Yates Co. News Articles

for the town of Starkey   




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Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser  Rochester,  NY,     Sat    Jan 2, 1900    contributed by GSubyak@aol.com 

Miss Mable EATON has been appointed post-mistress at Lakemont, vice John S. CHADWICK, resigned.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY   Sat          Feb 23,1901              contributed by GSubyak@aol.com 

Susie LYNCH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy LYNCH, of Dundee, died Thursday about noon, having been ill less than twenty-four hours with spinal meningitis. She was 10 years of age. Her sudden demise has caused much sorrow among her many friends, as she was a beautiful child.
Miss Emily DAY died in Bellona Thursday with grip, aged 68 years. 

Unknown Newspaper    Jan  1906                        contributed by Cathy Coon

WEAVER - Late Sunday night, Jan. 21, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ella Denison, of this village, Mrs. Mary Weaver passed away. She was born in Prattsburg, Steuben county, July 4,1832. Her maiden name was Lamphire. In 1854, she married John Weaver, who died Dec. 30, 1898. Three children survive: Mrs. Ella Denison, of this village, Mrs. Jennie Hynes of Elmira, and Chas.Weaver.   The deceased was one of a family of thirteen children: John Lamphire of Penn Yan, Russel of North Cohocton, Samuel of Prattsburg, Charles and Jerome of Italy Hill are still living. She had lived to see seven grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren.

About 1850, she was baptized into fellowship with the Baptist church of South Pulteney. A short time before her death she was received into fellowship with the Baptist church of this village. She gave unmistakable evidence of her faith in Christ, making all of the arrangements for her departure with calmness and deliberation that is only born of faith.  The text which she selected may be taken as the expression of her trust: �As for me, I shall behold thy face in righteousness. I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness.� Funeral services were held from the Baptist church, Wednesday, Jan.24, the pastor officiating.   Burial in Hillside cemetery.    (This would have been from the Dundee newspaper in 1906.)

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe, NY    Thurs    Aug 23,1906      contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 

FALL TERM OF STARKEY SEMINARY -The Faculty in Charge of the Institution This Year
Penn Yan, Aug. 22 - The fall term of Starkey Seminary, at Lakemont, will open on September 3d with the following faculty:

Martyn SUMMERBELL, D. D., Ph. D., moral science and pedagogy; Villette B. WILLIAMS, matron: Coreail (C or O.) WILCOX, A. M., science and mathematics; John E. FANCH_  history and commerce; William M. HARLOW, A. B., Latin and Greek; Laur_ A. SUMMERBELL, A. B., French and English; Caroline H. HYDE, A. B., German, Spanish and Italian; Mae L. DUTTON. Instrumental and vocal music; Maud E. BIGELOW, drawing and painting; Ethel B. PITMAN, elocution and physical culture; Hazel DONHAM, normal training; Rev. John MacCALMAN, ethics and seminary preacher; A. R. MACONBREY, D. D., special lecturer. Dr. SUMMERBELL remains at the head of the Institution as president.

Yates County Chronicle - Wednesday, October 16, 1907      contributed by Cathy Coon

MRS. BRIDGET CLAREY - Mrs. Bridget Clarey, widow of Dennis Clarey, died at her home in the town of Starkey Friday afternoon of pleura-pneumonia, aged 80 years. The funeral services will be held in St. Michaels�s church of this village.  

