Yates Co. News Articles

for the Village of Penn Yan

1900 - 1909 


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Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser  Rochester,  NY,     Sat    Jan 2, 1900    contributed  by: G.Subyak

At the cake walk and colored ball held in A. O. H. Hall lastnight it was announced that the colored people of this section would celebrate
Emancipation day in a fitted manner on some date in August as yet undecidedupon, and that Gov. ODELL had officially promisedthat he would be present and deliver a speech on that occasion.

County Clerk READ reports the receipts of hisoffice for the month of December to have been $178.21.

Francis REILLY, the registrar of vital statisticsfor the village of Penn Yan, reports that during the year past there have beenfiled with himcertificates of 29 births, 51 marriages and 79 deaths. Probably less than aquarter of the births are reported.

RochesterDemocrat & Chronicle   Friday    pg4              May11 1900        contributed by:  Dianne Thomas



Death of Mrs.Hannah SIMPSON, From Some Cause Unknown - Mrs.Hannah Denham SIMPSON, widow of Matthew SIMPSON,died at Bellona yesterday, after a brief and painful illness.  She was atchurch last Sabbath.  Monday and since, she has suffered severe pain fromsome internal but obscure cause, which terminated in death.  An autopsywill be held today to ascertain the nature of her ailment.  For many yearsshe lived in Romulus, where her husband died.  She is survived by two daughters,Mrs. Herbert BEATTIE and MissSIMPSON, both of Bellona.  She was 64 years old and had long beenconnected with the Presbyterian church.  


Thefuneral services of Mrs. M. CHAMBERLIN, aged 82years, sister of the late Arthur M. and Jepptha EARL,were held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the last rights of Mrs.Peleg BRIGGS at 4 o'clock at Bellona.  


Dr.Frank SAMPSON, of Penn Yan, who had charge of the case of MissGREGORY, of the Salvation Army, whose temperature runs so high that theordinary clinical thermometers are inadequate to take the temperature, the factsof which case have been previously stated in the Democrat and Chronicle, hasreceived an offer from a manufacturing concern to make him gratis a specialthermometer of extra capacity, which offer he has accepted. 

Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser  Rochester, MonroeCo, NY,  July 10, 1900, Pg 2  contributed  by:  SylviaOlson

Death of Mrs. Marietta CRANE - TwoBicycle Accidents

PENN YAN, July 10. - The remains of Mrs. Marietta CRANE,a former resident of Penn Yan, who died at the home of her daughter in Chicago,were brought here for interment Sunday, the funeral being held yesterdayafternoon. The deceased leaves two children, Libbie,who lives in Chicago, and Arthur, residing inElmira.

On Sunday two bicycle accidents occurred in town, in both of which the escapesfrom injury were narrow. In the forenoon, while coming down a slight pitch onEast main street, at a good rate of speed, Gibb LYNN,a youngster living on Head street, took a header, landing on his face. His faceand head were so badly cut as to necessitate a visit to Dr. E.P.STUART, who found the bone on the nose slightly smashed, and theinside of both lips so badly torn as to require that the knife be used to removethe ribbons of flesh. LYNN was also bruised fromhead to foot. In the evening, when returning from the lake through Elm street, GeorgeBARBER was run into by a wagon, which threw him from his wheel, smashingit somewhat, and tearing off the handlebars. He was lucky enough to escape witha badly wrenched shoulder and bad bruises.

Rochester Democrat & Chronicle,   Rochester,Monroe, NY     Wednesday   Aug  1, 1900          by: GSubyak@aol.com

The case of William N. WISE, as trustee in bankruptcy ofRussell & Birkett, against Frances E. HOYT and others, has beenreferred to Hatley K.  ARMSTRONG, of Penn Yan, for trial. Thedefendants in this case number over seventy-five, and the action is broughtto determine the rights of  these defendants to certain grain and producedelivered to Russell &  Birkett prior to their adjudication asbankrupts, for which they had warehouse  receipts issued by the firm.
Only a small percentage of the grain and produce  represented by thesereceipts ever came into the possession of Trustee WISE, but  as suitwas brought
by one defendant for recovery of the goods, and similar suits were threatened byothers, the trustee brought the above action, the  complaint in which asksthe court to determine the rights of all defendants in  the matter, and todirect the plaintiff as to the disposition of such property.  The grain andproduce which did pass to WISE, as trustee, were sold pursuant to anorder of the bankruptcy court and the proceeds of the same have since been held by him.

