Yates Co. News Articles
for the Village of Penn Yan
1935 - 1937
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Penn Yan Democrat, Friday, August 2,1935 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Norris S. DAILEY of Penn Yan and Mr. and Mrs. Charles HIBBARD on Saturday celebrated the birthday of both Mrs. HIBBARD and her brother Mr. DAILEY, with a dinner at the HIBBARD home.
Friday visitors at Chasm Lodge included, Carolyn M. WAGONER of Elmira, Marion WILLIAMS of Endicott, Mabel E. FRY and Ruth, Margaret and Robert WILLIAMS, of Binghamton, Robert WINTERS of Keuka Park, Olive TEDDY and B. DANIELS of Penn Yan and L.A. AMENT, Katherine ROBINSON and Catherine JONES, of Rochester.
Mr. and Mrs. John ACKERSON of Elmira, called on Mrs. Georgie STEFFENSEN, Sunday. Miss Pattie who has been spending three weeks with her grandmother, returned home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris PULVER, Mr. and Mrs. Ray PULVER and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John M. PULVER in Italy.
Mr. and Mrs.. Fred PINSKER on Wednesday took a motor trip around Canandaigua Lake and spent the afternoon with her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. GROW at Canandaigua.
Mrs. Clifford ACKERMAN of Chicago was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ACKERMAN, one day this week.
Following several month's illness, Mrs. Jemima MOON passed away at the home of her niece, Miss Lydia MOON, July 2nd in Branchport. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Bert HALL of Prattsburgh and Miss Unadah, of Rochester; one son, Jay, of Penn Yan; one brother, William MC CORMICK of Fairport. Funeral services were held from her late home in Prattsburgh on Thursday with Rev. Ray FARGO of the Baptist church officiating, and burial in the Prattsburgh cemetery.
The PULVER and WINDNAGLE reunion was held at the home of Rose YOUNG, Saturday about 80 people being present. They were from Rochester, Prattsburgh, Italy, Penn Yan and Naples.
Mrs. Inez STODDARD and niece, Lydia MOON, spent a few days last week with Miss Unadah MOON, at her home near Prattsburgh.
A 5 pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles DAVIS, Friday night. Mother and child are reported to be doing nicely.
John MacFARLANE, who has been spending the past two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacFARLANE, returned to New York city Sunday evening.
Mrs. L. G. HILL and grandson Charles JENKS of Binghamton, visited Mrs. HILL's sister, Mrs. Chester JOLLEY and Mr. JOLLEY, Saturday.
John DORSEY of New York city, spent several days at the ELDRED house last week.
Mrs. Harry STILLMAN is staying at the ELDRED house for a few days.
Mrs. Adelbert BEARD entertained the members of the Jacksonian Club at dinner on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron CULVER, Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude LANE of Crystal Springs, were guests at the home of Mrs. Mary HALLOCK and her sister, Miss Margaret BAKER, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay WHITE entertained Dr. and Mrs. L. DeCAMP and Mr. and Mrs. Roy REED of Corning, at their cottage on Ross point over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. HACKENBROUGHT and children, and Max STEVENS of Bainbridge, spent the weekend with Mrs. HACKENBROUGHT's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Charles CULVER. Miss Cleda CULVER returned home with them Monday, expecting to stay until the middle of August.
Miss Ruth MacFARLANE arrived home Monday morning from her trip to Portland, Ore. She reports a very fine time.
U. G. WATKINS underwent a minor operation at the Arnot-Ogden hospital in Elmira, Wednesday.
Mrs. Clay WHITE and Mrs. Milo SUMMERSON entertained the afternoon bridge club at luncheon and cards at the WHITE cottage on Ross point, on Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. MacGARVEY of Renova, Pa., are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Milo SUMMERSON.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm VAN DYKE are spending a few days with Mr. VAN DYKE's mother, Mrs. Leora VAN DYKE, having just returned from a weeks honeymoon trip to Cuba. Later they will be at the home of their friends in Buffalo.
Miss Janice CAMP of Syracuse spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur YOST.
Wilson UNDERWOOD is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. UNDERWOOD.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford MEYER entertained the HEY reunion at their home on Saturday about 24 being present.
We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mrs. Herbert WELLS.
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. ALGAR accompanied by Miss Florence FATZINGER and Mrs. Lora H. WAYLAND motored to Elmira on Sunday. The ALGARS' called on their uncle, Andrew LAMOREAUX, who has been an invalid for several years. They came through by way of Bath and Hammondsport, where Miss FATZINGER called on her friend, Miss WEBSTER and viewed the different places where the flood did so much damage.
