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History & Directory of Yates Co., VolII, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland
Information listedbelow in ( ) are NOT sourced from this book, but from other sources, suchas census information.
Almon SAVAGE was born in Orange Co, in 1797,and came to this county with his parents in 1797. He married Sarah, daughter of Joseph SOUTHERLAND. They settled on a farm very early known as the James SOUTHERLAND farm,and died there. Their childrenwere, John B., Elizabeth, Theda, James, Lois J. and David. John B. born in 1822, married Naomi WHEELER of Middlesex, and lives onthe homestead, on lot 8, sixth range. Theirchildren are Emmet B., Edgar S. and Eleanor T.
Elizabeth married John SHERWOOD of Pultney,and emigrated to Van Buren, Indiana.
Theda married J. B. REYNOLDs of Middlesex,and they live on South Hill in that town. Theirchildren are Minor E., Lewis B., William B., Joseph F. and Almond D.
James married Sarah E. REYNOLDs ofMiddlesex, and resides in Hornellsville. Theirchildren are: William H., and Sarah L.
Lois J., and David A. are single.
Col. Gilbert SHERER was born at Willington,North Carolina in 1790. His father,John SHERER of New York, followed a seafaring life as a coaster and died atNewark, NJ in 1807. The wife ofJohn SHERER, was Elizabeth FISHER. Shedied of yellow fever at Philadelphia in 1801, leaving two children, Margaret andGilbert. Margaret married ThomasSHARP of Philadelphia and had five children, Elizabeth, Caroline, Anna M.,Rebecca and Mary. She died in 1846.
Gilbert was left with his father�s sister,Mary, who married William DUNCAN and emigrated to Mount Pleasant, PA. At that place in 1807, Gilbert was adopted into the family ofCapt. Reuben CARR. In 1815 Capt.CARR emigrated to Middlessex, now Potter, the boy Gilbert driving the ox team,with which the family traveled and consumed eleven days in a journey of 160miles. They located about one milenorth of Potter Center, on the premises of Joshua PARSONS and there erected alog cabin and opened a home in the woods. Gilbertattended school a month or two during the winters at Nettle Valley, but becameparticularly accomplished as an ax-man, and had few equals as a chopper. He would frequently chip five and seven cords of wood in a day forWilliam�s ashery and distillery, to which it was hauled a mile and a half andsold at seventy five cents a cord. Afterbecoming of age, he labored in the construction of the Erie Canal, working firstfor seven dollars a month and after becoming a foreman for thirteen. Before the canal was completed he became what was known as a DurhamBoatman, on the Mohawk and Seneca rivers, and after the canal was finished, heran a boat on it several years.
He married first, Zamy, daughter of EnochBORDWELL, and settled on the old CARR farm, which he owned several years. His first wife died in 1865, and he subsequently married Minerva, hersister, who also died in 1869. In1870 he married a third wife, Louisa DE VOE of Penn Yan. He resided many years in Milo on the premises since owned by Samuel J.POTTER, was elected to the Assembly in 1860 and appointed postmaster at Penn Yanin 1861, which office he held for four years. In February 1868, he had a fall by which his hip was broken and whileconfined to his bed, received information that his aged aunt who had cared forhim in infancy had recently died from a similar accident at the age of 91 years,a widow at Birmingham, Mich. ColGilbert SHERER was a Colonel of the old 103rd Regiment of infantry. He has been many years a member of the Baptist church.
Reuben CARR was born in Rhode Island in1799. His father, Caleb CARR, alsocame to Middlesex sometime after his son. Hewas the father of 22 children. Reubenmarried Lydia TURNER of Mt. Pleasant, PA, who died there leaving three children,one of whom, Lydia, married Stoddard BORDWELL, father of Dr. R.R.C. BORDWELL ofPenn Yan. His second wife was SarahLAKIN of Hancock, NY. They residedin Middlesex until 1831, when they emigrated to Freehold, Warren Co., PA. She died there in 1842, leaving a large family. He married a third wife, Lydia TRASKER, who survives him. He died in 1869.
Jacob SHUMAN was born in Germany, and cameto this country as a Hessian soldier during the Revolution. He was taken a prisoner and did not return to his native country. He lived a tailor several years in Pennsylvania, and in company withDaniel FISHER, settled in this town in 1794. He bought three lots at fifty cents an acre. SHUMAN sold to FISHER, and FISTHER to Philip DINTURFF, (134 acres for$168). SHUMAN married a widow with two children living near Geneva. She died a few years later, and hers was the third burial In the SHUMANburying ground. Mrs. NicholasHEISLER being the first and one STRYKER the second. Of his wife�s daughters, one married Nathaniel BROCK, the other HenrySMITH. SHUMAN gave the first, oneacre of land and the other 34 acres and his personal property. The rest of his land (236 acres) he willed to the Episcopal churches ofCanandaigua and Geneva, each one half.
He died in 1828. After the death of his wife, he lived many years alone, and his house wasa great resort for the settlers, to eat apples and drink cider, and for sleighriding parties of the young. As acultivator of excellent fruit, and a jovial story teller, he afforded greatenjoyment to his visitors. In thefall of 1819, he was robbed and left in his house, apparently dead. Reviving, he blew a horn, which around a �Husking Bee� in progress atPhilip DINTURFF�S. The robbers were closely pursued and captured near the oldGlass Factory on Seneca Lake. Thewere convicted and sent to State Prison.
The present highway from Bethel toCanandaigua, was long known as �Shuman�s Path�, from having been the routehe followed through the woods to that place for many years to attend meetingsand transact business.
In those days, Flint Creek was full ofbeaver dams; but few of the beavers remained. Two were captured by Henry VAN WORMER.
One of the most useful and noted pioneers ofPotter, was Deacon David SOUTHERLAND. Duringthe Revolution, hew as a Commissary�s clerk. He married Lucretia SMITH of Cornwall in Orange Co. With her and two children, he came to this county in 1792, leaving fourchildren among their friends. Theybought a farm on lot 8, of the second range. The deed was given to Benjamin TIBBITS and Sylvia, his wife, andwitnessed by Michael PIERCE and Chester ADAMS. The wife of Chester ADAMS was a sister of Deacon SOUTHERLAND. They moved with an ox team and sled and from Geneva he cut much of hisown pathway with his ax. A logcabin covered with bark gave them shelter, enough ground was cleared for aslight summer crop, and some wheat was sowed in the fall. When this was done, the Deacon left his wife and two children in themidst of the wilderness, and started with his oxen and sled to bring home theother children. The journey wasslow and tedious and much prolonged by enforced waiting for the little ones tobe ready to move owing to their vaccination on account of the prevalence ofsmall pox in the vicinity. Finally in the midst of winter they took their way tothe far off wild; the little ones of which the oldest was only 8 years of age,seated with their feet pointing together in the sled, and a little dog cuddlingwith them to add to their warmth, while a canopy of cloth stretched over hoops,kept off the outer storms. In thisway they moved through deep snows, stopping sometimes at Indian wigwams andsometimes at the rude cabins of pioneers. Atlength, after an absence of three months, they reached their forest home, wherenot a word had been heard of them in all that time, for mails and post officeswere then unheard of in this wild region.
During all of that long winter, his wiferemained alone in her wilderness home, with the two children, one a boy of 10years, and the other a baby, sick nearly the whole of the time. Their nearest neighbor was � of a mile east, William HALLand the next, one and one half miles southeast, Francis BRIGGS, and often wasshe compelled to spent the watches of the night over a meaning babe, while herears were greeted and her spirit chilled by the unearthly howl of the prowlingwolf without.