Miss Mary NELSON, of Denmark, is visiting hersister, Mrs.Chris TOMPSEN, in Penn Yan. This is the first meeting of these sistersin twenty years.

Yesterday, before Police Justice BAKER, of Penn Yan, and a jury, was tried the case of the people against PearlDOUGLASS, who was arrested onthe charge of entering McCRACKEN's candy store on Sunday, July 22nd, and stealing therefromabout $3. The jury brought in a verdict of acquittal, and the lad was discharged.

Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, Monroe Co.,  Rochester, NY   Nov 24, 1900    contributed by  GSubyak@aol.com

Chief Hayden and Assistant District-Attorney Averill Question Him

Penn Yan, Nov. 23 - Chief HAYDEN and Assistant District Attorney AVERILL are inPenn Yan to-night investigating the KEATING murder case. The chiefarrived on the New York Central, after leaving Rochester, on the Lehigh Valleywhile Mr. AVERILL came on the Northern Central. 
The reason for their appearance in Penn Yan is that a suspicious character wasarrested this morning by Chief of Police EASTMAN. This person drifted into PennYan Thursday. He was "broke" and Thursday night, so he claims, sleptin one of the paper mills. This morning Chief EASTMAN, who had seen him theevening previous, kept a close watch on him. He went to the Northern Centralstation and evidently intended to jump a freight. On account of his appearanceand suspicious actions he was arrested.
When questioned by Chief EASTMAN he gave the name of Edward THYE and claimed hehad been robbed a few days ago on Front street in Rochester. He was placed injail. Chief HAYDEN was informed by telephone about the man and his reply was tohold him. This evening Chief HAYDEN, Assistant District Attorney AVERILL andChief EASTMAN went to the jail and THYE was questioned at considerable length.The man's right name is Michael DOYLE. He is a crook and has done time more thanonce. He goes under aliases of "Troy MICKEY," "Montana MICKEY," etc.
DOYLE reported to police headquarters in Rochester Monday last that he had beenrobbed on Front street of some money. He claims that that night he slept atDay's lodging house, on Tuesday walked to Victor and Tuesday night slept in ashed at that place, and from there came to Penn Yan. He claims that he can provethat he was in Victor Tuesday night by persons there, and if this is the case hehad no connection with the murder. The matter will be fully investigated beforeDOYLE is released.
Chief HAYDEN noticed that DOYLE had on a different suit of clothes to-night fromthose he wore when he called at police headquarters in Rochester. DOYLE saidthat he made the change at the Salvation Army lodging in Rochester. The clotheshe had on when arrested in Penn Yan were dark, and he wore a cap.
DOYLE is about 40 years of age, short and thick set. His face bears scratcheswhich were received since he was seen by the police authorities in Rochester.

CROWDS AT THE KEATING HOME  -  Such is the intense interest in the KEATING murder that last night between 500and 600 people, men, women and children, gathered about the KEATING homeat No. 171 University avenue. Lieutenant SHERMAN, of the third precinct, tooktwo officers to the house and dispersed the crowd about 10 o'clock.

March 1901      contributed byM.Kelley  [d: 2009]

Martin Stemple -  This well known and respectedcitizen died at the home of his son, Milton Stemple, Tuesday, March 12, 1901, ofthe infirmities of old age. Mr. Stemple had been in feeble health for severalyears, but for the last year had been confined to the house. He was born inWashington township, Carroll Co, January 6, 1822, on the old Stemple farm nowowned by James Tripp. Was one of a family of 11 children of whom four survive.,Jacob of Ada, Ohio, Levi of Wellington, O., Milton of Indianapolis, Ind., and Mrs. Barbara Dumbleton of Carrollton. He was married to Rebecca Harsh August 31,1848, to whom eight children were born, three of whom, with the widow, survivehim, viz: Mrs. Emma Robbinson of Ada, Ohio, Mrs. Carrie Shultz and MiltonStemple of this place. It was with the latter that he made his home. Was alifelong and consistent member of the Lutheran church. The funeral was heldThursday afternoon, his pastor, Rev. Arnholt, officiating.

Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, Monroe Co.,  Rochester, NY    Friday       Mar 15, 1901    contributed by  GSubyak@aol.com

Penn Yan Rejoicing Over Prospect ofThriving Shoe Plant At last the village of Penn Yan is to have a new enterprise. 

WAGNER Brothers are the promoters and will be the owners. They have secured thetwo-story building formerly used as a candy factory in the rear of the Lownblock, and will manufacture children's shoes. The building has been leased forone year, with the privilege of two, and the factory will begin operationshortly, by the first of April if possible, the machinery for the same havingbeen ordered, a large portion of which will come from Boston.
At first about twenty-five people will be employed, a majority of whom will begirls, and this number will be increased as the business warrants. The shoe tobe manufactured will be a dongola kid of sizes 5 to 11. The output will be about600 pairs a day at first, which number may be doubled in time. It is expectedthat one concern will handle nearly the entire output. The plant will costconsiderable money, as in the neighborhood of thirty-five machines will be usedin its operation in its infancy. The firm of WAGNER Brothers has built up alarge boot and shoe business in Penn Yan, and also owns a controlling interestin the CYGOLF shoe factory at Brockton, Mass. The members of the firm are G.Fred WAGENER and H. Allen WAGENER, the latter being at the present time thepresident of the village of Penn Yan.

Democrat & Chronicle,  Rochester,  NY Wednesday          April 3, 1901         contributed by:  Dianne Thomas

Edmond P. SMITH diedyesterday morning in the home of his son, J. K. SMITHin Honeoye Falls.  He was taken with the grip last January, and hand beenunable to leave the house, since. He was born in Redhook, December 22, 1822, hisbirthday being the same as the Queen Victoria.  Mr.SMITH was a man of strong character and more than ordinary ability, andwas highly honored by all who knew him.  The remains will be taken toBenton for burial Thursday.  

Penn Yan Democrat Friday     April 6, 1901   by:  Dianne Thomas


GORTON- BORDEN  - At West Italy, Wednesday, March 20, 1901, CharlesH. GORTON and Miss Rosa M. BORDEN.

LAMPHIER- NORTHRUP - In Rushville, Sunday, March 31, 1901, ClarenceA. LAMPHIER and Miss Laura NORTHRUP, ofItaly. 

NORRIS- BEST - At Rockstream, NY, Wednesday, March 20, 1901,Charles D. NORRIS of Sayre, PA, and Miss MargaretBEST of Dundee.

SMITH- CARROLL - At Troy, PA,, Monday, April 1, 1901,Mr. Charles H. SMITH and Miss Lelia G. CARROLL, both of Penn Yan.



WICKHAM- In Penn Yan, Sunday, March 31, 1901, L. P. WICKHAM, aged72 years.  [1880 census - Lionelof Milo, husb of Eliza GREEN] [1900 census -husb of Imogene, married 10y]

ELVIN- In Bellona, Monday, April 1, 1901, Thomas ELVIN,aged 86 years. 

MANLEY- In Penn Yan, Tuesday, April 2, 1901, Patrick MANLEY,aged 59 years.

BEDEN- In Penn Yan, Thursday, April 4, 1901, the infant son of Mr.and Mrs. Sheldon BEDEN .

WHALEN- In Jerusalem, Tuesday, April 2, 1901, Mrs. Mary WHALEN,aged 87 years. 

MORGAN- In Toronto, Canada, on Saturday, March 30, 1901, Mrs.Henry A. MORGAN, aged 55 years.  Interment in Dundee, Monday.



BELLONA-   On Monday, April 1st, ThomasELVIN, of this place, passed away.  He was born in England in 1815and came to this country in 1851.  Until 1887, he lived in Ontariocounty.  But in that year he purchased his late residence, where he hadsince lived. About 1844 he married Elizabeth CREASEY,who was his second wife.  She died four years ago, last November.  Hehad five children: Thomas and Julia, deceased;Mrs. John HOLLAND, Mrs. Oscar WANDELL and Charles,with the grandchildren, survive him.  


