Starkey Biographies
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History & Directory of Yates Co., VolII, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland
Information listedbelow in ( ) are NOT sourced from this book, but from other sources, suchas census information.
Enos ALLEN was born in Vermont in 1775 andmarried in 1800, Anne E., daughter of William MURRAY. She was born in 1776, was a widow FRENCH, and by her previous husband hadone son, Harlow FRENCH, who was born in 1798. The family settled in 1814 on a farm east of Rock Stream,where they remained some years, afterwards moving farther towards the Lake. She died in 1850 and he in 1858. Theirchildren were: Sidney S., Horace, Laura, Electa, Alanson, Ralph, Heman andAlbert J.
Harlow FRENCH married Dorcas SWEET. They have resided in Buffalo. Amongtheir descendants is Thomas B. FRENCH, chief Engineer of the Buffalo Firedepartment.
Sidney S. ALLEN born in 1803 married RichardDUNHAM. Alanson born in 1809married Rhoda, daughter of Harry CLARK. Noneof these mentioned in this paragraph have descendants in this county.
Electa born in 1807 married Alfred SOFIELD,a cabinet maker, living between Big Stream and Rock Stream. Their children are Caroline, Harlow, Laura, Mary, Josephine, Harriet andWilliam H. Caroline married Mr.BASSETT and lives in Wisconsin. Lauramarried Edward, son of Amzi SILSBEE. Marymarried William GRISWOLD, a State Senator of Wisconsin. Josephine married Mr. HENDERSON, and lives in Tennesee. Harlow FRENCH was a Union soldier.
Ralph, born in 1811, married in 1841,Sophronia, daughter of Justus JENNY. Shewas born in 1815. Mr. ALLEN livedchiefly at his father�s home till 1834 and then resided at Buffalo and BlackRock some years, then moved West, and in 1849 returned and bought the Dr. EnosBARNES homestead, �between the streams�. His wife died there in 1868. Heis a citizen of sterling worth, and one of the early fruit culturists of thecounty, as well as a skillful and successful fruit grower. Their children are: George A., William H., Benjamin F. and Edgar D.
Heman born in 1813, married Caroline,daughter of Calvin P. GAY. Theylive now in Geneva, Wisc., and have one daughter, Amelia. Albert J., born in 1816, is single and resides in Utah.
Ichabod ANDREWS was born in Wallingford,Conn., in 1767 and was a son of Laban ANDREWS and Prudence STANELY, his wife. Laban died at 85 years in 1813. Hewas a solider of the Revolution. Ichabodmarried in 1793, Lola, daughter of John TUTTLE of Wallingford. She was born in 1771. Theysettled in 1813 in Reading, near the Starkey line, and between the NewPre-emption line and the road leading directly south to Dundee. There they remained while they lived. He died in 1840 and she in 1844. Theirchildren were Philo, Sherlock Anson, John T., Lola and Edwin C.
Philo born in 1795, married Clarissa PELTON. He was a physician of good reputation and practiced in Pultney and Kanonaand moved to Indiana, where he died in 1847.
Sherlock born in 1796, married in 1821,Pamela, daughter of Reuben THOMAS. Theysettled on a part of his paternal homestead, and afterwards moved into Starkey,one mile north of his former home, where they still reside. He was formerly supervisor of Reading and is a reputable citizen. Their children are Ichabod, Loretta, Emily C., George P., Marilla andPhilo. Ichabod, born in 1821,married Julia, daughter of Thomas CASWELL and has a second wife, Eliza GOODRICH. By the first marriage he has a son, Obed T. Loretta born in 1826, is single. EmilyC., born in 1828, married Hiland G. WOLCOTT. George P. died in 1850 at 21 years. Marilla born in 1832, married Nelson LAFEVER . She died in 1863, leaving two children, George and Loretta. Philo, born in 1836, married in 1862 to Harriet LAFEVER. He is a stock dealer and lives in Starkey. Their children are Albert and Emily.
Anson born in 1797, married Sally STREETER. He was a skillful physician. Hefirst practiced at Sodus and returned to North Reading in 1833, where he died in1846, much lameted (sic).
John T., born in 1803, married Ann Eliza,daughter of Amherst ANDREWS. Whilea citizen of Reading he served one term as sheriff of Steuben county, havingbeen elected in 1834. Immediatelyafter he was elected to the 25th Congress, representing the 27thdistrict, composed of Steuben and Yates counties, serving one term. He has resided in Dundee about 20 years, a highly respected citizen. He is a member of the mercantile firm of Martin, Vosburg & Co.
Lola born in 1805, married Obed S. THOMAS.
Edwin C., born in 1808, married in 1836,Rosetta, daughter of Elisha WARD. Shewas born in 1818 and died in 1852. Hemarried in 1855 a second wife, Mary, daughter of John STARKEY, who died in 1861. He resides on his paternal homestead. The children by his first marriage are Lucinda, John T., Mary, Homer andEmma R; by the second marriage, one daughter, Rosetta M. John T., born in 1842 married Arvilla, daughter of Ira RAPLEE. He enlisted in the 179th NYV in 1864 and rose from the ranksto the position of Captain, was engaged in several battles and made a goodrecord as a soldier. He became alawyer and is now engaged as a furniture dealer, in partnership with Perley P.CURTIS in Penn Yan. Mary, born in1844 married in 1865 to Lyman BALLARD. Heis a furniture dealer at Watkins.
Amherst ANDREWS was a brother of IchabodANDREWS and four years younger (1771 � 1857). He married in Columbia county Phebe CADY, and they settled on a farmadjoining on the east, his brother Ichabod�s in 1814, and there residedthrough life. He died in 1857, at87 years. Their children wereEmeline, Franklin C., Laban S. , Jesse G., Ann Eliza and Aaron C.
Emeline married Minor CULVER. Their children were Sally Maria, Eliza, Phebe, Elizabeth andLola. Sally Maria was the fosterdaughter of John T. ANDREWS. Shemarried Hiram FOWLER, resided at Marshall, Michigan, and their children are Iraand Eliza.
Franklin C., married Euphema SMITH ofCohocton and lived on his paternal homestead, where he died in 1861, at aged 56years. They had a daughter, Sarah,who married Erastus MALTBY. Theyreside in Corning and have a daughter, Lizzie.
Laban S. married Jane SMITH and died in 1861at aged 54 years. Their childrenwere Amherst, Emmett, Charles, Ella and Elmer.
Jesse G., born in 1809, married Elizabeth,daughter of Samuel HARPENDING. Theyreside in Dundee, where he is a reputable and wealthy citizen. Ann Eliza is the wife of John T. ANDREWS. Aaron C., died at age 20 years.
John BAKER was a nephew of Gilbert BAKER ofMilo. He married Sophia LONGCOIR. They lived in Dundee from 1823 to 1867. He was a lawyer in justices� courts and had considerable skill in thepractice. He moved west in 1867 anddied in 1871, at aged 68 years. Theirchildren were Cornelia, Mary, Andrew J. and Frances. Cornelia married Solomon TOMPKINS and resides in Elmira. Mary married Waterman PARKS and lives west. Andrew J. went to sea and was a popular sailor. He was killed by falling from a mast in New York harbor. Frances married Mr. BARTHOLOMEW.
