Town of Barrington Family Sketches
Yates Co., New York
From the "History of Yates Co., NY", byL.C. Aldrich,published 1892
FamilySketches for Town of Barrington
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JANYE, GeorgeM., a prominent farmer and fruit grower of Barrington, is a native of this town,born March 22, 1818 and a son of Nathan and Margaret (MARRIAN) JAYNE, bothnatives of Sussex County, NJ, the father having been born in 1792 and the motherin 1795. Nathan was reared on a farm and when a boy came with hisparents to New York, where he died; his wife is still living on the homestead atthe age of 97 years. George M. wasthe second in a family of ten children. Hemarried, February 3, 1846, Hester M. WOODRUFF, a native of this county bornMarch 30, 1824. By this union fourchildren have been born, one surviving, Frank B. Mr. JAYNE owns a farm on the lake consisting of 135 acreswith 27 acres of grape vineyard. GeorgeM. JAYNE died October 7, 1891.
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A noted pioneer was John LAWRENCE, whose name has long been honored in the land, and whose family is still well represented in Milo. He was a Quaker from New Bedford, CT, where he became interested in the preaching and doctrine of the Friend. His wife, Anna HATHAWAY, was a relative of Thomas HATHAWAY, the pioneer Friend. John LAWRENCE himself was a relative of Commodore James LAWRENCE, who distinguished himself so nobly in the naval annals of the American Revolution. A ship builder in easy circumstances, it must have been a strong motive that led him so far into the wilderness with a young family. After coming here they remained on good terms with the Friend and her Society, but did not identify themselves fully therewith, in later years becoming indeed quite lukewarm in that regard. John LAWRENCE however, always wore the garb and spoke the speech of the Quakers. He bought for 40 cents an acre, lot 3 in township 7 of the first range, and on the 3rd day of July, 1789, they erected their tent thereon, and made their home on the place now owned by Harvey S. EASTON, formerly the farm of James LAWRENCE. A part of the same lot is still owned by Melatiah H. LAWRENCE, the grandson of the old pioneer, who resides on it. The family lived 6 weeks in their tent, and then moved into a log house.
With the sober, simple and economical habits of his sect, coupled with industry and enterprise, he soon became a thrifty and even a wealthy citizen and large landowner. He started a store at an early day, perhaps the first in the county, a short distance northeast of his residence, in a log building. He built what was long known as the Lawrence Mill on lot 16, the second or third mill on Keuka Lake outlet. The same structure has been employed as a distillery for several years. The house standing near it was erected by John LAWRENCE, and he lived there a number of years, keeping his store in a part the building. Afterwards he built a frame house on the present site of Henry F. HOWE’S fine mansion, on lot 15, where the log store had stood. The mill proved a lucrative property, and when a rival mill was constructed a short distance above, he bought it at the extravagant price of $12,000, to avoid a dreaded competition. An attempt was made to turn the rival property into a cotton factory, with quite poor success. John LAWRENCE was a man of solid character and commanding presence. His manners were somewhat staid, with an air of austerity, but his impulses were kind and benevolent. His wife, who was an excellent pioneer mother, died in 1830, at the age of 75 years. He survived her 3 years, and died at the age of 80 years; residing in his later years with his daughter, Mrs. Anna KENDIG. Their children were Melatiah, Mary, Samuel, Reliance, Anna, Olive, John, Sabra and Silas.
Melatiah, born in 1774, had the advantages of a fair New England education, became a very important aid to his father in his extensive business, and a good businessman on his own account. He married in 1811, Mary ALFORD, widow of Jesse ALFORD, who settled on the farm now owned by Mrs. Stephen H. CLEVELAND, on lot 30 in 1807, and died there in 1810, leaving a daughter, Rebecca. After his marriage, Mr. LAWRENCE lived where the residence of Morris BROWN now stands, on Main street in Penn Yan. There he died in 1824, at the age of 50 years. Their children were, Melatiah H., Judith A., James and Sabra. The family were left the owners of lot 32 in Milo, embracing the most of Penn Yan east of Jacob’s Brook. Some little encumbrance deprived them of part of it, and some is still owned by the daughters. The mother is still living, at the age of 82 years.
Melatiah H. LAWRENCE, born in 1812, married Margaret H., daughter of Isaac BOGART of Dresden and settled on the homestead of his grandfather, where he still resides, an enterprising farmer. His wife died in 1864, at the age of 48 years, leaving four (?) children, Maria, Malatiah H., John B., Margaret V. and James D. Melatiah H. LAWRENCE is a prominent and influential citizen; was a member of Assembly in 1850 and of the Constitutional Convention of 1867. He was the Democratic candidate for Senator in 1851 and 1853, on both occasions receiving much more than his party vote in Yates County and was only defeated by a factional defection of his own party in Tompkins County. He was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1856 and again in 1864. His daughter, Maria, married James C. WOOD, a lawyer of Jackson, Michigan. Melatiah H. LAWRENCE Jr., born in 1840, entered the army in 1862, as Second Lieutenant, of Co. B., 126th Regiment, NYV. He shared in all the glories and disasters of that regiment, ws severely wounded in the leg at Gettysburg. He is now in the service of the government in the Treasury Department at Washington. John B. is a student at Cornell University.