Deacon SOUTHERLAND was a man of perseveranceand energy, not a mechanic by profession or apprenticeship, yet he could �turnhis hand� at almost anything that circumstances required. In those days the flax crop was all important as a source of clothing,for the wolves interdicted sheep, and cotton cost money. The Deacon�s crop, having failed one season, he was greatly concernedas to how he should clothe his family, when the following circumstances occurredto supply the necessity:
He was on his way to Hopeton on foot, adistance of about 12 miles, to perform a day�s work with his carpenters toolson his back, and just before reaching that then town of note, he met Abel HUNTwho was known as Friend HUNT. Theywere neighbors in those days, though 10 miles or more apart, and had a mostcordial greeting. Both werereligious men and expressed their gratitude each to the other for the manyfavors and blessings bestowed by Providence, in providing for their comforts andnecessities; �yet�, says Friend HUNT, �neighbor SOUTHERLAND, I am greatlyafflicted inasmuch as I have broken down my wagon wheel and know no way torestore it. Can thee tell me how Iam to repair my loss?� The Deaconreplied, �Well, Friend HUNT, I hardly know what I can do for you; but as I amsomething of a tinker in various ways, possibly I may be able to restore thywheel to a useable condition and if you desire, I will try.� Friend HUNTresponded with great delight, �Oh, if thou wilt do so, I shall divide withthee liberally anything that I have in payment, money I have not.� �Have you flax?�, asked the Deacon. �Yes, a fine crop�, replied Friend HUNT. The Deacon applied himself to the repair of the wheel and soon succeededin putting it in running order, and Friend HUNT gave him 20 pounds of flax forthe job. Each went on his way,rejoicing. Some years later whenthe Deacon had acquired a flock of 24 sheep, one night in his absence thechildren failed to secure them in their pen near the house, and they were allbut one, destroyed by wolves. Againone of the boys was driving the sheep homeward for yarding late in theafternoon, after a summer�s day range in the �chopping,� when he spied abird�s nest in a tree, and boy-like, climbed the tree to possess himself ofthe treasure. While thus engaged,an old mother wolf sprang from the thicket and killed one of his sheep.
By his aptitude for business and publicaffairs, David SOUTHERLAND became at once a leading and influential citizen. He was for many years supervisor of the town. During four successive terms he was a member of Assembly form OldOntario, beginning in 1821. In 1821he was a member of the famous constitutional convention of that year. He was Jeffersonian in politics, and had a strong hold on the esteem ofhis constituents. He was inreligious faith, a Baptist, and a strong pillar of the Society, which had itsearly nucleus at Benton Center. Healso improved his gifts as a preacher, and very often declared that faith thatwas in him, in the surrounding neighborhoods, at schoolhouses and privateresidences, as well as other places of worship. He and his brave wife lived to see the forest disappear andtheir children settled in prosperity around them, also to enjoy an honored oldage. Their children were: Joseph,Andrew, Sarah, Elizabeth, Alexander, Susanna, James and Patrick. The youngest died at 16 years. Joseph married Hannah BASSETT, originally from Boston. They settled in the town of Seneca, where he died at 31, leaving threechildren, James, Sally and Amy. Thewidow married a second husband, on Daniel SOUTHERLAND, and died on the premiseswhere she first settled and where her son James still resides.
Andrew marred Dolly THOMPSON of Seneca, inwhich town they settled, finally emigrating to Ray, Mich., where he died leavingseveral children, Lucretia, David, Robert, Elizabeth, Emily, Joseph, Moses andAndrew.
Sarah married Benjamin HERSHEY. They settled in Seneca where she died in 1812, leaving threedaughters, Betsey, Susan and Mary.
Elizabeth married Peleg BATES. Both died in Potter leaving three daughters; Susan marriedDavid RECTOR, Hannah married James HALL, now occupying the homestead, and Mercymarried Richard BRIGGS.
Alexander, born in 1789, married Maria VANDUSER of Gorham, in 1809. She wasborn in 1790 in Cornwall, Orange Co. Theysettled on the old homestead, where he died in 1836. He was a leading and prominent citizen. His widow still survives. Their children were Betsey, John,Margaret, Lucretia, Harriet, Jane, Maria and David A. Betsey married Mark WEARE, who died in 1844.
John SOUTHERLAND born in 1813, marriedfirst, Almira BATES of Potter, in 1836. Theysettled near the old homestead where she died in 1850, leaving two children,Jane and Eliza. He married a secondwife, Martha F., daughter of Peter FERGUSON of Seneca. He is a substantial farmer and highly esteemed citizen, residing on theold homestead of David SOUTHERLAND. Hisdaughter Jane, married Warner P. COLE of Potter, and Eliza married John N. CLARKof Benton.
Margaret, born in 1816, married Joseph T.SLAUGHTER, of Penn Yan. Theirchildren are: Alexander F., Harriet and Arthur M.
Lucretia born in 1820, married Peleg THOMAS.
Harriet, born in 1824, married Cyrus C.CRANE. They moved to Addison, NY,where she died leaving two children, Cyrus S., and Frank.
Jane married Benjamin HOBART of Potter. They settled in Italy where she died in 1851, leaving one son, Byron F. Her husband died on his way to California one or two years later. Byron F. married the only daughter of James C. LONGWELL and is a bankerat Oswego, Kansas.
Maria born in 1829, married John WesleyPAYNE of Potter. They have since resided at Watkins. Their children are Emmett, Edgar, William W. and John M. and Alexander(twins).
David A., born in 1831, married CharlotteCOLE of Potter. They reside atReed�s Corners in Gorham and have one child, Charlotte.
Susan, daughter of David SOUTHERLAND,married Nathaniel THOMPSON of Seneca. Theyemigrated to Ray, Mich., in 1824, where she resides a widow. Their children were Joel, Thompson and Milton.
James married Theda PROUTY of Benton. They settled on a part of the old homestead where he died in 1836,leaving six children, Almira, Milton G., Hester A., Caroline, Jerome andLucretia E. Almira was the firstwife of George R. BARDEN of Benton. Milton D. married Matilda CLARK of Seneca. They live in that town and have three children, Albert, Elizabeth andClark. Hester A. married ZerahSWARTHOUT of Torrey. Their children are Irene and James. Caroline married Homer MARINER of Benton. Their surviving children are Eva and Jay.
Jerome P. married Catharine CLARK of Bentonand resides in Gorham. Lucretia E.married Samuel REED of Seneca. Their children are Byron, Frank and Bell.
John and David STEBBINS, brothers, emigratedfrom Deerfield, Mass., to what is now Potter, in 1814. David and his wife, Irena, and seven children, emigrated at a later dayto Chautauqua Co., where the parents died. Five of their children married in Potter.
John STEBBINS and Sally, his wife, had sevenor eight children, most of whom married in Potter. They were Orrin, George, Horace and Hollis (twins), Emily, Amanda andMahala. The family of Orrin aloneremains in Yates county.
Orrin STEBBINS born in Massachusetts marriedSally BASOM and settled on the homestead of his father. In 1853 they moved to Middlesex, where he died in 1866, at the age of 66years. His widow survives. He was one of the founders of the Free Will Baptist Church of Potter, andone of its staunch supporters. Theyhave 10 surviving children, Nancy, Olive, Emily, Amanda, James, Mary, Susan,William, Samuel and Matilda.
Nancy married William A. DINEHART. Theyreside in Middlesex and their children are John, Adams and Emma, all of whom aremarried and residents of Middlesex. Johnmarried Jane RACKHAM. Theirchildren are Mary and one other. Adamsmarried Lillias HADSELL of Middlesex. Theirchildren are Willie and an infant. Emmamarried John STORRS.
Olive married Henry SOLES of Potter. They reside at Clarendon, Orleans, Co. NY. Their children are Orrin, James, Sarah, William, Alors and Catharine.
Emily married George MARTIN, a son of GarretMARTIN of Jerusalem. They reside onhis paternal homestead. Theirchildren are Clark, Charles and Orrin.
Amanda is the wife of Charles W. ALMY ofJerusalem.
James married Wealthy, daughter of TrumanREED of Italy. He is a prosperousfarmer of Middlesex, and has been twice Supervisor of that town. Their children are Edith, Henry and Emmett. Edith married Henry B. WHITMAN of Middlesex.
Mary married Chauncey HAWLEY, son of IraHAWLEY of Middlesex. Their childrenare Adell and Levere.
Susan married Morey EASTON of Middlesex. They reside near Grass Lake, Michigan and have four children.
William married Olive, daughter of OthnielEMORY of Middlesex. Their childrenare Mary, B. and Laura E.
Samuel married Emma, daughter of DudleyALLEN. They reside on his paternalhomestead in Middlesex.
Matilda married Forest EMORY of Middlesex. Their children are Carrie and Eugene.
Emily, sister of Orrin STEBBINS married oneLUKORE. Amanda, another sister,married a Mr. DEAN, and Mahala, the third sister, was the wife of Enoch W.BORDWELL.