Robert HURRIN and friend from Palmyra, called on his sister, Mrs. James HUDSON, who is improving.
Mrs. Lora A. WAYLAND spent Wednesday with Mrs. Neva SCOTT, of Ferguson Corners.
Rev. Mr. CARPENTER and family were calling on friends Monday. Mr. and Mrs. CARPENTER have a great many friends here, where Mr. CARPENTER was a pastor here a few years ago. They are now at Trumansburg.
Earnest ROSE who has been working for Wendell MITTOWER for the past two years, is now at the hospital in Penn Yan for observation.
The nurses at Geneva hospital expect to attend the wedding of Miss BARTHOLOMEW of Bellona, next Tuesday evening. She was a graduate of that hospital.
The VANDEVENTER reunion was held Saturday in Corning at the home of Charles VANDEVENTER. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by those who attended. A program was given by some of the members. The election of officers was as follows: president, Mrs. Harvey MITTOWER; vice president, Mrs. Mary GELDER; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Effie ADAMS. The meeting for 1936 will be held at the home of Harvey M. MITTOWER.
Miss Clara RYAL and Miss Elsie YARGER spent Monday in Rochester.
Mrs. Julia PELTON of Penn Yan is staying here with her mother, Mrs. MORLEY, while Mr. MORLEY is in Penn Yan hospital.
Rev. Arthur HUMPHREYS and daughter Gladys, of Stanley, called on his brother, John and family and Rev. and Mrs. O'HARA on Thursday.
Mrs. Lulu BARTHOLOMEW has gone to visit with the BARTHOLOMEW families at Johnson City.
Mrs. KENT fell at crossing a street at Penn Yan Friday suffering painful bruises on her right eye.
Richard SUMMERBELL is leaving Friday to join his father and family at Fallon, Nevada. He has been a resident here for several years, faithfully assisting with the many duties in the household of his grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Martyn SUMMERBELL. Richard graduated in the Starkey Seminary Class of '32. Our people regret to have him leave.
Mr. and Mrs. George K. PEERS of Williston Park, L. I., Mrs. J. A. PARSON of Union, N.J., and Arthur PARSONS and family of Utica, spent Sunday here with N. E. BALDWIN and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble CONNELLY of Starkey called on Rev. and Mrs. GERRIE and Mr. STERNS, Sunday afternoon.
Milo Center
Rev. and Mrs. MOYER were in Geneva on Sunday for dinner at the home of their son and family.
The HARRSON reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William STRATTON on Sunday.
Miss Katherine PERSING and Mr. LYNN of Watsontown, brought little Nancy PERSING from Weststockbridge, Mass, to the home of her grandparents on Sunday evening, to spend some time there. Little Billy PERSING is slowly improving at the home of his parents.
Mrs. W. ASPELL and daughters, Katherine and Helen, are spending a while with their son, Burton, in Buffalo.
Lee CONKLIN and wife of Elmira, were callers at the Walter SMITH home on Friday.
Louis SMITH, and sister Ada, were in Elkland, Pa., on Sunday. Miss Marjorie SMITH returned with them after spending a week with relatives there.
The SISSON families attended the PULVER reunion at Branchport on Saturday.
The many friends of Mrs. Bert BRUNDAGE will be pleased to know that she is improving from her recent operation. Also Geraldine HANSON is able to be out again, attending church on Sunday.
Tom FLYNN and sister Margaret, spent Sunday at Watkins Glen with their brother and family.
May's Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis DOAN and children have been visiting relatives in Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs. Perle COREY and daughter of Yatesville, have been visiting his brothers Ross and Ralph COREY and their families.
Mrs. Lydia LaBRECQUE and daughters Margaret, Grace and Mrs. Charles ALLRIGHT, formerly Miss Marion and friend, Mrs. Anna KINN of Syracuse and Mr. and Mrs. Robert MACE and children of Penn Yan, visited Mrs. Joe TIERNEY and family on Sunday.
Mrs. Wilmer DAVIS is in the Sailors and Soldiers Memorial Hospital, where she underwent an operation Monday morning.
Shanty Plains
Mrs. Myrtle LISTRA and two daughters of Richmond, Virginia called on relatives here last Wednesday.
Mrs. Wave CONLEY and daughter Frances, visited Mrs. Charles DINEHART Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Will COOK and Lester HATMAKER and family visited at Oliver LYNN's on Friday.
Second Milo
Miss Dora KEEFER underwent an operation at the S & S hospital, on Monday of this week.
H. W. DYKE has purchased the C. E. WHITEHEAD farm.
Rev. and Mrs. E. W. CHAPIN and family returned home Monday, from Meadville, Pa., where they have been spending two weeks with relatives.
