Town of Milo Family Sketches
Yates Co., New York
From the "History of Yates Co., NY", by L.C. Aldrich, published 1892
FamilySketches for Town of Milo
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MCFARLANE, Duncan, was born in Dunbartonshire, Scotland, in 1788. About 1835 he married Christina SMITH. They came to America and located at Hamden, Delaware County, NY. They had eight children, Jane, Helen, Mary, Andrew, John S., andMargaret. Andrew was a soldierof the late war and died in Andersonville Prison.** John S., born June 21, 1835, in early manhood, was a farmer. May 2, 1861, he married Margaret J., daughter of William FRASER, aPresbyterian minister of Hamden, Delaware County, NY. They have had seven children, William A., M. Lizzie, Nellie, C, JennieS., and Jessie C. (twins), Margaret and one who died in infancy. William A. is a merchant with his father. John S. MC FARLANE enlisted in Co. C., 14th Inf. NY Vols.,August 26, 1862 and served until the close of the war. He was promoted corporal, October 1, 1864, and subsequently secondsergeant. Upon his return to Milohe was section foreman on the Northern Central Railroad for eight years. He then became a general merchant in Himrods. He is a member of Sloan Post. G.A.R.
**Pvt.Andrew Mc FARLAND, Co. I, 72nd NY Infantry died 4/4/1864 ofpneumonia; Grave #338, Code # 10338
Information supplied by KevinFrye
MILLER,David, tenth of fourteen children born to Samuel V.C. and Esther C. MILLER, wasborn in New Jersey and came with the family to Milo in 1823. David was born September 13, 1822 and lived on the old family homesteadon Lake Keuka. He is a farmer andvinyardist, having been one of the pioneers of the latter industry in thislocality. In 1868 he marriedPricilla A. HAIGHT, of Jerusalem, of which marriage three children have beenborn. Two of these, Jesse M., andDavid E., are living. The old farmcomprises 118 acres, of which twenty are in vineyard.
MILLER,James, was born in Steuben County, N, March 22, 1819, the eldest of fivechildren. Soon after he reached theage of ten years his father died, leaving a farm of fifty acres partly improved,and an ox team. With the assistanceof a brother and his mother, James carried on the farm and kept the familytogether until he attained his majority. Histime was spent alternately on the farm and in the district school these earlyyears, supplemented by a brief attendance at the Penn Yan Academy. After teaching school for a few terms, and attending an academy and aselect school, he entered the academy at Aurora, Cayuga County, in 1842. He then devoted his attention to the lumber and transportation businessuntil 1850, when he assumed management of the farm on which he now resides. Mr. MILLER married August 31, 1843, Hannah BENEDIT, whosefather owned their present farm, which is Mrs. MILLER�s birthplace. They have two sons and a daughter, of whom the oldest son died December21, 1881. The youngest son is nowmarried and has a son and daughter living. James MILLER�s daughter graduated from Vassar College in the class of�77. she taught Greek and Latinin the Chambersburg Female College one year and in Vassar College three years. She married Rev. P. W. DORSEY and now lives in Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. MILLER is a leading farmer and an ardent advocate of themodern methods of agriculture. Heis a writer of considerable ability upon agricultural topics, and in this fieldhe has wielded a potent influence. Itis safe to say that he doubled the products of the farm he occupies and in theState at large has, through his teachings, materially increased the averagefarmer�s income.
MILLER,Samuel V., son of Samuel and Esther (CUTLER) MILLER, was born in New Jersey,February 8, 1814, and has lived in Yates County the greater part of his life. He is a farmer, the occupation to which he was brought up. May 8 ,1842, he married Adeline (who was born May 15, 1815), daughter ofAllen VORCE, by whom he had six children, Gertrude, Lois, Frank, Esther, Ellaand Adeline. Mrs. MILLER died March15, 1861, and November 14, 1864, Mr. MILLER married Drusilla, daughter ofJonathan MILES, by whom he has had three children, Samuel M., Charles W., andLizzie B. Samuel V. MILLER has formany years been one of the prominent men of Milo, though not conspicuous inpublic office. He is one who hasbeen identified with the bets interests of the town.
