Potter Biographies
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History & Directory of Yates Co., VolII, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland
Information listedbelow in ( ) are NOT sourced from this book, but from other sources, suchas census information.
William HALL and Priscilla RAYMOND werenatives of Middlebury, Mass. He wasborn in 1760 and she in 1763. Theywere married in 1784 and settled in Potter in 1808. Their children were William, Priscilla, Seth, Phebe, John and Lydia.
William Hall Jr., born in 1785, marriedEsther, daughter of Peleg BRIGGS Jr. Shewas the second female child born in the Friend�s Settlement. They resided on a part of the homestead and their children were: Anna,Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, John, Artalissa, William R., and James B. Anna married Abraham L. ROBINSON of Italy, a worthy citizen of that town.They have had twelve children. Mary,married Ira BENTLEY, and settled in Allegany Co., where she died. Sarah married Mark KELSEY of Mass., and resides in that State. Elizabeth married Martin HOOSE of Benton and settled in Jerusalem. John married Mandavilla WHEELER. Theyreside in Potter. William R.married Hannah MOON. They reside onhis father�s homestead. James B.married Hannah, daughter of Peleg BATES and resides on her paternal homestead.
Dr. Buffum HARKNESS was a physician of notein this town, as early as 1805. Hesettled two miles southeast of Rushville, on a farm, at what is still known asHarkness Four Corners. He had alarge and successful practice and died at the early age of 42 years. He was buried in a Cemetery on the French Farm, one of theearliest in that town. His twochildren were Allonia and Forrest. Alloniamarried Luther S. HARWOOD of Middlesex. Theylived near Rushville, where he died. Henow resides in Rushville.
Forrest was also a physician and a highlyrespected citizen. He married LoraBREWSTER of Rushville and settled on a farm on the Valley road in Middlesex. He conducted his farm and practiced his profession many years, oftenholding positions of public trust. Hedied at Rushville, where he finally removed, leaving five children, Ann, Forest,Jane, Edward and Caroline.
Ann married Henry LAMOUREAUX of Middlesex,who died soon after. She married asecond husband, Joshua R. COATES of Clifton Springs, where they resided sometime. They have since emigratedwest. They have one child.
Forrest married a Miss HAVILAND andemigrated to Wisconsin.
Jane married Hiram BORWN of Middlesex andresides in Potter, east of Rushville.
Edward married Hannah, daughter of LorenzoHOYT and moved to Grass Lake, Mich.
Caroline married Foster A. HIXSON ofMiddlesex. He is a lawyer byprofession and by occupation a vinyardist in Vine Valley. Hi was a Paymaster in the army during the Rebellion and was elected tothe Assembly in 1868.
Dr. James HEERMANS was born in Milan,Dutchess Co., in 1799, studied medicine with Dr. Uri JDD, then of Rhinebeck, andwhile a student, moved with him to Penn Yan. He received a license from the Yates County Medical So9ciety, the firstthey gave, and entered first upon his practice with Dr. BURNETT; afterwardsconducted an independent practice many years, also managing his farm on lot 5,of the second farm range. He was a favorite physician in his locality, and aconspicuous citizen, taking much interest in public and political affairs. He filled many public stations and was on one occasion the candidate ofthe Whig Party for Member of Assembly. Hehad the misfortune to become blind from amaurosis, in 1844, and remained sothrough life. Such was the activityof his mind that he kept himself well versed in the progress of events until hisdecease in 1863, in Penn Yan, where his family resided during the last few yearsof his life. He and his wife earlybecame members of the Free Communion Baptist Church at Potter Center, butsubsequently became Methodists. His wife was Eliza, daughter of Armstrong HARTT(sic). She was born in 1805. Their children were: Cornelia m., Emma S., Edwin J., Charles E., HenryC., Catharine E., William H. and Mary E., tow of whom died single. Emma S. married William D. SQUIER, a merchant of Penn Yan, and young manof decided personal worth. Bothdied in early life, leaving a daughter, Eliza M.
Edwin J., married Adelia S., daughter ofGeorge G. WYMAN. He is a prominentclergyman of the East Genesee Methodist Conference. Their children are Carrie A. and Mary A. (twins) and Harriet M.
Charles E. is also a Methodist preacher ofthe East Genesee Conference. Hemarried Amelia ARNOLD of Canoga, NY. Theirchildren are Emma A. and Edwin J.
Henry C. married Mary L., daughter of OliverSTARK. They reside at Ithaca andhave one child, Helen S.
Catharine E. is the wife of George R.CORNWELL.
William H., married Ella, daughter of GeorgeCRAMER of Penn Yan, and is a resident of that place.
George HOARD and his second wife, SallyWILLIAMS, settled in Potter in 1802 on lot 9 of the fourth farm range. He was from Rhode Island, and she from Stephentown. They had a son, Benoni, who married a daughter of Capt. THOMAS, a soliderkilled in the War of 1812. Benonidied in 1831 and his wife in 1827, leaving two sons. By a former marriage, George HOARD had six sons: James, George, David,John, Justus and Amos, all of whom married, resided in Potter and finally movedWest.
Isaac HOARD, a native of Rhode Island, was aRevolutionary soldier. He died in1830. After having lived atStephentown and Cherry Valley, he moved into Potter in 1810. His wife was Sally SHAW of Stephentown. Their children were: Peleg, Isaac, Edward, Gideon, Nancy and Polly. Peleg married first, Phebe STRICKLAND of Cherry Valley and for his secondwife, widow KEELER of Potter. Hesettled with his father on the west 100 acres of lot 11, range three, and diedthere.
Isaac HOARD Jr., married a Miss CAMPBELL inCherry Valley. They emigrated westand their children were James, Lester and Sally.
Gideon married Elizabeth STRICKLAND inCherry Valley. Their children wereRensselaer, Lorenzo D., Harriet and Alonzo. He married a second wife, widow MATHER, and they had two children, Mahlonand Gideon, who moved west.
Nancy HOARD married Philo STODDARD in 1815and settled on a farm at the foot of �Stoddard Hill�, on lot 1, sixth range,with his father, after whose death, about 1828, they moved west.
Polly married Benjamin THOMAS and settled ona part of the old Carey CLARK farm. Theyhad several children and moved to Baker�s Bridge, Allegany Co., about 1828.
HOBART pg 868 � 873
Rev. William HOBART was a descendant of Rev.Gersham HOBART, who was born in England in 1640 and emigrated to Groton, Mass.,where he officiated as a clergyman of the Presbyterian Church and had twelvesons and six daughters. It isrecorded in the old family Bible, that they �all followed him to meeting oneSabbath day.� His descendants tothe fourth generation resided in that town, Shubael, born in 1681; Israel bornin 1724 and William, the above named, who was born in 1752 and was the first toleave the town and the paternal home. Hesettled in the town of Townsend, Mass, and there married Patience FLAGG, Dec 7,1778, who was born May 21, 1755. Theirchildren were: William L., Nancy, John and Israel. She died in Massachusetts. Forhis second wife, he married dolly SMITH also of Townsend. They had six children, Baxter, Hannah, Harvey, Joseph L, Abel and WalterP.
Mr. HOBART was a Presbyterian clergyman inMassachusetts and was a chaplain in the Revolutionary war. He emigrated with his family of six children to the town of Potter in1797, and settled on a farm where he died January 1, 1801. After coming to this county, he devoted himself mostly to the clearingand working of his farm, then in a wilderness state. He was also a surveyor of note, and surveyed several townships in thecounty of Cayuga, and was a man of prompt and decided action, and a strictobserver of his religious creed and duties. His wife, Dolly, survived him about fifty years, and finally died in thefamily of her daughter, Mrs. LOOMIS, at Rushville in 1851. She was a most exemplary Christian, and strongly attached to theCongregational Church at Rushville, with which she had been associated from itsorganization. Left with a family often children in a new country, her burdens and responsibilities were great, butwere borne with Christian fortitude; and she left her life record without ablemish.
William L., born at Townsend, in 1778,married Sally, daughter of Jonas WYAMAN in 1805 and in July following settled onthe homestead farm, which he retained during his life, the farm on range four,lot 4, being then entirely new. Hewas a man of perseverance, deter mined will, and unyielding in the pursuit ofwhatever he undertook, yet without the least disposition to encroach upon therights of others, when allowed to pursue the bent of his own judgment. He acquired a large estate, and left his family with a fair start in theworld, with his example of stern honesty, perseverance and rigid economy toinsure them a successful course in life. Hewas long a noted and successful cattle drover. His wife died in 1813, and he in 1865, aged 86 years. He married a second wife, Phebe, daughter of William HALL Sr., of Potter,in 1815. She was born inMassachusetts in 1794 and died in 1847. Theyhad seven surviving children, Sally, Benjamin, Chester L., Almira L., CharlesH., Hannah A. and Caroline H.
Mr. HOBART�S house was always the home ofthe itinerant minister, and he was open-handed to the church, though not amember, and kind to the poor and needy. Thechildren by the first marriage who reached adult age were Lucinda and John Flagg.