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY   Tues     Feb 14, 1911   contributed by GSubyak@aol.com 

JAMES L. BRUNDAGE - Death of Respected Farmer of the Town of Starkey
Dundee, Feb. 13 - James L. BRUNDAGE, an aged and highly respected retired farmer of the town of Starkey, died at his home, about three miles east of this village ,at 7 o'clock last evening. Mr. BRUNDAGE was in his 83d year and had been in feeble health for the past few years.
Mr. BRUNDAGE was born in the town of Wayne, near  the village of Wayne, December 7, 1826, and lived in that vicinity for many  years. When a young man he was married to Miss Caroline BRUNDAGE, of North Urbana, their marriage taking place July 3, 1856. From this marriage there were three children, Orson BRUNDAGE, of Hammondsport, and Miss Adele BRUNDAGE and  Mrs. Joseph LODGER, both of the town of Starkey. Miss Adele still resides at  home. Mrs. BRUNDAGE died March 13, 1864, and three years later Mr. BRUNDAGE  moved to the farm in Starkey where he has lived for the past forty-three years,  November 27, 1873; the deceased was then married to Miss Almeda SHANNON, of Starkey,  and from this marriage there was one child, Lewis BRUNDAGE, a prosperous farmer of Starkey.
During the Civil war,  Mr. BRUNDAGE had charge in  the town of Urbana, where he then resided, of providing for the widows and orphans of soldiers who died in the war.
The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2  o'clock from the late home, and burial will be made Thursday in BRUNDAGE cemetery, at Pleasant Valley near Hammondsport.

Dundee Observer   Sept. 6, 1911                    contributed by Cathy Coon

MRS. SAMUEL BROWN - At an early hour on Monday morning, September 4, 1911,occurred the death of Mrs. Jane Brown at her home on Union street in this village at the age of 82 years.  She was born in the town of Orange, Steuben county. For the past twenty-nine years she has resided in this village, living in one house continuously. She was the widow of Samuel Brown, who died about fifteen years ago. She has no near relatives living except a grandson, Delbert Brown of Geneva, who is now here looking after the remains.  Mrs. Brown was a member of the Methodist church here and the funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. C. E. Fry, her pastor, at the residence this afternoon at 4 o�clock.  Burial will be made beside her husband in Hillside Cemetery.


Democrat & Chronicle,   Rochester, Monroe, NY    Saturday    Aug 12,1916               by: GSubyak@aol.com 

BURNED WHEN GAS EXPLODES -  Dundee Man Was Poking Coals in Boiler at Pumping Station 
Dundee, Aug. 11 -  John PAULDING, who has charge of the pumping station at the New York central Station, was severely burned about the face and hands yesterday. Mr. PAULDING went to the pumping station and on examining the boiler found the fire out. He took the poker and commenced to poke down the dead coals  when a quantity of gas which had collected in the boiler exploded, probably ignited by a live coal which he had uncovered.  The gas shot out of the door directly upon Mr.  PAULDING. His hair below his hat was scorched as was his eyebrows, and his hands and face were badly burned. He will probably be disabled for some little time.



Dundee, Aug. 11 - The annual reunion of the KENDALL family was held yesterday on the school grounds at Atlay, about seventy-five members being  present. An indoor dinner was served at noon after which the following officers were elected for the coming year: President Lyman BOORMAN; vice-president, John HALLOCK, of Wayne; secretary and treasurer, Lester K. CLARK, of Altay. Besides those from this village and vicinity, there were present a number of members from Toledo, Ohio; Olean, Canandaigua, Penn Yan and Corning. There union next year will be held at the same place.

Democrat & Chronicle,   Rochester, Monroe, NY    Tuesday    Aug 15,1916               by: GSubyak@aol.com  

Dundee, Aug. 14 - Levi CRATSLEY, for many years a well known farmer in the town of Barrington, died in his home about two miles west of this village yesterday morning. He was 68 years of age and was born in the town of Orange, Schuyler county, September 21, 1848. Mr. CRATSLEY lived in that vicinity during his younger years and moved to the town of Barrington twenty-seven years ago. For five years he lived on the D. J. SUNDERLIN place, and for the past twenty-two  years has lived on his own farm where he died.
He leaves his wife, two daughters, Miss Violet  CRATSLEY, who lives at home, and Mrs. Kyle STEWART, of the town of Starkey; one  brother and one sister, Frank CRATSLEY, of Sugar Hill, and Mrs. Nancy WESTERFIELD, of Beaver Dams.  The funeral will be held to-morrow afternoon at  1:30 o'clock from the home and burial will be in Hillside cemetery.

