Village of Penn Yan FamilySketches

Yates Co., New York


From the "History of Yates Co., NY", by L.C. Aldrich, published 1892   

FamilySketches for Villageof Penn Yan



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MARINER,Ephraim 2nd, a native of Connecticut, was born May 26, 1766.  His wife, Rhoda HOLLISTER, also a native of Connecticut, wasborn May 11, 1767.  The were marriedon December 30, 1792, and had children as follows: Hannah, born October 13,1793, married Dudley BROWN of Benton, and died January 4, 1864; Persis, bornFebruary 15, 1795, married John J. SMITH and lives in Milwaukee, Wis., agedninety-six years.  William, bornFebruary 6, 1797, died January 24, 1867; Miles, born October 24, 1798, died July4, 1862; Amanda, born January 5, 1801, died Sept 6, 1833; Polly** (or Mary) bornJanuary 13, 1803, died about 1806; Fanny, born December 2, 1804, marriedBenjamin DEAN, and Celestia, born May 12, 1807, died June 20, 1810.  Miles MARINER was a butcher in Penn Yan, but he afterwardsbecame a real estate and mill owner.  Milesmarried first, Millicent SEELEY, January 22, 1826 and had these children:Ephraim, Celestia, Samuel S., and William. His first wife died in August 1835 and in 1844 he married second, MariaKEELER, by whom he had three children: Charles, Barnet, and George W.  

**From the Yates County Chronicle, dated Sept. 30, 1880 contributed by Bob Philips

 Died at the residence of William Dean in Jerusalem on Saturday, Sept. 25, 1880, Miss Polly Mariner, aged seventy-seven years.  The deceased was a sister of Miles Mariner and William Mariner former well-known resident of this county.



MCDOWELL, John, a native of New Jersey, in 1795 became a pioneer of the Geneseecountry, settling first in Jerusalem on the west branch of Lake Keuka, on landpurchased from the HORNBY estate.  About1803 he came to the �foot of the lake�, on the Milo side. Six years later he moved further up the lake where he died in 1814. He had a family of six children, viz: William, who married Doratha DECKERand lived in Barrington, and whose children are John and William of the sameplace; Sarah, who married David HALL and lived in Wayne, Steuben County; Esther,who married Wallace FINCH, and lived near Italy, Yates County; Elizabeth, whomarried Jonathan TAYLOR and lived in Barrington; Catharine, who married HenryCRONKRITE and lived in Tyrone, Schuyler County and Matthew, who married MariaMITCHELL and lived in Wayne.  Thelatter had four children: Ann Eliza, who married Samuel HALLETT, and resides inWayne; Maria Louise, who married Gen. N.M. CRANE, resides in Hornellsville; George W., who married Mary E. SPENCER and resides in Penn Yan. 


MEADE,James, was born in Penn Yan in May 1858 and was the son of Francis L. &Bridget MEADE.  At the age offifteen, James began learning the cigar making trade, and before reaching hismajority, was in business for himself.  Hisshop and store are in the Knapp House block, where five men are constantlyemployed.  Mr. MEADE was electedvillage treasurer at the spring meeting of 1891. His wife was Elizabeth GRADY, of Branchport, whom he married in January1886.  They have one child. 


MOORE,Deacon John, was born in Schoharie, NY, November 17, 1795 and removed to thiscounty (then Ontario) in 1813.  Thesame year he married Sabra, daughter of John BEAL of Jerusalem, and settled on afarm on Bluff Point.  Their childrenwere Mary A., Phebe A., Whitman, Beal, Obera, Jane E., Sabra, Genette Lydia andGeorge D.   In 1866 he marriedsecond, Mrs. Margaret DOW, of St. Anthony, Minn. George D. MOORE was born in this county February 13, 1838 and marriedAbbie D. DOW, of Little Falls, Minn., in October 1859.  Six children have been born to them, four of whom survive:William H., John D, G. Vernon and Perlie C. Mr. MOORE resides on the BEALES homestead and is engaged extensively inthe vinegar business.  He served inthe late war in Co. L., 14th NY Heavy Artillery and participated inthe Battle of the Wilderness, Spottslyvania, Cold Harbor and Petersburgh. William H. and John D. are vineyardists, each owning twenty acres of thehomestead farm.  