NICHOLS,Loring G., was born in Milo, August 22, 1822, the only survivor of four childrenborn to Alexander and Mary NICHOLS, the latter of whom will be remembered by afew of the older people of Milo as having been a tanner and currier of the town. Loring G., was brought up in part to his father�s trade but gave hisattention more particularly to farming. Theold family homestead and farm are now his. At the age of twenty-three, Loring married Charlotte GUILE, daughter ofLibbius B. and Minerva GUILE, by whom he had four children, Libbius M., whomarried Lottie SHERMAN, Andrew F., who married Frances BRIGGS, Minnie C., (Mrs.C. H. JENNINGS) and Dora M., (Mrs. Frank OWEN). Mr. NICHOLS is comfortably and pleasantly situated on his excellent farm,just south of Milo Center. Inpolitics he is a Republican. He hasheld some of the minor offices of the town. He is a member of the Second Milo Baptist church.
OWEN,Ira, a prosperous farmer, was born in Milo, April 28 ,1827, the son of Jonathanand Freelove OWEN. His father�schildren were Allen, Ira, Benjamin, Leonard, Minerva and Mary Jane. At the age of twenty-two he married Diantha. daughter of Ezekiel SWARTOUT. Three children have been born to them: Georgia (Mrs. Eugene LEWIS), Lola(Mrs. Orson BRUNDAGE), and Merton, who carries on his father�s farm, marriedEva BOGERS. Ira OWEN has alwaysbeen a farmer; he lives at Second Milo, about one mile from his farm property,and in politics is a Republican, but takes no active part in the councils of hisparty. The family members are ofthe Second Milo Baptist Church.
PLIMPTON,John, came from Massachusetts and settled in Milo about 1796. He had eight children: Esther, who married Enoch SHERMAN; Rachel whomarried Carlton LEGG; Moses, who married Betsey COLDREN; Aaron; John, whomarried Harriet HOLDEN; Rhoda, wife of Robert TAFT; Polly (or Mary), wife ofChapin TAFT; and Henry, who married Mary Ann WORDEN. All are now dead (1892). AaronPLIMPTON, born in Massachusetts in 1788, came with his father�s family to Miloin 1796. He returned to Massachusetts in 1810, but came again intoMilo in 1812 and afterwards worked in Abraham WAGENER�s mill at Penn Yan. He bought a farm some years later, and lived and died thereon. His wife was Elizabeth, daughter of George HILTIBIDAL, and a native ofSunbury, Pa. They had fivechildren, viz.: Daniel, George W., Stephen V.R., Mary E., (Mrs. Andrew THAYER),and Ezra W. Aaron PLIMPTON died in1866 and his wife in 1872. He was aprominent Democrat, but not an office seeker or holder, his interest was that ofthe substantial citizen, and not of the politician. His son, George W. PLIMPTON, lives on the homestead farm. He was born August 17, 1824, and has spent his life in thetown and on the same farm. In 1855he married Caroline STONE, by whom he has had three children, two of whom, IdaE., and Aaron, are living. Mr.PLIMPTON is a Democrat by conviction.
RAPLEE,Delanson Munger, born in Milo, April 11, 1824, was the son of Ezra and Amarillus(DAINS) RAPLEE. On his mother�sside he is descended from one of the pioneers of western New York. He has always been a farmer in Milo and a successful, substantial one,too. In 1851 he married Elvira,daughter of Jonas PERRY, of Otsego County. They have had three children: Frank P., Mary Frances and Freddie A.
SCUTT,Seymour S., born in Columbia County, August 4, 1825, was the son of Henry andMary SCUTT. The family came to Miloin November 1825, and settled in the south part of the town. In 1849 Seymour S. married Mary A., daughter of Thomas FITZWATER, an oldresident of Milo, who came into the town at the age of five years, fromPennsylvania, and spent his life here. Mr.SCUTT is a successful farmer and one whose interests are centered in his farmsrather than in public affairs. Heis a Republican, but has never sought or held office. Both he and his wife are members of the Second Milo Baptist Church.