DRESDEN -On Tuesday of last week Mrs. Harry CASTNER, of thisplace, that was seriously ill nearly all winter, was taken to Dr. Lee's hospitalin Rochester, her condition being such, that she was carried upon her bed. Soon upon her arrival at that hospital an operation was performed, which shestood well.


MIDDLESEX- Jerry WILSON is suffering severely from a diseasecalled "shingles".



CROSBY-  Mrs. Ida SEAMANS is quite sick with lungtrouble.  Mrs. Mary CROSBY has had quite asevere attack of neuralgia and came very near having pneumonia also.  The MissesEva and Anna BULLOCK and Floyd LAMONT, arethe latest victims of measles.  


Ontario Co. Chronicle, Canandaigua,NY    October 30,1901                  by: Dianne Thomas

George H. LAPHAM, of Penn Yan, who standsindicted by the United States on the charge of embezzlement in connection withthe First National Bank of that place, whose president he was at the time of itsfailure, is again in Penn Yan and is circulating a petition for signaturesseeking to have the case against him dropped and not furtherprosecuted.  

Penn Yan Democrat  Friday, December 13,1901       by:  Dianne Thomas

MARRIAGESTURNER - RITCHIE   At Bellona, December 11, 1901, WillardW. TURNER and Miss Elizabeth R. RITCHIE

HOBART- GRIFFIN   In Penn Yan, November 8, 1901,Roy C. HOBART and Miss Stella GRIFFIN, ofPotter.

HAZARD- AMES    In Watkins, December 2, 1901, WilliamJ. HAZARD of Penn Yan and Miss Merea AMES of Watkins.

GRANT- DAVIE   In Geneva, December 3, 1901, JamesGRANT of Penn Yan and Miss Grace B. DAVIE ofGeneva.  

BIEHL- CAYWARD - In Orleans, November 27, 1901, EdwardW. BIEHL of Middlesex and Miss Nellie Irene CAYWARD,of Orleans.  


DEATHS:  ENOS - In Branchport, December 6, 1901,Albert ENOS, aged 69 years. 

SMITH- In Penn Yan, December 6, 1901, Harry SMITH,aged 35 years.

PRATT- In Dundee, December 8, 1901, Miss Susan J. PRATT,aged 67 years. 

HAMILTON- In Dundee, December 6, 1901, William HAMILTON,aged 15 years. 

Yates County Chronicle    Wednesday     April 16,1902             contributedby Cathy Coon


MCGUIRE - WALSH  - In Penn Yan, April 9, 1902, James McGuire and Miss EllaWalsh, both of Penn Yan. 

WHEELER - ELLIS  - In Penn Yan, April 9, 1902, James Robert Wheeler and MissEster Eveline Ellis, both of Penn Yan. 

JAYNE - PAYNE  -  InMilo, April 2, 1902, Fred L. Jayne, of Barrington,and Miss Eva Payne of Penn Yan.

SCHOJAN - BASSAGE -  At Canandaigua, Mar., 1902, Fred Schojan and MissMabel Bassage, of Penn Yan.



MC BLAINE  -  In Penn Yan, April 8, 1902, Mrs. Nancy McBlaine,aged 89 years.

BUSHNELL -  In Penn Yan, April 13, 1902, Mrs. F. B.Bushnell, aged84 years.

BUDD - In Penn Yan, April 14, 1902, Daniel Budd, aged 68years

Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser, Monroe Co.,  Rochester, NY     June 26, 1902  page 6          by PatMims

PENN YAN,  June 26  -  John MILLER died at his home in Branchport yesterday morningat an advanced age.  Mr. MILLER was one of the best known residents of thatsection, having until within a few years, when his physical condition becamesuch as to render it an impossibility, conducted the blacksmith shop there. His ailment was heart disease.  He is survived by a widow and a number ofchildren, among them Ex-Sheriff, J. Robert MILLER of this place.

