Yates Co. News Articles
for the town of Potter
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Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser Rochester, NY, Sat Jan 2, 1900 contributed by: G. Subyak
Final meetings of the creditors of Frank J. WELLS of Penn Yan and Mortimer J. HOYT of Potter, bankrupts, will be held before United States Judge John R. HAZEL at Elmira on the 12th inst.
Yates County Chronicle Wednesday April 16,1902 contributed by: Cathy Coon
MARRIED - LANE - TOSEY -At the Potter Place, Yates county, N. Y., March 19, 1902, by the Rev .F. Ray Andrews, Ernest J. Lane and Clara E. Tosey, both of Potter.
DEATHS - TINNEY - At his residence in Vine Valley, Wednesday, April 9, 1902, C. W. Tinney, aged 78 years.
Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY Tuesday Apr 28, 1903 contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com
Lespendens have been filed with County Clerk Henry REED, at Penn Yan, in the
following Supreme Court action: Alice FITCH vs Henry CONWAY and
others. The property on which it is sought to foreclose is situated in the town
of Potter, and consists of about twenty-one acres of land. The mortgage
bears the date of March 10, 1897.
AWARDS WILL SOON BE ANNOUNCED - Five bids have been received by Postmaster
George R. CORNWELL, of Penn Yan, for the service of carrying the United States mails to and from
the Penn Yan, Keuka Park & Branchport Electric Railway and the Northern
Central Railway, in Penn Yan. The award will be announced from Washington
within a short time.
Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY July 31, 1908 contributed by: M. Kelly [d.2009]
Thomas Robeson/Robinson
Died at his home near Rossberg, Allegany County, NY ,June23,1908 of cancer of the stomach. He was born Oct 21, 1833,son of Abram and Anna Robinson. On 11/4/1860 he married Augusta Oakley and had one son, Miles, who was killed in a railroad wreck. Mrs. Robeson died 3/9/1866, of consumption. He married for his second wife, Philana Bentley 1/1/1868 and had six children, Mary, Cynthia, Bertha, Charles, Phoebe and James. He is survived by his wife and three children. For many years he resided in Potter, NY and was well known and respected by all. About 22 years since he removed to Allegany County, where he resided until his death. He was a great sufferer for many months but was cheerful and patient until the last and was conscious that his end was near. His funeral service were held on Thursday, June 21.
Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY Tuesday, January 12,1915 contributed by: G. Subyak
MRS. JOSEPH FARNSWORTH - Blood Poisoning from Needle
Causes Death of Rushville Woman
Rushville, Jan. 10 - The death of Mrs. Ella VAN EPPS FARNSWORTH occurred early
Sunday morning in her late home in North Main street this village, aged 59 years.
Death resulted from blood poisoning, which started about two weeks ago when she
pricked herself with a needle.
She was a daughter of John and Anna VAN EPPS and had always lived in
this vicinity. Besides her husband, Joseph FARNSWORTH, she leaves a son
and daughter, John FARNSWORTH and Mrs. Ella GOODRICH all of Rushville, and
a sister, Mrs. Hiram FERGUSON, of Ferguson Corners. The funeral will be
held from the home Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. R. C. SPEER
officiating. Interment in Rushville cemetery.
Penn Yan Democrat, Friday May 11,1917 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
ONTARIO COUNTY JOURNAL Friday June 17, 1921 Pg 5, col 3 contributed by: Ron Hanley
DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE Rochester, Monroe Co, NY June 28, 1917 contributed by: Sylvia Olson
Rushville, June 27. - The marriage of Miss Alice BATES,
elder daughter of Mrs. Nellie BATES, of
this village, and Floyd F. DeWICK of Middlesex,
took place at the home of the bride's mother at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Rev. G. F. CRAWFORD, pastor of Middlesex M. E. Church, performing the
ceremony. The only witnesses were the bride's mother and sister, Miss
Edith BATES. The bride is a daughter of L. R. BATES,
former sheriff of Yates, county, who died a few months ago. Mr.
and Mrs. DeWICK will go in a few days to his farm in West Italy where
they will make their home.
