Town of  JerusalemFamily Sketches

Yates Co., New York


From the "History of Yates Co., NY",  byL.C. Aldrich,published 1892   

FamilySketches for Town of Jerusalem


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MACE,Jerome B., son of John and Lydia (TRIPP) MACE, was born September 29, 1845, Jerome B. being the sixth child.  Hisbrothers and sisters were Hiram G., John C., Cyrus (deceased), James R., Leroyand Caroline.  Jerome was educated at the common schools, was brought up onthe farm and has always followed the farmer�s life, in which he has beensuccessful.  In politics he isRepublican  January 30, 1876, hemarried Mary Eva, daughter of Nathaniel G., and Mary (BITLEY) HIBBARD, of thistown, and they have one child, Howard J., born March 30, 1878.



MARTIN,George W., son of Garret and Laura (CLARK) MARTIN was born June 6, 1825, in thistown, and was educated at the common schools. He has been a farmer and fruit grower all his life.  In politics a Republican, Mr. MARTIN has been commissioner ofhighways of this town two terms, 1877-78.  Hemarried Emily, daughter of Oren STEBBINS of Potter, NY. Their children are E. Clark, Charles E. (deceased) and Oren S.



MERRITT,La Fayette, son of John, was born in Dutchess County, NY, in 1825 and the sameyear his father came to the town of Jerusalem, and purchased a large tract ofland, converting it into a valuable farm, a portion of which is still in theMERRITT family.  Of nine children,only one brother, Van Rensselaer is living, a resident of Missouri, and twosisters, Mrs. TEATS and Mrs. DAVIS, of Penn Yan are living.  In 1859, Mr. MERRITT married Hannah BENNETT of Milo. By this marriage there was one son, Elmer, who resides with his mother onthe farm.  Mr. MERRITT was honest,honorable and kind.  He had a lively sense of the beautiful and orderly, as onecould see by a visit to his farm and fruit orchard. He had first refuted to cultivate the grape, because they were convertedinto wine, but when the market brought them for table use, he began theircultivation.   When it wasproposed to found a college on the lake, he was one of its enthusiasticsupporters.  In 1836 he joined theWesleyan Church of Penn Yan, and was a member until the church disbaned.  Sometime afterwards he united with the M. E. Church, of whichhe was a member until he died.



MILLER,John A., son of Smith M. MILLER, was born in Poundridge, Westchester County, NY,March 9, 1835.  When eight years ofage, his father moved to Pultney, Steuben County, NY. In 1850, John A. came to Branchport, and learned the blacksmith�s tradeof D. H. BENNETT, and has been a resident of the town ever since. He married Elizabeth A. DURHAM, of this town and has six children living. He has carried on the blacksmithing business since 1856.


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MILLS,J. C., M.D., for twenty-five years the leading photographer of Penn Yan, wasborn in Orange County in 1823.  Atan early age his parents moved to Onondaga County, where he entered the CentralMedical College of Syracuse, and graduated from the same in 1849. For fifty-two years in connection whit his other business, he was aprominent and successful physician.  In1859 he came to Penn Yan, and having a knowledge of the daguerrean business,opened a gallery for that purpose, daguerrotypes and ambrotypes being the onlypictures made in those days, outside of the large cities. Dr. MILLS was the first to introduce photographs to the people of YatesCounty.  He retired from business in1882; the last few years of his life being spent in Florida, where he died April11, 1891. 


History and Directory of Yates County, NewYork by Stafford C. Cleveland.    
History of Yates County, Page 464-465 (excerpt)         this informationcontributed by:
JackieBunnell ~ Ogden

Mary, daughter of Daniel Brown, Jr., born in 1818*, married Mordecai Ogden, ofPenn Yan. They subsequently moved to Elmira where he was largely interested inreal estate, and where he died. Their children were Alfred B., J Lorimer, andLouise. Mrs. Ogden resides with her brother Alfred Brown, at Penn Yan. Alfred B.married Sarah Carpenter, of Missouri, and resides in the city of New York. J.Lorimer married Josephine Goundry, of Dresden, and resides at Penn Yan. Theyhave a daughter Mary. Louise married Smith H. Mallory, son of Smith L. Mallory,former Sheriff of Yates County. They reside at Chariton, Iowa, and have onedaughter, Jessie.    (* actually born 1808; she died8/6/1892; aged 82y per Lakeview Cemetery, Penn Yan. )                      