Dr. Enos BARNES was born in Litchfield,Conn., in 1786 and married Rebecca, daughter of Silas WICKES in Hyde Park. He studied medicine in Virginia with his uncle, Dr. BARNES, and waslicensed in 1812. In the War of1812, he entered the army as a substitute, and was soon promoted to the positionof Regimental Surgeon. He spent several years in Virginia. In 1815 he came to Rock Stream with his wife and one child,accompanied by his wife�s parents, and her sister, Maria, afterwards the wifeof James TAYLOR; also Jonas WICKES and wife and children and David S. andCharles WICKES, sons of Silas. Inthe same company, Phebe, widow of James WICKS, brother of Silas WICKES andsister of the wife of Silas, (Elizabeth RUSCOE), with her children, James H.,Eliza, who married Benjamin CHEEVER, and Harriet, who married John NOYES. Dr. BARNES settled on the place now owned by Ralph ALLEN. In 1819 he had 553 acres of land and with one exception was the largestland holder and tax payer in that part of Reading now embraced in Starkey. The value then was but $2,730 and his tax including $100 ofpersonal estate, was $1,187. Theland was originally bought by Silas WICKS, who was a captain in the War of 1812. Dr. BARNES was a farmer and early a fruit grower, and estimable citizenand a physician of good standing. Hepracticed at Rock Stream about 25 years, when he moved to Geneva and followedhis profession there, till his death in 1862. His first wife died in 1832 at 39 years. He had a second wife, Eliza KILPATRICK. The children by the first marriage were: Harry R., Woodruff L., Delia m.,Morris T., Charles W., Emma H. Harriet N. and Edmund f.; by the second, RebeccaW. and Enos W.
Harry R., born in 1815, studied medicinewith his father, graduated at Geneva in 1842, practiced at Hammondsport, Genevaand Monterey, and is now a practitioner at Rock Stream. He married Jane K. FOLWELL. Theirchildren are Germaine P., Mary A., Jennie M., and Harry R.
Woodruff L., lives in Brooklyn and has beentwice married.
Delia M., was the first wife of Dr. Job. S.STEVENS, now a practicing physician of good repute in Milo. Their children are Delia and Woodruff.
Morris T. married Abigail T. daughter ofStephen HURD. He died in New Yorkin 1869. Their children are Emma,Charles and Sallie.
Charles W., married Mary S., daughter ofAlonzo SIMMONS. He was for along time clerk for Alonzo SIMMONS and afterwards a partner of William L. SHARPin trade at Rock Stream. He is nowa merchant and grain buyer there on his own account. He is a leading and influential citizen. Their children are Delia M. and Alonzo.
Emma married Julius BANCROFT, and they haveone daughter, Emma. Harriet N.married Otis WHITNEY.
Edmund F. BARNES was a telegraphic inventor, and originated important improvementsin the art of telegraphing. Duringthe Rebellion he died at Charleston, SC, a partner of the firm Barnes & Zook,telegraphic operators and inventors. Bothwere Rebel soldiers, and operated the telegraph at Charleston for theconfederate government.
Rebecca W. married J. Tilton OTIS, andresides in Starkey.
Enos W., married Sarah, daughter of ReubenS. HURD, and is a joint Editor and proprietor with Henry H. HULL of the SteubenCourier, published at Bath.
David S. WICKES, mentioned in the foregoinghistory, studied medicine with Dr. Enos BARNES, and was licensed by the YatesCounty Medical Society. He marriedCatharine, daughter of Major MARSHALL, and practiced his profession in the townof ORANGE, now Schuyler county.
Charles WICKS married Sarah, daughter ofDavid BECKER.
John NOYES was born at Sharon, Conn., in1802. He came to Eddytown in 1826,and for a few years was engaged as a merchant. Afterwards he owned the farm now owned and occupied by Peleg BRIGGS, andresided thereon till 1870. He diedat Watkins in 1871. He was aprominent citizen of Starkey and held two years the office of supervisor. Their children are Mary, Eliza, Henry T., Sarah, Adaline C., and MiltonW. Mary married Cyrus SWARTWOOD andthey reside west. Eliza married Dr.William H. FISH of Mecklenburg, Schuyler Co.
Henry T. went to the war as adjutant of the148th NYV and became Colonel of another regiment before the close ofthe war. He married in 1869,Lucinda, daughter of Jacob P. CHAMBERLAIN of Seneca Falls, where they nowreside. Sarah died single in 1871. Milton W. is a lawyer at Rochester, where he resides with his mother, andsister, Adaline C.
David B. BARTHOLOMEW was a native ofPennsylvania and came to Reading as early as 1816, and built most of the gristmils thereafter erected on Big Stream, being a millwright of rare skill andenterprise. His father was amillwright in Lodi. David B.BARTHOLMEW is well remembered by most of the older citizens of Starkey. His residence was about half a mile west of Eddytown. His business was very extensive and he employed a large number of men. Mills were built by him in all parts of this region of the country and inPennsylvania. In appearance he wasa most remarkable man. His staturewas six feet and one inch, and his weight 300 pounds. His body was perfect in symmetry and his features handsome. His strength was very great, his ability for work marvelous and his mindwas of no common order. In riding about the country he drove a very large horse, anda sulky made on purpose, large enough for two common men. It was an equipage worth of note when he traveled the road. His wife was Anna, daughter of John MC CONNELL of Starkey. They moved to Elgin, Ill., in 1858. Among their children were Fanny, Caroline, Lewis, Warren, Taylor, Aliceand Ellis.
Cyrus BATES, son of William BATES and BetseyBURRILL, his wife, was born in 1804 in Spencer near Owego, his parents moved toBenton in 1808. In 1825 he marriedMary, daughter of Elihu WHITE of Benton, and Sarah SPRINGSTED, his wife. She was born in the town of Vernon (now Benton) in 1804. they moved the same year to Starkey and settled �between thestreams�, below the Eddytown road, buying their farm of David HENDERSON ofMilo. There they still reside. He is a Free Methodist and a leading contributor to the support of asociety having a meeting house in his vicinity. Their children are Bethyah, Laura, Amanda, Loretta, Rosetta, Orrin,Enoch, Jane, Delia and Charles W.
Bethyah born in 1828, married Anson STICKLESand died west.
Laura born in 1829 married David GREEK. Theylive in Bradford (Steuben), and their children are Amanda and Cyrus.
Amanda born in 1831, married Daniel DYKEMANand lives at Reading Center. Theirchildren are Mary, Gertrude, Hubert and Della.
Loretta born in 1833, married William GREEKand lives in Campbelltown. Theirchildren are Olive and one other.
Rosetta born in 1834, married CharlesHUMPHREY. They live inRathboneville, NY and have a daughter, Ella May.
Orrin born in 1846 married Isabel MC MILLAN. They live at Breeseport, Chemung county. Their children are Flora Bell and Georgia.
Enoch born in 1838 married Margaret,daughter of David S. TAYLOR of Penn Yan. Theyreside in Kansas.
Jane born in 1843, and Charles W., born in1848, reside single with their parents.
Delia, born in 1845, married Philo DAVIDSONand died early.
Orrin BATES was a soldier of the 126thNYV, served 3 years and was wounded at Gettysburg. William GREEK was a solider of the 107th NYV. Charles HUMPHREY and Philo DAVIDSON were also Union soldiers.
William BATES, the father of Cyrus, was bornin 1761 and his wife in 1765. Theirchildren were Huldah, Orrin, Clara, Leonard, Truman, Rhoda, Elias, Cyrus andJosiah. Several of these havedescendants in Yates county. Themother died in 1841 and the father in 1852, in Benton.
Peter BEAM was from New Jersey, and marriedthere Miss LEWIS. He had a secondwife, widow Inscho, whom he also married in New Jersey. He came to the lake county in 1808 and settled on the Micajah SWARTSfarm, buying 250 acres, which in 1819 was valued by the assessors at $1,312. He died on that place about 1840. Thechildren by his first marriage were Daniel, Ann, Peter and Jacob (twins), and bythe second marriage, Sarah, who was born on the Starkey farm.
Daniel married Sally, sister of BenjaminFORCE of Tyrone. Their children areDavid, Martura, Amanda and John.