Judith A. LAWRENCE born in 1815, is the wife of Darius A. OGDEN.
James LAWRENCE, born in 1817, married Mary, daughter of John ARMSTRONG of Milo. They settled on a portion of the John LAWRENCE homestead, where she died in 1858 and he in 1859. Their children were Mary, Alice and Sabra. Mary is the wife of Marsden HENDERSON of Milo. They have two children, Ella and Charles. Alice is the wife of James THAYER of Milo and Sabra resides in the family of her grandfather, John ARMSTRONG, unmarried.
Sabra, daughter of Melatiah LAWRENCE born in 1820, is the wife of Oliver STARK of Penn Yan.
Rebecca ALFORD, half sister to the children of Melatiah LAWRENCE born in 1808, married William L. WAY of Milo.
Samuel LAWRENCE was a leading citizen in the early history of the county and a man of force of character. He was one of the early Supervisors, was a member of the Assembly in 1818, and was appointed Sheriff of Ontario County by Gov. DeWitt CLINTON in 1821, which office he held when Yates county was erected. He married first, Anna, daughter of Widow Susannah CLANFORD of the Friend’s Society. She died early, leaving a daughter, Mary, now the wife of John SQUIER of Grand Rapids, Mich., formerly of Penn Yan. He married a second wife, Polly KIDDER, widow, of Benton. They resided near Penn Yan, where both died. Their children were DeWitt C., Samuel, Ann and Laura. DeWitt C. married Caroline, daughter of Dr. Anthony GAGE. They reside at Washington and have a daughter, Virginia. Samuel married W. Anna CLUTE of Schenectady. He died at Washington, leaving his widow and several children. Ann married John THOMAS and both died at Lansing, Michigan, leaving several children. Larua married Daniel D. VAN ALLEN of Penn Yan. He died on a journey overland to California, his widow resides near San Francisco, with three daughters, Calista, Helen and Augusta.
Mary LAWRENCE married James STOKES of Maryland. He died leaving seven children, Ann, Mary, James, John L., Olive, Elizabeth and Clement. The widow and children returned from Maryland, and finally moved West. Ann married William GRIFFIN and Mary married Asa A. NORTON and both moved to Goshen, Indiana. James married a Miss WEST of Milo and was a shipbuilder at Sandusky, Ohio.
Reliance LAWRENCE was the wife of Joshua WAY.
Anna LAWRENCE married first, Henry TOWNSEND and after his death, Martin KENDIG. They had two children, Martin H. N. and Henry L.
Olive LAWRENCE was the wife of Joel DORMAN.
John LAWRENCE Jr. married Hannah CORWELL in 1817. They lived near the Lawrence Mill and he died in 1833 at the age of 37 years and she in 1860 at the age of 70 years. Their children were, Charles F., Adaline and Ormond. Adaline married Stephen DORMAN. Ormond died unmarried in 1860, at the age of 36 years, leaving a goodly estate. He was a man of good business capacity and had many friends.
Sabra, daughter of John LAWRENCE Sr., was the wife of Abraham TOWNSEND, brother of Henry TOWNSEND.
Silas LAWRENCE married Caroline, daughter of John CORNWELL. They settled on the old John LAWRENCE homestead, where Henry F. HOWE now resides. Their children were Anna, Henry, Elizabeth, Silas and Sabra. Anna married Nathan T. MADDEN. She died in New York leaving three children. He now resides in Hoboken, NJ. Henry married Sarah MACK of Geneva, moved to California and was there employed in the U.S. Mint at San Francisco. They had five children. Elizabeth married Valentine REIMANN, a worthy tradesman and good citizen. They reside at Greenwood, Steuben county. Silas LAWRENCE Jr., married Miss BRIGGS and resides in Milo. Sabra married George LUDLOW of Milo. They reside in Penn Yan and have one child, Lydia.
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LEWIS, Dennis,born in Yates County, NY, February 11, 1841, is a son of Merrit C. and Sarah (COYKENDALL)LEWIS; his father came with his parents in 1820 and settled on a farm inStarkey, where he lived until his death in 1883. His widow resides in Reading, aged 83 years. Dennis, the youngest of a family of five children, has followed farming. He married in 1867, Amelia COYKENDALL, by whom he had one son, Firman,born in 1872. Mr. LEWIS enlisted inthe late war in 1862, in Co. I, 148th Infantry, under Capt. M. S.HICKS, and served on the Union side until the close of the war. He was in eighteen regular battles, and is a number of skirmishes. Mr. LEWIS is the owner of a farm of ninety-three acres in Barrington.
