Yates Co. News Articles

for the Village of Penn Yan

1910 - 1915 


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Penn Yan Democrat, Friday, May 27, 1910      contributed by: Dianne Thomas

RUSHVILLE -  Death of George LARHAM - At half past 4 Saturday morning, George LARHAM died of Bright's disease at his home in Rushville.  He was born in Lowestoft, Suffolk County, England in 1833, a son of Isaac and Jemima LARHAM, and came to the United States about 65 years ago.  The greater share of his life he spent in the vicinity of Rushville.  Six years ago he was stricken with paralysis from which he never fully recovered.  A few days ago before his death while helping John FRENCH in the garden, he was taken suddenly ill and was carried to the house.  From this he did not recover.  Besides his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. William LEE of Cheshire, and Mrs. James ELLICK, of Rushville.  The funeral services were held at 11 Tuesday morning at his late home, Rev. Harsey KING, pastor of the Rushville Methodist church, officiating.  The remains were taken to Bellona for burial.  

The following Dispatch dated May 26 appeared in Wednesday's Geneva Times - "E.G. LAPHAM , a well known resident of this village has been missing from his home since Thursday, and his family are greatly alarmed over his absence.  He went to Rochester on the day that he disappeared, making several purchases in stores there and having the articles sent to Mrs. LAPHAM. "No reason is known for his disappearance although he had been despondent for a long time.  Mr. LAPHAM,  is 44years old, 5 ft., 11 inches tall, weighs 147 pounds, medium dark complexion, small dark moustache, dark hair mixed with grey, bald on top of head.  He wore a blue suit on the day he went away, derby hat and mixed grey raincoat.  He wore glasses. He also wore a Masonic button on his coat lapel."

The Newark Courier,   Newark, Wayne, N.Y.   Thursday, June 2, 1910      Sandra Luss

John SHANNON of Penn Yan has been spending a few days with his son, Foreman J. F. SHANNON, and family.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY   Wed    Aug 10, 1910    contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 

Penn Yan, Aug. 9 - The Board of Education last night engaged as teachers Miss May PEARSALL, of Oxford, Miss Sarah KILLING, of Penn Yan, Miss Hazel R. CHAPMAN, of Penn Yan, and Miss Maude PHALEN, of Penn Yan, to teach for the coming school year, at salaries of $700, $550, $480and $480, respectively. Janitors were appointed as follows: Chestnut street school, Alphonso HYATT;  Hutton street school, Harvey M. ACKLEY; Lake street school, John H. MOSHIER;  Academy and Liberty street schools, Solomon H. PETERS.

Penn Yan Democrat, Friday, Feb 3,  1911      contributed by: Dianne Thomas

An Enjoyable Gathering -  A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George DOWNING on Friday, the occasion being the 72ndbirthday of Mr. DOWNING'S mother, Mrs. Dorothy DOWNING.  Those present from out of town were Mrs. Magdelena SATTLER and Miss Saloma KETTEREL, of Potter, both of whom are sisters of Mrs. DOWNING; Mr. and Mrs. William D. SLEEPER and two daughters, Dorothy and Bernice of Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew BAIN, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore CARSON and two sons, Ralph and Leroy, all of Canandaigua; and Mrs. Elizabeth LEDGERWOOD and daughter, Annabel, of Hall. 

During the day a part of the family history was recalled for the benefit of the younger members of the family, which was in substance, as follows: In the year 1839, the parents of Mrs. DOWNING, who were Mr. and Mrs. John KETTEREL, left their home in Alsace-Loriane, German, with their three daughters, Magdelena, aged 9,Saloma,  aged 5 years and Dorothy aged1 year; and traveled by cart across part of Germany and France, to the coast, where they embarked in a sailing vessel for New York City.  They arrived at their destination about 6 weeks from the time of starting, and from the time of starting, and from New York City, they went by way of the Erie Canal to Lyons.  They then made their way by wagon to the town of Potter, where a German settlement had sprung up, and where they had friends.  They settled there and soon became prosperous farmers of that community.  Dundee Observer.


Hon. Miles W. RAPALEE - Last week Thursday, Hon. Miles W. RAPALEE, of Dundee, fell on an icy sidewalk, and the following day hew as stricken with appendicitis, and was taken to Geneva hospital for an operation.  


Girl Injured by Falling - Katherine BOGART, a 15 year old girl who attends school at Branchport, is in bed at her home on the Esperanza estate, as the result of an accident.  The girl slipped on some ice outside the schoolhouse a few days ago and injured herself internally, and since then she has been in great pain and under a physician's care.  It is feared that her liver is affected by the accident.  She is a step daughter of Adam FRITZ, an employee of Wendel T. Bush, of  Esperanza.  Exchange.

