Yates Co. News Articles

for the Village of Penn Yan

1938 - 1939 


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Rochester Democrat & Chronicle   Saturday Jan 22, 1938 pg 12                   by: Dianne Thomas 

DE WALT HAMM - Penn Yan - Dewalt HAMM, 35, died Thursday night in his home, 104 Seneca St.  Surviving are his widow, three sons, William, Earl and Kenneth, one daughter Cora, two sisters, Mrs. Walter JONES and Mrs. Addie RIBBEN, all of Penn Yan.  Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 2:30 pm at 201 East Elm street.  

Mrs. M. D.  ARMSTRONG - Penn Yan -Funerals services will be at 2 pm Monday at 201 East Elm street, for Mrs. Margaret Davis ARMSTRONG, widow of Charles H. ARMSTRONG of Dresden, who died Thursday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Merton REYNOLDS, 13 Matilda St., Albany.  Mrs. REYNOLDS is the sole survivor. Burial will be in Dresden cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat           Friday                Aug 5, 1938          by:  Dianne Thomas 

�The First �

       First white man in Penn Yan - Jacob Fredenburg, 1787

       First frame house in Yates County - The house of Jemima WILKINSON, the Universal Friend, in the town of Torrey, erected in 1790.

       First person buried in Lakeview cemetery, David WAGENER, 1799.

       First person who kept a store in Penn Yan - Joel DORMAN, 1800.

       First newspaper in Penn Yan - The Penn Yan Herald, now the Penn Yan Democrat, 1818.

       First Judge in Yates Co.- William M. OLIVER, 1823.

       First Surrogate - Abram P. VOSBURG, 1823.

       First District Att�y - James TAYLOR, 1823.

       First County Clerk - Abraham H. BENNETT, 1823.

       First Sheriff - James P. ROBINSON, 1823.

       First Court house and Jail � erected in 1824

       First Church in Penn Yan � First Presbyterian church, 1824.

       First President of the village of Penn YanAbraham WAGENER, 1833.

       First steamboat on Lake Keuka, �The Keuka�, 1834.

       First fire company in Penn Yan, Fire Engine Co. No. 1, 1835.

       First fire Chief in Penn Yan, Thomas H. LOCKE, 1835.

       First military company to leave Penn Yan for the front in the Civil War - the Keuka Rifles, Co. I, 33rdNY Infantry � 1861. 

Penn Yan Democrat       Friday    September 30, 1938        by: Dianne Thomas 


CLAYTON - To. Mr. and Mrs. John CLAYTON, of Dresden, at Soldiers and Sailors Hospital, Penn Yan,  Sept. 27, 1938, a daughter.

JACOBS - To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert JACOBS, of Middlesex, Sept 14, 1938, at Memorial Hospital, Canandaigua, a daughter, Shirley Ann.

JEPSEN - To Mr. and Mrs. Gudmund JEPSEN, Penn Yan, RD 1, at Soldiers and Sailors Hospital, Sept. 24, 1938, a daughter.

OSBORN - To Mr. and Mrs. George OSBORN, Penn Yan, at Soldiers and Sailors Hospital, Sept. 27, 1938, a daughter.

SHERWOOD - To Mr. and Mrs. Fred SHERWOOD, Penn Yan, at Soldiers and Sailors Hospital, Sept. 27, 1938, a son.

SISSON - To Mr. and Mrs. Laverne SISSON, of Barrington, Sept 20, 1938, a daughter.




ANDREASEN - At his home at Hall, Monday, Sept. 26, Peter ANDREASEN,66.  He leaves his wife, Mrs. Cassie Christensen ANDREASEN; 3 sons, Alfred, Arnold and Alvin ANDREASEN, all of Hall; three daughters, Mrs. Jay SMITH, West Webster; Mrs. Peter LUNDGARD, Ithaca; Miss Elna ANDREASEN, Hall; one brother, Christensen ANDREASEN, Denmark.  Funeral services were held at the home Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.  Burial in No. 9 Cemetery, Hall. 


HARRIS- At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Philip PROSSER,222 Hamilton street, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Mrs. Sarah Augusta HARRIS, 91.  She was one of Yates County's oldest residents and was born in the county, having lived for many years at Italy Hill, where with her husband, the late John HARRIS, she conducted a general store for some time.  She had been active until two months before her death.  A member of the Phil Sheridan Circle, Ladies of  G.A.R., she had faithfully attended all meetings of that women's patriotic group until her last illness.  Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. PROSSER, Mrs. Ray CAMPBELL, Penn Yan; Mrs. Loren BEAM, Branchport; one granddaughter, Mrs. John HOBAN, and two great grandchildren, Rosemary and John HOBAN, of Penn Yan.  Funeral services were held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. CAMPBELL, 130 East Main street, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. Walter A. HENRDRICKS officiating.  Burial in Lakeview.


WATERMAN - At her home in Jerusalem, Sunday, September 25, Mrs. Elena Jane WATERMAN.  She is survived by her husband, Jeaness WATERMAN; one sister, Miss Carrie FINEGAN, of Jerusalem, and several cousins.  Funeral services were held at Corcoran's funeral home Wednesday, at 2:30 pm, Rev. J. H. PERKINS officiating. Burial in Lakeview cemetery. 


WIGDEN- At Naples, Monday, Sept. 26, Mrs. Jehial WIGDEN, 58.  She is survived by four sons, Harold, Lawrence, Robert and David WIGDEN, of Naples; four daughters, Mrs. Gerlena JOHNSON, Penn Yan; Miss Hazel WIGDEN, New York City; Misses Millicent and Gladys WIGDEN, Naples.  Funeral services were held at Naples Thursday afternoon, along with burial in that village.

Penn Yan Chronicle Express   Nov 17, 1938                  by Bruce Sherwood

DYKE - To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dyke, Penn Yan, R.D., in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital, November 13, 1938, a daughter.
HEY - To Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hey, of Stark avenue, Penn Yan, in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital, November 11, 1938, a son.
PUTNAM - To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Putnam of Lake St., Penn Yan, November15, 1938, a daughter

MILLER - In Canandaigua, November 9, 1938, Mrs. Hannah Miller, of Rushville, aged 79 years.
SIMMONS - In Penn Yan, November 12, 1938, George Simmons, aged 68.
DePEW - In Gorham, November 13, 1938, Celsus B. DePew, aged 76 years.
GREEN - In Pulteney, November 13, 1938, Miss Dora Green of Syracuse, aged 75 years.
AINSWORTH - In Pulteney, November 13, 1938, Mrs. Alice A. Osborne Ainsworth, aged 86 years.
CLARK - Near Wayne, November 10, 1938, Mrs. Martin Clark, aged 51 years.
PADDOCK - In Dundee, November 11, 1938, Elmer Paddock, aged 72 years.
GORDON - In Penn Yan, November 14, 1938, Patrick L. Gordon, aged 75, of 206 Elm street.
MALLOY - In Penn Yan, November 13, 1938, Mrs. Jessie Malloy of Tyrone,  aged 62.
CARROLL - At Penn Yan R.D. 3, November 11, 1938, Winfield S. Carroll, aged 57 years.
COMSTOCK - In Penn Yan, November 15, 1938, Donald Comstock, aged 49, of Bellona.

Mrs. Ray W. CAMPBELL is slowly recovering at home on on 130 East Main street after a serious illness.

There will be a meeting of the Danish brotherhood Saturday evening at the lodge rooms. The Rev. N. T. NEESGAARD will speak at 9 o'clock after which coffee and cake will be served. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

Rev. Royal N. JESSUP, pastor of the local Baptist church, Mrs. JESSUP, Miss Mary UNDERWOOD, director of Christian education for Yates Baptist larger parish, and others were in Seneca Falls Wednesday attending the mid-year of the Ontario-Yates Baptist association.

Thursday, November 10, Deputy Sheriff Charles KIPP arrested Samuel ALOI,  aged 23, of West Water street, Elmira, on a warrant sworn out by the Yates County sealer of weights and measures, Howard O. SPRAGUE, for violation of section 197B of the Agricultural and Market law for delivering coal in Benton without weight slips. He was arraigned before the justice of peace for the town Town of Benton, Alvin ROLF, and fined $25, which he paid. The arrest of Mr. Aloi followed a cabbage and coal transaction with Otto ELLING and his son, Fred ELLING, both of Benton.
After being released upon payment of of the $25 fine , he was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Charles CASWELL on a warrant sworn out by the Penn Yan police for driving a truck which was not equipped with flares. Arraigned before Police Justice Maurice McCANN,  Mr. AOLI was fined $5, which he also paid.


+ Victim of Shot is Holding Own.
 O. J. TOWNSEND, Sportsman, Veteran Printer, in Hospital With Mystery Bullet in Head. - Seek Wallet
Anyone who happened to drive in the vicinity of Esperanze, the County Home, on the Penn Yan- Branchport state road between 10 and 10:15 a.m. Saturday may be able to shed some light on the mystery which surrounds the shooting of Oliver J. TOWNSEND, aged 69 years, Penn Yan veteran printer and sportsman. Yates County officials would welcome any information such persons might be able to give.
At about that time, while a Chevrolet sedan was parked on the north side of th estate road a few rods west of the garages which stand along that side of the highway, just before the road slopes over the hill and turns across the flays at Branchport, Mr. TOWNSEND was struck by a bullet from behind while he was standing on the south side of the highway looking across the end of West branch towards Branchport.
A few coins, his glasses and blood, found in the leaves along the side of the road, some 20 feet from where he was picked up coupled with a missing wallet, would indicate that someone else was in the vicinity during that brief period.
In the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital Sunday afternoon, when Mr. TOWNSEND recovered consciousness for a few minutes. He told Dr. Allen HOLMES of the FOSTER-HATCH group that his companion had been gone but five minutes and he was standing beside the road when suddenly everything went black.

Wednesday, Mr. TOWNSEND seemed a bit brighter and stronger. Physicians feel it will be unwise to try to remove the bullet for a time at least, because of the unusual course it followed in missing vital spots.
Talking with officials, he recalls the exact amount of money on his person and that his billfold was buttoned in his hip pocket. It was a black leather wallet with his name stamped on it. He recalls the pain after being struck and his efforts to get up, also wondering how long before Mr. BALLARD would return. Mr. TOWNSEND has a hazy recollection of noticing another car approaching.

Mr. TOWNSEND treasurer of the publishers of the Chronicle-Express, was at the office for a short time Saturday morning, before he decided to take advantage of "the first good day in two weeks to go bass fishing".  Always an ardent fisherman, Mr. TOWNSEND had spent most of his spare time in years gone by on Lake Keuka after trout or bass. Making arrangements with Lewis BALLARD of Penn Yan, he went home to change his clothes, bought some bait on Lake Street and a lunch at a local restaurant and the two men
headed for Branchport in Mr. BALLARD'S car, intending to get some fishing tackle from BALLARD'S cottage and go to Bluff Point for a day of fun.
A flat tire caused Mr. BALLARD to pull off the road just west of Esperanza, beyond the garages and up the bank from several cottages, including one belonging to Mr. TOWNSEND. This was about 10 a.m. Mr. BALLARD started to walk toward Branchport to get the tire repaired. As Mr. McMINN picked him up a few rods away, Mr. BALLARD saw "O .J." get out of the parked sedan and cross the road.
Within 20 minutes he returned from Sutherland's garage at Branchport, changed tires and began looking for his fishing companion. Sounding the horn and calling brought no response, so he walked down the bank to Mr. TOWNSEND's and returned. Not finding him, he made a second trip; then a third trip to the lake to get water for the bait.
Driving to Branchport without finding him, he parked his car this time on the south or lake side of the highway. Still thinking "Ollie" might be walking along the shore, he stepped to the edge of the hillside and saw him lying unconscious with his head on a rock, out of side of the highway.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen McMINN of Branchport happened along just then. Mrs. McMINN went to the home of friends nearby, so Mr. McMINN could bring Mr. BALLARD and Mr. TOWNSEND to Penn Yan.