Democrat & Chronicle,  Rochester,  NY   Tuesday    Dec 30, 1902              by: GSubyak@aol.com 

Fire in Store of Pearce & Huntley, Penn Yan, ThreatenedSerious  Damage
Fire was discovered in the basement of the Kelly block, on Jacob street, in PennYan Sunday night about 11:15, that threatened considerable  damage. Thestore is occupied by PEARCE & HUNTLEY, who conduct a general  hardwareand implement business. The building is owned by Charles KELLY, of Penn Yan.  An alarm was turned in, to which the entire  department quicklyresponded, to find the fire was in the basement of the store,  where it wasconfined.
Several streams of water were quickly turned on  the flames, which hadapparently started near the center of the place, in a  lot of boxes andwaste material.PIERCE & HUNTLEY were amply covered by  insurance. It is estimated thatthe damage done to the building will not be more  than $400. It is notknownwhether Mr. KELLY had any insurance on his  loss.

The following notes of issue have been filed with the County Clerk in Penn Yan,for trial at the January term of County Court to be convened in that villageon January 12th: The people of the state of New York vs. Benjamin RENO. Thisis an appeal from a judgment rendered before Justice BAKEN and a jury.Thecase is an argument by Judge KNOX, without a jury, John G. JOHNSON vs.the village of Penn Yan. This case will be tried before a jury. This isalso an appeal from justice's court.

Democrat & Chronicle,  Rochester,  NY   Tuesday    Apr 28, 1903              by: GSubyak@aol.com 

Every season there are one or more small launches added to the fleet already inservice upon the waters of Lake Keuka. The latest addition will be  madethis week, when the 25-foot gasoline launch recently purchased by George B. LOWN,of Penn Yan, will be placed in commission.

Ernest E. TITUS, secretary of the Board of Civil Service Examiners, ofPenn Yan, announces that he has received four applications for theclerk-carrier examination in that village on Saturday, May 9th.

Union & Advertiser   Rochester,Monroe, NY    Sat       Jan 2,1904           contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 


MRS. JOHN BRUSH -  Penn Yan, N. Y., Jan. 2 - Mrs. John BRUSH died ather home on Seneca street yesterday, after a long and painful illness withconsumption. She is survived by a husband and one child.
MRS. WILLIAM OLIVER  -   Penn Yan,N. Y., Jan. 2 - Mrs. William OLIVER, widow of thelate Dr. William OLIVER, died at her home on Mainstreet, Thursday evening, after a short illness, aged 78 years. Deceased issurvived by two daughters and one son, Dr. William A. OLIVER, all of this place.

HENRY SMALLEY  -  Penn Yan, N. Y., Jan. 2 - Henry SMALLEY died at hishome on Liberty street yesterday morning after an illness of several years withconsumption. He is survived by a widow, three daughters, Mrs.John J. McINERNEY, and Misses Lizzie and Maggie;and one son, George D. SMALLEY, all of this village.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester,  NY   Wed    Feb1, 1905     contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 

Penn Yan, Jan. 31 - The Lown Dry Goods Company held its annual meeting of stockholdersat the store of the company, last evening, and the following  directorswere elected: Cassius N. McFARREN, Seneca L. PRATT, Henry SHERWOOD, MonroeLOWN, W. Scott GENUNG, John H. COOK, and Edward G. HOPKINS, second. The following officers were chosen: President,Cassius N. McFARREN;vice-president, John H. COOK; secretary, Seneca L.PRATT;treasurer, Edward G. HOPKINS, second.  A dividend of seven-per cent was declared upon the common stock,and six per  cent on the preferred stock of the company.

Post StandardSyracuse, NY  Friday Morning   March 17, 1905   contributed by:Dianne Thomas



JohnA. BAILEY Found After A Search for 30 Hours - Probably Died ofExposure  

Penn Yan- Mar 16 - John A. BAILEY  left home about 2 o'clock yesterdaymorning. and wandered through the fields in the deep snow while mentallyderanged.  After a search of more than 30 hours, his body was found about 2miles from home, partly undressed and lying in a running stream of water. He is supposed to have died from exposure.  Coroner COX is holdingan inquest.   Mr. BAILEY was a Civil War Veteran and issurvived by a wife and three children.  

