Potter Biographies
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History & Directory of Yates Co., VolII, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland
Information listedbelow in ( ) are NOT sourced from this book, but from other sources, suchas census information.
Samuel ANDREWS was born in Rhode Island andsettled in 1817, on lot 1, of the third farm range. He married Waity, sister of Caleb BRIGGS. Their children were, Amy, Eunice, Mercy, Polly, Sally, Eliza A., Asa,Peleg, Abby, T. Jefferson and Ruth. Eunice,Sally and Eliza S., married sons of Francis BRINGS and emigrated west.
Amy, the oldest, married first, WilliamCOREY of Rhode Island, who died at sea, leaving one surviving son, Silas A.COREY, now a resident of Potter. Shemarried a second husband, David HARRINGTON, and had several children, all ofwhom are dead, or without the knowledge of the family, except one son, NicholasM. HARRINGTON, born in Rhode Island in 1815. He was a school teacher and emigrated in 1844 to Delavan, Wis., where heis a leading merchant and a citizen of high consideration. During many years he was Treasurer and corresponding Secretary of thedeaf and Dumb Asylum of that State. Hissuccess in life is an example of completer triumph over the most discouragingobstacles. He was admitted to thebar, but has been a merchant, banker, business operator and farmer, residing onthe bank of the picturesque little lake, Delavan, four miles from the town. He married first, in 1846, Keziah MATTESON of Buffalo, who lived but afew weeks. In December 1847, hemarried Jane E. MC CONKEY, who died in July following. He married in 1853, a third wife, Catharine CROSBY of Putnam, NY, who wasborn in 1825. Their children areFrank C., John R., Jane A. and George N.
Silas A. COREY, the oldest son of Amy, cameto this county with his mother, and is now a resident of Potter, where hemarried and has had a large family of whom but five are survivors. The COREYS claim to have descended from Benjamin COREY of Scotland, whocame to Rhode Island with Roger WILLIAMS. Thechildren of Silas are: James W., Mary, Edwin and Lydia. James Weed COREY, was born in Potter, in 1842 and he had a remarkable aswell as a commendable history. Hecommenced life with poor opportunities and in 1861 made the first enlistmentfrom Potter, joining Co. I., 33rd NYV, under Capt. Edward E. ROOT. The captain was urged to take him by his uncle, George HUNT, who assuredthe Captain he was more that he �showed for�, though small and undernineteen. He served his full term,participated in 16 battles and sieges, was wounded at the battle ofChancelsorsville, had his left arm amputated by Surgeon POTE of StonewallJackson�s Corps, who was at the same time attending Stonewall JACKSON, who wasmortally wounded by the shot of a federal picket. Mr. COREY was well treated in the rebel hospital, and was paroled May 12,1863. In August 1863, he enteredthe Elmira Commercial college and remained one term. Returning to Washington, he was appointed to a position in the USSanitary Commission at Alexandria, VA., a few months later to an office in thewar department, and afterwards in the Treasury. In 1864 he furnished a representative to serve in his steadin the volunteer force at his own expense. In 1867 he graduated at the Columbian College Law School of Washington,and has since been admitted to practice in the courts of Virginia and theDistrict of Columbia. In allpositions he has acquitted himself with fidelity, and ably discharged his duty. In 1864 he married Charlotte e. CAYWOOD of Fairfax, VA. They have a son, Charles W.
Asa ANDREWS married Joseph, son of CalebBRIGGS. They reside at Rugar�sCorners in Potter.
Polly married James JOHNSON of Rhode Island,and settled in Potter, where she died leaving two children, Gardner and Maria. Gardner married Maria STROBRIDGE of Potter and emigrated to Michigan. Maria married John R. WYMAN.
Abby married Warren HOSMER and died atGeneva, leaving two children.
Ruth married Erastus BURTON of Prattsburg,where he died, leaving two children, William and Louisa. She married a second husband, John RUSSELL of Ireland. They finally moved to Naples, where he died leaving five children, David,James, Ruth A., Spencer B. and Everett. Sheemirgrated west with her family, and died.
Peleg married Jemima, sister of George HUNTof Potter, and came with his father and his own family, and settled neartogether in Potter. Their childrenwere: Waity Ann, Samuel T., George W. and Silas A. Waity Ann married Edward H. LAMAN of Benton, a Methodist Clergyman, andafterwards, a physician. He died atVictor, NY, leaving a son, Alonzo H., who was a Printer and died in 1870 in PennYan. Waity Ann married a secondhusband, Nicholas TURNER of Potter. SamuelT. married Rebecca HUNT of Wickford, RI. Theyreside at Texas, Mich., and have four children, Martha J., Burritt, Marrilla andCharlotte. George W., died singleat 22 years. Silas A. ANDREWSmarried Elizabeth, daughter of David W. SMITH of Jerusalem. He was Editor of theLyons Republican some time, and for several years of the Orleans American atAlbion, NY. He finally died in theQuarter Master�s service in the army at Memphis, Tenn. In 1863, leaving a son,George. His widow is now the matronof a water cure establishment in Dutchess Co.
T. Jefferson ANDREWS, married HannahWILLAIMSON of Otisco, NY. They live on the paternal homestead and have sixchildren, Ellen, Samuel, Elizabeth, Martin, Ray and Silas W. Ellen is married and resides at Mexico, NY. Samuel married Mary WILCOX of Jerusalem. Elizabeth married James DINEHART of Potter and resides in that town. Martin married Mary TORREY of Jerusalem, and resides in that town Ray married Laura BRIGGS of Mich., and resides on thehomestead. Silas W. is single,residing on the homestead.
Mercy married Joseph COREY of Rhode Island. They settled in Potter where she died, leaving seven children: Waity Ann,Isaac P., Charles R., Albert A., Reuben L., George A. and Vaughn B. Waity A. married Daniel STODDARD of Jerusalem. He died leaving a daughter, Sarah, who married Hiram WARREN, and residesin Potter Co., PA. Mrs. STODDARDmarried a second husband, James RHODES of Jerusalem. They had eight children, Benjamin, Vaughn, Mary B., Jane,Leman, Henrietta, Ellen and Frank. Benjaminmarried Miss HOLCOMB of Benton and resides in Potter. Mary B. married Frank GARDNER of Potter. Nancy married James QUICK of Potter and resides in Michigan. Jane married Llewellyn DUNN of Benton and resides in Barryington. Vaughn, Leman, Ellen and Frank are single. Henrietta married L. BARDEEN, and resides in Jerusalem.
Isaac P. COREY, married Ellen DECKER ofPotter and died leaving four children, Elaly, Maria M., Mary A. and Fred.
Charles R. married Maria, daughter ofEbenzer STODDARD, and moved to Lenox, Mich., where she died leaving threechildren. He next married adaughter of Marquis ROBINSON of Potter. Hewas a soldier in the army of Gen. SHEARMAN, and died in the service. Albert A. is married and resides at Duplain, Mich. He has a son, Milton.
Reuben L. COREY married Adelaide HARVEY ofPenn Yan, and is a shoemaker, formerly of the firm of Corey & Rohde. Their children are Florence Ione, and Charlotte. Florence Ione married Myron C. MORSE. They reside in New York City and have a son, Henry C. Charlotte A., married Charles MALEY of Rochester.
George married Mary BUTTERFIELD ofPhiladelphia, and is a resident there in the shoe trade. Their children are Mary and George.
Vaughn B., married Mary c. CONYERS ofQuincy, Ill. They reside atMonmouth, Pike Co., Ill. He is asevenths son and a physician. Hewas three years a surgeon in the army of Grant.
Jeremiah BARBER married Anna, daughter ofNicholas VAN ZANDT, with whom they came to Potter and settled in the sameneighborhood. Their children areCulver S., Ira, Lydia, Maria, Jonathan S. and Mahala.
Clulver S., born in 1816, married CharlotteMERRIFIELD in 1835. He is asubstantial citizen and a prosperous farmer in Potter. Their children are: Jeremiah, George M., Theodore m., Catharine A., MilesH., Melvina and Ella J.
Ira born in 1819, married Betsey MERRIFIELDin 1841. They reside in Potter andhave five children, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Emma and Eben.
Lydia born in 1821, married Richard SACKETTof Potter, who died leaving four children.
Maria born in 1823, married Franklin PERRYand both died leaving two children, Edmund and Jeremiah.