Concerned over his general condition since he lay on the ground nearly an hour, it was thought that the skull fracture from a fall onto the rocks.
When it was established however, that he had $125 in his wallet at the time and this was missing and when examination of X-ray photographs showed a bullet had penetrated the left ear and lodged under the left eye, a search was made at the scene Sunday morning.
Near one of the gravel piles kept by the road maintenance crew were found some coins. About six feet away were found his glasses and blood stains under the leaves. It seemed then impossible that he could have moved over the ridge by himself after being shot and some 20 feet down the hillside to the position in which he was found by Mr. BALLARD. Authorities, judging from the direction of the head injury and Mr. TOWNSEND's testimony at the hospital, believe that a hunters stray bullet from the woods above the road and towards Esperanza, or even a shot from the highway might be responsible for the wound, which obviously was not made at close range.
Yates county officials and extra state police have searched the ground on all sides of the scene without uncovering any further clues. State Trooper Fred GUYLE states that Oliver WELDY, aged 63, inmate at Esperanza, now admits that he was hunting in that vicinity at about that time and that he took a couple of shots at squirrels.
Sunday afternoon Trooper GUYLE and Deputy Sheriff  KIPP confiscated his 22 rifle and a supply of "short" cartridges. Recovery of the bullet from the injured man would establish definitely whether or not it was fired from this rifle. Mr. WELDY for some time has been permitted use of the gun for small game hunting on the county lands.
Officers hope that someone driving by the scene at 10 a.m. or shortly after may have seen something which will enable them to solve the mystery.

+ Mrs. Jessie MALLOY
Mrs. Jessie MALLOY,
wife of DeWitt MALLOY, died at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital Penn Yan Sunday Nov 13. She had been in ill health about three years.  Mrs. MALLOY was born in Addison on January 18, 1876 and was 62 years of age. Her maiden name Jessie SPENCER. In January, 1902 she married DeWitt MALLOY of Tyrone, who survives, with one son, of Altay, and three grandchildren.
She was a member of the Presbyterian church of Watkins Glen.  Funeral services will be held at the Altay Baptist church Wednesday at 2 p.m. with Rev. William PERRY of Hammondsport officiating. Burial was in Tyrone cemetery.

+ Mrs. Charles DEAN  - Friday November 11, at 12:30 p.m. in Bath occurred the death of Mrs. Charles DEAN, aged 65 years. Before her marriage she was Miss Belle Stever, daughter of Rupert and Sarah Gay Stever. She was born in Pulteney.  After her marriage she lived in Avoca and later in Bath where Mr. DEAN was engaged in business, She was active in the Bath Baptist church, the Red Cross, in the Bath Social service and other organizations.  She is survived by two brothers, Benjamin STEVER of Penn Yan and David STEVER of Bath.    Funeral services were held Sunday at 2p.m. from the home. Burial was made in Grove cemetery.

+ Patrick L. GORDON, aged 75 years, of 206 Elm street, Penn Yan, died Monday morning November 14, in the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Thomas RECTOR of Penn Yan; a son, John GORDON of Albany; five sisters, Mrs. Mary PATTERSON and Miss Lillian GORDON, both of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Jefferson PRENDERGAST of Hall, Mrs. Robert  LeGAB and Mrs. Winfield O'MALLEY, both of Geneva; and a brother Michael GORDON of Rochester.  Funeral services were held from St. Michael's church Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock with burial in Lakeview cemetery.

From Wayne Correspondent
+ Mrs. Martin CLARK, aged 51 years, passed away Thursday November 10, at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital in Penn Yan, following a serious operation. She was a member of the M. E. church.  She was born in Barrington December 21 1889. Her early life was spent at Crystal Springs and later in the vicinity of Wayne. She was married to Martin CLARK in March 1905.She is survived by her husband; four daughters, Mrs. Anna FRANCIS of Bradford, Pa., and Gladys and Roberta CLARK at home; three sisters and four brothers.  The funeral was held from her late residence on the east side of Waneta lake Sunday at 2 p.m., the Rev. James GORDON officiating. Burial was in MacDowell cemetery.

Frank E. MONNIN of East Main street, Penn Yan, president of the local chamber of commerce, was attending the annual meeting of the Finger Lakes association in Ithaca Thursday when he received word, shortly after noon, of the sudden passing of his father, Paul MONNIN, aged 78 years, of Buffalo. A retired employee of the New York Central railroad, Mr. MONNIN had lived most of his life in Buffalo. Thursday noon, November 10, he was at the home of his son, Lawrence, in Buffalo, when he was suddenly stricken while sitting in a chair waiting for his son to finish dinner.
Surviving Mr. MONNIN are a brother, Jesse of Meadville. PA; two sons, Lawrence of Buffalo and Frank E. of Penn Yan; a daughter, Mrs. Elma BOYLE of Arcade; and six grandchildren.  Funeral services were held at 8:30 a.m. from the home, 113 Geary street, Buffalo, and from St. Theresa church at 9 a.m. with burial in a Buffalo cemetery.

Lieut. D. COMSTOCK of Bellona To Be Buried at Arlington - W. S. CARROLL,  Mrs. G. R. AINSWORTH, Other Deaths.

Lieut. D. COMSTOCK -  Tuesday afternoon, November15, in the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital, from which he was but recently released following a traffic accident, Lieutenant Donald COMSTOCK of Bellona passed away, aged 49 years.

Mr. COMSTOCK while returning home from Penn Yan on October 6th, was seriously in a crash of cars at Shaw's corner's, Penn Yan-Dresden state road, shortly after the new highway was opened to traffic. But two weeks ago he was released from the hospital and returned home, wearing two casts, since both of his legs as well as ribs were fractured. A major operation became necessary however, and was performed Sunday.
Active in the work of Lake Keuka chapter, Isaac Walton league of America, he served as secretary of the district vice-president in the state. He was master of the Benton grange, active in promoting the annual fair of the Yates County Agricultural Society and in Bellona community projects. Mr. COMSTOCK served in the United Stats Navy, from active service in which he was retired because of ill health incurred while in the submarine squadron. He retired with the rank of Lieutenant.
Surviving are his wife and two sisters , Mrs. Cora HADLEY of Seneca Falls and Miss Helen COMSTOCK of Dover, Del.
Funeral services will be held from St. Mark's Episcopal church in Penn Yan, Thursday at 2 p.m. with Rev. John E. WOOTTEN rector, officiating.
The Masonic lodge, F. and A. M., of which he was a member, also the Johnson-Costello post, American legion will be in attendance. Burial will be in the Arlington National cemetery, Ft. Myers, Va., Saturday at 10 a.m. with military honors.

Winfield S. CARROLL
+  At his home on the Potter-Penn Yan road on the top of the Widow Hill of Penn Yan R.D. 3, Winfield S. CARROLL, aged 57 years, died Friday morning, November 11, following an extended illness.
He is survived by his wife; two sons, Richard at home and Wendall of Voak; a daughter, Mrs. H. Whitman PATNODE of Arlington, Va., and four brothers, Claude and Pearl of Avoca; Gordon of Penn Yan and Granger of Reading, Mass.
Mr. Carroll was born March 11, 1881 in the town of Potter to Alfred and Sarah CARROLL, the youngest of eight sons. On December 23, 1903 he was united in marriage to Lola STAPE of Potter. He had spent all his life as a farmer in Potter and Benton, He was a member of the Penn Yan Methodist church and of the Penn Yan grange.
Funeral services were held from the Thayer Funeral chapel Monday at 2:30 p.m. with the Rev. Ellroy D. VAN DYKE, pastor of the First Methodist church in Penn Yan officiating. Burial was made in Lake View cemetery.
From the Pulteney Correspondent
Mrs. George R. AINSWORTH of Pulteney, Mother of Mrs. Perry GRIFFITHS
Mrs. Alice A. Osborne AINSWORTH died Sunday, November 13, at her home on the lake. She was born in Pulteney April 28, 1852, the daughter of David and Anna OSBORNE. On August 28, 1872 she was united in marriage to George R. AINSWORTH. They lived at the Ainsworth home until 1919 when Mrs. AINSWORTH went to live in Corning. Her husband died in December 1921. Mrs. AINSWORTH and her daughter, Edna have been living together at the lake for several years. Mrs. AINSWORTH was a member of the Pulteney Presbyterian church.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Mary BURGER of Hall, Mrs. Cary GRIFFITHS of Penn Yan, and Miss Edna AINSWORTH of Pulteney; a son, Willard AINSWORTH of Pulteney; three grand-children; and a sister, Mrs. Carrie WHITE of Philadelphia, Pa.
The funeral was held from the home Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Marshall SCOTT officiating. Interment was made at Lakeview cemetery, Penn Yan.

Miss Dora GREEN           (from Pulteney Correspondent)
Miss Dora GREEN of Syracuse passed away early Sunday morning, November13, at the home of Mrs. Lillian HOWELL. She was 75 years of age. Surviving is a sister Mrs. Loretta BORELAND of Syracuse and Pulteney.

+ George SIMMONS aged 68 years, died Saturday, November 12, at 257 Lake street, Penn Yan, after a long illness.    He is survived by his widow, a niece and several cousins.  The Rev. Ellroy D. VAN DYKE, pastor of the First Methodist church in Penn Yan, officiated at funeral services which were held from Corcoran Funeral home Monday at 3:30 p.m. Burial was made in Lake View cemetery.
Mr. SIMMONS was for many years shipping clerk in the Pennsylvania railroad station in Penn Yan and later with the Finger Lakes of the Comstock Canning corporation. At one time he ran a sewing machine repair shop in the Arcade building which later developed into the Needlecraft shop which is now operated by his wife.

Elmer H. PADDOCK, Veteran Railroad Employee Passes            (from Dundee Correspondent)
Pensioned only four years ago by the New York Central railroad which he had served for 50 years, Elmer H. PADDOCK, aged 71, died at his home, 89 Seneca street, Dundee, Friday November 11th. His death was very un-expected. He had been out for a walk an hour before his death, ate dinner and died in his chair.  Mr. PADDOCK was born in Middleville, Mich., May 2, 1867. He came to Dundee at the age of two. He attended Dundee Preparatory school under John KLINE as principal.
On December 2, 1891 he married Mary Frances McCLOUD of Dundee. At age 16,he started work as telegraph operator for the Fall Brook Railroad company. A few years later he succeeded William MOORE as agent for railroad and express. When the New York Central took over the Fall Brook Railroad company, Mr. PADDOCK continued as agent. He retired after 50years of service on July 1, 1934. The messages of Mr. PADDOCK's death were sent out with the same telegraph key he had used for 50 years.
He was a member of the Dundee Presbyterian church, charter member and past nobel grand of Dundee I.O.O.F.; Order of Railway Telegraphers until his death; and an honorary of New York Railroad Veterans association.
Surviving are his wife, Mary Frances PADDOCK of Dundee; two sons, Harold M. and Gaylord PADDOCK, both of Dundee; three grandsons, Ford D. and Gaylord PADDOCK of Rochester, and E. Bruce of Dundee; a granddaughter, Joyce Ann PADDOCK of Rochester; and a nephew, Guy PADDOCK of Rochester.  Funeral services were conducted by Rev. George McCULLOUGH, pastor of Dundee Presbyterian church the home Monday at 2 p.m.. Burial in Hillside cemetery.  


  (There is a picture with the following caption:)
Winners of Yates county 4-H awards for the year announced Saturday over the air and at the annual achievement day program in the Penn Yan Junior High School include. Mervin SWING, Norseman Club, Benton center, for his forestry project; Rudolph ELWELL, Middlesex Valley Ramblers club, gardening; Laura HOWELL, Dundee club, dairying; Twilla TITUS, Milo Merrymakers club, foods; Pauline WAYAND, Happy Go Lucky club, Voak,.. clothing; Natilee MOON, Lakemont Loyal Lassies, room improvement; Howard HENDRICK, Dundee club, Crystal Valley, poultry; Ralph SPENCER, Beartown club, Himrod, potatoes; George ARDEY, Dundee club, near Wayne, sheep.
Also: Miss Virginia KELSEY of Benton, chosen as the outstanding 4-H member in the county and honored with selection to go next month to the national congress at Chicago (with picture).     NOTE: There is a lengthy article also.
Canandaigua City police have joined forces with state troopers and other police officers in this area in a search for James BONSOR, aged 38, World War veteran, missing from his home in Dresden since last week Wednesday.
Mrs. BONSOR appealed to Chief of Police Thomas P. KINSELLA after the family car in which Mr. BONSOR left home for work Wednesday morning had been found parked in South Main street, Canandaigua.  A strange feeling of apprehension prompted Mrs. BONSOR to check with officials of a school construction job in Greigsville where the missing had been employed. She learned he had not appeared for work and, tracing his movements, found his automobile.  Mr. BONSOR is said to be subject to attacks of amnesia. He is described as five feet 11 inches in height, weighing 154 pounds and having brown hair. When he left home he was wearing a cap and red lumber jacket but also had with him a long tan topcoat, Mrs. BONSOR said.

