Town of Potter FamilySketches

Yates Co., New York


From the "History of Yates Co., NY",  byL.C. Aldrich,published 1892   

FamilySketches for Town of Potter


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Pg. 643  

ANDREWS,Samuel, son of Thomas and Hannah (WILLIAMSON) ANDREWS, was born August 5, 1837,in Spafford, NY and came to this town with his parents when one year old. He has been a farmer and dealer in agricultural implements nearly all hislife.  He was educated at thedistrict schools.  In politics he is a Democrat. He is a member of Keuka Lodge No. 149, of Penn Yan, NY, IOOF. He married July 3, 1857, Mary Ann, daughter of Steward WILCOX, ofJerusalem, and their children are: Flora A., who married Luther Turner andSteward J. ANDREWS.



BARBER,Jonathan S., is a descendant of Valentine BARBER, who came from England beforethe Revolution and settle in Greene County, NY. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and his son, Jeremiah, came toOvid, Seneca County, NY, where he became a captain in the New York State Militiabefore the War of 1812.  JeremiahJr., his son, was born April 21, 1795 and was drafted in the latter war. He was at the battle of Fort Niagara under General SCOTT. After the close of the war he came back to Ovid and married Anna,daughter of Nicholas VAN ZANDT, a native of New Jersey, in 1813 and came toMiddlesex, now Potter, in 1815, occupying himself with farming for the balanceof his life.  He was justice of thepeace for twelve years, assessor for three terms, and was very much respected asa citizen.  He died September 16,1860.  Jonathan S. was born June 29,1826, in Potter, NY and educated at the common schools of that time.  He has been a farmer and mechanic all his life. In politics he has been a Republican ever since the organization of thatparty.  He was collector for thetown in 1850 and assessor for about fifteen years. He and his family are members of the M. E. Church of Potter Center, NY.  Mr.BARBER married Sarah A., daughter of John PRICE, of Livonia, Livingston County,NY, October 4, 1848, and they had four children: Adaline, who married James C.SMITH; Carrie who married Michael BRAGAN; Florella, who married William YAXLEY;and Cora BARBER.  Mr. BARBER stilllives on the old homestead which is in a fine state of cultivation.



CARSON,W. A.  MD, of Rushville, NY, son of William A. and Margaret (DISBRO)CARSON, was born at Seneca, Ontario County, NY, November 11. 1841. He was educated at Canandaigua Academy (1858), Genesee Seminary andCollege (1859-61) and Albany Medical College (1862-63). He was formerly a farmer, and is now practicing physician and druggist. He was resident physician of the Albany Hospital in 1864, chairman of theBoard of Education of Rushville Union School for nine years, and president ofthe Yates County Medical Society in 1888.  Dr.CARSON cast his first vote for President LINCOLN in 1864, and has since been asteadfast Republican.    Hewas a member of the Board of Supervisors from the town of Potter two terms,being chairman one year, president of the village of Rushville three terms andwas elected to the Assembly of New York State by a plurality of 1,033, hisopponents being Henry M. HUNTINGTON (Democrat) and John KLINE (Prohibtionist). The Republican plurality in 1887 was 370. In the towns of Potter and Middlesex, Mr. CARSON received the largestvote ever given to any candidate for member of Assembly since the formation ofthe towns.  He is a member of Rushville Lodge, F. A. M. He married February 1, 1865, Elizabeth A., daughter C. W. NEWMAN ofGorham, NY and they have two children, Harriet N. and William A. CARSON Jr.



COLE,Warner P., son of Warner and Mary Ann (FERGUSON) COLE, was born August 12, 1835in Gorham, NY, and one year later his parents came to this town where he waseducated in the district schools and has been a successful farmer. In politics he is a Republican.  December25, 1859, Mr. COLE married Jane, daughter of Hon. John SOUTHERLAND, of this townand they have four children: John S., who married Mary CHESBRO; Mary Ann(deceased); Elmira M, married John S. STOKOE and Martha F.



COVERT,Harry L., son of John and Susan (SPICER) COVERT, and the fifth of eightchildren, was born July 5, 1818.  Hewas educated at the district schools and is a farmer. He owns a fine farm near Potter Center. In politics he is a Republican, but has never aspired to office.  October 11, 1843. He married Martha, daughter of Peter BASCOM, of thistown.  They have no children, buthave adopted nine into their home and have lived to see them become useful menand women in the community. 



DINEHART,James, son of Peter J. and Eliza (COVERT) DINEHART, was born October 1, 1836 inthis town.  His father, Peter wasborn December 11, 1802 in Columbia County, NY, came to this county in 1826 anddied October 15, 1891; mother died November 4, 1891.  James was educated at the district schools of the town andalso at Penn Yan, and has been a farmer all his life.  He represents some of the largest insurance companies in thecountry.  In politics a Republican,he has been commissioner of highways for seven years, which office he holds atthe present time.  December 24,1856, Mr. DINEHART married Elizabeth, daughter of T. Jefferson ANDREWS, of thistown and they have one daughter, Clara.



DINTURFF,Peter L., son of Jacob and Rachel (LEDDICK) DINTURFF, was born August 28, 1828in this town.  His father was bornnear Harrisburgh, Pa., in 1794 and came to Potter in 1803, where he marriedRachel, daughter of Philip LEDDICK of Fayette, Seneca County, NY. Peter was educated at the common schools of this town and has been asuccessful farmer.  In politics hehas been a Republican, and has always taken an active interest in the welfare ofhis native town.  He has served onthe Board of Supervisors for two terms, 1870-71 and has been assessor of thetown of Potter for the last five years, and holds that office at the presenttime.  He and his family are membersof the M. E. Church at Rushville, NY.  Mr.DINTURFF married Emeline, daughter of Ira HUBBARD, of Alvin, NY, November 13,1849, and their children are: Ella, who married Charles CHAPIN of Gorham, NY;Nettie, who married Thomas M. CHADWICK of Eddytown, NY, and Nora B. DINTURFF.