Jonathan S., born in 1825, married Sarah A.PRICE of Livonia. They live on theBARBER homestead on lot 8, forth farm range, and have three children, Adaline,Carrie and Florella.
Mahala born in 1829, married Samuel DINTURFFof Potter, after whose death she married a second husband, Joel N. YOUNG ofLivonia. They reside in Owasco,Cayuga Co. and have one child, Amelia J.
Jeremiah BARBER was a man of rigidprinciples and correct methods of life, and left a highly respected family. He married a second wife, the widow of Jonathan STOUT, sisterof his first wife. He died in 1860,and his wife in 1865. He wasseveral years a magistrate and filled all positions to which he was called withfidelity and credit.
William BASSETT was born on the Island ofMartha�s Vineyard in 1772. Hemarried Ann BLAIR of Chester, Mass., in 1796. she was born in 1776 and died in 1845. William BASSETT died in 1862. Heleft his paternal home very young, stopping in Connecticut until near manhood,when he came to Westmoreland and thence to Augusta in 1794, where he married andsettled on the homestead farm near Rushville, on lot 11, farm range five. There they spent their days and reared their family of twelve children,ten of whom reached adult age, Nathaniel T., Polly, Sally, Emily, Alexander,Samuel, Calista, Betsy, Thomas H. and Anna.
Nathaniel T., married Jerusha HOYT ofRushville, and settled finally at Evans, Erie Co., where both died in 1863,leaving one child, Harriet M., who married Philander B. CATLIN of that place.
Polly, born in 1800, married Nathaniel SABINof Gorham in 1825 and settled in Gorham, where both died leaving three children,William B., Jerome A. and Francis A.
Sally, born in 1801, married David GORDON ofRushville, where they live having two children, Samuel B. and Calista A. Samuel B., born in 1834, enlisted in the late war as a musician, served13 months, re-enlisted, and contracted a disease of which he died after leavingthe army, in 1865. Calista A., married Dewitt KREBS of Fremont, Ohio, where theysettled and she died.
Emily born in 1803, lives at the homestead,unmarried.
Alexander born in 1805, married Cynthia D.,daughter of Alexander PARKMAN of Potter, in 1830. She was born in Aurelius, Cayuga Co., in 1810. They settled in what is now known as Vine Valley, where theystill reside. Their children are:Emma G., Oscar G., Henry A. and Lydia A. EmmaG., born in 1832, married in 1856, Lester ADAMS, son of John ADAMS and settledon his paternal homestead. Mr.ADAMS is one of the progressive and intelligent farmers of the town and a worthycitizen. His wife is a woman ofintelligence and poetical talent. OscarG., born in 1834, enlisted in Co. G., 8th NY Cavalry, under Lieut.Frank O. CHAMERLAIN of Rushville, as first Corporal. He contracted disease while in the service and died in a hospital at theRelay House, MD, August 16, 1862. HenryA., born in 1838, married in 1864, Sarah E. KILPATRICK of Middlesex. They reside on the homestead and have one child, Emma. Lydia A. born in1841, married in 1866, Asa SACKETT of Rushville. She died in 1867.
Alexander BASSETT has always been aprominent man in his County. Heserved three years as County Clerk, and was previously County Superintendent ofSchools.
Samuel, born in 1807, resides on the oldhomestead near Rushville, and is unmarried.
Calista D. Lorn, in 1809, died single in1845.
Betsey, born in 1811, married William P.BASSETT of Italy, and they reside at Rushville.
Thomas H., was born in 1813. He entered the printing office of Abraham H. BENNETT at PennYan and served an apprenticeship. In1832, he managed the Democrat as editor. Subsequently,he had charge of the �Western Star�, a new and rival paper, which heconducted for a time, and also a small literary miscellany, to which hecontributed many of his best articles. After closing his connection with the Western Star, heresided at Buffalo and employed his time and talent, in various prose andpoetical essays, some of which possessed a high merit. He emigrated to Goshen, Indiana and established the Goshen Democrat in1836. Subsequently, he was editorof the South Bend Free Press, Mishawaka Tocsin and Niles Republican. He married at Michigan City an estimable widow lady, Julia WOODBURY, whodied suddenly at his paternal home, while on a visit in 1844. He followed her to an early grave in 1845. Thomas BASSETT was a man of marked literary talent. He was early and intimately associated with young men of Yates county ofthis time, and all bore in pleasant memory his genial qualities, and deeplymourned the early eclipse of his genius.
Anna born in 1818, married Benjamin H. SABINof Gorham, where they settled, but now reside with their family at Hamlin, Mich. They have two sons, Nathaniel E. and Timothy F.
William BASSETT was among the early foundersof the Presbyterian Church at Rushville, and together with his wife, a life longmember. He filled the office ofJustice of the Peace many years, and various other positions in the town, alwaysretaining the confidence of his neighbors and associates, and was alwaysregarded as a worthy head and farther in the community where he had spent hisadult life.
George BATES was a native of North Kingston,RI and died in 1827 at the age of 73 years. His wife was Joanna, daughter of Peleg BRIGGS Sr. She died in 1826, at the age of 70 years. With five children they came to this county in 1789 andlocated on lot 9, of the second farm range. Their farm contained 168 acres and extended nearly across Flint Creek. Their children were: Mercy, George, Peleg, David, Mary, Lucy and Anna. George died a bachelor. Mercymarried Isaac KINNEY, a son of Elizabeth KINNEY of the Friend�s Society. They moved west in 1816.
Peleg married Elizabeth, daughter of DavidSOUTHERLAND. They settled in Potterand the family occupy their premises. Theirchildren were: Anna, Lucretia, Susan, Maria and Hannah (twins) and Mercy. Anna died single. Lucretia married George W. COOK and settled in Middlesex. Susan was the wife of David RECTOR, and lived at Naples. Mariamarried John VAUGHN. She died inPotter and he moved to Michigan. Hannahmarried James B. HALL. They settledon her father�s homestead and still reside there. Mercy was the wife of Richard BRIGGS, son of Joshua, and settled inMichigan.
David married Lydia PETERSON of Pultney,settled in Potter, and finally moved west. Mary was the second wife of Benjamin DURHAM of Jerusalem.
Lucy married Michael CHAMPLIN. They settled in Potter and their children were Silas andSarah. Silas married Maria Odelland has four children. Sarahmarried William C. BELL. Theyreside in Milo and have two children. Mrs.CHAMPLIN, born on the paternal homestead in Potter, survived her husband, anddied in 1869, at the age of 75 years.
Hannah married Nathan ROUNDS. She died in Potter and he emigrated to Michigan with hischildren.
David BATES was a Lieutenant in the War of1812, and George and Peleg served as privates.
Mrs. CHAMPLIN stated that her aunt SarahBRIGGS was one of the party that came to City Hill in 1788 and that six mencleared 12 acres and sowed it with wheat. Twoof these men were Peleg and Francis BRIGGS, her uncles. Mrs. CHAMPLIN also stated that she never knew of a rattlesnake east ofNettle Valley; but black snakes were plenty and large, wolves, bears, dear andother wild animals infested the swamp in great numbers. They often had sheep and even cattle killed by them.
Consider BORDWELL, born at Shelburne, Mass,in 1784, died in Potter in 1850. Hemarried Calista DYER in 1809. Theirchildren were Jareb D., William H., Susan H., Charles L., Robert P., William W.,James R. and Herbert.
Jareb D. BORDWELL born in 1811, marriedHannah WARNER in 1840. They resideon lot 3 of the fifth farm range and he is a prominent citizen of the town and auseful citizen. Their childrenwere: Herbert, Henry A., Elizabeth and Alice.
Herbert died in 1869, at the age of 26years. Elizabeth married Edward S.WYMAN.
William H. born in 1813, died young. Susan H., born in 1816, married Anson DOLPH. They reside at Detroit.
Charles L. born in 1818, married FideliaBORDWELL of Sherburne, Mass. Shewas born in 1820. He was a leadingfarmer in Potter and a popular citizen. Hedied suddenly in 1858, leaving four children, Emma, Damon, Carrie and Jennie. Emma is the wife of David MC MASTER.
Robert P. born in 1820, married Sarah J.CASEY of Potter. He has longresided at Albion and has twice held the office of sheriff in Orleans county. Their children are Mary, George, Harry and Kate.