Ann married John MAGEE and early settler ofStarkey. They emigrated to Ohiomany years ago.
Peter Jr., married first, Jane SMITH. They lived on the Old Pre-emption Line, northwest of Dundee, where hisfirst wife died. He had a second wife, widow GASKILL. He died at aged 74 years in 1865. The children by the first marriage were John, Lewis, Martin,Alice, Jane G., Anson and Alanson (twins) and Byron; by the second, Micajah,Susan and Mary. John marriedLouisa, daughter of Jacob CARPENTER. Lewismarried Mary, daughter of George PLUMMER. Theylive on the George PLUMMER homestead and their children are Hannah, George andIsabel. Martin married Nancy,daughter of Miles TERRILL. Theirchildren are Dennis, Charles, Edward, Byron and Fred. Alice married James FITZ SIMMONS. Anson married Eliza, daughter of John COMPTON. He is a druggist at Dundee. Alansonmarried Frances DURKEY and lives at Springport, Cayuga Co. They have a daughter, Carrie. Byronwas a soldier of Co. B., 126th NYV and died in the service.
Jacob married Mary ROSS. They settled in Canadice, Ontario C., and finally moved to Michigan. Their son, Stephen, is a farmer in Starkey.
Sarah married Micajah, son of Tewalt SWARTS2nd. They resided on herpaternal homestead many years, and finally moved to Dundee, where he died andshe still lives. Their childrenwere Mary Ann, Tewalt and Clarrissa. MaryAnn is the wife of Stephen CHUBB of Himrods. Tewalt married Huldah, daughter of Luther HAIR. Clarrissa married Warren DUNN, a blacksmith of Dundee, and they have ason, John.
William BEARD settled in Reading in 1805near where the Starkey railway station is located. He was born in New Jersey in 1760 and married there, Margaret BLAIN. He died in 1830 and was buried at Starkey Corners. She died in Allegany Co. in 1861, upwards of 90 years. Their children were Richard, John, Aaron, Joseph, William, Polly, Betsey,Mercy and Nancy.
Richard born in 1781 in Sussex Co., NJ,married there in 1802 to Susan SMITH. Shewas born in 1786. They moved toReading in 1809 and settled at Shannontown. She died in 1861 and he is still living in Dundee, with his daughter,Mary Ann, living single in Dundee. Hewas a solider of Capt. Timothy HURD�S Company in 1813. Their children were Margaret, Effa, Maria, Susan, John K. and Mary Ann. Margaret married George HIMROD of Seneca Co. Effa married Apollos GARRISON and moved west. Maria married Bradner ELLIS. Susanmarried Lyman DODGE. John K. died ayoung man.
John, son of William, died a young man.
Aaron married Temperance, daughter of JohnMC CONNELL. They live in the townof Orange.
Joseph married Anna CRAWFORD and lives inAllegany Co.
William married Emeline, daughter of John L.MILLARD.
Polly was the wife of John SUTPHEN of Milo.
Betsey married John MARGERSON. Lydia died a young woman. Mary married William ROYCE of Ovid. Nancy married John AYRES.
Hiram BELL was a native of Pennsylvania,born in 1786 and a son of William BELL and Rebecca BELL, his wife. He came single to what was afterwards known as Harpending�sCorners in 1811, and pursued his trade as a tanner and currier. The tannery was erected by one POTTER, and stood near Big Stream at thesouthern extremity of Dundee. From1814 and onward it was owned and operated by Hiram BELL. In 1813 he married in the town of Seneca, Mary, daughter of John RIPPEYand Poily, his wife. She was bornin 1788. He lived in Dundee andkept his own house, dying in 1871, owning a fine estate. His wife died in 1863. Hehas long been a leading Presbyterian. Theirchildren were Martha E., Mary Ann, Rebecca, Caroline and Adaline (twins), Josephand Priscilla (twins) and Eliza.
Martha E. born in 1816 married James HOLDERN. They have a son, Hiram and live in Elmira. Mary Ann died young.
Rebecca born in 1821, was the first wife ofSeymour HURD.
Caroline born in 1824, died at aged 21years.
Adaline was the wife of Richard LANNING.
Joseph born in 1826, married Frances,daughter of Joseph B. GANO, and died in 1871 at 44 years. Their children are Mary, Charles and Fanny.
Priscilla married George W. HORN. They reside in Dundee and he is a commercial agent in NewYork. Their children are Isabel andCaroline.
Eliza born in 1833 married Henry A. WISNER,Captain of a passenger steamer on Seneca Lake.
The father of Hiram BELL died a resident ofBenton on the George WHEELER farm.
Clark BELL was born Mar 12, 1832 at Rodman,Jefferson Co., NY and removed to Hammondsport in 1837. He was a law student with Harlow L. COMSTOCK late County Judge of Wyomingcounty and also with Morris BORWN, formerly of Hammondsport and more recentlyresident of Penn Yan. He wasadmitted to the bar in 1854. Duringseveral years he was Superintendent of Common Schools in Urbana, and Postmasterthere under the administration of LINCOLN, while David MC MASTER was CountyJudge of Steuben County, he was Assistant District Attorney. In politics he took an active part, and for several years was Chairman ofthe Republican Central Committee of the county. In December 1861, he took up his residence in Bath, and formed aco-partnership with Guy H. MC MASTER, since County Judge, succeeding in the firmEx-Lieutenant Governor Robert CAMPBELL, who retired from active practice. The new firm at once entered on a large and successful business. Mr. BELL was called to New York by the offer of the attorneyship of thePacific Railroad, then in its inception, and was actively engaged for thatenterprise at Washington during the Congressional sessions of 1863 and 1864, inobtaining the legislation under which the work was completed. In the autumn of 1864 he removed to New York, and has since served asattorney for that company and has been connected with many important railwaycases as counsel.
In 1866 he purchased a county seat inStarkey, near Dundee, of Mr. GAYLORD brother in law of the US Senator POMEROY ofKansas. This place is the summerresidence of his family. It is afine situation and has been handsomely improved and embellished by Mr. BELL.
In 1868 he visited Europe, and sketches oftravel from his pen have appeared in many widely circulated journals. His articles on vine culture in Europe were very widelycopied and received highly flattering notices form the press.
He married in September 1851, a granddaughter of John TAYLOR of Starkey.
Ephraim BENNETT was an early settlerlocating a short distance north of where stood the old Andrew RAPLEE tavern,near the rivulet that runs through Dundee empting into Big Stream Creek. It is supposed he settled there about 1803, and from him, Bennett�sSettlement took its name, after some dispute as to whether it should be calledBennett�s or Shoemaker�s Settlement. Thistitle was long applied to the neighborhood extending from Bring Stream, or thesouth line of Dundee, northward to Watkins� Location. Ephraim BENNETT has a son, Jonathan. Both moved away from the town at an early date.
Rev. Samuel BIGELOW was born in Tyringham,Mass, in 1763, and was the son of Rev. Samuel BIGELOW, also a Baptist clergyman. His wife, Elizabeth FULLER was born at the same place in 1765. They were married in 1782. Hewas a Revolutionary soldier. Theycame to Reading and settled near Quick�s patent, on the Bennett�s Settlementroad in 1811. About 1818 theymoved to Tyrone, not far from Starkey, where his wife died in 1837 and he in1842, at the house of his daughter, Rocksina. He continued to preach in Starkey and Barrington long after his removalfrom the town. His ministrycommenced at the age of 20, and was kept up until about six months before hisdeath. He was an effective preacher, gaining many converts, andofficiating at very numerousweddings and funerals in Starkey, during a considerable period of its history. Their children were Mary, Elizabeth, Hopestill, Niram, Silana, John W.,Samuel L., James W., Rocksina, and Asa Barney. Mary and Elizabeth married and had families not resident here.
