Town of BarringtonFamily Sketches

Yates Co., New York

From the "History of Yates Co., NY", byL.C. Aldrich, published 1892   

FamilySketches for Town of Barrington

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B - H

Pg. 632 

BAILEY, JosephS., a farmer and fruit grower, was born in Barrington, Yates County, November27, 1846, a son of Samuel and Martha (WRIGHT) BAILEY, natives of Yates andPutnam counties, NY, who were married in Yates County, February 28, 1847. The mother was born June 22, 1814.  Theyhad seven children, of whom two are now living: Joseph S. and Martha Ann, thelatter the wife of G. W. FINTON.  Thefather came to Yates County in 1833.  Mrs.BAILEY survives her husband.  Bothwere members of the Baptist Church.  Joseph S. married in 1868 to Sarah E., daughter of Samuel andMargaret (DE GRAW) PITCHER.  She wasborn September 28, 1849.  There werethree children by this marriage, John C., Edwin J. BAILEY and Lyman W. BAILEY. Mrs. BAILEY’s mother, born in Tyrone, NY, July 15, 1818, was a daughterof Daniel and Elizabeth KNAPP, and was married to Samuel PITCHER in 1842. Mr. BAILEY was elected assessor of the town of Barrington in 1888 andserved one term.  He owns 150 acresof land, of which seven acres are in a vineyard. Himself, wife and oldest son are members of the Baptist Church inBarrington.  He served three termsas trustee of that church.


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BELLIS, Amos,born in Easton, Pa., in a farmer in Barrington, born December 18, 1822, and ason of Peter and Elizabeth (TAYLOR) BELLIS. His father was a native of Easton, Pa., his mother having been born inNew Jersey.  They were married inEaston, where ten children were born to them, six surviving, viz.: Eliza A.,Jeremiah, Mariah, William, Amos and Peter S. The father emigrated from Pa. To New York in 1824, and settled in YatesCounty, where he died in 1853.  Hiswife died six years later.  Mr.BELLIS was reared on a farm, receiving a common school education in theBarrington district schools.  Hemarried in 1845, Emeline SHAW, daughter of John SHAW, of Barrington. She was born January 23, 1823.  Theirsix children are William, Deloss, Frank, Albert, Martin and Omer. Mr. BELLIS has held the offices of constable, notary public and assessorof the town of Barrington.  He ownsa farm of 108 acres.


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BULLOCK, Herman,of Barrington, a prominent fruit grower, was born in Yates County, NY, March 25,1848, a son of Calvin and Lucinda (SIMPSON) BULLOCK. His father was one of the early settlers of the county, a farmer byoccupation, and had a family of nine children, six of whom survive. He died in the county in 1867, and his wife in 1882. Both were members of the Baptist Church. Mr. BULLOCK married in 1871, Drusilla FINTON, a native of this county,born in 1851.  By this marriage fivechildren have been born, viz.: Joseph, William, Edgar, Edith and Homer.  In 1880 Mr. BULLOCK engaged in the sawmill and basketbusiness, employing some thirty-five hands. He has cut materials for about 900,000 baskets this year up to date, andwill cut about 5,000 more this fall.  Heand his wife are members of this Baptist Church. 


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CORNELL, DavidB., a farmer and native of Barrington, born March 4, 1848, is a son of Hiram andMary (BISHOP) CORNELL.  His parentswere both natives of New York, and were married in Barrington, where were bornto them, five children: Samuel, David B., Isaac C., Edward B. and Jane. Three are now living, Samuel, Edward and David. Samuel is a teacher at Truckee, Cal.; has been there a number of years;Edward B., is a Baptist preacher, and is now preaching at Wellsburg, Pa.; IsaacC. was one of the editors of the Yates County Chronicle, firm ofCleveland & Cornell, at his death; Jenne, was the wife of H. H. HEWITT. The father and mother were school teachers in the early part of theirlives, and in 1845 moved to Barrington, where he bought land and lived a farmeruntil 1878, when he moved to Dundee, and resided there until his death, whichoccurred in 1876.  The mother nowresides in Dundee and is in her seventy-third year, having been a member of theBaptist Church for over fifty years.  Mr.D. B. CORNELL was educated in the Dundee Academy, and at the age of twenty, hecommenced teaching in the Dundee public schools and taught in other parts of thecountry for six or seven years.   Hewas married in 1873 to Lovisa, daughter of Edward JACKSON, born in SchuylerCounty, in 1855.  Mr. CORNELLengaged in the mercantile business for one year at Winchester, Va, then sold hisstock of goods and bought a farm of 64 acres in Barrington, NY, where he nowlives.  He has sixteen acres oforchard, and ten acres of raspberries.  Mr.And Mrs. CORNELL have four children, viz.: Edith, Maud, Eva and Claud.  They are both members of the Dundee Baptist Church.