William W., born in 1823, died single in1851.
James R. BORDWELL born in 1859, married in1825, Emily L., daughter of John F. HOBART, resides on the homestead of hisfather, and is a highly esteemed citizen. Theirchildren are Charles and Sarah.
Herbert born in 1829, died in 1841.
Mrs. Calista BORDWELL, who died in 1869,before her marriage, was a school teacher and at one time taught a school in thehouse of Capt. Rows PERRY. Herearly accomplishments rendered her very useful in that regard in the newsettlements. She related that whenher father, Dr. DYER, moved into the town there was no house in the direction ofRushville nearer than WARFIELD�S; the nearest neighbor east was Abraham LANE,which with the Potter House and one log domicile besides, were the only housesbetween their home and Penn Yan. Shealso stated that rattlesnakes were never known east of Nettle Valley, thoughthere were plenty about Flint Creek and the hills west.
Enoch BORDWELL was born at Sherburne, Massin 1775, and died in 1838. Hemarried Roxana NIMS in 1799. shewas born in 1777 at Deerfield, Mass., and died in Potter in 1851. They settled in 1804 in what is now Potter and were followed soon afterby his brothers, consider and Jonathan, the latter settling at Penn Yan as atanner and shoemaker. He had anestablishment near the place where George BENHAM�S tannery was afterwardslocated on Jacob�s Brook. Heafterwards moved to Chatauqua Co., and there died leaving four children, Betsey,Abigail, Charles and Chester H. Enochwas a carpenter and joiner, and a master workman in his day. He erected many of the best residences in Canandaigua at that period,including the house of John C. SPENCER, and the old Court House in that place. He also built mills and other structures at Niagara Falls and Black Rock. His brother, Consider, learning the trade of him, worked with him manyyears. He was the principal builderof the first Court House in Yates county, the original contractor having failed;also of the County Poor House buildings. Hebuilt the first gristmill in Italy Hollow and was noted for skill as a mechanic,and fidelity in his contracts. Formany years he was a Justice of the Peace. Hisfarm was on Flint Creed, and is now in part occupied by the hamlet of PotterCenter, and otherwise owned by Henry HUSTED, to whom he sold it about 1830. Subsequently, he owned a place west of the creek, known as the CARR farm,where he died. He united with theQuaker Society in Penn Yan in 1819. Theirchildren were: Stoddard, Elisha N., Miranda, Enoch W., Zama, Chester, Minervaand Clarissa, six of whom lived to have families. Stoddard, born in 1800, married Lydia, daughter of Capt. Reuben CARR. They settled in Potter and moved thence to Warren Co., PA Their children were, Enoch, Elvira, Roxana, Richard R.C.,John S., Sarah M., Charles F., Zama A. and Chester. Of these, Dr. R.R.C. BORDWELL is the only resident of Yates Co. Elisha N. died single. Miranda,born in 1804, married William TILTON, and settled north of Canandaigua, whereshe died. Their children were Jane,Clarissa, Sally Ann and Minerva.
Enoch W., born in 1806, married a sister ofOrrin STEBBINS, and lived in Niagara county. Their children were: Sally, Orvilla, Lucy, Robert, Hiram, Roxanna andAlta. Hiram was a Union soldier,and was killed at the battle of Cold Harbor.
Zama, born in 1808, was the first wife ofCol. Gilbert SHERER, and died in 1863.
Chester born in 1812, married in Potter andhad three children, John, Louisa and Oscar. John is married and resides in California.
Minerva, born in 1814, was the second wifeof Col. Gilbert SHERER. Clarissaborn in 1818, died single.
Lewis M. BOSTWICK was born in Coxsackie, NYin 1788. His parents moved toAmsterdam, NY in 1804 and in 1809, he there married Deborah SMITH. They moved directly to Middlesex and settled on the YORK Tract, where shedied in 1828, leaving seven children, Mary, Nathan, William S., Daniel, Denton,Catharine and Hannah. Mary diedsingle in 1834. Nathan born in1813, died unmarried, after the expiration of three years service as a Unionsolider of the recent war. Heserved in the New Jersey Cavalry, First Regiment, Capt. Henry LAWYER, and had apart in several notable engagements.
William S., born in 1815, married Harriet,daughter of Josiah REED of Italy. Hewas a thrifty farmer many years in Potter, nad moved in 1864 to Clifton Springs,where his wife died in 1868, leaving two children, Mary E. and Arthur. Mary E. married Fitch STARK, a lawyer in Canandaigua. They have a daughter, Hattie. Arthuris married and resides at Clifton Springs.
Daniel BOSTWICK born in 1817, married AmandaF., daughter of John HUNTER of Middlesex. Shewas the only survivor of a family of ten children. He was a farmer on East Hill in Middlesex, many years and is now aresident of Rushville. He has beentwice supervisor of Middlesex, and also one of the Loan Commissioners of thecounty. They have a daughter,Deborah Bell.
Denton BOSTWICK born in 1819, married Jane,daughter of Thomas MC DANIEL. Hewas a prosperous farmer many years in Potter, on lot 9, fourth rage, near herfather�s homestead, and has recently moved to Penn Yan.
Catharine born in 1821, married Henry CARDof Rushville. He is an auctioneer ,has been Deputy Sheriff twelve years and is a busy and useful citizen.
Hannah born in 1824, married Henry DE FOE ofRushville, and died in 1867.
Peleg BRIGGS and his cousin, John BRIGGS,were of the colony of Friends who founded the first Settlement of the newJerusalem in 1788. They came fromNorth Kingston, Rhode Island. Hiswife was Margaret VAUGHN and was also a Friend. They resided in the Friend�s Settlement. She died in 1800 and he in 1807, at the age of 78 years. He was an estimable citizen. Theirchildren were: Joanna, Sarah, Francis, Peleg and Mary. Sarah and Mary were noted celibates of the Friend�s Society. Joanna married George BATES of North Kingston and settled in Potter.
Francis BRIGGS married first, Isabel ALBRO. He was one of the earliest settlers of Potter, and bought land on lot 6,of the first farm range, where he lived about 60 years and died in 1850, at theage of nearly 87 years. His secondwife was Olive BELL. The childrenby the first marriage were: Mercy, Jacob, Joshua, Francis, Lydia, Margaret,Vaughn, Sally, William and Peleg; by the second marriage, Isabella and George.
Mercy marred William PRESLER. They moved to Cattaraugus county and had a large family. Jacob married Nancy, sister of Joseph HAVENS of Benton. They had several children, none of whom remain in the county. Joshua married Eunice, daughter of Samuel ANDREWS of Potter. They livedin Potter some years and moved to Kent Co., Mich. Their children are: Nancy, Richard, Riley, LaFayette, Miltonand Matilda. All of these whosurvive live West. Riley married adaughter of Philip STOLL and a daughter of his now living on the old ANDREWSplace, is the only descendant of Francis BRIGGS now remaining in the county. Francis BRIGGS Jr., married Anna GUERNSEY and moved to Ohio. Vaughn married Eliza Ann, daughter of Samuel ANDREWS. Their children were: Gilpin H., Horace, Benoni B., Spencer B. andCharles. He died in Potter and thechildren are all at the West. Hiswidow married Hiram, son of Abel BRIGGS. Williammarried Sally, daughter of Samuel ANDREWS. They have several children and live in Kent Co., Mich.
Margaret married Thomas RUGAR. They have one son, Elias V., who married first, Ann BAIN anda second wife, Maria BAIN and moved to Wisconsin. Lydia married Job BRIGGS. Sally married Lewis IRELAND and moved to Cattaraugus Co. They have several children. Pelegdied single in Potter.
Isabella married Hugh RIBBEY of Benton. They settled on the Francis BRIGGS homestead. He died recently and she moved to Kent. Co., Mich. George W. died young. Joshua,son of Francis BRIGGS, born July 4, 1790, was the first white child born inPotter.
Peleg BRIGGS Jr., born in North Kingston,RI, in 1765, was one of the first company that commenced the settlement at CityHill in 1788. He brought his familythe next year. He married ElizabethCHAMBERS in Rhode Island. Theylived eight years near Milo Center, and afterwards settled on lot 5, of thefirst farm range in Potter. Hiswife died in 1834 at the age of 69 years, and he at the age of 72 years in 1837. Their children were: James C., Peleg, Esther, Robert V., Stephen R. andHamilton J.