Additional information:  (sources: LDS  1870/1880 NY Census  )                  
Mordecai Ogden was born 1798 in Penn Yan, Yates Co., NY; spouse Mary Brown wasborn in Jerusalem Twp., Yates Co. Their son, Alfred B. Ogden, born 1833/34 inYates Co., and spouse Sarah Carpenter, had two known children, Addie, born 1856,and Samuel B., born 1860. The family relocated to New York City about 1869 whereAlfred pursued a career in architecture. He died Dec. 25, 1895 in NYC.  



PARIS,Jacob S. son of James Sr., and Nancy (BILLINGTON) PARIS, was born February 5,1828 in Palatine, Montgomery County , NY and went to Wheeler, Steuben County, in1833, remaining there until February 1845, when he came to Branchport, NY. Young PARIS was educated at the common schools of that time. He enlisted in Co. A., 50th NY Engineer Corps, August 31,1864, remaining in the service until the close of the war. HE was stationed at Washington, D.C. most of the time.  He then returned to this town, and has been a dealer ingeneral merchandise and a carpenter, for about six years.  He is at present, general agent for Conklin & Ellsworth,coal merchants, at Branchport, NY.  Inpolitics he has always been a Republican.  Hehas been a supporter of the Universalist Church of Branchport, NY. Mr. PARIS married on September 25, 1855, Eliza A., daughter of SimeonDANES, of this town, and they had one child, Fremont, born November 2, 1856, whowas drowned January 2, 1872.



PECKINS,James, son of Davis and Experience (PIERCE) PECKINS, was born in Shrewsbury,Mass., in 1800 and later came to this town, settling on a farm.  Here he married Matilda, daughter of Edward and MahaliahBROWNELL of this town.  She was bornin Johnstown, NY in 1804 and with her parents came to this town when twelveyears of age.  By occupation afarmer, Mr. PECKINS was also postmaster of this town for one or two terms. He was a Republican in politics, and he and his family were members ofthe Wesleyan Methodist Church.  Mr.PECKINS died April 11, 1874.  Hiswife is till living on the homestead.  Theirchildren were George B., Edward L., Olive L., Benjamin B. (deceased), Sabrian,Mary Amanda (deceased), James B., and Oscar F. (deceased).



PEPPER,James, son of William and Mariah (MEE) PEPPER, was born in Wymeswold,Leicestershire, England, February 28, 1841. He came to Benton, NY in 1863 and remained there about four years. He then came to this town and in 1874 bought 100 acres of Bluff Point,where he ahs been a successful fruit grower. In politics he is Republican.  Hisfamily are members of the M. E. Church at Bluff Point. He married first, Mary JOYNES, of Nottingham, England and their childrenwere Annie, who married Cyrus J. THAYER; James H., who married Myrtie E. COLE;Alonzo, Jessie E. and Mabel.  Mrs.PEPPER died June 20, 1875 and for his second wife, Mr. PEPPER married CelestiaCAMPBELL, of Jerusalem.



PERRY,Samuel, son of Amos and Abigail (CLARK) PERRY, was born in Jerusalem, October 6,1824, received his education at the common schools and lived with his fatheruntil twenty-two years of age, at which time he came into possession of a farmthrough his father, and since that time has added to his original purchase,until he now owns 103 acres near Penn Yan, making a fine farm. Mr. PERRY has taken no active part in politics, though he has nearlyalways voted the Democratic ticket, the exceptions being when he cast his votefor Lincoln and Grant.  He married June 1, 1850, Mary E., daughter of Peter J.DINEHART, of Potter, NY.  They hadone daughter, Ann Eliza, born April 221, 1852, and died aged eleven years andeleven months.



PLAISTED,Daniel Jr., son of Daniel and Elizabeth (PERRY) PLAISTED, was born in Milo, NY,June 15, 1857, educated at Penn Yan Academy and remained on the farm with hisfather until 1879.  Young PLAISTEDcame to this town and purchased a fine farm, with vineyards and other fruits. He married December 15, 1879, Ada M., daughter of Charles E. BROWN, ofIndependence, Allegheny Co., NY.  Theyhave one child, Ernest C., born May 11, 1884.



