticpolitician and a man of great wealth.  Hehas a son who is a lawyer in New York.

Mary was the second wife of Richard H.HATHAWAY.

John married Martha MC MANUS of New Jersey. They lived some time in Starkey and now reside in Orange Co., VA. They have four children.  Mary,the oldest, is the wife of Edward BARNES.


HOWARD    pg1068

John HOWARD was an original setter on thefarm next south of that afterwards owned by Abel PIERCE, near the south line ofStarkey.  He settled there in 1804and remained there 12 years, moving thence west. He was from Delaware County. 


HUNTINGTON     pg 1028 � 1029

James HUNTINGTON was a son of NathanielHUNTINTON and Mary CORNING, his wife, of Hartford, Conn., and was born atWaterford, New London County, Conn., Dec. 21, 1797. His father was born in 1763 at Scotland, Conn. And emigrated toButternuts, Otsego county, where James spent most of his early life.  While a young man he was a clerk for Ayrault & Co., atGeneva.  He came to Eddytown inAugust 1824, a partner of AYRAULT.  Sometimebefore AYRAULT sent a stock of goods there in charge of one HOWE, occupying theold J. J. PEASE stand.  Mr.HUNTINGTON took charge of the business and continued it many years, after ashort period on his own account.  Hewas fair and correct in his dealing and became wealthy as a tradesman. Heretired as a farmer living some years in and near Eddytown and subsequentlymoved to Dundee, where he ahs resided about 15 years, a citizen held in highesteem. He was a leading member of the Whig party, and was supervisor of Starkeyseveral times.  In 1855 he waselected to the State Senate from the district composed of Yates, Seneca andTompkins counties.  He married firstin 1826, Julia, daughter of Amasa HOLDEN.  Theywere married by Rev. Samuel WHITE.  Shedied in 1832 and he married a second wife in 1833, Cynthia TUTTLE of Watertown,NY.  She was a widow of his brother,Nathaniel and had two sons by her former marriage, Eugene and Nathaniel. She also had another son by a still previous marriage, Newman C. PORTER. James HUNTINGTON�S children were by his first marriage, George P.; bythe second, Henry M., Mary P. and Cynthia.

George P. born in 1826 lives single inMinnesota.  Henry M. born in 1835,lives single in Minnesota.  Mary P.born in 1841, married William H. SAWYER.

Cynthia born in 1843, married Edward A.HOTCHKISS, and Editor in Minnesota.

Eugene HUNTINGTON born in 1823, marriedEmeline, daughter of Hallam HUNTINGTON and resides at Winebago city, Minnesota.

Nathaniel born in 1825 has resided in NewYork City.

Newman C. PORTER is a wealthy merchant atTerre Haute, Indiana.


HURDS    pg 897 � 902

In the year 1800, Abner HURD and Simeon,Matthew and Reuben ROYCE formed a prospecting party that came to view theGenesee country.  The next yeartogether with a little colony of relatives, they settled in Frederickstown, atthe place now know as Eddytown. In this pioneer company were Abner HURD and fivesons, with his son in law, Simeon ROYCE and two children, Reuben HENDERSON withhis wife and two children and Reuben ROYCE.

Abner HURD was born in Woodbury, Conn., in1747 and moved thence to Sandgate, VT, and from there to what is now Starkey. He was an excellent New England character and he was distinguished as a moral, religious, civil and industrious man. He bought a considerable amount of land on the Lawrence Tract, (lot 12 ofWatson�s Purchase.)  He built thefirst saw mill at Big Stream.  Inreligious meetings he was a leader of the singing.  He kept a public house, and at his house, the first townmeeting in Reading was held.  Hisfarm was half a mile south of Eddytown where Thomas LAMOUREAUX now resides. He died suddenly, sitting in his chair. His children were Timothy and Sarah by his first marriage, and Roswell,Sherman, Ransom, Samuel and Aaron, by his second. 