B. SCHWEICKHARD - Rushvllle - April 19, 1923
death of John Benjamin SCHWEICKHARD occurred
Tuesday morning at his home farm in the town of
daughters and three sons survive him; Miss Ida
SCHWEICKHARD who lived with her father; Mrs. Albert
OSWALD of Potter, Mrs. E. J. HERSHEY of Gorham, Mrs.
Dora PEARSON, Miss Grace SCHWEICKHARD and Miss Hazel SCHWEICKHARD, all of
Rochester; Frank SCHWEICKHARD of Potter,
funeral service will be held in St. John's Lutheran-church, Potter, Friday at
Ontario Co. Journal, Canandaigua, NY Friday, April 20, 1923 pg 4 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
John B. SCHWEICKHARD died on Tuesday morning (Apr 17th) of neuralgia of the heart after an illness of three weeks. He was born on Dec 21, 1847, on the farm in the town of Potter where he had always lived and where his death occurred. He was a son of Benjamin and Salome Hoeltzel SCHWEICKHARD and was the last of the family. His wife died in 1917 and since then his daughter, Miss Ida SCHWEICKHARD, has lived with and cared for her father on the homestead.
He is survived by 6 daughters and 3 sons, Mrs. Albert OSWALD and Miss Ida SCHWEICKHARD of Potter; Mrs. E. J. HERSHEY of Gorham; Mrs. Dora PIERSON, Miss Grace and Miss Hazel SCHWEICKHARD, of Rochester; Frank SCHWEICKHARD of Potter; William SCHWEICKHARD of Benton and Dewey SCHWEICKHARD of Geneva.
He was one of the oldest members of Rushville Lodge, F & A M. The funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from St. John's Lutheran Church, Rev. C. W. FLEISCHER officiating. There will be a Masonic burial service in Schuman cemetery.
Ontario Co. Times, Canandaigua, NY Wednesday July 31,1929 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
The funeral of Mrs. Sylvia A. CRISS, who died last week Sunday (July 21), was held at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Carl GREEN on Tuesday, July 23rd. Burial was name in Nettle Valley cemetery (Yates county).
Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY Sunday, January 3, 1937 (repeated Mon. Jan 4th) contributed by: G. Subyak
RAPP - Clarence R. RAPP entered into rest suddenly Jan. 1, 1937.He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Hazel L. RAPP; one daughter, Genevieve; one son, Clarence Jr.; his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Peter RAPP and five brothers, Percy, Ira, Floyd and Howard of Rush, N. Y., and Hazen RAPP of Rochester, N. Y. The remains will rest at his home in Rush, N. Y., where the funeral will take place Monday afternoon Jan. 4, 1937, at 2:30 o'clock. Burial in Pine Hill Cemetery, Rush, N. Y.
Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY Friday May 7, 1937 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
WENTWORTH- To Mr. and Mrs. Clifton WENTWORTH of Italy Valley, Saturday, May 1, 1937, a daughter.
FINK- To Mr. and Mrs. Charles FINK, Penn Yan, RD 2, in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital, Apr 30, 1937, a son.
PAYNE- To Mr. and Mrs. Fred PAYNE, Rushville, April 27, 1937, a son.
D'GLUGOSH- To Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius D'GLUGOSH of Crystal Springs, April 25, 1937, a daughter.
SCHMITT- To Mr. and Mrs. Frank SCHMITT, of Prattsburg, April 26, 1937, a daughter.
CRANDALL- To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph CRANDALL, of Wayne in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital, Penn Yan, May 4, 1937, a son.
RITCHEY - In Penn Yan, Monday, May 3, Janice M. RITCHEY, 6.She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul RITCHEY of Penn Yan,; two sisters, Barbara, at home and Lucille, of Canandaigua; three brothers, Byron, Gordon and Donald, at home. Funeral was held from Thayer funeral chapel, Thursday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. R.N. JESSUP, officiating. Burial in Lakeview cemetery. Stubby VAUGHN, Bobby WOODARD, Billy BRAINARD, Sonny HANSEN, playmates, acted as bearers.
SYMONDS- In Geneva hospital, Monday, May 3, Orris Thelma SYMONDS, 27. Surviving are her husband, William SYMONDS, Benton; two sons, Paul and William, at home; father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Emmette D. HARRISON of Italy Valley; two sisters, Mrs. Harold JONES, Seneca Falls and Mrs. George CHIMES, Warsaw. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30o'clock at Italy Valley Church. Rev. L.S. BOYD of Geneva, officiating. Burial in Italy Valley Cemetery.