PURDY,Frank H., son of Isaac and Sarah (STEWART) PURDY, was born in this town, April19, 1839.  He received his educationat the common schools and Penn Yan Academy, after which he returned to the farm,where he as been very successful in raising of fruit, especially grapes, ofwhich he as a fine vineyard on the road from Penn Yan to Branchport. In politics he is a Farmers; Alliance, was elected as the first presidentof Yates County Farmers� Alliance, re-elected and holds that position atpresent.  Mr. PURDEY and wife attendthe St. Luke�s Episcopal Church at Branchport.  Hemarried November 3, 1863, Emma C. HUSTED, of Potter, NY.



PURDY,Isaac S., was born in Dutchess County, NY, moved with his family to this countyin 1827, and settled in the western part of the town of Jerusalem. He married Ann, daughter of Thomas OWEN, of Westchester County, NY. His son Joseph, was born March 13, 1825 in Dutchess County, NY, but camewith his parents when two years old, to this county. He had one brother, Thomas O., and one sister, Sarah A.  They remained on that farm about six years, then sold out andremoved to the eastern part of the same town in1833, where they have sinceresided.  Isaac S. PURDY diedFebruary 14, 1876, and Ann his wife, on April 10 of the same year. Mr. PURDY was educated at the Penn Yan schools and has always been afarmer.  He is a Republican inpolitics and has been supervisor two terms, 1880-81 and also inspector severaltimes.  His family are members ofthe Baptist Church at Penn Yan.  Hemarried Margaret E. daughter of Thomas BENNETT, of Benton, NY, and theirchildren are: Ella; John, who married Jessie MAC KAY of Penn Yan; Ida G, marriedWilliam C. MILLS of Chicago; Thomas B. (deceased); Mary C., of Brooklyn; GeorgeO.; Ann; Agnes; Isaac Seymour; Charles M.; and Henry Clinton.



ROSE,Edward N., son of R. Selden and Frances Theresa (CAMMANN) ROSE, was born in thistown, May 1, 1856, was educated at the common schools of the town and has alwaysbeen a Democrat in politics.  He hasheld the office of supervisor two terms and town clerk one term, although thetown is Republican by a large majority.  Mr.ROSE lives with his mother on the old homestead.



SANDERSON,John, son of James and Mary Ann (WILLIAMS) SANDERSON, was born in County Cavan,Ireland, July 6, 1838, and came to this country April 30, 1859, settling inBath, NY.  He enlisted in August1862, in the 161st NY Regt. And participated in the followingengagements: Store Plains, Port Hudson, Donalsonville, Sabine Pass, Sabine CrossRoads, Pleasant Hill, Spanish Fort and Mobile. During his last year in the army, he was made sergeant-major of theregiment and never missed a day�s duty during his entire service. He received his discharge September 20, 1865. He then came to this town and purchased a vineyard of fifteen acres onthe west branch of Keuka Lake, which he has brought to a fine state ofcultivation.  He married Eliza,daughter of Lewis LONGWELL, of Urbana, NY, and their children were as follows:James B., Oliver R., and Edward L.  Hisfirst wife died April 14, 1875, and he married, secondly, Emily L. RAZY, of thistown, and by this union there are five children: Marion, Ida J., Margaret, AnnaR. and John R.



SHEARMAN,Urial W., son of Bartleson and Hannah (POTTER) SHEARMAN, was born in this townMay 7, 1847.  He had one sister,Josephine (deceased), who married Charles E. HEWEY, and one brother, Charles S.,who died aged nine years.  Mr.SHEARMAN has always been Republican in politics. He resides on the old homestead in what is known as �Shearman�sHollow�.  He married first,Frances WATKINS, by whom he had one child, Willie A. He married second Harriet COREY, of this town. 