Later the young lady died in a Rochester hospital, Wednesday.


Death Followed Operation - Elmer DECKER, aged 20 years, died in Canandaigua, Wednesday afternoon, after an operation for appendicitis.  He leaves beside his parents, one sister, Lillian, of Penn Yan. 


Captain Henry STANDISH  - On Jan 28, 1911, at the Hornell Sanitarium, occurred the death of Captain Henry STANDISH, of West River. For many years he was a steamboat captain on Canandaigua Lake.  Deceased was born in South Bristol, October 7, 1839.  Captain STANDISH was of commanding appearance, standing six feet, four inches and of courtly manner.  September 6, 1870, he was untied in marriage to Alice Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Warner MOWER, of West River, and became a member of that home, where he and his family has since lived, continuing its long established reputation for hospitality.  He was a prominent Republican and had held public office in Yates county.  Captain STANDISH leaves besides his wife, one son, Harry M. STANDISH, who has been associated with him in farming interests, they both having nearly 1,000 acres in cultivation.


JACKSON - At Keuka Park, January 31, 1911, Burdett JACKSON, aged 68 years.  Mr. JACKSON died very suddenly.  He was a trustee of Keuka college.   


WILLIAMS - RIBBLE - In Barrington, Jan 30, 1911, Erwin R. WILLIAMS and Miss Emma RIBBLE.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe, NY      Feb 27, 1911      contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 

Penn Yan, Feb. 26 - Soon after returning yesterday afternoon from a social gathering, Mrs. Catherine L. LOVEJOY, wife of D. S. LOVEJOY, of the town of Benton, died suddenly. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Sarah H. HURRAN, of Gorham, and Mrs. Margaret KOEHLER, of Benton; five brothers, Benjamin WILLOUGHBY, of Syracuse, Richard, Thomas and Henry WILLOUGHBY, of Penn Yan, and  John WILLOUGHBY, of Brooklyn, and two sisters, Mrs. John CARPENTER and Mrs. John MOSHER, of Penn Yan.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe, NY   Thursday       Nov 16, 1911      contributed by: Dianne Thomas

Joshua MEAD - Penn Yan, Nov 15 - Joshua MEAD, a prominent farmer of Benton, died last night of apoplexy, aged 76 years.  He leaves his wife, two sons, Frank and Byron; three daughters, Mrs. Katherine KIPP of Benton; and Roberta and Ada at home.  Mr. KIPP was around the farm all day yesterday, had just finished his work at the barn and was walking to the house when he fell. He was carried in and Dr. SAMPSON called, but he died a short time after.  

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe, NY     Monday,    Oct 27, 1913     contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 

Gun Was on the Seat in the Boat When It Accidentally Discharged -- Girl Favorite 
Penn Yan, Oct 26 - Ruth ROWLEY, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. ROWLEY, of Liberty street, this village, was accidentally killed by the discharge of a shot gun belonging to her father, at about a quarter past five this afternoon. She and her father went to the cottage of Emmett BASSAGE near  the Hanford place on the west side of the lake to spend the day fishing. ROWLEY took his gun.
Shortly before the accident a flock of wild ducks flew over the boat from which they were fishing near the shore. ROWLEY killed  one duck and wounded another. He reloaded his gun and laid it on the seat. In  his efforts to secure the wounded duck in some way the gun, which was double barreled and loaded with a shell containing number twelve shot, was discharged.  The shot entered Ruth ROWLEY's body immediately above the heart.
James ROBINSON, who was on shore, heard the report and the girl's cry. He brought them to shore in his motor boat.
Mrs. ROWLEY, who was at home about two miles from  the place of the accident, was notified and every effort was made to get her to  her daughter before the end came, but the girl died in a very few minutes after being struck, and before her mother arrived. Doctors CONLEY and COX were also too late to see her alive. Coroner COX, after investigation, gave a certificate of accidental death.
Ruth ROWLEY was 14 years old, a student at  the Penn Yan Academy and was extremely popular among her school mates. She was  fond of outdoors sports and was the habitual comrade of her father, who was  very proud of her, in his fishing and hunting excursions.

Penn Yan Democrat                   Jan 30, 1914                  contributed by:  Dianne Thomas

WADDELL -At his home on Henry street, in Penn Yan, January 26, 1914, George W. Waddell, aged 77 years. He was born in Waterloo,but his parents moved to Penn Yan when he was less than one year old, and he had resided here ever since.

In1860 he was married to Esther H. Genung, of |Italy Hill, who survives him. He also leaves two sons, James, of Elmira;and Charles, of Penn Yan; and a brother, William Waddell, of Atlanta, Ga.