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LOOMIS, Morris,born April 22, 1831, is a son of Gideon and Lydia (BARNES) LOOMIS, and grandsonof Thomas LOOMIS, who settled in this county in 1814. The father of Morris was born in Hillsdale, this State, February 20,1800. A farmer by occupation, he married in 1820 Lydia BARNES, andthey had eight children, six sons and two daughters, four surviving. The father died in 1854, and the mother in 1848. They were members of the Baptist Church. Morris LOOMIS was reared on a farm in Barrington. He married July 16, 1854, Candice, daughter of Samuel VANCE, a pioneersettler of Yates County. Ninechildren have been born of this union, seven sons and two daughters, six of whomsurvive, viz.: Samuel, Dorcilla, wife of B.S. PULNER; Melvin, Marilla, wife ofS. B. MILLER; Huldah and Luella. Mr.LOOMIS was assessor of Barrington one term, served as overseer of the poor twoterms. He has a farm of 132 acres and is a member of the Farmers’Alliance.
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LORD, BenjaminM., eldest son of Ebenezer and Mary LORD, was born in Ballston, NY, in 1801 andcame with his parents to Barrington in 1825, where he engaged in teaching andfarming. In 1827 he marriedElizabeth FLEMING, a native of New Jersey, by whom he had six children: Rachel,who married Horace KENYON; Mary, wife of Albert OVENSHIRE; Elizabeth, widow ofTheron WHEELER (all of Barrington); Kate, wife of Emmett SHEPARD of SaratogaCounty, died in 1859; Charles B., died in Starkey in 1891; and George P. residesin Dundee. Benjamin M. LORD died in1858 and his wife in 1873.
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LORD, Ebenezer,wife and eight children, removed to Barrington from Saratoga County about 1825,where he purchased a large farm and settled his children about him. For many years he and his sons were actively identified with thedevelopment and improvement of the town, but removals and death have wroughttheir changes until not one of the name remains in the place.
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LOSEY, Henry S.,is a farmer of Starkey and a native of New Jersey, was born April 16, 1835. He is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (SMITH) LOSEY, farmers and bothnatives of New Jersey, from which state, Mr. LOSEY came with his parents to NewYork, when a small boy. Bothparents are now deceased. Henry the third son of family of seven children, four of whom are surviving. He married, March 14, 1853, Sarah J. Putman, a native of NewJersey, born April 4, 1835. By thatmarriage three children were born, viz.: Charles W., Amelia, wife of Elie W.PARKER , and Edward. Mr. LOSEY’swife died October 14, 1873, and he married second, Miss Lois E. PRICE, ofSchuyler County, October 22, 1881, born March 8, 1848. Mr. LOSEY served one term as assessor of Starkey, in 1877 as overseer ofthe poor, and three years as commissioner. He has a farm of eighty-three acres located four miles southwest ofDundee.
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MC INTIRE,Archibald, a farmer of Barrington, and native of Yates County, was born July 21,1831, a son of Archibald and Esther (THOMPSON) MC INTIRE, who was both born inColumbia County, NY and were the parents of seven children, two of whom survive,our subject and a sister, Mrs. Esther FREEMAN. The father was a farmer and moved from Columbia County to Yates County in1816, where he lived until his death in 1859. The mother died in 1863. Mr.MC INTIRE was reared on a farm, and was married in 1866 to Satie BAIN. Three children have been born to them, Bell, John L., and Sarah A.. Mr. MC INTIRE owns a farm consisting of 110 acres, with six acres ofgrape vineyard.
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MEEKS, JosephD., a farmer of Barrington, was born in Tompkins County, February 4, 1841, andis a son of Elias and Elizabeth (WAKEMAN) MEEKS (natives of Tompkins and SteubenCounties), and of their four children, two are now living, Abigail and Joseph. The father was a farmer and was overseer of the poor inBarrington for one term. His wifedied in 1844 and he married second, Mary BASSETT, by whom he had three children,Neoma, Martha, and Viola. Theyreside in Barrington. Joseph D.MEEKS married in 1863, Levica, daughter of Samuel and Mehetibel WILLIAMS, andthey have six children, viz.: Elmer, Hattie, wife of Myron CLARK; Laura, wife ofCharles ALLEN; Frank; Anna and Gracie. Mr.MEEKS came with his parents from Tompkins County to Yates County in 1856. He has been tax collector of Barrington four terms. He owns a farm of 96 acres, with ten acres of vineyard land. Will ship fifteen tons of grapes this year. Both he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church.