SHERWOOD,Cyrus, son of Daniel and Jane (CHASE) SHERWOOD, was born June 26, 1827, in thistown, was educated at the common schools.  When a young man he was engaged in getting out heavy timberfor ship building, following that occupation for about twenty seven years. He enlisted in August 1862, in Co. A, 126th Regt. NY Vols.,and went to Harper�s Ferry, Va., where he was captured and sent to Chicago,but was soon exchanged and then went to Union Mills, Va., and was mustered outat Bailey�s Cross Roads, Va.  Returningthence to this town, he has been a farmer ever since. He is a Republican in politics.  Hemarried Jane, daughter of Jesse C. GRANT, of Thurston, Steuben County, NY, in1851.  Their children are FrancesL., who married Edgar E. DAVIS; Chapman D., who married Maggie S., daughter ofMatthew HENDERSON, they have one son, James H. SHERWOOD, born July 10, 1886;Carrie E. (deceased), who married Frank L. JOHSON, by whom he had one child,Cyrus JOHNSON.



SILL,Henry Rose, son of Samuel and Susan (ROSE) SILL, was born in Geneva, NY. His mother died when he was four years of age, and his uncle, Henry ROSE,of this town, adopted and educated him at Geneva, NY. Mr. SILL then returned and remained on the farm with his uncle until Mr.ROSE died.  Mr. SILL now owns theold homestead, which is one of the finest farms in Jerusalem and is stocked withfine graded horses and cattle.  Heis a Republican, was elected supervisor two terms, 1889 & 1890, and hasalways taken an active part in the affairs of the town. He is a member of Milo Lodge F.A.M. of Penn Yan, NY. May 5, 1880, he married Mary Ida, daughter of Charles STEBBINS, ofBranchport, NY, and their children are Henry Rose, Elizabeth Nelson and MaryCornelia.  Mr. SILL and his familyare members of St. Luke�s Episcopal Church of Branchport, NY.



SISSON,Jonathan, one of the sons of George SISSON, of the Friend�s society, was acavalry soldier under Aaron REMER in the War of 1812, for which he received awarrant of 160 acres of land.  Hemarried Catharine VOSBINER, of Milo.  In1827 they removed to Jerusalem, and both died in 1857, he at the age of seventythree and his wife aged seventy.  Theirchildren were William, George, Joshua, David, Harrison, and Bethany. William Married Melissa, daughter of William GENUNG; George is a residentof Addison, NY; Joshua died in 1867, unmarried at the age of forty six; Davidmarried Charlotte, daughter of Zachariah COONS, of Jerusalem.  He died in California in 1850, leaving one daughter, Bethany, who marriedJames A. COLE, and has two children, Fred G. and Glennis B. Harrison SISSON born in 1829, married in 1852, Charlotte, widow of hisbrother, David.  They have one son,David H., who married Sarah P. MILLER and has four children, Jeptha P., IreneM., Harry G. and Clarence D.



SMITH,Eberly E., son of Morgan and Annis (JOHNSON) SMITH, was born May 5, 1843, atPenn Yan, NY, was educated at the common schools and lived with his father untilabout twenty-four years of age.  Hisfather, Morgan SMITH, came to Jerusalem and purchased a farm of 168 acres in thewestern part of town, when Eberle was ten years of age. Twenty-four years ago the latter bought the farm of 168 acres of hisfather, near his first purchase, but not joining, making 368 acres. Mr. SMITH has always been a Republican in politics, and he is now amember of the Farmers� Alliance.  Whilenot a member of any religious denomination, both he and his family attend theBaptist Church at Italy Hill.  October17, 1867, he married Alice A., daughter of Chester STODDARD, of this town.  Their children are Chester M., Grace S., Edna , Edwin andEben (twins), the latter deceased.


SQUIER,Nat, son of Ezra and Helen (KENNEDY) SQUIER, was born December 10, 1859, inItaly, NY, was educated at the common schools and at Franklin Academy, atPrattsburg, NY.  Soon afterfinishing his education he began teaching school, and for three years he hasbeen principal of Branchport Schools.  Healso owns a fine fruit farm at Larzelere Corners, in this town. He is a Prohibitionist in politics. Mr. SQUIER, married Margaret A., daughter of Perry and Jane (MUNGER)ADAMS, of this town and they have four children: Perry Albert, Lloyd, Ezra andHenry.