Hopestill married Charlotte BATES of Conner,Mass and lived in that State till 1828 when he moved to Penn Yan. He finally died quite old, near Albany in 1869. He had a son, Artemas, who became eminent as a teacher and a man oflearning. He is married and pursueshis vocation in Mass.
Niram married Abigail YEOMAND in Ohio, anddied here. He had a daughter,Climena.
Silana married Nathan HEMINGWAY. They had a large family and died in Tompkins county.
John W. married Mary, daughter of DanielSHANNON. They settled in Starkeyand finally lived in Tyrone. Theirchildren are Elizabeth, Electa, Cornelia, Catharine, Rachel, George, Lydia A.and John. Elizabeth marriedCornelius BODINE and lived in Barrington. Electa married Peter HOUCK. Their son, Lorenzo, married Margelia, daughter of Morris HUTCHES. Caroline married Philemon BISHOP. Theyhad a son Charles, who married Lois, daughter of Samuel V. MILLER. Catharine married James VAN GORDEN. Rachel married Henry STEDWELL. They have a daughter, Josephine. Georgemarried Susan FROST. They have adaughter, Cleida. Lydia A. marriedJames HAVENS of Starkey. Johnmarried Sarah, daughter of John SWARTS. Theyhave a son, Fred.
Samuel L., born in Whitehall, NY, in 1797,was a carpenter. His wife wasCatharine VAN GORDEN, born in 1795, in New Paltz, NY. They were married in Bennett�s Settlement in 1814. Her father was a pioneer in Bennett�s Settlement, residing on the MCKNIGHT�S location. Samuel L. BIGELOW and wife commenced their married life inEddytown. He built and lived in allthe houses from the store, now occupied by Mr. MILLSPAUGH, around to andincluding the Isaac P. SEYMOUR residence. Hemoved in 1832 to the hollow where the Friend�s Mill was originally erected andlived there nearly 20 years. Hebuilt ten locks in that vicinity on the Crooked Lake Canal. He also owned and operated the mill property there. About 1848 he moved to Michigan where his wife died in 1865 at aged 70years, and he in 1867 at the same age. Hewas a man of no small degree of enterprise. Their children were Niram, Levi, Decatur, Eliza, James, Samuel L.,Abraham and Julia. Niram born in1814, married Corinne, daughter of John R. STANFORD in 1837. They reside near the oil mill, where his father resided many years. Their children have been Samuel L., Stanford, Francis, Corinne, John W.,Clinton and Rose S. Samuel L. diedin 1856 at aged 19 years. Stanfordborn in 1841, was a Union soldier of the 14th NY Heavy Artillery, andwas killed before Petersburg, in 1865. Francis,born in 1844, enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1863, was on the blockading ship,Brittania off Wilmington, NC, for 13 months. He is now a clerk in the U.S. Express office in San Francisco. Corinne married Alpha O. DUNNING, and lives in Torrey. Their children are Frank, Lillie V, and Rose F. The others are with their parents. Levi,son of Samuel L. BIGELOW Sr., married Lucy, daughter of Ira FISHER. They live in Chicago and have four children. The remaining children of Samuel L. BIGELOW Sr. reside in Michigan. Samuel L. BIGELOW Jr., is a Methodist clergyman at Sumner, Michigan.
Rocksina born in 1803, at Front Ann, marriedJesse W., WELLS. They had nochildren and became the foster parents of Abigail COMPTON and Rho D. LUDLOW. Abigail married Robert W. BROWN and lives at Royal Oak, Michigan. Jessie W. WELLS died in 1865 and his widow became the second wife ofPeter SWARTS of Dundee.
Asa Barney BIGELOW born in 1805 married LoraTOMPKINS. They moved to Michigan.
James BIGELOW married Leah VAN GORDEN. They have a large family and live in Tyrone.
Robert BIGGER was from Northumberland, PAand made his home in Eddy Settlement in 1803. His wife was Sarah BARTON. Theymoved at a later period near the old tavern stand of John J. SMITH and thence toWayne, where both died in old age. Theirdaughter, Emily, married James, son of Samuel MC FARREN of Benton.
Andrew BOOTH was born in Old Stamford,Conn., in 1747. He married JerushaKIRBY of Woodstock, Conn., born in 1745. Theymoved soon after to Sandgate, VT, where they settled on a farm and nine childrenwere born to them, Joseph, Louis, Reuben, Roger, Andrew, Mabel, Eden, Lucindaand Polly. The parents and fivechildren became residents of Yates county, Andrew, Mabel, Lucinda, Eden andPolly. They came to the ten town ofReading, in 1803, and settled on a part of the farm since constituting what isknown as the Gen. Timothy HURD farm. Hedied in 1827, aged 80 years, and she in 1835 at the age of 90 years.
Andrew BOOTH Jr., born in 1775, marriedHester HURD in 1800. She was bornat Sandgate, VT in 1779. They cameto Starkey in 1810 and settled west of Eddytown on a farm known as the Eddyfarm. In about two years after theysold out, and purchased what was known ahs the Abner HURD farm. Mrs. BOOTH died in 1842 leaving six children, Spencer,Harriet, Eliza, Perlina, Harvey K. and Marshall H.
Spencer was born in 1801. He married Susan C. KIDDER (step-daughter of the late Samuel LAWRENCE) in1831. They lived in Penn Yan a fewyears, he engaging in mercantile and other business as one of the firm ofEllsworth & Booth. In 1832 theymoved to Branchport, where the business was continued under the firm name of S.Booth & Co.,; the firm being the leading spirits in starting and building upthat village. Mr. BOOTH continuedthe business of the firm until 1842, then in his own name, and that of S. Booth& Son till 1865. Mrs. BOOTHdied in 1843, leaving five children, William S., Susan V., James H., Mary A. andCalista A.
Mr. BOOTH married a second wife, Mrs.Sophronia HOPKINS, widow of Rev. John HOPKINS, of Hornellsville. She was a Miss BANGS of Marcellus, Onondaga Co., They moved to Syracuse in 1866 and now reside there. They have one child, Walter H. Mrs.BOOTH had by her first marriage, three children, who became members of the BOOTHfamily, Harriet E., Mary E. and Robert P. William S. married Frances, daughter of Robert FERRIET, of Dundee, in1800, and they reside there. SusanV. married Pratt HAMILTON of Richmond, Ill, where they reside. Their children are, Frederick B. and Paul H. Calista A. married Robert B. BOYD of Branchport and theyreside at East Saginaw. James,unmarried, resides at East Saginaw, and is a partner in the mercantile firm ofBoyd & Booth. Mary F., diedsingle in 1857, aged 20 years. WalterH., married Mary, daughter of Ambrose F. STARK, late of Penn Yan. They reside at Florence, NJ, and he is as a merchant. He was a volunteer in the late war of the Rebellion, in the 10thWisconsin Regiment, serving as Quartermaster. He was subsequently Paymaster, remaining in that station during the war. He then located at Hornellsville. Mary E. HOPKINS married S. Clinton STEARSN of Joliet, Ill,and they reside there. He is amerchant. Their children are Kitty,Harry and Robert B. Robert P.HOPKINS, unmarried, resides at Bannock city, Montana. He is a miner.
Harriet BOOTH was the wife of LeveretGABRIEL of Starkey. Eliza BOOTHmarried Harvey G. STAFFORD of Starkey.
Perlina BOOTH married Coe S. REEDER ofStarkey and they now reside at Richmond, Ill. He is a cabinet maker. Theyhave two children, Andrew and Elizabeth.
Harvey K. married Mary BROWN of Starkey, andthey emigrated early to Illinois. Theyreside at Richmond in that State with their family. He is a farmer.