Major Waddell, as he was known to everybody, had been in .poor health a long time.

He was a member of J. B. Sloan Post, G. A. R., having assisted in the organization of Company B, of the 148th N. Y. V., at the time of the Civil War. He was second lieutenant when the company started for the front, from Camp Swift, Geneva, September 22, 1862. He was afterward appointed judge advocate on the staff of Brigadier General Foster, of Ohio and brevetted Major.

In 1872 Mr. Waddell was a candidate for County Treasureron the "Liberal" Republican ticket. During the four years the late Daniel Lanning was postmaster at Penn Yan, Major Waddell served as deputy.  For years he was a successful contractor and builder in Penn Yan.

The funeral was held from his late home Wednesday afternoon, Rev. H. I. Andrews, of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. Burial in LakeView Cemetery.


KINNER - In Dresden, January 27, 1914, Mrs. Augusta M. Kinner, aged about 70 years.

She died at the home of her son, William R. Kinner, where she was visiting. She was the widow of the late Royal Kinner.

Death came very suddenly. Mrs. Kinner appeared in good health when she had supper with the family Monday evening, and-did not complain of feeling unwell when she retired. Later the family heard a noise as if someone was trying to attract attention in the room where Mrs. Kinner was, and going there, they found her in a critical condition. Dr. Townsend was sent for, but Mrs. Kinner died before he arrived.

Because of her sudden death, Coroner F. S. Sampson was called, and he issued a certificate of death from heart disease. She leaves two sons William R., of Dresden,and S. R. of Detroit;three daughters, Miss Augusta R, of Philadelphia; Mrs J. M. Payne of Ovid and one sister, Mrs. S. T. Russell, of Boston.

Mc ELLIGOTT- In Penn Yan, January 25, 1914, Miss Sarah Mc Elligott, aged about 74 years.

She died at the home of her sister-in-law,  Mrs. Ellen Mc Elligott, Elm street, having been removed from her own home on Lake street as soon as her relatives learned of her serious illness.

Miss Mc Elligott had lived alone for a great many years. Her death was due to blood poisoning.

Her nearest relatives are nephews and nieces, viz: Richard B., Jeremiah E., Margaret L. Mc Elligott, and Mrs. Elizabeth Rector, of Rochester; and John J. Mc Elligott, of Penn Yan.

The funeral was held from St. Michael's church Tuesday morning.


PARSONS - At her home near Rushville, January 21, 1914, Mrs. Eveline Parsons, aged 78 years.

She was a lifelong resident of the town of Middlesex. Her husband, George Parsons, died September 21, 1913, and she had since lived with her son, Charles, caring for his two little daughters, Dorothy and Leona. She leaves three sons, Charles at home; Frank, of Potter, and Thomas, of Naples; three sisters, Mrs. Josephine Kelsey, of Waterbury Conn.; Mrs. Martin Walters, and Mrs. Alonzo Cooper, of Middlesex, and four grand-daughters.


HUNTER - In Rushville, January 23, 1914, Mrs. Mary Read Hunter, aged 76 years.

Mrs. Hunter had been in feeble health for several months, but death was due to a stroke of apoplexy which she sustained Wednesday night.  She was 76 years old and was born in Italy Hollow, the daughter of Truman and Sally Brown Read. She leaves her husband, George Hunter; three daughters,

Huldah and Minnie, at home; Caroline, who teaches in New York, and one son, Oliver, of Rushville; a half brother, ex-County Clerk Henry T. Read of Penn Yan.

HUNTER - In Ithaca, January 21, 1914,  Mrs. Eliza Hunter, formerly of Penn Yan, aged 89 years.

The body was brought to Penn Yan for burial.

Mrs. Hunter leaves three daughters, Mrs. Cora Huson, of Elmira; Mrs. Mary Miller, of Ithaca; and Mrs. Leah Hayes, of Penn Yan.

PALMER - In Penn Yan, at the Hatmaker Hospital, January 22. 1914, Mrs.Jennie Palmer, of Friend, aged 47 years.  She leaves her husband, Theodore Palmer, and a brother Loren StilesDeath followed an operation for the removal of a tumor.

Mrs. Maria ASK -  The body of Mrs. Maria Ask, widow of the late Thomas Ask, of Buffalo, will be brought to Geneva tomorrow morning at 10.40 and then to Bellona (cemetery), for burial. Mrs. Ask formerly resided near here and is well known here. Services were held at Buffalo today. She leaves two sons, Samuel and William Ask, of Buffalo.—Geneva Times (Tuesday.)

COMMITTED SUICIDE - Receiving no response when she called to him at noon last week Thursday, Mrs. William Howley of Rushville, went upstairs and found her 42 years old son, Edward Howley, lying across the bed with-his-throat cut from ear to ear.