STEVER, Joseph G., son of James and Desire (GOODSELL) STEVER, was born May 4,1842, in this town, was educated at the district schools and under the tutorshipof Prof. N.W. AYER, of Penn Yann, NY.  Afterleaving school he went on to the  farmand has been very successful in that industry. In politics he is a Democrat.  Hemarried Mary, daughter of Andrew CORYELL, of Pultney, NY, March 27, 1872.  Mrs. STEVER is a member of the Presbyterian Church ofBranchport, NY.



STEVER,Leonard., son of James and Desire (GOODSELL) STEVER, was born March 24, 1831 inColumbia County, NY, and came to this town when eighteen months old. He was educated in the district schools and Franklin Academy atPrattsburgh, NY.  He lived with hisfather until twenty-four years of age and went to Pultney, Steuben County, NYand purchased a farm for himself, remaining there two years, then traded hisfarm for one in the southern part of this town and after residing there twoyears, sold the farm.  Most of histime up to the year 1868 was spent on the Samuel S. ELLSWORTH farm until thepurchase of the farm where he now lives, which is in a fine state ofcultivation.  He is a Democrat inpolitics.  Both he and his familyare members of the Universalist Church of Branchport, NY. He married Susan, daughter of Robert and Susan (WAGENER) MILLER, ofPultney, NY, and their children are Laura Jane, born November 15, 1856, marriedJasper C. SHULL, of Branchport; Elbert Miller STEVER, born March 31, 1864,married Lena E. PARIS, October 30, 1889 and in the mercantile business with hisfather-in-law, in Branchport; Fred, born July 28, 1866, lives with his parents.



STURDEVANT,Harlan Page, son of Joseph G. and Rebecca (MAHAN) STURDEVANT, was born March 1,1838, in Prattsburgh, NY, was educated at the common schools and PrattsburghAcademy and was brought up on a farm, learning the lumber business with hisfather.  When the war broke out heenlisted in Co. E., 101 Regiment NY Infantry, and went on garrison duty atWashington, DC.  He was with GeneralKEARNEY�s Division in the Virginia campaign, and was captured atChancellorsville, and kept about ten days; was exchanged and went back to hisregiment, but was captured a second time June 1, 1864 and taken to Andersonvilleand Millen, where he was held prisoner until November 20. His term of enlistment had expired during his imprisonment, and eh wasmustered out in New York City, January 30, 1864. He then came home and for occupation purchased an interest in thevineyard lands on the east hill of Bluff Point, with G. W. NICHOLS and Rev.Stephen VORHIS, owning now two thirds of this beautiful vineyard, whichcomprises fifty two acres.  Mr.STURDEVANT is a member of the GAR at Pultney, NY. He and his family are members of the Baptist Church of Wayne, NY. February 15, 1886, he married Ella A. WILLIAMS, a widow and daughter ofAnson HILL.  She had one child byher first husband, Guy WILLIAMS, and by her second marriage has a daughter,Celia A. STURDEVANT.



TIMMERMAN,Ransford C., son of Jonas and Catharine (CRAMER) TIMMERMAN, was born April 15,1840 at St. Johnsville, Herkimer County, NY. In 1849 he went to Jasper, Steuben County, NY, and was educated at thedistrict schools of that place.  Heenlisted at Rome, NY, in Co. I., 81st regiment, NY Vol., on November28, 1861, and went into the army of the Potomac with Gen. George B. MC CLELLANin command.  Participated in thePeninsular campaign, was taken sick at Yorktown, recovered and rejoined theregiment on Mc CLELLAN�s retreat from Fair Oaks.  From there he went into South Carolina, under command ofGeneral HUNTER, to join in the siege of Charleston, thence back to Newbern, NC,where he took part in the Trenton raid, NC, and the battled at NorhtwestLanding, Va.  While there, here-enlisted for three years or until the close of the war in the same companyand regiment.  For a short timeafterwards he was in the army of the James under General BUTLER, but wastransferred and was in the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., and on June 3, 1864, helost his left arm.  He was then sentto the hospital at Alexandria, VA., and from there to Fort Schuyler, East River,New York City, where he was mustered out October 26, 1864. He afterward spent one year in the quartermaster�s department atElmira.  He came to this town in1865 and has been engaged in farming and fruit growing.  In politics he is a Republican. He is a member of Henry C. Lyon Post, No. 535, GAR. AT Pultney, NY, November 7, 1865, he married Agnes E., daughter of JohnMITCHELL, of Branchport, NY, and their children are Lee M. (deceased), Grace A.and Harold M.