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday December 2, 1935 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
Frank SKUSE - Geneva, Frank P. SKUSE, 83, died yesterday morning in his home, in Carter Road, town of Phelps.
Mary SLINE - Geneva, Funeral services for Mrs. Mary SLINE, who died late Saturday night, in her home at 107 West street, will be in the home at 8:30 am tomorrow and at 9 am at St. Stephen's church.
Robert C. HUSSEY - Canandaigua - Robert C. HUSSEY, 23, of 203 North Main street, died yesterday in Memorial hospital.
Penn Yan Democrat Friday December 6,1935 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
HARRIS - To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence HARRIS, of Crystal Valley, November 20th, a son.
HABECKER - To Rev. and Mrs. Earl HABECKER, Penn Yan, in Sailors and Soldiers Memorial hospital, December 2, 1935, a son.
BODINE - To Mr. and Mrs. Harry BODINE, Penn Yan, n Sailors and Soldiers Memorial hospital, December 2, 1935, a son.
EDIE - At Memorial Hospital, Canandaigua, Saturday, November 30, David W. EDIE, 67, of Hall. Mr. EDIE's death was sudden as he had been about as usual on Friday. He was delegate to Pomona Grange sessions in Reeds Corners and expected to attend Saturday. He was Supervisor Elect on the Democratic ticket in the strong Republican town of Seneca. He was a member of the Masonic Order, Damascus Shrine of Rochester; member of Hall Grange and for more than 36 years, he was an RFD carrier from the Hall post office and was placed on the retired list about two years ago. He was an active member of the rural letter carriers organization and served as its secretary for 25 years. He was a trustee of No. 9 church. Surviving are his widow, and one brother James, of Baltimore, MD. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, from the home in Hall, with burial in No. 9 cemetery. Rev. David SHELDON, pastor of the church, officiated. Ark Lodge of Geneva, conducted the Masonic services at the home.
COMSTOCK - At his home in Yatesville, Saturday, November 30, George B. COMSTOCK, 73. Surviving are his wife, one son, Herbert of Penn Yan; three daughters, Mrs. Maurice MC CANN, of Penn Yan; Miss Lulu and Miss Marjorie COMSTOCK, at home. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, Rev. Ralph KIRKPATRICK, of Benton M.E. church, officiating. Burial in Lakeview cemetery. [a bit different obit in Rochester Demo & Chronicle dated Monday, Dec 2, 1935]
GAVIGAN - At Dresden, Monday, December 2, James J. GAVIGAN, 70. He had served as New York Central railroad conductor for more than 50 years of service. Surviving, are a sister, Margaret, of Corning; brother John E., of Addison; two nephews, James LAWLESS of Vineland, NJ and John LAWLESS of Hornell. Funeral was held Thursday morning at 9 at St. Michael's church. Burial in Evergreen cemetery, Dresden.
WORTMAN - At Dundee, November 30, John A. WORTMAN, 81. He leaves a son, C. D. [Chauncey D.] WORTMAN of Dundee, two step-daughters, Mrs. Katie CUMMINGS and Mrs. Angie JONES of Penn Yan; grandson, John WORTMAN of Penn Yan; granddaughter, Mrs. Carl SEAMANS of Crosby. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Thomas CARTER of Dundee, officiating. Burial in Lakeview cemetery.
ENOS - At her home in Torrey, Saturday, Aloha ENOS, 7. Besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert ENOS, she leaves two brothers, Robert and Stewart; and one sister, Dorothy, all at home. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, Rev. E. W. COLLINGS, of Dresden M. E. church officiating. Burial in Bellona cemetery. [a bit different obit in Rochester Demo & Chronicle dated Monday, Dec 2, 1935]
GLEASON - At 221 North Avenue, December 2, Harold Cecil GLEASON, 6 months. Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil GLEASON, he leaves three brothers, Charles, Robert and James. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Thayer Funeral home, Rev. R. N. JESSUP, officiating. Burial in Lakeview cemetery.
LAWLER - Michael LAWLER, 45, died Friday night in his home, 30 Chestnut street, of pneumonia. [from Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday, December 2, 1935]
Penn Yan Democrat Friday April 17, 1936 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
Miss Frances CONLEY, daughter of Mrs. Wave CONLEY, of Keuka Park, and Arthur HAYES, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester HAYES of Benton, were married Tuesday, April 14, at the home of the bride. Miss Marguerite TILLMAN of Keuka Park and Emil DE LOOZA of Benton, were attendants. Mr. and Mrs. HAYES will make their home at Kinney's Corners, after May 1.
