Town of Middlesex FamilySketches
Yates Co., New York
From the "History of Yates Co., NY", byL.C. Aldrich, published 1892
FamilySketches for Town of Middlesex
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A - W
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ADAMS, Alden A.,son of Lovell and Susanna P. (CURTIS) ADAMS, was born December 23, 1848, anative of this town, and was educated at the district schools and NaplesAcademy. Mr. ADAMS has been afarmer nearly all his life, but has been in the mercantile business for the lastfew years, under the firm name of Williams & Adams, but they sold out andsince that time he has been in the general merchandise business, as in thepostmaster of Middlesex. Inpolitics he has always been a Republican and has been supervisor of this towntwo terms, 1887-88. He is a chartermember of the A.O.U.W., of this place. Mr.ADAMS married Lodema E., daughter of Robert RACKHAM, of this town, March 26,1870, and their children are Alta B., Lovell, L. and Lura B.
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CONLEY, J.Arden, MD, of Middlesex, son of Oscar and Alvira (PULVER) CONLEY, was bornOctober 30, 1865, in Jerusalem, NY, educated at the district school and Penn YanAcademy, and after leaving there went to the New York Eclectic Medical College,where he graduated with honors in 1888, receiving 98 percent out of a possible100. After receiving his diploma hebegan the practice of medicine as Italy Hill, and remained there for about twoyears and then came to this town, where he now has a large practice. He is a member of the Yates County Medical Society, Royal Templars ofTemperance, and the New York State Eclectic Medical Society. He married Olivia, daughter of Leman, COREY, of Jerusalem, NY, and theyare members of the M. E. Church of this place.
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DARLING, LemuelT., son of Alden and Asenith (TRUESDELL) DARLING, was born March 5, 1838, inPhelps, Ontario County, NY, and came to this town with his parents, when achild. He was educated at the common schools and has been a farmerall his life. In politics an activeRepublican, he has been assessor three years and at the present time he issupervisor of Middlesex, NY, having been re-elected in 1892. He is a member of the M .E. Church and also a member of the A.O.U.W.Society, of that place. December31, 1891, Mr. DARLING married Axcelia, daughter of William L. and Angeline(PARSONS) PHELPS of Italy, NY. Shewas born August 15, 1847 in Italy, Yates County, NY
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LOOMIS, Allen,Son of Nathaniel and Mariah (FITCH) LOOMIS was born August 15, 1839 inMiddlesex, and was educated in the district schools and Rushville academy. He has been a farmer all his life. Inpolitics a Republican, he has taken an active interest in the affairs of hisnative town. He as been assessortwo terms and supervisor two terms, 1889 � 90. Both he and his family are members of the M. E. Church at Rushville, NY. February 14, 1871, he married Elizabeth, daughter of Harold ELLERINGTON,of this town, and their children are Nellie M., born December 2, 1871; Anna M.,born May 19, 1877; and Carrie E., born February 18, 1881.
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SMITH, James E.,son of Simon and Martha (BUSH) SMITH, was born January 21, 1857, in Naples, NY,was educated at Naples Academy and Lima, NY. Mr. SMITH has been a farmer all his life. He came to this town in July 1883, and purchased a fine farm in thevalley between Rushville and Middlesex village. Mr. SMITH is one of the railroad commissioners of this town. In politics he is a Prohibitionist.. He and his family are members of the M. E. Church of this town. He married Catherine, daughter of Casemer BLISS of Owego, NY, January 23,1868.
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TYLER, HarveyW., son of Roswell R. and Sarah (WOOD) TYLER, was born March 25, 1844, in thistown, and educated at the district schools, Naples Academy and the State NormalSchool at Albany, NY. He taughtschool for about four years, since which time he has been a farmer. In politics he is a Republican and has held the office of justice of thepeace for about twelve years. Mr.TYLER and family are members of the First Baptist Church of Middlesex. He is also a member of the A.O.U.W. of this place. September 26, 1871, he married Amanda, daughter of John L. DINTUFF ofthis town, and their children are Carrie B., John D., and Frank R.
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WILLIAMS, LewisCass, son of Oliver S. WILLIAMS, was born July 27, 1858, in this town, waseducated at the district schools and Penn Yan Academy and has been a farmernearly all his life. He entered upon the hardware business winder the firm name ofWilliams & Adams, but gave up the business after three years. He was a postmaster under President Cleveland. In politics always a Democrat, he was supervisor of Middlesex in 1885-86,and both he and his family are members of the M. E. Church atMiddlesex. He married Carrie,daughter of William FOSTER, of the town of Middlesex, and their children areMarion C., and Marie WILLIAMS.
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