Town of Jerusalem FamilySketches

Yates Co., New York


From the "History of Yates Co., NY",  byL.C. Aldrich,published 1892   

FamilySketches for Town of Jerusalem


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 BABCOCK,Arnold, was born in Reading, Steuben County in 1831. His father, Oliver BABCOCK , was born in Massachusetts, and his mother,Chole WELLER, in Washington County, NY.  Theycame to Yates County in 1834.  In1851 Arnold BABCOCK married S. Cornelia STEBBINS, of Rensselaerville, AlbanyCounty, by whom he has four children, viz.: Hattie E., wife of J. V. MASTEN, ofSecond Milo; Dr. Marcus E., of Branchport; Dewitt T., a farmer of Jerusalem; andMinnie H., who lives at home.  Duringthe early part of his life, Arnold BABCOCK was engaged in farming and lumbering. In 1867, however, he began the cultivation of grapes on the west shore ofthe west branch of Lake Keuka, where he now resides.



BALDWIN,Orin R., son of Alfred and Moriah, (COWAN) BALDWIN, was born in Italy, NY, July22, 1845.  He was educated at thecommon schools and after obtained his majority, removed to Big Rapids, Mich.,and remained for about twenty years.  Hethen came to Jerusalem in 1881, and has been farming ever since. In politics he has been a Democrat. He married Lydia, daughter of Daniel PARKER, of Big Rapids, Mich., andthey have two children, Gertrude J. and Alfred D.



BELKNAP,James A., son of Briggs BELKNAP, was born in Newbury, Orange County, NY, March16, 1816, and came with his father to Benton County when he was a young man,remaining there until twenty-five years of age, attending district school duringthe winter months.  Mr. BELKNAP cameto this town about 1841 and bought a tract of land, having at the time no money. With energy and determination, he paid for it and now owns a model farmof 150 acres with about twenty acres in grapes and peaches. He has been a Republican ever since that party came into existence. He and his family are members of the Presbyterian Church of Branchport. June 16, 1842, he married Submit, daughter of Clark GREEN, of this place,by whom he has the following children: Mary E., who married Morrison L. CHASE;Adeline, who married Melvin J. DAVIS, Frances A., and Charles G., Mrs. BELKNAP died March 19, 1884.



BENEDICT,C. C., son of William N., and Huldah A. (GREEN) BENEDICT, was born December 24,1842 in Jerusalem, was educated at the common schools and lived with his fatheron the farm, working also at the wagon making business, until his father�sdeath in 1878.  Hen then built afactory for the manufacture of fruit baskets, in which he has had great success. He also owns a fine fruit farm, which is in fine cultivation. In politics he is Republican.  Thoughnot a member of any church, his family attend and are members of theUniversalist Church at Branchport, NY.  Hisfirst wife was Nancy H. SLINGERTON, of this town, whom he married in February1873.  She died in 1878, leaving onedaughter, Helen I.  He marriedsecond, Samantha J. POTTER, and by this marriage has one child, Ethel, agedseven years.



BISHOP,Robert C., son of John H. and Lydia A. (MC CANN) BISHOP, was born March 19,1847, in this town and was educated at Penn Yan Academy. After finishing his education he taught school throughout this part ofthe State for fourteen terms, but his health failing him he learned thecarpenter�s trade, at which he worked for a few years. He then bought a fruit farm, which he has brought to a fine state ofcultivation.  Mr. BISHOP isindependent in politics.  He waselected justice of the peace in 1885, and served for four years, and alsoelected supervisor for 1892 by the People�s party. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Bluff Point, and hasbeen an active member of the Sunday school



BISHOP,Seth B., son of John H. and Lydia A., (MC CANN) BISHOP, was born February 29.1852,  in this town.  He was educated at the common schools and Penn Yan Academy. After leaving school he learned the carpenter�s and afterward, thewagonmaker�s trade which he still continues at Bluff Point. He was appointed postmaster under President CLEVELAND and served fouryears.  He is now acting as deputy postmaster.  Mr. BISHOP married first, Lorinda WILCOX, of this town, whodied fourteen years later.  Hemarried second, Clara A. GRAHAM.  Inpolitics he is a Democrat.