Marshall H. married Louisa HUDON of Starkeyand they reside at Richmond, Ill. Heis a merchant.
Mabel was the wife of Gen. Timothy HURD.
Lucinda was the wife of Reuben ROYCE.
Eden BOOTH married Sally BIGGER. Theirs was the first wedding in Starkey. They were little folks, being small of stature, but their marriage was agreat event.
Polly married Mr. JENKINS of Starkey, andmoved to Wilkesparre, PA, where he died leaving a family of several children. His widow is now living at Pittston, PA.
Andrew BOOTH Jr. is said to be still livingin Illinois, his age approaching near a century. His wife had a brother, Moses HURD, who settled south of Rock Stream in1810 on lot 8, of Watson�s Purchase. Hiswife was Anna, daughter of Capt. Simeon HURD and Sarah his wife. �Capt. Sim� came about 1807 and also lived in Rock Stream. He was a Captain in the Revolutionary army. The children of Moses and Anna HURD, were Sarah, Emily, Eunice and ReubenS. Sarah married Mr. HAUSE and lives at Elmira. Emily married Eliphalet STOCUM and lives at Elmira. Their children are Hector and Ann. Eunicemarried Daniel FOWLE. They resideat Watkins. Reuben S. marriedSarah, daughter of Henry OSMAN.
Jacob Y. CARPENTER was a son of HopeCARPENTER and was born in Sussex Co., NJ in 1790. He married Mary HELMS, a native of Pennsylvania. They settled east of the PIERCE neighborhood in 1819, where they remainedthrough life. He died in 1851 andhis wife survives, residing with Horatio L. PIERCE. Their children were: Dorothea E., Mary J., Charles H., LouisaM., Lydia, Tacey Ann, Sarah, Benjamin, Henry H. and Edward M.
Dorothea E. born Jan 1, 1820, marriedHoratio L. PIERCE.
Mary J., born in 1821 married in 1849, LymanKENDALL. They now live at Tyrone and have a daughter, Irva.
Charles H., born in 1824, married Harriet,daughter of Thomas DRAKE of Reading. Theylive in Starkey and have a son, Charles.
Louisa M. born in 1826 married John BEAM. They live on the David B. BARTHOLOMEW place in Starkey.
Lydia and Tacey Ann live single in the cityof New York.
Sarah married Martin D. ELLIS.
Benjamin was a solider in the Company ofCaptain Herschell W. PIERCE and was killed in the first day�s battle atGettysburg.
Henry H. is single, living at Portland,Oregon.
Edward M. married Martha, daughter of DennisW. DISBROW, resides near Big Stream Point, and has three children, Benjamin,Wortman and Cora.
Samuel CHAMBERS was a native ofPennsylvania. His wife was HannahVAN ZANDT, daughter of Bernardus VAN ZANDT of Ovid, now Lodi. They came to the Lake Country in 1803 and settled first on thePhillip�s Location, moving thence to a place on Owen�s Patent, and later toa farm on Mc Knight�s Location and later just east of the Gore, about twomiles southwest of Eddytown where he died in 1832. His wife died at the same place, ten years later. He was a quiet, unobtrusive farmer and a good citizen. Their children were William, Christopher, Eleanor, Thomas, Barns, Jones,Delilah, Lydia, Lucinda, Hannah and Jedediah. William married Polly, daughter of Andrew EDGARTON. He is still living at Rock Stream.
Christopher married Phebe ALLEN ad residedin Starkey. Their children were:Daniel, Hannah L., Elizabeth A., Sarah J., Samuel, Eliza L., Ruth and Charles. Daniel married Lucinda LAWRENCE and moved West. Hannah L. married James MISNER. Theirchildren were Mary Jane and Jacob. Mr.MISNER is dead and Mary Jane died a young woman. Elizabeth A. married David PERRY, son of Thomas PERRY of Tyrone. Their children are Mary and Thomas. Sarah Jane married James ROCKWELL. Their children are Hermon, Sarah J., Nathan and Walon. Samuel is in California. Ruthmarried Barna SPEERS. Charles issingle.
Thomas married Betsey, daughter of WilliamSMITH. They still reside inStarkey. Their children areWilliam, Lucinda, Harmon, Mary, Myron, Wakeman, Warren and Dorliska. William andHarmon were Union soldiers.
Barns married Martha CROCKER. They had two children, Oliver and William.
James married Abigail BRINK and died ofcholera in Cincinnati.
Delilah married Christopher S. SHARPE, anddied in 1844.
Lydia married Whiton BRINK.
Lucinda married Peter MC CONNELL Jr. ofTyrone. They have a daughter,Lucinda.
Jedediah married Catharine SMITH and residesin California.
Benjamin CHEEVER was born in 1791 inBrookfield, Mass and married Eliza, daughter of James WICKES. She was born 1804. They weremarried at Rock Stream, at the residence of Dr. BARNES, she being a cousin ofMrs. BARNES. He came to Eddytonw in1818, was a merchant and for 20 years was the principal businessman in town. He had a ashery which stood in the brook near Isaac LANNING�S. His store was opposite the J.J. Pease stand. The same building is now in part he residence of Prof. Edmund CHADWICK. Mr. CHEEVER in 1829 built a grist mill on the little stream runningthrough the hollow near the residence of Peleg BRIGGS, but on the oppositecorner. There was neithersufficient water nor sufficientfall to operate the mill and the enterprise was a failure. Mr. CHEEVER has a distillery, was interested in a line of stages runningfrom Elmira to Geneva, was a cattle drover, colonel of the Light Infantry, anddeacon of the Presbyterian church. HarveyG. STAFFORD for some time a clerk with Mr. CHEEVER, became his partner and theydid a thrifty business some years. CHEEVERsold to STAFFORD and retired on a farm near Rock Stream and lived there till hisdeath in 1856. His wife died in1843 and he had a second wife, Olive Maria, daughter of Augustus ELY of Hector. After his death, she became the wife of Rev. C. C. CARR of Horseheads.
Elisha CLARK was a native of Connecticut andwas born in 1773. He married PhebeFINCH in his native state. Theysettled on lot 8, of the Potter Location, probably as early as 1808, andsubsequently traded with Alfred RICH for his farm at Eddytown, now owned andoccupied by Peleg BRIGGS. Theylived in Eddytown till they sold their farm there to John NOYES, when they movedto Potter and later to Jerusalem, residing on the place now known as the JohnWILLET place. There his wife diedin 1838. He then moved to Ovid,where he married widow Abigail MEAD. Hefinally died in 1853, at the house of James H. FRENCH in Benton. His children were Henry, Roswell, Lavina, Margaret, Sarah,Elisha, Charlotte, Julia and Raleigh.
Henry born in 1790, married Matilda, sisterof Hiram BELL, the Dundee Pioneer, and was the original setter on the place longoccupied by Calvin HUSON in �Beartown�. They afterwards lived in Eddytown. Theirchildren were Letitia, Margaret, Clinton and William. Letitia born in1817, married William C. NEWMANS, who learnedwith Isaac LANNING the trade of blacksmith. He is now a Druggist at Waukegan, Illinois. Margaret, born in 1819, married James MEAD of Ovid and diedin that place a years after his marriage. Clinton,born in 1821 was a tailor. He wentSouth and was not thereafter heard from. Williamborn in 1825, died in 1867 in Illinois, where he had a family. The mother of this family died in 1859, at the residence of her daughter,Letitia, and the father is still living in the same place.