Lucinda, born in 1806, married BenjaminFranklin THOMAS of Jerusalem, and settled in Potter. They had two surviving children, Richard F. and Sarah M. Richard F. married Mary HOSKIN of California, and they residein Jerusalem. Their children areHerbert and Charles. Sarah marriedPeleg BRIGGS of Potter. Mr. THOMASdied, and his widow married for her second husband, Henry DECKER of Potter andresides there. They have one child,Phebe E. who married J. Franklin HOBART of Michigan and they reside in Potterand have one child, Richard A.
John F., born in 1808, married Ann ElizaTHOMAS in 1831. She was a sister ofB. Franklin THOMAS and daughter of David THOMAS. They settled in Potter, on the Joshua PARSONS farm, where she died in1840, leaving four children, David L., Emily L., Franklin C. and Mary. He married for his second wife, Sarah H. THOMAS, sister of his firstwife, in 1841. They have threesurviving children, William L., Eliza A. and George H. The children of both of the above families are all married. David L., born in 1831, married Elizabeth, daughter of John E. WAGER ofMiddlesex, in 1861, and they have three children, Flora, John and an infant. Emily L. born in 1834, married James R. BORDWELL ofPotter. Franklin C., born in1837,married Harriet, daughter of George G. WYAMAN in 1863 and they reside in thattown. Mary C., born in 1839,married John W. CONLEY in 1863. Theyreside in Middlesex and have four children, Stewart J., Allen, Eliza and Laura. The children by the second wife were, William L, born in 1842, whomarried Abby WING of Michigan in 1869, and they reside there. Eliza A., born in 1843, married George HAWLEY of Potter, in 1866. George H. born in 1848, married Sarah, daughter of Samuel BASOM of Potterin 1870 and they reside in that town on the Orrin STEBBINS farm.
Sally born in 1815, married David R. CONLEYof Potter and died in 1851, leaving one child, William L., now a law student inPenn Yan.
Benjamin born in 1820, married Jane,daughter of Alexander SOUTHERLAND, and settled first in Potter and then inItaly, where she died, leaving one son, Byron F., who married Emma, daughter ofJames C. LONGWELL of Penn Yan. Mr.Benjamin HOBART died in 1852 at Panama, of cholera on his way to California.
Chester L., born in 1821, married EmelineCASEY of Potter, and they reside in Penn Yan. They have two children, Frank A. and William L.
Almira L., born in 1822, married in 1851,Leander W. LANE. They reside on andown the Abraham LANE homestead and have one child, Carrie M.
Charles H., born in 1825, married Polly,daughter of George WELLS and they reside in that town. They have two children, Byron C. and Jennie A.
Hannah A., born in 1828, married in 1851,Daniel ALLINGTON of Vanettenville, NY and resides on the HOBART homestead inPotter. They have one child, FrankJ.
Caroline H., youngest child of William L.HOBART, born in 1832, married in 1853, Guy L. DOUBLEDAY, M.D., son of Dr. ElishaDOUBLEDAY of Italy Hill, where they settled and he died in December 1870,leaving his widow and three sons, Leander L., Floyd E. and Charles. Mrs. DOUBLEDAY now resides in Penn Yan with her family.
Nancy born in 1780 in Massachusetts, marriedJoshua PARSONS in the present town of Potter. They settled on the farm now owned by John F. HOBART in that town, whereshe died leaving three children, William, Louisa and Anna. MR. PARSONS died in Bristol, Ontario Co. William married Miss FRANCISCO, and they settled in Middlesex, where hedied leaving one child. Louisamarried Martin FLOWERS of Potter and settled in Italy, where they now reside. One of their children, Ann, married William SCOTT of Benton, where shedied leaving two children.
John born in 1782, married Sally SADWICH ofHopeton. They settled in Middlesexwhere he died and his wife still lives. Theyhad ten children who reached adult age, Albert, Adaline, Orville, Henry,Angeline, Emeline, Caroline, Sarah Ann, Cordelia and Lawrence. Albert married Mary BLODGET of Gorham. Adaline married Andrew VESCELIUS of Dresden. Henry married Minerva LOW of Middlesex. Angeline married Jacob BEERMAN of Rushville. Emeline married Mr. DWELLE of Potter. Caroline and Cordelia died single. SarahAnn married Mr. VESCELIUS of Dresden. Lawrencemarried Mr. WEST. Orville is alsomarried.
Israel born in 1785, married Patty, daughterof Job CARD Sr., of Potter. Theyresided for several years in that town and finally emigrated to Michigan, wherehe died, leaving seven children, Alfred, Phebe, Martha, Mary, Job, Andrew J. andJabez Franklin. The widow is stillliving and all of the family are west except Jabez F., who married Phebe E.DECKER and resides in Potter. Theyhave one child, Richard A.
Baxter, born in 1790, married Eliza, sisterof John POTTER. They settled on afarm near Yatesville in Potter where he now resides and where his wife died. They have five children, Leander, Nortpon P., Malin, Charles W. andCaroline. Leander is married andresides in Syracuse, NY, a Presbyterian Clergyman. They have one child, Julia. NortonP. married Laura STONE of Jerusalem and emigrated to Dry Prairie, Mich. She was a daughter of Asahel STONE Jr. Malin ins married and resides in Michigan. Caroline married Dr. William HURD and they reside in Unioncity, Mich. Charles W. married andresides in Iowa City, Iowa. Baxter HOBART�S second wife was Esther CLARK ofBenton. They had four children,Mary, William L. Susan and Antoinette. Marymarried John ARNOLD of Gorham. Sheis a widow. Antoinette marriedAzoph HOLCOMB and they reside at Dry Prairie, Mich. Susan is also married. Williamenlisted in the 126th NYV and was killed at the battle of Gettysburg,July 3, 1863
Hannah born in 1792, married Chester LOOMISof Rushville.
Harvey, born in 1793, married Marana NORTONof East Bloomfield, where they settled and still reside. He was a painter andcabinet maker. Their familyconsisted of ten children, Elmira, William L., James, Oliver, Hiram, Henry,Charles, Edward, Mary and Florinda.
Joseph L., born in Potter in 1797, marriedEleanor BOULONGEE in Jerusalem in 1819. Shewas born in Philadelphia in 1797. Theysettled on the old homestead farm, comprising parts of farm range second, lot 2and range third, lot 2; according to a deed from Joseph LANDERS of Jerusalem, toWilliam HOBART, which was duly acknowledged before Arnold POTTER , Esq., byEliphalet NORRIS, subscribing witness, Sept 2, 1797, but was never recorded. They had seven children, Amelia L., Emily A., Cassandra, Frederic B.,Francis, Melville W. and Melmouth. AmeliaL., born in 1821, married Richard TAYLOR, a teacher at Penn Yan in 1839. She died in 1847, leaving two children, Cecelia, L. and Joseph A. Emily A., born in 1823, married Josephine (sic) BLOOMINGDALE of Benton, ateacher and settled in that town. Theyhad six children, five of whom died in Benton in the year 1863. Theyemigrated to Sparta, Wisconsin, where they reside. Their surviving children are Jacob and Frederick. Cassandra, born in 1824, married Edward CHADWICK, a teacher in StarkeySeminary, in 1854. She died at Starkey in 1855. Frederick B., born in 1825, married Charlotte WEBB of Barrington. They reside in Penn Yan and have one child, Adelbert J. Frances born in 1830, married Rev. Daniel CLARK of Seneca county. He is a Methodist circuit preacher. They have two children, Hamlin and Wilbur. Melville W. and Melmouth F., twins, were born in 1833. Melville W. married Helen, daughter of John GLEASON. They reside on a part of the homestead farm and have three children,Harriet, Lulu and May. Melmouth F.,married Hannah F. MATTHEWS of Chemung county in 1860. They reside in Penn Yan and have five children, Florence, Eleanor, Agnes,Olin and Mabel U.S.G.
Abel HOBART, born at Potter in 1799, marriedMarana STANLEY of Bloomfield, where they reside. They have several children. Twosons were in the late war of the Rebellion and died there, and another diedafter reaching home, from the effects of disease contracted in the service.
Walter P. HOBART born in 1800, marriedAmanda, daughter of Nathan LOOMIS of Rushville, in 1825. She died about 1833. Hissecond wife was Rachel CLARK of Benton, whom he married in 1835. They had three children, Amanda, Jeanette and George. George married Adeliade DAVIS of Jerusalem in 1869. His third wife was Lorania RANDALL of Benton, whom he married in 1858. They have one child, Arthur and reside on a part of the old paternalhomestead in Potter.
Deacon William HOLTON was born at Chansford,York Co., PA, in 1751 and married Mary LIEPER of that county. He died in Potter in 1832. She was born in 1754 and died in 1833. They emigrated to Augusta on lot 11, second range, in 1796 and settled onthe farm where they died. In makingthe journey they traveled part of the way on wheels and part on runners, drawnby two yoke of oxen, coming by the route called � The Wilderness�. Their children were, Francis, Janette, James, Samuel and Mary.