Timothy HURD, born in 1775, married in 1793Mabel, daughter of Andrew BOOTH.  Shewas born in 1778.  They settled atEddytown in 1802, their farm embracing the site of that village. They had a house at first near the present site of the Presbyterianchurch.  In 1806 he erected a largehouse which he occupied several years as a tavern.  The same edifice is now the residence of Egbert GULICK. In Sept 1804, an infant son of Timothy and Mabel HURD, named John Kirby,died and was buried in a cemetery on the farm of Simeon ROYCE, now owned byJames C. HENDERSON.  In 1806 TimothyHURD sold ten acres from his farm on the road that ran east from IsaacLANNING�S blacksmith shop to the Lake, to John SEARS, who built the firstgrist mill in the town on a small stream, running through his place. He also built a house there.  Someyears later he sold his mill and premises back to Mr. HURD, who subsequentlysold the mill and four acres of land to the father of Jephtha EARL of Benton, adistiller, for 1,300 gallons of whisky.  Onhis way home with a sleigh load of the whiskey, while descending the hill at theFriend�s Mill, the fore-board of his sleigh went out followed by two barrelsof the whisky, which thus escaped beyond recovery.

Timothy HURD was a captain in the War of1812, and afterwards Colonel of the 81st Regiment of infantry. Still later, he was General of the 1st Brigade, consisting ofSteuben and Allegany counties.  He was a member of the constitutional convention of 1821, andwas a supervisor of Reading when the town was divided.  He had held the office six years consecutively at that time. Of the Methodist Church, he was a prominent and consistent member. The first grist mill on Big Stream was built by him, on the road leadingto the head of the Lake, in 1811.  Thismill was burned in 1827 and he built another on the same site which was alsoburned in 1847.His wife died in 1842, at the age of 64 years, and hesubsequently married the widow of Sherman HURD. He died in 1848, and she now resides at Rock Stream. He was a man of strong will, a good neighbor and valuable citizen. 

The children of his first marriage wereHarry, Rochester, John K., Mary, Abner, Rebecca, Caroline, Electa, Janet andSeymour.  Harry born in 1799,married in 1821, Fanny, daughter of Joshua TUTHILL. They were married by Elder Abner CHASE. As early as 1820 he was cornet of a company in the 10thRegiment of Calvary.  Subsequentlyas Captain of the same company he was a popular and accomplished officer. A devoted Christian and a good man, he died in 1844. His widow still survives.

Rochester, born in 1801 in Vermont, marriedat Geneva in 1823, Abigail B., daughter of Matthew LUM. She was born in 1803.  Heowned a farm in Reading and resided there many years. He died in 1865.  Theirchildren were: Harry S., Eliza O., Mary J. and Caroline.  Harry and Mary died young. Eliza O., born in 1824, marriedHenry ROBERTS in 1845.  Theirchildren were, Helen E. Horace G., and Henry Hurd. Caroline married David CULVER a son of Elisha CULVER in 1848. She died in 1852.  They had a daughter, Delia C.

Mary HURD born in 1805 was the wife ofGilbert HATHAWAY. 

Abner HURD, born in 1807, married Sarah,daughter of Josiah REEDER.  He wasCaptain of the same Company previously commanded by Harry, and was an excellentofficer held in high esteem by the troop. Their children were: Horatio G.,Martha, Mary, Janet, George, Mabel and Fanny. Horatio G. married Catharine, daughter of Joseph BELLIS of Eddlytown. He and his sister Mabel, residing with their uncle, George S. REEDER, arethe only descendants of General Timothy HURD, now living in Eddytown. Martha married Andrew ROBERTS, son of James ROBERTS of Reading.  Mary married John W. MORRIS, a successful business man at BigStream Point.  Janet married JaredSLEEPER of Schulyer Co.  Georgemarried Clarissa WILMOTT, and Fanny married Newton WILMOTT and both reside inStarkey.