STROBRIDGE pg 849 � 850
Sanford STROBRIDGE was born in Clermont, NewHampshire in 1791 and died in Potter in 1870. His father settled in Cncinnatus, Cortland Co., in 1794. He was a wheelwright and his son Sanford imbibed much of the mechanicaltastes of his father. In 1818 hemarried Althea DEAN, who was born in 1800, in Massachusetts. In 1821 they located in Phelps, returned soon after to Cortland Co. andin 1826 settled about one mile north of Potter Center. He here pursued the avocation of wheelwright, and also that of chairmaker. He found abundantemployment, as the spinning wheel was the piano of those days, but they grewricher in children than in worldly gear. Yetthe affectionate regard of their offspring was a better wealth than meretemporal possessions. Since 1838they have resided at Potter Center, and owned the grist mill near that placesometime known as the �Gully Mill�, and he has served as miller. He is a man of worth whose precept and example are never at variance andhe and his wife are both regarded as model exemplars of Christian Faith. Theyhave had twelve children, of whom eleven became adults, Maria, Susan, SanfordD., Lyman H., Samuel G., Orvillle F., Jane E., George W., Charles H., James M.and William M.
Maria married Gardner JOHNSON of Potter. They emigrated to Three Rivers, Mich., where she died leaving twochildren, Ellen M. and James M. Ellen M. married John HAIRE of Jerusalem. They reside in Michigan.
Susan married Thomas MC DANIEL of Potter. They emigrated to Brookfield, Mich., where she died.
Sanford D. married Caroline, daughter ofGeorge WELLS and is a citizen of Potter.
Lyman H. married Emeline BAKER of Prattsburg. They reside in Naples. Heplanted the first vineyard in Potter. Theyhave two children, Frederick and Franklin.
Samuel G., married Laura, daughter of JosiahREED of Potter. They reside inPotter and have two children, Hattie and Morris R.
Orville F. went in 1849 to California and issingle.
Jane married William WATERS of Cayuga Co. He keeps a hotel in Sacramento, California. Their children are Elizabeth and Alice.
George W. is single, and a wagon maker atPotter Center.
Charles H. is single and a schoolteacher.
James M. is single and a miller residing onthe homestead.
William M. was a solider of Co. A., 126thNYV and was a brave and faithful man. Afterfighting at Gettysburg, he was killed in 1864 at Hatches� Run by theconcussion of a cannon shot, which did not strike him, but carried off the headof a companion.
Abiel THOMAS was a native of Rhode Island,born in 1773. He died in Potter in1851. In 1795 he married LoisRANDALL at Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY. She was born at Berlin, Rensselaer Co. in 1778 and died in 1846. In 1801 they settled on lot 9 of the third farm range, in Potter, andthere remained through life. Theirchildren were: Ashley, Vertie, Ambrose, Jeffrey, Lucy R., Peleg, Eleanor, Mary,Lois, and Janette. Ashley born in1796, married Electa STRICKLAND, and settled one mile north of Potter Center,where she died. He died in Potterin 1862. They had nine children:Maria, Dewitt C., Albert, Abiel, Jeffrey, Lucy, Silas, Ashley and John C.
Vertie, born in 1798, was the wife of EdmundPERRY. Their surviving children areOlive H., Peleg R., Sarah and Louisa, now residing in Kent Co., Michigan.
Ambrose S. THOMAS, born in 1804, marriedJane MC PHERSON of the town of Seneca in 1830. She was born in 1810 and died in 1866. He died of paralysis in 1870. Hewas a prominent citizen of Potter, and active Democratic politician and held theoffice of supervisor, and other positions in the town and county. He was also a land surveyor, and a man very widely known. Their children were: James G., Margaret M., Berdethe E., Jeffrey W., MaryJ. and Loe R. James G. is amerchant at Geneva. Margaret M.married Zerah F. SUMMERS and resides at Crown Point, Indiana. Berdethe E., married George G. FOSTER of Crown Point, IA. Jeffrey W. married Sarah, daughter of Henry HUSTED and resides in Potter. Mary J. married Dr. J. B. VOAK and resides at Canandaigua.
Jeffrey R., born in 1806, died at 20 years,and Lucy R., born in 1808, died in 1827.
Peleg THOMAS, born in 1810, married LucretiaSOUTHERLAND in 1828. They nowreside at Rushville. Their childrenare: Louisa, John, Helen and Charles. Louisamarried Jacob DINTURFF Jr. Johnmarried Ella FERGUSON. Helenmarried Allen LOOMIS Jr.
Eleanor THOMAS born in 1812, marriedAlexander MC DONALD, moved to Crown Point, Indiana, in 1838 and died in 1841. Their surviving children are Gertrude and Flora. Gertrude married Hiram HOLTON of Crown Point, Indiana.
Mary born in 1814, married William W.HARTSHORN of Jerusalem and emigrated to Flint, Mich.
Lois born in 1818, married Charles MCDANIEL. Their children were Oscar,Eugene, and Francis. Oscar marriedAugusta VAN OSDOL of Gorham.
Janette born in 1822, married Joshua HULLand emigrated to Dubuque, Iowa.
Abiel THOMAS, the head of this family, was aman of note in the early period of the country. During a long period he was Justice of the Peace and he often filledother offices.
Samuel H. TORREY was born and married JudithLARNED in Connecticut. They settledin Naples in 1810. Subsequentlythey moved to Rushville, and became permanent residents of that vicinity. Their children were Nancy, Samuel H., Larned, Henry, Augustus, Hiram andLucy.
Nancy was the wife of Jabez METCALF.
Samuel H. married Mary STRAUGHAN of the townof Seneca. They resided many yearsin Italy Hollow, and moved thence to Farmington.
Larned born in 1790, married Polly, daughterof John MOWER of Italy. Theysettled in Middlesex, where he died in 1848, had she surviving him, died in 1859at the age of 73 years. Theirchildren were Hiram, Nancy, Henry H., Sarah, Huldah, Larned M., Mary and John M. Hiram married Mary HART of Hopewell. The emigrated to New Orleans, wherehe died in 1870, leaving six children, Spencer, Judith L, Alice, Helen, Rose andLarned. Henry is single and livesat Palmyra, NY. Sara died single at aged 21 years.
Huldah is single and lives on the oldhomestead in Middlesex. Larned M.,married Henrietta BRIGGS, of New Orleans. Theyreside in Kansas. Mary marriedHiram COREY, and emigrated to Illinois, where he died. She now resides in Rushville and has one child, Hattie. John M. married Olive SABIN of Naples, lives in Indiana and has onechild, Mary. Nancy married JamesSMITH of Seneca Falls, where they settled and he died leaving two children,Harriet E. and Nancy J. Harriet E. is unmarried and resides on the old grandfatherhomestead. Nancy J. married Levi B.MOREY of Schodack, NY and resides on the old TORREY homestead in Middlesex. They have three children, Lily E., James S. and George T. Mr. MOREY has been a Justice of the Peace in that town, and is now anInspector in the NY Custom House.
Henry TORREY married Amanda HOWARD ofRushville. She died leaving adaughter, Amanda, who married David RUNION. The second wife of Henry TORREY was Olive GATES of Gorham. She died leaving a daughter, Mary, who married Peter DE BOIS, a residentof Potter. Mr. TORREY�S thirdwife was Clarissa MOWER (widow BLDOGETT). Theyhad a daughter, Clarissa, who became the wife of Pomeroy FITCH. Henry TORREY was long a resident of Rushville, and several timesSupervisor of Potter. He had the honor of giving his name to the town of Torrey. He died in 1868 at the age of 74 years.
Augustus TORREY born in 1796, marriedAlthea, daughter of Daniel WILDER of Bristol. She was born in 1800 and was a granddaughter of Gamaliel WILDER, one ofthe original owners of Bristol, who built the mill on the west side ofCanandaigua Lake, to which the early settlers of Middlesex and Potter madefrequent resort. He learned thetrade of blacksmith at which he wrought several years after his marriage. Being a man of great energy and mental activity, he turned his attentionto books and became conspicuous as a lawyer. He filled many public offices, was a long time Justice of the peace andseveral years one of the County Judges. Hisdeath was regarded a great public loss, especially at Rushville where his lifewas chiefly spent. Their childrenwere: Judith L., Ann G., and Emma A. JudithL., married Charles E. LAMPORT of Rushville. They emigrated to Canton, Ill,where he died leaving two children. She now resides in the city of New York, where her onlysurviving daughter, Fanny, Married William H. JEWELL. Ann married Johnson JONES of Rushville, where she now resides as widow. Emma A. died single.