Mr. Howley had been ill and when he did not appear at breakfast time. She thought nothing of it, but receiving no response to her call at noon, she became alarmed and went to the room.

Mr. Howley and his aged mother lived alone. Besides his mother, he leaves two brothers, William and Richard, of Syracuse; three sisters, Mrs. Anna Bannon and Mrs. Peter Flynn, of Syracuse, and Miss Mary Howley, of Buffalo.

Mr. Howley was chief of the Rushville Hose Company. He was born in Rushville and was educated at the Rushville High School.




Penn Yan Democrat,    Friday,  March 20,1914             contributed by: Dianne Thomas


INGRAHAM - To Mr. and Mrs. Harry INGRAHAM, of Potter, February24, 1914, a daughter, Blanche Alice.  She has two grandmothers, two great grandmothers and one grandfather.  

KETCHUM- To Mr. and Mrs. Claude KETCHUM , of Penn Yan, a daughter, Thelma Irene. 

MAC DOWELL - To Mr. and Mrs. James MAC DOWELL of Dundee, March 11, 1914, a daughter. 

MILES- To Mr. and Mrs. Frank MILES, of Dundee, March 17, 1914, a son.

SCRIPTURE- To Mr. and Mrs. Charles SCRIPTURE, of Penn Yan, March 7, 1914, a son. 



BARRETT - At his home on Bluff Point, March 15, 1914, John W. BARRETT, aged 80 years.  He leaves four sons, Charles, of Branchport; Frank, of Corning; Warren, of Elmira; and George, of Bluff Point; three daughters, Mrs. Ernest ROBERTSON of Corning; Mrs. Fred DeMUNN of Beavers Dam; and Miss Minnie BARRETT, at home.  The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, at 1:30, Rev. G. W. ROCKWELL, officiating. Interment in Lakeview cemetery. 


CLUTE - In Italy, Feb 26, 1914, Mrs. Melissa ACKLEY CLUTE, aged 81 years.  She leaves one son, Merritt CLUTE of Detroit, Mich.  During the nine week illness preceding her death, Mrs. CLUTE was cared for by a niece, Mrs. M. SHEPHERD.


EGGLESTON - In Penn Yan, March 13, 1914, Joel H. EGGLESTON, aged 66 years.  He was born in the town of Pultney, Steuben county, but moved to the town of Barrington when very young and resided there until he came to Penn Yan about 20 years ago.  He leaves his wife and three sisters, Mrs. Patience LAMONT, of Rochester; Mrs. Rosilla TOWNSEND of Penn Yan; and Mrs. Effie BELLIS, of Barrington.  The funeral was held Monday from his late home at the corner of Liberty and Lake streets, Rev. Howard I. ANDREWS of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating.  Burial in Lakeview cemetery.  


FREY - In Torrey, March 14, 1914, Mrs. Elizabeth FREY, aged 50 years.  She leaves her husband, John W. FREY, one sister, Mrs. William R. KINNER; and two brothers, Edward F. WALDO of  Sonyea, and George C. WALDO of Hall.  The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 2o'clock, Rev. George NICHOLS of Cato, officiating.  Burial in Evergreen cemetery, Torrey.


GELDER - In Penn Yan,  March 14, 1914, Mrs. Rosina GELDER, aged 84 years.  She was the widow of the late John GELDER, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles STEVENS, Lake street.  The funeral was held Wednesday. Burial in Lakeview Cemetery


GOUNDRY - In Milo, March 13, 1914, George GOUNDRY. Burial in Dundee.


HILLMAN - At Lakemont,  March 15, 1914, Rev. James J. HILLMAN, aged 90 years.  Mr. HILLMAN died at the home for aged ministers, where he had lived since 1909.  In his early life, he was first a farmer and later learned the carpenters trade.  Following this, he became a minister and for several years he traveled and preached in Iowa and Kansas.  He was in Kansas at the time of the Civil War.  During this time he was a strong advocate of pensions for widows, which idea was new at that time, and he gave many lectures and speeches in favor of it.  During his long labors for the Christian church in Kansas and Iowa, he organized 11churches and had the pleasure of seeing them grow to flourishing conditions.  After he became too old for further active work, he was cared for by the Christian Conference in the section of Kansas where he last worked for a time, and was later sent to the home at Lakemont.  


HUGHES - In Penn Yan, March 11, 1914, Edward HUGHES, aged 81 years.  He leaves his wife and one daughter, in the West, and another daughter, Mrs. Mary CHAMPLIN of Jerusalem. Mr. HUGHES died in the Ackley block where he had lived for some time.  The funeral was held Saturday from St. Michael's church.