Rebecca born in 1810, married John BOGERT,many years a merchant at Dresden, and a prominent and influential citizen ofthat place.  He moved to Iowa anddied there.  Their children were,Jane, Caroline M., Nettie, Isaac and William. Caroline was the second wife of George W. SIMMONS.

Caroline HURD born in 1813, married John R.MC LEAN of Dresden. They live near Elgin, Ill. Their children are Jane, Mary and John.

Electa born in 1816, married Caleb GOUNDRY,a former merchant at Dresden, now residing at Marshall, Mich.

Janet born in 1818, married Henry SHERMAN. They reside at Elgin, Ill.  Theirchildren are George, Caroline, Martin and Nettie.

Seymour HURD born in 1821, married Rebecca,daughter of Hiram BELL of Dundee.  Theyhad a daughter Mary. He has a second wife, Charlotte BUNDY, and resides at Lima,NY.

Ransom HURD settled on a farm near hisfather, and built a house where Thomas LAMOUREAUX now resides. He married Rebecca STILSON, who died in 1822, aged 22 years. He subsequently moved out of the county. 

Sherman HURD first settled on the farm nowowned by William E. GAVRIET.  Hemarried in 1808, Sarah HURD, his cousin.  Theylived many years in Gorham, where he died a highly respected citizen.

Roswell and Samuel HURD settled in SteubenCounty.

Aaron HURD married Lucy, daughter of ReubenTHOMAS.  Their children were,Roswell T., Abner, Pamelia, Ferris P., Rosetta J., and William T. Abner and Rosetta J. died young, and Pamelia at aged 23 years.

Roswell T. married Maria, daughter of IsraelDAVIDSON of Reading.  Their childrenare, Rosetta J., Olive A., Henry w. and Byron L. They reside at Watkins.

Ferris P. HURD born in 1823, married Amanda,daughter of Amasa A. FRENCH of Wheeler.  Hermother was Sally, daughter of John SEARS, whose wife was Deborah ROYCE, a cousinof Mrs. Rhoda COWING.  Mr. HURD hasbeen many years a prominent resident of Jerusalem, to which town he has recentlyreturned, after a residence of a few years in Watkins. He had been three times supervisor of the town, and two years clerk ofthe Board.

William T. born in 1834, married Phebe A.,daughter of William P. HIBBARD of Jerusalem. Aaron HURD first resided a little south of Rock Stream, then in theAndrews settlement in Reading till 1840, after which he lived at Altay (SchuylerCo., NY) and died there in 1859.  Hiswife died in 1863.

Richard HURD, a relative of the precedingfamily was a native of Litchfield, Conn., born in 1751. He married Mary LACY of the same place, and moved to Sandgate, VT., wherehe was a farmer, miller, and merchant and 19 years a member of the VermontLegislature.  In 1808 he settled inReading at Rock Stream, where he was a farmer, miller, merchant and had adistillery and ashery.  Themercantile firm at one time consisted of himself, his sons Philo and Richard andJoseph S. JACKSON, did as much business as any similar concern ever did in theold town of Reading.  Richard HURDdied in 1827.  His children wereRhoda, Thadeus, Rebecca, Simeon, Philo, Mary and Richard. Rhoda was the wife of Joseph S. JACKSON, and is still living in Michigan. Thadeus married Ruth Em. HURD, and moved to Springfield, PA, where bothdied.  Rebecca married EliphaletCLARK and moved to Oho.  Simeonmarried Rebecca JONES.  He as anactive and popular young man.  Hewas Adjudant of the old 81st Regiment many years. He died at Rock Stream.

Philo married Helen LORD. He was a man of military tastes and was captain of the first artillerycompany in that town, which was organized by himself.  He as also Colonel of the 81st Regiment. Among his children are Gen. Gilbert HURD of Springfield, PA, and ThomasL. HURD, Homeophatic physician at Rock Stream. The former was made General of the First Brigade about 1840. Hiland G. WOILCOTT was a member of his staff, and Harvey G. STAFFORD wasthen Colonel of the old 206th Regiment of Infantry. Col. Philo HUD died in 1850, and his wife eight years later.