Hiram TORREY married Polly, daughter ofReuben SLAYTON. He was a carpenterand resided many years in Rushville. Hedied in the city of New York in 1861. Hiswidow survives, residing with her daughter, Mrs. Daniel MORRIS of Penn Yan. Their children were: Reuben S., Lucy, Samuel H., Hiram, Sophia andWilliam. Reuben S. married Elizabeth SWIFT. They reside in Geneva, and their children are Albert, Nora, Willie, Swiftand Elizabeth. Lucy is the wife ofDaniel MORRIS. Samuel H. marriedMrs. Nora LOW. Under theadministration of President Johnson, he was U.S. District Attorney of Louisiana,residing at New Orleans. They now reside at Geneva, NY and their surviving childrenare Augustus, Alice, Fanny, Kate and Judith. Hiram died at 15 years. Sophiamarried Alfred GOODRICH and died in Illinois leaving three children. William is a merchant in New York.
Lucy, daughter of Samuel H. TORREY Sr.,married Rev. John C. MORGAN of Italy. Theyremoved to Sheldon, NY, where she died leaving three children, Erastus G., ClaraJ. and Edward G.
John S. UNDERWOOD was born in Rhode Islandand married Ruth COREY of Providence. Shedied there leaving six children, Samuel C., Lydia, George, John, Susan and Mary. He married a second wife, Abagail HERRINGTON of Rhode Island. In 1820 they became tenants of the POTTER farm, working it on shares forfive years. He subsequently boughta farm on the Green Tract in Jerusalem of Edmund ROBINSON, David PAGE and IsaacARNOLD, including in the several parcels, 300 acres which he finally sold toJohn FITZWATER, and which is now owned by Thomas W. SMITH. He returned to Potter and located on east lot 5, third range, where hisson Oliver now resides. He diedthere in 1851, at the age of 66 years, and his widow still survives at the ageof 82 years. The children by thesecond marriage were: William H., Oliver, Henry, Clarissa, Weeden, George,Benjamin and an adopted son, Horace.
Samuel C. emigrated south many years ago,and married there. Lydia marriedJoseph A. LEE of Potter. He diedand she married a second husband, James JENNINGS of Benton. George died at 21 years.
John UNDERWOOD, born in 1810, marriedElizabeth N., daughter of Ezekiel GARDNER, of the Potter place, and settled onthat farm, where she died leaving two children, Bell and Henry. Bell is the wife of Frank A. WAGENER. Henry is single and is engaged in mercantile trade in Penn Yan, with JohnM. LATIMER. John UNDERWOOD marrieda second wife, Mary E., sister of his first wife. They have a son, John. Mr.UNDERWOOD was elected sheriff of Yates county in 1862 and served one term. He has been very active and zealous in politics as a Whig and Republican,and few men have been equally energetic and efficient in labor and business.
Susan married Jonathan NUTTEN of Italy, andemigrated to Moscow, Mich., where she die leaving six children, Cornelia, Agnes,Fayette, John, Seth and Mary.
Mary married George I. SHEARMAN, son ofIsaac SHEARMAN. They moved toKeeler, MIch., and have a daughter, Bell.
William H. married first, Rachel, daughterof George WELLS. They had onechild, Emma A. He married a secondwife, Martha, daughter of Samuel WARNER of Potter. They have a daughter, Amanda.
Oliver married Emily R. HANKINSON of Potter. He is a successful farmer and a good citizen. They have a daughter, Mary A.
Henry married Jane HYER of Iowa and settledat Princeton in that State. Theyhave two children.
Clarissa married William SILVERNAIL Jr., ofPotter. They reside on theSILVERNAIL homestead. Theirchildren are James E. and Charles H.
Weeden emigrated to California, single.
George married Sarah, daughter of WarnerCOLE. They reside on the AbelBRIGGS farm in Potter, and have two children, Nora and Charles.
Benjamin married Sarah, daughter of GeorgeWELLS. They reside in Venangocounty, PA, and have a son, William C.
Horace UNDERWOOD married Ruth R. Warner ofPotter. He is an energetic farmerand a prosperous man. He has owneda number of farms and been an officer of the State Prison at Sing Sing; residesat present at Benton.
Jacob B. VAN OSDOL was born in Aurelius,Cayuga Co., and came to this county with his father�s family in 1817. His father, Jacob VAN OSDOL, was born in Somerset Co., NJ,and his wife was Leah BLUE, of NJ. Theysettled on a farm east of Middlesex Center, then entirely new. Their children were: Michael B., Lucretia, Maria, John, Betsey, Jacob B.,Peter, Sarah, Hannah and Cornelius. MichaelB. married first, Ann DROWN and had a second wife, Huldah, daughter of DurfeeALLEN Sr. She survives him. The children by the second marriage were Elizabeth, Huldah A. and Ozella.
Lucretia married Samuel BOOTS of Potter.
Maria married Henry CASE of Potter. Their children were: Phebe A., Lucy and John, all of whom were graduatesof the State Normal School of Albany. Johnserved three years in an Illinois regiment, in the war against the Rebellion,and was in many noted engagements. Lucymarried John MALTMAN of Canandaigua.
John married Harriet ELLIISON of Ovid, andresides at Middlesex Center. Betseydied single.
Jacob B., born in 1811, was a tailor atRushville, and married Hannah WILDER of that village. He represented Yates County in the Assembly in 1855. He died in 1857. Theyhad two daughters, Augusts and Maria. Augustamarried Oscar MC DANIEL of Potter. They reside in Middlesex and have two children, Jacob andLena.
Peter married Ann, daughter of Oliver S.WILLIAMS 1st, of Middlesex. Theyhave a daughter, Harriet, and reside at Naples. Sarah is single.
Hannah married John FISHER and resides nearRushville in Potter. Their childrenare Candace and Adelbert.
Cornelius married Ann Eliza VAN ANDEN ofRushville. They had two children,Lodowick and Susan. He has a secondwife, Jennie HICKS of Utica and resides at Syracuse.
Henry VAN WORMER settled on the farm nowowned by Darwin B. HOLBROOK, on lot 9 of the fifth range, at a very early day,and was succeeded by his brother, John, in 1806. They were originally from Hoosic. Amongthe several children of John, were two sons, Charles and John. Charles married Betsey SHERWOOD of Orange Co., and resided on thehomestead, which he sold to Galen HOLBROOK. He finally died in Indiana. Hewas among the earliest to cultivate improved fruit by grafting, and owing tocare in this respect the orchard on the HOLBROOK farm has always been noted forfine fruit. He was not especiallyaddicted to hard farm labor, and loved hunting and the sports and adventures ofthe forest. He was a character ofconsiderable note. His brother Johngrew up in the family of Deacon David SOUTHERLAND, married a Miss SECOR, settledadjoining the SOUTHERLAND homestead, and died there.
Nicholas VAN ZANDT was born in Bloomsburg,NJ in 1772, and died in Potter in 1858. Hiswife, Ida SUTPHIN of NJ, was born in 1777 and died in 1853. In 1800 the settled in Ovid, Seneca Co. and in 1815 on westlot 8, range four, in Potter, now known as the BARBER neighborhood. They had ten children, and tow more born in this town. They were Garrett, Lucretia, Anna, Maria, Margaret, Jecheliah, LydiaJane, Amy, Garnetta, Isaac and Samuel.
Garret born in 1793, married Charity STOUTin 1814. They settled in this town and had seven children, Henry, Betsey A.,Margaret, John, Jane, Nicholas and Ida. Hewas a solider in the War of 1812 and is still living, in Indiana.
Lucretia, born in 1795, married JohnWHEELAND in 18?0. They lived inOvid and their children were Ida, Jeremiah and Garrett. She married a second husband, John PRICE of Livonia, NY
Anna born in 1797, was the first wife ofJeremiah BARBER; was married in 1813 and died in 1848.
Maria born in 1799, married John J. SCHNECKin 1814. They resided in this townseveral years and had four children, Eleanor, Jacob, Ann and William. In 1854, they moved to Ada, Kent Co., Mich. Where he died andshe still resides.
Margaret born in 1801, married JonathanSTOUT in 1817. He was a shoemakerin Potter many years, and what was remarkable in the eyes of some, he alwayskept his promises, and was a man held in high esteem. Their children were, James, Jane, Mary and Lydia. James married Sarah A.COMSTOCK. They now reside at Byron,Ogle Co., Ill and have four children, Fanny, Herbert, Frank and Nellie. Jane married Cyrus DAINS. Their daughter, Margaret, married George GARDNER of Naples. Mary married Richard HARRIS of Cascade, Mich. Lydia married James BRONK of Green Co., NY and resides at Potter Center. They have one child, Eva.
