Yates Co. News Articles

for the town of Starkey 



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Rochester Republican,  Rochester, Monroe, NY    Aug 10, 1848   contributed by G. Subyak

SUICIDE AT THE LUNATIC ASYLUM - We learn from the Dundee Record, that Mr. John RICE, a resident of that town, committed suicide at the Utica Insane Asylum, a few days since, by cutting his throat with a piece of a dull case knife. Surgical assistance was immediately rendered, his throat again sewed up, and every effort made for him preservation; but shortly after, he suddenly forced his fingers into the wound and tore it open, telling his attendants to let him die. The wound and the injuries inflicted in tearing it open, proved fatal in a little while.

Rochester Republican,  Rochester, Monroe, NY    Aug 18, 1848

DIED:  In Starkey, on the 7th inst., Anthony SHARP, aged 70 years.

Rochester Republican, Rochester, NY  Sept 28, 1848                contributed by G. Subyak

In Starkey Corners, on the 13th inst., Mr. LEWIS B. OVENSHIRE to Miss Sophronia R. HYATT, both of Starkey.

Rochester Republican,  Rochester, Monroe, NY         July 12, 1849 contributed by G. Subyak

Marriage - In Starkey, on Monday morning, July 2d., by the Rev. Mr. BISSELL, Mr. George H. PARKS, and Miss Juline (H)OLLISTER, both of Dundee.

Union & Advertiser, Rochester, NY       Sat               Aug 22,1868                contributed by G. Subyak

FIRE AT DUNDEE - A block at Dundee, Yates County, was destroyed on Thursday  morning. The sufferers are J. D. FOWLER, grocer,   J. BACKMAN, druggist, M. GRANT,  clothing store, J. C. FANNING, saloon, BEEBE & SAGE, boots and shoes, J. DEMMARY, tin and hardware. The insurance is but partial. Fire probably made by an incendiary.

Yates County Chronicle                             3 July 1873     contributed by Linda Roberts

Died at his home in Starkey, on Sunday, June 29, 1873, James M. Reeder, at the age of sixty-two years….He was born in 1811, and was a native of the place where he died. His father, Stephen Reeder, settled there in 1810. He was originally from Orange county. The place was for many years known as Reeder’s Corners. Stephen Reeder erected a tavern there in 1818, and kept it ten years. He died in 1830, aged fifty-seven, and his wife in 1834, aged 56.  Of their children, Adaline was the wife of Joseph B. Gano. Sylvester married Alletta Pruden, and died in 1834. Amy married Jabez Beers, and they are the parents of several children residing in Wisconsin. Susan married George W. VanAllen. They resided many years in Starkey and moved thence to Iona, Michigan. James M. Reeder retained the homestead of his father on which he has always resided. He married Angeline Adams, adopted daughter and niece of Benjamin Cheever. His son George A. Reeder married Cornelia Koon, and is an enterprising farmer at Rock Stream. A daughter Maria, borne in 1838, died at twenty-one. James H., Lyman and Lucy remain at the paternal home. Sarah, a sister of Stephen Reeder, was the wife of Joshua Tuthill, the father of Benjamin and Charles G. Tuthill, and grandfather of Henry and E. Darwin Tuthill.

The Observer, Dundee, NY  – Wednesday, May 30, 1888          contributed by Cathy Coon  

BIRTHS -  Last Thursday afternoon a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Beam, in this village, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Millard at Crystal Springs.

The Observer – Wednesday, June 20, 1888                       contributed by Cathy Coon  

The remains of Mr. Hiram Bell Holden, who died in Elmira a few days ago, were brought to this village yesterday and interred in the Presbyterian cemetery.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY  Tuesday         June 12, 1894              contributed by GSubyak@aol.com 

Hon. John T. ANDREWS, a prominent and well known citizen of Yates county, died at his home in Dundee about 12;30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. ANDREWS  was a member of congress from this district 1837 and 1839 on the last survivor  of the 25th congress. He had just passed his 91stbirthday. He will be buried  from his residence to-morrow at 2 o'clock by the Masonic order. John T. ANDREWS 2nd, of  Penn Yan is a nephew.     

Penn Yan Democrat          Friday          July 7,1899                         contributed by Dianne Thomas

DUNDEE -  Attempted Suicide - Boy Ran away with A Horse and Buggy -


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