GARDNER,John R., son of Peleg and Nancy (HAVENS) GARDNER, was born December 28, 1852, inthis town and receive his education at the district schools and Penn YanAcademy, since which time he has occupied himself with farming. He has also taken an active part in the affairs of this native town, andhas held the office of supervisor two terms, and was a delegate to Saratoga, NY,at the time of the nomination of Mr. DAVENPORT for governor. In politics he is aRepublican.  He is a member of theI. O. O. F., Penn Yan.  He marriedLillie, daughter of Robert EDMOND, of Benton, NY., and they have three children,Robert E., Irving Scott and Hiram Albert GARDNER.


GOODRICH,George S., son of Darius and Cynthia (TAYLOR) GOODRICH, was born October 17,1855 in Hume Allegany County, NY, and was educated in the common schools,Canandaigua Academy and Williams University at Rochester, NY.  He came to Potter, NY in 1877 and is a successful farmer. A Republican in politics, he has taken an active part in the affairs ofhis adopted town, of which Mr. GOODRICH is now serving his second term assupervisor.  He married Mary A.,daughter of Oliver UNDERWOOD (August 15, 1877), who was a very successful farmerof this town.  They have twochildren, Oliver D., and Emily M.



HALL,Charles, son of John and Nancy (PAYNE) HALL, was born December 27, 1831 in thistown, and was educated at the common school. He has always lived in this town with the exception of about three yearsspent in California.  In politics aRepublican, he has been assessor of this town for the last twenty years. He owns a fine farm near the center of Potter. March 16, 1859, he married Hannah, daughter of Hamilton and Mary BRIGGS(descendants of Peleg and Nicholas BRIGGS, who were among the first settlers ofthe county).  Their children areWillett B., who married Alice L. CONLEY; Stella M., Flora, John B., Lora andClara M.



HOBART,Frank C., son of John F. and Ann Eliza (THOMAS) HOBART, was born January 16,1837, in Potter, NY, and was educated at Franklin Academy at Prattsburg, NY andAnn Arbor, Mich.  After finishinghis education he taught school during the winters and worked on a farm duringthe summer months, for a number of years, after which he went to Jackson, Mich.,where he remained about two years.  Hethen returned to Potter and engaged in the mercantile business at Potter Center,for about fifteen years, when after a long and successful business, he retired. He is a Republican and has been justice of the peace for twelve years. Mr. HOBART married first, Harriet R., daughter of George G. WYMAN onOctober 14, 1861.  She died January2, 1889 and he married second, Delia A., daughter of Orville H. MYERS, ofJackson, Mich., on January 21, 1891.  Theyare members of the M. E. Church at Potter.



HOBART,Melville W., son of Joseph L. and Eleanor (BOULUNGA) Hobart, was born June 11,1834, and is still living on the old homestead. He received his education at Starkey Seminary and Penn Yan Academy andhas been a farmer all his life.  Inpolitics he is a Republican.  Mr.HOBART is a member of Milo Lodge, No. 108 of Penn Yan, NY.  He married Helen M., daughter of John H. GLEASON, of thistown, by whom he had seven daughters: Harriet, who married Seward ROBINSON ofthis town; Lulu (deceased) who married Daniel SUTTON; May, Eleanor M., Maud,Clara Louise (deceased) and Bessie HOBART.



INGRAM,Alfred, son of George and Jane (HORNER) INGRAM, was born July 18, 1826 in Scawby,Lincolnshire, England and was educated at the common schools of that country. He landed at New York City, January 19, 1851, and came to Benton, YatesCounty, where he remained for about five years, and from there he went toPrattsburg, NY and came from there to Potter in 1864, where he bought a farm,and has been a successful farmer.  Mr.INGRAM is a Republican and has been assessor for this town for three years. He married first, Sarah, daughter of Robert HOWLATT, of Messingham,Lincolnshire, England, May 22, 1850 and they had two children, George R., whomarried Emily E. UNDERWOOD; and Martha Jane, who married John D. LITTLE, andresides at Morley, Mich.  Mrs.INGRAM died October 10, 1850.  Mr.INGRAM married second, Catharine E., daughter of Peter BASCOM, May 5, 1859.



INGRAM,George R., son of Alfred and Sarah (HULLETT) INGRAM, was born December 15, 1852in Benton, NY and was educated at the district schools and Penn Yan Academy. He came to Potter in 1865, and is a successful farmer. In politics he is a Republican, and is justice of the peace of this town.  He married Emma A., daughter of William H. UNDERWOOD, of thistown, March 24, 1874, and by this union the following children have been born:Clarence Ward (deceased), William H., Oliver, and George INGRAM.



LANE,Leander W., son of Isaac and Priscilla (WILSON) LANE, was born August 22, 1827on the farm that was settled by his grandfather, Abraham LANE, in 1787, and thisfarm has been owned by the family ever since.  Mr. LANE was educated at Lima and Cazenovia, NY and has beena farmer all his life.  In politicshe is a Democrat.  He has beencommissioner of highways three years, and justice of the peace four years, inthis town.  He married Elmira L.,daughter of William HOBART, on this town on February 18, 1851. Their children are as follows:  WilliamI. (deceased); Carrie L., who married Dr. O. E. NEWMAN of this town, and JennieE. (deceased).


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