MORSE FAMILY REUNION -  Dundee, Aug. 14 - The eighth annual reunion of the MORSE family was held Saturday at the home of Samuel MORSE in the town of Barrington, about sixty members being present. In addition to those from this village and vicinity there were a number from Corning. Presho, Painted Post and Addison.  

Officers  elected for the coming year were: President, Harry MORSE, of Corning;  vice-president, Samuel MORSE, of Barrington; secretary and treasurer, Miss  Bertha MORSE, of Painted Post, librarian, Miss Mary SCHOONOVER, of Corning. It was voted to hold the reunion next year at the home of Phillip MORSE in  Presho.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe, NY    Tuesday    Oct 31, 1916      contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 


Dundee, Oct. 30 - In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. VOSBURGH in Seneca street at 5:30 o'clock this afternoon, occurred the marriage of their elder daughter, Miss Mildred Blanche, to Mervin John RAPALEE. Only the immediate families of the bride and groom were present. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Merritt MILLER, pastor of the Baptist Church. The bride was beautifully gowned in white crepe de Chine and carried a bouquet of bride roses. Miss Gertrude RAPALEE sister of the groom, was flower girl and solos were sung by Miss Ethel HOOKER and Raymond PERRY. The house was beautifully decorated in a scheme of pink and white with chrysanthemums.
After the wedding supper, Mr. and Mrs. RAPALEE left on the evening train for ashore wedding trip and upon their return will be at home at No. 50 Main street, this village, after November 10th. Entertainments for the bride were an announcement party given by Miss Ethel HOOKER, a linen shower by Mrs. Edwin K. MAURICE, a variety shower by Mrs. Harry B. HARPENDING, and a crystal shower by Mrs. Albert C. SMITH.

DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE   Rochester, Monroe Co, NY           JUNE 28, 1917             by Sylvia Olson

Mildred PORTER, Poetress; Edna BURTON, Prophetess.
Dundee, June 27. - The class of 1917, Dundee High School, held their Class Day exercises in the assembly hall of the high school building this morning at10:30. The program was as follows:

Overture, "Star of Hope," Thompson, march, "College Girls," Mackie-Beyer, by the High School Orchestra; class statistics, Miss Edith FAUCETT; class history, Miss Myrtie STORMS; duet, "Neapolitan Serenade" DiCapua, by Messrs VAUGHN and SACKETT class poem, Miss Mildred PORTER; class prophecy, Miss Edna BURTON; class will, Marion CLARK; chorus, "Creep, Creep, the World's Asleep," from "Flora Bella;" "Throw Me a Rose," from "Miss Springtime;" Loveland," from "You're in Love," "Poor Butterfly," from New York Hippodrome; senior charge by Clifford WILSON; junior reply, Milton FISH; ...... [didn't get rest of article]


Mrs. Henry NORRIS - Dundee, June 27. - Mrs. Henry NORRIS died this morning at 11 o'clock at the family home on Bigelow avenue at the age of 62years. Mrs. NORRIS was born in the township of Potter, in this county, February 6, 1855, her maiden name being Laura ANDREWS. When a little girl her parents moved to the town of Barrington and it was in this town that the most of her life was spent. The family had lived in this village for a number of years. When a young woman she was married to Henry NORRIS, who survives her, as do four children, Mrs. E. J. BROOKS, of Chicago, Ill.; William and Leon NORRIS, who both live at home; Judson NORRIS, of Cleveland, Ohio., and Cyrus NORRIS, of Elmira. The funeral will be held at the home and burial will be in Hillside cemetery.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY    Sat,  Sept 28, 1918               contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com    