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester,  NY   Wed    July 25,1906      contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 


Penn Yan, July 24 - Some interesting  details in regard to the mysteriousdisappearance of a trunk on May 1, 1905,  have come to light, and one manhasbeen held for the Grand Jury and indictment  will be made against another,whose present whereabouts are unknown, as a result  of the disclosures. On May 1st of  last year Jerry WILSON was moving from the vicinityof Rumpus Hill to Atlanta,  Steuben county where he now lives, conveyinghiseffects in a hay rigging. -- On  the wagon was a trunk, containing bankbooks of Rochester banks, showing  deposits of $1,800, bonds and mortgagesaggregating$2,000, and promissory notes  and other securities, the whole amounting toabout $5,000, besides clothing,  army discharge papers, pension papers,etc.
Stopping that night at a farmhouse  on the way, WILSON missed thetrunk, and although a thorough search was made,  all efforts to obtain anyclew to it werewithout avail. Up to a short  time ago there lived in the neighborhood of Rumpus Hill aman named William KARNES, whose wife and he recently separated. In atenanthouse on the KARNES  farm lived Ernest FRIBOLIN. A few daysago Mrs. KARNES came to Penn Yan and gave  information to theauthorities to the effect that her husband and FRIBOLIN had  foundthe trunk and had brought it home, and that they had burned all papers useless to them.
Parts of the  trunk that did not burn were buried, she says, in a nearbygully. A search  warrant was issued, and clothing and other articles Mrs.KARNES says were in the  trunk were found in the house occupied byFRIBOLIN. FRIBOLIN waived examination  when arraigned beforeJustice BAKER.Bail was fixedat $1,000, and the bond was  signed by Taylor KARNES.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe,NY    Wed     Aug 22,1906      contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 

One of the Features on the Programme at Penn Yan   

Penn Yan, Aug. 21 -- One feature of the county fair which willeasily gain much interest is the baby show, to be held on Wednesday, the secondday, at2 o'clock. The "best and handsomest baby under two years old" will wina baby carriage, and the second prize will be a baby's cloak.

The babies will be exhibited in a tent erected for the purpose.Another feature will be two spelling matches, one between girls under 51 and onebetween boys of the same age. The contest will be held on Friday at 11:00 A. M.

The present officers of the society are President, CalvinJ. HUSON; vice-president, H. B. HARPENDING;secretary, John E. WATKINS; treasurer, George H. RENER. The board of managers is made up of T. W. WINDNAGLE, ofBarrington; F.E. SPENCER, Benton; A.T. ANGEEL, Italy; James H. PEPPER,Jerusalem; Peter H.VOORHES, Middlesex; Howard SULLAGER, Milo; G. L.WHEELER, Potter; Philip ROOF, Starkey; Frank KIPP,Torrey.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, Monroe,NY    Thurs    Aug 23,1906      contributed by: GSubyak@aol.com 


Spoke at Keuka Park Before Young Ladies
Penn Yan, Aug. 22 - Tuesday evening's session at the Y. W. C. T. U. encampmentat Keuka Park consisted of a lecture by Rev. C. H. MEADE, ofNew York,who presented the temperance question from the standpoint of a Prohibitionist,taking for his subject "Wanted -- A Man." In introducing him, Mrs.EffieLAMBERT, the "Y" secretary, suggested that she thought thesubject might be of special interest to the young ladies of the encampment, Dr.MEADE was both witty and eloquent.
Mr. and Mrs. SUTPHEN, of Keuka Park, added not alittle to the enjoyment of the evening by their rendering of several songs,"O, Song of the Jubilee, "The Old. Old Bell" and "BeautifulCity of Love." In the latter they were assisted by Dr. MEADE, the author ofthe verses, which were written in memory of his mother.
Dr. FRY was present to meet his class in Bible study. He occupied his hour byexplaining the origin and scope of the Septuagent and Talmud.     The school of methods met down by the lake this forenoon, the weather being sooppressive, and this innovation proved pleasing to all. The following committeeon athletics was elected to serve during the coming year: WilliamB. CHURCH, of South Glen's Falls; Mrs. Cora LASHER,of Canandaigua O. O. A., and Miss Helen SMITH, ofPenn Yan. They are to act as custodians of the athletic apparatus and are toplan for further sports. It was also decided to ask the state officers forpermission to hold another encampment next year at the same place.