SHEARMAN,George, one of the most energetic men of the county during his time, was born inDublin, Ireland, March 24, 1790. Heleft home at the age of fourteen and came to America. After living in Otsego two years, he came to Penn Yan about1808, where he had a store near the corner of Main and Jacob streets. Here he was engaged in trade some twenty-five or thirty years. He built a hotel � the �American� � near, or on, the site ofCornwell�s Opera House block, and a grist-mill, a potashery, and a distilleryon the outlet. One of his partnerswas Solomon D. WEAVER, and during their association the firm operated two sawmills, two grist-mills, and two distilleries. Mr. SHEARMAN met with reverses that cost him his fortune, but othersprofited by his financial downfall. Heretired to his farm south of the village, and engaged in the mercantile businessin Penn Yan with a partner, Daniel B. BISSELL, carrying on the largest dry goodsbusiness in this part of the county. Afterclosing out this business, he engaged in grain buying. From this time on, his son Oliver, although quite young, was associatedwith his father, and at his death continued the business. Mr. SHEARMAN was a captain of Light Horse Cavalry, having the largestcompany in the State, and escorted Gen. La Fayette on part of his tour throughthis State. He was always aDemocrat and served as county clerk several terms. He was very public spirited and one of the foremost promoters of thebuilding of the canal from Dresden to Penn Yan. On the 31st of March, 1811, he married Rebecca, daughter ofDavid WAGENER, by whom he has these children: Abraham W., William, Mary Ann,Mary Ann 2nd, George, Rebecca, Eliza, Isabella, William 2nd,Charles, Oliver G., and Eleanor. Ofthese children, only four, George, Charles, Oliver G. and Eleanor are living. Mrs. SHEARMAN was a pious woman and a devoted Methodist, being one of thefist class of fourteen, who held meetings abut in private houses before a churchwas organized. An incident is toldof her having gone to Geneva, a distance of sixteen miles on horseback, toattend Love Feast, and being then refused admission because she had two feathersin her bonnet. Mr. SHEARMAN wastrustee of the church and their house was a regular stopping place for allMethodist ministers. GeorgeSHEARMAN died December 26, 1859 and his wife January 14, 1855. George SHEARMAN Jr., born July 28, 1818, is the oldestrepresentative of his family in the county. He is a substantial farmer of Milo, and one whose efforts in life havebeen rewarded with more than a fair degree of success. December 5, 1840, he married Phebe BAXTER of Milo, by whom he has had twochildren, Abram and Mary, the latter the wife of Capt. Abraham GRIDLEY. The farm on which Mr. SHEARMAN lives was formerly know as the STEWARTfarm, and this Mr. SHEARMAN purchased before his marriage, about the year 1838. He is a devoted member and trustee of the Penn Yan M. E. Church.
SPOONER,Leonard T., was born in Milo, November 27, 1819, the son of Luther and HannaSPOONER, both old and respected residents of the town. On January 1, 1844, Leonard married Mary Ann NICHOLD and settled on thefarm where he now lives. He hasalways been a farmer, careful and conservative in action, but true to hisconvictions of right. One child wasborn to them, Marvin L. SPOONER, a graduate from Syracuse University, and atpresent a professor of mathematics in Keuka College. Mrs. SPOONER died, after an illness of only a few hours, July 26, 1891. M. L. SPOONER was married August 10, 1881, to Lina A. HUNT, daughter ofAdam HUNT. They have two children, L. H. SPOONER, born August 4, 1888and Laura M. SPOONER, born August 4, 1890.