TODD,Benajah, son of Meli and Lydia (OVENSHIRE) TODD, was born March 17, 1829 inBarrington, NY.  One year later hecame to this town with his parents.  Hewas educated at the common schools and has been a farmer all his life. In politics he was a Republican.  Heand his family were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Branchport, andhe was one of the trustees for many years. June 10, 1849, he married Ann Jennette, daughter of Gilbert LAMB, andthey had one daughter, Emma A., who married Phineas TYLER, of Branchport, asolider in the late Rebellion, who lost an arm at the battle of the Wilderness. They had one adopted son, Charles H. BEADEN TODD, who married LucindaSHEPARD, and also a granddaughter, Anna M. TYLER, whom they reared. She married John L. LAFLER, and they reside on the farm with Mrs. TODD. Benajah TODD died May 2, 1885.



TOWNSEND,Charles E., son of Charles J., and Catherine (CASTNER) TOWNSEND, was born April9, 1848, in Torrey, and received his education in the common schools of thetown.  He enlisted in the generalservice of the United States at Buffalo, NY, February 7, 1866, and went toRichmond, VA, where he was in the paymaster�s service for about eighteenmonths.  He then went to Mississippiand was mustered out at Grenada, that State, February 7, 1869. He returned to this county and was appointed keeper of the Yates Countyalmshouse, which position he filled at different times for nine years and is thepresent incumbent. In politics he is a Republican. He married February 22, 1871, Nancy E., daughter of W. J. SMITH ofDresden, NY, and their children are Maude E., Fred W., and Ada M., who died agedfifteen.



TOWNSEND,Joseph R., was born in Jerusalem, Ontario County, NY, in the year 1815. In the year 1843 he united in marriage with Miss Eliza RUNNER, ofJerusalem, Yates County, NY.  By this union, three children were born to them. The only surviving child is J. Wilber, who was born March 24, 1848. In the year of 1871 he united in marriage with Miss Delight C. ANDRUS, ofJerusalem, Yates County, NY, born March 4, 1851. By this union five children were born to them, viz.: Hermon R., born in1872; Florence E., and Flora L., born in 1875; Myrtie A., born in 1877, andAddie C. born in 1879.  In the year1888, death entered the home of Mr. TOWNSEND, tearing from his embrace hiscompanion with whom he had commenced the voyage of live seventeen years before.  Mrs. TOWNSEND was deeply mourned, not only by her family, but also by awide circle of friends and acquaintances.  She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Branchport, aconsistent Christian, a devoted wife, and loving mother. In 1890, Mr. TOWNSEND married Belle, sister of his former wife. Bell was born in 1857; she is a consistent Christian, a member of theMethodist Church of Branchport.  Sheis a devoted wife, a kind and affectionate mother; one child born to them whodied in infancy.  Mr. TOWNSEND ownsa fine farm of 150 acres.  Thefamily are members of the M. E. Church of Branchport.



VANTUYL, William F., son of Silas H. and Mariah F. (RANDOLPH) VAN TUYL, was bornOctober 23, 1838, was educated at the common schools and select school in PennYan, under the tutorship of Prof. N. W. AYER, and after finishing his education,he taught school in different places for about fifteen years.  He was school commissioner of Yates County from 1876 to 1882. Mr. VAN TUYL was one of the first to develop the grape product, plantinghis vineyard in 1861 on Lake Keuka, and he has lived to see it one of theleading industries of the county.  Mr.VAN TUYL is a Republican in politics.  Inthe year 1867 he married Miss Sarah M. DEAN, and their children are, J. Ernestand Nellie G.  They are members ofthe Methodist Episcopal Church.