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. CARTER In Bath Hospital After Crash - Pennsylvania
Driver Arrested Monday Morning.
Most serious of the traffic accidents during the past few days occurred at Pleasant Valley Sunday afternoon when the pastor of the Dundee Baptist church and his wife were badly injured as their car skidded. A Penn Yan man and women were somewhat injured Monday on their way to New York City, while another collision in Benton that same morning resulted in an arrest.

Calvin RUSSELL of 304 Main street and Mrs. Laura BIRKETT are recovering at their homes from bruises and the shock received Monday morning when they were involved in a crash just east of Alpine at the intersection of the Elmira-Ithaca and the Montour Falls-Spencer state roads. An Empire Produce company truck, north-bound, struck the right side of the local New York city-bound car, both going into the ditch but not turning over.   Mrs. BIRKETT's was badly wrecked.

Fred BOSTOCK, aged 57, of 150 North Main street, Mansfield, PA, employed on the new central school building near Rushville, was arrested Monday morning for driving without a license following a skid and collision just outside of Penn Yan at the top of the Marcus Whitman hill. Mr. BOSTOCK and a passenger were going west towards Rushville when his machine hit a snowy patch on the highway and slid across the concrete into the Penn Yan bound car of Charles HAYES, R.D. 3, employee of the Scherer and Son garage. Both machines were damaged though occupants escaped.  Before Police Justice Alvin ROLF of Benton, R.D. 6 Penn Yan, Mr. BOSTOCK pleaded guilty and paid a fine of $5.

 The Rev. Thomas W. CARTER pastor of the Dundee and Barrington Baptist churches, and Mrs. CARTER were seriously injured Sunday afternoon on their way to Bath when their automobile skidded on the slippery road near the State Fish hatchery and struck a tree.
The Rev. Mr. CARTER suffered head and eye injuries and a bruised arm.  Mrs. CARTER received chest, ankle, and wrist injuries. Both suffered severely form bruises and shock. They are patients at the Bath hospital.
The pastor and his wife were on their way to attend the funeral of Mrs. Charles DEAN, a former parishioner and a close friend of the family. The machine skidded on the wet pavement struck a tree and a road side stand and was nearly demolished by the impact. The accident happened at a spot where several mishaps have been during the past few months. Rev. and Mrs. have been residents of Dundee about ten years. At one time he served the Altay church.

+   Mrs. Nora FISHER is visiting her sister, Mrs. George WREN at Willow Grove.
+   Mr. and Mrs. A. C. BROOKS of Clinton street left Monday night for Miami, Florida, where they will spend the winter.
+   Mrs. B.S. STRAIT and children of Main St. spent a few days last week in Utica, the guests of her brother, Earl OWENS.
+   The Misses Doris and Marilyn WELLS of Potter were guests of their mother, Mrs. Eppa F. WELLS of Lake street over the week-end.
+   Mrs. Helen C. Lown of Canandaigua has been spending several days in Penn Yan, the guest of Mrs. Nellie R. ANSLEY of Clinton street.
+   Mrs. J. L. SHIPLEY of Washington, D.C., arrived at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. M. MEAD Thursday. Sunday Mrs. MEAD returned with her daughter to spend the winter.
+   William CHAFFEE of Highland drive returned home the first of this week after spending six months with his son, R.R. CHAFFEE, in Berkley and Greenville, Calif.
+   Mrs. Howard POTTER of Washington, D.C. has been spending a week with her sister, Mrs. L. Z. CARPENTER of Elm Street. Her mother, Mrs. Ada GREEN returned with her Friday night to spend the winter.
+   Miss Doris R. STEVER, commercial teacher in Leavenworth High School in Wolcott, and Miss Francis GALE spent the week-end with Miss STEVER's parents Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin STEVER, of 342 Elm street. Sunday they attended the funeral of Mr. STEVERS' sister, Mrs. Charles DEAN, in Bath.
+   Mrs. Cora COWELL is spending the week in Gorham with her daughter, Mrs. Henry SHIPMAN.
+   Dr. and Mrs. Job M. WARD left Tuesday morning for their winter home in Coral Gables, Florida.
+   Mrs. Glen C. WRIGHT has returned to her home in Geneva after visiting her brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. EGGLESTON of Clinton street.
+   The Misses Pauline FOSTER and Eleanor GARBUS, Mrs. Vera SALISBURY and daughter, Barbara, and Miss Fran FLATER of Newton, N.J., attended the Cornell-Dartmouth game in Ithaca, Saturday.
+   Mr. and Mrs. E.G. GEER, Jr., of East Main street spent the weekend with Mrs. GEER's sister and husband, Dr. and Mrs. Dudley FitzGerald at Worcester, Mass., also stopping at Boston and other places of interest.

Mr. and Mrs. Durwood GIBSON of Pulteney and Mrs. Gibson's sister, Mrs. Frank GOTTSCHALD of Pittsburgh. Pa., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. EGGLESTON Friday, the occasion being Mr. EGGLESTON's birthday. After dinner at the Benham Hotel the party returned to the EGGLESTON home for cards.
+   James M. COLE, formerly with the Hagenback-Wallace circus, and now at the Benham, has been named a regional director of the National Save the Circus society, made up of circus fans who are desirous of keeping intact the traditions of circus day, the past three having seen the disbanding of most of the "big tops". ( could he be part of the Cole Brothers Circus that is still active today?)
+    The members of City Carrier's auxiliary, of Penn Yan, went to Auburn November 9th, enjoying dinner at the Chimneys, touring around the parks, then went shopping. In the party were Mrs. Fred SMITH, Mrs. William WEGMAN, Mrs. D .W. SPEAR, Mrs. George CROSBY, Mrs. Ralph MILLER, Mrs. Edgar LAMPSON, and Mrs. Ralph SEAGER.
+   Denton LOOMIS of 515 Cornell street, Horseheads, aged 31years, pled guilty Saturday to driving while intoxicated. Several cars, including a load of Yates county supervisors, found him weaving around on the Penn Yan- Dundee state road in the afternoon. Before Milo Justice of Peace Arthur HENDERSON, R.D. 2, he was fined $25, sentenced for ten days and his license revoked.
+   The picture of Miss Jeanette PARRY and Miss Virginia PHAIR, graduates of Keuka college in last June's class, appeared on the cover page of the national honorary dramatic society, Alpha Psi Omega last month. The two young women are shown in their leads in the annual June play presented by the Arion club of Keuka college under the direction of Miss Mae H. BAKER.------------At present Miss Parry is in the school of Merchandising at Boston, Mass. and Miss PHAIR is director of young people's work at Ken-more. (not verbatim)
+   The East Main Street will meet Monday night with Mrs. Fred KELSCHENBACH at her home on Benham street.
+   Carroll C. DANIELS, Marvin ALLISON and several employees of the Allison and Daniels company are spending the remainder of the deer hunting season in the Adirondacks.
+   School Superintendent Clayton E. ROSE addressed the Skaneateles Parents-Teachers association Wednesday on the subject, Progressive Trends in Secondary Education.
+   Miss Frances HYDE assumed her duties as superintendent of Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital the first of this week. At a meeting of the board of managers Monday evening the resignation of Miss Agnes M. WEBB, X-ray technician at the hospital since 1934, was accepted. Miss WEBB has taken a position as night superintendent at Martinsburg, West Virginia. She leaves Penn Yan next Wednesday, going to her home in Connecticut for a week before reporting for her new hospital duties on December 1st.
+   Mrs. Ruth Nutt HOLMES has resigned from the faculty of Penn Yan High school and will join her husband at Barker. Mrs. HOLMES has been instructor of English for three years and was recently starting her fourth term in Penn Yan Academy. Mrs. HOLMES left Friday and Mrs. Gladys ROBERTS of Batavia is substituting in her place.
+   The police car is back in service again after having extensive repairs to the body. Chief of Police James MOODY was patrolling on Seneca street about 3 p. m. last Wednesday when he saw what looked like a Plymouth pick-up truck flash by Five points, continuing out Seneca street at a fact clip.  Figuring that the car would have to stop when it came to the
new construction work at Seneca Mills or May's Mills, Mr. MOODY endeavored to keep the machine in site. Near the Charles LOVE residence on the turn the police car left the highway, hitting some saplings along the side of the road and crushing the left side of the body. Mr. MOODY escaped with bruises.
+   Dr. J. Hills MILLER president of the Penn Yan Rotary club and of Keuka college, addressed the Wayland-Rotary club Monday noon. Francis RIELLY and Michael BUCKLEY, local Rotarians, accompanied him on the trip.
+  Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon in Geneva for Glen P. VAN ESELTINE, aged 50, member of the State Experiment station staff and president of the Eaton Bird club of Geneva. In the latter capacity he made frequent trips to Yates county to attend meetings of the Keuka Park Conservation club, lectures, and bird trips. Mr. VAN ESELTINE took an active part in many Geneva's outstanding organizations and on Monday evening retired at once upon returning home from a meeting of the University club of which he is secretary.  When his wife went upstairs later she found him dead in his bed. Hr came to the Experiment station on February 1, 1927, and was the author of several of it's publications. He leaves his wife and three children.       _____________

Some Advertisers
BOARDWELL's ( Apothecaries)
Fred ROESE (Jeweler)
D.C. & R.F. SHAY Oil and Gas Co.
Howard C. BURT (Turkey's)
Clarence R. SMITH (Insurance)
WATKINS Funeral Home
Harry C. COLE (Furniture )

DIBBLE'S Lake Shore Station
F. O. TWITCHELL (Livestock )
Fayette R. HUGHNER (Auto Service)
M. C. HEADLEY (Coal)
John W. HOBART (Funeral Director - Furniture)
Geo. M. FITCH & Sons ( Grain and Coal)


FREE WILL BAPTIST   Rev. George E. KING, Pastor.
Prayer and praise service Thursday evening at 7:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene GOODRICH.
Sunday morning prayer group at 10:30; preaching service at 10:45; Sunday school at noon. Thanksgiving service at 7:30, The Rev. Leland BARNES of the M. E. church will bring the message. The Rev. Mr. KING will sing a solo. It is hoped many will attend the service.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL, Middlesex and Vine Valley.
Rev. Leland BARNES, Pastor
During the week the charge has been observing National Methodist Fellowship week. Fellowship week is an effort to strengthen the local church.----------------------------------------.
The program was as follows: ------------- a Church School Fellowship meeting, Leon EMERY, chairman, Tuesday evening; a Fellowship family meeting, Wednesday evening, Charles WILLIAMS, chairman; a Methodist Men's  Fellowship supper, Oliver WILLIAMS, chairman, Ralph ARMITAGE in charge of supper, and George YOUNG, manager of plans. Roy DUNTON was general leader of the meetings.----------------.

+   The first winter-like weather of the fall season greeted people of Western New York Monday morning. In some highland places snow was reported to be about two inches. Surely, we can offer little complaint after such ideal fall weather during the last six weeks.
+   Following the sale of numerous household goods on November 9th, Mrs. Agnes HART has leased her farm to Mr. and Mrs. Frank RECTOR of Potter. Mr. and Mrs. RECTOR have now come to make their home on the HART farm and will attend to the various agricultural pursuits during the coming year. Mrs. HART is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. HART.
+   Dr. and Mrs. F. M. CHAFFEE motored to Ulster, Pa., during the weekend, accompanied by their grandson, Master Henry Hall GUYER, who has been making his home with his grandparents during the past month, owing to the illness of his mother, Mrs. Inez Chaffee GUYER.  Mrs. CHAFFEE and Henry left Sayre Sunday evening for Rockville Center, L. I. where Mrs. CHAFFEE will remain for a few days as a guest of her daughter & family.