BOTSFORD,Samuel, son of Elijah and Margaret (SCOTT) BOTSFORD, was born in this town in1809, and was educated at the common schools of that day.  He was a farmer and taught school during the winter months. A Republican in politics, he was prominent in town and county affairs,was supervisor of Jerusalem for four terms, and clerk of Yates County for oneterm.  Mr. BOTSFORD married EstherC., daughter of Levi and Mariah SPANGLER, of this town, and they have fourchildren;  Frank, who married Myrtie(who died June 26, 1890), daughter of Dr. J. C. WIGHTMAN, of Branchport, NY;Walter (deceased); Mary, who married George D. VAIL of this town, and Dr. WadeH. BOTSFORD, who lives in Dresden, NY.  Franknow owns the old homestead and carries on farming and fruit growing. His mother lives with him.



BOYD,Robert Mc Dowell, born in 1811, married Mary H., daughter of Elisha LUTHER in1840 and lived on the Friend�s Tract, lot 44 Guernsey Survey, in Jerusalem. His wife died in 1866, aged forty-five.  Their children were:  Sidney(deceased), Barrett A., Martha, Tompkins W., Charles, Albert, Ellen M., andFred.  Albert Boyd was born April 14, 1854, was educated at thedistrict schools and has been a farmer and fruit grower.  He was in partnership with his father-in-law, under the firmname of Paris & Boyd, in the manufacture of fruit baskets, for severalyears,, but sold out and now devotes his time to farming and fruit raising. He owns a fine farm near Branchport. In politics he is a Republican.  Hemarried Hattie, daughter of David H. PARIS, of Branchport, on May 14, 1879, andtheir children are Mabel, Willie, David, Helen and Mary (twins) and FlorenceIrene.



BROWN,Hon. Everett, son of J. Warren and Rosalia BROWN, was born in Italy, NY, onOctober 19, 1850, but came to Jerusalem with his parents when a child, where heattended school in his early years, going afterward to Penn Yan to attend theacademy.  His occupation has beenthat of a farmer and a fruit grower.  Inpolitics he is Republican, having been very prominent in his town, county andState.  Mr. BROWN was presidentialelector at Albany, NY, in 1888 and was elected representative to the Assembly ofNew York in 1890, and again in 1891.  Heis a member of Milo Lodge, F.A.M. and Minnesetah Lodge, No. 234, L. of P., ofPenn Yan.  December 25, 1870, hemarried Mary E. CAIRNES, of Jerusalem, NY, and their children are Nellie May andRosalia.



BROWN,George H., son of Richard A., and Judith (WEST) BROWN, was born March 3, 1841,and was educated at the common schools and Penn Yan Academy.  Mr. BROWN is a farmer and fruit grower.  He married a daughter of Isaac PALMANTEER, of Steuben County,NY and their children are: Mary J., Addie M., Franklin D., and George H. Jr.  Mr. BROWN is a Democrat in politics.



BROWN,J. Warren, was born in Jerusalem, June 16, 1826, and was educated at the commonschools of that time.  He possessedgreat natural ability and endowments, and these were enriched by learning andyears of experience.  In politics aRepublican, he always too an active interest and part in the affairs of the townand county.  He has held thefollowing offices in this town: Supervisor, town superintendent of schools andschool commissioner of Yates County.  Mr.BROWN was modest and unobtrusive, dignified and courteous in manner and was wellknow throughout the county.  Hemarried Mrs. Rosalia A. PAYNE, July 14, 1850 and they had two sons, Everett, whomarried Mary E., daughter of Charles CAIRNS of this town; and Frank, who marrieda daughter of John H. BISHOP of Jerusalem.