MORGAN,Charles, born in New York City, when three years of age came to Penn Yan withhis uncle F. H. MORGAN, residing with him until ten or twelve years of age, whenat his uncle�s death he went to live with Susan WELLS in Jerusalem, remainingfive years.  At the age of fifteenhe entered the store of M.D. Munger, under contract to clerk for him for fiveyears, for which he was to receive $50 the first year, $80 the second year, $100the third year, $120 the fourth year and $150 the fifth year.  After one year Mr. MUNGER sold his business to Messerole& Co., and he remained with them five years. They then moved west, Mr. MORGAN going with them to Red Wing in 1857,where he remained one year, then entered the hardware store of Morgan & co.,remaining about six months, after which he went to Iowa City for one year, thento Illinois remaining two years on a farm, after which he returned to Penn Yanin the fall of 1861 and entered a mercantile establishment, where he remainedone year, then entered the store of N. R. Long & Co., remaining until 1886,when the firm was changed to Morgan & Perkins. Mr. MORGAN, in company with H. W. PERKINS, purchased the stock of N. R.& W. H. Long, continuing until 1891, when he bought Mr. PERKINS interest. On account of failing health he sold the business on April 26, to D. A.OGDEN.  Mr. MORGAN married IoneCorey MORSE of Penn Yan.  


contributed by PhyllisMinner

JOHN NORCOTT, the son of a sea captain, was born on August 4, 1787 in New London, Connecticut.  During the War of 1812, John served as Sergeant for three months at the Garrison of Sag Harbor, Long Island, New York.  He then moved to New Jersey where he met and married Sarah UNKNOWN who was born on November 29, 1798 in Plainfield, New Jersey.  (Their eldest son, Ellison, was born on October 31, 1819 in New Brunswick, New Jersey.)  By 1820, John and Sarah had moved to Benton, Yates County, New York where they raised the remainder of their family � John, Jr., Franklin, Sarah, Nathan, Andrew, William, Henry, and Charles.  John and Sarah were members of the First Free Congregational Church of Penn Yan.  John served as a grocer for the Town of Penn Yan.  Sarah died on October 7, 1862.  John died on December 7, 1875.  Both were buried at Lakeview Cemetery in Penn Yan.


OGDEN.Hon. D. A., son of Elizabeth (sic) and Abigail (BRAUDT) OGDEN was born inNorthville, Cayuga County, NY, August 14, 1813. He attended the district schools of his native county until fifteen yearsof age when he came to Penn Yan, living in the family of Henry BRADLEY, two orthree years and attending the Penn Yan Academy. He entered the store of Samuel STEVENS as clerk, and December 18, 1834,married Judith A. LAWRENCE, of Milo, by whom he had thirteen children, foursurviving.  Mr. OGDEN studied lawand was admitted to the bar.  He waselected to the State legislature one term, and took an active part in raisingvolunteers for the late war.  He wassent as Minister Resident to the Sandwich Island by President PIERCE andremained there two years; was canal appraiser under Governor SEYMOUR, waselected canal commissioner in 1876, and was an influential member of theMethodist Episcopal Church for many years. He was a trustee of Willard Asylum form its foundation until his death. Was appointed by CLEVELAND one of the Prison Labor Commissioners. He died May 4, 1889.  Hiswidow still resides in Penn Yan. 


PARKS,Marvin, was born September 18, 1831, in Scipio, Cayuga County, NY, and learnedthe wagon maker�s tread in Port Byron.  Hecame to Penn Yan in 1852, where he opened a shop a years later and has been inbusiness ever since.  He marriedMary SWARTOUT of Tyrone, NY and has one daughter, Lillian, wife of C. W. MORGAN. He was twice elected corporation assessor.  