RUGG- At the home of his daughter, Mrs. Linnia KIRKPATRICK, 209 East Elm Street, Thursday, April 29, William F. RUGG, 80. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, with whom he lived; Mrs. Harvey INGRAM, Starkey; one son, Ray RUGG, Penn Yan. Funeral services were held from the KIRKPATRICK home, Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. R. N. JESSUP officiating. Burial in Lakeview cemetery.
Yan Democrat, Penn
Yan, NY
TOMION- At his home in Benton, Sunday, Jan. 30,
0. TOMION, 49.
He leaves his wife; his mother, Mrs. Alice TOMION,
of Potter; two brothers, Claude and Albert TOMION of
Benton; two sisters, Mrs. Berlin HEY, and Miss
Elsie TOMION, of Potter and an adopted sister, Miss
Ruth CRISS, of Potter. Funeral services were held at Thayer funeral chapel Wednesday afternoon at
Charles Smith, of Benton, and Rev. A. A. Foster, of Vai'ois, officiating. Burial in Schumann
cemetery in Gorham.
CHRISTENSEN- At her home,
McKIE - At Soldiers and
Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY Friday Aug 21,1942 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
COLGROVE - At Thompson Memorial Hospital, Canandaigua, Aug. 12, to Harold and Phyllis English COLGROVE, a son.
HARTER- To Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. HARTER, Lexington, Mass., Aug. 17, 1942. a son, Thomas Wells HARTER. Mrs. HARTER was the former Miss Polly BINGHAM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. BINGHAM, West Lake Road.
CHRISTENSEN - At his home in Bellona, Saturday, Aug 15, Carl Julius CHRISTENSEN, 70. Besides his wife, Mrs. Julia CHRISTENSEN, he leaves 4 sons, Helmer, Eilart and Wesley, all of Bellona; Henry of Geneva; 4daughters, Mrs. Lynn ROSS, Mrs. Kenneth BUSH, Bellona; Mrs. Earl ROBBINS, Geneva; Mrs. Hugo PETERSEN, of Penn Yan; three brothers and two sisters in Denmark. Funeral services were held at Thayer funeral chapel, 201 East Elm street, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Adolph KLOTH, of St. Pauls' Lutheran Church officiating. Burial in Bellona.
WORTMAN - At Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital, Sunday, Aug 16., Henry O. WORTMAN, 68. Besides his wife. Mrs. Nellie WORTMAN, he leaves a daughter, Mrs. William KINYOUN, of Crosby; granddaughter, Mrs. Michael DAUGHERTY of Geneva; nephew, Edwin KINYOUN of Crosby. Funeral services were held at the Thayer funeral chapel, 201 East Elm street, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Earl W. CHAPIN, of Batavia, assisted by Rev. Harvey KESTER, Dundee. Burial in Tyrone.
One of Yates County's historic old landmarks was destroyed by fire of undetermined origin Tuesday when the farm dwelling owned and occupied by Earl DAGGETT, about one half mile west of Branchport, burned with an approximate loss of $2,500. The nine room dwelling, a Jerusalem landmark, was more than 100 years old. No one was at home at the time of the fire, DAGGETT having been called to Penn Yan by the illness of his father, Fred DAGGETT, in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital. Branchport fire truck, in the charge of Virgil SUTHERLAND, answered the call but efforts to save the dwelling failed. No other buildings were burned. In addition to practically all household furnishings and personal belongings, DAGGETT lost 100 bushels of his 1942 wheat crop, which he had placed in the house to dry. DAGGETT said he had had no fire in the house, having eaten a cold lunch before coming to Penn Yan.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at his home in Italy Valley for Elmer HERRICK, 51, who was killed August 14, when caught in a buzz saw. Besides his wife, he leaves five children at home; his father, Charles HERRICK; his brother, Leon, both of Italy Valley; sister, Mrs. Elmer ANGEVINE, of Endicott. Rev. Charles S. EMERSON of Potter, officiated at the service and burial was in Italy Valley cemetery. HERRICK, a native of Italy Valley, was sawing logs at a saw mill located across the highway from his farm home, when a board became clogged in the saw carriage. In trying to push the board along, HERRICK'S arm was caught in the machine and he was drawn into the saw.