BUSH,Dr. Wynans, was born in Florida, NY, in 1799, a son of William T., and grandsonof Adjutant William BUSH, who served in the Revolutionary army.  Dr. BUSH graduated in the medical college in Barclay street,New York City.  In 1824 he marriedJulia Ann LOOMIS, of Coventry, Conn.  In1825 they removed to Vienna, now Phelps, where Dr. BUSH began practice as aphysician.  In 1832 they removed to Branchport, where he remained until his death, March 14,1889, in his 90th year.  Theirchildren were:  Elliott N., who waskilled at Guntown, Miss., while in command of his regiment; Henry M., who diedat Montgomery, Ala., in February 1889; Irene, wife of Prof. S. W. CLARK, thenoted teacher and author of grammars, living now at Spencerport, NY; Carolinewas married at Brachpoirt to Rev. H. H. JESSUP, D.D., went to Beirut, Syria, anddying on the home voyage in 1863, was buried at Alexandria, Egypt; Ellen, wifeof R. W. HOPKINS, of Prattsburgh, NY; Harlan Page; Frances, wife of Rev. E. H.STRATTON of Branchport, NY; Robert P. and Julia G, the latter being Mrs. S. C.BRADLEY, of Kings Ferry, NY.  Allthe sons of Dr. BUSH were soldiers in the Union army. Harlan P. BUSH was born in 1837, and received his education at thedistrict schools and Cortland Academy.  Inpolitics, he as always been a Republican.  Mr. BUSH has been a teacher for a number of years, was schoolcommissioner from 1881 to 1884 and is also a successful farmer. He was a soldier in the 15th NY Engineers, and was present atthe surrender of Lee.  He married Samantha L. INGRAM*, in 1863, and their childrenare: Fred W., Warner C., Ralph E., Irene, Charlotte L. and Mabel. Robert P. BUSH is a physician of Horseheads, and is now serving hisseventh term as member of Assembly from Chemung. He is Speaker of the House.



CAMPBELL,Thomas W., son of James B., and Nellie (HOUGHTALING) CAMPBELL, was born in thistown, May 22, 1856, and was educated at the common schools and Starkey Seminary,after which he taught school for about six years.  He now owns a large farm in the western part of the town. In politics he is a Republican, and was justice of the peace, and justiceof sessions two terms each, and was elected supervisor at the last election. Mr. CAMPBELL is a contributor to the Penn Yan papers.  In 1882 he married Mary, daughter of Oscar CONLEY, of thistown, and they have one child, Edna, eight years old.



CARVEY,Samuel P. son of William and Elizabeth H. CARVEY, was born in Goshen, OrangeCounty, NY, July 19, 1814.  In 1821he came with his parents to Milo Center, this county, with a team, where theyremained for two years, and then removed to Jerusalem. Samuel P. lived with his father until he reached his majority. He never attended school after twelve years of age. He hired out to one of the neighbors for thirteen dollars a month andafterwards cut cord wood for twenty-five cents per cord. His first purchase of land was made in the town of Italy, for which hepaid five dollars per acre.  Aboutthis time he learned the trade of cooper, working at it for thirteen years,using the timber on his land, which was the only way he had of securing thenecessaries of life at that time.  Byhis energy and perseverance he now owns 517 acres of land, all in good state ofcultivation.  He has always votedwith the Democratic party.  Mr.CARVEY married first, Hannah, daughter of Giles ROBISON, of Springport, NY, andtheir children were Emily j., Charles (deceased), and Lewis. Mrs. CARVEY died March 31, 1848.  Forhis second wife, he married Phear, daughter of Abram YOUNGS, of this town, andhis children by this union are John, Emma, Wilcox, Judson, and Alice.



CASTERLINE,John V., was born in Sussex County, NJ, September 23, 1839, where the firstseven years of his life were passed.  In1846 he came to New York State with his parents, locating in the town of Pultney,Steuben County, where he resided until 1863, when he came to Bluff Point. In the autumn of 1863 he united in marriage with Nancy A. DYKMAN. One child was born to them,, Ida L., who is now the wife of S. H. VROOMAN,of Penn Yan.  After the death of hiswife, Mr. CASTERLINE again wedded, this time to Miss Bertha HAIGHT. Two daughters were the fruit of this union.  After his second bereavement he married Sarah FULKERSON, ofBig Flats.  Three more daughtershave been added to the family circle, Stella B., Susie C., and Nellie S. In the spring of 1891, Mr. CASTERLINE and family united with the FreeBaptist Church at Keuka College.  Heis a most successful fruit grower and now owns a fine fruit farm on the eastbranch of Lake Keuka.  In politicshe is a staunch Democrat.



CHAMPLIN,Elisha, son of Rowland and Mary (INGRAM) CHAMPLIN, was born in this town,October 20, 1843, was educated at the district school and has been a farmer allhis life.  He resides on a portionof the homestead, a fine farm in the western part of this town. Mr. CHAMPLIN has always voted the Democratic ticket. He married Sarah, daughter of William and Melissa (GENUNG) SISSON, of Italy, NY and they have two children, Mary S., who died agedthirteen, and Charles Gardner CHAMPLIN. 