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MILLER, John B.,a prominent farmer of Barrington, is a native of Yates County, and was born May3, 1821, a son of Daniel (born in Seneca County, NY) MILLER, who were theparents of nine children, four of whom are now living. Daniel MILLER learned the carpenter’s trade, which he followed in theearly part of his life. He movedfrom Seneca County to Yates County in 1817, and turned his attention to farming,which he followed until his death in 1871. His wife died in 1876. Bothwere members of the Baptist Church. JohnB., was educated in the district schools of Barrington, and married in 1850 toCynthia, daughter of Gilbert BAKER, by whom he had seven children, sixsurviving, viz.: Ida, wife of Dr. HORTON; Byron E.; Willie L.; Minnie M., wifeof Dr. COTTRELL; Elmer S. and Glenn W. Heowns two farms in Barrington, one of 150 acres and one of 180 acres, and livestwo miles west of Dundee. Mr.MILLER was town assessor for three terms.
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POWLISON,Newton, of Barrington, a native of Troy, Pa., was born June 7, 1842, a son ofEdward and Pluma (MERRITT) POWLISON, the former of New Jersey, the latter ofPennsylvania. Edward POWLISON was awagon-maker by trade. He was married in Pa. And had one son, Newton. He moved from Pa. To New York in 1851 and settled in Dundee, where heworked at his trade until his death in 1863. His widow still survives him and is living with her son. Newton POWLISON married in 1862, Franklin COONS, born in June 1844. He owns a farm of 96 acres at Barrington, and both he and his wife aremembers of the Baptist Church.
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RAPALEE, Daniel,a farmer of Barrington, was born there March 25, 1843, and is a son of Joshuaand Elizabeth (WALKER) RAPALEE. Mr.RAPALKEE was educated in the public schools of Dundee. He was married in this county in 1866 to Frances SNOOKS, by whom he hadthree children, two of whom survive, viz.: Dora O., and Edith L. Mr. RAPALEE owns a good farm of 115 acres.
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RAPALEE, GeorgeW., a farmer and native of Barrington, born July 24, 1845, is a son of Joshuaand Betsey J. (WELKER) RAPALEE. Thefather was born in 1806, and moved with his parents to Seneca, when a boy. He was four times married and was the father of eleven children, beingalso a successful farmer and stock dealer. He died August 31, 1888. Hiswife, Betsey, died about 1854. GeorgeW., was reared on a farm, received a common business education in Barringtondistrict schools, and was married January 19, 1869, to Lydia D. PULVER, a nativeof Luzerne County, Pa. Born February 28, 1852. They had four children, three of whom are now living, viz.: Milton L.,Homer D. and Ross R. Mr. RAPALEE isthe owner of 180 acres of farm land, where he now lives, five miles northwest ofDundee.
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RAPALEE, Mrs.Lucinda, widow of the late Clinton RAPALEE, who was killed May 13, 1890, is adaughter of Peter I. And Elizabeth (SNYDER) MILLIS, who moved from Columbia,Dutchess County, to Yates County, NY, in 1815. Their children were Morris born in 1810; Alvin, born in 1811; Corneliaborn in 1817; Hiram born in 1819; Andrew born in 1820; Henry born in 1821; ElizaA., born in 1823; Sarah J. born in 1825; Lucinda born in 1827; Almira born in1829; Hawley born in 1833; and Horace, who died in infancy. The parents of these children came to Yates County when there were butfew settlers in the place, buying a farm in Barrington, adjoining Milo, whichthey cleared and where Mr. SNYDER remained until his death, February 25, 1870. He was born February 15, 1785. Elizabeth SNYDER, his wife, remained with her children and died at theresidence of her daughter, Mrs. Benjamin HUNT, in Michigan, aged ninety-fouryears. Lucinda SNYDER, marriedClinton RAPALEE, February 19, 1850, and had six children; Morris, born February16, 1851; Daniel P., born November 11, 1852; Elmer D., born October 6, 1854;Hugh M., born September 5, 1858; John C., born February 22, 1862; and Libbie D.,born August 4, 1869. The secondson, Daniel, was killed almost instantly, December 13, 1862, by being thrownfrom a horse, his foot hanging in the stirrup, and the horse crushing his skullwith his foot.
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SNOOK Oliver, ofBarrington, was born in Sussex County, NJ, November 21, 1824, a son of Williamand Mary (LONTZ) SNOOK, and came with his parents to New York in 1837. William SNOOK died September 30, 1840, aged fifty-five years; and hiswife died October 30, 1849. He wasone of a family of eight children, of whom four survive. The father was a farmer and stock dealer in his later years, and a hotelkeeper in early life, at Sussex County, NJ. Oliver was reared on a farm, receiving a common school education. He married in Barrington, September 18, 1844 to Miss Mary A. DISBROW, bywhom he had five children, viz.: Lorenzo D., Lyman W., Alanson, Watson J., andWilliam O. Mr. SNOOK owns a farm of124 acres with some tree acres of raspberries. His wife died June 26, 1891.
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