Yates County, New York

History - Town of Penn Yan

From the History of Yates County, NY
published 1892, by L.C. Aldrich

pg 303- pg 304


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(Note:See also the portion of Early Settlers)

In the northernportion of township No. 7, of the first range, better and more commonly know asthe town of Milo, at a point near and about he foot of Ogoyago, or Crooked Lake,where the waters find an outlet through a narrow channel, and eventuallydischarge into Seneca Lake, nature provided a splendid site upon which civilizedman might build up a thriving, prosperous village. That consummation has been reached, in fact was attained nearlythree-quarters of a century ago, but each succeeding year has witnessed somematerial improvement, some development of new resources, until by slow stages ithas grown to contain a population of more than 4,000 souls, and is provided withall the enterprises, the industries and commercial advantages that can be foundin any interior village in the Empire State. 

The�head of the street� remained for many years the center of business andresidence, but as years passed away dwelling-houses became more frequent alongboth sides of the highway leading to Wagener�s mill. In fact it was not many years afterward that this locality began toassume the character of a hamlet.  Thevicinity of the outlet and the foot of the lake formed a highly desirable sitefor a village, for boat communication with points up the lake opened athoroughfare of trade and travel in that direction. In 1800, a road was surveyed from the foot of the lake about two-thirdsof a mile eastward, Joseph JONES, Ezra COLE and John PLYMPTON being thecommissioners to do the work.  Anotherroad led from the LEE place to Wagener�s mills constructed in 1806 and threeyears later commissioners Morris F. SHEPPARD and Charles ROBERTS laid out stillanother highway leading form Plympton�s Bridge to the mills. 

Theopening of these roads was made necessary to accommodate the Milo people ingetting to and from the mills on the outlet. But about the time the work was commenced, possibly earlier, anotherlittle settlement had spring up near the foot of the lake. This locality at once became a rival to the hamlet at the head of thestreet.  The tract was laid out invillage lots and many improvements were made there. The name of Elizabethtown was given the place, and it boasted of a hotel,store and several dwellings.  Thetavern was built by Wallace FINCH, who was succeeded by Peter HELTIBIDAL, andthe latter in turn by George and Robert SHEARMAN. Afterward it became known as the Kimball Hotel, but was torn down manyyears ago.  Another hotel stoodwhere Charles D. WELLE�s dwelling is erected, but that hostelry eventually wasput to other uses and now forms part of the houses of Mr. WELLS and CalvinCARPENTER.  The name of thislocality was changed in the course of a few years from Elizabethtown to SummerSite, and as such continued until it finally merged into and was absorbed by itsmore successful rival - - Penn Yan.


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