CHAMPLIN,Rowland, son of George W., and Araminta (HENDERSON) CHAMPLIN, was born March 21,1847, and was educated at the common schools. He has been a farmer all his life.  Inpolitics he is a Republican.  Heenlisted in January 1864, in Co. A., 50th NY engineers and wet toWashington D.C., and from there to City Point, Va.. He was mustered out June 13, 1865.  Hemarried Sarah J., daughter of Thomas DINEHART, of Potter, NY, and they have hadthree children, Ella, George (deceased) and Peter CHAMPLIN.



COLE,Erastus, son of Erastus and Lois (DICKSON) COLE, was born April 29, 1820, inthis town, was educated at the common school and has always been a farmer. He married Sarah, daughter of Henry LARZELERE, and had four children,viz.: Mary; Ella, who died in December 1859; George H., and Ward I.  Mr. COLE has a fine fruit and vineyard farm in this town. In politics he is a Republican.  Heand his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Kinney�sCorners, of which he is one of the trustees.


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COMSTOCKFamily.  Achilles, son of SamuelCOMSTOCK, was born in Connecticut in 1757. He was a soldier in the Revolution and one of the Rangers employed in theirregular warfare of the borders, which was fought with thrilling excitements. The Tories and refugees were accustomed to drive away the cows and otherstock, and this property was carefully watched to save it from pillaging bands.  To thwart these bands, led to many daring adventures andnarrow escapes, in which Mr. COMSTOCK was a participant.  After the close of the war, Achilles married Sarah, daughterof Elnathan BOTSFORD, Sr., and they had one son, Israel, and two daughters,Apphia ad Martha.  The family cameto the New Jerusalem in 1767 in company with the BOTSFORD family. They made a purchase in 1799 of 400 acres on the north side of theFriend�s estate in Jerusalem, which was a strip of land two miles long and 100rods wide.  Their title to this landwas involved in the long litigation which commenced in 1811 and ended in 1828,and which caused them much trouble and anxious suspense as well as expenditureof money.  Mr. COMSTOCK was aprominent citizen, and most of the time in the early years from 1803 to 1815,held some office in the town.  Hewas an early adherent of the Methodists and his wife was a member of theFriend�s Society.  He died in1832, aged seventy-five years, a much respected citizen.  His wife died in 1845, aged seventy-nine, an exemplary anddevoted Christian.  Their daughtersbelonged to the sisterhood of the Friend�s Society.  Israel COMSTOCK was born in Warington, Litchfield Co., Conn.,in 1794.  In 1800 he removed withhis father to Jerusalem, and on the same farm were he died, over sixty-fiveyears later.  He distinctlyrecollected his first visit to Penn Yan, which then had but two houses in it,probably in 1798 or 1799.  He formany years held various town offices, the duties of which he discharged withintegrity and fidelity.  He wasalways a liberal and progressive man, and at the time of his death was presidentof the Yates County Historical Society.  Hewas deeply interested in the objects of that organization, and resolutionsexpressive of high respect for his memory were published by the society. Few men were better acquainted with the men who filled a place in theevents which transpired in our early annals, and his many contributions werealways welcomed, as an addition to the history of times now fading fast from theminds of men.  For thirty-four yearshe was a consistent member of the Methodist Church and most of the time anofficial and leading member.  His integrity was the key to his whole character, for itproduced that scrupulous fidelity to his trust and industry in its dischargewhich caused him to be respected and honored by his fellow citizens. He married in 1821, Jane, daughter of Thomas SUTTON, of Jerusalem. She was born in Eversham, Burlington County, NJ, February 25, 1799.  She lived on the farm where they first settled aboutsixty-two years ago and her life covered mostly the entire history of thiscounty, from the time it was an unbroken wilderness. She endured all the hardships and privations incident to a new country,and being possessed of a strong mind and good judgment, she took a deep interestin everything calculated to benefit her family or society in general. She was for sixty-two years, a faithful and consistent member of theMethodist Episcopal Church.  IsraelCOMSTOCK died in January 1866, aged seventy-one years, and Jane, his wife, diedOctober 2, 1884, aged eighty-six years.  Theyhad three children, Botsford A., John J. and Sarah S. Botsford A. COMSTOCK was born on the homestead, November 12, 1823, and iswell know throughout the county.  Heheld the office of justice of the peace in his native town for twenty years. He was justice of sessions in this county in 1885-86. His public career in his native town has been most creditable.  He had confided to him the most delicate duties in thesettlement of estates.  In thesematters of importance his judgment and advice has been much sought and hassecured the highest respect.  Forfifty years he was an active and influential member of the Methodist EpiscopalChurch of Potter, and was steward and leader for thirty-four years. He died September 11, 1886, aged sixty-three years.  John J. COMSTOCK, second son of Israel was born July 30, 1826 and is anhonored and respected citizen, occupying an important position in the town inwhich he lives.  He resides on part of the old homestead. He married Mary E., daughter of Robert MILLER of Pultney, and theirchildren are: Robert J., John A., George P. and Wilbur F. The latter two aremarried.  Sarah S. COMSTOCK lives onher farm in Potter and also occupies part of the homestead farm in Jerusalem.