LETTEER - At her home near Watkins, March 15, 1914, Mrs. Frank LETTEER.  She leaves her husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William HEATH, and a brother, George, of Penn Yan. Burial in Lakeview cemetery, Penn Yan, Wednesday.  


MARBLE - In Penn Yan, March 15, 1914, Mrs. Laura MARBLE, aged 84 years.  She lived at the old lady's home on Clinton street. She had been ill for some time.  She leaves a brother in Dayton, Tenn. 


PRATT - In Rushville, Mar 12, 1914, Mrs. Mary PRATT, aged71 years.  Mrs. PRATT was born in Lockport, but for the past 30 years has lived in Rushville.  The funeral was held Sunday, Rev. R. C. SPEER of the Congregational church, officiating.  Burial in Rushville.  She leaves one son, Erving, of Rushville; a daughter, Mrs. Bessey TETRAULT, of Malta, Mont.; one brother and four sisters, Hubert LAFLER, Mrs. C. H. FORSYTH, Mrs. A. B. CARLTON, Mrs. Jasper BROWN, Mrs. Emma  A .BARKER, all of Lockport, NY.


REYNOLDS - In Dresden, March 12, 1914, James F. REYNOLDS, aged 76y.  He was one of the best known men in the town of Torrey, and for 24 years he had served as a justice of the peace, having been first elected in1886.  When a young man, he taught school, having been an assistant to Samuel KEEFER, the Torrey centenarian, for a number of terms.  In those days, more than half a century ago, discipline was harder to maintain in country schools than it is now.  He was appointed Village Clerk in 1876, and had held that office continually for 14 years.  Mr. REYNOLDS death came very suddenly.  He was sitting at the table at the evening meal, when stricken.  

Mr. REYNOLDS was a Democrat of the old school and has always taken a prominent part of the affairs of that party in this county. Few county conventions had been held in years at which he was not one of the representatives of the town of Torrey.  He leaves his wife [Harriet] to whom he was married 52 years ago; three sons, Frederick of Corning; William of Dresden and Merton, of the State Agricultural Department, t Albany; one daughter, Mrs. Nellie M. MARLOWE, of Geneva; three brothers, Lewis of Dundee: Sidney of Prattsburg; and George of Newark; one sister, Miss Anna R. REYNOLDS, of Dundee. He leaves also 8 grandchildren and three great grandchildren .  The funeral was held from his late home, Monday afternoon.  Burial was in Dresden Cemetery.


ST. JOHN - In Penn Yan, March 16, 1914, William H. St. JOHN, aged 85 years.  He was found dead in bed Tuesday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. C. BROOKS, Clinton street, with whom he lived.  He leaves another daughter, Mrs. Roy YOUNG, of Strom Brook, Long Island, and a sister, Mrs. Isaac PURDY, of Bluff Point.  The funeral was held Thursday afternoon.  He was born in Pulteney, but came to Yates county a good many years ago . At one time he had a position in the New York Custom House. About 12 years ago, while living in Rochester, he fell, fracturing a hip, and he never fully recovered from that injury.


STOUTENBERG - In Barrington, March 11, 1914, Albert STOUTENBERG, aged 85 years.  He leaves his wife, one son, William A. STOUTENBERG,  with whom he lived; and four daughters, Mrs. Harold MC DOWELL of Chapin; Mrs. James GILLON, of Waycross, Georgia; Miss Lottie, of Yonkers; and Mrs. Lee MOREHOUSE of Crosby.  The funeral was held from his late home of Friday.  Burial in Lakeview cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY  Friday  Jan 30, 1914    by: Dianne Thomas

PALMER - In Penn Yan, at the Hatmaker hospital, Jan 22, 1914, Mrs. Jennie  PALMER, of Friend, aged 47 years.  She leaves her husband, Theodore PALMER and a brother, Loren STILES.  Death followed an operation for the removal of a tumor.  

Ontario Co. Journal, Canandaigua, NY        May 1,1914          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

The remains of Timothy O'CONNER, aged 71 years, whose death occurred at Bath on Saturday, were interred in Calvary cemetery on Tuesday.  Deceased was a veteran of the Civil War and was a resident of Penn Yan.  He leaves his wife, one daughter, Mrs. John A. NOONAN of East Avon; one brother, James, of Dansville and one sister, Mrs. Mary O'HARA, of Dansville.  The funeral services were held at St. Michael's church, Penn Yan.

Penn Yan Democrat, Friday, May 29,1914   pg 8    contributed by: Dianne Thomas


Second Milo




Dresden - Mrs. Charles GELDER and Mrs. John GELDER attended the funeral of a nephew, Ralph G. MORRIS in Rochester, last week

HallMarvin FORSTER finished setting an acre of strawberries on his father's farm last week.