+    MIDDLESEX HOME CATCHES FIRE -    Excitement ran high at about 5:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon when an alarm was given that the Charles FOUNTAIN residence was on fire. A quick response by many village people who are well trained in forming a bucket brigade soon had the fire under control. It appears that early Thursday morning Mrs. FOUNTAIN raked leaves on the rear of the lawn. Desiring to burn them in a nearby ravines he used a small cardboard box as a receipt receptacle for carrying the leaves to the fire. After completing her task, she placed the box with others at the rear of the house, all in an inverted position. Late in the afternoon Mrs. FOUNTAIN smelled smoke in the house. She made a search through the house but could find no evidence of fire. After counseling with Mr. FOUNTAIN at the store, they decided it was something thrown in the furnace. At a few minutes after 5 o'clock the smoke became very noticeable. Opening the laundry room door, Mrs. FOUNTAIN was almost overcome by the dense smoke. She ran to the business section and summoned many from the store and restaurant. The fire was soon under control. The pasteboard box used in caring the leaves earlier in the forenoon evidently contained an ember from the fire as it was held over the burning leaves and took many hours to ignite, being nested with others at the rear of the house. It evidently ignited the boards which were in close proximity and then burned a hole through to the coal bin when it began to gain head way. The Rushville Hose company responded to the call, but it was under control when they arrived. 
+    The home of Chester W. HUNT, DANIELS' garage and the home of C. L. DANIELS are being improved in appearance by coats of paint.
+    E. J. Walbridge and Miss Whitman returned home during the week-end, after spending three weeks with relatives in Detroit and Cleveland.
+    Many hunters have returned from a week's sojourn in the Adirondack mountains, but to date we learn that only Warren SLACK was fortunate to bring home some venison.
+    We were glad to see the picture of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. HADSELL in the Democrat and Chronicle last week. The occasion marked their 50th wedding anniversary. A goodly number of the family were present for the event. Mr. and Mrs. HADSELL were presented with a new radio as a gift from their children.
+    Will H. PIKE and daughter, Estelle, were week-end guests of relatives and friends in Detroit.
+    Mrs. Mary B. HARTNAGEL of Lyons has been spending the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Charles E. WILLIAMS.
+    Oliver S. WILLIAMS has received a goodly number of orders for turkeys as we approach the Thanksgiving season. Mr. WILLIAMS has successfully grown 137 this season.
+    Mrs. Lizzie RECTOR returned to the Addie ROBSON home Sunday of last week after a few weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Loren WARD in Geneva.
+    Mr. and Mrs. LAWTON Sunday of last week went to Newark where Mrs. LAWTON remained until Wednesday evening. Mrs. Isabel LAWTON and son, Billy, came with her to the William MIDDLEBROOK home. Mrs. James LAWTON's grandson, Howard GRAFF, who was injured several weeks ago while riding a bicycle requiring 60 stitches and skin grafted from the upper to lower part of his limb expected to go from the hospital to his parents home Sunday.
+   Wallace ELWELL accompanied Mrs. Bessie MOSHIER Thursday morning to the William CHURCH home in Seneca Castle where he is visiting for a short time while his son, LaVern, in in the Adirondacks hunting deer.
+    Mr. and Mrs. Frank PARSONS went to the Edwin BELLIS home near Dundee, Thursday afternoon for a few days' visit. Saturday the Arthur BORDEN family of Odessa and the George MILES family of Wayne joined them for dinner.
+    Mr. and Mrs. Howard MIDDLEBROOK entertained the family of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. MIDDLEBROOK for supper Thursday in honor of Mr. MIDDLEBROOK's 74th birthday. All members except Albert of Wheaton college and Miss Alice of Sonyea were present. Miss Roma went to Geneva with Mr. and Mrs. Earl BROWN remaining until Sunday.
+   Mr. and Mrs. DOUGLASS of Canandaigua visited her mother, Mrs. Elsie SANNEY, in the William DAVIS home Friday.  Mrs. SANNEY is gaining.
+   Mrs. William MIDDLEBROOK, Mrs. Howard MIDDLEBROOK, Mrs. Isabel LAWTON and son, Billy, motored to Sonyea, Friday to bring Miss Alice home for the weekend. Miss Nellie FOSTER accompanied them to Naples where she was the guest of Mrs. Mertie WHITMAN until Sunday.
+   Rudolph ELWELL attended Achievement day in Penn Yan Saturday. He received over $10 in prize money for garden produce exhibited at the Yates county and State fairs also a medal for the best garden in the county. He has reason to be proud as there were about 60 competitors.
+   Mrs. Roy HOBSON was unable to go to her home in Geneva from the Genesee hospital in Rochester this week.
+   Mr. and Mrs. W. S. MIDDLEBROOK, Mrs. Isabel LAWTON and son, Billy, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl BROWN in Geneva. Mrs. LAWTON and son returned to their home in Newark that afternoon.
+   Miss Millicent WIGDEN and brother, Harold, of Naples spent Tuesday evening and helped Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at the William GOODRICH home.
+   Mrs. William MEADE on Naples road had to have one of her middle fingers of her left hand amputated recently and may lose the use of another as the result of a sink falling on them.
+   Mr. and Mrs. WARD are driving a new car.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Norman MERRIMAN and son, Edwin, of Englewood, N.J., spent the week-end with her cousin, Mrs. Elton HOLLEY, and family  +  Mr. and Mrs. Sterling BLAIR and Mr. and Mrs. William WARD were in Syracuse Monday.
+   Ronald DAVIS spent Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DORMAN, of East hill.

GORHAM SECTION            Mrs. Elizabeth HERSHEY              Local Representative
+   Dr. and Mrs. Leo FLOOD of Hempstead, L. I., announce the name of their daughter as Helen Patricia.
+   Mrs. Ernest HEY is a patient in the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital in Penn Yan recovering from an operation.
+   The Fellowship class of the Methodist church had a variety shower for Mr. and Mrs. Conrad VOIT at the home of Mrs. Marjorie TOWNSEND Saturday evening.
+   The Ladies' Missionary society of the Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Emma WHITNEY of hall Friday afternoon. Miss Maude WATKINS will be the leader.
+    Mrs. V. M. HYATT will be the host for the second of a series of card parties by the Gorham guild Thursday afternoon. The public is invited. This will be a dessert bridge party.
+    Lloyd CLARK, manager of the Market Basket store in Middlesex, assisted in the Gorham store part of last week while Mr. LAWRENCE and Mr. HUTCHINS were hunting in the mountains.

+  Mrs. Ross DUNNING has returned to her home from Memorial hospital where she underwent an operation. Her condition is favorable for a rapid recovery. Mrs. Grace WEIPERT is the attending nurse.
+    The I.O.O.F. and Rebekah fair opens Thursday evening with a roast pork supper. BUSH's orchestra will furnish music for the Friday night dance.  Saturday evening WILLIAMS' dancing class will entertain.
+   The Gorham Bridge club was entertained Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl OATES with 12 present. First prize for ladies was won by Mrs. Floyd WILSON; second, Mrs. John W. CLELAND. Foremen,  first, Dr. M. W. GASPER; second, V. M. HYATT.
+   A company of members of the Stanley Methodist church visited Rev. and Mrs. F. T. CRUMLEY at the parsonage in Gorham Friday evening last for the purpose of of giving the minister and his wife a welcome reception on their return to the pastorate of the Stanley church for the second year of service.
+   Principal and Mrs. Vernon M. HYATT entertained at their home Friday evening the married members of the high school faculty and their wives, including Vice-Principal and Mrs. Peter KING, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Molyneaux, Mr. and Mrs. Harry CARNEY, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund SHAY and Mr. and Mrs. George CANO. Also Superintendent and Mrs. MUEHE, and the president of the board of education, Sidney W. THOMAS and Mrs. THOMAS.

+   Mr. and Mrs. Bryant HULBERT and daughter Pearl were entertained at dinner and for the evening at the home of their son, Dr. Charles HULBERT and family of Rushville Saturday in observance of Mrs. HULBERT's birthday.
+   Miss Eleanor THOMAS spent from Friday until Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles SMITH of Naples.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Raymond CROSIER and Mrs. Grace HOSTAS of Geneva were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William GREEN.
+   Miss Frances RICE of the Endicott school faculty spent the vacation at her home. Miss Lucile RICE of Cortland Normal school returned to school Sunday.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Blaine KEEZY and little son, Richard, of Painted Post were recent visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. ALLEN.
+   Mrs. Michael BOLGER left by train Sunday evening for Washington, D.C. to spend the week with her daughter, Miss Mary BOLGER.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Floyd POLMATIER visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred GETSINGER of Naples, Sunday.
Mrs. Myer LAWRENCE, jr. spent last week with her mother, Mrs. William ROBBINS of Bellona, while her father and husband spent time in the mountains.
Miss Beulah HERRINGTON of Chadwick spent from Thursday to Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. HERRINGTON.
Miss Emma SWARTHOUT spent Armistice day and the week-end as the guest of Mrs. William WING, of Rochester.
Mr. and Mrs. Merton WILSON of Richmond Hill, L. I. and Grove SUTHERLAND of Hall were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. WINDNAGLE.
Mrs. Oliver WHYTE has returned to her home after several weeks spent in the capacity of nurse at the John BISHOP home in Benton. Mrs. BISHOP is gaining in health.
Mrs. Cora CROSIER and Mrs. Nellie PHILLIPS spent Friday until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. CROSIER in Rochester.
+   Miss Elizabeth OLIVE of the Gotham High School faculty was the guest of her Keuka college chum, Miss Katherine KINDELBERGER of Ithaca for three days last week.
+   Mr. and Mrs. William KELLY left Tuesday morning by auto for Miami, Fla., where they will spend the winter.
+   Mrs. Anna DALLY of Geneva spent from Thursday until Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Florence WELLS.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Newton CRAWFORD and two sons spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David CRAWFORD of Dundee.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Willis CROSS of Jamestown spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred CROSS.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Clinton ARDELL and Mr. and Mrs. Earl ARDELL of Canandaigua were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver WHYTE.

+  Mr. and Mrs. Clarence CARPENTER of Bombay spent from Friday until Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles PYBUS. Robert SAUNDERS of Geneva was a Sunday guest.
+   Miss Catherine AFFLECK of Warsaw spent Friday till Sunday at her home here.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Howard RANDALL spent Thursday in Syracuse as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austen EDGAR. Mr. and Mrs. EDGAR and son, Jimmy, returned home with them, remaining until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. STEELE of Rochester were Sunday guests at the RANDALL home.
Miss Natalie LEONARD of Utica was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. HERRINGTON from Thursday evening until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald FISH and daughter of Chapin were the week-end guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.W. FISH.
+  The MISSES Pauline, Mary and Anna SWEENEY of Shortsville were Sunday guests of Miss Natalie NUTTING.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen HANKINSON spent from Friday to Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John WHITING of Friendship.
+   Mrs. Albert BOILES and mother Mrs. Lucy SWARTHOUT of Gorham and Mrs. Hazel KLUNGLE and daughter, Marjorie, of Penn Yan motored to Rochester Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry REINKE.


Gorham Church Notes (this section  not verbatim )
Methodist Episcopal - Rev. F. T. CRUMLEY, Pastor  -  Sunday at10:45 morning worship service with sermon by minister.-------   Wednesday evening, November 23,-----Thanksgiving service, message by Rev. Thomas PACKARD.

First Presbyterian - Rev. Dr. H. W. MacGILVRAY, Minister  -  Sunday service at 9:30. Evening service in the Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. F. T. CRUMLEY will be the speaker.
The annual Thanksgiving service sponsored by the churches of the community will take place this year in the Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Thomas PACKARD will address the congregation.

Baptist - Rev. Thomas PACKARD, Pastor  -    Choir rehearsal at the home of Mrs. BOYCE Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
The Missionary society will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Whitney HALL. Miss Maude WILKINS will have charge of the program.
Sunday morning service at 10:30, Sunday school following   B.Y.P.U. meeting at 6:45    --     Union service in the Methodist at 7:30
The annual Thanksgiving service will be held in the Methodist church Wednesday evening at 7:30.