Miss Minnie Whitman,
who has been a patient in
Unknown Newspaper October 1953 contributed by Cathy Coon (from the scrapbook of Clara Starr Denison)
Mrs. Alice M. Baldwin,76, died Sunday evening, Oct. 11, 1953, in Thompson Memorial hospital, Canandaigua, of a cerebral hemorrhage suffered about 10:30 that morning in her home at Baldwin�s Corners, a short distance east of Rushville. She had seemed in her usual health that morning as she did her work and dressed to attend church. Her daughter, Mrs. William Fisher, found her unconscious when she came to take her to church. She was taken to the hospital where she died about seven o�clock without regaining consciousness.
Mrs. Baldwin was born in the Town of Italy, Yates county, Nov. 20, 1876, the daughter of George and Nancy Griswold Pulver, and lived there until her marriage in 1898 to Alfred D. Baldwin. The next spring they took up their residence in Rushville and later moved to the farm of his uncle, George Baldwin, which has since been her home. Her husband died in March, 1927.
She was a tireless worker in the Methodist churches if Italy Hill and Rushville of which she has been a member since girlhood. She was also a member of the Evergreen class of the Methodist Sunday school and the WSCS of that church. She has been president of Rushville grange and Rushville Tuesday club.
Mrs. Baldwin is survived by one daughter, Mrs. William Fisher of Rushville; two sons George Baldwin of Rushville, and Leslie Baldwin of Waterloo; one brother, John M. Pulver of Prattsburg; one granddaughter, Phyllis Baldwin of Waterloo and several nieces and nephews.
A prayer service for the family was held in the home Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 1:15 p. m., followed by funeral services in Rushville Methodist church at 2 p. m. Rev .D. D. Cronk, pastor of the church, officiated. Burial was in Rushville cemetery. (located in Ontario Co., NY) The family has requested that donations be made to the Cancer or Heart fund in lieu of flowers.
- Mrs. Elizabeth SCHWEICKHARD, 91, widow of William
SCHWEICKHARD died Friday evening after a long illness.
services will be Monday at 2 p. m. in the Crisfield Funeral Home at Gorham. Burial will be made in Schuman
in the Town of
SCHWEICKHARD was born in the town of
Lillian B. WAGNER
CANANDAIGUA- Funeral services for Mrs. Lillian B. WAGNER, 67,20 Gorham St., who died yesterday in her home, will be Monday at 11 am at
the Kennedy and Son Funeral Home. Burial will be in
WAGNER was the
widow of Orlo WAGNER and a native of Gorham. She is survived by a son, Harold YACKEL,
Canandaigua, six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
P. DOWNS - PENN YAN - Funeral services for Michael
Patrick DOWNS, 16 month old son of Norman and Terry
Vermilye DOWNS Jr.
- Funeral services for Charles H. COLF, 61,
of Middlesex, who died Friday in Thompson
Canandaigua, were today at
COLF was born in the Town of
YAN - Mrs. Meta Hyatt CHAFFEE, 85, a Penn Yan
resident for many years, died Sunday at Penn Yan Manor Nursing Home. Funeral services will be at
may call at the funeral chapel from
YAN - Ivan B. DREW, 61, of
services will be at
may call at the funeral home from 2-4 and
DREW was a member of the War Dads, the Penn Yan Moose Club and the Finger
Lakes Law Enforcement Assn. He was employed by Pierce Freight Lines and Penn Yan
Express for over 35 years.
are his wife, Helen; one son, Robert of Penn Yan; a daughter, Mrs. Wesley (
services for Angelo
POVERO, 66, of
M. DAMUTH - GENEVA Funeral services for Ina
M. DAMUTH, 91, formerly of 226 Exchange St.,
who died Friday Founders Pavilion Nursing Home, in Corning following a long
illness, were today at 2 p.m., in the Corwin Funeral Home. The Rev. Clyde
Petrle officiated. Burial was in Sandhill
Hazel E. KING - CLIFTON SPRINGS - Mrs.Hazel E. KING, 82, of
are no prior calling hours. The widow of the late T. Joseph KING, she is
survived by two brothers, Albert
V ROOMAN of Clifton Springs, W. Leon SHORT of
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