Francis, born in 1781, married Mary AnnLATHAM of Potter. They settled nearItaly Hill, thence returning lived in Gorham, where she died, leaving fourchildren, William, Silas, Lucy A. and Stephen. He married a second wife, Sally ELLIS and emigrated to Lima, Huroncounty, Ohio. By this marriagethere were four children, Justin, James H. Samuel and Miles. Mr. HOLTON died at Lima in 1856.
Janette born in 1783, married Jacob LANE inPotter. They settled on the eastside of Flint Creek, on the place now occupied by Warner COLE, where their fivechildren were born, three of them at one birth. None of the triplet survives. Theother children were William and Elizabeth. William married Sophia COLE and Elizabeth married John FRESHOUR.
James HOLTON was born in 1785 and died onthe homestead in 1865. He marriedRachel, daughter of Joseph H. WILLIAMS in 1821. She was born at Orange Massachusetts in 1799. They settled in Prattsburg, remained there eleven years and returned tothe homestead in Potter, where he died and his widow still lives. They had eight children, Thomas S., Mary L., Minerva N., James H. LutherH., Samuel M., Charles M. and Janette L. ThomasS., born in 1821, married Lemirah H. SHINNER of Prattsburg and settled on thehomestead, where he died leaving one child, Florence G. Mary L., born in 1825, resides on the homestead, unmarried. Minerva N., born in 1827, married Abiel THOMAS of Potter and they live inRushville. James H., born in 1829,is unmarried and lives on the homestead. LutherH., born in 1831, married Sophia PACKER of Brattleboro, VT, and emigrated toBattle Creek, Michigan. Samuel M.,born in 1836, married Mary A. CHAPMAN of Potter. He was a physician. Theysettled at Battle Creek, Mich. In1861 he enlisted as a private in the Second Michigan Infantry, served threeyears, re-enlisted with the regiment, was promoted to Surgeon and served to theend of the war. Charles M., born in1838, married in 1864, Mary E. THISLER of Constantine, Mich. They live on a part of the homestead in Potter and have one child, JamesW. He was reading law at BattleCreek, Mich. In 1862 when he enlisted in the 7th Michigan Cavalry. He served one year and a half in the ranks, and by promotion became firstLieutenant. After the close of thewar, he was ordered to the plains in Kansas to suppress Indian hostilities, andwas mustered out of the service in June 1865. He was with the Army of the Potomac, and participated in its hardeststruggles with bravery and efficiency.
Jannette L, born in 1840, married TheodoreM. JOSLYN of Detroit in 1867. They have one child, Theodore L.
Samuel born in 1787, resided on thehomestead with his brother and never married. He died in 1869
Mary born in 1791, married Daniel MORSE ofGorham, where they settled and he died, leaving five sons, Franklin, Harvey,William, George W. and Daniel. Shemoved with her family to Lima, Ohio.
Deacon William HOLTON, the head of thisfamily, was in the war of the Revolution, and carried a musket, now in thefamily of William HOLTON of Lima, Ohio, with which he was at the battles ofBrandywine and Trenton. He wasearly attached to the Presbyterian Church, was one of the founders of theSociety at Rushville, and one of its deacons to the time of his death.
Samuel S. HOYT of Ridgefield, CT, marriedSally OLMSTEAD of the same place. Withtheir oldest son, Charles S., then tow years old, they settled in Owasco, CayugaCo., where most of their family were born and grew up. In 1836 they moved to Middlesex, and afterwards to Potter. Their children were, Charles S., Chauncey O., William O. and Mortimer J. The father died at Potter Center in 1869, at the age of 70 years. His widow still survives.
Charles S. HOYT born in 1822, is byprofession a physician. Hepracticed several years at Potter Center. Subsequentlyhe was a merchant and produce dealer. In1862 he enlisted in the 126th NYV and was appointed assistantSurgeon. He served till the end ofthe war and was promoted to the rank of Surgeon in the 39th NYV,known as the �Garibaldis�. Throughoutthe war he was noted for his warm interest in and kind regard for the soldiers,especially those suffering form wounds or other ailments. He was a Member of Assembly representing Yates County in 1852 and wasagain a Member in 1867. In 1868 hewas made Secretary of the Board of Public Charities of the State and still holdsthe office, residing at Albany. Inall official positions he has acquitted himself with ability and efficiency. In 1866 he married Dora BARNUM of Lima, NY. They have one child, Mary Agnes.
Chauncey O., married Electa PORTER. They now reside near Eaton Rapids, Mich. Their children are Arthur, Eulalie and Jennie.
William O. married Mary, daughter of JosephL. GREEN, of Italy. They live atSaline, Mich., and their children are Charles and Catharine.
Mortimer J. is single, residing at PotterCenter.
Lewis HOYT, a brother of Samuel S., moved tothis county shortly before him and settled in the same neighborhood inMiddlesex. His wife was DeborahKEELER of Ridgeford, CT. Both diedin Middlesex. He was a highlyrespected citizen. Their childrenwere Lorenzo, Ruth and Edward.
Lorenzo married Hannah BARNUM of CT. she died in Middlesex leaving three children, Edmund, Mary and Ruth. Edmund married and resides at Naples. Mary married Isaac PAGE and resides in Michigan. Ruth is also married and resides in Michigan. Lorenzo HOYT married a second wife, Lydia,daughter of Elias CROSS, an early resident of Potter. They had a daughter,Hannah, who married Edward HARKNESS, a son of Dr. Forest HARKNESS. They settled at Grass Lake, Michigan, where here father also emigrated in1868.
Ruth married William C. PECK of Middlesex. Their children are Edward and Elizabeth.
Edward married Violette BEALS of Naples. They finally emigrated to Michigan. They have several children.
George HUNT was born in North Kingston, RI,in 1793 and his wife, Harriet ROSS born in 1797, was a native of Connecticut. They settled on lot 1, range three in 1820, where they resided manyyears, and have more recently resided in Jerusalem on the Potter line, adjoininglot 1, of the second range, where they still live. Theyhave one son, Elnathan R., who married Sarah, daughter of Daniel G. WEARE. Elnathan R. HUNT, born inWindham Co., VT in 1817, was the original setter on his farm on lot 1, secondrange, and has led a very industrious life. Their children are: Charles G., Harriett L., and G. Gordon. Charles G. married Mary, daughter of Peleg GARDNER. They have two children, Daisy and Gardner.
Harriet L. married James TAYLOR, son ofAlvah TAYLOR. They reside on hispaternal homestead in Benton.
George G. HUNT emigrated to Crossville, EastTennessee and there married Matilda DETHERIDGE.
Peter LAMOREAUX was born in Orange Co., in1795, came to this country with his step-father, Abraham FLORENCE, in 1807. He married Phebe A., daughter of Thomas REYNOLDS. She was born in Middlesex in 1817. Theysettled on lot 8 of the fifth farm range, where they still reside. Their children are Martha J., Andrew T., Phebe A., Sarah E., Peter R.,Elizabeth and Charles F.
Mr. LAMOREAUX is quite familiar with theearly settlement of Potter, and all its subsequent progress. The changes of its surface and population have been carefully noted byhim. He did some volunteer servicein the War of 1812, and was Captain of one of the artillery companies in the oldmilitia service. In politics aJeffersonian, he had voted at every Presidential election from that of Monroe in1816, to that of Grant in 1868. Heremembers attending a great meeting at Canandaigua to ratify the Embargo Act. An ox was roasted and there was a great display of the military.
Abraham LANE was born in New Jersey, nearNew Brunswick in 1760, and died at Potter in 1838. He married Rachel WILSON in New Jersey. She was born in 1759 and died in 1849. They came to this county in an early day to what is now Milo, and settledon a farm one half-mile south of Himrod�s Corners. Thence in 1795 they moved to the farm in Augusta, one mile west of thePotter farm, on lot 3, second range, where they lived and died. Their family consisted of eight children, John, Joseph, Mary, Jacob,Hannah, Isaac, Abraham and Rachel.
John married Jane ROBINSON. They emigrated to Bartholomew Co., Indiana, in 1816, where they diedleaving a large family of children.
Joseph married Anna ANDRIDGE, sister ofPotter G. CARD�S wife. They alsoemigrated to Indiana, where he was drowned in 1816.
Mary married Guy GUERNSEY of Middlesex. They emigrated to Clark Co., Indiana in 1816, and died there leavingthree or four children.
Jacob married Polly Guernsey of Potter. They emigrated to Indianan in 1816 and there both died, leaving severalchildren.
Hannah married Thomas ROBINSON. They settled on a farm in Potter where both died, he in 1825and she in 1868. They there rearedtheir family of six children, Rachel, Abraham L., James C.B., Diana, Joel andPolly. Abraham L. married Anna,daughter of William HALL. Hesettled in Italy on lot 12, northeast survey, where he still resides. They have a large family, most of whom are married and well settled inlife. He is a worthy and usefulcitizen.
James C.B. married Anna WELLS of Potter. They moved to Middlesex. Heenlisted in the Union army in 1864 and died in a hospital, after being engagedin the battles of the Wilderness. Theyhad one surviving child, Hannah, who married Lawrence MC COMBER and lives withher mother on the homestead. Mr. MCCOMBER enlisted in the late war and served till its close. Diana lives on the family homestead, unmarried. Joel married a widow HERRINGTON and now resides on a farm next west ofthe POTTER farm, north of the road to Potter Center. He spent some years in California, where he was quite successful.