Baptist Young People Hold Annual Banquet
The annual banquet of the B.Y.P.U. society of the Gorham Baptist church was held in the church Friday evening.----------------- The speaker of the evening was Rev. C. E. OPDYKE, pastor of Union church  at Hall.

DE PEW -   The death of Celsus B. DePEW, aged 76 years, occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hubert KNOWLTON of Gorham Sunday morning, November 13,after a long illness of heart trouble. Mr. DePEW was the oldest son of John Augustus and Harriet BLASDELL DePEW of New York.  He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Hubert KNOWLTON, with whom he had resided for the last three years, and Mrs. James TUNISON of Centerfield; a son, Clarence of the Town of Gorham; seven grandchildren; a great-grandson; a brother, Jerome DePEW of Reed's Corners; and several nieces and nephews.  The funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. KNOWLTON Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. C. T. CRUMLY, pastor of the Gorham M. E. church, officiating. Burial in Gorham cemetery, with following nephews acting as pallbearers: James DePew, Clayton and Elwin DePew, and Augustus, Oliver and George WHYTE.                      __________________

(not  transcribed verbatim)
The marriage of Miss Margaret Arlene Swanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Swanson of Dubois, Pa., to Lieutenant Richard Risley Barden, son of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Barden of Penn Yan, was solemnized at 6p.m. Saturday, November 12, in Ft. Sam Houston Post chapel, San Antonia, Texas, with the Rev. Mr. WILSON, Chaplin of the post, officiating.
The bride----- was attended by Miss Janet HOSMER as maid of honor and by the Misses FAILS, SANDS, and HATCHETT as bridesmaids.---------------- The bride was given in marriage by Col. Hart----. Lieutenant Marshall GRAY assisted as best man. Lieutenants C. J. LYONS, C.R. LOW, H. E. MARR, R.D. DENSON, E. B. BROADHURST and Hort HORRIGAN were ushers.-------------- They will leave for Honolulu on December 11th.  Mr. and Mrs. George L. Barden of 218 Main street, Penn Yan, parents, and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McALPINE of Batavia, uncle and aunt of the groom, attended the wedding.

Miss Alice GOODRICH    Charles WILLIAMS
Spring Fever To Be Presented
The public is invited to come to the Middlesex town hall Friday evening, November 18, and to Rushville Memorial hall Saturday evening to see Spring Fever, a three act royalty play presented by the high school Dramatic club.
The following is the cast of characters: Howard BRANT, a senior at Brookfield college, Richard PALMATIER; Ed BARNES, a chemistry student, Orion NEWELL; Vic LEWIS, an art student, Wright RACE; Lou HERRON, a journalism student, Helen SCHNEPP; Mrs. Spangler, the landlady, Hazel KENNEDY; Anne PURCELL,  Howard's heart interest, Ann HEGERTY; Vivian GEORGE, Vic's heart interest, Jean McFADDEN; Henry Purcell, Anne's father, a rich manufacturer, Clair BUTTON; Phoebe Purcell, Anne's mother, Eva EDDY; Maude Corey, Howard's spinster aunt from California, Helen HURLEY; Professor Virgil Bean, of the zoology department, Donald CRISS; President DIXON, college president, Erwin SIMMONS.   Miss Mary BURGHARDT of the language department is directing play, assisted by Jean THOMAS. Stage manager is Donald BUTTON; business manager, Doris POWERS; chairman of publicity, Donald CRISS.
Delegates Attend Press Conference
Seven delegates of the High School Press club with their adviser, Miss Mabel BLODGETT, attended the first annual conference of the Empire State School association held in Syracuse Friday and Saturday.

Delegates from Central High school attended were: Helen SCHNEPP, editor-in-chief; Milford VOORHEES, art editor; James PADDOCK, mimeographed; Lynette SCHNEPP and Erwin SIMMONS, Typists; Helen HURLEY and Doris POWERS, reporters. Mrs. A. T. HALSTEAD and Mr. YOUNG furnished transportation.
Russell District Enjoys Many Activities
Pupils of Miss Ora ADAMS in the Russell district particularly enjoyed a field trip planned for science work last week.--------------------
Five weeks tests were held last week. High honors go to Frank ARNOLD, who stood 100% in each of three subjects. Honors also go to Loretta SCHLAGETER, Fenton LEE, and Marjorie EDDY.
Program To Be Given at Middlesex
Pupils from the first six grades will participate in a Thanksgiving program in the town hall at Middlesex Wednesday afternoon 1:15 o'clock. The public is invited to come.
    Following is the program: Grade 3 - A Thanksgiving Welcome, Wilma COON, Ronald REDDOUT, Lois BOWKER, Gregory HENRY, Margaret WHOMSLEY, Bradley GAGE; 

grade 1 - song, Two Little Blackbirds, Marjorie DUNTON, Arvilla LEACH, and Delores SCHULTZ; 

grade 2 - exercise, A Long Word, Griffin WHITE, Barbara MILLER, Alvin WHITE, Sibyl GRAHAM, Howard BEST, Nettie Mae HARVEY, Honer GAGE, Norma SCHEICKARD, Patricia DEAL, Hervert STEVENSON. Estella MILLER, Richard McFADDEN; 

grade 3 - recitation, Mr. Turkey, Wilber LAFLER;             grade 2 - recitation, A Thankful Dolly, Marion COREY; 

grade 1 - exercise, The Little Pumpkins, Ruth PAYNE, Marjorie JOHNCOX, Ruth DAYTON;

grade 2 - Song of Praises, Marian COREY, Roselie GORMAM,  Estelle MILLER, John DERBY, Charles GREEN; 

grade 3 - recitation, Thanksgiving, Joanne YOUNG; 

grade 2 - recitation, A Good Reason, Larry THOMAS; 

grade 1 - exercise, Thanksgiving Mother Goose, Harold FRANCISCO, Edward MOODY, John WIRTH, Glover NEWBY, Bruce SMITH, Robert ELWELL; 

grade 2 - recitation, A Song of Thanksgiving, Richard BAILEY; 

grade 2 - recitation, A Thankful Girl, Thelma OAKLEY; 

grade 3 - Song, Thanksgiving Day, Viola WILLIAMS, Elsie ELWELL, Evelyn ELLEN, Velmer BELL, Ronald MOORE. 

Miniature musical play - The First Thanksgiving, given by grades 4 - 6. Father, Arthur BAESKE; mother, Jeanette GRAHAM; son, Gerald GORTON; Pilgrim girls, Margaret LEACH, Helen DERBY, Dorine SCHLAGATER, Lorraine DEAL, Mary WILLIAMS, Dorothy BUTTON, Georgie GREEN, Jane DERBY, Lucile KESSLER; Pilgrim mothers, Barbara CAULDWELL, Elaine ELWELL, Elsie HAMILTON; Pilgrim men, Richard DUNTON, Francis HOBART; Captain Bradford, John MILLER; Pilgrim boys, John SCHLAGATER, Curtis GAGE, Donald HURRIN; Indians, William FITCH, Tommy BOARDWELL, William BOARDWELL, Douglas LEACH, Emery GREEN, Fenton EGGLESTON, Addison HAVILAND, Hampton HOBSON; Indian chief, Leland POWERS; Squanto, Bruce GAGE.
Painful Accidents Received
Irwin COOPER was injured in an explosion of dynamite at his home last week. He was taken to Memorial hospital where face cuts were treated and he remained for several days.
  George BELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Judson BELL, broke his left collar bone while playing football Thursday. After treatment and X-ray pictures, he returned to school Monday.

+   Miss Mary BURGHARDT spent Armistice day and the week- end at her home in Syracuse.
+   Miss Estelle PIKE left Thursday after school for a trip to Detroit.
+   Principal and Mrs. A. L. BONNER were at the home of Mrs. BONNERS parents in Unadilla Friday and Saturday.
+   Miss Ursula DUNBAR returned to her home in Horseheads for the week-end.
+   Erwin SIMMONS, a post graduate is acting as pupil teacher of music. He is helping two pupils with clarinet lessons and one pupil with saxophone. This is done under the direction of Mr. CARNEY.
+   Maurice ERWAY, an eighth grade pupil, returned this week to his home near Cottage City from a Rochester hospital where he underwent an appendectomy.
+   Ruth KILPATRICK entertained Miss Ellen FOX of Naples from Friday until Sunday.
+   Miss Reta CORBIT visited friends in Olean from Friday to Sunday.

Mrs. Hannah MILLER, aged 79, died Wednesday, November 9th at Memorial hospital, Canandaigua of injuries received in an automobile accident the previous Saturday. She was born in the town of Potter, a daughter of Alexander and Eunice Swain STEWART, and has been a lifelong resident of this section. On November 17, 1881 she married Arden MILLER of the town of Italy. They lived for a number of years on the William FISHER farm before they purchased the Lester ADAMS farm in the town of Middlesex 28 years ago. In 1931 they sold this farm and took up residence with their youngest daughter, Mrs. Gordon OAKLEY of Rushville.   Mr. MILLER died August 20, 1934.
Mrs. MILLER leaves nine children, Myron Miller, Mrs. Eva MILES, Charles MILLER, Mrs. Claude LEAD, Mrs. Gordon OAKLEY and Mrs. Elmer GROW of the town of Potter, Mrs. Frank COOPER and John MILLER of the town of Middlesex and George MILLER of the town of Gorham; 29 grandchildren; 13great grandchildren; three brothers, Calvin Stewart of Rushville and Ernest and Eugene who live in Montana.
Funeral services were held at the OAKLEY home Saturday afternoon and burial made at Rushville Cemetery.
RUSHVILLE  SECTION - Mrs. Ruth HALSTEAD, Local Representative
Mrs. Florence BRUNSKILL has installed an ice cream machine and now makes her own.
Marshall MONAGLE has been confined to his home with an infection in his hand which is now better.
Merle SHAW, Joseph MURRAY, and Warren KIPP, returned from a hunting trip in the Adirondacks, Sunday. Merle was the only to get a deer.
Mrs. Grace B. MATHER observed her 84th birthday November 10th,going to the home of her niece, Miss Mabel BLODGETT, for the birthday supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman MERRIMAN and their recently adopted 12year-old son Edwin, of Englewood, N. J., visited at the Elton HOLLEY home over the weekend.
+  A cast of 16 is rehearsing for the farce, The Bigger and Better babies Contest, by Margaret STONCYPHER to be given at the Methodist church fair December 2nd.
+  Middlesex grange will hold its annual meeting for election of officers Tuesday evening. An oyster supper will be served at 7 o'clock before the business meeting.
George CROWE, whose eye was injured in an accident here November 6th, is making excellent recovery and it is thought his site will not be impaired.
+  Rushville grange meets Friday evening in regular session. The third and fourth degrees will be given in full with tableaux to the class of candidates. Light refreshments will be served.
+  The ladies of Rushville Congregational church hold the their annual fair Thursday in Memorial hall with a roast pork supper at 6 o'clock, and booths at which various articles will be on sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil GRAHAM of Bethany college, W. Va., have named their baby Cynthia Newton. The baby arrived November 7th on the 70th birthday of her grandmother, Mrs. T. L. GRAHAM of Rushville.
+  Joseph JOHNCOX went to the polls to vote last week Tuesday, the first time he has been able to leave his home since receiving serious injuries in an automobile accident July 15th. He walks around his home with the aid of a cane.
Mrs. Amelia FISHER will be hostess for the Ladies Afternoon 500club Tuesday afternoon. Notice the change of day. Mrs. Ellen BATES was high scorer at the meeting at the home of Mrs. M. W. FISHER last week Wednesday.
+  The ladies of the Congregational church are packing a box of clothing for a school in the mountains of Tennessee. Any who have clothing that they will donate for this purpose kindly leave at the church or with Mrs. Ellen BATES.
+  The following farm homes are now using electrical service from the recently finished line west of this village: Frank MONAGLE, Harry  S. TWITCHELL, A.D. BATES, Dana DAYTON, Glen MARTIN, Lewis MACK, Robert FRANCISCO, Hiram MACK, and Ray BUTTON.
+   Mrs. Cora MORTON left Sunday with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph COMBS, and daughter for the latter's home at Naples, Fla. They are making the trip by trailer and plan to visit interesting places on the way.  Mrs. MORTON expects to stay with the COMBS family in the south until they come north again next August when the celery harvest begins here.
+   Mrs. Elizabeth BLODGETT, who has been the homemaker for her son, Edwin O. BLODGETT, at Rochester and later at Kenmore for several years, is returning to Rushville next month to make her home in rooms at the Fred WILD residence. The marriage of Edwin BLODGETT and Miss Marjorie THURSTON of Kenmore, which is scheduled to take place early in January, leaves Mrs. BLODGETT at liberty to return to her former home and friends, who will be glad to welcome her.
+  Thrilling radio dramatizations of the lives of great Christian figures will be presented Monday evenings at 5:30 p.m. over Station WBFL, Syracuse. On November 21st the story will be of  Jason LEE of the Oregon trail will be presented. This fearless explorer was the first man to trek across the United States by foot and horseback. He once lived for 17 days in the wilds of old Oregon on dried horse meat. He was instrumental in causing the Pacific Northwest to be placed under the American flag. Everyone will want to hear this series of dramatizations every Monday evening at 5:30 p.m. over Station WFBL.