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WATKINS,John E., son of Abraham and Mary (WILCOX) WATKINS, was born in Gorham, OntarioCounty, NY, November 13, 1851, was educated at the district schools, except oneterm at the Penn Yan Academy.  Hisfather came to this town in the spring of 1853, and bought a farm in the westernpart of the town, which John E. now owns.  Hehas always affiliated with the Republican party.  He has served four years as justice of the peace, one term assupervisor of Jerusalem, and is now superintendent of the poor of Yates County. He married Emma, daughter of Loren THOMAS, of this town, and they havefour children, Charles M., Edward T., Mina S. and Mary E., all living at home.



WHEELER,Philip Jr., was born in Jerusalem, NY, March 5, 1845, and is the oldest son in afamily of six children of Philip and Maria (VAN GELDER) WHEELER. His father was a native of Columbia County, NY; his mother was a nativeof Sullivan County, NY and his other children were Charles, who died agednineteen; Mary, wife of Earl ALLEN of Filmore, NY; Jane, wife of Frank DICKENS,of Dalton, NY; George, a resident of Jerusalem; and Gertrude, wife of George H.MOSHER, of Oakland, NY.  Mr. WHEELERreceived only a common school education and at the age of fifteen years wasapprenticed to learn the trade of carpenter. He had during his life followed that trade in connection with contractingfor buildings.  He married Sarah M.,daughter of Henry and Emily (TYLER) WALTER. They have two children, viz.: Charles Henry, a graduate of SyracuseUniversity and Nellie F.  In politics a Republican, he has served as highwaycommissioner for a number of terms.



WIGHTMAN,J.C., MD, son of James W. and Esther A. (COLE) WIGHTMAN, was born July 16, 1829at Rushville, Ontario County, NY.  Hebegan his education at the district schools and Rushville Academy, from there hewent to Madison University, remaining one year, and at Lima Seminary one year. He then had a private tutor, Prof. BOYD, from Edinboro, Scotland. After that he went to the American Medical College of Cincinnati, and atthe end of three years, graduated from that institution, after that he attendeddifferent hospitals, trying to learn all he could of his profession, also oneyear at the Geneva Medical College, NY.  Thedoctor came to Branchport in 1857 and began the practice of his profession andhas lived here ever since, where he has successfully built up a large practice. February 20, 1857, he married Elizabeth M., daughter of Simon S. MERRILL,of Rushville, NY.  Their childrenare Myrtie Maud, born November 28, 1857, who married Frank BOTSFORD. She died June 26, 1890; Fannie, born August 11, 1864, married Edwin E.EVANS; Merrill J., born January 20, 1866, died May 13, 1875.



WILLIAMS,Hosea, son of Prince and Luna WILLIAMS, was born in Hartford, Conn., July 20,1792, whence they moved to Exeter, NY, when he was a lad and where he marriedSally Lea WESCOTT.  She was bornAugust 9, 1793; the date of her marring being February 11, 1819. They had one child, Emily, who married James HARTSHORN. Mrs. WILLIAMS died January 13, 1823 and he married second, on February26, 1824.  Hiley HARTSHORN, born November 26, 1799, moving to YatesCounty in 1834, and to the farm whereon he died on the 9th ofNovember 1851 and where also Mrs. WILLIAMS died November 26, 1879.  The children by this marriage were as follows: Sarah, bornJanuary 5, 1826, died March 8, 1845; Adaline, born December 6, 1828, died Oct 8,1830; James born March 3, 1831; Editha, born August 2, 1833, died November 9,1860; Lucy born December 10, 1835, died August 13, 1854; Sherman, born June 16,1838, married Salena ABBOTT on June 16, 1879, and they have one son, AbbottClark; Abbie, born July 10, 1845.  Jamesand his sister Abbie, live on the old homestead, neither being married, and theyhave a model farm of 122 acres, overlooking Keuka Lake. Mr. And Miss WILLIAMS are not members of any church, but are ever readyto help the needy and deserving.  Inpolitics, Mr. WILLIAMS has voted with the Prohibitionists for the past tenyears, as he is a firm believer in temperance in all things. William H. HARTSHORN had one son, William Lloyd Garrison HARTSHORN, bornDecember 18, 1831, died Aug 26, 1883, his life having been passed at his home inthe city of Flint, Mich.  

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