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COOLBAUGH,Squire L., a farmer of Barrington, where he was born June 17, 1829, is a son ofBenjamin and Amelia (LOOMIS) COOLBAUGH.  Thefather was a native of Massachusetts, born in 1789, and the mother was born in1780, their children numbering six, five of whom survive. He was a farmer, and came to New York with his parents in 1806. He died in 1866 and his wife in 1850. Squire L. was educated in the district schools of Barrington, and wasmarried in 1854 to Fannie GREY, born in 1839. MR. COOLBAUGH served one term as assessor of the town of Barrington. He owns 114 acres of fine land.


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COONS, John F.,a prominent farmer and native of Barrington, Yates County, born May 3, 1852, isa son of Peter and Jane (MILLER) COONS.  Thefather was born in Columbia County, NY in 1821, a farmer, and married in YatesCounty, where they had four children: Frances, wife of Newton POWLISON; Almina,wife of Oliver SWARTS; Gertrude, wife of Frank KENDALL and John F. COONS. Peter COONS died in this county in 1882 and his wife in July 1891. She was a member of the Baptist Church. John COONS was educated at the public schools at Starkey Seminary, andDundee Academy.  He married, December 24, 1872, Emma KOON, a native of NewYork, born in Steuben County, November 12, 1852, and a daughter of John and LucyA., (ALLERTON) KOON, natives of Steuben and Greene Counties, NY. The father was born in 1801 and died in 1870. The mother, born in 1807 died in 1889. They were the parents of eight children, five now living, viz.: Mary,wife of Thomas RINGROSE; Emma, Charlotte, Martin and Edward G. Mrs. COONS’s father was a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. COONS have been the parents of three children, two of whomsurvive, Jennie A. and Jessie A.  Mr.COONS is justice of the peace for the town of Barrington, has a farm of 90 acresand he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church.


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CROSBY, PeterH., the father of Joseph F, was one of the most substantial citizens ofBarrington.  He married Catharine,daughter of Joseph FENTON, and their children were Emillia, Alanson, Joseph S.,Selah, Druzilla and Isaac.  Peter H.was a leading member of the Baptist Church at Barrington. He held numerous town offices, and as commissioner of highways, laid outmany of the roads of the town.  Hissecond wife was Widow HAIR, daughter of Andrew RAPLEE. On his children, Emillia married John MC DOWELL; Alanson marriedCatharine, daughter of William MC DOWELL; Selah, married Elsie, another daughterof William MC DOWELL; Druzilla married John OVENSHIRE; Isaac married DruzillaEDDY; Joseph F., the subject of this sketch, was born in the town of Barrington,December 15, 1825 and was educated at the common schools of that town. He has been a farmer all his life.  Hewas the first man to plant a vineyard on the east side of Lake Keuka. Joseph S. CROSBY was instrumental in getting a post office and landinglocated on his farm and they were known as Crosby’s Landing and Crosby postoffice.  In politics, he had beenand ardent supporter of the Republican party since 1856. Up to that time he was a Democrat, as his father had been before him. Mr. CROSBY has always been very active in the affairs of Yates County,having held many of the offices of the town of Barrington. He was elected sheriff of this county in 1864, clerk of the county in1873, and served one term and was re-elected in 1888. He married first, Amanda, daughter of Joseph KETCHUM, of Barrington, in1846.  She died in 1850 and for asecond wife, he married Lois, daughter of Caleb SWARTHOUT, of Wayne, SteubenCounty, NY, in 1851 and by this union there were two sons. Edmund, who married Jane, daughter of Joseph GUNTHRIE, and Fred, whomarried Mary, daughter of George FENTON.