Roswell born in 1795, married in 1818, NancyNEWMAN. They lived some time inReading and afterwards many years on the John WILLET farm in Jerusalem. His wife died in 1854 aged 56 years, and he in 1857. He was a man ofhonest and irreproachable and the same can be said of his brother, Henry. Their children were: Elisha, Julia, Charlotte, and Roswell H. Elisha born in Reading in 1820, married in 1844, Triphena P. daughter ofReuben DEL:ANO. She was born in1825. They lived many years inJerusalem, and now reside in Penn Yan. Theirchildren are William H., Elizabeth and Martin J. William H., born in 1845, married in 1868, Susan HOPE, and resides inJerusalem. Julia, born in 1823married in 1844, William H. STARK. Charlotteborn in 1826, married in 1854, Ira COREY. Theylive in Jerusalem and have three children, Alice, Hattie and Oliver. Roswell H., born in 1831, married Almira FINCH. They live in Putlney and have two children, Ward and Frank.
Lavina married Seymour YOUNGS in Starkey andfinally moved to Michigan. Theirchildren are Phebe Ann, Tamsey Maria, Margaret, Mary, Roswell C. and one other.
Margaret married James H. FRENCH, a stonemason. They lived early and long inEddytown and moved from there to Benton Center. Their children were Julia and Raleigh. Julia was first, the second wife of Jabez S. SODEN and afterwards marriedhis brother, John. Raleigh lefthome at 22 years and was no more heard from.
Sarah married Abraham ELLSWORTH of Naples. They had a daughter, Charlotte, who was the wife of Joseph ARDEN, ashoemaker, formerly resident in Penn Yan.
Elisha CLARK Jr., born in 1801, marriedSophia BLISS, was a carpenter, lived in Penn Yan and died in 1867.
Charlotte married first, Hiram DUNN and hersecond husband was Philander MOON. Herchildren by the first marriage were Dudley M., Charles, Rebecca and Elisha C.
Julia married Electrus PITCHER in Michigan. Their children are Roswell C., Eugene and Elizabeth.
Raleigh married Thankful COLE in Potter. They moved to Michigan and their children were Jerome, Elisha, and adaughter.
Elisha CLARK, the elder, had two brothers,Phineas and William, both of whom became residents of Eddy settlement, as earlyas 1803. Phineas bought thepremises first settled by William EDDY, and after a few years moved away. William bought in 1803 the land on �Lamb�s Run�, now lying betweenStarkey Corners and the NC Railway Station. His first wife was a daughter of John SEARS; his second, the widow ofBenjamin FRENCH; and his third, Clara RICH, also her third marriage. He was 2nd Lieutenant in the Co. of Capt. Timothy HURD in theWar of 1812. He was made Captain ofthe same company in 1814. He movedto Canada in later years and died there during the �Patriot war�.
The father of these three brothers, was aBaptist minister who lived in Ovid and was the first man who endeavored tobenefit this new community by religious preaching. He came over occasionally on this mission previous to 1805.
John COE was a native of New England andcame to Reading in 1810 from Johnson�s Settlement, now in the town ofCatharine, Schuyler county. Hiswife died there just before he moved to Reading. He died in Eddytown in 1816. Hewas a land agent for the parties represented by the PUMPELLYS of Owego,preceding them. The company gavehim the farm where Dennis W. DISBROW now resides near Eddytown, then occupied byone KEELER. Their children wereLucy, Pamelia, Patty and John. Lucyhad a first and second husband. Thelast was Mr. JOHNSON. Pameliamarried Reuben HILL Jr., a blacksmith. Theyresided one mile south of Eddytown and he was many years Constable, collectorand Deputy Sheriff. Patty marriedMr. KELLOGG, who built a mill on Big Stream. John married and lived as a blacksmith in Dundee.
Reuben Hill Sr. and James SEAMAN werebrothers in law, and settled in Shannontown at an early day. They afterwards moved to Reading and died there. James SEAMAN was the father or Orison SEAMAN, who married Sarah, daughterof Samuel KRESS Sr.
Gamaliel D. CONKLIN was a native of OrangeCo., and was born in 1791. He was ason of Isaac CONKLIN and Catharine VAN DUSER, his wife. In the War of 1812, he enlisted in the regular army for five years andserved the full term. In 1817, hecame to Phelps and there married in 1819, Elizabeth, daughter of MosesELLSWORTH. He was a chair maker andsoon after his marriage established a shop at Starkey Corners. After 13 years residence there he moved to Tyrone, and diedthere in 1860. His wife is stillliving. Their children were George,Catharine, William E., Martha j., Aaron B., Joseph G. and Orilla.
Samuel CONKLIN was born in Orange Co., in1800 and was a brother of Gamaliel D. CONKLIN. He married in 1823, Esther, daughter of Robert FERRIER. He was a stonemason and wrought at his trade in Eddytown, where he located soon after hismarriage. Some years later hebought a farm on the old Pre-emption Line, in the northwest part of town. There he died in 1868. Hiswife survives him, at the age of 74 years, in 1872. Theirchildren were: Robert F., Thomas J., Mary Ann, Wilmore and Sarah.
Robert F. born in 1824, married Emily A.,daughter of David SEAMANS, and is a farmer in Milo on the Charles LEE farm.
Thomas J., born in 1826, married Mary Ann,daughter of Henry TITSWORTH. Theyreside on and own the Calvin HUSON place near Dundee.
Mary Ann, born in 1828, married John C.SHANNON. Their daughter, Mary E.,is the wife of Lucius P., son of George WAGENER.
Wilmore, born in 1830, married Amelia WILCOXof Orange County. They reside inStarkey and their children are William, Hester and Emma.
Sarah, born in 1836, married William T.BEAUMONT.
Henry CONKLIN, a brother of Gamaliel D. andSamuel, lived many years as bachelor in Starkey, a wagon maker, finally movingwest. He was born in 1795.
Shadrach, another of the brothers, marriedJane CLARK of Tyrone, and lives in that town. He was born in 1798.
Julia CONKLIN, a sister of these brothers,born in 1807, lives single in Starkey.
John O. COOK was born in New Jersey in 1789. He came with his mother, a widow, about 1808 and bought a homestead ofwild land about one mile and a half directly south of Dundee, on which he livedthe remainder of his days. His father was Daniel COOK, born in 1739 and his mother wasRebecca OWEN, born in 1748. Theother members of Daniel COOK�S family settled about Geneva and among hisdescendants was Charles A. COOK, former cashier and President of the old Bank ofGeneva. John O. COOK married in1811, Phebe, daughter of Hezekiah TOWNSEND of Milo. She was born in 1791. He wasa leading citizen and prominent member of the Presbyterian Church at Dundee. His first wife died in 1823 and he about 1833. Their children were Ezra D., Hannah M., Caroline R., and Daniel. He married a second wife, Nancy, daughter of John PLUMMER. Their children were Phebe, Charles A., Harriet and John P.
Ezra D., born in 1812, married first, SarahL., daughter of Deacon Aaron PORTER in 1835. She was born in 1812 and died in 1843, and he married again in 1849, MaryJ., daughter of Alanson GABRIEL. Shewas born in 1825. He lived and diedin 1871, on the paternal homestead. Hewas a citizen of worth, and an Elder in the Presbyterian church at Dundee. The children by his first marriage were: Henry P., Mary F., Foster P, andEzra D.; by the second marriage, Hermon C., and Vinnie M. Henry P. was killed at 26 years, a Sergeant-Major at the battle ofGettysburg. Mary F., married ArunaC. COLTON. They live in Illinoisand have a daughter, Edith. FosterP. died at 27 years in 1868, of debility produced by service in the army. He was a Lieutenant of the 148th NYV. Ezra D., died at 23 years, in 1866.
Hannah M., born in 1814, was the first wifeof Davis FRASER.
Caroline R., born in 1818, married Rev.Martin WHEELER, a Methodist clergyman. Theyhave a surviving son, William A. residing in Elgin, Ill. She died in 1852.