Italy Hill

Keuka Park 

Yatesville  - Mrs. William MC KIE and two daughters, visited her sister in law, Mrs. ALLEN at the home of H. B. WHEELER, part of last week.

ONTARIO COUNTY JOURNAL     Friday     August 21, 1914     Pg 5, col 5 contributed by: Ron Hanley

Patrick Cougevan Was with Son's Wedding Party when Struck by a Train
Hastening to bid his son, Thomas and bride, Godspeed on their wedding journey, Patrick Cougevan, aged 67 years, of Penn Yan, was struck and fatally injured by an incoming Pennsylvania train in front of the New York Central station.
He was hurried in the Memorial hospital by attending physicians and Dr. Mulligan, of Rochester, summoned. Everything possible was done for the injured man, who slightly regained consciousness after the accident, but died at 8:20 on Thursday morning. The family who were at the station with the bridal party, were overcome when they realized the seriousness of the accident.
Deceased was born in Ireland, and was at one time a resident of Canandaigua. He had been employed as section foreman of a division of the Pennsylvania railroad for a great many years, and a few years ago received a prize for maintaining the best piece of track on the Elmira division of the road. It is understood that he was to be pensioned in a month or two.
Mr. Cougevan is survived by five sons, William, of Watkins, James of Penn Yan, Frank, of Rochester, Joseph and Thomas, of Canandaigua, one daughter, Mary Cougevan, of Canandaigua, two sisters, Mrs. Mary Meath and Mrs. Norah Flynn, of Canandaigua.  The funeral services will be held from St. Mary's church tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock. Interment at Calvary Cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat, Friday,   October30, 1914   pg 8    contributed by: Dianne Thomas

Happenings Around Penn Yan:


Second Milo







Italy Hill

Bluff Point

Dundee  -  Byron WIGHTMAN died in the home of his mother, Mrs. Frances WIGHTMAN, two miles north of this village, Wednesday, Oct 21, 1914, aged 46 years.  Mr. WIGHTMAN had suffered with heart trouble for several years past and that evening left the dining room for his bedroom when he felt ill.  He sat on the bed for a few minutes, and then dropped over dead.  Mr. WIGHTMAN was born in Providence, RI, May 25, 1868 and lived in that city until fourteen years ago, when he came here to live with his mother, Mrs. Frances WIGHTMAN.  Burial in Hillside Cemetery. 


Rushville - Mrs. Mary Mc DONALD, formerly of Potter, and who has been at Clifton Springs for a few past years, visited friends in this vicinity recently.  She will leave at once for Oneida, where she will keep house for her son, Murray, who has a position with the National Casket Company.  Her daughter, Mrs. Ray McMANUS, has entered the nurses training class in a Syracuse hospital.

Penn Yan Democrat, Friday,   January15, 1915    pg 8    contributed by: Dianne Thomas


BRANCHPORT   Albert BOYD has purchased the farm of John WATEROUS, and will move there this week.  







Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe, NY   Friday      March 5, 1915     contributed by:  Dianne Thomas

HARLAN FULKERSON - Prominent Starkey Fruit Grower, Dead at age of 72. Dundee - March 4 - Harlan FULKERSON, a prominent farmer and fruit grower of the town of Starkey, died in his home three miles southeast of this village, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning.  Mr. FULKERSON became ill with pleurisy about two weeks ago and steadily grew weaker until the end.  He was 72 years old and was born in the same house in which he had always lived, September 19, 1843.  His parents were among the early settlers in this section, settling on the farm where he was born, and where they also died.  

All of Mr. FULKERSON'S .... life was spent in farming and fruit growing, he having practically retired several years ago. He was a member of the Dundee Lodge F& A M  No. 123, and held the position of highway commissioner of the town of Starkey from 1908 to 1909?.  He leaves one son, Harlan FULKERSON Jr., who lived on the old homestead farm; one brother, Monroe FULKERSON of South El...., Wash.,  and two stepsons, A. S. HILDRETH of Phelps, and Fred HILDRETH of Millsport.  The funeral will be held from the home on Friday, at noon and the remains will be taken to Dresden for burial in Evergreen cemetery.  

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe, NY        July 22, 1915     contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 

Penn Yan, July 21 - Miss Susannah HATMAKER, owner of the Hatmaker Private Hospital, in this village, has just given a report for the fourth years which ended on Saturday last. Her records show 1,419hospital days treatment and 125 patients admitted during the year.  The increase in the number of patients over last year was fourteen.  Of the cases treated 25 were medical, 40 major surgical operations, 51 minor surgical and accident and 9 obstetrical.  There were nine deaths.  Miss HATMAKER says the bulk of the surgical work was done by Penn Yan physicians.  Each year of the hospital's existence has brought a greater number of patients.