Isaac Lane, the fourth son, born on thehomestead in Potter, Feb 23, 1795, married Priscilla WILLSON at Potter, March 1,1821. She was born in Franklin Co.,Mass in 1798. They settled on thefarm in Potter where they now live, on west lot 9, and east lot 10, range one. Isaac LANE in now believed to be the oldest person born in the county andstill residing within its boundaries. Hisrecollections go back to the time when the original forest covered nearly allthe county. He is till a well preserved man, and has long been a leadingcitizen of Potter. Mr. LANE hasfilled the offices of the town in various capacities and for many years wasJustice of the Peace and Supervisor. Theyhave two sons, Leander W. and Isaac M. LeanderW. married Elmira L., daughter of William L. HOBART, and resides on part of hisfather�s homestead. They have onechild, Carrie m. Isaac M. marriedMary E. RUGAR of Penn Yan and they reside on a part of his father�s homestead. They have two children, Hattie M. and James M.
Abraham Jr., born in 1797, married BetseySTUFFEBEAM of Genesee county. Shewas born in Pennsylvania in 1798. Theysettled and lived on the old homestead in Potter for many years and now resideat Potter Center. They have onesurviving child, Jacob, who lives at Lima and who married Mariba BATES of thatplace.
Rachel born in 1800, married George WELLS in1821. he was from Bridgeport, CT. They first settled on a part of the old LANE homestead, then on the farmand mill property on lot 2 of the second farm range. They have since owned andresided on the WILLIAMS place. Mrs.WELLS died in 1871. by industry andeconomy they accumulated a good estate. Theirchildren were Elizabeth, Joseph, Isaac, John, Rachel G. Riley, Mary J., Emeline,Caroline, Thomas F., Susan E. and Sarah E. (twins), Ellen V. and Charles. Elizabeth married Marcus HARWOOD. Theyreside in Steuben Co. Josephmarried Hannah BRIGGS and died in Potter. Isaacmarried Violette TORREY and resides in Potter. John died single in California, leaving a considerable estate. Rachel was the first wife of William H. UNDERWOOD. George Riley married Sophia, daughter of Jesse DAVIS of Jerusalem, andhas resided many years in California, near Stockton. Mary J. married Charles H.HOBART, son of William L. HOBART. Emelinemarried Augustus GOODHEART in California and died there leaving a son, John. Caroline married Sanford D. STOEBRIDGE of Potter. Thomas F. is single, residing on the homestead. Susan E. married Jeremiah BARBER, son of Culver S. BARBER. Sarah E. married Benjamin UNDERWOOD. Ellen V. married William H. BAGGERLY. They reside in Benton. Charles,born in 1844, married Ellen DENSMORE, and resides on the homestead.
One of the earliest settlers in the vicinityof Rushville was Nathan LOOMIS, who was born in Ashford, CT in 1762, and marriedDorcas PRATT of Halifax, VT in 1785. Theylived a few years at Whitestown and moved with an ox sled to Augusta in 1793. He bought the land located by surveyor ALLEN and resided thereon theremainder of his days. He was a manof consideration among the people and lived to the advanced aged of 88 years. His wife died at 91 years. Their children were Chester, Lucy P. James, Sally, Elisha, Amanda,Minerva and Benjamin.
Chester LOOMIS, born in 1789, is familiarwith all the early history of the country, and especially with the rise andprogress of Rushville. He remembersthe Indian wigwams along the West River, and the venomous rattlesnakes whichwere numerous and much dreaded. Ayounger brother following his father and brother to the �clearing� wasbitten by one, and finally died from the effects of the virus.
In those early days rougher views and lessamenity of manners prevailed than have succeeded the pioneer times. Among the reminiscences recalled by Chester LOOMIS, is that of apugilistic contest between Edward CRAFT and George BROWN to fight, and the dayof military training was fixed for the combat. So much interest was excited that the military exercises were closedearly. The fight took place on thepremises of Jabez FRENCH, who was captain of the train-band. Umpires were chosen and a ring formed. The fight was a stand up pummeling by fists, no blows above the shouldernor below the waist, and to end in fifteen minutes. After the exchange of a few blows, CRAFT�S thumb was dislocated andtime was given him to adjust it, when the fight was continued till the time wasup, without an admitted victory for either side, though CRAFT remarked that�BROWN struck like thunder.� CRAFTwas disabled for weeks and BROWN but slightly damaged. CRAFT was the lighter and younger man. It was a contest offer referred to, and never forgotten by the parties orthe spectators.
Enjoying but slender educational advantages,Chester LOOMIS prevailed on his father to permit him to earn for himself themeans whereby he could attend a school at Peterboro, NY. He shouldered an ax, traveled to Canandaigua; and after sometrouble, found a job, and saved four dollars in four weeks, by chopping cordwood. To this fund his father addedtwenty schillings. He at once setoff on foot for Peterboro. It wasnot easy to find a place where he could pay a part of his board by his labor,but by the aid of his teacher, he did; and in the spring hired to Peter SMITHfor eight dollars a month and board, his work with two others to chop and scoretimber for two hewers. In sixmonths he paid his school and board bill, and again entered the school. The following summer he worked for a farmer again and earnedthe means to discharge all his depts. Atthe school he was surpassed in scholarship only by Gerritt SMITH (son of Peter)and one other lad. Coming back toCanandaigua he became a clerk for Thomas BEALS. Subsequently he became a merchant in Rushville and there haspassed his life a highly esteemed and influential citizen, his residence beingon the Ontario side of the county line. Hewas an Associate Judge on the Ontario bench many years, and represented the oldseventh district four years in the State Senate, to which he was elected in1834. He was the first Postmasterat Rushville and held the office from 1818 to 1841.
Judge LOOMIS married in 1815, Harriet,daughter of Rev. William HOBART. Shewas born in 1791 and died in 1865. Theirchildren were, Charles A., Amanda D. and Frank C.
Charles A. LOOMIS was educated a lawyer,studying with John C. SPENCER and Jared WILSON at Canandaigua, where he was acotemporary student with Stephen A. DOUGLASS. LOOMIS established himself at St. Clair, Mich., and DOUGLASS went toIllinois. Mr. LOOMIS soon becameState Senator and enjoyed a brilliant reputation, but declining health inducedhim to retire from political life. Remainingstill in private live and a bachelor, he enjoys his library and his farm at St.Clair, a man of culture, of great oratorical ability and encyclopedicacquirements. For the past fewyears he has lived in Paris.
Lucy P. LOOMIS born in 1791, marriedAugustus BLODGETT of Gorham. Theyemigrated to the vicinity of Milwaukee where she recently died leaving twochildren, Caroline and Chester.
James LOOMIS born in 1793, married Sarah,daughter of J. H. WILLIAMS of Rushville. Theemigrated to Ypsilanti, Mich., where she recently died and he still resides. Their children were: Maria, Minerva, Sarah, Elisha, Cornelia, Dwight andJames.
Sally LOOMIS born in 1795, married OrenGREEN. They settled at PinesCorners in West River Valley, and theremade excellent and substantial improvements, which gave character to the place,afterwards owned by Daniel B. LIINDSLEY. Helost his life in 1841 in the burning of the Steamer �Erie�, on Lake Erie. His body was recovered a month later with $3,000 in money and vouchers. He was a deeply religious and conscientious man, and a pillar in theCongregational church at Rushville. Togetherwith Capt. Henry GREEN, he was a purchaser of the Green Tract in Jerusalem. Some years after his death, his wife removed to the vicinity ofMilwaukee, where she resides, giving her time and means to adopted heirs andbenevolent objects.
Elisha LOOMIS born in 1800, married Maria,sister of Dr. Henry P. SARTWELL. Heserved an apprenticeship as a Printer, under James D. BEMIS at Canandaigua, andsoon after became a teacher and printer in the employ of the American Board ofForeign Missions. Miss SARTWELL wasrecommended to him as a suitable wife, and he immediately began a correspondencewith her which resulted in their marriage at their first interview, while on hisway to take passage for the Sandwich Islands. They remained at Honolulu nine years, mastered the language, acted asteachers, and made respectable progress in printing the language. By the failure of his health, they were obliged to return with fourchildren, the oldest being the first white child born there. He afterwards conducted a few years the Rochester Christian Observer, anddied in 1837. His wife and childrenmoved to Ypsilanti, Mich., and she died there in 1862. She was a woman of sterling character and nobly endowed for the positionshe occupied. Their children were:Levi S., Amanda, Albert S. Jeremiah E. and John H. They are intelligent and worthy citizens of the west.
A native boy brought by Mr. LOOMIS from theSandwich Islands, to be educated for missionary labor, named Kopuloo, wasan intelligent and prepossessing specimen of the Malay race. He was short with a broad chest and great physical strength, and couldperform great fears in swimming, an exercise in which he especially delighted. In school at Rochester, he progressed rapidly in education and acquiredthe art of Printing. He contracteda fever and died at Rochester.