PECKINS,Myron, a son of Elpha and Martha PECKINS, early settlers in this county, wasborn in Benton, October 21, 1829 and reared on a farm. He devoted several winters to teaching school, worked his father�s farmand afterward became its owner.  Byindustry and perseverance he acquired a comfortable competency. In 1880 Mr. PECKINS became a resident of the county seat. In 1854 he married Sarah J., daughter of Alvah TAYLOR, of Benton, by whomhe has two children, Ion, wife of Norman LOCKWOOD of Penn Yan, and Byron E., whomarried Florence A. HENDERSON and now lives on the old home farm at Benton. 


POTTER,Jeptha A., who owns and resides in the old stone mansion built by the pioneer,Morris F. SHEPPARD, on Main street, is a native of Potter township and adescendant of Judge William POTTER, one of the first settlers of Yates County. Jeptha�s mother was Nancy WILKINSON, a relative of the Friend. At the age of twenty-one, Jeptha commenced work for himself on hisfather�s farm, but after five years he bought a place with his father and moved on it.  About thistime he married Sarah, daughter of Noah DAVIS, of Jerusalem. No children have been born to them, but they have adopted and rearedfour.  In 1870, Mr. PTTER came toreside in Penn Yan where his wife died in 1884. Mr. POTTER is a successful man and a self-made one. He has been a member of the M. E. Church for more than forty years. In politics he is a Democrat but has never aspired to office holding. 


PRATT,Seneca L., son of H. D. (Harvey D. & Caroline) , was born in Milo, January12, 1852, was educated at the public school of Penn Yan and married GuerthaWOLCOTT, daughter of George W., September 27, 1882. He has two children, Carrie and Florence.  In 1873 he entered his father�s shoe store as clerk,continuing as such for three years, when eh was taken into partnership, the firmbecoming H. D. Pratt & Son.  In1880 he sold the shoe business and bought interest in flour mill and commissionbusiness, firm being Andrews, Pratt & Co., and in 1883 firm changed toRussell, Fox & Co., he continuing with the same until 1887.  A year later he commenced the manufacture of grape baskets,and in 1891 he built a large factory at the foot of Monnell street, which wasburned August 25, 1891, and rebuilt within thirty days of fire, being thelargest and best equipped factory anywhere in this section. 


PRICE,Ira, was born in Erie County, NY, on August 20, 1856 and married Ella A. GREENof Canandaigua, NY, November 3, 1881.  Mr.PRICE has been associated with his brother, Ira PRICE in the business ofmanufacturing spokes, etc, since 1882.  Heis a member of the firms of the E. A. Price & Co.  


RAPLEE,Ira, born in Little Britain, Greene County, January 23, 1804, was the son ofJoshua and Keziah RAPLEE, and the sixth of their eleven children. In 1805 the family came to what is now Torrey, where the parents livedand died.  Ira lived on a farm untilhe was fifty years old, and then moved to Dundee to educate his children. In 1870 he moved to Penn Yan, where he has since resided.  Mr. RAPLEE has never been an idle man, and even in hisretirement from business life and regardless of his advanced age is still activeboth in body and in mind.  A life ofindustry and frugality have brought him a substantial fortune.  In 1826, Mr. RAPLEE married Polly SMITH by whom he had fourchildren: William R., Keziah, Sarah and Villa. His wife died April 9, 1843.  April10, 1845, he married Caroline SMITH, a sister of his first wife. She died August 13, 1877.  September3, 1878, Mr. RAPLEE again married Mary Jane OWEN, daughter of Jonathan OWEN andold and respected citizen of Milo. 


ROGERS,Jerome D., born in Monroe County, NY, June 11, 1857; was reared on a farm and atthe age of fourteen began work in a dry goods store. In this employment he lived in Honeoye Falls and at Rochester � at thelatter place about five years.  InApril 1881, he came to Penn Yan and became a member of the enterprising firm ofRoenke & Rogers.  In 1883 hemarried Corleyn BAKER of Rochester, of which marriage, two children have beenborn. 