Jecheliah born in 1803, married Arvine CLARKin 1818. They moved to ChautauquaCo. where she died leaving four children, Laura A. William, Nicholas and Caleb.
Lydia born in 1805, married Aaron STOUT in1825. They lived at Geneva.
Jane born in 1809 married Truman G. SLITORin 1827. They resided may years inPotter, and emigrated to Monona, Iowa. Theirchildren are Hannah, Richard, Edward and Mary J.
Amy, born in 1811, married Josephus WOODRUFFin 1831. He was killed in Italy byan insane man, leaving three children, Margaret, Charles and Garnetta. She married a second husband, Joseph AKER of Italy. They had one daughter, Amy, who married John THOMAS.
Garnetta born in 1814 married Jarvis GREENin 1833. Their children were Susan,Anna and Amy. She married a secondhusband, Thompson M. SLITOR. Theylived in Potter and had two children, Amanda and Adelbert. Anna married William DAVIS; Amy, William LAMOUREAUX andAmanda, William SMITH.
Isaac VAN ZANDT, born in 1817, marriedRachel NORTON in 1836 and emigrated to Troy, Ohio. Their children are Eleanor and Samuel S.
Samuel M. born in 1819, married Charity,daughter of William SIMMONS in 1840. Theyresided many years on the VAN ZANDT homestead, which they have sold to Culver S.BARBER. They have one son, Issac M,born in 1848.
The record of the VAN ZANDT family waschiefly from the record of Nicholas VAN ZANDT, written by himself in a clear,plain hand, on his 85th birthday. He was a man of exact walk in his daily life and reaped the rich fruitsof it in a vigorous longevity.
VOAK pg 839 � 841
John VOAK born in 1768 in Sussex Co, NJ,married there, Rachel DYER. She wasborn in 1764. She died in Potter in1845 and he in 1849. They movedearly to Wilksbarre, and thence in 1796 to Potter, locating on west lot 9 of thefirst range.
Abraham VOAK, his brother, had preceded themby two years and made some improvements. Helived on lot 94 in Benton, where Jeremiah SLAUGHTER now resides.
John VOAK worked for Arnold POTTER for anacre of land a day, till he had paid for 300 acres. The first season their log cabin had a bark roof, a blanket for a doorand oiled paper for windows. Mrs.VOAK was a Quakeress and he a Methodist. Afterthey had lived seven years in the woods they had the first preaching. Their house then became a regular stopping place for the Methodistitinerants. They struggled hard for some years against the hardship ofpioneer life, their nearest neighbors being Abraham VOAK and David SOUTHERLAND,each a mile and a half distant. Thewolves devoured their sheep and even attacked their cows, and sometimes theywould keep night fires burning to scare off the wolves and bears. The Indians gave them frequent calls with some needless alarm to thewomen. The oldest daughter, Lydia,went to mill on horseback through the woods and on one occasion was detainedover night at Melchoir WAGENER�S much to the alarm of the family. John VOAK gave each of his sons 70 acres of land, the oldest daughter,forty, and the youngest, a sum of money, and settled them, all in his ownvicinity. Their children were:Lydia, James, Abraham, Isaac, Sarah, Samuel, Joseph, Mary, John and Josiah. Mary and John died young.
Lydia, born in 1789, married Rev. PeregrineHALLETT of Potter and settled on a part of the homestead, where she still lives,a widow.
James, born in 1791, married Rebecca,daughter of Jesse HALL, who settled on the lot northeast of Secor Corners, aboutthe time Deacon SOUTHERLAND arrived. Shewas born in 1800 and is the only remaining member of the family in this section. Their children are Ellen, Huldah D., Isaac D. and John. Ellen born in 1818, married Harmon STILES of Potter. Theymoved to Fredonia, NY with their children, Emma and Clarence H. Huldah D., born in 1820, married Hiram U. REYNOLDS of Benton and in 1854emigrated to Forreston, Ogle Co., Illinois, where they reside. They have one child, Herbert. IsaacD., born in 1820?, married Margaret SCOTT of Seneca. She died leaving three children, Loren D., Clara and Wilbur W. They resided in Benton, near the old homestead, but now live in Buffalo. John, born in 1827 married Rachel SCOTT of Seneca. He is an esteemed citizen residing with his father on the old homestead. They have three children, Mary R., Horace G and Dexter J.
Abraham born in 1793, married Patty PAYNE ofPotter, and settled in the at town near the homestead, where they reared theirfamily of six children, Wesley, Joel, Nelson, Hannah, Job and Mary J., all ofwhom are scattered in the west.
Isaac born in 1795, married Beersheba PAYNEof Potter. They settled in Bentonnear the homestead where he died in 1834, leaving his widow and four children,James D., Charles W., Caroline and Martha M. His widow married Benjamin B. HALLETT.
Sarah, born in 1797 married John PAYNE ofPotter. They settled in Prattsburg,he as a merchant; thence he returned to Potter, and settled on a farm near theold Joshua PAYNE homestead, thence on a far near the VOAK homestead where theynow reside. They have fourchildren: Almira, Mary, John W. and Josiah D. Almira married Charles D. CLEVELAND of Benton. Mary PYANE married Charles BATES, son of Orrin BATES. He was born in 1820 in what is now Torrey; moved with his father�sfamily to Potter, on the farm now occupied by Isaac LANE in the Voak Settlement. After marriage, they settled first on the farm now occupied by Robert J.HALL, and afterwards owned the James SMITH farm in Benton. Since 1866 they have resided in Penn Yan. Their surviving children are Sarah, Melissa, Emma E., Frank E. and JennieR. Emma E. married William N.SMITH, and they moved to the new State of Idaho. Her parents moved to Kansas in 1871 and now reside in Wilmington, SumnerCo., in that state. Frank E. is engaged in the spoke business on Keuka Lakeoutlet. John W. married MariaSOUTHERLAND of Potter. Josiah D.married Mary MUNGER of Watkins and they reside there.
Samuel, born in 1799, married Maria KENT ofBenton and settled in that town, near the VOAK homestead, and thence moved toSteuben Co., where his wife died leaving one child, Alvira. He married again and moved to Illinois.
Joseph, born in 1801, married AbigailWALLING of Potter, and settled in Benton, half a mile northeast of the oldhomestead. They have two survivingchildren, John E. and Joseph B. Afterhis wife�s death, he married Wealthy OWEN of Rushville, near which place theynow live. They have two children,Watson and Minnie.
Josiah VOAK was born in 1809, and married Lucretia, daughter of Stephen WYMAN ofPotter. They settled in Benton, onemile northeast of the old homestead, where they now live. Their children are Nancy, Isaac, Elizabeth, Owen and William S. Nancy married Smith ALLEN of Benton. Isaac married Eliza, daughter of John SOHTERLAND of Potter. He enlisted in the army in 1863, sickened, returned and died in 1865. His widow married John CLARK of Benton.
Lindsey WARFIELD was born in Frederic,Maryland, in 1784 and in 1798 came to this town with John TUCKER, hisstepfather. They settled on thefarm now occupied by Benjamin WATKINS, whose wife was Rowena L. tucker and heirto the property. Her mother, AnnaTUCKER, by her first marriage, was the mother of Lindsey WARFIELD. In 1816, Lindsey WARFIELD married Elizabeth, sister of Capt. PeterLAMOREAUZ. They finally settled onwhat was known as the FAUROT farm, in the WARFIELD neighborhood.
He received a land warrant for his servicein the war of 1812. He died in1864, his wife surviving him. Theirchildren were: Richard N., Hester J., Andrew W., Lindsey D., Harriet, CharlesH., Sarah A., Rowena E. and Myron F.
Richard N., born in 1817, married RachelHILL. He is a druggist and oildealer and resides in Rochester. Theirchildren are R. Henry, Emma E. Lindsey B. and Abbie L.
Hester J., born in 1819, married in 1840,Alvin CHAMBERLIN of Lima, NY. Theirchildren are Charlotte A. and Francis E.