Amanda married Walter P. HOBART of Potter. Minerva married Thomas J. NEVINS. Hepracticed law in Penn Yan, where she died leaving one son, Oren G., who residesin Wisconsin. The father met an accidental death in California. He was a man of great excellence of character and devoted much of hislife to the advancement of education and religion.
Benjamin died of consumption at 23 years. He was a young man of much intellectual promise.
Judge Chester LOOMIS attended the firstschool in the vicinity of Rushville. Itwas kept at the house of Deacon John BLAIR and William BASSETT was the teacher.
Calvin LOOMIS was a cousin of Nathan LOOMIS,and came with him from Connecticut to Whitesboro and thence to what is nowPotter. He lived many years on theDr. Buffam HARKNESS place. Therehis first wife, whose maiden name was MOORE, died leaving four children:Stephen, Laura, Norman and Maria. In1810 he married a second wife, Mrs. Alice, widow of Beza WHITMAN, a woman ofextraordinary energy, with wonderful health and physical vigor. She most unselfishly devoted herself to all who needed assistance. By this marriage, three children were born, Erastus, who died young, OrenG. and Luther.
Stephen marriedLucy PRATT of Vermont, and owned a farm may years near Rushville, which he soldin 1842, and moved to Michigan where he and his wife died. Their children wereEsther, Maria and Caroline.
Laura married Peter SIMMONS who owned andoccupied the farm now owned by Hiram KEENEY on lot one of the seventh range. After her death, Mr. SIMMONS married Maria and they had one son, Calvin,now living near Ann Arbor, Mich.
Norman never married. He was an eccentric character, a close student and a great lover ofbooks. He lived a blameless liveand died regretted by all.
Oren G. LOOMIS, born at Rushville, in1814, was educated in the schools of that place, and married in 1834, Nancy E.,daughter of Dr. Gail NICHOLS, of Chittenden Co,, VT, whose brother, Dr. AsherNICHOLS was long and favorably know as a physician near Rushville, living on thefarm where Moses WATKINS now lives. Dr.NICHOLS had three sons, E. Darwin, Asher P. (now comptroller of the State) andDr. Henry W. NICHOLS of Rushville, who was a Staff Surgeon of one of the corpsof Gen. SHEARMAN, in his grand march to the sea. Asher and Gail NCIHOLS married, the first Lucy, and the second, Urania,sisters of Moses WISEWELL, long and favorably known as an active and usefulcitizen of Rushville. They wereaunts of John WISEWELL.
Oren G. LOOMIS soon after his marriageexchanged with his parents the old homestead at Rushville for a farm inMiddlesex, on which he resided 25 years. Hisfather died there in 1840, at the age of 73 years and his mother survivedseveral years longer. He has been aman of prominence in Middlesex, holding office frequently in the town. In 1863 he was elected to the Assembly. For a few years past he has had the management of a largelumbering and farming business, for a New York firm, on the Big Kanahwa river inMason Co., West Virginia. Hi is aman of decided views, superior intelligence and good principles. Their children are: Eveline N., Luther, Alice. Lavina A., Sarah M., MaryA. and N. Elona. Eveline N. married Thomas GLOVER of Wayland NY. Luther married Jane, daughter of Ephraim LORD and lives in Mason Co. WestVA.. Alice married Stephen A.UNDERWOOD and resides on the farm of her father in Middlesex. Lavina A. married George ROBINSON of Barrington and lives in that town. Sarah M. and Mary A. are highly successful teacher, for three years pastemployed In the graded school at Mason City, West VA.
Luther, youngest son of Calvin LOOMIS, wasremarkable for educational attainments far beyond his years. He could read well when three years old, and continued to make very rapidadvancement. Before he was 17 yearsold, he was employed by a New York firm, to travel as a salesman of Agriculturalimplements, and served them with entire acceptability. In his 19th year he fell into consumption and died in 1833, atthe age of 21 years, leaving a spotless character.
Benoni MOON and Hannah REYNOLD, his secondwife, moved into Potter from Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., in 1800. They settled on a farm now owned by John A. CADMUS, on lot 9,farm range three. He died in 1810,by falling from a stack of corn stalks, leaving a large family. Of their children, Robert married and moved elsewhere; Jonathan marriedPhebe Nichols; Benoni married a daughter of Robert MC NAIR of Middlesex;Augustus married Olive, daughter of George CLARK; Warner died filling the firstgrave in the neighborhood.
Hannah married John, brother of GeorgeCLARK, and moved to Ohio. Thus farthey were the children of the first marriage. Of the second, Reynolds married Nancy, daughter of Russel BRIGGS. They moved to Mishawaka, In., in 1834; their children were:Hannah who married Benoni HOARD; Nelson who marred Betsey HOARD, both childrenof James HOARD of Potter, William and Mary.
Gideon MOON married Azuba, daughter ofGeorge CLARK and moved to the vicinity of Jamestown, NY. William married Miss GREEN and settled in Allegany Co. Damy married James D. WOOD. Theyhad a large family and emigrated west. Amymarried a Mr. BENJAMIN and moved to Allegany Co. Wanton married Barbery, daughter of Russel BRIGGS. They had two children, a son, Russel and a daughter. He had a second wife and moved to Michigan.
The MOON family from 1800 to 1810 were sonumerous in a neighborhood two miles in extent, along the west side of FlintCreek, immediately north of Potter Center, that it was designated Moontown. Afterwards, it was called Hoardtown.
Alexander PARKMAN was born in or near Bostonin 1773. He came while a lad withhis father to Westmoreland, Oneida Co., and thence to Aurelius, Cayuga Co. At the latter place he married Lydia PARKER of Connecticut. She was born in 1772. Theysettled in 1812, one mile and a half, east of Rushville, where they lived manyyears. Their children were: ErastusL., Sophia, Delanson E. and Cynthia D. ErastusL. moved to Ohio and there married a widow REDDOUT, formerly of Potter. He died leaving five children.
Sophia born in 1803, married Robert GREEN ofGorham. They lived in Rushvillewhere he died leaving three daughters, Philomela, Arzelia S. and Frances H. Philomela married Ephraim C. MOWER of Rushville. Arzelia S. married Orlin E. BLODGETT of Gorham. They lived on a farm near Rushville and have eight sons and twodaughters. Frances H. married MyronF. WARFIELD and settled at Prattsburg. Theyhave one child.
Alanson E., born in 1807, married RebecaJAMES of Potter. They settled onthe old homestead and had seven children. They moved with his parents to Ridgway,Orleans Co.
Cynthia D., born in 1810, is the wife ofAlexander BASSETT.
Rows PERRY born in Charlestown, RhodeIsland, in 1764, left his home at 21 , for what was then the distant west. He was a lineal descendant of Edward PERRY, a Quaker preacherwho left England in the 17th century, and experienced persecution foropinion�s sake, at the hands of the New England Puritans. A volume of his sermons is still preserved. Commodore Oliver H. PERRY was a scion of the same family. Capt. Rows PERRY stopped two years at Whitestown, clearing land bycontract, afterwards boiled salt at Salina, in a primitive manner on his ownaccord. In the spring of 1791, heengaged in work by the month for William and Arnold POTTER, receiving pay inland at fifty cents an acre. Thenext winter he boiled salt again, and became acquainted with Nathan LOOMIS andSolomon BLODGETT, who were afterwards, his neighbors. In the spring he bought at Whitestown a yoke of steers. To get themacross the Cayuga Ferry, he was obliged to give the ferryman his note foreighteen pence. It was some yearsafter that he paid the note with interest. His next work was to erect a log cabin and proceed to live on his ownland, and upwards of two years he lived alone performing his own housekeeping aswell as his outdoor labor. Hisrifle aided much in procuring his food from the plentiful supply of game thatabounded in the forests. He plantedcorn and potatoes the first year and by an occasional day�s work at the POTTERfarm, obtained wheat, which he bore on his back to the Friend�s Mill and homeagain. One such journey found himlost in the woods, and obliged to camp out overnight in the midst of a terrificstorm in March. Finally, in August1794, there was a wedding at the POTTER house, and Rows PERRY and Desiah BROWNbecame man and wife. Desiah was asister of Mrs. Arnold POTTER, and a daughter of Benjamin BROWN Sr. She was bornin Groton, CT in 1769. Capt PERRYbore his bride home on horseback, following the Indian trail, both riding hismare; a wedding tour, no doubt as happy as may in later days that have been moreextended and expensive. It was hisdelight to relate that his courtship and marriage had begun and reached aconsummation in one afternoon and evening visit at the POTTER house; but hiswife never failed to ad that he had often appeared there rigged in his best onSunday afternoons, making pretense of important business and always findingoccasion to report to her the story of his lonely lot.
With the advent of a wife to his cabin, hishalf of a hollow log used for a sleeping bunk was replaced by a bedstead, andhis wolf and bear skin coverlets, by the tidy handiwork of woman. His abode soon more a more civilized and refined appearance. They soon progressed in competency, and in a few years, enjoyed manycomforts and luxuries. Their abodewas the home of social enjoyment, and the sure refuge of the early immigrant. It was also often the place of holding town meetings and elections, andthe worthy couple during their long lives stood as pleasant landmarks of thepioneer days. Both died at a ripeold age, he in 1853 at the age of 89 years, and she in 1854, at 85 years.