RUPERT,Justus O., whose home is in Penn Yan village, was born in Geneva in 1842; hecame to Penn Yan about ten years ago, and entered a general nursery business. In 1880 Mr. RUPERT married Elizabeth BILSBORROW of Geneva, by whom he hasone child.   


SAMPSON,Dr. Franklin S., has been a practicing physician of Penn Yan for only threeyears, yet he is an exceedingly busy man in his profession.  He was born at St. Albans, Me., in 1851, was educated in thecommon and Normal schools of that state, read medicine with Dr. W. E. FELLOWS,attended the  Hahnneman MedicalCollege of Philadelphia, and was graduated in 1882. He practiced for a time at Holton, Me., and for about six years in MonroeCounty, NY.  In 1888 he located inPenn Yan. 

Pg.554 -555 

SHANNON,Deacon George W., son of Daniel and Lydia (RAPLEE) SHANNON, (who moved from NewJersey to this county), was born in Starkey, December 27, 1806, one of nineteenchildren born to his parents.  Theycame to this country with the earliest settlers, and took up their residence atwhat afterwards became known as Shannon�s Corners. George received a common school education and when sixteen years of age,too charge of his father�s grist-mill for three years. He then ran a boat on Seneca Lake for five years, and on the Erie Canalfor two years.  January 20, 1830, hemarried Eliza WILKINS of Jerusalem, by whom he had one daughter, Mary A., wifeof Frank L. WENTWORTH, residents of Penn Yan. In 1837 he became convinced that his life ought to be lived with a viewto serving God, and with this thought uppermost in his mind, he united with theBaptist Church at Himrods, being baptized in Seneca Lake of February that years. It was in connection with the Himrods Church that he so proved himself inChristian work as to be ordained a deacon in 1840.  In April 1844, he bought a farm in Benton and moved there,and here he resided for two years.  Hethen sold it and bought a farm in Milo, just out of the village of Penn Yan andconnected himself with the Baptist Church of that place. His wife died May 15, 1852 and he married second, February 12, 1853 toMary E. GOULD, by whom he had one daughter, Lillie, wife of L. J. SPRAGUE. His second wife died May 20, 1874 and he married third to Fannie OSBORN,who survives him.  In 1875 he soldhis farm at war prices and moved to Penn Yan, where he resided up to the time ofhis death.  During the pastforty-seven years, Deacon SHANNON has identified himself with every good work. On Thursday, December 24, at 8 o�clock A.M., he departed this life. His funeral services were held in the Baptist Church on Sunday, December27, 1891, which was the eighty fifth anniversary of his birth.  


SHEARMAN,Oliver G., a native of Milo, was born August 7, 1834. His father, George SHEARMAN, was of Irish nativity, while his mother,Rebecca, daughter of David WAGENER, was born in the cit of Philadelphia. Oliver G. was the eleventh of their twelve children. He lived on a farm until past twenty-one years of age. His early education was acquired in the common schools. In 1857 he came to Penn Yan and engaged in the grain business and May 1,1860, the present firm of Shearman & Lewis, grain dealers, was formed. Prior to 1860, Mr. SHEARMAN�s brother was his partner. In 1882 the Yates County Malt House was erected and the malting house ofO. G. Shearman & Co., composed of Mr. SHEARMAN, Jon LEWIS, E. C. DWELLE andG. R. YOUNGS, was formed.  In 1888Mr. YOUNGS retired, since which time the other members of the firm haveconducted the business.  Oliver G.SHEARMAN is not unknown in local Democratic circles. In 1862 he was elected town clerk of Milo, and moved the office to PennYan.  In 1868 he was elected trusteeof the village and two or three years later was made president of the board,holding that office two years.  In1875 he was elected county treasurer by a majority of 139; in 1887 he was theDemocratic candidate for the Assembly, but was defeated by a small majority, thenormal Republican majority of Yates County being over 1,200.  He now holds the office of trustee of �the Willard Hospitalfor the Insane,� having been appointed to that office by David B. HILL. Outside of politics, Mr. SHEARMAN has been identified with a number ofmeasures, each of which has for its end the substantial welfare of Penn Yan. To him and his associates was due the honor of bringing about therailroad leading form Dresden to Lake Keuka, being president of the company thatprocured the right of way.  Manyother public improvements might be recalled, but space forbids. 