Andrew W. born in 1821 became a physicianand married Maria D. WEARE of Rushville. Theymoved to La Salle, Ill, where she died leaving three children, Ada R., ArdellaD. and Lindsey N. He returned toPotter, enlisted in the 50th Regiment of Engineers and was assignedto hospital and sanitary service. Hedied at Raleigh, NC, after being present at many important engagements, and wasburied in the city cemetery with military honors.
Lindsey D., born in 1823, lives single onthe homestead, as does Harriet, born in 1826 and Sarah A. LORN in 1830.
Charles H., born in 1828, was a druggist atPrattsburg and died single in 1865.
ROWENA E. born in 1833, married Dr. James A.BENNETT of Lima, NY. He is aphysician at Prattsburg. He was asurgeon in the war in the 13th NY Heavy Artillery. They have one child, Elizabeth.
Myron F., born in 1836, married Frances H.,daughter of Robert GREEN of Rushville. Hesucceeded his brother in the drug trade at Prattsburg. They have one son, Charles. Hewas a soldier of the 28th NYV, enlisting as a private and becoming aFirst Lieutenant for meritorious service at the battle of Chancellorsville. He was engaged at the battle of Cross Roads, Newton, Cedar Mountain,Rappahannock and Antietam.
Among the early settles in the WARFIELDneighborhood, was a Mr. WESSON from New England, who settled on the farmsubsequently owned by Thomas REYNOLDS. WilliamFOSTER was an original settler in the same locality, on the Daniel HOLLEY farm. Abraham FLORENCE on the Joshua ALLEN farm. These were within the present boundaries of Middlesex.
James SOUTHERLAND, a brother of DavidSOUTHERLAND, settled the SAVAGE farm, and died there at an early day. His widow married Capt. Henry GREEN, and resided severalyears on the farm, which then passed to the heirs of the SOUTHERLAND family andfinally vested by descent in Almon SAVATE, who married Sarah, daughter of JosephSOUTHERLAND, one of the sons of Deacon David SOUTHERLAND.
Nathan WARNER born in Granby, Mass., in1774, died in Potter in 1857. Hecame to the town in 1796. His wife,Martha CARD was born in 1775 in Rhode Island. They were married in 1798 in Augusta. They settled on land adjoining George GREEN on the east, where both died. Their children were: Benjamin, Samuel W., James S., Martha, Hannah,Tamar, Sarah, Rachel, R., William E. and Lydia J. Benjamin, born in 1801, died without children in 1865. Samuel W., born in 1803, married Freelove A. JENKINS in 1823. She was a native of Providence, RI, born in 1801. Their children were: James H., William, Mary, Benjamin F. and Nathan. The father married in 1808, a second wife, Sarah STONE of Pultney. She died in 1862, at the age of 76 years. James H. married Jane DOWNEY and they have four children. Mary married George R. BOOTS. Nathanmarried Charlotte PELTON.
James S. WARNER born in 1809, marriedClarrissa KELLEY of Potter. He diedin 1843, leaving two children, Sarah and Emmet. Sarah is the wife of Ira UNDERWOOD. Emmet, born in 1842, enlisted in the Union Army in 1862, and served inthe Army of the Potomac till the end of the war, participating in tits principalbattles. He was taken a prisoner inthe Wilderness during the seven days� fight, and was confined some time astarving prisoner at Richmond.
Martha and Nathan M. died single.
Hannah born in 1816, became the wife ofJareb D. BORDWELL. Tamar born in1819, married John E. WAGER of Middlesex. Sarahborn in 1821, married Samuel JAQUA. Sheis now a widow, residing at Cohocton, NY. Theirchildren are George, Edward, Emma, John and one other.
Rachel R., born in 1823, married HoraceUNDERWOOD.
William E. WARNER born in 1825, marriedEllen RICHIE, and resides on the old family homestead.
Lydia J., born in 1833, lives single inCalifornia.
Daniel G. WEARE was born in 1789, in Oxford,New Hampshire. The family wereScotch. He married Lydia COLEMAN ofWhately, Mass. in 1811. she wasborn in 1784. In 1812 they settledin the town of Seneca, near the Lake, a few miles south of Geneva, near the oldGlass Factory. For many years hewas a state proprietor and mail contractor. He had a route from Auburn to Ithaca, passing by way of Cayuga and westof Cayuga Lake. The first steameron the Lake diverted the trail from this route. He was also an associate in the Albany and Buffalo stage line, and wasfor some time employed by John MAGEE, by whom his sagacity and judgment weregreatly prized as a manager of stage lines. They became fast friends through life. In 1819 he moved to Potter in which town he thereafter resided, exceptfor a few years at Sherman�s Hollow. Fora long time he had a mail route form Geneva by way of Hall�s Corners, Bethel,Rushville, Potter, Italy Hollow, Italy Hill, Penn Yan, Hopeton, (where AbrahamDOX was Postmaster, John L. LEWIS Sr., keeping the office). He died at Potter Center in 1863, after a long and activeparticipation in the early history of the Genesee country. His widow survives and is a remarkable specimen of those self-reliant NewEngland mothers, who were the pride of our early history. Their children were: Samuel C., Mary H., Sarah, Caroline, Daniel G.,Orrin R and Delight.
Samuel C. WEARE marred Martha W., daughterof col. Israel ARNOLD. They haveresided in Penn Yan, he as a merchant; also some years at the West, in Canada asa lumber dealer, and recently on a farm in Benton. Their children are Martha and Arthur R. Martha married William H. GROTWICK, of Albany. Arthur R. was a soldier of the 20th NY Cavalry,and was engaged in numerous battles. Duringa portion of his service, he was a detective.
Mary H. married Homer B. WILLIAMS ofPalmyra, where they resided some years, moving thence to the city of New York. They had two sons, Rufus M. and Charles. Rufus was accidentally killed by a gun shot in Potter, in 1861.
Caroline married Henry LAZARUS. They reside near the Friend�s place in Jerusalem.
Daniel G. WEARE Jr., married Nancy LEONARDof Fairport, NY. He is a physician,was a regimental surgeon during the Rebellion, and received promotion to surgeonin chief of a Brigade, serving on Gen. CUSTAR�S Staff. After the war he accompanied his regiment on an Indian campaign to theNorth Platte. He studied hisprofession with Dr. William M. MAY, of Palmyra and graduated in 1847 at theCollege of Physicians and Surgeons in New York. He practiced 8 years in Georgia and Louisiana, and moved thence toMichigan. The town of Weare in thatState, was named in his honor. Hethere entered the army in the 6th Michigan Cavalry. He now resides at Clifton Springs, (Ontario Co.) NY.
Orrin R. WEARE emigrated single toCalifornia in 1849. He and S.Burnett WYMAN raised a flag at their headquarters in Placer Co., naming thelocation, Auburn. The place hasbecome a town of note. He visitedhome once, returned to California and has not been hear from in several years.
Delight married Reese CASE of the town ofSeneca. He was for some time amiller and merchant at Geneva, Wis., and now resides at Clifton Springs. Their children are Homer, Henry, Edward, Fanny and William.
Nathan WEBB, an early settler in Potter, wasborn in 1768, in Norwich, CT. Hemarried Polly PRATT in 1793. shewas born in 1773. They settled onthe farm now owned by Moses B. WATKINS, on lot 11, of the sixth range, in 1798,where he died in 1807. She survivedtill 1858, dying at the resident of her son. Dr. Nathan WEBB in Potter. Of their children, John F. married Lydia HOYT of Cortland in1820. They settled on the homesteadand afterwards moved to Evans, Erie Co., where he died leaving eight children.
Dorcas married John MORRIS of Gorham, whereshe died leaving four children, Perley, Cuyler, Julia and Loren, with whom hemoved to Huron Co., Ohio.
Ruby married Henry HOBART of Gorham andsettled at Pittsfield, Mich., where both died leaving four children, Emily,Myron, Elizabeth and Ruby.
Aurelia married Nilham YAW of Pittsfield,Mich., where she died leaving two sons, John L. and Henry F.
Mary married Hiram CADY of Gorham and movedto Pittsfield, Mich., where he died and she lives with her children, of whomthere were three, Myron, Eliza and Homer.
Nathan WEBB Jr., married Lorinda ENOS ofEvans, Erie Co. He practicedmedicine several years in Potter and was regarded skillful in his profession. Hemoved to Pittsfield, Mich., where he chiefly practiced as a surgeon. Their children were: Georgiana, Harriet, Frederic, Hadley,James and Kate. The sons werevolunteers in the Union Army and Frederic was killed in the battle of Antietam.