James C. born in 1787, married Phebe CURRANof the town of Seneca, and resided in Potter, where he died in 1822, leaving twodaughters, Elizabeth and Mary. Elizabethmarried Harrison DOWNEY. They movedto Michigan in 1865. Their childrenwere, Hamilton, Phebe C., Edwin and Benjamin. Mary married Justus WHEATON andresided at Italy Hill some years. Theymoved to Michigan, where both died leaving three children.
Peleg BRIGGS 3rd, born in 1788 inRI, married Priscilla, daughter of William HALL. In 1810 they settled on lot 105 in Benton. He died there in 1840. Hiswife survived till 1869, dying at the age of 84 years. He bought his land of Enos T. THROOP, paying for 180 acres at$3.00 per acre. Their survivingchildren were: Edward R., Hannah and Stephen. Edward R., born in 1816, married Elizabeth A., daughter of GillettKELSEY. They settled on thepaternal homestead and have two surviving children, Hannah Helen and Mary Alice. Three sons died young. HannahHelen married Philip KOEHLER of Potter. Theyreside on the father�s homestead and have one child, Maggie. Edward R. BRIGGS was Supervisor of Benton in 1851. Hannah R., born in 1818, was the first wife of Stephen N. DAVID and diedin 1843. Stephen born in 1821,married Mary HART of Naples in 1869. Theylived on a portion of the old homestead. Heis noted as an enterprising farmer and for rearing fine wooled sheep.
Esther, born in 1790, married William HALLJr., and died in 1857.
Robert V., born in 1792, married Lydia,daughter of William Hall Sr., they settled on lot 107 in Benton. He died there in 1834, leaving one son, Seth B. His wife survives at the age of 73 years. Seth B. married first Mary Jane, daughter of Thomas DAVIS. Their children were: Eleanor Ann, Robert and Charles Nye. Eleanor Ann is the wife of Charles R. PECKINS. Robert married first, Augusta, daughter of William BEST. They have one son, William. Hemarried a second wife, Josephine SEMANS of Saratoga. Seth B. BRIGGS has a second wife, Caroline ANDERSON of Swedish birth.
Stephen R., born in 1794, married Catharine,daughter of George WHEELER and widow of Alvah BUCKBEE. They lived on part of the old homestead, where he died in 1848, leavingthree children, Stephen W., Peleg and Catharine. Stephen W., married Ellen SHOEMAKER. They live in Potter and have several children. Peleg married Miss SANDS and lives in the VOAK neighborhood. Catharine married Robert CRITTENDEN and lives in Allegany Co.
William R. born in 1795, married Martha,daughter of Jonathan WILSON. Theymoved to Starkey in 1819, where he became a prosperous and leading citizen. He died in 1862, leaving eight children, Elvira, Huldah, Peleg, Hannah,Martha, Elizabeth, Sarah E. and Augusta. Elvirais the wife of Thomas B. CURTIS. Huldahmarried Newton SHANNON. Pelegmarried Martha, daughter of William ELLIS, lives at Eddytown and has twodaughters, Emma A., and Edith Estella. Hannahis the wife of Nelson SEMANS. Marthamarried Milton j. WOOD of Cortland Co. Elizabethmarried Andrew J. WOOD of Cortland Co. Theyhave two children. Sarah E. marriedDaniel COREY of Tyrone. Augustamarried Daniel S. ELLIS. They havetwo children, William L. and Myrtie. They live on the old homestead farm of William R. BRIGGS.
Hamilton J., born in 1797, married in 1826,Mary BRIGGS, widow of Caleb VAUGHN. She was born at North Kingston in 1794. They settled on the old homestead where he has resided for 65 years. Their children are: James, C., Willett, Hannah, and Robert V. James C., married Tacey, daughter of Caleb BRIGGS Jr. They reside on the homestead, and their children are Mary, Lydia, Elmerand Emma. Willett married HannahHALL and resides on the homestead. Hannahmarried first, Joseph WELLS. Shehas a second husband, Charles HALL. Shehas three children by the second marriage. Robert V. is a lawyer and resides in Wyandott, Mich. He married Nellie K., daughter of Jedediah MORSE of Penn Yan. He is a member of the Michigan State Senate, and has also been a memberof the Assembly.
Peleg BRIGGS Jr., built the home mansion in1808, a large and commodious house, with large fireplaces, ovens, etc, whichremain with little alteration, thus preserving the style and comforts of thepast. The fireplace is filled withlarge wood, as in the early days, bringing to mind, with the other fixtures, theancient ways and customs. The maintimbers of the dwelling are a foot square, the window glass, seven by nineinches in size, the walls without lath or plaster. Probably not another house in the county is preserved so strictly on theold model.
Abel, Job and Caleb BRIGGS, these were threebrothers, natives of East Greenwich, R.I. AbelBRIGGS born in 1777, married Martha DICKINSON of Troy. They settled on land bought by Abel and Job, adjoining thePOTTER place on the north. He diedthere in 1842, survived by his second wife, Betsey RIPPEY. He had ten children, Barry, Gardner, Hiram, Eliza, Waity,Mercy, Warren, Lydia, Mary and Israel by is first marriage, and by the second,four more, Andrew, Martha, Daniel and Harry. Hiram and Eliza alone, remain in the county. Gardner died of starvation in the rebel prison atAndersonville, GA.
Job BRIGGS, born in 1779, married Susan,sister of John POTTER. He lived atthe foot of the Potter Hill many years, and there his family grew to adult age. In 1855 he moved with his family to Dry Prairie, near Battle Creek,Mich., where he still resides (in 1870). Theirchildren were: William, John, Maria, Joel, Russel and Lucinda. Maria is the wife of Almon S. KIDDER of Jerusalem.
Caleb BRIGGS, the oldest of the threebrothers, was born in 1765 and married Mary JONES in Rhode Island. They settled on the top of the Potter Hill in 1817, and both died there;she in 1841 and he in 1849. Theyhad eleven children, all born in Rhode Island and five only coming to thiscounty. They were Marbra, Phineaus, Mary, Betsey, Waity, Rebecca, Caleb, Pameliaand Samuel (twins), Joseph and Sarah. Marbrabecame the wife of Silas SPINK of the Friend�s Society. Joseph lives in Potter and Samuel in Milo. Sarah married first, John MAWNEY and a second husband, Lewis MC CANN, andlives in Jerusalem. These are allthat remain in this county.
One of the sons Benjamin Brown Sr., of theFriend�s Society, was Benjamin Jr., born in 1763. He married Penelope, daughter of William POTTER, and sister of ArnoldPOTTER. They were married at thehouse of Arnold POTTER, since known as the Potter House in 1790. She died in the Friend�s Settlement three years later, leaving an onlydaughter, Penelope. He married asecond wife, Mary LAMB of Wayne. Theyresided at Arnold�s Hollow, where she died in 1828. He died at the residence of his cousin, James BROWN Jr., in Jerusalem in1854, aged 90 years old.
Benjamin BROWN Jr., came alone to theGenesee country in the winter of 1787-8, and proceeding to Big Tree (Geneseo)was completed by the inclemency of the season to remain among the Indiansencamped there; and became acquainted with Mary JAMESON. He left in March, proceeding to Albany with an Indian pony. In 1789 he returned and with two other men run a bateau uptoe Mohawk and into Seneca Lake, laden with thirty tons of merchandise andhousehold goods, a portion of which belonged to the Friend. The passage was slow and toilsome, consuming much of the summer. In the fall he went to Worcester, Pa., for a herd of cattle belonging tothe Friend; with these he reached Newtown Flats, and there wintered them;brining them to their destination the next spring. He was largely interested in the land purchases of the POTTERS and of theFriends, and was early engaged with others in the erection of a grist mill andsawmill at Arnold�s Hollow. Thesewere first erected in 1793 and were subsequently remodeled and improved, inwhich work Dr. Brenton W. HAZARD and Charles W. HENRY were partners of Mr.BROWN. The mills were destroyed byfire in 1840, while owned by Dr. Hazard A. POTTER. Like his father, Benjamin Brown Jr., remained a firm adherent of theFriend through life.