SPRAGUE,James S., was a native of Milo, born in May 1834, the son and third child of thefour children of Jeremiah and Priscilla (FERGUSON) SPRAGUE. His father was a tailor at Milo Center, but James was brought up to farmwork.  He lived at home untilreaching his thirty-second year when he married. He still worked the home farm until his father died. Seven years ago, Mr. SPRAGUE bought his present farm on the East road.  He is one of Milo�s successful farmer.  His wife was Lucy Jane, daughter of Henry HUNT, a highlyrespected citizen of Milo.  Onechild only has been born to them, Delos E., at present, a student at Cornell. 


STEELMAN,Franklin W., known to the local mercantile trade for about ten or twelve years,was first employed here in the store of H.W. PERKINS.  In 1886 he went into business with Horatio HAZEN, apartnership that continued until about two years ago. Mr. STEELMAN was born in New Jersey in 1843 and at the age of nineteen hebecame clerk in a grocery store in Jersey City.  Afterwards he found similar employment in New York City. His place of business in Penn Yan is prominently located on Main street,and his tock in trade is carefully selected and complete. 


SWARTHOUT,Lewis, born in Tyrone, Steuben County, NY, August 17, 1827, was a son and theseventh of the ten children of Henry and Polly SWARTHOUT.  In 1849 Henry SWARTHOUT and family moved to Milo, and locatedon the farm now owned by Lewis.  Therehe died in 1864, followed by his wife, four years later.  Lewis lived in Tyrone until 1869, when upon the death of hismother, he came to Milo.  This isknown as the �old Fort farm�, an account of which somewhat peculiar namewill be found in the historical department of this volume.    November 16, 1848, Mr. SWARTHOUT and LouisaHALLOCK were married.   Theyhave two children, Frank B., and Martha J. In Milo, Lewis SWARTHOUT is known as an industrious and successfulfarmer.  He is not active to townaffairs, yet has an interest in all that pertains to its welfare. The family are members of the Second Milo Baptist Church, of which FrankB. SWARTHOUT is clerk. 


WAGENER,Lucius P., son of George, grandson of Abram and great grandson of David WAGENER,attended the common schools and Penn Yan Academy, and finished his education atEastman�s business College in Rochester, with his brother. He brought the grocery stock of Mr. THOMPSON and conducted a partnershipbusiness for five or six years, when Lucius P. became sole proprietor. Mr. WAGENER married Mary E., daughter of J.C. SHANNON of Starkey.  He is a Democrat in politics.  He was deputy sheriff during his father�s incumbency of the sheriff�soffice of Yates County.   


WATROUS,Thomas S., a native of Potter County, Pa., located in Penn Yan in 1885 and wasemployed by George BEEBE in his carriage factory for five years. In 1890 he opened a shop on Stark avenue, where he engaged in themanufacture of the Watrous road carts, which he invented in 1890-91. He manufactures about 200 a year of carts and wagons. They are also manufactured in different parts of the State, netting him aroyalty of over $50 a month.   