Nathan WEBB Sr. at one of the early paradesof the militia, on the farm of Mr. FRENCH, who was captain, exercised in theranks with a borrowed gun, which he supposed not loaded. To his surprise and horror, it discharged and killed Benjamin MC NAIR, ayoung man, with a log house near by. Thisdeplorable casualty gave Mr. WEBB such a shock as to seriously affect thehappiness of his after life.
Beza WHITMAN was a native of Massachusetts.(May 13, 1773 - April 7, 1810) He located in Rushville, about 1800, having previously lived in what isnow Middlesex. His wife was Alice,(1777-1857), a sister of Capt. Henry GREEN. He build and kept the first public house in Rushville, wherenow stands the residence of Mrs. Periander VORCE, whose present house was partof the original structure. He diedin 1810 and his wife in 1853. Theirchildren were Augustus, Marcus, Henry G., Samuel and Alice.
Augustus born in 1797, married Julia,daughter of Aaron PUTNEY. Theybecame the owners of his paternal homestead at Rushville, where he established atannery, and pursued that trade many years. While retaining his home at Rushville he subsequently established anextensive tannery at Wayland, Steuben County, where he was a large landowner. He died there in 1865. AtRushville he was a valued citizen and an estimable member of the Congregationalchurch, a man of generous and benevolent nature. Their only daughter, Deborah, married William C. CRITTENDEN, then amerchant at Rushville, afterwards a successful farmer and owner of the HARWOODfarm. He finally moved to Canandaigua and died there in 1865. The surviving children are: Thompson, Julia W., Mary F., Isabella,Caroline, Antoinette, Harriet, Mabel B., William T. and Augustus W. (b. 1798)
Marcus WHITMAN born in 1799, upon the deathof his father, was cared for by an uncle in Massachusetts, and was educated aphysician. He practiced hisprofession several years in the town of Wheeler, Steuben Co. A deeply religious man with a noble thirst for adventure and exploration,he united with Rev. Samuel PARKER of Ithaca and Rev. Henry H. SPAULDING ofPrattsburg, in an overland journey to the northwest about 1834, under thedirection of the American Board of Foreign Missions. He brought back two Indian boys, with whom he surprised hisRushville friends in the early winter of 1835. Unannounced he walked into church followed by his native prot�g�s andcreated a decided sensation. Thefollowing spring (1836) he married Narcissa, daughter of Judge PRENTICE for manyyears a resident of Prattsburg, and returned overland with a considerable colonyto the Pacific coast. There aftereleven years of great industry and usefulness among the Nez Perces and otherIndians in the Walla Wally Valley, he and his wife were both slain in themassacre, to which it is believed, the Indians were incited by the agents of theHudson Bay Company. Dr. WHITMAN dida great service to the country, crossing the mountains in the midst of winter toapprize the authorities at Washington of the great value of the immense NorthWestern territory, which they were about to cede to Great Britain for a triflingconsideration. It is but recentlythat his patriotic and self-sacrificing efforts have met with just appreciation. The legislature of Washington Territory propose the erection of amonument to his memory, a most appropriate act of justice. (see article)(they died Nov 29, 1847) (Dr.Marcus Whitman, aged 44, KILLED; Narcissa (PRENTISS) Whitman, aged39, KILLED) Anothersite
Henry S. WHITMAN married Emeline STEARNS ofGorham, and settled near Rushville in that town, where he died leaving fourchildren, Mary, Anna, Emma and Henry.
Samuel married Mary PEABODY, of Rushvilleand resides near Dansville, NY. Theyhave three sons, Perine B., Prentice and Orrin G.
Alice married Henry S. MESEROLE ofRushville. They reside at Naplesand their children are Darwin, Martha, Marcus W., Frank H. and Mary.
Joseph H. WILLIAMS came to this town fromOrange, Mass. And settled on what is now known as the GARDINER farm, near Capt.Rows PERRY. Of his children,Abigail married Clark GREEN of Rushville; Huldah, Adolphus MORSE of Gorham;Sarah, James LOOMIS of Rushville; Rachel, James HOLTON of Potter; Laura, WillardFAY of Prattsburg; Joseph, Elsie PIERCE of Middlesex; Polly, Henry ANDRUSS ofBranchport; John F. married MandavillaBEEMAN of Cayuga Co.; Ira C., Maria BENEDICT of Jerusalem; Margaret, TheodoreBAKER of Ohio. Mrs. James HOLTONstated of these, here family, that when the youngest was 53 years old, all wereliving with their married partners. Theyoungest died first in 1869.
The successor of John GRIFFIN in Middlesexwas his brother in law, Richard Montgomery WILLIAMS. He was born in Huntington, Long Island, March 17, 1776, and was adescendant of a Welch family, early resident on Long Island. His father was the third in lineal descent, whose name was Nathaniel. His mother, Penelopy YOUNG, was from another Welsh family of Long Island,from which also sprung Samuel YOUNG of Saratoga, a celebrated character in thepolitical history of New York. Thefamily of Nathaniel WILLIAMS were retained as prisoners within the British linesat Flatbush during their occupation of New York and Long Island, in theRevolutionary war. The mother diedthere in 1780, while Richard M., the only surviving child was receiving aneducation in a military camp, as the pet of the British officers. At five years he could shoot at a mark with great precision and was aremarkable expert in fencing and boxing, and a frequent winner for his backersin these sports. He retained theseaccomplishments well along in life, and made them available in his pioneerexperience. His education as ascholar was conferred by private tutors and was thorough, embracing mathematics,the best scientific lore of his time, and good classical attainments. What is unusual among men in active life, he made hisknowledge available in his daily affairs, and retained it fresh and clear in hismind. His Latin and French works hecontinued to read while he lived and seldom found it needful to consult an indexfor a passage, even when his mind had not recurred to it for many years. In his thirst for knowledge he gathered a large library and surroundedhimself with all sorts of publications. Hewas trained a merchant by his father who moved to Lansingbury, NY, after theclose of the Revolutionary war.
In 1793, while yet a minor he came toGeneva, where he was one of the first three to establish a store, and trafficwith the Indians and pioneers. In1795 he married Amy, daughter of Epenetus HART. She was born in Pennsylvania, Jan 7, 1779. In 1798 they went to Savannah, GA, where his father accompanied them anddied there. In five or six years the unhealthy climate compelled them to return. In 1805 he opened trade as a merchant at Aurora, Cayuga Co., NY, underthe firm of R M & Z Williams. Hispartner, Zebulon WILLIAMS, had a store on the opposite side of the Lake inSeneca Co., afterwards he resided in Benton and then in Palmyra. In 1812 he succeeded John GRIFFIN in Middlesex, (now Potter), carryingforward large operations as a farmer, merchant, and manufacture of potash andwhisky. He died there June 4, 1837. He was a strong supporter of JEFFERSON, and Daniel D. TOMPKINS wasrepeatedly supervisor of Middlesex, and was offered the office of First Judge,when Yates county was organized. Thishe refused but afterwards consented to serve as Associate Judge a short time. He was no seeker of office, but in his business he was active anddriving, as well as just and accurate. Byhis efforts a mail route was established from Canandaigua through Rushville ,Potter, Naples, Blood�s Corners, Liberty and Prattsburg, keeping it up at hisown risk and expense till the offices became remunerative to the government. He had stores al all these places except Blood�s Corners and Rushville. Socially he was a warm and steadfast friend, and he endeavored to renderhis children intelligent and faithful to the moral virtues. Four of their ten children became adults, Eliza, Richard H., Susan P. andMary H.
Eliza born in Vernon (now Torrey) in 1805,married Britton M. WILLIAMS of Orange Co. Theylived some time on the Middlesex (now Potter) homestead and he died leaving twodaughters, Emma H., and Margaret E. EmmaH. married Martin B. LEWIS and resides at Red Wing, Minnesota. Margaret E. married Rev. Edwin RICE and died at La Crosse, Wis., leavingone son, Edwin W.
Richard H. WILLIAMS born at Aurora, CayugaCo., NY, Aug 3, 1807, married Phebe, daughter of Jesse RYDER of Sing Sing, NY,on October 23, 1834. Their childrenhave been Henry m., Sarah E., Helen L., Margaret B. and Edward E. Sarah E. died at the age of twenty in 1861. Henry M, a young man of great energy and personal worth, went toMelbourne, Australia in 1861, where for some years he was actively engaged as amerchant; but loss of health compelled his return, and he is still an invalid. The family have resided in New York since 1863.
