Town of Starkey FamilySketches
Yates Co., New York
From the "History of Yates Co., NY", byL.C. Aldrich,published 1892
FamilySketches for Town of Starkey
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GABRIEL,Spencer Bartlett (son of Lewis), was born July 27, 1835 and married Mary MARVIN,of Waterloo, Seneca County, NY, by whom he has two children, Carrie and MarvinS. (both deceased). Lewis GABRIELwas a carpenter by trade. Levertt,a brother of Lewis, married Harriet BOOTH, by whom he had three children.
GULICK,D.E. of Starkey Station, was born in Prattsburg, Steuben County, August 2, 1850,a son of Egbert and Livonia (DOUBLEDAY) GULICK. Previous to 1888 he had been engaged in farming, at which time hepurchased the �Starkey Hotel�, where he has a nicely arranged andcomfortable hostelry, situated opposite Seneca Lake, from which it commands afair view. Mr. GULICK is a genialhost, and takes pleasure in catering to the wants of his guests. He has a well appointed livery stable which he runs in connection to hishotel. He married in this county,December 5, 1872, Ada C., daughter of George S. and Lydia E. BAILEY. Two children have been born to them, Celia and Emma, the latter deceased.
HAIR,Uriah, a farmer and fruit grower, born in 1825, now lives on and operates thesame farm that was settled by his grandfather in 1806. great grandfather came from Massachusetts after grandfather had been herea few years and built him a log house on the farm and lived here until hisdeath. He never owned any part ofit. Mr. HAIR married in 1843 toJulia SMITH, owf which union a daughter was born, Mary, wife of William R.STANTON. Mrs. HAIR died in 1849. she was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He married second, Emeline HUSON. Totheir marriage one son was born, Luther M. In the fall of 1873 Mr. HAIR moved to Rochester, NY, where he engaged inthe grocery business, remaining but a short time. He returned to his farm near Dundee, where he now resides. He is an extensive fruit grower, has twenty acres of grape vineyard,forty acres of raspberries, 2,600 peach trees, fourteen acres of apple orchard,1,200 plum trees, five and a half acres of strawberries and two acres ofblackberries. In the fall of 1890he shipped thirty tons of grapes. Mr.HAIR is a member of the Masonic order, Dundee Lodge, No. 123, and both himselfand wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.
HARPENDING,Andrew (son of Samuel), born February 24, 1819, has been a resident of Dundeesince his birth. He married in1877, Elida (daughter of Charles HOYT), born in Reading, Schuyler County,December 17, 1848, by whom he had one son, Andrew, who died in infancy. He kept the old Harpending house from 1846 to 1849. In 1859, after the death of his brother, Samuel, he took possession ofthe Harpending House and kept it until 1880. The house burned March 1, 1861, and the following year was rebuilt on thesite of the original house. He wasthe first president of the Dundee State Bank, and held that position until 1891,when he resigned on account of failing health. He has been one of the directors of the bank since its organization.
HARPENDING,A.A., proprietor of the Harpending House, is a son of Anthony C. and Mary R. (SUTPHEN)HARPENDING, and was born in Dundee, Yates County, January 17, 1851. He married July 11, 1869, Ottavo GRISWOULD, born in 1851. By this union two children were born, Anthony S. and John. Mr. HARPENDING engaged in the hotel business in 1880.
HARPENDING,Samuel, son of Peter, was born at Perth Amboy, NJ, April 17, 1778. His father was a soldier in the war of the Revolution and his mother diedwhen he was young, in consequence of which he went to reside with hisgrandfather Compton. At the age ofthirteen years and six months, he was bound out to Godfrey BARTELS, a hatter ofGermantown, NJ, having been to school only three months. He remained with Mr. BARTELS until 1795 when he was released from hisindenture and having acquired a fair knowledge of the business, he returned tohis father, who carried on the hatting business. There he remained a short time, when his father gave him a severeflogging, which he considered unjust, and being high-spirited and self-willed hedetermined to seek his fortune as a journeyman hatter. He stopped in several towns in New Jersey and in the winter of 1798 hereached Auburn, NY, intending to secure work on the old Cayuga bridge which wasthen being built. He becameacquainted with Walter WOOD, a wealthy lawyer of Aurora, NY, who was engaged inmanufacturing hats, and there found employment for a few weeks. He was offered an acre of land for every beaver hat he couldmake, and he could make twelve a week. Thatyear he returned to his native town and his father sent for him to come and seehim. After working at his trade indifferent places, he married, December 6, 1806, Hannah COSAD, of SomersetCounty, NJ, and the following spring he came to Genoa, NY. He remained there five years, carrying on the hatting business, and in1811 came to Dundee. They took possession of a log cabin and slept there thatnight, and during the night a large snake crawled into their bed. Mr. HARPENDING purchased one acre of land and built a house, which isstill standing in Dundee. He then kept a public house and carried on the hattingbusiness. That business he carriedfor six years, employing four men. About1818 he built a hotel on the ground where the Harpending House now stands. He carried on the hotel until 1834. Of his family of eight children (two daughters and six sons), Anthony C.,Asbury, Abraham, Andrew, and Samuel, all of whom are dead save Andrew. Asbury died Apr 3, 1853; Samuel died in April 1859; Abram died April 23,1871; Anthony C. died in September 1880. Twodied in infancy � May A. and Elizabeth. Mr.HARPENDING died June 30, 1852 and his wife in 1880, aged ninety-seven years andsix months.