Falls from Apple Tree - Breaks Arm

Penn Yan, July 21 - Giles NISSON, the 11 year old son of Andrew NISSON, last evening, fell form an apple tree in his father's yard in Hutton street, breaking both bones of his left arm below the elbow, Dr. C. E. DOUBLEDAY reduced the fractures.  About five years ago the same boy broke the same arm in the same place. 


Penn Yan, June 25 - Miss Emmeline MOORE of Churchville, NY, Ph. D., Cornell University and instructor in botany at Vassar Collage, passed through this village yesterday afternoon in an automobile enroute to Lake Waneta and Lamoka, to spend some time in the investigation of water plant and weed life for which these lakes offer unusual opportunity. Miss MOORE fishes with a long handled rake or grappling device form a flat bottomed boat, and usually locates her prey at a depth of fifteen feet or less.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY          Mon       Aug 23,1915         by: GSubyak@aol.com

Penn Yan Business Man Drowns As Wife Watches 
John L. Corcoran Stands Up to Make Landing, Boat Tips Over - Could Not Swim
Penn Yan, Aug. 22 - John L. CORCORAN, one of the most prominent businessmen of this village, was drowned at about 11 o'clock last night in Lake Keuka about one hundred feet from the shore off the Frank G. HALLETT place, at the end of Bluff Point, twelve miles from here.
Mr. CORCORAN, with his wife and daughter had been  visiting since last Tuesday at the summer home of Mr. HALLETT. On Saturday afternoon he rowed over
to Keuka, intending to return in a short time but a  heavy rain and windstorm detained him. Shortly before the time of the fatal  accident, Mrs. CORCORAN and the HALLETS, who were sitting on the porch of the  HALLETS cottage, saw a boat approaching. Thinking it might be Mr. CORCORAN, Mr. HALLETT and Mrs. CORCORAN went down to the dock to meet him.
When a few rods from the shore Mr. CORCORAN stood up and apparently was looking for a landing place when the boat tipped and he was thrown into the water. The night was very dark and although fond of fishing and boating he had never learned to swim.
Mr. HALLETT at once rowed out and found the boat and Mr. CORCORAN's hat, but was too late to find him. The water at the spot, even at the short distance from shore, is about thirty feet deep. A search for  the body was at once began and continued all night by several men, but it was  not found until 4 o'clock this morning.
John L. CORCORAN was the president of the CORCORAN Ovenshire Company, which does a large furniture and undertaking business, and  was regarded as a leader among the business men of the village. He was 44 years old, and leaves his wife, one daughter, Louise, and four brothers, James W. and  M. Francis, of Penn Yan; Joseph B., of Dansville, and William E., of Penn  Yan.

Penn Yan Democrat, Friday,  Oct 1,1915   pg 4    contributed by: Dianne Thomas

FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY - Fifty years ago on the27th of September 1865, Mr. James HOLLAND and Miss Catherine Matilda ANSLEY were united in marriage at the bride's home on the Pre-emption road north of Bellona, near the Billsboro school house. Since that time they have lived in that neighborhood and have made many friends and are highly esteemed by all who know them.  In remembrance of this occasional number of relatives and friends were invited to celebrate the day with Mr. and Mrs. HOLLAND at their home, near Bellona.  The guests gathered at about 3 40 o'clock, to the number of 85.  Among the number were 5 sons and daughters and eleven grandchildren.  A family group was photographed early in the afternoon.  Mr. and Mrs. HOLLAND received their guests in the parlor and a most friendly and cordial time was spent in offering congratulations and best wishes.  The wedding dinner was served by the sons and daughters, all of whom wore flowers and ribbons of golden hues.  The bride's table bore a handsome bouquet of fifty yellow roses arranged in a golden vase, the gift of the sons and daughters.  Seated with the bridal couple at the table were Mr. and Mrs. William BLACK.  Mrs. BLACK being the only one present who attended the wedding 50 years ago.  The daughters of Mr. and Mrs. HOLLAND all wore yellow girdles of silk in honor of the day.  The bride's cake, which had been prepared under the special supervision of Mrs. HOLLAND, was beautifully wrapped in small packages and fastened with yellow ribbon, and then borne at the close of the dinner to the guests by two of the grandchildren, Misses Marion HOLLAND and Louise BOND.  The guests were all requested to inscribe their names in a book especially prepared for the occasion. Addresses of congratulations were made and Mr. and Mrs. HOLLAND were presented with a purse of money as a remembrance of the day and best wishes of their many friends who attended the celebration. 