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EGGLESTON, JamesW., a farmer and fruit grower of Barrington and a native of Yates County, NY,was born May 19, 1861, a son to Stephen and Margaret (JAYNE) EGGLESTON. His father was a native of Steuben County, a farmer and was twicemarried, first to Dyantha DEPEW, October 4, 1839, by whom he had seven childrenas follows: Odel, Nathan, Sarah, Flora, Samuel, Martin and Benjamin; Sara is nowmarried to Jacob WEST, and Flora to William SPINT. He married second, September 11, 1859, Margaret JAYNE, who bore him fivechildren as follows: James W., Timothy J., Linda, Mary and Ella; Mary is nowmarried to Elmer WASHBURN.  Hesettled in Yates County in 1857, where he lived until his death in 1887. His wife, a native of Yates County and a member of the M. E. Church, diedin 1889.  James W. was reared on afarm and received a common school education at the district schools ofBarrington.  He married October 27,1885, Lizzie HENDERSON, who was born December 10, 1865, and by whom he has oneson, Howard E.  Mrs. EGGLESTON wasthe daughter of Witsell M. & Martha (GILMORE) HENDERSON, who were earlysettlers of Yates County, her father having been a school teacher. He died in 1883 and her mother in 1876. Mr. EGGLESTON and brother have a fine grape vineyard of fifty acres andwill ship this year (1891) one hundred tons. Mr. and Mrs. EGGLESTON are members of Farmers’ Alliance, his wife beinga member of the M. E. Church.


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ELLIS, WilliamS., a farmer and native of Yates County, NY, was born in Milo, December 8, 1818. He was a son of Amos and Mary (SMITH) ELLIS, both natives of New York.The father, a prominent farmer was the parent of seven children, three of whomsurvive, Miriam, wife of J. BAKER; Maria, widow of James SUTTON and William S. Both parents died in this county.  Mr.ELLIS was educated in Penn Yan, and has been three times married. His first wife was a daughter of Orange and Penelope HOLLISTER, ofStarkey; his second, a daughter of Gilbert BAKER, of Milo; his present wife is adaughter of Hon. S. BENJAMIN, a prominent lawyer, and for twelve years surrogateof Ontario County.  He is the fatherof five children, two survive, viz.: Helen and Llewellyn.  Mr. ELLIS was six years assessor of Barrington, and one yearsupervisor, and several times declined re-nomination.  He owns a farm of 90 acres and is a member of the BaptistChurch, his wife being an Episcopalian.  (1880 census has his age as 64y,  wife,Sally, aged 54 and son, Myron, aged 26)


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FLORENCE, Cass,a liveryman of Dundee, is a native of this county, born May 20, 1854, and is ason of Floyd and Elizabeth (SWARTS) FLORENCE, both natives of New York andmarried in this county.  Fivechildren were born of this union, viz.: Cass, the oldest son; Lucy, wife ofJames MOOR; Lydia, wife of Eugene MILLER; Emma, wife of Loyd WHEELER; andWilliam.  Mr. FLORENCE was a farmerand Cass was reared on a farm.  Hemarried March 6, 1881, Flora WILLIAMSON, a native of this county, born in 1859. Mr. FLORENCE farmed with his father until the fall of 1872, when hecommenced braking on the L. S. & M. S. R. R., where he remained until 1877,when he served on the Michigan Central for one year, then returned to Dundee andengaged in farming until 1887, when he formed a partnership with Amos HOUCK inthe livery business at Dundee, in which he has been engaged ever since. They have thirteen head of good horses, and receive their share ofpatronage. 

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FREEMONT, B. F.,a farmer of Bennington, is a native of Yates Count, NY. He was born June 2, 1826 and is a son of John and Lydia (BRIGGS)FREEMONT, who were natives of New Jersey.  B.F. FREEMONT’s father came to New York with his parents, when a boy, there werethen but three log houses in the village of Penn Yan. He was one of eleven children, eight of whom are now living, viz.:Oliver, Mary E., John, Caroline, Helen, Henry, William and B. F. The father was a farmer.  B.F.FREEMONT’s parents are both dead.  Mr.FREEMONT was reared on a farm, receiving a common school education. He was married in 1847, to Ester MCINTIRE, by whom he has had twochildren, John and Archibal.  Mr. and Mrs. FREEMONT are members of the Barrington M. E.Church.  Mr. FREEMONT has beenSunday-school superintendent, trustee of the church and class leader for anumber of years.


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HORTON,Daniel L, a farmer in Barrington, and a native of Schuyler County, NY, was bornMarch 11, 1827, and is a son of Thomas P. and Phebia A. HORTON, both natives ofDutchess County and the parents of fourteen children.  Thomas P. HORTON died in 1878, being a farmer by occupation. His wife, Phebia, died in 1879.  DanielL. HORTON, married in this county in 1849, Miss Ella MYRON, a native of TompkinsCounty, NY who was born March 23, 1826.  Oneson was born of this union, Aldren.  Mr.HORTON came to this country in 1836, and bought the farm on which he nowresides, consisting of 218 ½ acres, three miles west of Dundee.

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