Rushville Chronicle News  - Rushville Section

+   Mrs. Lena WHEATON of Penn Yan spent Sunday at the J. H .ADAMSON home.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Ward  STOCKHAM and four children of Holley spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. J. BLODGETT.
+   F. W. GRAY  jr., who has taught science and mathematics at Valatie for the past seven years, was a recent week-end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. GRAY Sr. 

Mr. and Mrs. Charles WATROS and daughter, Helen, of Perry came for Sunday to make the family circle complete for the first time in many months.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold VAN OCKER and daughter, Beverly, of Perry, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde POMEROY, over the week-end.
Jack HURLEY visited his brother, James, at Notre Dame University over the weekend and attended the Notre Dame - Minnesota football game.
+   Mr. and Mrs. F. B. LOOMIS and daughter, Genevieve, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hubert SMITH at Mexico over Saturday.
+   Mrs. Elmer THOMPSON of Canandaigua has been spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Susan WARD.
+   Mrs. F. E. BECKER and daughter, Miss Thelma, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry BECKER of Gasport from Thursday until Sunday.
+   Mrs. Lillian FISHER returned home Sunday after spending five weeks with her brother, James JENNINGS, at Candor.
+   Mrs. Mary WALBRIDGE visited friends at Willard for several days last week.
+   Mrs. Jane BARDWELL and son, Howard and Miss Winifred STAYER, all of Rochester, were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest DUSENBERY.
+   Mrs. Susan WARD is spending this week with Mrs. George GAGE and other former neighbors at Reed's Corners.
+   Mrs. Minnie CARR visited her daughter, Mrs. Gladys KLINGRNBERGER at Naples over Friday.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Edson POWERS of Rochester visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. POWERS over the week-end.
Family attendance is urged at the Thanksgiving Sunday service at 10:45 a.m. The robed choir under the direction of Miss DUNBAR will sing an anthem.
The Senior leaguers are planning to have a Thanksgiving breakfast at the parsonage Thanksgiving morning at 5:30 o'clock. The committee to make all arrangements is Kathryn FITCH, Helen SCHNEPP, and Richard PALMATIER. Choir  practice will be held Thursday evening at the home of Wilson FITCH. More voices are needed for the Christmas music.

REV. H .W. MacGILVARY, Pastor
Saturday afternoon at the MIDDAUGH Hardware store the Christian Endeavor society will hold a bake sale. They solicit your patronage.
A birthday meeting of the Pomeroy class was held Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Mable BLODGETT. A tureen supper was served at 6:30. (These church notes are not verbatim)

Mrs. Walter H. ROBESON
Mrs. Luella LADUE is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chauncey REED, of Elmira.
Mrs. Walter HILER and son, Billy, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DINEHART Saturday.
Mrs. Minnie SLACK is visiting relatives in Speculator.
Miss Ethel CHURCH, who has had employment in Rochester for the past year, is spending a few weeks at the home of her uncle L. C. OTTLEY.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude STEPHENS have gone to Canandaigua for the winter months. Miss Emily McCOMBS who has had employment in the STEPHENS home, is now at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McCOMBS.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl  HOLMES and daughter, Martha, spent the weekend at the home of her father, Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania.
+   Miss Grace FULLER of Amsterdam was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred COMBS.
+   John FAIRFIELD who has been ill for the past two weeks is somewhat better and able to be up again. Mrs. Mildred RICE has been at the FAIRFIELD home to assist in caring for him.
+  The following were in the Adirondacks this past week: Charles SLACK and two sons, Kenneth and Alvin, Lloyd DINEHART, Wallace ELLICK, Floyd SPIKE and Henry JACOBS. Kenneth SLACK brought back a deer.
+   Miss Helen CASE of Fairport was the weekend guest of Miss Ethel CHURCH.
+   Miss Marguerite DINEHART spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles DINEHART.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Lewis SLACK visited relatives in Speculator, from Thursday until Saturday.
+   The S. N. BLAIR family has a new car.
Pauline Club Meets Nov. 22nd -   The regular meeting of Rushville Pauline club will be held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Anna MURRAY.  The program is open to the public and includes musical numbers and a talk by Miss BAUGHM at nutritionist sent by the State Department of Education.


Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY    Saturday    October 29, 1938         by:  Dianne Thomas 

Deaths In the Area



Rushville Chronicle News,   Nov 17, 1938       Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Ruth B. HALSTEAD, Local Representative

+   Mrs. Lena WHEATON of Penn Yan spent Sunday at the J. H. ADAMSON home.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Ward  STOCKHAM and four children of Holley spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. J. BLODGETT.
+   F. W. GRAY  jr., who has taught science and mathematics at Valatie for the past seven years, was a recent week-end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. GRAY sr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles WATROS and daughter, Helen, of Perry came for Sunday to make the family circle complete for the first time in many months.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Harold VAN OCKER and daughter, Beverly, of Perry, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde POMEROY, over the week-end.
+   Jack HURLEY visited his brother, James, at Notre Dame university over the week-end and attended the Notre Dame - Minnesota football game.
+   Mr. and Mrs. F. B. LOOMIS and daughter, Genevieve, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hubert SMITH at Mexico over Saturday.
+   Mrs. Elmer THOMPSON of Canandaigua has been spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Susan WARD.
+   Mrs. F. E. BECKER and daughter, Miss Thelma, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry BECKER of Gasport from Thursday until Sunday.
+   Mrs. Lillian FISHER returned home Sunday after spending five weeks with her brother, James JENNINGS, at Candor.
+   Mrs. Mary WALBRIDGE visited friends at Willard for several days last week.
+   Mrs. Jane BARDWELL and son, Howard and Miss Winifred STAYER, all of Rochester, were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest DUSENBERY.
+   Mrs. Susan Ward is spending this week with Mrs. George GAGE and other former neighbors at Reed's Corners.
+   Mrs. Minnie CARR visited her daughter, Mrs. Gladys KLINGRNBERGER at Naples over Friday.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Edson POWERS of Rochester visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. POWERS over the week-end.

                     CHURCH NOTES   METHODIST EPISCOPAL   REV. R. A. PANZER, Pastor
Family attendance is urged at the Thanksgiving Sunday service at 10:45 a.m. The robed choir under the direction of Miss DUNBAR will sing an anthem.
The Senior leaguers are planning to have a Thanksgiving breakfast at the parsonage Thanksgiving morning at 5:30 o'clock. The committee to make all arrangements is Kathryn FITCH, Helen SCHNEPP, and Richard PALMATIER. 

Choir practice will be held Thursday evening at the home of Wilson FITCH.   More voices are needed for the Christmas music.

Saturday afternoon at the MIDDAUGH Hardware store the Christian Endeavor society will hold a bake sale. They solicit your patronage.
A birthday meeting of the Pomeroy class was held Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Mabel BLODGETT.  A tureen supper was served at 6:30.

+   Mrs. Luella LADUE is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chauncey REED, of Elmira.
+   Mrs. Walter HILER and son, Billy, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DINEHART Saturday.
+   Mrs. Minnie SLACK is visiting relatives in Speculator.
+   Miss Ethel CHURCH, who has had employment in Rochester for the past year, is spending a few weeks at the home of her uncle L. C. OTTLEY.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Claude STEPHENS have gone to Canandaigua for the winter months. Miss Emily McCOMBS who has had employment in the STEPHENS home, is now at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McCOMBS.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Earl  HOLMES and daughter, Martha, spent the weekend at the home of her father, Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania.
+   Miss Grace FULLER of Amsterdam was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred COMBS.
+   John FAIRFIELD who has been ill for the past two weeks is somewhat better and able to be up again. Mrs. Mildred RICE has been at the FAIRFIELD home to assist in caring for him.
+   The following were in the Adirondacks this past week: Charles S. LACK and two sons, Kenneth and Alvin, Lloyd DINEHART, Wallace ELLICK, Floyd SPIKE and Henry JACOBS. Kenneth SLACK brought back a deer.
+   Miss Helen CASE of Fairport was the week-end guest of Miss Ethel CHURCH.
+   Miss Marguerite DINEHART spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles DINEHART.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Lewis SLACK visited relatives in Speculator from Thursday until Saturday.
+Pauline Club Meets Nov. 22nd  -    The regular meeting of Rushville Pauline club will be held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Anna MURRAY. The program is open to the public and includes musical numbers and a talk by Miss BAUGHM at nutritionist sent by the State Department of Education.
+  The S. N. BLAIR family has a new car.


BLUFF POINT, Mrs. James GAMBY, Penn Yan, R.D. 5, Phone 45-F-22

Methodist Church, Rev. J. Harold RIGGLE, Pastor  -  Preaching service, 10 a.m. ---------------------

+   Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDERMOTT have returned from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Henry WENGEN, and Mr. WENGEN, of Poughkeepsie.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Sherman FOLTS are visiting their son, Allen, and family and daughter, Mrs. Ernest BRODY and Mr. BRODY of Syracuse.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth SCOTT have purchased the John FINNEGAN farm. Miss Carrie FINNEGAN has moved from there to an apartment in Penn Yan. Her brother-in-law JEAN NESS WATERMAN, has moved has moved to his place on Williams hill.
+   Jerome WOOD was taken to the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital Wednesday evening of last week for treatment.
+   Wesley SISSON recently fell while working in the woods and was badly bruised. Some ribs were broken. He is being cared for at the hospital.
+   Charles INGRAHAM was taken home from the hospital Wednesday.
+   Mrs. Roy ARMSTRONG was badly burned Monday by spilling hot grease on her ankle. She is recovering.
+   Ervin WOOD plays the trombone in the Junior High school band.
+   Willis SCHOONOVER is in the Robert Packer hospital at Sayre, Pa., to undergo an operation.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. BROWN of Canandaigua and Mr. and Mrs. Harry SKIFF of Penn Yan were guests Wednesday of last week of Mr. and Mrs. Charles COATES of R.D. 5.
+   David CONKLIN, who has been in the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial for some time had another transfusion of blood Saturday afternoon. His condition is about the same, as reported by the nurses.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Charles COATES were guests the week-end of November 6th of Mrs. COATES sisters in Elmira.
+   Miss Olive COATES, daughter of Howard COATES celebrated her tenth birthday November 3rd. She attends district number 9 school in Jerusalem township with Miss Olive DANIELS as teacher. At recess the teacher had a trail blazed at the end of which was a hidden treasurer. All followed the trail and to their surprise found a large birthday cake with the name Olive upon it. After returning to the school, Olive cut the cake and the children had a feast.

CROSBY, Mrs. C.D. SEAMANS, Penn Yan, R.D. 2, Phone 16-F-14

Baptist church, REV. E. W. CHAPIN, Pastor.    Sunday worship at2:30 p.m. in the afternoon-----------------.

+   Those who have been ill with colds and bronchitis the past week are Pauline GREY, Frederick KENYON, Betty, Mary, and Joel HALL, jr. and Erwin KENYON. All are recovering now.