HARVEY,C. C., M.D., was born in Enfield, Tompkins County, NY, March 28, 1848, waseducated at the common schools and was graduated from the University of Buffaloin 1877. He immediately commencedthe practice of medicine in Dundee, where he has since been located. Dr. HARVEY was president of the Yates county Medical Society in 1885,secretary four years and has held the office of county coroner since 1882, andsurgeon for the Fall Brook Coal Company Railroad. He is also a member of the State Medical Society. He married Sarah M., daughter of Joseph HORTON, of Starkey, in 1870.
HAYS,David, a native of Essex County, NJ, came to Starkey about 1804 and settled onthe farm now owned by his son, David F. Thefarm never has passed out of the Hays family since. David H., was born June 16, 1816, and married Emeline BELCHER, by whom hehad five children, three living. Oneresides in Penn Yan, Gay; Janette, wife of Alvin T., resides in Dundee; andWashington D. The latter was bornMarch 18, 1851, and has been a resident of the town ever since. He married Louise HENDERSON, by whom he had three children, onesurviving, Fred D. He marriedsecond, Mary WESTCOTT. In thespring of 1879 he opened a livery stable in Dundee, where he has been engagedever since. He has been constableten years and deputy sheriff six years, also collector for two years.
HOLDEN,Nelson, son of Roswell HOLDEN, was born in Reading, Schulyer County, NY,September 26, 1822. In 1844 he wasunited in marriage with Martha C. HEGGIE, of Newark Valley, Tioga County and in1845, they settled on the farm in Starkey where he has since resided. They have two children, Theodore F., and Carrie H. Mr. HOLDEN has held the office ofhighway commissioner for five years Hehas always been a farmer and fruit grower. Theodore F., born in 1845, married Alice E. HATCH, and has threechildren. Carrie H., is the wife of Theron T. DUNN.
HORTON,Theodore M, born in Wayne, Steuben County, NY, on August 11, 1845, is theyoungest child of Dea. Thomas HORTON, who was born at North Hector, SchulyerCounty, NY, in March 1800, and who in 1805 came with his father, Thomas, ToWayne. Shortly after the familyremoved to Pultney, NY, where in 1810 was erected their old house near Pultneyvillage, where the family residedfor many years. Thomas Jr., marriedRachel, daughter of David LEE, who early settled on land now a portion of thevillage of Penn Yan. Rachel LEE was born in Kent, Dutchess County, NY, on November 17, 1802, and marriedFebruary 27, 1822 in Pultney, where her hater had removed some years before. Five sons and four daughters were born to them, all of whom are dead,except William E., who lives in Pultney; Delia M., (Mrs. Rev. A.B. CHACE) ofCorning, NY; Joseph R., who lives near Keuka Lake, in Barrington; and TheodoreM., a commercial traveler living in Dundee. T.M. HORTON was for some years a merchant at Weston, NY, and selling hisstock of goods took charge of the road work of the Elmira Advertiser. Afterwards he became connected with Moser & Lyon and still later withLyon, Milliard & Co., of Syracuse, NY, wholesale stationers, where he stillremains. October 13, 1868, he wasmarried by Rev. Philitus OLNEY, to Mary E., only daughter of William M. JORDAN,of Cyrstal Springs, NY. Their twochildren are Vera M., born August 25, 1871, now with Wall & Murdock, Dundee,and Grace Lillian, born June 4, 1879, who died at Dundee, June 20, 1885. Mr. HORTON received his education in the district schools of his nativetown, and at Franklin Academy at Prattsburgh, NY, graduating from EastmanCollege at Poughkeepsie, NY, in 1863. Heis a Baptist in religious belief and a Democrat in politics. Mr. HORTON was made a Mason in March 1867, and in 1868 was electedsecretary of Weston Lodge, No. 463, serving in that capacity two years. He has been elected junior warden, master, senior deacon, and seniorwarden. About eight years ago heaffiliated with Dundee Lodge, No. 122, F. and A.M>, and for four years servedas senior deacon. In 1887 and �88he was master of the lodge. TheHORTONs are of Puritan descent, being descendants of Barnabas HORTON, who wasborn in Leicestershire, England, and came to Southold, L.I. in 1635. In 1638-40 he put up the first frame building erected on the east end ofthe island. Six generations were born, have lived and died in this oldhouse.