Dundee, Sept. 27 - Miss Constance HALLOCK, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Robert C. HALLOCK, has gone to Buffalo, where she has been accepted by the Young Women's Christian Association for canteen work in France and she expects to leave for that country in a short time. Miss HALLOCK is an accomplished French scholar and has been engaged as an instructor in this language for some years. This will make her especially well adapted for canteen work in that  country.
This makes three of Dr. and Mrs. HALLOCK's  children to enter military service. Their son, Lieutenant Kenneth HALLOCK is  into the Medical Corps and has been for sometime at work in a hospital in France.  Another son, Captain Leland R. HALLOCK, has been in Puerto Rico for some  months where he is acting as instructor at one of the training camps on the island. He expects soon however to be transferred to a machine gun division. So  far as is known, this is the only family in this community to have as many as three children engaged in war work.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY   Wed,   Aug 15,1923               contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com    

Caroline P. CHURCH died yesterday at No. 615 Park avenue, aged 68 years.  The funeral will be held from the house at 10 o'clock on Friday morning. Burial will be at Dundee.

Geneva Daily Times                    Wed,            May 27,1931                 by: Dianne Thomas

Joseph D. Meeks, 91,Well Known Grape Man,  Died at Barrington

Dundee, May 27 - The death of Joseph D. Meeks, occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hattie Clark on Tuesday morning. He was 91 years of age and was born in Perry on February 4, 1840. When a young boy he moved with his family to Barrington and for many years he was one of the successful vineyardist of that place. 

He held the office of assessor and collector  for a number of terms. He was a deacon of the Barrington Baptist church for many years.  About 16 years ago he gave up active farm work. Mr. Meeks has enjoyed good health until this past year and he has been unusually active for one of his advanced years.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Hattie Clark of Starkey; and Mrs. Fred Allen of Crosby; also two sons, Frank Meeks of Barrington and Elmer Meeks of Rochester.

The funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m., at the Clark home at Starkey, the Rev. A. J. Erway, officiating and burial will be in Hillside cemetery in Dundee. 

Unknown Newspaper             May 1950              contributed by Cathy Coon

(from the scrapbook of Clara Starr Denison)


Miss Doris Helen Brown of Latham, formerly of Water street, Dundee, daughter of Arthur Edward Brown, and John Calvin Areford of Troy, son of Mrs. Rose Areford of Dundee, were married at the Dundee Methodist church Tuesday evening, May 23, 1950, at 7:30o�clock. The Rev. M. Ford Crippen pastor of the church, performed the double ring service. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Music was provided by Miss Edith Paddock, organist, and Miss Lucille Millard, soloist. The decorations consisted of candelabra, baskets of white and purple lilacs, and tulips.

The bride wore a gown of white satin en train with fitted bodice, marquisette yoke, seed pearls at the yoke line, crown of seed pearls, veil with lace and white satin trimming; and a nosegay of white roses with streamers. The maid of honor was Miss Rose Ann Areford, of Dundee, whose gown was pink, colonial fashioned, off the shoulder. Her nosegay was of pink roses and snapdragons. The bridesmaids were Miss Audrey Derby and Miss Sally Brown both of whom wore yellow gowns and nosegays of yellow roses and snapdragons.

The best man was Myron Areford, brother of the groom; the flower girl was Prudence Ann Brown, and the ushers were Jack Derby of Dundee, brother of the groom, and Robert Glen of Penn Yan.  The bride�s mother wore a dark print dress; the groom�s mother wore a cocoa colored dress, and both wore yellow rose corsages. Pre-nuptial events included a linen shower given by Mrs. Gertrude Montrym of Schenectady. After a wedding trip to Boston, Mass., the couple will live at 4 Canal street, Troy.  The bride was graduated from the Dundee Central School in 1948, and is now cashier in Huyler�s in Albany. The groom attended the Dundee Central School in 1948, and is a truck driver for the R. & J. Bottling Company of Troy.