DRESDEN - Miss Edith DePEW, Phone Penn Yan 27-F-3
St. John's Episcopal, Rev. John E. WOOTON, Rector
Methodist Episcopal, Rev. E. BUTTERFIELD, Pastor

+   Eighteen young people gathered at the church Monday evening to observe Youth night of Fellowship week. Worship at table was conducted by Jessie CARSON and Margaret KEEFER. 
+   Family night, another observance of Fellowship week, was held at the church Wednesday evening. Mrs. BABBIT, Miss DEAN, and Margaret KEFFER were hostesses for the tureen supper. The evening closed with a short recreation period with Mrs. McGRAW directing the adults, and Mrs. RYAL the children.
+   Mrs. G. E. WELKER will be hostesses to the Woman's Foreign Missionary society Friday evening at 7:30.
+   The Irwin REICH family is moving this week to Italy in the vicinity where Mrs. REICH is teaching, Herbert will attend the Prattsburg school.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Ke---erson will occupy the house vacated by REICH family.
+   Mrs. Harry DAINES accompanied by a friend from Watertown spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Minnie TRAVIS.
+   Miss Lois DEAN was an overnight guest Thursday of Mrs. Charles AVERY in Penn Yan, attending the lecture of the Rotary series at the Junior High school.
+   Mrs. Wendall RYAL had a week-end guest her mother, Mrs. HOUSE, of Waterloo.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Clement DAINES came from Syracuse for the week-end to help in closing the REMER house for the winter. Mrs. Addie REMER returned to Syracuse with them, leaving Sunday morning.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Nelson BRADFORD accompanied their mother, Mrs. William RYAL left Tuesday on a trip into Pennsylvania. They visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William TAYLOR where Mrs. RYAL remained while the BRADFORD'S continued the trip to Trenton where they visited Mr. BRADFORD'S sister, Dorothy. The party returned Saturday.
+   C. E. NEWLANDER, who has recently secured a position with the State Agricultural department at Ithaca, was home for the week-end.


VOAK, Mrs. Fred RUGAR, Penn Yan, R.D. 6
Methodist Episcopal, Rev Charles A. SMITH, Pastor

Mrs. Walter J. SMITH, Penn Yan, R.D. 2, Phone 9-F-28   Methodist Episcopal, Rev. D. TRUMBULL, Pastor Epworth league, 6:30 p.m
 Marjorie SMITH, leader
+   The annual auction for the W.H.M.S. will be held in the community rooms of the church December 9. Mrs. Gladys MILLARD Rector will be in charge of the auction, and Mrs. Morris McELWEE of advertising. Mrs. TRUMBULL will supervise the dinning room and Mrs. MILLARD and Mrs. SMITH have charge of the cafeteria supper. John STRYKER of Bluff Point will be the auctioneer and Mrs. Perry HENDERSON, clerk.
+  The Hon. and Mrs. F. S. HOLLOWELL spent the last week in Des Moines, Iowa, visiting their daughter, Mrs. Eugene BRADLEY and Mr. BRADLEY.
+   Word has been received of the birth of a daughter, Jean Elaine, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. JAQUETTE of Newark, Del., November 6. Mrs. JAQUETTE was Ruth BENEDICT before her marriage and a former resident of this place.
+   The ladies of our community are asked to meet at the home of Mrs. Morris McELWEE this afternoon to tie a quilt and do other sewing for the Missionary society.


Mrs. Joseph TIERNEY, Penn Yan, R.D. 1, Phone 32-F-15
Ann MASHEWSKE is confined to her bed with pneumonia.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Leo ORSLEY and daughters, Mary, Theresa and Betty, attended the football game at Owego Friday. His nephew, Gerald ORSLEY, of Elmira plays on the Elmira team which won 12 to 0.
+   Glendon TIERNEY, Robert THOMAS, Kenneth SCUTT, Thomas QUENAN, Winton PULVER and Bernard PETERSEN returned the first of the week from a hunting trip to the Adirondack mountains.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Charles CUNNINGHAM and children, Tommy and Susan of Syracuse, Mr. and Mrs. Joe CUNNINGHAM and Mr. and Mrs. Barney CUNNINGHAM of Penn Yan have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest RIBBLE and family.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Howard BROWN and son have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Duane SCHOFIELD in Corning.
+   Laurence COREY has been visiting Harold SCHOFIELD.


+   Mrs. A. F. BIGGERS, Phone Stanley 2-Y-31
+   Miss Nettie McINTYRE of Ithaca was the week-end guest of Mrs. Minnie STOKOE.
+   Mrs. D. D. PHILLIPS spent Armistice with cousins in Elmira.
+   Mrs. TAPLY and her chorus from Geneva will sing the Messiah at Seneca Presbyterian church, Number Nine, Sunday evening, December 11th.
+   Mrs. Marilda CLARK has returned to her home in Canandaigua after spending three weeks here.
+   The Ruth WATSON class will hold it's annual meeting for the election of officers Thursday at the home of Mrs. George MONAGLE. This is to be a luncheon meeting.
+   Mrs. Harriett TURNER is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth BEATTIE, of Earl.
+   Jack VALDER has been ill, but is out again.
+   Mrs. Margaret WERLEY of Ithaca and son, Wilford, of Massachusetts were Sunday quests of Mrs. Minnie STOKOE.
+   Mr. CHRISTENSEN is a patient at the Hansen Nursing home.
+   The brother of Mrs. T. J. PRENDERGAST, B. G. GRODEN, died in Penn Yan Monday morning.
+   Mrs. Arthur DUELL had a farewell party for her little grandson, Richard, Saturday afternoon. Richard is leaving soon for New Jersey to be with his father.
+   Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock Little Dickie VAN OVER had a very pleasant surprise when several of his little friends gathered to bid him farewell. He leaves here to join his father, Rodney VAN OVER, of  Hathorn, N.J. The children enjoyed games out-of-doors, after which a delicious lunch was served. The following were present: Dickie VAN OVER, Jack BALDWIN, Buddy CARR, Bobby HALL, Jacqueline LOGAN, Bobby VALDER, Harriett VALDER, Billie McCABE, Harriett VALDER and Betty VALDER. Those who served were Mrs. A. DUELL, Mrs. Anna HALL, and Mrs. Ada WILD.

POTTER, Mrs. W. H. Ingram, Phone Potter 2-F-3 or 2-F-2

Baptist, Rev. C. S. EMERSON, Pastor.
Methodist Episcopal, Rev. O. J. STEVERSON, Pastor.

+   Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eckert were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert GRAVES at Italy.
+   Miss Odial STEVERSON of Elmira spent Armistice day and the week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. STEVERSON.
+   Fenton CRISS returned from the Adirondack mountains Monday night with a nice deer.
+   Miss Ethelyn PEET of Buffalo was a week-end guest of Miss Blanche INGRAM.
+   Rev. and Mrs. Frank HOLMES and son, Lynn, of E. Canton, Pa., spent Election day and Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Lena HOBSON
at Rushville and called on friends in the vicinity.
+   Gerald BELL received a fractured collar bone in a football game at the Rushville school Wednesday of last week.



HIMROD, Mrs. Clay WHITE, Phone Himrod 6-0
Baptist, Benjamin DISBROW, Pastor
+   The TOWNSEND class will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy CHAMBERS at 7:30 Thursday evening.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Harlyn LUCE and Mrs. Clay WHITE spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew GILMORE of Livonia.
+   Mrs. KINGSBURY of Deposit is visiting her daughter Mrs. Charles CULVER, for a few weeks.
+   Mr. and Mrs. George NORTHWAY and son of Watkins Glen were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rowley EDSALL Saturday night. They brought cake and a freezer of ice cream with them to celebrate Mrs. EDSALL's birthday.
+   Frank POST was taken Sunday to the Penn Yan hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis.
+   Carl POLLARD, Mrs. Helen ARN and Mildred ARN spent the weekend with Mr. POLLARD'S mother in New Hampshire.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Myron CULVER and Charles CARLSON have returned from a visit with relatives in Westfield.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Ed BENHAM, just returned from a trip to Dearborn, Mich., were in town a few hours Saturday calling on friends and seeing that everything was all right in their home which they closed for the winter.
+   Mrs. Earl RICE returned home from the Geneva hospital Thursday.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Edward DENTINGER of Avoca were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Mrs. DENTINGER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin SIMMONS.
+   C.A. BEARD left Monday morning for a week of hunting in the Adirondacks.
FRIENDS, Mrs. Leigh FITZWATER, Penn Yan, R.D. 3, Phone 96-F-3
Methodist Episcopal, Rev, Charles A. SMITH, Pastor
+   Mr. and Mrs. Charles MILLER and daughter, Helen, were called to Rushville the latter part of the week by the death of his mother, Mrs. Arden MILLER of Middlesex. Mrs. MILLER died from injuries received when she was in an automobile accident near Potter.
  Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Potter and family of Italy Valley spent Saturday night and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rose TRAVIS.
+   Durwood and Evangeline LOUNSBURY, Clem and Elizabeth HAMMOND, Leonard ROBERTSON, and Martha COMSTOCK attended the Booth festival for the Williamsville home at Benton Friday night.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Charles POTTER of Corning were guests Sunday of Grace DINEHART.
+   Mrs. Phoebe BEARD of Kinney's Corners is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray SCHOFIELD for a few days.

PRATTSBURG, Edith DONLEY, Phone Prattsburg 39-R
+   Mrs. Karl PUTNAM is opening a beauty shop at her home.
+   Mrs. Grace McMICHAEL entertained at bridge at her home Friday.
+   Elmer HATCH spent from Saturday until Monday with Mrs. HATCH here. Mrs. Otto WEAVER and MRS. WARD McCONNELL went to Rochester after him.
+   Mrs. Theresa RICE has been quite ill with the grip.
+   Friday the Protectives were called out to extinguish a grass fire which threatened to burn pine woods and barns near the Lynn SANFORD and Orrin GELDER farms.
+   Mrs. Germaine VAN AMBURG spent Thursday and Friday with friends in Elmira.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Frank WHEELOCK spent Sunday in Yorkshire visiting relatives. 

+  Mrs. Emma HOUSE, Mrs. WHEELOCK'S mother, who has visiting them for the past two weeks, returned to her home there.
+   Erwin STANTON was heard on the Amateur half-hour program over station WESG, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Erwin, who was contestant number one played on the banjo with harmonica accompaniment.
+   Mrs. Anna CREAN in in a Buffalo where she is taking treatments.
Clarence DAVIS and Germaine VAN AMBURG with a party of hunters spent from Wednesday until Sunday in the Adirondacks hunting deer. Not one was seen by the party.

  Intramural and Athletics
+  No games were scheduled for Thursday noon and time was used for competition in individual events. Matches were played in badminton and dart baseball by the boys, and shuffleboard, ping pong, and deck tennis by the girls.  Joe McCORMICK and S. KILBURY have advanced to the quarter final round in boys' badminton. Julia BREZINSKY advanced to the quarter finals in girls' shuffleboard.
  Dr. KENZIE began physical examinations of the members of the basketball squad Monday. The squad met for the first Monday noon in order to get the necessary information for filling out the insurance blanks. The first practice was held Tuesday. The following boys attended the meeting Monday noon: Joe McCORMICK, Smith KILBURY, John KILBURY, Lawrence MOON, John GIBBON, Nick BOTTON, Burt SWALES, Eugene WEBSTER, Marwood  ROIMIG, Harold SNYDER, Marty McCORMICK, Charles McCORMICK, Cloyse ACKLEY, Ned FRENCH, Lawrence STICKNEY, Bill PRESLER, Carroll SNYDER, Gerald REED, Bob BAILEY, Willoughby BABCOCK.


Eighth Grade News:   Mrs. OLNEY was obligated to leave at 1:45 last Monday to attend a funeral.  Mrs. HOAG very kindly took charge of the boys of the eighth grade, but the girls were left in charge of Peggy BROWN, one of their own number, who conducted affairs very admirably.

Sixth Grade News: Eleanor McCONNELL contributed a goldfish and minnows to replace her four turtles we have enjoyed watching all fall.