Miss Elsie HEBENGER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. CHASE, 132 E. Main street, and Leonard GARLINGHOUSE, of Mount Morris, were married Wednesday afternoon, April 15, by Rev. W.W. LANE, at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. GARLINGHOUSE will make their home at Mount Morris where the groom is employed as a civil engineer.
Announcement has been made of Miss Monica M. BUCKLEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. BUCKLEY of Penn Yan, to John McGOVERN, of Penn Yan, son of Mrs. Anna McGOVERN of Geneva. The announcement was made at a bridge luncheon at The Wagner, Saturday afternoon, April 11. Miss BUCKLEY is a member of the Penn Yan Academy faculty and Mr. McGOVERN conducts a paper and paint store here.
Two cars collided in front of the home of Niels JENSEN, on Penn Yan-Geneva road, north of Benton Center, Saturday. JENSEN was driving south and turned out to swing into a driveway leading to his home. At the same time, a car operated by F. E. CROSBY, 634 Newell street, Syracuse, was proceeding north, and both cars came together and were badly damaged. No personal injuries resulted and no one was held. State Trooper Fred WILSON of Penn Yan outpost investigated.
"Little Miss 1936", first baby born at Soldiers and Sailor Memorial Hospital, at the beginning of the new year, died in an Elmira hospital, Thursday, Apr. 9. She was Patricia Jane CARPENTER, aged 3 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn CARPENTER of Dundee. Funeral services were held at the CARPENTER home, 20 Harpending Avenue, Dundee, Saturday afternoon. Besides her parents she leaves her grandparents, Mrs. Mary CARPENTER and Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. SMITH, all of Dundee.
Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Hazel Bliss CHAPMAN, of New York City, formerly of Penn Yan, to Norman MERRIMAN, of Miami, Florida, Saturday, April 11, at Flagler Memorial Presbyterian Church, at St. Augustine, Fla., by Rev. Dr. Lauren E. BRUBAKER. Miss CHAPMAN has been connected with the board of education of New York City since 1921. She is a graduate of Penn Yan Academy, University of Rochester and has done special work at Columbia University. Mr. MERRIMAN is an investment counsel with offices in Miami, Fla. and New York City. Mr. and Mrs. MERRIMAN are spending a honeymoon in the South and expect to make their summer home in Englewood, NJ.
Delbert MAWNEY, 62, Dundee, RD 2, was brought to the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital suffering from a fractured right leg received Monday morning when hew was thrown to the ground while engaged in repairing a telephone wire on the line recently put out of commission by the ice storm. A car driven by a passing motorist became entangled in a wire which was lying on the ground and drew it taut, throwing MAUNEY to the ground with the resultant fracture. Dr. J. P. MacDOWELL of Dundee, was called and had the injured man removed to the Penn Yan hospital. Dr. MacDOWELL and Dr. Bernard S. STRAIT, attended him.
Charles BUTTERS is ill at his home at 128 Stark Avenue.
John H. MEEHAN, of Elm Street, is in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital for treatment.
May 1936 Obit, paper unknown by Paul
Mrs. Sarah Alexander
Penn Yan - Mrs. Sarah Alexander, 80, died Saturday May2, in Branchport. The funeral was held today at 2 pm at the Branchport Methodist Church.
The widow of James Alexander, she is survived by two daughters: Mrs. Sarah Calten (sic) [COLVIN] of Woodhull and Mrs. Frances Lee of Benton; three sons, William G. Alexander of Canandaigua and James and Robert Alexander of Branchport; two sisters, Mrs. Clara Schmoker of Penn Yan and Mrs. James ( Anna May ) Prosser of Branchport.
Burkett Penn Yan, July 9 - Howard Burkett, 43,one of Penn Yan's best known young men died at the Soldiers and Sailors
Hospital this morning following several weeks illness.
Burkett had been a resident of
Penn Yan all of his life with the exception of a few years spent in
In1920, he took over the insurance business of his father, the late Clarence
T. Burkett in
funeral will be held on Saturday afternoon at
Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY Sunday, Jan 3, 1937 by: GSubyak@aol.com
Julia EGGLESTON, 88, died yesterday in her home, 136 Hamilton Street. Surviving are one
son, Charles of Penn Yan; two daughters, Mrs.
Kittie EDWARDS of Penn Yan and Mrs. Glen WRIGHT of Geneva; three grandchildren and
nine great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. tomorrow in 139 Stark Avenue.
ALONZO ROBINSON - Penn Yan - Funeral services for Alonzo ROBINSON, 72, who
died Friday will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow in 201 East Elm Street. He had no
near relatives.
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