COMSTOCK,John J., son of Israel and Jane (SUTTON) COMSTOCK, was born July 30, 1826 inJerusalem, NY and  was educated inPenn Yan Academy, and has been a farmer in this town ever since. He has been a Republican ever since the party was organized, and has beencommissioner of highways for three terms and in 1887 was elected justice of thepeace and still holds that office.  Hisfamily are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is one of the oldest members of the Milo Lodge, F. and A.M., at PennYan, NY.  He married Mary Elizabeth,daughter of Robert and Susan (WAGNER) MILLER of Pultney, NY.  Their children are: Robert I., born March 15, 1855; John A.born March 26, 1858; George B., born March 26, 1862; and Wilber F., bornNovember 21, 1863.



COREY,Leman, son of Christopher and Abigail (WASHBURNO COREY, was born in Italy, NY,August 10, 1831, and after the common schools received his education at AnnArbor, Mich.  After leaving collegehe returned to the farm, where he has been very successful, both in Italy andJerusalem.  In 1877 he purchasedwhat is know as the SQUIER farm, on the boundary line between Italy andJerusalem, which was owned by his wife�s father, Nathaniel, SQUIER. Mr. COREY married, September 3, 1856, Hannah, daughter of Nathaniel andPhebe (WELLS) SQUIER, of Jerusalem, NY, and their children are: Harriet D.,Olivia, who married Dr. John Arden CONLEY, of Middlesex, NY; Carrie P., andCharles H.S. COREY.  In politics Mr. COREY is a Democrat.



CULVER,Franklin, son of William and Phebe (SWIFT) CULVER, was born April 12, 1816 inLedyard, Cayuga County, NY, was educated at the common schools of that time andcame with his parents to this town in 1836, and has been a farmer all his life. In politics a Democrat, he has been commissioner of highways one term,and assessor of this town four years.  Hemarried Harriet, daughter of Capt. John PHELPS, of Bradford, Steuben County, NY,and they had ten children: Angeline and Mary Jane (deceased); John, who marriedMary CUMMINGS; Amanda M., who married Hiram COLE; Julia, who married BenjaminEGGLESTON; Frank, Harriet and William (deceased); Fed, and Vincent, who married Carrie RACE.  Firstwife died in 1868; married Almeda HEWITT, widow of Lucius HEWITT in 1871.



DAVIS,Edgar E., son of Joseph and Rachel (CORWIN) DAVIS, was born April 12, 1839. He has three brothers: Miles A., who lives at Havana, NY; Melvin J., andGeorge D., who lives in this town.  Edgarwas educated at the district schools, learned the carpenter�s trade, butafterwards went to farming and has been a farmer ever since. In politics Mr. DAVIS is a Republican, and he has been assessor ofJerusalem for three years.  Hemarried Frances L., daughter of Cyrus SHERWOOD, of this town, and their childrenare: Florence L., Clarence C. N., John Clinton, and Harriet Jane, all of whomare living. 