Penelope, his only child, was born in 1792in the Friend�s Settlement. In1813 she married Col. Israel ARNOLD. Thewere married by George GREEN, and settled on a farm now owned by Jareb D.BORDWELL on lot 3, of the fifth farm range in Potter. Col. ARNOLD was born at Warwick, Kent Co., R.I. in 1785 and came to thiscounty in 1811. In 1815 they moved to the locality long known as Arnold�sHollow, taking the name from him. Hewas a farmer, miller, and distiller and conducted a large business for manyyears. His wife died in 1834 and hein 1939. Mrs. ARNOLD was abirthright member of the Friend�s Society and always retained a strongpersonal attachment to the Friend. Itis claimed that she was the first white female child born within the limits ofYates county. Col. ARNOLD married a second wife, widow Ann MARSH, whosurvived him. He was a colonel inthe War of 1812, and served under General William H. HARRISON. He joined the Methodist church in 1828, and was a leadingmember till his death. The childrenby his first marriage were Israel H., Martha W. and Benjamin W.
Israel H., born in Yatesville in 1816,married Susan A., daughter of Dr. John L. CLEVELAND in 1841. He resides a widower at Benton Center, with two sons, Carlton J. andGeorge B. He is a surveyor andcivil engineer.
Martha W., born in 1819, married Samuel C.WEARE.
Benjamin W., born in 1821, married Fanny E.AVERY of Albany, in 1853. He is alumber merchant at Albany. Theyhave one son, Benjamin A.
Joshua and Jesse BROWN were twins, and sonsof James BROWN Sr. They were born at Lime, CT in 1765, and came to this countyin 1789. Their father and his wife,Zuriah PACKER, came four years later. Theyhad three other sons, George, James (the Friend) and Henry C. The latter died in 1870. at the age of 86 years. His father died at 87 years, and his mother at 97 years; Jesse at 91years; James at 86 years, Joshua at 67 years and George at 75 years.
Joshua and Jesse BROWN settled on 200 acresof land bought of Arnold POTTER, on lot 2, second farm range in Potter, nearYatesville. Jesse sold his interestto his brother James and lived thereafter with his father in Benton. Joshua continued on his farm and died there in 1832. His first wife was Clarissa MINER; his second, Fanny BROWN, and histhird, a widow SPENCER, who survived him. Bythe second marriage, one daughter, Fanny was born in 1801, and became the wifeof Ephraim WHEELER in 1824. Theylived many years on her paternal homestead, and were the parents of a largefamily. James BROWN Sr., settled in East Benton, on lot 22 oftownship 8, and paid $196 for 200 acres. Subsequently,$900 was paid by the sons to Hermon H. BOGERT and Elisha WILLIAMS to releasetheir claims.
Dr. Archibald BURNEETT was born inMerrimack, Mass in 1774, the son of a farmer. He was educated a physician, finishing his scholastic course at DarmouthCollege in 1798, and obtaining his medical diploma still later at the sameinstitution. He first practiced isprofession in his native State, and moved thence to Montreal, from whence hereturned to the States on the outbreak of the War of 1812. He had the option toaccept a commission in the British Army, or leave in 48 hours. He and his partner, Dr. PHILLIPPS, landed at Lewiston andthere invested their resources, of which they sustained a complete loss by thesubsequent burning of the town by the British. Seeking a new location, Dr. BURNETT found himself at the residence ofGeorge GREEN, soon after the death of Dr. Jareb DYER, whose place he at oncefilled and was highly successful in treating the fearful epidemic fever thenraging.
In 1813, he married Melissa, daughter ofSeth HULL of Benton. She was bornat Bolston, NY in 1788. Theysettled near the store of Richard M. WILLIAMS, and he was an intelligent andpopular physician in that locality many years. He was a member of the Ontario co. Medical Society as early as 1819, andof the Yates county Society from the first. Always a great sufferer from asthma, he continued his practice undergreat difficulties. They moved toItaly in 1836. His wife died therein 1837, after which he moved with his daughters to St. Joseph�s Co., Mich.,and died there in 1841. They hadtwo daughters, Caroline and Lucy, and an adopted daughter, Sarah. Caroline died at 20 years, in 1839. Lucy born in 1819, married Freeborn HARNEY, a Methodist clergyman in1845, in Michigan. He died ofcholera at Chicago in 1849. Shesurvives a widow.
Sarah, born in Benton in 1813, and takeninto Dr. BURNETT�S family at one year old, married Reuben WELLS and settled atItaly Hill in 1833. They reside atClifton Springs, and have three surviving children, Charles R., Mary F. andDavid M. Charles R., born in 1838,married Kitty REACHER of New Haven, CT, and resides at Clifton Springs. Mary F., born in Italy, in 1842, married Robert HARRIS of Italy, and alsoresides at Clifton Springs. DavidM. born in Italy in 1845, resides at Springfield, Mass.
Job CARD was an early settler in Potter,coming from Rhode Island in 1795. Hiswife was Martha POTTER, also of Rhode Island. Of their children, Potter G. CARD, born in Rhode Island, married BetseyHENDRICKS of Potter, and finally moved to Hillsdale, Mich., where he diedleaving seven children.
Jabez T. CARD also born in R.I., marriedEleanor WHEELER of Benton, and moved to Allegany Co., where both died.
Hannah married Joshua PAYNE. They settled in East Potter and had a large family of whomthe survivors are John W., Martha V., Marie and Nancy.
Polly married Israel HOBART. They moved to Michigan, where she still lives, a widow.
Carey CLARK was a native of Rhode Island,and after living some years at Stephentown, moved into Potter at an early daywith his family, most of whom were then married. He bought east lot 11, range five, of the first settler, one GAFFE, andthere lived many years, finally giving the place to his son George, with whom helived till his death in 1829, at the age of 91 years. Of his children, Carey CLARK Jr., after several yearsresidence in the town, moved to Allegany Co. Thomas moved to Canada.
George married at Stephentown, Ruth TAYLOR. They settled on west lot 9, third range, in 1807 and both died there. He was a man of peculiar character, and a great caretaker for hischildren, all of whom he lived to see well settled in life. His daughter, Olive, married Augustus MOON and moved to Chautauqua Co.,where both died, leaving several children. Azuba married Gideon MOON and moved to Chautauqua Co. They had several children. Sylvester married Polly STRUNK of Chautauqua Co. and settled on thecentral 50 acres, west lot 10, range three, in Potter, where both died. They had a daughter, Sylvia, who married Orison CLARK and lives on thehomestead. Ashley married Susan,daughter of Thomas CRAFT, an early settler. They had a son and daughter. Theson married a daughter of Statts GREEN. Thedaughter married Lyman GASTON of Rushville. Ashley CLARK still lives on the old Carey CLARK farm, where he firstsettled. Betsey died single. Orlando B. married Ann VAN DYNE and moved to Chautauqua Co., and settledon the east side of his father�s farm, where he died in 1864, leaving two sonsand two daughters. The oldestdaughter, married john OAKLEY and moved to Iowa; the others to Chautauqua Co. Rodmond H. married Charity, daughter of Abraham REDDOUT. They settled on the west 40 acres of the George CLARK farm, and had threedaughters. After his death, hiswidow married Merrit HOLLENBECK and moved west. Anice married Michael STEBBINS, Ruzilla to John COOK, Pollyto Thomas COOK and all three moved to Ohio.
Caleb CLARK married Cynthia MOON and settledon lot 11, range four, central 50 acres. Theyhad a son and two daughters. Harrietmarried Solomon BENTLEY, and settled in Chautauqua Co. Laura married Thomas SANDERS Jr., and moved to Allegany Co. Irvin married Jechelia, daughter of Nicholas VAN ZANDT and moved toChautauqua Co.
Gideon CLARK, whose wife was a GARDINER,died in Stephentown, never having lived in this county. His son, Gideon, lived near Rows PERRY�S. Alonzo, another son, lived in Gorham and Gardiner, another, with hisbrother, Alonzo.
John CLARK married Hannah MOON for hissecond wife. They lived on east lot10 of range four, a place now owned by Robert B. GARDINER. They had several children all of whom moved west.
Thankful CLARK married John BENTLEY ofStephentown. They settled on lot11, range four, now owned by Robert B. GARDINER. Their four children, Solomon, John, Candace and Desiah, all moved toChautauqua Co.