Daniel COOK born in 1820, married Hannah,daughter of William PLUMMER. Thisfamily resides in California and their children are Delilah and Owen.
Phebe T. died at aged 16 years. Charles born in 1825, died at 18 years. Harriet born in 1827, became the second wife of GeorgeROBERTS. They reside at Big StreamPoint and have a daughter, Adaline.
John P. born in 1831, married Ann, daughterof David N. GARDINER. They resideon the Alanson GABRIEL farm, and their children are Franklin P., Lizzie andJohn.
Samuel CORYELL was an early resident inBennett�s Settlement and the father in law of Alfred GOODWIN.
Emanuel COYKENDALL was a native of NewJersey, and married Mary, sister of Adam STRUBLE. In 1803, they settled on the farm next west that of Micajah SWARTS, andon the opposite side of the road. There they remained through life, dying inadvanced age. Their children wereHenry, Squier, Joel, Milton, William, Jotham, Charity and Mary Ann.
Henry married Polly, daughter of PeterWALLING. Their children wereEmanuel, Walling, Sally Maria and Catharine. Squier married Anna LONGCOR. Theylived between Bennett�s Settlement and the Old Pre-emption Line, near SamuelWALLING�S. He died in 1863 andhis wife survives. Their childrenare Eliza, Harrison, Catharine, Mary Jane, Emanuel, Anthony and Ezra (twins) andHenry. Eliza is the wife ofJames WILSON. Harrison born in1825, married in 1846, Lydia, daughter of Abel TRASK and Rebecca BRIGGS, hiswife. They live west of Shannontown,near New Pre-emption Line. He is anactive citizen, a grain thresher and a sportsman. Their children are Eliza A. and Ward A. Catharine born in 1823, married in 1854, Josiah DAVIS. Mary Jane died in 1846 at aged 19 years. Emanuel born in 1829, married Zeruah, daughter of John MAWNEY. They have a daughter, Cora. Anthonyborn in 1833, married Ruth Ann, daughter of James M. WESTCOTT, and has a son,Squier. His twin brother died ataged 17 years. Henry born in 1835,married Susan MILLER and retains his paternal homestead. They have a son, Harry.
Joel married Sally, daughter of Joseph C.LEWIS.
Milton married Catharine, daughter of MelvinSCHENCK.
William married Clarissa HULBURT and theirchildren were Milton, Robert, Austin, Jeremiah, Henry, Susan Ann and Sarah.
Jotham married Maria, daughter of Capt.Frederick HAINES. They livein Springwater, NY and their children are Lydia, Charles, Coe, Mary, Polly andSarah.
Charity born in 1799, married Levi W. ELLIS.
Joel COYKENDALL was a brother of Emanuel,and came earlier into the Lake Country, settling on the summit between Himrodsand Dundee, and on the place sinceknown as the George SWARTS farm. Hiswife was Margaret, sister of Adam STRUBLE. After residing in Starkey till 1830, they moved to Canadice, where hedied about 12 years later. His wifedied in Michigan many years later. Theirchildren were Mary, Betsey, Charity, John, Sally, Daniel, Catharine, Madison andCaroline.
Ira CRANDALL was born at Johnstown, NY in1785. His parents were JohnCRANDALL and Polly KEELER, his wife. Hemarried in 1806, experience, daughter of Dr. Jacob PEASE. They were married at Chenango, NY and came to Reading, now Starkey, in1809. They bought the place thenoccupied by Dr. PEASE. Theyafterwards sold that place and bought a farm on Big Stream. He also bought in 1818, a part of the mill property thenowned by James ACKERSON. They millwas built in 1807 by John WICKHAM and William MURRAY and was the first gristmillbuilt on Big Stream. A sawmill wasbuilt at the same place, somewhat later. DavidPETERSON became a joint owner with Ira CARNADALL, of this mill property and thesituation was long known as Crandall & Peterson�s Mills. There have been at this point a gristmill, sawmill, turning lathe, cidermill, gun shop and stave machine. Allthat is left now is the sawmill and stave machine. Crandall & Peterson were partners about 40 years in conducting thegristmill and sawmill and never had a word of disagreement. Their partnership was only severed by death. They were honest, unselfishand true-hearted men and good citizens. Ira CRANDALL died in 1860 and his wife is still living a vigorous andcompetent woman. Their childrenwere Francis, John, Amanda, Maria, William, Azariah, Louisa and Reid.
Francis, born in 1807, married Amelia,daughter of Nathaniel RUSCO. Theylived in Starkey some years and finally in Steuben county. Their children are Albert, Harriet, Emily, Matilda, Louisa, George, John,Sara and Mary Jane. John died asolider of the Union Army. Albertmarried Mary, daughter of Capt. David WILKINS of Starkey.
John born in 1811, married in 1834, EuniceCOVERT of Starkey. They finallymoved to Michigan. Their childrenare Edward, George, Mary, Augustus, William, Francis and Ada. George was killed in battle, a Union soldier.
Amanda born in 1813, married in 1830, WatsonGILLETT of Starkey. She died inMichigan in 1856. Their childrenare Ira, Reid, Huldah, Mary, John and Oliver.
Maria born in 1816, married Benjamin BROWNand died in 1863 in Michigan.
William born in 1819, married MargaretSNOOK, lived many years in Starkey and now resides at Watkins. He is a man superior personal worth. Their children are Mary and Jason.
Azariah born in 1821, married in 1846, MaryJane, daughter of Thomas S. PAGE. Hedied in 1861 in Steuben county, leaving a son, Edward.
Louisa born in 1824, married in 1844, RalphSMITH of Reading. He is a partnerof William CRANDALL in a box factory at Watkins.
Reid born in 1828, married in 1849, Jane,daughter of Lewis DAVIDSON. She wasborn in 1830. They reside near hispaternal homestead, and he is a substantial citizen of the town. They have a son, Ira L.
Dr. Jonathan CURRAN became a resident ofEddy Settlement about 1811 and resided in a double hewed log house, which theBaptists had erected for one of their early preachers, Elder Abner GRIFFIN. He remained there several years, moved thence to Newark, NY and in 1829to Pultney. In 1836 he moved toCold Water, Michigan where he died in 1842. His wife was Mary, daughter of Nicholas GULICK of Lodi and she is stillliving at Cold Water. Their children were Darwin, Jerome, Eliza and Homer.
Israel DAVIDSON born in Sussex county, NJ in1786, married there, Martha VAN HOUTEN. Theycame to Ithaca and thence in 1810 to Bennett�s Settlement, locating on thefarm directly west of Andrew RAPLEE. His wife died there in 1820. Hissecond wife was Luna ADSIT. Theymoved in 1856 to Hector where he died in 1859. Their children by the first marriage were Rachel, Maria, Gardner andJane.
Rachel married David WOOD. Maria married Roswell HURD, son of Aaron HURD. Jane married Richard ANDREWS of Hector. They have a family of children, some of whom are teachers ofmore than ordinary merit.
William DAVIDSON, the father of Israel,settled in 1810 on the old Pre-emption Line, a short distance south of Starkey. His wife was Ruth GARDNER. Hedied in 1832 at 73 years, and she in 1837, at 75 years. Their children were David, Rachel, Israel, Lewis, Peter, Henry andCatharine. Lewis born in1795, married Jemima GANNON in 1818. Shewas born in 1797. They were marriedby Richard LANNING. They are stillliving at Rock Stream. They had anumerous family. One is the wife ofReid CRANDALL, and another is the wife of John W. OSMAN.