Fifth Grade News:   Harold McCONNELL was in Elmira Friday and attended the football game in Rochester Saturday.
  Richard and Ronald NEILSON spoke to their classes about their recent trip to the Adirondacks. They brought back samples of the paper industry.

Second Grade News:  Elizabeth DONLEY had her tonsils removed last week. Mrs. PEPPER gave us three goldfish. We enjoy watching them.


  DUNDEE, Mildred M. CRATSLEY, 25 Hollister St. Phone 60-X
  Dundee Presbyterian, Rev. Geo. McCULLOUGH, Pastor.
  Rock Stream Presbyterian, Rev. Geo. McCULLOUGH, Pastor.
  Baptist, Rev. Thos. W. CARTER, Pastor.
+    Our hearts are saddened and distressed because of the serious accident that befell our pastor, Rev. T. W. CARTER and his wife.
+    Rev. G. L. HAMILTON who recently settled in our town, will have charge of the church services in Dundee, and also at Barrington, Sunday.

  Dundee Methodist Episcopal, Rev. Floyd E. GUILES, Pastor
  Starkey Methodist Episcopal, Rev. Floyd E. GUILES, Pastor

+   Mrs. Edna BISBEE, who has been spending several weeks with relatives in Hornell, returned home Tuesday.
  Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. HUNTER and son moved last week to South Otselic where Mr. HUNTER has charge on the National Bank of that village.
+   Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. PADDOCK and children of Rochester were called here last week by the unexpected death of his father, Elmer H. PADDOCK.
+   Miss Lucile MILLARD and Mrs. Arthur J. ELLIOTT were in Rochester on Wednesday to attend a meeting of the Morning Musicales at which Miss MILLARD sang.
+   A number of the boys from Dundee Central school with their athletic coach, Mr. MOSLEY, attended the Ithaca college and Boston football game at Ithaca Armistice day.
+   Miss Mildred CRATSLEY and mother, Mrs. A.M. CRATSLEY, spent Armistice day in Sayre, Pa., where they attended the Sayre-Corning North side football game. Junior HAWLEY, formerly of Dundee, is a member of the North side team.
+   Mrs. Clifford CASTNER, a former resident of Dundee but now of Yatesville, is a patient at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital, Penn Yan, recovering from an operation.
+   Carlton SEARS has been a patient at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital, Penn Yan. His condition has been reported as slightly improved.
+   Calvin MOHR of Rochester spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. Emma NORTHRUP and uncles, Dr. F. F. MALONY and W. R. P. MALONY.
+   Miss Lucile CARTER and Miss Edith FAUCETT of Ithaca were week-end guests at their homes here.
+   Mrs. Lillian MILES spent Friday in Geneseo where she visited relatives.
+   Mrs. Murray A. WRIGHT and infant daughter have returned home from the Penn Yan hospital.
+   Mr. and Mrs. C. J. SACKETT and Mrs. Arol HARROP spent Armistice day with their daughters, the Misses Cornelia SACKETT and Charmaine HARROP, students at Geneseo Normal school.
+   The Good Will Bible class of the Dundee Methodist church will meet with Mr. and Mrs. William CADWELL Monday evening, November 21st.
+   Mrs. Harry G. SMITH entertained the Good Cheer class of the Presbyterian church at her home Wednesday evening.
+   The Women's Study club will meet with Mrs. Emerson WEBSTER Tuesday. The following program is being prepared: Mission Schools and Hospitals, Mrs. Floyd GRIMES; reading, Pre-emption road, Mrs. Claude PIERCE.




The Junior High school held it's first school-home meeting Tuesday evening, November 15, in the library and art room in the Junior high school.  A panel of seventh grade students led by Phyllis FOLTS and consisting of Albert TERPOLILLIE, Marjorie CHAPMAN, Janice McELLIGOTT, Lloyd EMERSON, Richard JONES, Shirley OGDEN, Helen Lou SWANSON, Betty WEMORE, Robert TOTMAN, Richard HANSEN, Robert HAMILTON, Robert BEHRENS, Bertha CHAUNCEY, Gordon RITCHEY, and Janice BARDEEN discussed the principal features of the seventh grade subject and activity program.

Two Penn Yan girls at Keuka college won recognition during student forum on Friday. Miss Peggy NORRIS was formally inducted into Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary society,  by Miss Mae BAKER, dramatic professor; and Miss Mary BARNES was initiated into Pi Gamma Mu, the national honorary social science fraternity, by Dr. Franklin STUMP.
 Miss Pauline FOSTER, physical education director, had started asocial dancing class in the gymnasium every Tuesday evening. Sixty students came out for the class at it's first meeting. The tango, foxtrot, waltz, and other popular steps are being taught.

At the monthly Arion meeting last week, Arlene BEACH of Penn Yan, president of the society, presented an original melodrama called Faith Forgotten, or Vice Behind the Mask of Virtue. A gift was given to Miss Mae BAKER, dramatic professor, whose birthday it was. Peggy NORRIS of Penn Yan, Emily EMERSON of Hartford, Conn., Nellie WING of Kendall, Joyce HUTCHINSON of Honeoye Falls, and Jeanne SEVERANCE of Buffalo took part in the play.

A Book Week program will be presented as the regular Junior High School assembly at 1:00 o'clock, Friday, by Miss SCHEIBLE 's ninth grade home room.  Old cloths are fast turning into new ones under the helpful direction of Mrs. PATTERSON. old dresses are being turned into aprons, old shirts into blouses, dresses are being remade, etc. The girls in the Renovation club, with Mrs. PATTERSON'S help, will soon have a well organized club. Their meetings are held in the seventh period on Tuesdays. The following 17 pupils
are members of this club: Grace BREWSTER, Alta BULLOCK, Doris DILLON, Susan HENDRICKS, Eunice HOOSE, Marie JOHNSON, Gladys LOVE, Betty MCDERMOTT, Anna McDUFFEE, Coleen MOORE, Laura PALLAR, Elsie PAULSEN, Edwina RIELLY, Jean ROESE, Mae SISSON, Arlene SORENSEN, and Nathalie GILBERT.
The members of the glee club in our school with Miss HORTON'S help are now working on a new song called The Desert Lullaby. Their last program was very enjoyable and the ones to come will prove just as entertaining. The following 51pupils are sopranos in the club: Barbara CONLEY, Robert OLSEN, Betty RACE, James McELLIGOTT, Judith PERKINS, Edith PEDERSEN, Orline SLATER, Margaret ORSINO, Esther OLSEN, Lucille OGDEN, Jean RUSSELL,  Barbara WOOD, Mary SUTTON, Betty PETERSEN,  Betty WETMORE, Edward SCHULTZ, Marilyn BASSAGE, Marjorie CHAPMAN, John BRAINARD, Janice BARDEEN, Lois HABECKER, Phyllis FOLTS, Polly WHITAKER, Louise WILSON, Helen SWARSON, Evelyn REED, Joyce WHEELER, Nancy KINNE, Marian LAMPHIRE, Marguerite INGRAM, Eleanor ADAMS, Elsie BRIDGMAN, Betty COMSTOCK, Jeanne MILLS, Harold MORICH, Betty BENSON, Ann ARMSTRONG, Jean CHAUNCEY, Elizabeth CHRISTENSEN, Louis COHICK, Cleo SMITHOOVER, Ann STEVENS, Audrey BALLARD, Jane CHRISTENSEN, Bernice BOYLAN, Margie SNYDER, Ellen SWARTHOUT, Mary ORSLEY, Helen BULLOCK, Ruth FINNEMORE, and Frances SHORT.

Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan.           Friday    March 10, 1939          by:  Dianne Thomas     



BRATE - At Lakemont, Friday, Mar. 3, Harry R. BRATE, 57, of Lakemont.  He was the son of Rev. and Mrs. Sylvester BRATE and had spent his entire life in Starkey. He was supervisor from that town for 2 terms, 1922-1925, and served a two year term as chairman of the board.  He was an active republican and once was candidate for member of assembly.  Included in his responsible positions were field editor of Clinton Publications, secretary of National Gas Engine Association, Secretary of the Lakemont Cemetery Association.  He also wrote technical articles and text books on gas engines and internal combustion.  For the past six year she has been in ill health, the last two having been unable to leave his bed,  Besides his wife, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. James SCHULTZ, Lakemont; Mrs. Martin MANDELL, Elmira Heights; Miss Rebecca BRATE, at home ; one son, Albert, of East Orange, NJ; two sisters, Mrs. Harry BOAG; Lakemont, Mrs. Edward MARTIN.  Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the home, at 2 o'clock, Rev. J. T. RUSHTON, of Lakemont Christian Temple, officiating. Burial in Lakemont.

CLARK -At Italy Valley, Thursday, Mar. 2, Mrs. Minnie B. CLARK, 59.  She leaves her husband, William CLARK of Penn Yan; a son George Geer of Italy Valley; a brother James DAUGHERTY, of Canandaigua; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth FINCH, of Italy Valley; several nieces and nephews. Body was at Tinsdell funeral home until Saturday when it was removed to the home of her son in Italy Valley where funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and at Italy Valley Church at2:30 , Rev. Orvis J. STEVERSON, of Potter officiating.  Burial in Italy Valley.

HUNT - At Dundee, Feb 26, Dr. Frederick W. HUNT, 71.  He was a veterinarian, graduate of New York Veterinary College in 1888. He came to Dundee to practice in 1934.  Surviving are his wife, who was Bertha COONS of North Reading; one sister, Miss Mary HUNT, of Dundee; two nephews, Eugene HUNT, of Dundee and Frederick HUNT, of Syracuse.  Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday, Feb. 28, Rev. T. W. CARTER, pastor of Dundee Baptist Church, officiating.  Burial in Reading Center. 

HALL - At Altay, Mar7, 1939, Ernest E. HALL, aged 59.  He is survived by two daughters and one son, Mrs. William F. FLAVEY, Penn Yan; Miss Vera HALL, Geneva; Elmer HALL, Dundee; one sister, Mrs. Dora BAILEY, Montour Falls; two brothers, Eugene HALL and William HALL, Johnson Hollow.  Funeral was held at the home Friday afternoon at 2o'clock.  Rev. TERRILL, of Tyrone, officiating.  Burial in Hillside cemetery, Dundee. 

BRUNSKILL - At Penn Yan, Wednesday, Mar. 8, Mrs. Catherine BRUNSKILL,86,  She leaves her husband, Thomas BRUNSKILL; two sisters, Mrs. George L. SKUTT, Middleburg;  Mrs. Manley BRIZEE, Oak Hill; five grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.  The body will rest at the home, 112 Walnut street, Friday, and private funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Tinsdell funeral home, 111 Hamilton street, Rev. E. D. VAN DYKE officiating.  Burial in Lakeview.  

ROGERS - At Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital , Saturday, Mar. 4, Ray H. ROGERS, 5 1/2 years.  Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren ROGERS, Bluff Point; three brothers, Fred Warren Jr. and Robert; one sister, Juanita. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at Thayer funeral chapel, Rev. Harold RIGGLE, of Bluff Point M. E. Church, officiating.  Burial in Lake View.

LA BARR - At Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Tuesday, Mar. 7,Mary C. LA BARR, 53, of Himrod. Surviving are her husband, Russell LA BARR; one son, William; a daughter, Lois; two brothers, Harry FABER, Rochester; John FABER, Slate Run, Pa.; one sister, Mrs. Ruth BARKER, Rochester, her mother, Mrs. Lillian FABER, Rochester.  Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at Thayer funeral chapel, Rev. E. W. CHAPIN of Second Milo Baptist Church, officiating.  Burial in Dresden. 

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY          Tuesday,   Aug15, 1939     by: GSubyak@aol.com  

CHIDSEY - Died at his home, 107 Salisbury Street, on Sunday, Aug. 13, 1939,  Percy Charles CHIDSEY, husband of Viola CARRBesides his wife, he is survived by a son, Glen Walter' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter CHIDSEY of Penn Yan; one sister, Mrs. George J. PETERSON; and two brothers, George and Earl CHIDSEY.   Friends may call at the chapel of Ingmire & Nagle Company, Chestnut Street at Court, where funeral services will be conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Grove Place Cemetery. Penn Yan papers please copy.

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