Mary HURD was the wife of Gilbert HATHAWAYSr.

Richard HURD Jr., married Deborah, daughterof Caleb FULKERSON.  Among theirchildren are Byrant R., and Richard, ministers of the Christian Church. Richard HURD, their father, was a man of social and genial qualities, ageneral favorite with children. 


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Nathaniel HUSON was born in Fredericksburg,NY in 1767 and married Anna SPINK born in 1770. She died in 1798.  He had asecond wife, Betsey WARREN   Shewas born in 1764 and they were married in 1799 at Hillsdale, NY. She died in 1836.  His thirdwife was Phebe BOYD, widow of Jacob CRAWFORD. She was born in 1786.  Theywere married in 1836.  He died in1847.  He came to Starkey, thenReading, in 1818, settled on the first farm north of the corporation of Dundeeand resided there through life.  Hischildren by the first marriage were, Ruth, Elijah, Calvin, Betsey and Richard;by the second marriage, Samuel, Nathaniel, Anna and Sally.

Ruth born in 1790, married Judson MILLARD. They came to Starkey quite early and lived on Millard St. Dundee, whichtook its name from him, where he was a prosperous farmer and a good citizen. Their children were Anna, Lewis M., Jane and Squier. Anna married Robert, brother of Eli TOWNSEND.  Lewis M. married Harriet, daughter of Richard HENDERSON Sr. Jane married Franklin HOLDEN.  Theyhave a daughter , Hattie.  Squiermarried Emily PHILLIPS.

Elijah born in 1792, married Alzada TYLER inColumbia Co.  He settled in�Beartown� in 1818, on the farm afterwards long occupied by Charles HAUSE. He moved west  many years ago and died in Illinois.  His children were Nelson, Richard, Judson, Louisa, Semantha,and Burgess.  Nelson born in 1816,married in 1836, Alzada, daughter of Charles TRUSEDELL.  He died in 1838 leaving a daughter, Janett, born in 1837. Janett married John J. HUMPHRIES in Starkey in 1861. They live in Elgin, Ill and their children are Alice, Arthur and John. Alzada married a second husband, William E. GABRIEL. Richard HUSON married Saray TYLER and lives in Illinois. Judson married Ann, sister of Harvey G. STAFFORD. Louisa married Martial H. BOOTH.  Semanthamarried Gabriel TORRANCE.  Burgessmarried and lives in Illinois. 

Calvin born in 1794, came to Starkey in1818, living sometimes on the next east and west road south of �Beartown.� He then moved to the town of Seneca, and resided there till after thedeath of his father, whose place he then bought, and lived thereon till near hisdeath in 1869.  His wife whom hemarried in Columbia county in 1817, was Betsey CREGO, who survives him living inStarkey.  He was a soldier in theWar of 1812 and a Democrat of the strictest sect. Their children were Jane, Susan, David C., Calvin, William H., Eli T.,Emeline, Elizabeth, George E., Lewis M., Clark, Samuel, Charles, Mary Ann andJames K.P.

Jane married James BEATTIE. They live in the town of Seneca and have two children, John and Lizzie. Susan married Haines CLARK and their children are Mary and Rosalie. David C. married Margaret ROBSON of Seneca. Their children are John R.,Calvin J. and Mary Jane.  David C.died in California and his widow with her children resides in Penn Yan.

Calvin HUSON Jr., was a lawyer of goodreputation, resided at Rochester and in 1856 was elected District Attorney ofMonroe county.  He died at Richmond,VA, a rebel prisoner, in November 1861.  Hewas captured by the rebels at the battle of Bull Run (Manassas), where he waspresent as a spectator.   Hiswife was Catharine MILLER and their children were De Lancey, Clara, Hattie,Hobart and Katy. 