Phebe, the eighth of Carey CLARK�Schildren, married Joshua GREEN in Stephentown and at an early day they settledon east lot 11, range four. Shedied nearly forty years ago, leaving the following children: Hiram, Jared,Laura, Lois, Locke, Jarvis and Phebe. Hiramdied at 20 years and the others are married and have moved from the county. Joshua GREEN married a second wife, Nabby, sister of Phebe. She died in 1828. His third wife was Hannah SHIPMAN, with whom he lived tillhis death in 1864 at Rushville.
Luke CONLEY was born in the county ofRosecommon, Ireland, in 1774, was a participator in the Irish Rebellion of 1798and was made a prisoner in the struggle. Hewas present at the dissolution of the Irish Parliament in Dublin in 1800. He landed at Staten Island in 1801 and soon took up his residence inAdams County, PA. There, in 1803,he married Polly, daughter of David ROBINSON. They were married according to Catholic Ritual in McAllaster Church,though his wife was of the Dutch Reform faith.
A relative who came to this country a littlebefore him, John CONLEY, was a Catholic Bishop of New York. James FORRESTER, a cousin, came a little later; after workingabout here some time, who went to La Porte, Indiana, where he became a man ofgreat wealth, and has been twice a member of the Indiana Legislature. Mr.CONLEY�S eldest daughter, Jane, was born in Pennsylvania in January 1804. Before this child was a year old, them emigrated to Augusta, in the county ofOntario, and settled on the place now owned and occupied by his son, Col JamesCONLEY, in Potter. They came by wayof the Susquehanna and Chemung rivers to Newtown, he poling a flat boat, and hiswife carrying the child on horseback. She was accompanied by a sister, who tookturns with her in riding the horse and carrying the child. That sister married John LANE, brother of Isaac LANE, and shortly removedto Indiana. Mr. CONELY soon starteda distillery, which he sold to Arnold POTTER, and it was removed to what is nowYatesville. He worked five yearsfor Judge POTTER in payment for 90 acres of land on lot 4, of the second range,on a purely verbal contract; and removed to Dansville, without having a scrap ofwriting to show for his land or his work. Asingular fact in this connection is worthy of record. He became suddenly uneasy about his land title � he could hardly tellwhy � but set out on foot from Dansville to see Judge POTTER on the subject. He arrived at the Judge�s late at night and found him writing andarranging his affairs. On learningMr. CONLEY�S business, he gave him an article on the spot, in which heacknowledged pay for the land, within $48 of the full amount. The next morning Judge POTTER started for Philadelphia with a drove ofcattle and died on the way.
Mr. CONLEY remained five years at Dansville,working for William B. ROCHESTER, whom he aided in laying the foundation for thefirst mill at the place now known as Rochester. He then returned to his farm which remained his home till his death in1855, at the aged of 81 years. Hewas a very industrious man and worked abroad much of his time. He worked generally in preparing the substructure of millsand water courses, and was deemed a very efficient and useful man. He alwayspossessed sound health and a remarkably retentive memory. Remaining a firm Catholic throughout his life, he frequently went toCanandaigua and Geneva to attend his cherished form of worship. No man could be more firmly attached to his friends, or hold a morethorough and permanent dislike when he contracted a prejudice.
Their children were Jane, John, Luke,William, Bartholomew, David R., Mary, James and Michel B.
Jane married Lyman HUTCHINSON, lived atItaly Hill a number of years and finally moved west. They had five children, John, Smith, Clara, Mary E. and Agnes. John married Helen VAN LOON of Italy, soon moved to Three Rivers, Mich.,and commenced business on small means as a carpenter, and has become a man ofconsiderable wealth. Smith marrieda Miss MURDOCK of Benton, who died in a few years. He is a cooper at Prattsburg. Claramarried Franklin FAY of Prattsburg and removed to Kansas where they have becomewealthy. Mary E. married Elisha B.GRAHAM of Italy, now a physician at Three Rivers, Mich. Agnes married Andrew BRAMBLE of Prattsburg. He is a prosperous merchant at Three Rivers.
John, born in 1805, married Sally AnnELLSWORTH of Penn Yan. They had twosons, Charles and Oscar. Charlesmarried Hannah, daughter of Eber HILL. Oscarmarried a daughter of John PULVER of Italy, and lives in West Jerusalem.
Luck, born in 1808, married Maria SMITH anddied leaving three children, George, Oliver and Matilda. All are living in Jerusalem.
William born in 1810, married Nancy JAYNE,lives in Potter, has three sons and three daughters. The sons all served in the army throughout the war, and bore a mosthonorable record. Their names areMartin, James N. and John J. Johnwas severely wounded. He was asoldier of the 148th NYV. Thedaughters are Mary, Maria, Sarah Jane and Ellen H.
Bartholomew born in 1813, married Pamelia S.ALMY. They reside in Potter andtheir children are: James B. and Mary M.
David R., born in 1815, married first,Derexa WILSON of Potter. His secondwife was Sally, daughter of William L. HOBART and his third, Angeline HILL ofPrattsburg. The children by hisfirst marriage were John, Jerome, David H., James K. and Calista. One son, William L, was born of the second marriage. He is now a student at law. Thereare also a number of young children by the third marriage. (1870 census names children as: Ella, 13; Mary, 11 and Leander G., 6) The family resides at Milo Center. John married Mary, daughter of John F. HOBART. David H. married a Miss VAN VLECT of Pratts burg, and is a physician atNaples.
Mary, born in 1818, lives single with herbrother, James.
James, born in 1822, married Hannah BRIGGSin 1866. He is a prominent citizenof Potter and has been about eighteen years a Justice of the Peace. He was a Major and afterwards Lieut. Colonel of the 59thRegiment of the National Guard. Thefirst commission was given by Gov. Washington HUNT in 1850 and the second byGov. Myron H. CLARK.
Michael B. was born in 1824, the day hisfather was 50 years old. He diedsingle just a year later than his father.
Luke CONLEY came to Augusts the same weekthat brought GREEN there. His wifedied in 1844.
Philip DINTURFF was born on the sea whilehis parents were on their passage from Germany to Philadelphia in 1752, and diedin Potter, in 1840. His wife,Elizabeth KISHLER, was born on Kisher�s Island, in the Susquehanna, aboveHarrisburg in 1772. They weremarried in Pennsylvania and in 1800 settled in Potter on 134 acres on west lot12, second farm range. They had twosons, Jacob and John, born in Middlepaxton, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania.
Jacob DINTURFF born in 1793, married RachelSEDDICK in the town of Seneca in 1817. Shewas born in Pennsylvania in 1799. Theysettled near Reed�s Corners in Gorham and a few years later moved to thevicinity of the old homestead in Potter, finally settling on the John CRAFTfarm, lot 12, third range. Theirchildren were Philip, Elizabeth, John L., Catharine, Samuel, Peter L., Daniel,Rebecca and Jacob J.
Philip born in 1818 married Mariah STROBE ofBethel. They settled on the oldPhilip DINTURFF homestead where she died leaving two children, Jacob and Rachel. He married a second wife, Sylvia TOMEINS of Potter and emigrated to Iona,Mich., afterwards returning to Ontario county.
Elizabeth born in 1819, married Aaron KNAPPof Potter. They reside on thehomestead of her grandfather, and have four children, John, Jacob, Daniel andJane.
John L. DINTURFF born in 1821, married Lucy,daughter of Ashley THOMAS. Theyfirst owned a steam saw mill and timer lot in Italy, and afterward, a farm of230 acres, on lot 17, of the Hale Tract in Middlesex. On this place he was one of the most energetic and thrifty farmer of thecounty. He has been twiceSupervisor of Middlesex, and was elected Sheriff of the county in 1870. Their children are Amanda, Mary Ann, Margaret, and Carrie B. Amanda married Harvey W. TYLER, son of the late Roswell, R. TYLER ofMiddlesex.
Catharine born in 1824, married Peter BOOTSof Potter. They have one child,Effie.
Samuel born in 1826, married Mahala,daughter of Jeremiah BARBER and died in 1850.
Peter L., born in 1828, married Mary E.HUBBARD of Italy, in 1849. She wasborn in 1830 at Albion, NY. Theyreside on his paternal homestead and have two children, Ella and Nettie. He was Supervisor of Potter in 1870 and 1871.
Daniel born in 1830, married Mary, daughterof David J. MC MASTER in 1855. thememigrated to Fowlerville, Mich.