Their children were: Susan, Edmund, RowlandB., Fanny, Edward, and Sally (twins), Benjamin, Ann, Robert and Mariette. Susan and Sally died early. Edmundmarried Virture, daughter of Abiel THOMAS. They resided many years in the town and had a large family. They finally emigrated to Austerlitz, Mich., where they now reside. Theirchildren were: Rows, Frank, Olive, Peleg, Sarah and Mary (twins), and Levi. Olive married Mr. SUTTON of Benton. Frank married Maria BARBER of Potter. Peleg married Miss HURD of Gorham. Sarahmarried Abel VERRY of Lima, NY. Theynow live at Coldwater, Mich. Marymarried Thomas MC DONALD and moved to Michigan, where she died. Louisa married a Mr. ROSEKRANS. RowlandB. PERRY, married Jane, daughter of Elisha WOODWORTH of Benton. They emigrated to Grand Blanc, Mich. They too had a large family. Hewas killed by an infuriate bull. Hiswife retains the farm they first settled in the wilderness, now a beautifulhomestead.
Fanny married Daniel B. WAKEFIELD of OtsegoCo., where he was born in 1806. Hewas a teacher in the old Penn Yan Academy, under Seymour GOOKINS. They finally emigrated to Grand Blanc, locating on a farm. He became a conspicuous public man and served in the Assembly and Senateof Michigan. He was the author ofthe school system of the State, and was admitted to the bar and became a judgeof the courts. He was a candidatefor Congress when he died in 1844. Hewas a man of high qualities of head and heard and was rapidly advancing inpublic estimation. He left three daughters who reside with their mother atClifton Springs, NY. (per the 1870 Manchester, NY census, she is Fanny BROWN, aged 68y, with daughters:Susan WAKEFIELD, 40, Emma WAKEFIELD, 35 and Marretta WAKEFIELD, 28., Fanny also on 1880Manchester census)
Edward married Harriet, daughter of ElishaWOODWORTH. They settled near andeast of Bare Hill, adjoining a tract of Bare Hill, purchased by his father andJohn COLLINS, known as the Bare Hill Tract. He had aided from boyhood, in clearing and tiling the farm where hesettled. He subsequently erectedhis mansion on the east end of the place to which he added many acres. He has more recently resided in Rushville, and is interestedin the grape culture in Vine Valley. Theirchildren were: Woodworth N., Jane S., Caroline D. and Mary C. Woodworth N., born in 1830, married Jane LUTHER of Syracuse. They have three sons, Deroy L., Arthur W., and Edward W. (1870 census has Woodworth married to a Mary C. LUTHER) Jane S. married Nelson SNELL of Montgomery Co. They live at Rochester and have two children, Edward P. and Harriet M. Caroline D. married Dr. Fisk H. DAY of Rushville and died soon after. Mary was the first wife of Samuel H. TORREY, late of Naples and died in1869. Woodworn N. PERRY owns andoccupies the paternal homestead, and is one of the most enlightened andenterprising farmers of the county, noted for the culture of thoroughbred stock.
Ann married Martin PERRY of Lebanon, NY, andemigrated to the State of Missouri.
Benjamin married Sarah BRECK, (widow)daughter of Horace HOWELL of Rushville. Theyreside near Rushville and have six children, Frederic, Caroline, Emma, Mariette,Robert and Inez. Frederic enlistedat 16 years, served under Gen. SHEARMAN in his march to the sea and washonorably discharged at the end of the war.
Robert, youngest son of Rows PERRY, marriedSarah SEABOLT of Springport. Theyresided on the old family homestead of Rows PERRY, on lot 10, of the fourth farmrange. Both died in middle life,after making solid improvements and erected a fine dwelling on the place. He died in 1852 and she in 1856, leaving two sons, William R. and CharlesH. The sons were bothsoldiers of the 26th Independent NY Battery, under Capt. FOX. They served at the siege of Mobile, and at various other points,receiving an honorable discharge after the war. They are now farmers in Vine Valley. (1870 & 1880 census William R.is married to an Alice V.)
Mariette is the wife of Azariah C. YOUNGLOVE,a noted grape and fruit culturist of Vine Valley.
Capt. Rows PERRY drew his first wheat to theBates Mill on the Canandaigua outlet, where he sold it for two and six pence perbushel. He and his neighbor, JohnCRAFT, at an early day carried each a grist on their shoulders, following Indiantrails to the Lake and crossing to Seneca Point in Bristol, where Mr. WILDER haderected a mill. On their returnthey lost their path, bewildered by a violent storm and laid town their grists. They kept themselves awake all night by traveling around in a circle, andin the morning found themselves but a half a mile from home.
Mrs. PERRY was an admirable housekeeper,with ready tack resource that obviated many of the deficiencies of pioneer days. Before an apple was known in the country, she had a way of making applepies, which many pronounced genuine and excellent, the receipt for which wasstewed pumpkin, maple sugar and vinegar, baked in a crust made �short� withbear grease and �light� with cob ashes.
William POTTER was born at South Kingston,Rhode Island in 1722, and at the age of 28 years, married Penelope, daughter ofCol. Thomas HAZARD, also born at South Kingston in 1731. Mr. POTTER inherited a large landed estate and was otherwise wealthy. He was a Senator in the Colonial Legislature and in 1775 was elected bythe Legislature Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas in Washington Co.,which office he held by successive re-elections until 1780 when he resigned. About this time he became an enthusiastic and devoteddisciple of the Universal Friend. Forher accommodation he built a large addition to his spacious mansion, and shemade his abode her headquarters for six years; having abundant rooms of theentertainment of her friends, and control of servants and means according to herwishes. Judge POTTER accompaniedher in may of her religious expeditions, usually riding beside her on horsebackwhile others of the company followed tow by two constituting a solemn andimpressive procession. He continueda substantial and efficient adherent of the Friend and her faith until shortlyafter their settlement near Seneca Lake, when a schism occurred which separatedboth himself and James PARKER from the Friend and her Society.
Judge POTTER was by far the most wealthyadherent of the Friend, and the Friend�s Tract of 14,040 acres on Seneca Lake,finally reverted largely to him, on the breaking up of the original compact, andbecame known as the Potter Location. Itappears that his estate became largely involved by the expenses incident to hisadhesion to the Friend, and the emigration of his family to the New Jerusalem. In the early period of the Friend�s Settlement he and his familyresided not far west of Norris Landing. Heafterwards returned to Rhode Island, and finally in 1807, sold his estatealready heavily mortgaged there, and afterwards resided with his son, Arnold,whom he survived. He lived to theage of 92 years, and died suddenly while returning from a visit to his son inlaw, George BROWN in Jerusalem. Theirchildren were Mercy, Thomas H., Alice, Susan, William Robinson, Benedict Arnold,Penelope, William Pitt, Edward, Simeon and Sarah.
Marcy, born in 1751, married Jonathan PERRYSr. in Rhode Island, where he died leaving three children, Jonathan, Susanna andAnna. The mother afterwards livedin the family of George BROWN. Jonathanmarried Theda, daughter of George BROWN. Theysettled south of Dresden near the Lake. Theirchildren were Harriet, Theda, Asa, John and Jane. Susanna and Ann married but did not stay in this county.
Thomas Hazard POTTER born in 1753, marriedpatience WILKINSON, sister of the Friend, and settled in 1790 on the farmafterwards owned by his son John and now by his grandson, Jephtha A. POTTER, onlot 2 of the first farm range in the town of Potter. He died there in 1807 and his wife in 1819. Their children were Susan, Eliza and John. Susan married Job BRIGGS of Potter. They lived some years in that town on lot 2, of the first range, andemigrated many years since to Michigan. Elizamarried Baxter HOBART. John born in1782 married in 1808, his cousin Nancy, daughter of Jephtha WILKINSON, youngestbrother of the Friend. She was bornin 1786. Her father came to theGenesee country previous to its purchase, and explored much of the Lake regionby the guidance of the Indians, and mapped and described the country. It is supposed that his account of the land induced itsfurther exploration and the settlement by the Friends. He died a physician in New York during the prevalence of the plague in1803. In thus appears that John andNancy POTTER were both the immediate offspring of the WILKINSON family, he byhis mother and she by her father. Hermother was Lucy, a sister of Richard SMITH of the Friend�s Society and livedto nearly 96 years and died in 1847.
Mrs. John POTTER who is still living,relates that she was married at the house of Elijah MALIN by George GREEN, aJustice of the Peace, and the house since occupied by her family and her sonJepthta, was raised the next day, but owing to lack of means, was not finishedtill ten years had passed away. Itwas enclosed and they moved into a log house and struggled with hard times tillthey paid for their farm of 386 acres. Herhusband was drafted in the War of 1812, and sent a substitute. She braided straw hats and ladies� bonnets for which shecould get store trade, but very little money. Sometimes her braiding would be worth $180 in a single season. Bonnets would bring from five to seven dollars, and gentlemen�s hats,two dollars. She states that whenshe first lived on this place, the only road through the valley was an Indiantrail, and the wolves would sometimes howl till her hair would almost stand onend. John POTTER died in 1855 atthe age of 72 years.