Unknown Newspaper      July  1952                      contributed by Cathy Coon

MRS. LAURA M. BAILEY - Mrs. Laura M. Bailey, widow of the late Wright Bailey, died July 23, 1952, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Barber of Scott, Cortland county. She was born March 1, 1887, at Wyalusing, Pa. Her former home was on Bailey Hill, then later at Oaks Corners. The funeral was held Saturday, July 26, at the Sargent & Oughterson funeral home, with Rev. Benjamin Disbrow officiating. Burial was in Hillside cemetery, Dundee.

Unknown Newspaper   1953                       contributed by Cathy Coon

(from the scrapbook of Clara Starr Denison)


Following a long illness, Richard D. Hathaway, 77, died Wednesday morning at his home, 28 Union street ,Dundee. Friends may call until Saturday noon at the Sargent and Oughterson Funeral home, from which services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday with Rev. Benjamin Disbrow, pastor of the Dundee Baptist church, officiating. Burial will be made in the Hillside cemetery.

Mr. Hathaway was born Sept. 28, 1876, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Enos Hathaway of Rock Stream.  Mr. Hathaway for many years operated a large commercial chick hatchery and poultry farm. He was a member of the Republican committee, became the first master of Crystal Valley grange and was also the first master of Yates County Pomona grange and district deputy master to serve from Crystal Valley grange No. 503.  He served Barrington township for three terms as assessor, and helped organize the Dundee GLF.  He was an official in the Dundee Baptist church for many years. After his retirement from farming and moving to Dundee 11 years ago, he was employed for a time in the Dundee Boat factory and more recently in the Shaw Hardware store until his health forced him to retire from active duties.

Mr. Hathaway is survived by his wife, Mabel Stanton Hathaway, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stanton, whom he married at the home of her parents in Crystal Valley, Dec. 1, 1897. They observed their 55th wedding anniversary last December.

Their son, Howard Hathaway, died about five years ago. Their daughter, Mrs. C. C.( Helen) Hendrick, lives with her family in the old Stanton homestead, Dundee, R. D. 2. They also have four grandchildren, Howard Hendrick and Mrs. Laurence Hathaway, both of Crystal Valley, and George and Robert Hathaway of Washington, D. C., and three great grandchildren. Also surviving are his sister, Mrs. Jennie Orlowski of Bradford, Pa., and two brothers, Hampton of Watkins Glen, R. D., and Jesse of Pierce road, Rock Stream, R. D. 1.

Geneva Times                          Tuesday                          Sept 4, 1962                contributed by: Dianne Thomas

Miss Mary Gardner -  PENN YAN - Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Gardner, 80,who died Saturday in the Karlnoski nursing Home in Dundee were at 11 a.m. today from the Weldon Funeral Home. The Rev. John Savage of Geneva officiated. Burial was in Bellona Cemetery.

Born near Geneva, Mrs. Gardner was the daughter of the late John and Lizzie Turner Haines and was the widow of William Gardner who died three years ago.  She had always lived in the Geneva - Penn Yan area.

Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Albert Ansley of RD l, Geneva, and Mrs. Glenn Allen of Troy, Pa.

Geneva Daily Times                Tuesday              January 24, 1964                        by: Dianne Thomas

Mr. Dan S. Bicksler died in the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, at Penn Yan, Jan. 16, at the age of 92 years. He had been a farmer and thresher, and had lived east of Bellona Station. He was buried in the Bellona Cemetery, on Monday afternoon of this week.

Geneva Times                       Saturday                    Jan 3, 1970               by: Dianne Thomas

Mrs. Alta Giles- DUNDEE - Funeral services for Mrs Alta Maine Giles, 57 of 67 Main St., will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Dundee Baptist Church with the Rev. Benjamin P. Disbrow, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Hillside Cemetery, Dundee.

Friends may call Monday from 2 to 4  and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pennington - Oughterson Funeral Home, Dundee. Contributions may be made in her name to the Dundee Fire Co. Emergency Ambulance Fund or to a charity of the donor's choice.

