Town of Italy Family Sketches
Yates Co., New York
From the "History of Yates Co., NY", byL.C. Aldrich,published 1892
FamilySketches for Town of Italy
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CLARK, HarveyM., son of Joel M. and Lucelia (FOSGATE) CLARK, was born June 8, 1850, in thistown and was educated at the district schools. He learned the cabinet-maker�s trade and carried on that business forabout twelve years, and followed the carpenter�s trade several years, sincewhich time he has been a farmer. Mr.CLARK has been prominent in the affairs of this town, has served as town clerkfor three years, and supervisor for two terms. In politics he is a staunch Republican. He married Hattie R., daughter of Albert DURHAM, of Jerusalem, NY andthey have three children: Mary A. Cora E. and Ward L. CLARK.
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FOX, James, wasborn in Vermont and married Jane DEAN and settled in this town in 1813. He was the first militia captain in the town, and was always known asCaptain FOX. He as a schoolt4eacher, and held various town offices. Hedied in 1868, aged eighty-two. Hiswife died in 1852. They had ninesons, Thomas J., James L., Amos D., William H., Ira S., Lewis M., Alden D.,Charles H., Jeremiah F. and Elmer. Mr.FOX was educated at the district schools commenced life as a school teacher,taught thirteen terms; attended school at Franklin Academy two terms, and twoterms, and two terms at other graded schools. He has been a farmer all his life. Inpolitics he is a Republican, and has taken an active interest in the affairs ofhis town and county. He has heldmany offices in his town, including that of town clerk for a number of years,town superintendent of schools for two terms, county clerk one term (1868-70),supervisor nine terms and has held by appointment the office of postmaster for anumber of years. He was alsoenrolling officer through the late war.
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KENNEDY, David,son of John and Jane (CARSON) Kennedy, was born October 12, 1839, at Guelph,Canada, and came with his parents to this town in 1841. He was educated at the common schools and has been a farmer all his life. In politics he is a Democrat. Mr. KENNEDY has always taken an active interest in the affairs of thetown, and has been supervisor two terms. Heenlisted September 2, 1864 in co. C., 188th Regiment, NY Infantry,and was in the battles of Hatcher�s Run, Five Forks, Petersburg, Va and was atAppomattox at the time of General Lee�s surrender. He was mustered out July 1, 1865. Hemarried Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander MC MICHAEL, of Prattsburg, NY. They have six children, viz.: George M., Jennie Grace, Mary B., JessieA., Arthur and Walter, all living. Mr.KENNEDY is one of the loan commissioners of the county.
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KENNEDY, WilliamA., son of John and Jane (CARSON) KENNEDY, was born in Italy, NY, April 2, 1851. He was educated at the common schools of this town and Scottsville, NY. Mr. KENNEDY has been a manufacturer nearly ever since he left school, andhe is carrying on at the present time the manufacture of fruit baskets at ItalyHill, under the firm name of Kennedy & Pulver, and they also do custommilling business at the same place. Inpolitics, Mr. KENNEDY is a Prohibitionists, and is a member of Royal Templars ofTemperance. He and his family aremembers of the M.E. Church of this place. Hemarried Ella, daughter of Jerome and Mary (NEFF) DOUBLEDAY, of Starkey, NY,November 7, 1872, and by this union there are two children, Jerome D. andLivonia A. KENNEDY.
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PRESTON, Georgel., was born at Canisteo, Steuben County, NY, April 18, 1861. He was the only son of Elisha W. and Martha J. PRESTON, who still residesat Canisteo. He received his earlytraining from the district schools and Canisteo academy, and began the study ofmedicine in 1879, attending college in buffalo during the winter of 1880-81, andcompleting his study at the Eclectic Medical College of the city of New York,where he graduated in the spring of 1882. Hecommenced the practice of his profession at West Almond, remaining there but afew months, when he came to Italy in November 1882, where he has since residedwith the exception of the winter of 1885-86, which was spent at the PostGraduate Medical School of New York. Hemarried Carrie A., daughter of Daniel and Rosina JAMISON, March 7, 1888. Mrs. PRESTON was born at Canisteo, on June 15, 1862, and received hereducation in the Canisteo Academy. Theyhave one son, J. Louis PRESTON, born February 5, 1889. Mr. PRESTON�s political views have always been Republican, and he washonored by his party with the office of coroner November 3, 1891.
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PULVER, George,son of Peter and Lavina (CONKLIN) PULVER, was born July 2, 1826, in Jerusalem. He was educated at the common schools and has been a successful farmer. In politics he is a Prohibitionist. He and his family are members of the M. E. Church at Italy Hill, and heis also trustee of the same church. Mr.PULVER married first, Eliza E., daughter of William CROSBY, of Benton, NY, bywhom he had two children, Frank and Crosby, both deceased. Mrs. PULVER died in 1862, and he married second, Nancy, daughter ofWilliam GRISWOLD, of this town, and they have six children: Willard W., MorrisE., John M., Peter D., Alice M. and Cornelia, all living.
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ROBSON, A. Flag,was born in Italy, NY, February 8, 1857. Hisfather, Thomas S. ROBSON, was born in Italy, NY, February 2, 1812, where helived until his death, November 13, 1878; his father Andrew ROBSON, being one ofthe earliest settlers in town. ThomasS., married Abigail P. HODGE, who was born February 9, 1818, and died April 11,1881. A. Flag ROBSON was educatedin the public schools and at Eastman�s National Business College atPoughkeepsie, NY, where he graduated in the spring of 1874. He was town clerk several years prior to 1885, and supervisor of the townof Italy during the years 1885 and 1886, and has been postmaster at the Italypost office continuously since February 13, 1879, to the present, (January1892). Mr. ROBSON married November22, 1881, Mary P. NEGUS, daughter of Rev. C. R. and Mary A. NEGUS, who was bornat Taberg, Oneida County, NY, January 1, 1858. He has been in the mercantile business at Italy, NY since 1874. In politics Mr. ROBSON is a Republican.
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WHITE, Josiah,was born in Saratoga County, NY in 1810 and came to Branchport in 1835, engagedin lumbering on what is known as the Beddoe tract, and later moved to the westpart of Jerusalem, where he now resides. Mr.WHITE has held many offices of public trust, among them being town supervisor. He married Miss Sally LOOMIS in 1837, and they had two sons, of whomEzra, who resides in Poughkeepsie, NY, was president of Eastman�s college formany years. He also had many cityoffices. Ransom resides in SanFrancisco, Cal., and is interested in the insurance business. After the death of his first wife, Mr. WHITE married in 1851, MissElizabeth LOOMIS, by whom he had two children, Otto L. and Jennie. Otto L. resides on the farm; Jennie married George MC KAY and resides inJerusalem on the place known as the Loomis farm.
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