Rebecca born in 1833, married Orrin LANE. They settled in Middlesex, where she died in 1860, leaving one son, FrankD.
Jacob J., born in 1836, married Louisa,daughter of Peleg THOMAS. Theyreside in Rushville and have one son, Edward W.
John DINTURFF, son of the Elder PhilipDINTURFF, married Polly M. SILVERNAIL. Theyemigrated to Geauga Co., Ohio, where he died leaving one daughter, Betsey.
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Dr. Frederic DUTCH was a native of Germany,and came to this country at the age of 28 years. He married Betsey BROOKS in Pennsylvania, and they settled on 150 acresin Potter, forming the nucleus of the Dutch Settlement. He died about 1840, and she about 1850, at the age of 96 years. They hadno children and their property was left to relatives, about 35 acres each to twonieces, daughters of Nicholas HEISLER, who lived with them. Barbery HEISLER, one of the nieces, married George BLEY in 1831. BLEY was an emigrant from Germany, coming with his father in 1830. The other niece, Jane HEISLER, married Fredric WINDNAGLE. Each family settled on their portion of the land. George BLEY died in 1864, leaving two children, George and Catharine. Frederic WINDNAGLE sold and lives in Gorham. His wife died in 1867, leaving 13 children.
Dr. DUTCH was a physician by nature,claiming to be a seventh son, which according to Dutch superstition endowed himwith peculiar powers in that particular. Heprofesses to have an unfailing specific for staunching blood, and was oftencalled to test his power. He wasoften sent for from a distance and was much consulted by his neighbors. A German Lutheran in religion, he was a peaceful, industrious and honestman. By him and Jacob SHUMAN andNicholas HEISLER, the German Lutheran Church was organized. The present church edifice was erected in 1850, on the north east cornerof lot 9, second range. TheTrustees of the church were Michael LAZARUS, George BLEY and Henry KETTERER. The officiating clergyman at that time was Joseph GROSS, andhe preached the dedication sermon. Forsome years he remained pastor of the church. The present clergyman is Charles SCHUMAKER, residing in the parsonagenear the church.
The following are German families, residingin the vicinity, with the date of their settlement. In 1828, George HOELTZOEL and wife and two sons and six daughters;Michael BLEY and wife, and four sons and four daughters; In 1830, Jacob LAZARUS,wife and fours sons and one daughter who married Fred HELMER and lives on theHERRINGTON place; George BANDER and wife and two sons live on the PAYNE farm; In1853, George SEIDELL and wife, and four sons and two daughters; also MichaelOSWALT and wife and five sons; In 1828, Henry KETTERER who lives nearFergusons�s Corners; In 1830, Fred WETLING, son of Mrs. BANDER, by her firstmarriage, wife and son.
Christopher BERGSTRESSER and his wife,Barberry DISECINER, where born in Sherman�s Valley, PA. They came first to Fayette, Seneca Co., thence to this town and settlednear the present German Meeting House in 1816. Their family then numbering 11children, was increased to 14. In1839 they moved to Ohio, leaving two members of the family, Andrew and David. Andrew born in 1811, married Elizabeth HOELTZOEL, a native of Germany andresides on a part of the homestead. Theyhave six children. David, born in1810, married Elizabeth SMITH and lives on a farm in Potter. They have four children.
Dr. James DYER was born in Canterbury, CT in1753, and there studied and practiced his profession. In 1802 he settled on lot 3, farm range three, in Potter, having spentthe previous year on or near the place, preparing for his family. In his new location he practiced his profession till he died in 1813. He was one of the victims of a prevailing epidemic. Exhaustion in his practice induced the illness in his own person, ofwhich he died. In his profession hewas able and successful. Among hisstudents were Joshua LEE and Erastus B. WOODWORTH. His was Susanna NEWELL, born at Roxbury, Mass., in 1758. They were married in 1782. shedied in 1827, on the premises where they settled. She was a sister of Mrs. Charles WILLIAMSON, the celebrated Agent of thePULTNEY estate. Their children wereCalista, Julia, Pierpont, Susan and Eliza.
Calista born in 1784, was the wife ofConsider BORDWELL. Julia born in1789, died single in 1854.
Pierpoint born in 1794, died in 1859(single). He had resided severalyears at Albion, NY, where he had accumulated a goodly estate. It is supposed he was foully dealt with.
Susan born in 1796, married in 1828, JohnsonWILSON, dying in 1852, she left one daughter, Mary L., who married Samuel B.WYMAN.
Eliza born in 1800, married William R. CRAIGof New Jersey. They reside atAuburn and have three children, Charles, Archibald and Elizabeth.
Dr. DYER purchased 1008 acres, extendingfrom the Willis Dyer Corners, west side of the road, north beyond Potter Center,and sold all but his farm home.
Willis DYER, a brother of Dr. Jareb, settledin the town soon after the doctor. Hemarried Polly VARNUM in Connecticut. Bothdied in Potter, well advanced in years.
Jabez FRENCH born in Chester, Mass., in1766, married Sarah JOHNSON of Chester in 1791. She was born in 1765. Nineteendays after his marriage, he shouldered his knapsack and with his compass underhis arm, started for the region then known as the Potter Purchase, orPotterstown. Here he spent thesummer of 1791 in surveying the town. Inthe fall he returned, intending to move his family, but was delayed by thesickness of his wife until the spring of 1793, when the journey was commenced. Stopping a years at Westmoreland, Oneida Co., he finally reached hisdestination late in the winter of 1794 � traveling with oxen and a sled, andbringing one cow. A son ofElias GILBERT, Jesse, a mere boy, made a trip from Potter to Westmoreland withan oxen team, in the dead of winter, to bring in the Deacon and his family. Near Rushville they settled and reared their family of eight children,and three, both died. The childrenwere: Samuel, Ebenezer, Benjamin, Sarah, Jesse J., Sophronia, Susan and Eunice.
Samuel, born in 1791, married Polly KINSMANof Vermont. They now live in thetown of Italy, and have two surviving children, Warren and Asenath.
Ebenezer born in 1793, in Westmoreland,married Phila LINDSLEY of Rensselaerville. They settled in Middlesex, where she died leaving four children, Matilda,Sylvester H., Galen and Henry M. HenryM. joined the army of the Union during the rebellion and was killed in battle.
Benjamin born in 1794, married Ruby LINDSLEYof Rensselaerville, and settled on a part of the paternal homestead nearRushville, where both died. Theyhad four surviving children, James M., Salina L., Corydon C. and Marian A.
Sarah, born in 1795, married CalvinTWITCHELL of Rushville, who died about 30 years ago. She married a second husband, Michael L. FRANCISCO, and lives inRushville. He was born inPittstown, Rensselaer Co., in 1781, consequently is nearly 90 years old, and isyet a hale and hearty man, able to perform daily labor. His descendants by a former wife, numbering over fifty, are scattered invarious parts of the west. Heclaims to belong to a family of great longevity. One member, Henry FRANCISCO of Whitehall, attained the wonderful age of136 years. At the age of 86 years,he walked from Rushville to Canandaigua, a distance of ten measured miles, injust three hours. His father andfive brothers served in the Revolutionary War, and he had eight grandsons in thewar of the Rebellion, two of whom were killed. He was a volunteer minuteman in the War of 1812. He has been a member of the Methodist church over half a century.
The story of his ancient relative is vouchedfor by John WISEWELL, who stated that the old man lived near Whitehall and thathe retained physical vigor and a retentive memory, and was able to do light worktill far along in his second century; but he withered from 140 pounds weight, to75 pounds.
Jesse J, born in 1800, married Paulina BEERSof Middlesex, where they settled and lived many years and until the Vine Valleygrape fever induced them to sell. Theyhave two children, Uriah B. and Bradley.
Sophronia born in 1805, was the wife ofChristopher C. CHASE of Jerusalem.
Susan, born in 1808, married RenfewTWICTCHILL of Rushville. They haveone surviving child, Jane G. Theylost one son, Thaddeus B., who was shot in battle during the war of theRebellion. Eunice, born in 1809,married Sewell CHAPMAN, and they reside in Italy.