FOUR GENERATIONS OF THE MALLORY FAMILY - [a large picture of Bradley T. MALLORY, his son, Charles, his grandson, Roy B. and great grandson, James Bradley MALLORY] -   

MARRIED 50 YEARS - On Monday, September 27, 1915, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. MALLORY celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage with a family dinner at their home in Penn Yan. Four generations of the family were present.  The guests at dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Charles MALLORY, Mr. and Mrs. Karl MALLORY, Mr. and Mrs. Almon T. MALLORY and children, Frances, Helen and Hollis, of Benton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. MALLORY and son, James, of Glenora, and two friends who were present at the wedding 50years ago, Mrs. H. J. OWEN, of Keuka Park and Mrs. Sophia TINKER of Wayland.

No formal invitations were issued for the reception which was held from 4 to 6, and from 8to 10 pm. At the evening reception members of the Keuka Lodge, No. 149  I.O.O.F., in which Mr. MALLORY has been active for many years, attended in a body.  Mr. MALLORY has held the highest office in the gift of his fellow members in the Encampment branch of the order, having been grand patriarch of the State during the term of1910-11,  He has also represented the Yates Schuyler district as district deputy grand master. 

Mr. and Mrs. MALLORY were married in Naples, his father, Rev. A. C. MALLORY, performing the ceremony.  They lived in Benton until1893, since which time they have made their home in Penn Yan.  They enjoy good health and both are actively engaged in business, Mrs. MALLORY being the "office girl", in her husband's insurance office.  Mr. MALLORY is in his 71st year and Mrs. MALLORY is 68, their wedding anniversary having occurred on her 18thbirthday.  The Democrat unites with their many friends in extending congratulations.


PORTER- To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley PORTER, of Bellona, at the Hatmaker Hospital in Penn Yan, September 24, 1915, a daughter.  




GUIDER - In Potter, September 23, 1915, Mrs. Edith G. GUIDER, aged 63 years.  The funeral was held Saturday from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frederick BLODGETT, Rev. L. M. WESTRATE of the Congregational church, officiating.  The deceased was a daughter of Baxter GARDNER, an early settler in Potter.  Burial in Rushville cemetery.      [ceme lists her as Alida Edith G. Guider]


LINDSLEY - In Rushville, September 21, 1915, Mrs. Eunice LINDSLEY, aged 91 years.  She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel HUSTED, and was born in Greenwich, Conn., August 19,1824.  She had been a member of the Methodist Church, Rushville, for a great many years and was a charter member of the Rushville Auxiliary of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society.  She leaves one son, M. B. LINDSLEY of Canandaigua, and one sister, Mrs. O .L. JACKSON of Rushville.


LOCKWOOD - In Dundee, September 29, 1915, Samuel LOCKWOOD, aged 71 years.  He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank S. Van LIEW.  He was born in Barrington, in a log house on the Crystal Springs road, and had always lived in that neighborhood.  He leaves two daughters, Mrs. Van LIEW and Mrs. Roy KELLY, and a half sister, Miss Elizabeth KELS, all of Starkey.


MAHONEY - At her home near Rushville, Sept 25, 1915, Mrs. Roger MAHONEY, aged 72 years.  Besides her husband, she leaves a daughter, Mary, in Buffalo.  Burial in Canandaigua.


PARKER - At Lakemont, September 23, 1915, Mrs. Sarah J. PARKER, aged 75 years.  She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert E. INGOLDSBY, with whom she has been living for about one month.  Her maiden name was Sarah HARVEY, and she was born in the town of Thurston, Steuben county, March 3, 1840. Besides her daughter, she leaves two sisters, Mrs. Lorenzo ROBERTS of Avoca and Mrs. Esther PRENTISS of Cold Springs, near Hammondsport; a brother, Richard HARVEY of Williamsport, Pa.; and a half brother, Orrin TAYLOR in Pennsylvania.  Burial in Prattsburg. 


SCOTT - In Dresden, Sept 27, 1915, Mrs. John SCOTT, of Hall. She leaves her husband, three daughters and one sister.


SUTHERLAND - In Los Angles, Cal., September 23, 1915, Mrs. Fannie Thayer SUTHERLAND, aged 66 years.  She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wayland CHAPMAN.  The surviving members of the family are a brother, James A. THAYER, of Penn Yan; two daughters, Mrs. Wayland CHAPMAN and Mrs. Mary DENNELL, both of Los Angeles, Cal.; two sisters, Mrs. John B. HAAS, of Sunbury, Pa., and Miss Laura THAYER, of Penn Yan.  Burial at Topeka, Kansas. 

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