She died Jan. l , in Honolulu, Hawaii, where she and her husband, Douglas, were spending Christmas week with their son, Alan, a teacher there. Mrs. Anna Laffioreaux, mother of Mrs. Giles, accompanied the couple there.

Mrs. Giles was born in Valois, Oct. 8, 1912, She attended school in Valois and Watkins Glen. She and her husband came to Dundee in 1933 where they engaged in there tail grocery business in the A & P Store.

Mrs. Giles conducted the business alone during her husband's absence in military service.  The couple subsequently joined the Red and White Stores, opening the present Super Duper in Dundee several years ago.

She was a member of Dundee Baptist Church, the church choir and the Corner Class.

Survivors are her husband Douglas, two daughters, Mrs. Gerald (Wanda) Weisenreder of Ontario and Mrs. Newell (Joanne) Clancey of Dundee; one son, Alan; presently in Honolulu; her mother, Mrs .Anna Lamoreaux, at home; five grandchildren.

The Geneva Times                     Saturday                        December 18, 1971                     by: Dianne Thomas

Miss Lela Miller - DUNDEE

Miss Lela J. Miller, 88, of 31 Seneca St., Dundee, died yesterday at the Schuyler County Hospital, Montour Falls.  Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Monday in the Dundee Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Leo Dyson will officiate.  Burial will be in Hillside Cemetery, Dundee.

Friends may call at the Weldon Funeral Home, Penn Yan, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Memorial donations may be made to Penn Yan Manor Nursing Home.

Miss Miller was a native of Dundee and had taught in Dundee area schools for over 40 years. She was a member of the former Grace Episcopal Church in Dundee, as well as a member of its executive board. She was a member of the board of directors for Letts Home, a member of the NYS Retired Teachers Association and the Yates County Historical Society. Miss Miller was also a long time member of the Town of Starkey Elections Board and the Dundee Fair Board.  She is survived by two nephews, Lyman Miller of Hackensack, N.J., and Robert Miller of St. Paul, Minn Mrs. Lottie Spross - Penn Yan.  


Mrs. Dora O. Plasisted - PENN YAN  

Mrs. Dora O. Plasisted of 216 E. Lake Rd., Penn Yan, who would have been 102 in March, 1972, died yesterday afternoon at Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Penn Yan, following an illness of several days. Funeral services will be Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at the Pennington-Oughterson Funeral Home, Dundee. The Rev. William Farnham, pastor of Dundee Presbyterian Church, will officiate.  Burial will be in Hillside Cemetery, Dundee.  

There will be no prior calling hours. Mrs. Plaisted was born March 30, 1870, the daughter of Daniel and Frances Snook Rapalee, on her father's farm at Ovenshire Corners, two miles east of Dundee. She resided on her father's farm until she married the late Nathaniel W. Plaisted in 1894.

Mrs. Plaisted and her husband lived in the Town of Starkey until 1902 when they moved to the Town of Milo and purchased the former John L. Lewis Jr. farm on the East Lake Rd., two miles south of Penn Yan.

Mr. Plaisted, who served as a Town of Milo supervisor, died in 1938. Mrs. Plaisted and her daughter, Ruth, maintained the family farm until a few years ago. When she was interviewed in 1970 by a field representative of the Social Security office in Geneva, it was discovered that Mrs. Plaisted had been the oldest person in Yates County to draw benefits.  Mrs. Plaisted also received a card from President Nixon when she observed her 100th birthday. She was a charter member of the Penn Yan Grange.

Mrs. Plaisted is survived by a daughter, Miss Ruth Plaisted of 216 East Lake Rd., Penn Yan; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Maud Durfee of Penn Yan; and several cousins residing in the Dundee area. Her only sister, Mrs. Edith Welker, died several years ago. 