DAVIS,Watkin, is a descendant from Thomas and Eleanor DAVIS; they were born in Walesand came to America in 1800.  Theysettled at Newport, Herkimer County, NY, with their family of three sons and twodaughters.  Thomas, the father ofour subject, came to Benton, Yates County, NY in 1814.  He married Irene PERRY, a widow born in 1774, whose maidenname was WATKINS and who was also a native of Wales.  They settled on a farm abut one mile west of Penn Yan, wherethey were original settlers.  Theirchildren were Hannah, James T., Stephen N., Mary J., Watkin and Eleanor. Watkin DAVIS was born March 31, 1819 and was educated at the commonschools of that time and was brought up on the farm and has been a successfulfarmer in the town of Jerusalem.  Healso owns a fine orange grove in Deleon springs, Volusia County, Florida, wherehe spends the winter months.  He hasbeen a breeder of short-horn Durham cattle. In politics he has always been anardent supporter of the Republican party and has been supervisor of Jerusalemtwo terms and justice of the peace for about twelve years. He and his family are members of the Baptist Church of Penn Yan, NY. Mr.DAVIS married for his first wife, Emeline BEARD, February 10, 1847, and they hadthree children, Ida, born December 27, 1837, married Clark C. DILDINE ofHammondspoirt, NY; James Watkin, born May 23, 1862; John Stephen, born March 14, 1864, married Lavina P., daughter of JohnPOWELL of Rock Island County, Ills., and they have one son, Watkin Powell DAVIS;Emeline, died March 20, 1885.  Mr.DAVIS married for the second time, Mary E., widow of Major BIERS, of this town,April 6, 1887.



DEAN,Albert E., son of Benjamin, who married for his first wife. Eliza RANDOLPH; theyhad four children: Sarah M., Elizabeth, Jeptha, and Mary J. and for his secondwife, he married Fannie MARRINER, of Benton, NY, and they had four children:Amanda M., William M., Albert E. and Persis. Albert E. was born January 30, 1844, in Torrey, NY. He was educated at the common schools and at Penn Yan Academy. After leaving school he went to work on a farm in Livingston County, NYand remained there until he enlisted in the service of his country, December1862.  He entered Co. I., 148thRegiment, and was in the Army of the Potomac. He was at the battles of Fortress Monroe, Drury�s Bluff, Cold Harbor,Petersburg, and was at Richmond at the time of General Lee�s surrender. He was mustered out in 1865 at the close of the war. Returning to this town he purchased a farm which he has greatly improved.  He is a Republican in politics. Mr. DEAN married Sarah Jane, daughter of Davis BERGSTRESSER, of Potter,NY, and they have three children: Nora J., Clarhes and Lizzie, all living.



DEAN,Julius Z., son of Alexander and Lois (GRISWOLD) DEAN, was born in Italy, NY,July 9, 1831, and was the eldest of the children of whom the others were: EzraV., Sarah M., Abraham V. (deceased); Dianthum M., Elizabeth and Loie A. Julius was educated at the common schools. He has been a farmer all his life, and in politics is a Republican. He and his family are members of the M. E. Church of Branchport, NYL. Mr. DEAN married Harriet, daughter of Chester TINNEY, of this town,January 1, 1855.  Their children are Alice Alida, who married James CORWIN;Carrie E., who married Edwin SQUIER; and Minnie M., who lives with her parents.



ENOS,John A., (b. 1807) is a descendant on the maternal side of Abiel CARPENTER, whoserved in the Revolutionary War and was at the battle of Bunker Hill; on thepaternal side, of Alexander ENOS, of Connecticut. He is the son of Newton and Mercy ENOS, and was born in Canton, NY. At an early day they settled at Hoosick Falls, NY, remaining there a fewyears, then removed to Whitestown, NY.  Theyhad eight sons and three daughters, John A., being the eldest child. He lived with his father until eighteen years of age, then went as anapprentice to a tanner and currier at Marcellus, NY. While he was there General LA FAYETTE and his son came to that place andyoung Enos shook hands with the distinguished guests.  From there, Mr. ENOS came to Jerusalem, NY, and bought a farmon which he still lives.  He hasbeen a very successful farmer.  Inpolitics he is a Democrat.  Hemarried first, Mary Ann, daughter of Hull SHEPPARD of Skaneateles, NY, who diedin 1880.  They had two sons, IsaacNewton, who died when six years old, and George A., who died in 1880, agedforty-eight years.  For his secondwife, Mr. ENOS married Mariah, daughter of Albert COWEN of this town.


