Yates Co. News Articles
for the town of Potter
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Rochester Observer, Rochester, Monroe Co., NY March 21, 1828 contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com
Died: In Rushville, James Henry, infant son of E. LOOMIS, publisher of this paper,
On the 7th inst., at his father's, in Jerusalem, John Stone BEDDOE, in the 24th year of his age.
Rochester Republican, Rochester, NY Oct 19, 1848 contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com
In Potter, on the 5th inst. Mr. John EARL, of Mich., to Miss Orrissa LANE
Union & Advertiser Rochester, Monroe, NY Tues Jan 31, 1888 contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com
During the terrible storm of Thursday night the large saw mill and barrel heading manufactory of Albert BLODGETT & Son, about one mile east of Rushville was totally destroyed by fire. Loss about $4,000, no insurance. This was the only mill of importance in all this section and the loss will be a great inconvenience to the farmers and a heavy financial loss to the owners. This mill had been built over forty years and was well supplied with valuable machinery.
Ontario Co. Times, Wed, Dec 12, 1888 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
+ Died of heart disease, Dec 4, 1888, at the residence of her son in law, Charles N. JAMES in Rushville, Mrs. Maria MC DONALD, aged 59 years. Funeral services were held from the house, December 6th. The family have the sympathy of all.
+ Died, after a few days illness, Dec 6, 1888, at her home in Potter, Mrs. Angelia S. BLODGETT, aged 56 years. Funeral services were held form the house, Dec 8th. Mrs. BLODGETT was the wife of Orlin E. BLODGETT, and the daughter of Robert and Sophia GREEN, and has always lived near here. She was an industrious woman, and was quiet and unassuming in her every day life, with strong home attachments and affection for her family. She leaves to mourn her decease, a husband, nine sons and four daughters, all of whom deeply feel the loss of their mother. There are also a large circle of other relatives and many not related who will miss her very much. Emma, her oldest daughter, is in a very critical condition from nervous prostration, she having been a constant attendant upon her mother, during her illness. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in this bereavement.
Ontario County Journal, Canandaigua, NY Friday Apr 7, 1893 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
+Rev. A. W. TAYLOR, who has been pastor of the Congregational Church in this place for five years, has accepted the pastorate of the church in Seneca Falls
+Rev. Mr. HOOVER, of Gasport, preached in the Congregational Church Sunday last, and the congregation voted almost unanimously to give him a call to the pastorate..
+ After about two weeks illness from a cold contracted by exposure, Charles RAYMOND died on Friday night. He was a member of the126th Regiment and also served in the Calvary. On Saturday his mother, the wife of Professor RAYMOND, died. Both were buried Monday afternoon.
+ Officers were elected by the Amphictyons Friday night as follows: President, Arlington MAPES; Vice-president, Miss Roberta TRIMBLE; Secretary, Miss Edith TRIMBLE; Treasurer, H. C. UNDERWOOD. The programme for the next meeting, at Miss Carrie E. GREENES, Friday of next week, is as follows: The Secretary of the Navy and the U.S. Navy, Rhoda ABBOTT; Department of Interior, Patent Office and Public Lands, Prof. CULLINGS; Pension Office and Indian Affairs, Miss Mary E. KNIGHT; Department of Agriculture, William PEAROE; Post office Department, Mrs. W. H. SAVAGE; Supreme Court, H. C. UNDERWOOD; Vocal solo, Miss Mabel WILSON.
Ontario Co. Journal, Canandaigua, NY Friday March 16, 1894 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
Rushville News:
+ Mrs. J. AINSLEY is ill with grippe.
+ Mrs. B. BARKER is seriously ill with pneumonia.
+ Mrs. P. GATES of Syracuse, is visiting at M. M. SMITH's.
+ Frank THOMAS is the proud father of a baby boy.
+ E. G. LAPHAM is spending the week in Canandaigua and Rochester.
+ Miss Charlotte WILLIAMS, of Middlesex, is visiting Mrs. L. GASTON.
+ Mr. & Mrs. William JONES of Wellsville, are visiting friends and relatives here.
+ The auction of Joseph STEVENS, last Saturday drew a large crowd. Considering the times, everything sold rapidly and brought a good price.
+ Mrs. E. G. LAPHAM, accompanied by Miss Rhoda ABBOTT, is in Rochester, purchasing millinery goods preparatory to the Easter opening at the Case store.
+ B. TOWN has exchanged his residence here for one at Hemlock Lake belonging to a Mr. TOSSETT, who will soon move here with his family. He intends running a harness shop.
+ Dewitt MOTHERSELL, who had conducted an agricultural business here during the past winter in the interest of Hopkins & Francisco, of Canandaigua, will return to his lakeside residence about April 1st.
+ An egg social will be held at the home of Mrs. R. A. KETCHUM next Friday evening, under the supervision of the young men of the Epworth League. In addition to the sumptuous repast , an Easter programme will be presented.
+ Mrs. H. PRATT, of Reeds Corners, is negotiating bringing 16 of her prize speaking candidates here and give an entertainment in the opera house. Mrs. PRATT is an earnest and gifted teacher and would no doubt, win favor here.
+ At the village caucus, held Monday evening, the following nominations were made: President, F. F. WILLIAMS; Trustee, 2 years, A. J. WARNER; one year, M. W. FISHER, J. C. LEGG; Treasurer, E. G. LAPHAM; Collector, R. W. FOWLER.
Ontario Co. Times, Canandaigua, NY Apr 4, 1894 contributed by Dianne Thomas
+ Mrs. Mary LINDSLEY, who has been spending the winter in Washington DC with her daughter, Mrs. MEADE, returned home Thursday last.
+ Married, at the bride's home in Candor, March 28, Henry C. FISHER of this place to Miss Lillian JENNINGS.
+ Mrs. Lottie VOOHEES has moved back to her farm.
+ Mrs. Allen LOOMIS entertained her class on Tuesday evening.
+ Dewitt MOTHERSILL moved back to his vineyard last Monday.
+ Mrs. G. B. GALLAHGER goes to Baltimore, Md., to visit her sister next week.
+ Mrs. Mary Ann AINSLEY is improving slowly.
Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe, NY Wed Jan 1,1896 contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com
The sheriff has closed the store of J. H. BEERMAN, of Rushville, on a judgment in favor of a Syracuse firm for goods sold him.
Democrat & Chronicle Rochester, Monroe, NY Jan 1,1897 contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com
Frank C. LOOMIS, of Waukegan, Ill., is seeking for information as to the whereabouts of his brother, Charles A. LOOMIS, founder of Rushville, who has recently been traveling in Europe. He has been trying to locate his brother for a year and a half.
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