Geneva Times, NY           Thursday                 June 7, 1973                      by: Dianne Thomas

Mrs. Althea Louk MILLARD- Dundee - Funeral services for Mrs. Althea Louk MILLARD,84, who died yesterday at her home at 1219 Marvin St., Charelston, S.C. , will be at 2 pm on Saturday at the Pennington Oughterson Funeral Home. The Rev. David GEER, pastor of the United Methodist Church, and the Rev. William THOMAS, former pastor, will officiate.  Burial will be in Hillside Cemetery.  Friends may call at the funeral home Friday, from 7-9 pm. There will be a Rebekah memorial service at at 7 pm at the funeral home. Mrs. MILLARD was born in Steuben county Oct 14, 1888. She was educated at Corning but lived in Dundee for many years.  She was a member of the Yates Rebekah Lodge and the United Methodist Church and was a past master of Crystal Valley Grange.  Before moving to South Carolina, Mrs. MILLARD and her husband, the late Earl MILLARD, and their family owned the Millard Dairy in Dundee for a number of years. She is survived by two sons, Lewis of Charleston, SC and Raymond, of Savannah, GA.; four grandchildren and one great grandson.

Mrs. Lena C. OVENSHIRE - Dundee - Funeral services for Lean C. OVENSHIRE, 85, of RD 1, who died yesterday at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Penn Yan, will be at 2 pm Sunday, the the Pennington Oughterson Funeral Home.  The Rev. William THOMAS will officiate.  Burial will be in Hillside Cemetery.  Friends may call Saturday at the funeral home from 3-5 and 7-9 pm.  Memorial contributions may be made to the Gorham Fire Dept. Emergency Squad.  

Mrs. OVENSHIRE was born in California, Oct. 25, 1887, and came to this area at an early age.  She attended Dundee High school and was a member of the United Methodist church.  She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Francis (Claribel) RONNER of Gorham and Mrs. Chester (Beatrice) OVENS of Dundee; three sisters, Mrs. Herbert (Eliza) SPENCER of Penn Yan, Mrs. Marion (Ruey) DeMUNN of Dundee, and Mrs. John (Florence) BARDEN of Dundee; five grandchildren; twelve great grandchildren and several nieces, nephews and cousins.


LA BARR Re Enlists -  Starkey - Leon LA BARR of Dresden, has re-enlisted in the U.S. Army and plans to make it a career. He is presently stationed at Fort Knox, Ky.  While home on leave recently, he spent an evening here with his brother, William BARR and family.

FingerLakes Times                           Thursday                  Aug 4, 1988                 by: Dianne Thomas         

William Holland - PENN YAN - William T. Holland, 89, of 313 E. Elm St., died yesterday in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital.  

Funeral services will be at the Weldon Funeral Home Wednesday at 2pm.  Burial will be in Bellona Cemetery.   

Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.  Contributions may be made to Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital. Mr. Holland has resided in Penn Yan since 1959. He was a retired farmer.  He is survived by his wife, Harriet Windnagle Holland; several nieces and nephews.

Courier Gazette Death Notices                      Dec 1998                         by: Dianne Thomas                     

Spence, Frances L. - Frances L. Spence, 85, of Bristol Harbour, Canandaigua, died on December 26, 1998 at Thompson Hospital. Frances was a graduate of Geneseo State Teachers College and Teachers College at Columbia University, where she received her bachelor's degree. She taught school for 34 years in places like Gorham, Lyons and Newark. She also taught at a dependent school in Madrid, Spain and Wiesbaden, Germany. Frances was an associate professor at Oswego State University. She also was a member of the Starkey Methodist Church.  She belonged to the Retired Teacher's Association of Yates County. Interment will be in Hillside Cemetery, Dundee. Frances was predeceased by her husband Byron Spence. She is survived by sister, Dorothy LaFever of Starkey; two brothers, Donald Disbrow of Maryland, Thomas of Dundee; two step-children, Katherine Bixby of Chicago and Thomas Spence of Hyde Park, NY; six step-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.

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