William H. married (Mary) Emma REED. He kept a public house at Washington during the war of the Rebellion andis now the keeper of a public house at Starkey Station. Their children are Josephine, Cass, Martha and Mary (twins). Josephine married John MALONEY and has a daughter, Emma. Eli T. died in California.  Emelinemarried Uriah HAIR.   Elizabethmarried David CLARK.  George E.married Lucy EASTON in Illinois.  Lewis M. married Jane, niece of Gov. MACOMBER of Washingtonterritory. Clark married Anna SHIMPF, a German girl.  They live in Starkey and have two children, Frank and John. Samuel was a Union soldier and was killed at the battle of Shilo in 1862. Charles married Mary TERRY.  Theylive in Starkey and their children are Charles T. and John B.  Mary Ann married John GRAY of Groveland, NY. Their children are Samuel, John and Harry. James K.P. was a Union soldier and was killed in battle at Gettysburg.

Betsey born in 1795 is the wife of EliTOWNSEND.

Richard born in 1798, married Rebeca,daughter of Samuel KRESS Sr.,  Theyreside in Dundee where he was a Homeopathic physician. They moved to Kansas about 1856, where they still reside.  Their children were Eliza Ann, Catharine and Samuel K.  Eliza Ann was the wife of Edward HOOGLAND for some years well known inYates County as the editor of the Dundee Record. He died in Kansas, leaving a daughter, Mary. Catharine was the first wifeof James SPICER and died leaving one daughter. Samuel K. married Polly Ann, daughter of John SPICER. He was a Homeopathic physician and moved to Kansas.

Samuel HUSON born in 1801, married first,Mary Ann, daughter of Samuel HARPENDING.  Hehad a second wife, Rachel COSAD, cousin of his first wife. He was long a merchant in Dundee and prosperous in business. George W. SIMMONS and Augusts MALTBY at different times were hispartners.  He died in 1870 and hiswife survives him.  Their childrenwere Larissa and Mary.

Nathaniel, born in 1804, married Ann,daughter of Tewalt SWARTS 2nd.  Hewas a farmer living near Dundee, where he died recently. Their children were Eliza M., Sally A., Emeline, Matilda, Nancy J., andSusan A.  Eliza M. married Joshua,son of Daniel RAPLEE.  They had ason Nathaniel.  She married a secondhusband, Alonzo EATON.  Sally A.married James SWARTHOUT and they have two children. Emeline married David SWARTHOUT and they have one child. Matilda married Oliver, son of Joshua RAPLEE. Nancy J. married Thomas ROBSON.  SusanA. married William WORTMAN.

Anna born in 1808, married Alonzo SIMMONS.

Sally born in 1811, married in 1834, CharlesE. TRUESDELL who was also born in 1811.  Theyreside in Eddytown and have a son, Warren HUSON, born in 1836, who married in1867, Minnie ROBINSON, and resides in Syracuse.   Charles E. TRUESDELL was a son of Charles TRUESDELL and Semantha TYLER,his wife.

Burgess TRUESDELL who was a son of JosiahTRUESDELL, and a cousin of Charles E., was for many ears a merchant at Dundeeand Starkey Corners, and a leading citizen. He built the public house which was burned down where the ELLIS house nowstands.



William HUTCHINSON came to Starkey in 1818. His wife was Polly CREGO, sister of Mrs. Calvin HUSON. They settled on the farm now occupied by Ezra MC ALPINE, which he boughtof Henry CLARK, next adjoining that first settled on by Calvin HUSON. After some 20 years residence there, they moved to the town of Seneca. They had a son, Hamilton, who resides in Seneca.


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Francis IRWIN was the original setter on theplace now owned and occupied by Peter PUTNAM. He traded in 1815 that farm with Noadiah SHANNON, for another


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