Mr. WILLIAMS was trained to business underhis father in the extensive operation of his affairs, which included farming anda large trade in general merchandise and produce. He was educated in the schools of the country and the Academies of Auroraand Canandaigua, and the Scientific Rensselaer School at Troy, NY, under itsfounder, the famous Prof. Amos EATON. Residingin Middlesex till 1863, he was always a prominent and influential citizen of thecounty. He and John SPICERwere the first commissioners of the county for loaning the U.S. Deposit Fund andcontinued in office two terms. They made the entire original investment without theleast loss or error. In 1843 herepresented the county in the Assembly and became conspicuous by his report aschairman of a select committee, advocating the repeal of the restriction on thepractice of medicine. The actualrepeal took place the next year, after more than 30 years agitation. (SeeAssembly Do., No. 69,1843)
In 1845 he was elected to the State Senatefrom the old 7th district. Heserved two years, his term being cut short by the adoption of the constitutionof 1846. As a Senator he was anable, industrious and influential legislator. It was due to him that the law requiring checks for baggage on railroadswas passed, he having introduced the bill and urged its passage. He also made a report much in advance of public opinion, boutsound in its foresight, favoring the consolidation of the seven railroads, nowconstituting the New York Central. (See Senate Doc. 149, vol 4, 1847, also abill requiring these roads to re-lay their several tracks with the heavy T rail;also a bill allowing the same roads to carry freight throughout the years bypaying canal tolls. He wasdistinguished for his persistent and successful advocacy of the measure for thereduction of salt duties, the State officers proposing a duty of three cents abushel within the State, and one cent for that which went out of the State. By his efforts they were defeated and the duty made uniform at one cent. He also advocated the Niagara Suspension Bridge and on hismotion its charter was reconsidered and passed, after it had been deliberatelyvoted down as impracticable. Uponits recall it was placed in his charge as a member of the railroad committee. In the support of legal reform he was earnest and persistent, and finallysucceeded in obtaining a commission filled with his nominees in the place ofthose know to be adverse to change, as was a part of the first commission. (See Albany Atlas, Apr 1847, No. 2009)
He was twice supervisor of Middlesex, andwas association with George A. SHEPPARD, commissioner for the re-erection of thecounty jail in 1857. In 1865-6 heheld a position in the U.S Customs in the city of New York. His life public and private has been one of activity and usefulness andwhile marked by independence has never been tainted by selfishness norcorruption. He has been efficientand zealous in the collection and arrangements of facts and incidents for thisCounty History. His first vote wascast in 1828 for General JACKSON, for whom he was the first to raise thestandard in Yates County. He wasalso among the foremost to organize and support the Free Soil Party of 1848, andnever consented to its re-absorption with the reactionary elements from whichthat party cut loose. Hence he wasa thorough Republican long before the party had its birth, and was active,prominent and effective in its organization. A man of generous personal qualities he has a ready hospitality for newideas and is consequently a progressive man, generally in advance of mostothers, especially in agricultural, political and social improvement. His vigor of mind, integrity of character and devotion to human progress,entitles him to rank among the foremost men who have given celebrity to Yatescounty.
Susan P., born at Aurora in 1812, marriedHenry HUSTED of Pine Plaines, Dutchess Co. They settled in Potter on the Enoch BORDWELL farm, on lot 5, of the fifthfarm range, where they still reside. Theirchildren are: Mary E., Emma C., Sarah S., Cornelius and Isabella S. Emma C. is the wife of Frank H. PURDY. Sarah S. married Jeffrey THOMAS of Potter, resides inMichigan. Henry HUSTED about 40years a resident of Potter, has been a prominent man in political affairs,frequently holding office in his town. Heis a member of the Methodist Church.
Mary H., born in Middlesex in 1814, diedsingle at the homestead in 1836.
Mrs. Amy WILLIAMS survived her husband manyyears and died at the residence of her son, Richard H. WILLIAMS in 1862, nearly84 years old. She was a woman ofgreat energy and perseverance and her kindest sympathies were always extended toall she deemed deserving. As a wifeand mother she was most devoted and affectionate.
Jonas WYMAN came from Lancaster, Mass.,first stopping four years at Whitestown. Hiswife was Hannah SMITH of Lancaster. Theysettled in Potter in 1796. Hisfather, Jonas WYMAN Sr., settled on west lot 2, of the second farm range,opposite and near Rev. William HOBART. JonasWYMAN Jr., died in 1801 at the age of 62 years, and his wife in 1829, at the ageof 79 years. Their children were:
I. Polly, who married Nicanor BROWN of Whitestown
II. Betsey married Gen. Oliver COLLINS of Whitestown
III. John married Sophia CULVER of the town of Seneca, settled a few years onthe home farm, sold his half to William L. HOBART and moved to Gorham in 1808.
IV. Samuel WYMAN born in 1780, married Betsey R. WATERMAN, who was born atNorwich, RI, in 1786. They weremarried at George GREEN�S house, by Rev. Mr. ALLEN, a Presbyterian Clergymanat Naples, in 1806. They settled in1809 on the present homestead, where Enoch BORDWELL and George GREEN had built asawmill and a log house. The farmcontained 104 acres, on lot 1, farm range four. He died in 1848 and his widow is still living. Their children were George G. and Sally (twins), William W., Susan L.,John R., Eliphalet H., Hannah S. Samuel B. and Betsey.
George G., born in 1806, married CarolineROSS in 1831. She was born in CT in1811. They settled on the GeorgeGREEN farm, where they still reside. Heis an exemplary and upright citizen and a prosperous farmer. Their daughter, Adelia S., married Rev. Edwin J. HERMANS. A son, Whitford B., married Rachel CRAWFORD of Penn Yan and resides onlot 8, range three. Elizabethmarried Frank TELFORD of the town of Seneca. Harriet R. married Franklin E. HOBART, son of John F. HOBART. Edwards S. married Elizabeth, daughter of Jareb D. BORDWELL. There are besides, Emily, Eugene, Flora, Charlotte and Henry. Emily is a graduate of the Lima Seminary and an accomplished teacher.
Sally, twin sister of George G. WYMAN,married in 1826, to Peter BASOM. Theyreside on lot 2 range five. Oftheir children, Martha J. married Harry L. COVERT of Potter; Samuel W., marriedMargaret BOGART of Potter; Catharine married Alfred INGRAM of Potter; and Susanmarried John ALDRIDGE of Middlesex and moved to Michigan.
William W., born in 1809, married SylviaSTEARNS of Italy. They had threechildren. Charles D. marriedSusanah CHAMPLIN of Jerusalem. Hedied in 1862 at the age of 27 years. BetseyAnn married Mathew FAILING. WempleW. is single. The mother of thesechildren, died in 1857 and the father married a second wife, Sarah An CRAWFORDof Penn Yan. He resides on the oldhomestead farm on lot 2, farm range three.
Susan L., born in 1810, married WalterSIMMONS and moved to Lockport, NY, where she died.
John R., born in 1813, married Ann MariaJOHNSON of Potter in 1836. He kepta hotel some years in the city of New York. He died at Potter in 1859. Theyhad two children, Harvey and Helen, both of whom are married. Eliphalet H., born in 1817, married Mary SOULES. They live in Barry, Orleans Co., and have two children, Sarah and PerryM.
Hannah S., born in 1819, married David A.THOMAS and resides in Gorham. Theirchildren are: William W., Mariba E., Burnett S., Matilda C., Franklin W. andNelly L.
Samuel B., born in 1822, married Mary L.WILSON and resides at Lincoln, California.
Betsey born in 1825, married William S.COATES of Jerusalem and died in 1871.
V. Jonas WYMAN, third son of Jonas Jr., born in 1785, ws a physician atLima, NY. He studied his professionwith Dr. Jareb DYER. In 1815 hedied, leaving two children, Harvey and Betsey. His widow died in 1841 at the age of 70 years. Harvey died in 1847 at aged 33 years.
VI. Sally was the first wife of William L. HOBART.
VII. Stephen born in 1798, married Nancy TAFT. They lived some years on the old homestead and moved to Barry, Orleans Co., where he died in 1847. His wife died in 1831 and he married a second time. The children by the first marriage were Stephen, Lucretia, Asa, James,Sarah and Kelsey. Lucretia marriedJosiah VOAK.
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