FINNIGAN,John, son of Barney and Ann (FARREL) FINNIGAN, was born in Pultney, NY, waseducated at the common schools and lived on the farm until the war, when heenlisted in Co. I, 34th NY Regt. In April 1861. He was in the Army of the Potomac under Gen. Mc CLELLAN and was in thebattles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, where he was wounded in the left arm, FairOakes and Savage Station.  He wasmustered out of the service in 1863.  Afterhis term expired he went to Salamanca, NY, and engaged in the lumber business,remaining there two years.  He thencame to this town and opened a blacksmith shop at Kinney�s Corners, but soonafter engaged in farming and fruit raising in this town, in which he has beensuccessful.  Mr. FINNIGAN waselected supervisor for one term, and is the present overseer of highways in thisplace.  He married Rebecca, daughterof John C. FITZWATER, of this town, and they have two children, Ella and Carrie. In politics Mr. FINNIGAN is a Democrat.



GELDER,John, a native of Yorkshire, England, came to Geneva, NY, about 1835. He resided there five years, then settled in Jerusalem, where he liveduntil his death in 1881.  Of his six children four survive: John Jr., was born in 1838and married Elizabeth, daughter of Benona PEARCE, by whom he had four children,two of whom are living, Jennie E. and Edwin B. Mr. GELDER has a farm of 140 acres and a grape vineyard of twenty acres. He has served as assessor one year. Mr. GELDER owns the farm where his father settled over fifty years ago.

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HAIRE,Robert, was one of the early setters of the town of Starkey, Yates County, andmade the first clearing on the farm where he settled. He was the father of ten children; one son, Ezra, born in 1812, was anative of that town.  He marriedEliza A. TOMER, of Pultney, and moved to a farm in Jerusalem, where he died. They had four children, two of whom survive, Elwyn and Mary, wife of E.G.CLARK.  Ezra died in 1874 and hiswife in 1858.  Elwyn HAIRE was bornJuly 31, 1846, and married Malinda CHASE, of this town, by whom he had fourchildren, Walter L., Ann Eliza, Jennie R., and Vernon W. Elwyn and wife are members of the M. E. Church at Branchport, of whichchurch Mr. HAIRE is steward, having served in that capacity since 1874. 


HARRIS,James K, son of John and Abigail (BROWN) HARRIS, the youngest of elevenchildren, was born December 8, 1845, in this town, was educated in the districtschools of Jerusalem and has been a farmer all his life. In politics he is an Independent.  Hemarried Mary, daughter of Moses and Honor HARTWELL, of this town, and they liveon the HARTWELL homestead in the northern part of the town, and have twochildren, Grace E., and Charles E., both living.


HAYES,George G., son of Cephas and Hezekiah (EDSON) HAYES, was born December 25, 1819in Prattsburgh, NY.  His educationwas at the common schools.  At theage of twenty he began farming and lumbering at Prattsburgh. After a few yearshe removed to Geneva, NY, but remained there only a year, returning to hisnative town where he remained four years, and from there he removed to Italy,NY, and bought a farm of 500 acres and brought the greater part of it tocultivation.  In 1871 he removed toJerusalem, near Penn Yan and bought a small fruit farm, where he is enjoying hislater days in retirement.  Inpolitics Mr. HAYES is a Republican.  Hisfirst wife was Lucinda BURKE, who lived about four years. He married second, Eleanor ROBSON, who died aged sixty-one years. By this union there were three sons, Warren H., a successful architect,residing in Minneapolis, Minn.; Charles, died aged sixteen and George R., wholives in York, Pa.   For histhird wife, Mr. HAYES married Jennie, daughter of Thomas GELDER, of Italy, NY,and they have two children, Bertha Salena and Guy G. HAYES.


HECK,George W., son of George and Margaret (HOFFSTATER) HECK, was born December 28,1839 in this town.  He was educatedat the common schools and worked on the farm until the outbreak of the war, whenhe enlisted March 10, 1864, in Co. F., 179th NY Vols. He was in the Army of the Potomac under Gen. BURNSIDE�S command, andparticipated in the engagement at Petersburgh, at the mine explosion, Reams�sStation, Popular Spring Grove and Hatcher�s Run.   He was mustered out on June 8, 1865, at Alexandria, Va. He is a member of the G.A.R. post at Penn Yan, NY. He is now owner of a fine fruit farm on Bluff Point. He has always been a Republican in politics and has been assessor of thistown for a number of years, holding this office at the present time. He married Rosalinda, daughter of John SHEPPARD, of this town, and theyhave one child, Nellie G. 