Jabez FRENCH did not participate in theoriginal survey of �Potterstown�, as Perley HOWE�s Map bears date, Oct 30,1784. He and John P. ALLEN aidedHOWE in the subdivision of lots and the cross surveys; and it was anunderstanding with the POTTERS, that after they had selected one mile square,the surveyors were to draw their own pay form unsold lands. HOWE took 200 acres on the West River road known as Pine Corners orFortville, ALLEN, 200 acres east, reaching to the Potter Center road leadingfrom Rushviile and including the old Nathan LOOMIS homestead; and Deacon FRENCHeast of the Potter Center Road on lot 12 of the fifth farm range, the othersbeing on the corresponding lot of the sixth range. It would be difficult to select 600 acres of better land. Jabez FRENCH was long a prominent surveyor. By him the GREEN and BEDDOE tracts in Jerusalem and many other importantsurveys were made.
Ezekiel GARDNER was born in South Kingston,RI, in 1776 and married Mary H. NILES of New London, CT, in 1806. She was born in 1779. In1826 they came to the POTTER farm and succeeded the UNDERWOODS in its occupancy,Elisha R. POTTER of Kingston, being the owner at that time and since. Mr. GARDINER and his sons, Peleg and John, lived on this farm till 1843,when they were succeeded by John UNDERWOOD, who remained till 1863, when he wasagain succeeded by Peleg GARDNER. Thusthe UNDERWOODS and GARDNERS have been lessees of this famous place over fiftyyears. Ezekiel GARDNER died atYatesville in 1866, at the age of 90 years, and his wife at the same age, in1868. Their children were Peleg,John, Elizabeth N., Ezekiel W. and Mary E.
Peleg GARDNER married in 1838, Nancy HAVENSof Benton. They resided some yearson the Potter farm and subsequently became the owners of the farm long owned andoccupied by Col. Israel ARNOLD at Yatesville, He has been a large and successful wool grower and is at present engagedIn the manufacture of cheese, keeping a dairy of sixty cows. His first wife died leaving four children, Mary, Kate, HiramS. and John. He married a secondwife, Harriet, daughter of John GLEASON. Theyhave one son, Frank. Mary marriedCharles G. HUNT. Kate married Capt.Albert POTTER of Ovid, Mich.
John GARDNER married Sarah, daughter of JohnMALIN and niece of Rachel and Margaret MALIN. They live in Prattsburg, where she died leaving a daughter, Sarah. The daughter is now the wife of Newton G. GENUNG of Jerusalem and theyhave a son, Albert.
Ezekiel W. GARDNER is single and a residentof Potter.
Elizabeth W. was the first wife of JohnUNDERWOOD and Mary E, is his second wife.
Elias GILBERT settled on the present site ofRushville on the northwest corner lot of Potter, and in 1791 built there achouse of poplar poles from a grove near by, choosing saplings he could handlealone as he had no help. It was afavorite lot reserved by the POTTERS, but he refused to locate on any other, andthey sold it to him for fifty cents an acre. He was an uneducated man, but an excellent citizen, honest andindustrious. His farm consisted of320 acres, and was highly productive, rendering him independent in hiscircumstances. The place where hishouse was built was an open space where the Indians had cultivated corn, andwhere grew a few Indian apple trees. Atthat time, 20 to 30 wigwams, stood on the banks of West River in that locality;and the river was more worthy of the name, being about two rods wide with fullbanks most of the year, and abounding in suckers. An aged resident says he has caught in an hour more than he could lift,and the GILBERT boys as well as the Indians were experts in fishing.
A story told illustrative of the shrewdnessof Mr. GILBERT, which is well remembered as part of the early history ofRushville. The first road leading from Canandaigua to Rushville, by way ofGates� Corners, followed the windings of the River to the premises of Mr.GILBERT, and thence around easterly to the Potter Center road, making a circuitvery desirable to shorten. But asit would take the travel away from the GILBERT House, he was opposed to the newline. While the subject was under consideration, Capt. Henry GREENmade his purchase on the Gorham side of the stream, where his son, Erastus, nowresides. He sought Mr. GILBERT�Sadvice where to locate a house, and they fixed on a situation, which was foundto occupy the center of the new highway. Itwas long regarded as a laughable joke, and the double log house of Capt. GREEN,compelled a curve in the road many years. Time,the rectifier, prove the propriety of the change and reconciled all interests. Both Mr. GILBERT (Oct 6, 1748 - Aug 20, 1828) and his wife (Lydia BOWEN)died on the homestead and were buried in the (French) cemetery near the Village. A portion of the original purchase, still retained as a farm, is owned bythe heirs of William FANNING. Thechildren of the GILBERT family were: Louisa, Jesse, Simeon, Samuel, David,Solomon, Ephraim, Lydia and Richard. Theirdescendants are numerous and mostly scattered in the Western states.
Lavina married Edward CROSS and settledabout one mile east of Rushville, where they lived and died. They had severalchildren, all of whom removed West. RichardGILBERT is now living near Milwaukee, Wis., a wealthy farmer surrounded by anumerous family and he is the only survivor among Elias GILBERT�S children.
Lydia GILBERT married William FANNING. They had three children. Twoboys died young and their daughter, Prudence, married Norman D. PALMER, a farmerof Vermillion Co., Ill. Who died leaving four children.
William FANNING born in Peru, Mass., settledin Rushville in 1800. He married asecond wife, Catharine COLLINS of Middlesex. They had four children, Lydia, Caroline E., Julia and James O. Lydia married William C. WILSON, a mechanic of Canandaigua. They have two daughters. CarolineE. is the wife of Mills B. GELSTON, who has been 15 years, pastor of thecongregational Church at Naples. Theyhave two sons and three daughters. Juliais single. James O. married AddieB., daughter of Staats GREEN. Theyhave two daughters, Catharine C. and Georgia Louise. Mr. FANNING is a lawyer by profession.
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George GREEN was born in Warwick, R.I. in1791 and married Sally WATERMAN in 1787. Shewas born in 1764 and died in 1841. Hedied in 1851. They were members ofthe Baptist Church, and person of the highest moral worth. They settled in Potter in 1804, on lot 4, farm range 3, where George G.WYMAN now resides. George G. WYMANwas a namesake and nephew of Mr. GREEN, and a protector of the aged couple intheir declining years. George GREENwas a soldier of the Revolution, and drew a pension in his later years. He was long a Justice of the Peace, and was always a citizen held in highesteem.
John GRIFFIN, a noted and conspicuous manamong the pioneers of Potter, who was born in Salisbury, CT, in 1774. He located early at Geneva and there married in 1795, Betsey,daughter of Epenetus HART, and an older sister of Mrs. Richard M. WILLIAMS. Subsequently they lived a few years in Benton on the farm now owned byHorace FREEMAN in Torrey, and in 1805 moved to Augusta. In company with one, RIGGS, he opened the first store in the town, andalso erected an ashery and distillery on lot 4, of the fourth farm range. Hesoon bought out RIGGS and conducted the business alone, until he sold out toRichard M. WILLIAMS, in 1812, moving thence to Flint Creek in Seneca, where heconducted a large milling, mercantile and farming business several years, duringwhich time he often floated pine logs from Middlesex down Flint Creek, 12 milesto his mill, availing himself of the spring freshets. His wife died at Flint Creek in 1817, leaving two children, Epenetus H.and Henry A. The first is married,lives at Chemung, Ill and has three children. Henry A. lives at Chicago and has six children.
In 1820, John GRIFFIN moved to Alleganycounty and settled on a pine tract, on Oil Creek, where the village of Cuba hassince risen, and where he opened up his fifth abode in the wilderness. Hefloated his lumber down the Ohio, and toiled many years for conditions whichwere too far off for the immediate realization of himself and family. Before moving to Allegany, he married a second wife, Bethia,sister of Edward LOW of Italy. Theirchildren were: James M., William H., Henry C. and a daughter. John GRIFFIN was a man of remarkable physical and intellectualendowments. Six and a half feet instature, he was broad, bony and muscular, with rare courage and confidence inhis powers. Without educationsufficient to read at the date of his marriage, he acquired a fair degree ofbook knowledge, and served several years as Justice of the Peace, and AssociateJudge of Ontario County. In Allegany, he was chosen a State Senator in 1832, andserved four years. He was a man ofmark for his time, and was a generous, liberal hearted man, with far seeingviews, with great energy and ambition but liable to visionary illusions formover confidence in the rapid march of events. He died in 1846 at the age of 72 yeas, and his wife a few years later. His surviving descendants are mostly in Illinois.
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