WEARE,Samuel C., born near Seneca Lake, NY, January 20, 1813, died in Penn Yan inSeptember 1891.  During his youthMr. WEARE was apprenticed to a county merchant in which employment he first cameto Penn Yan.  Being afflicted withague he went to Potter Center, but soon returned to the county seat. In 1836 he had charge of a dry goods store at Rushville, where heremained two years.  He was thenemployed in various places for some years, but returned to Penn Yan where he wasemployed by Ketchum & Sharp, succeeding, however, the junior member of thatfirm about 1850.  For three years,Mr. WEARE was a merchant, and then was engaged in lumbering in Canada,continuing thus ten years.  Again in1862 he came to Penn Yan and started in the grocery business, but soon sold outand returned to lumbering for three more years.  He bought a farm in Benton, which he soon sold and moved toAlbany to retire from active business.  Laterhe returned to Benton but left again to superintend the building of docks, roadsand tracks at Buffalo.  After thishe went again into lumbering, this time at Bay City, Mich., in partnership withhis son in law.  Eight years laterhe returned to Penn Yan.  About 1840 Mr. WEARE married Martha W., daughter of IsraelARNOLD, by whom he had two children.  Hiswife died in 1874.  In 1879 hemarried Sarah A. POLLOCK, who survives him. 


WHITTAKER,Jonathan, (son of William Harlow), was born August 15, 1841 and was educated atthe common schools.  He engageduntil 1866 in farming when he came to Penn Yan and formed a partnership with hisuncle, A.F. WHITTAKER, carrying on a foundry and machine shop, which was burnedApril 30, 1872.  He formed aconnection with the Commercial Iron Works Co., of which he was secretary andtreasurer.  Since 1884 he has beenpresident of the company.  Hemarried Eliza WOOLLEY of Jamaica, L. I., by whom he had three children, ClarenceA., Cornelia A. and Maud E.  Hiswife died May 8 ,1874.  He marriedsecond, Alida M. WYCKOFF of Penn Yan in 1884, by whom he had three children,Ruth M., Janet and Ralph T. (deceased).   


WHITFIELD,William H., was born in New Jersey and became a resident of this county soonafter the close of the civil war.  Hewas in the service as a member of Co. G., 149th NY Volunteers, havingenlisted in August 1862 at Syracuse, and serving about three years. On first coming to Penn Yan, Mr. WHITFIELD worked at his trade ofcarriage trimming, but afterward became associated in business with GeorgeBEEBE.  In the year 1884 the firm ofWhitfield & Mc Cormick was formed, and has since pursued a successfulbusiness.  Reference to themanufactures of the firm is made in the chapter devoted to Penn Yan. In 1868 Mr. WHITFIELD married Hattie WHEELER, widowed daughter of John& Huldah UNDERDONK.  Twochildren have been born to them. 


YOUNGS,Isaiah, a farmer, came to Milo from Essex County, NJ in 1802 and had sixchildren: Stephen, George, Benjamin, Nancy, Elizabeth and Polly. George was thirteen years old when his father came to Milo. He married Rebecca PITNEY, by whom he had six children, the treesurviving being George R., Isaiah and Phebe. George R. was born November 28, 1871, was educated at Yates CountyAcademy at Penn Yan, and when eighteen years of ace commenced teaching. He taught several terms and in 1834 entered the store of Wheeler &Van Rensselear, remaining with them three years. January 1, 1841, he was appointed deputy county clerk and held thatposition six years.  For severalyears following he was a broker and speculator and in 1854 went to Chicago andopened a retail lumberyard, remaining there two years.  In 1855 he built the first malt house ever built in Penn Yan. He carried on that business for ten years with D. W. STREETOR and others,the last five years the firm name being George R. Youngs & Co. In 1867 he sold out to the Tuttle Brothers; he then carried on a privatebanking business for several years. Since 1870 he has been a practical civilengineer and surveyor.  He made thepreliminary survey for the New York and Penn Yan Railroad Co., from Penn Yan toDresden, and the present Falls Brook Company, made most of the survey for theirroad in 1862, issued �shin plasters� for use of Penn Yan, kept themeteorological volunteer survey for the government, and for the past fifteenyears has settled more estates than any one man in town. January 1, 1866 he was appointed agent and warden for Sing Sing Prison,which he held over one year.  Hasgiven considerable attention to the searching of titles and making loans on realestate since 1872, and has been a practical botanist.  He has a good herbarium. He was elected a member of the board of education having held thatposition most of the time since 1877.  In1848 he married Philana ARNOLD, of Italy, Yates County.


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