HULTS,Joseph W., a fruit grower of Starkey, located near Seneca Lake, is a native ofNew York, born in Pultney, SteubenCounty, January 24, 1841, a son of Charles T. and Deborha A. (TOMER) HULTS,natives of Steuben County, NY. Bythat union nine children were born, seven now living, viz: J.W.,Mary E., wife of S.S. HILL; Sarah J., wife of W. DIBBLE, Martha, wife of JamesAUSTIN; Rosena, wife of A. CORYELL; Charles T., and one who died in infancy, andone died, Fred, aged seventeen. Thefather was a farmer and died January 30, 1874. The mother, yet living, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. HUTLS was reared on a farm, and married in Pultney, Steuben County,December 31, 1863, to Mary E., daughter of Benjamin and Susan CASTERLINE. She was born September 23, 1844. Theyhad two children, William J., and Myrta, the latter deceased. Joseph W. owns a grapeyard of thirteen acres and some twenty-three acresin other fruits. Both he and hiswife are members of Starkey Methodist Episcopal Church.
KLINE,John, A.M., was born in Berne, Albany County, NY, February 1, 1849, about a yearafter his people arrived in this country form Germany. He is the youngest of six children. When he was eleven years old his father died leaving him dependent uponhis infantile resources. He securedwork on a farm at three dollars per month, which he followed for four years whenhe engaged with a hotel-keeper in Schoharie County, NY, as hostler. This position he filled so acceptably that he was advanced to clerk andbartender, continuing thus for two years. Atseventeen years of age he became a clerk in a dry goods store in Middleburgh,NY. Two years later he engaged in ageneral merchandise store in Rensselaerville, NY, as head salesman, whichposition he held for two years. Hisschooling thus far had been limited and now determined to devote himself tostudy. He entered Starkey Seminaryin Yates County, NY, September 1871, where he completed the prescribed course,graduating in June 1873. Thefollowing September he entered Oberlin College where for six years he devotedhimself assiduously to his scholastic work. He left school for an occasional term to teach, maintaining at the sametime his position in college. Hewas graduated from Oberlin in 1879 and received his degree three years later. December 25, 1879, he married Frances A. BASSETT, daughter of AllenBASSETT, of Barrington, NY. InSeptember 1879, he established the Dundee Preparatory School, as an individualenterprise and maintained it until the close of the school year in 1891.
LORD,Charles B., son of Benjamin M., was born in Barrington, in 1833. In 1857 he married Ellen CHANDLER, and in 1864 he removed toStarkey, where he died in 1891. Hewas a farmer and fruit grower. Hisfamily, at the time of his death, consisted of a wife and four children, two ofwhom are married. Charles Ray andEdith remain on the homestead with their mother.
LORD,Ebenezer, a native of Connecticut, come to Barrington about 1858, and bought alarge tract of land, where he resided until his death. His son, Benjamin M., was born in Ballston, Saratoga County, NY, in 1801,and came with is father to Barrington. Hemarried Elizabeth Fleming, a native of New Jersey, and they had six children, ofwhom Kate is deceased. Benjamindied in 1858 and his wife in 1874.
LORD,Hon. George P., son of Benjamin M., was born in Barrington, July 23, 1832, andreared on the farm, graduating from Hobart College in 1856. He then went to Minnesota while it was a Territory andfollowed surveying and teaching. In1859 he returned to Yates County and engaged in teaching and farming. The same year he married Eliza BUNCE, daughter of Loomis BUNCE, ofBarrington. In the fall of 1860, hewas elected school commissioner for Yates County and held that office six years. In 1870 he was elected to the State Legislature and re-elected in 1871. In 1879 he was elected State Senator and re-elected in 1881, holding theoffice for four years. In 1878 heformed a co-partnership with W. C. and C. R. SWARTS under the firm name of Lord& Swarts, carrying on a grain, malting and coal business for ten years. In 1891 he was elected president of the Dundee State Bank,which he helped to organize, and of which he has always been a director. He has been president of the board of trustees of the Dundee PreparatorySchool since its organization. Inpolitics, Mr. LORD is a Republican, having been an active worker in the partyfor many years.
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