Jacobus S. DEMOREST was born in Warwick,Orange county in 1786 and married in 1807, Catharine VANDEVOORT, who was born inRockland county in 1785. They cameto this county in 1814 and settled on section 9, of the Watson�s purchase, onRock Stream Creek, where they continued to reside until his death in 1847. His wife is still living in Starkey, quite vigorous in bodily and mentalpowers. They were Presbyterians andpeople of good repute. Theirchildren were Festus, Elsie, George W., Margaret M., James A., Leah Ann,Catharine M. and Harry T.
Festus born in 1808, studied medicine withDr. Enos BARNES at Rock Stream and was licensed to Practice in 1834 by the YatesCounty Medical Society. He marriedthe same year, Rosetta, Sister of Henry A. BRUNER. After practicing in several places, hi is now located at Rock Stream. Their children are: Garrett V., George M. and Henry. Garrett V. and Henry live in Kansas. George M. was a Union solider of the 6th PennsylvaniaReserves. His father, Dr. DEMORESTwas also a Union solider.
Elsie, born in 1810, married Joel WRIGHT. They live in Starkey, where he is a thrifty resident. He came from Sharon, Conn., and has lived in Starkey since about 1826.
George W., born in 1812, married Eliza,daughter of Sylvester WELLES and niece of Judge Henry WELLES. Their children are Harriet and George.
Margaret M., born in 1813 and James A., bornin 1816, live single on the paternal homestead.
Leah Ann born in 1819, married Peter MC KEYof Chemung county. He representedthe county in the Assembly in 1845, afterwards moved to Starkey and was aSupervisor of that town in 1856. Theirchildren are: James A., Eliza C., Margaret A., Mary M., Helen J. and Alice J.
Catharine M., born in 1823 is single, andHarry T. born in 1825 died in 1849.
The mother of Mrs. Jacobus S. DEMORESET,Mrs. Garrett VANDERVOORT (Leah ACKERMAN), died at the residence of her daughterin 1849 aged 92 years.
Oliver DENISON was a son of Dr. Benjamin A.DENISON of New Hampshire and Mary MORSE, his wife. He was born in 1807 at Royalton, VT. While a lad he found his way to Pennsylvania, and learned his trade as aPrinter under James CATLIN of Montrose, and Davis DIMMOCN and George FULLER,publishers of that State. Hemarried in 1830 at Mill Creek, Tioga Co., PA, Laura, daughter of Rev. ElishaBOOTH and Jane TOMPKINS, his wife. Inthe capacity as a Printer, he reached Dundee in 1842, and aided in establishingand printing the Record under the auspices of his brother in law, GiffordJ. BOOTH. Most of the time since hehas bee Foreman of the same office, or Printer in the office, and remains therestill. He has been a sober,industrious and reliable workman. Theirchildren are: William O., Charles, Benjamin A., Edward A., George, Helen,Clarissa and Eliza. William marriedRuth R. CARR of Elmira, and is a clerk in the Post Office Department atWashington. Charles married LydiaAnn PADDOCK and was killed while a Union soldier at Dallas, Georgia, in 1864. Benjamin A., was a Union soldier and lives single, in Virginia. Edward A. married Caroline A., daughter of George S. PROSSER and lives inTorrey. George lives single atDundee. Helen married Jesse J.PADDOCK, Clarissa married George SHEFFIELD, Eliza married Rufus ALDERMAN and allreside in Dundee.
Daniel DE WITT was of French lineage, and adescendant of the great Dutch Admiral of that name. He was born in Sussex Co., NJ in 1760, and was a cousin of Simeon DE WITTof Ithaca, many years Surveyor-General of this State. He married Eleanor STULL of New Jersey in 1779, emigrated to Newtown atan early day and moved thence to a place on the DeWitt Patent in Starkey, nowoccupied by Harrison SHANNON, in 1801. TheDe Witt Patent was a tract owned by the Surveyor-General, through whoseinfluence it is most probable that Daniel DE WITT settled thereon. He came there with a commission as justice of the Peace, no doubtprocured by his influential relative, and for some years was the only magistratein that part of Frederickstown. Hishouse was the home of the early missionaries passing through the country. Both he and his wife were persons of good education. They had inherited wealth, but investments in continental money hadimpoverished them. He and PhilemonE. FRENCH, Commissioner of Highways, laid out the road �running south andnorth along Seneca Lake, called the Lake Road, February 4, 1807�. Isaac ANDREWS was the surveyor. DanielDE WITT died in 1808, his wife in 1831. Theirchildren were John, Jane, Mary, James and Betsey.
John DE WITT married Sally, daughter of HopeCARPENTER. He was one of theearliest pioneers, familiar with the days when deerskins were tanned forbreeches and the cattle kept alive by cutting down trees for browse. He related that on one occasion the cattle came home in a terrible frightwhen it was discovered that one of the cows had a wild cat on her back. The cat was soon dispatched and the cow saved. John DE WITT was one of the soldiers of Capt. Timothy HURD�S Company inthe War of 1812, and served his full term. Nearly forty years he was a farmer in Starkey, and he finally moved tothe vicinity of Bath, where he died, 70 years old. His children were Harriet, Daniel, Mary, Hope, Benjamin, William M.,Henry, John and Jacob.
Jane married James DE PUY of New Jersey in1810. They lived many years inStarkey. Their children were Moses,Ellen, John, William Harrison, and Aaron Remer (twins). Moses lives in Vineland. Johnand Aaron R. reside at Bath. WilliamH. lives in the city of New York, is a highly popular Methodist minister, andone of the editors of the Christian Advocate.
Mary born in 1790, was the wife of Dr. JohnWARNER.
James married Mary MC CUMBER. He was severely wounded in Canada, in the War of 1812, andhas long received a pension for his patriotic services. He is still living in Chemung county, 78 years old in 1871.
Betsey married William FITZSIMMONS, andafter a few years, moved away to Chemung county, where she died. Their children are Mary Jane, Sally Ann, Hannah, Martha, Minerva, Ellenand William.
The children of Daniel DE WITT attained theaverage age of 70 years.
Philip L. DRAKE is a native of New Jerseyand was born in 1797. He was a sonof Gershum DRAKE and Martha LEAKE, his wife. He was bred a shoemaker, married in New Jersey, in 1810 to Sarah,daughter of Alexander HUSTON. Hemoved to Hector in 1819 and then to Reading in 1821, settling at StarkeyCorners. For one year he was engaged in the shoe business, and thenext years run a ferry across Seneca Lake, from Shannon�s Point to Fawcett�s,competing with Goodwin�s Ferry. Hethen returned to his trade. About1830 he kept a tavern at Eddytown, at the north end of the village, also laterat the shout end; then kept a tavern several years at Milo Center; next had afarm near Himrods; went from there to Savona, and now lives on a farm of hisown, long occupied by James W. HENDERSON. Hemarried in 1820, a second wife, Rebecca BROWN who died in 1828. He next married Susan, daughter of Peter GABRIEL and widow of JamesROYCE. She died in 1830 at age 33years. His fourth wife is Maria,daughter of Reuben ROYCE. She was born in 1807 and was married in 1830. His children by his first marriage, were Martha and Mary (twins); by thesecond marriage, one son, William B.; by the fourth, Alexander h., Lucinda R.,Reuben R., Charles, Frank G., Dennis R. and James H. Mary died at 13 years. Marthais the wife of James W. HENDERSON. WilliamB. born in 1822, died at New Orleans in 1853.
Alexander H. was a captain of the UnionArmy, going from Geneva, where he now resides. Lucinda R. married John m. CLAWSON, a tanner of Campbell, Steuben Co. He was a Lieutenant in the Union service. They have a son, Charles.
Reuben R., Charles and James H., reside withtheir parents. Frank G. is atPortland, Oregon. Dennis R. DRAKE ,married Belinda, daughter of Rev. Silas HAWLEY. They reside at Kansas City and he is a local newspaper Editor.
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