STONE,John and Abigail (WINSHIP) were pioneers in Milo, NY, coming from ChesterCounty, Pa in 1797 and locating on the farm now owned by Calvin H. STONE. In their family were nine children. John STONE died in the town in December 1873. Calvin H. STONE has always lived on this farm, having been born hereSeptember 15, 1815. The propertywas sold to him by his father prior to the latter�s death. In 1849 Calvin married Mary A. KEELER by whom he has two children, JohnA. and Charles A. Mr. STONEwas formerly a Democrat, but changed his views on account of his opinions on the slavery question, which to his mind made Democracyand anti-slavery incompatible. Hehas since then been a strong Republican, and as such was assessor of his townfor twenty-three years. His is alsoa faithful member of the Second Milo Church (Baptist) and for about thirty yearshas been superintendent of its Sunday school
SWARTHOUT,John, was born in Barrington, May 13, 1835, being one of the younger children ofGeorge F. and Roena (RUSSELL) SWARTOUT. Ofthe older branch of this family mention will be found in another part of thispresent volume. George F. SWARTOUTdied in 1853, leaving $900 to each of his children. With his share, John bought a part of the OWENS farm in Milo. In March, 1858, he married Ann E., daughter of Jonathan SPENCER. Two children have been born to this marriage, neither of whom is nowliving. John SWARTOUT is consideredone of the successful farmers ofMilo, and one who finds profit as well as pleasure in his work. He is prominent in town affairs and is a staunch Republican. He has held the office of commissioner of highways for more than nineyears.
SWARTHOUT,William R., was born in Barrington, August 20, 1823, the third of elevenchildren born to George F. and Roena (RUSSELL) SWARTOUT. William R., more familiarly known as Deacon SWARTOUT by reason of hislong term as deacon (thirty years) of the Second Milo Baptist Church, commencedlife as a farmer by buying fifty acres from his father, but between that and thetime of purchasing his present farm, he had lived on various farms in the townand in Torrey. His present propertywas formerly known as the Baxter KINNEY Place, containing 100 acres, and locatedabout a mile south of Penn Yan. In1845 he married Hannah Ann SPOONER, by whom he had two children, Hortense andHattie M., both of whom are married. Deacon SWARTOUT hasbeen an industrious and successful farmer.
TAYLORFamily - Three brothers of theTAYLOR family came from Wales, England, to America at an early age. One was killed by the Indians. JohnTAYLOR was born in Sheffield, Mass., March 13, 1771, being on his father�sside of Welsh decent and on his mother�s side of Scotch. He died in Starkey on March 9, 1857, revered by all as an uprightcitizen. One of his children by his second marriage was John W., whowas born September 18, 1819, in Starkey and was educated in the public schools. He spent one year in Ovid Academy and two years in Canandaigua Academy,graduating finally from Wabash College in 1851. He went south and taught in the academy at Raleigh, Tenn., for one yearand for two years was tutor in a private family at Holly Springs, Miss. He then returned to his native State and was admitted to the bar andpracticed law with KERNAN and others. May17, 1854, he married Elizabeth T., daughter of Russell A. and Ann M. HUNT ofMilo. They had one son, Frank R.,born June 7, 1860 in Canandaigua. Afterattending the common schools, Frank R. spent three years at Penn Yan Academy andone year in Hobart college at Geneva. He then taught school for three years. November 24, 1886, he married H. Anna, daughter of Amos E.VANORSDALL, of Himrods. She wasborn October 7, 1864. Mr. Taylor isa prosperous farmer and fruit grower.
THAYERfamily. Jacob THAYER, son of SimeonTHAYER, one of the pioneers of Yates County, was born September 29, 1806 anddied in September 1886. His wife,Sarah Ann MC INTYRE, was born August 27, 1815 and died in June 1883. They were married September 26, 1830. Their children were Archibald, born June 22, 1831; Susan N., born May 9,1833, died June 5, 1869; Simeon, born May 18, 1835; Sylvester N., born May 7,1837; Jacob W., born April 7, 1839; James K., born October 30, 1841; andAngeline A., born June 4, 1847. Archibald THAYER, better known from his long service onCrooked Lake as Capt. Archie THAYER, left the lake in 1887 and moved to thehomestead farm where he now has one of the best vineyards in the town of Milo. December 25, 1855, he married Minerva WHEELER.