HOBART,George W., son of Walter P. and Rachel (CLARK) HOBART, was born April 13, 1844,in Potter, NY. And was educated at the common schools and enlisted at Penn Yan,August 30, 1862 in the 44th Regt. NY Infantry. He participated in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville,Rappahoannock Station, Mine Run, Gettysburg, the Wilderness and Laurel Hill. At the latter place he was wounded in the head and hip joint on May 8,1864 and was also wounded in the thigh at Gettysburg, Pa, on July 2, 1863. Mr. HOBART had been supervisor of this town for one term, and for twoterms has been commander of Post 93, G.A.R. at Penn Yan, NY. He married October 4, 1869, Sarah Adelaide, daughter of James T. DAVIS,and their children are Mary Lucile, Grace Aneata, Castella Nette, and Julia. Mr. HOBART is a Republican in politics and both he and his family aremembers of the M. E. Church of Yatesville, NY. He is one of the successful farmers of Jerusalem.



HURD,William T., son of Aaron and Lucy (THOMAS) HURD, was born in Reading, NY,December 13, 1835.  He was educatedat the common schools and Dundee Academy.  Afterleaving school he came to Jerusalem and remained a short time. He then went to Watkins, NY, and erected a planing-mill and box factory,remaining about three years.  Mr.HURD then returned to this town and purchased a farm of 130 acres in the westernpart of the town.  This he convertedinto a model farm.  In politics Mr.HURD is Republican, and has always taken an active part in the affairs of hisadopted town, having been supervisor of Jerusalem in the years 1875-76 and 1882. Mr. HURD is a self made man, and one of sterling integrity. He and his family are members of the M. E. Church of Branchport.  He married Phebe, daughter of William P. and Betsey A.(TOWNSEND) HIBBARD, a native of this town. Their children were Fred H., who died aged four years; Herbert, who diedaged two years; Schuyler H., Gertrude P., William P. and Hattie L. HURD. The last four are living with their parents.


KINYOUN,Benjamin, son of Elisha and Charlotte (KNICKERBOCKER) KINYOUN, was born February10, 1822, in Pine Plains, Dutchess County, NY. He came to this town in 1842 and settled on Bluff Point, where he hasbeen a successful farmer and fruit grower. He owns 210 acres of highly cultivated land.  In politics he is a Republican. He married Lucy H., daughter of John and Lucy (STANLEY) MANGAS, who wasborn in Lenawee County, Mich., July 28, 1830. Their children were: Charles B., Mary E., who died aged twenty-four;Eugene E., Homer L., Eva, who died aged four; Leroy M., Edward F. and JohnDorsey.


LARZELERE,William B., son of Henry and Rebecca (DURHAM) LARZELERE, was born January 27,1831 in Jerusalem, NY.  He waseducated at the common schools and lives with his father until he was twenty-onyears of age, when he went to Wisconsin.  Afterreturning to his native State, he enlisted in Co., F., 179th NYRegt., which went into the Virginia campaign, and was under command of GeneralBURNSIDE.  His company was in thefront at the siege of Petersburg, and after three days fighting and the mineexplosion, which occurred July 30, 1864, there were but nine men left of thiscompany, which a few months before had mustered eighty-three men. Mr. LARZELERE was at the battles of Cold Harbor, Reams Station, Va,Poplar Spring Grove, Hatcher�s Run, the final taking of Petersburg, and thesurrender of Lee�s army near Appomattox. He was mustered out June 8, 1865 at Alexandria, Va. Returning to Ontario County, NY, he then bought a farm, where he remainedten years.  Selling his farm, heremoved to Kansas, but meeting with misfortune, he woo returned to his nativeState and in 1879 came to Jerusalem again, purchasing a vineyard farm ofthirty-two acres.  Mr. LARZELEREmarried Sarah A., daughter of Robert P. and Frances (BELKNAPP) SHEPPARD, ofItaly, NY and their children are Helen M, Florence A. (deceased), Herman G. andHerbert L. (twins), who now reside in Rochester, NY; and Adelia May.


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Samantha's maiden name was INGRAHAM (See Bush)  Shiela S. Peel           Also see FamilyTrees