Their children were: Eliza, Hazard A.,Jephtha A., John W., William, Alvira A., and Edward P. Eliza, born in 1809 was the wife of John GLEASON. They resided near the homestead where she died leaving two daughters,Harriet and Helen. Harriet is thesecond wife of Peleg GARDNER and Helen married Melville HOBART of Potter.
Dr. Hazard A. POTTER born in 1810, becameeminent in the annals of medicine and surgery. He attend the common schools of his neighborhood and engaged in farmlabors till he was 19 years old. Atthat time by a neglected sprain, he was obliged to suffer the amputation of aleg. The operation was performed byDr Joshua LEE. The young man displayed great fortitude holding his own limb and givingdirections with great self-command and coolness while the attendants fainted orretired. He immediately resolved tobecome a physician and as soon as he was able, attended the Penn Yan Academy,then under Gookins, Wakefield and Richard Taylor. He studied medicine one year under Dr. Francis M. POTTER andthe next under Dr. Barret N. WISNER. Anotheryear he spent in study with Dr. Hiram ALLEN of Woonsocket Falls, RI, and thereentered Bowdoin Medical College, where he remained through a course of lectures,succeeded by a course at Darmouth Medical College and another at the MedicalDepartment at Harvard University. Hefinally graduated at Bowdoin in 1835. Soonafter he married Louisa S., daughter of Ziba BALLOU of Cumberland, RI. She was the youngest of fourteen children, her mother being 49 at thetime of her birth in 1817. Hergrandfather, Noah BALLOU, a Baptist clergyman, preached in an old wooden church,built at so early a day in Rhode Island that the whole structure, including theseats, was of hewn or split timer. Hosea BALLOU, the noted Universalist of Boston, was a cousin of Mrs. POTTER�S father. The family is one of note for longevity and strong mental and physicalcharacteristics.
After his marriage, Dr. POTTER commencedpractice at Cumberland Hill, RI, but shortly returned to Yatesville, from theold homestead entered at once upon an extended ride. Remarkable success attended his practice and several cases of note soongave him a conspicuous reputation for skill and success in both medicine andsurgery. He was a self-reliant,original and intuitive physician, and eclipsed all his compeers by daring to dowhat others had not dreamed of, and by his almost unbroken success in all hisdepartures form the beaten track. Themedical publications of his time contain many tributes to his skill and detailsshowing the valuable contributions made by him to medical science. His knowledge of the human system was masterly, and his triumphs,especially in surgery, were many of them startling, affording proof of greatoriginality of mind. Appleton�sNew Cyclopedia gives a handsomeprofessional sketch of his most brilliant exploits as a surgeon. The reader is referred to the medical works for a more specific andtechnical account of his successes with the scalpel, and also in the commonsphere of medical practice. Thereis no doubt he is entitled to rank among the most illustrious of his profession. In 1853 he moved to Geneva. Heserved two years and upwards in the army during the rebellion, as a surgeon. He died at Geneva in December 1869. His wife to whom he owes much of his success in life, survives him. Their children were: Ziba H., Nannie L., and Louisa.
Ziba Hazard POTTER was born in Potter in1836. He graduated at HobartCollege in 1857 and at the Geneva Medical College in 1867. He served four years as a surgeon in the army, during and since theRebellion, and is now Professor of Mathematics in Cornell University. He is a man of broad culture and comprehensive mind. Nannie L., born in 1839, married Dr. Reynald H. TOWLER, son of Prof.TOWLER of Hobart College. He wassurgeon-in-chief of the garrison at Washington on Gen. DENT�S staff during thewar. They have one child, Minnie L. Louisa married Dr. Porteus C. GILBERT of Honesdale, PA. He was first a captain of the 50th Engineers and afterwards anarmy surgeon through the war. Hiswife was with him in the hospitals and also her sister, and a portion of thetime, her mother, all taking part in the active duties of the service.
Jephtha A. POTTER born in 1813, marriedSarah J. DAVIS in 1840. They nowreside in Penn Yan but till recently occupied the old homestead. He is a skillful and successful farmer and a man of industry and taste inrural affairs. He has been noted asone of the leading wool growers of Yates county, and especially for the firstclass Merino sheep.
John W., born in 1816, was also a physician,and was an able and useful man in his profession. He located at Prattsburg and died there in 1856. His death was caused by the contagion of an ulcerated wound of a patient.
William born in 1818, married Theresa BARSEof Penn Yan. He is a Methodistpreacher and a man of superior personal worth. He was two years in the army during the Rebellion and held the rank ofCaptain.
Alvira A., born in 1823, married SeabredDodge PRATT of Philadelphia. He isan author and newspaper correspondent connected with the Press of that city.
Edward P., born in 1824, married ElizabethMOORE of Hartford, Conn. Theyreside in Potter where he was killed by an accidental discharge of a gun carriedby himself.
Alice POTTER born in 1756, married GeorgeHAZARD, who died in Rhode Island. Shewas a conspicuous adherent of the Friend, and a resolute energetic woman. Her granddaughter is the wife of Dudley W. DOX of Torrey, and has in herpossession the wedding ring which belonged to the wife of Judge
William POTTER, and the silver table servicepresented to her on her wedding day.
Susanna born in 1758, died in Rhode Island
William born in 1760, married Sally JOHNSONwho died in Rhode Island, leaving a son Arnold. The father died in this county and the son in New York.
Benedict Arnold POTTER born in 1761, becamethe most eminent member of the original family. In his youth he was a devout disciple of the Friend and accompanied herin many of her religious peregrinations. Heand Sarah BROWN, who subsequently became his wife, went twice to Philadelphiawith the Friend. Like his father,he afterwards left the Society and became indifferent if not hostile to theFriend and her teachings. His wifehowever remained steadfast in the faith. Hemarried Sarah, daughter of Benjamin BROWN Sr., of the Friend�s Society. He was a man of far reaching vies and bold enterprise and performed ahighly useful and beneficent part in the first settlement of this county. He was early appointed a Judge of the County Court of Ontario, and was anable and excellent magistrate. Inhis dealing he was just and honorable, and as a citizen liberal and publicspirited. He made great efforts topromote the settlement of his lands and dealt kindly with those who neededlenity in regard to payment,, receiving whatever he could convert to extinguishtheir indebtedness.* He died in1810 at Harrisburg while on his way to Philadelphia with a drove of cattle, andwas buried there. His early deathwas a severe lost to the new community in which he lived and was deeply deploredby his neighbors and throughout the wide sphere of his acquaintance. For good and obvious reasons he dropped his first name after theRevolutionary war and was simply known as Arnold POTTER. It was at his mansion that the Duke DE LANCOURTH and Louis PHILLIPPE wereentertained several months. Heintroduced valuable breeds of horses and cattle and was foremost in all publicimprovements. Their children were: William, Arnold and Penelope. William married Hannah, daughter of Robert CHISSOM and died early. His widow became the wife of Fisher HEWSON. Arnold died a young man. Penelopemarried Charles W. HENRY, a lawyer of New York. They removed to Laporte, Indiana, where both died leaving two sons,Williams and Miles.
Penelope, daughter of William POTTER, bornin 1764, married Benjamin BROWN Jr.
William Pitt born in 1766, died single.
Edward born in 1768, married Ann JOHNSON. They settled east of Himrods on lot 12 of the Potter Location. He died there at the age of 82 years and his wife at the age of 75 years. They had six children, William, Susan, William Pitt, Samuel J., Penelopeand Francis M.
Susan born in the Friend�s Settlement in1799, married in 1818, Holbrook BENSON of Ovid, who died five years later,leaving three daughters, Mary Ann, Sarah and Charlotte. Ten years later Mrs. BENSON married Jared WOODIN ten year her junior,whom she survives. Three daughterswere born of the second marriage, Penelope, Maria and Caroline V. Mary Ann married Rominer SMITH, a prominent citizen of Vermont. Sarah married Gen. Gilbert HURD of Starkey. Charlotte is the wife of George W. RUSCOE of Starkey. Penelope is a teacher. Mariadied young and Caroline V., also a teacher, married James DODSON and emigratedto Kansas. Mrs. WOODIN now residesat Millport, Chemung Co. During herfirst widowhood she resided in Penn Yan and aided in establishing the firstMethodist prayer meeting in the place. Shestates that her grandfather, Judge William POTTER, after some years of violenthostility to the Friend, became very much mollified in the prejudices during thelater years of his life and that he visited the Friend and spoke kindly of her.
Samuel J. POTTER both at South Kingston, RI,in 1805, married in 1834 Mary COZZENS at Union Springs, Cayuga Co. She was born at Newport, RI in 1809. They resided on the paternal homestead In Milo and he has been aprominent and highly esteemed citizen. Withina few years past they bought the farm of Col. Gilbert SHERERE on lot 18, nearPenn Yan, where the family now resides. Onthis place Mrs. POTTER died in 1868. Theirchildren are: Helen, Ann J., Mary E., Evan j., William C. and Augustus W. Helen is the second wife of Charles N. BURRILL of Penn Yan. Their children are Samuel P. and Anna L.