THAYER,Jacob W., son of Jacob THAYER, was born in Milo, April 7, 1839. He bought a sixty acre farm from his father on the lake roadand in 1864 he purchased a fifty-acre farm on the Bath road. This latter has been sold in parcels until Mr. THAYER has but little left� about seventeen acres � which is all in vineyard. On November 15, 1850, he married Marietta, daughter of Joel WORKMAN ofMilo. They have two children, Anna Amelia and William Joel. Mr. THAYER has been an extensive traveler, selling agriculturalimplements over a territory of eleven states for D. M. Osborn & Co. ofAuburn. He is also the inventor andbuilder of a binder that has done excellent work.
THAYER,James, the son of Simeon THAYER, the pioneer, was born May 29, 1810 (diedJanuary 8, 1881) and married Zenecia, daughter of Allen BASSETT, of Barrington,by whom he has six children: James A., Emma, Laura, Fanny, Mary and one who diedin infancy. James THAYER isremembered as having been one of the best farmers and one of the foremost men ofthe town of Milo. James A. THAYER,who succeeded his father in the ownership of the farm, was born in Milo, April26, 1843, educated in the common schools and Prof. Ayres� Select School, alsoat the Penn Yan Academy, and at the age of sixteen began teaching winter school,continuing for eight years. In 1867he married Allie, daughter of James LAWRENCE of Milo, by whom he had one child,May, the wife of H.E. HUIE, of Springfield, Mass. Mrs. THAYER died September 22, 1884, and in January 1886, Mr. THAYERmarried Nellie S. HUIE of Rushville, NY, by whom he has one child, Zenecia. He is one of the most progressive and successful farmers of Milo, havingbeen honored several times with positions of trust and importance. He was a clerk of the board of supervisors in 1883-84, schoolcommissioner of Yates County from 1885 to 1891. For a number of years he has been president of the CountyTeacher�s Association, is now a director of the Farmer�s Alliance InsuranceCo., and for several years served as secretary of the Yates County AgriculturalSociety. He is a prominent memberof the M. E. Church and for three years was superintendent of its Sunday school.
THAYER,James K., the sixth child of Jacob THAYER, and the grandson of Simeon THAYER,was born in Milo, October 31, 1841. Helived at home until twenty years old, when he started out to make his own way inlife. Two years later he marriedHelen C. FREEMAN, of Milo, by whom he had two children, both of whom died ininfancy. Mr. THAYER�S farmcomprises sixty-one acres of land on the east shore of Crooked Lake. He is a thrifty and industrious farmer and fruit grower. In politics he is a conservative Democrat. Both himself and wife are members of the Penn Yan M. E. Church.
THAYER,Simeon 2nd, born in Mill, May 18, 1835, was the third child of Jacoband Sarah Ann THAYER. Simeon wasreared on the farm; for one year he was foreman on a railroad constructiontrain. He first began farming whereJacob W. THAYER now lives. Hispresent property is a twenty-three acre vineyard on Lake Keuka. In 1856 Mr. THAYER married Elizabeth RAPLEE, who died leaving twochildren. His second wife was MaryMORRIS, to whom one child has been born.
YOUNGS,Isaiah, was born in Milo, NY, August 19, 1819, and was the second of sixchildren born to George and Rebecca YOUNGS, both of the later being old andhighly respected citizens of the town. Isaiahwas brought up to farm work, and at the age of twenty-five commenced conductinghis father�s farm, being the same that Isaiah now owns. He lived there from 1846 to 1887, when he removed to hispresent location. In 1846 hemarried Sybilla L., daughter of John MATTHIAS, of Milo; four children were bornto them, of whom one is deceased. Mr.YOUNGS is one of Milo�s substantial Democrats, and as well one of the town�sforemost citizens. For one term heheld the office of town assessor.
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