Ann J. is the wife of John R. HATMAKER. Evan J. married Miranda SWARTZ of Starkey and resides on the oldhomestead. They have one son, EvanS. Mary E., married Gustavus W.MAYER an Episcopal Clergyman, formerly Rector of St. Mark�s Episcopal Church,Penn Yan, now a classical teacher at Denver, Colorado. Samuel J. POTTER still owns the homestead of his father, the title ofwhich was derived from his grandfather. It is not doubt the only family in the county in which no charge of titlehas occurred, except by inheritance, since the original ownership was derivedfrom the State. Penelope, daughter of Edward POTTER, died young.
Francis M. was a physician. He married Ann RYRESON of Brooklyn and practiced his profession severalyears in Penn Yan. He erectedseveral stores and other buildings at the head of Main Street. A fire destroyed much of this property. His wife died and he returned to Brooklyn and died there in 1865, leavingtwo daughters, Phebe A. and Eliza. Hestudied medicine under Dr. Valentine MOTT and ranked high in his profession.
Simeon born in 1770, was the youngest ofJudge William POTTER�S children. Hemarried Catharine KLISE at Hopeton. Theysettled on lands given him by his father on lot 12, of the Potter Location,within the boundaries of Starkey. Hehad originally about 1,000 acres of land of which he sold all but 300 acres,which remained to his widow and children. Thechildren were, Lucinda, Penelope, Mary and Sarah Ann. The widow married a second husband, William, son of EdwardPOTTER. They had four sons, Edward,Benjamin F., Evan M. and John A.
Lucinda married Peter M. FULERSON ofStarkey. They emigrated to Ovid,Mich., where she died in 1869, leaving six children, Deborah E. Penelope, GeorgeG., Mary A., Ruby and Frank. Georgedied of disease contracted in the Union service as a solider during theRebellion. Penelope resides singleone the homestead with her brother. Marydied at 25 years, and Sarah Ann married Reuben C. ABBOTT. They settled near Watkins where he died and she now resides with herbrother, Benjamin.
Edward married Sophia WELTER of Starkey andemigrated to Sheppardsville, Mich. Their children are Henry A. and Ann A. Henry A., married Catharine, daughter of Peleg GARDNER and is a merchantat Ovid, Mich. They have one child,Monroe B. Henry A. POTTER wasborn in Starkey in 1840. He enlisted in 1862, a private in the 4th Mich.Cavalry, and served under Gens. BUELL, ROSECRANS and SHERMAN in the army of theCumberland, was promoted for meritorious service to the rank of SecondLieutenant, was in the battles of Stone River, Chattanooga, and the siege ofAtlanta; had two horses shot under him while leading charges at Rome, GA, andassisted in the memorable capture of Jefferson DAVIS. His son is the first male born of the sixth generation formJudge William POTTER. Ann A.married in 1869, Frank ALDRICH of Sheppardsville, Mich.
Benjamin F. resides a farmer, and single onthe homestead.
Evan M. married Phebe A., daughter of DanielHUSTED of Starkey. They reside atOvid, Mich. He is a merchant andpartner of Henry A. POTTER. Theirchildren are Charles E. and Cora.
John A. married Mary J. BROWN of Ovid, Mich. He is a Merchant at that place. Theirchildren are William and Catharine.
Judge William POTTER was much the mostwealthy man that engaged in the enterprise of establishing the colony of Friendsin the Genesee country. He and hisfamily owned at one time about 55,000 acres of land within the limits of thiscounty; or 86 square miles, more than one fourth of the entire area of thecounty.
Although the name of Arnold POTTER aloneappears in the title as original purchaser of the land comprised in Middlesexand Potter, his father and one or two of his brothers were at first interestedwith him in the purchase. Of allthe immense landed estates possessed by the family, but two farms remain now theproperty of Judge William POTTER�S descendants. Brad to wealthy and luxurious tastes, the sons, with the exception ofArnold, gave little application to business. Accustomed to the service of slaves they had no taste for labor. They were well educated, but fast horses and sporting society producedtheir usual results in this aristocratic family.
Mrs. John POTTER, (since Mrs. JOHNSON), now85 years old, is a characteristic scion of the WILKINSON stock. She and her cousin, Moses HARTWELL, are the only remainingrepresentatives of the family belonging to their generation, in this county. She and her descendants exhibit the energy, boldness of thought, andoriginality of character which many branches of the family have illustrated inthe sphere of enterprise, invention, and religious independence. A perusal of the family records afford a flattering proof of the genius that inheres in this race. NancyWILKINSON�S sister, Alpha, was the second wife of Melchoir WAGENER, and themother of eleven children. Lucy,another sister, married John D. WILLIAMS of Putlney. Abigail, another, married James WEST and moved to Michigan. Mary Ann, a fourth sister, married Ebenezer GARDNER. She became a widow, removed to Illinois with her children, and therebought the farm previously owned by Black Hawk, the noted Indian Chief. She finally sold out and moved overland with her family to California;evincing in all her movements excellent judgment, daring enterprise andmasculine force of character.
Aaron PUTNEY was born in Massachusetts in1771 and died in Middlesex in 1845. Hemarried Deborah MAYNARD, who was born in Massachusetts in 1777 and died in 1819. They came to Madison county in 1802 and thence to Middlesex in 1814,settling on the farm now owned by Samuel SALISBURY, on lot 6, seventh farmrange, where both died. Theirchildren were Nancy, Julia, Jedediah, Aurelia, Foskett M, Needham M., Martha,Olive, Aaron M. and Milo Aureliamarried Harmanus VAN VLECK of Madison Co. and there lived. Julia marred Augustus WHITMAN. Jedediahmarried Caroline, sister of Dr. Henry P. SARTWELL. They settled in Potter on lot 8, of the fifth farm range. Their children were Decastra, Theresa, Julia, Rebecca, Henry,George, Malvina and Lyman B. Allthese have married and emigrated to other places, mostly west, except Theresa,who married Charles OLMSTEAD and resides on the homestead of her parents. Their children are Caroline, William, Julia, Mabel, Lewis, Franklin,Edith M, and George. Mr. OLMSTEADhas been two years Supervisor of Potter.
Abraham REDDOUT, born at Newburg, NY in1781, married Elizabeth HORTON in 1801. Shewas born in 1781. They moved intothis town in 1807 and settled on a farm in the WARFIELD neighborhood where theydied; she in 1848, and he in 1859. Theirchildren were: David, William, Hester, Elisha, John, Charity, Peter, Daniel andAbraham P. David born in 1802,married Mary VOORHEES of Potter, in 1822 and settled on lot 7 of the fifth farmrange, where they still reside, esteemed members of the Methodist Church.
William born in 1803, married Eliza VOORHEESof Potter, in 1825 and settled on lot 8 of the fifth farm range where he stilllives. They have had 16 children,of whom the survivors are: Mary A., Elizabeth, Nelson, Elsie, Mary, Frank andDavid. Mary A. married O. P.HOLBROOK of Rushville. Nelsonserved three years as a soldier of the 148th Regiment NYV.
Hester, born in 1806, married Job DAWLEYJr., of Potter. She died leavingfive children, Triphena, David, Phebe, Elizabeth and Wesley, all of whom, butElizabeth, emigrated to Athens, Mich., with their father.
Elisha born in 1810, married Rachel EVANS ofGainsville NY. She died leaving oneson, Andrew, who emigrated in 1865 to Brunswick, Missouri.
John, born in 1814, married Sabrina BASSETTof Nunda, and emigrated to Lapier, Mich. Theirchildren are Eliza, Mary J., John B. Abraham, Isabel and Lucinda.
Charity, born in 1816, married Rodman CLARKof Potter. They settled on theGeorge CLARK homestead, where he died leaving three daughters, Almira, Elizabethand Amanda. She again married forher second husband, Merrill HOLLENBECK, and removed to Greeley, Iowa.
Jane, born in 1812, married Jacob VOORHEES. They own and occupy the old Abraham REDDOUT homestead, on lot 8, of thesixth range. Their children are:William R., Abraham R., John R., David R., Jacob E, Peter, Henry L. B. and PollyA.
David R., married Sophia MC DANIEL andresides in Potter. Abraham R., wasthree yeas a soldier of the 148th Regiment and fought at Cold Harbor,the Wilderness, Petersburg, and in other bloody engagements. He and John emigrated to Brunswick, MO in 1865.
Peter, born in 1819, married Hannah SHAY ofItaly. They moved to Kanona, Steuben Co., where both died leaving six children:Daniel, Orrin, Adelbert, Ruby J., Rhoda E. and Peter C. Orrin was three years a Union soldier.
Daniel born in 1821, married Eunice,daughter of Gideon MOON and emigrated to Belvedere, Ill, where he died leavingfour children, Azuba E, Hester, Susan A. and Eunice S.
Abraham P. born in 1827, married MargaretGREEN of Potter, and emigrated to Allegany Station NY. They have two daughters. Healso served three years in the 148th regiment and was severelywounded before Richmond. In 1865 heemigrated to Brunswick, MO.
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