Penn Yan, Aug. 22 - Mrs. Artie CARPENTER, aged 75years, died late yesterday afternoon as the result of injuries she received in afall down a cellar stairs Monday night. The injuries proved to be more seriousthan they were thought to be at first, and yesterday it developed that her skullhad been fractured by the fall, aside from the minor injuries. Mrs.CARPENTER is survived by one son, John, and two daughters, Mrs.Harry WILLOUGHBY and Mrs. David CAREY all of this village.

MISS JESSIE CRAMER Penn Yan, Aug. 22 - Intelligence has been received here of the death in Buffaloa few days ago of Miss Jessie CRAMER, aged 19years, daughter of Robert CRAMER, formerly of thisvillage, and a brother of John B. CRAMER. Her deathwas due to pneumonia.

Unknown Newspaper    Nov1906                      contributed by Cathy Coon

Obituary -  Mrs. Phoebe A. Lamphier

Mrs. John A. Lamphier, of Penn Yan,died Thursday night, 8th inst., of heart exhaustion, at the residenceof her daughter, Mrs. Edward Handy, in this place.She had been sick about a year with heart trouble. She was 62 years of age June14th, and is survived by her husband, her daughter, and a grandson,Ellis Kennedy, about fifteen years old. Her funeral, Sunday, was in themorning, at Mrs. Handy�s residence, where therewas a brief service by Rev. J. Still, and at ItalyHill M. E. Church in the afternoon, Rev. Z. A. Space,of Keuka Park, a neighbor for years of the deceased, preached the sermon, and Rev.Mr. Wilson, pastor, offered prayer. The deceased was beloved by all whoknew her and, not withstanding the snow storm, a large congregation attended herobsequies. Interment was at Italy Hill. The undertaker was R.M. Kennedy, of Geneva, who escorted the mourners from Dresden. Mrs.George Denison, deceased�s niece, her sons, William and Rufus, anddaughter, Mrs. Emma Hill, and daughter-in-law Mrs.Rufus Denison, all from Dundee�(the remainder of funeral attendees areillegible on my copy.) (Hand dated Nov. 1906.) ( Her entire name was Phoebe Ann Ellis Lamphier.)

Democrat & Chronicle,   Rochester, Monroe, N. Y.     Nov12, 1906           by: GSubyak@aol.com 

WILLARD J. RANSOM -  Penn Yan, Nov. 11 - Willard J. RANSOM died at his homeon Hamilton street, yesterday, aged about 65 years. He was a veteran of theCivil War. He is survived by a sister in Little Falls, N. Y., and anotherin Washington, D. C.,  and a brother in Little Falls. The body will betaken to the latter place.

1907 - The title of the Newspaper is missing.                    contributed by Barbara Ekiss 

Royal G. Kinner  -  Diedof pneumonia, in a sanitarium in South San Francisco, March 11, 1907, Royal G.Kinner, in the 34 year of his age.

This death recalls to the oldest residents of Penn Yan andYates county memories of early local history. Among those who settled here at least eighty years ago was Joseph Jones universally known as �Quaker� Jones. Hewas a surveyor and many of the oldest recorded deeds contain the description oflines which were run out by this old surveyor whom everybody respected. His honest and reliability were universally recognized.  

His son, Richard M. Jones, was in business in Penn Yan atthe commencement of the Civil War, and although too old to be drafted, heenlisted and died in an army hospital in Virginia and was buried there. One of his sons, Joseph, was one of the best and brightest young men whoever grew up in Penn Yan.  Unaided, he worked his way through college, having preparedalmost entirely by private study, graduating from Genesee College in 1864, asthe valedictorian of his class.  Hedied at the age of 35 while editing the Ilion Citizen, having formerly beenassociated with A. O. Bunnell in publishing the Dansville Advertiser. So highly respected was he that Memorial services were held in Ilion,Penn Yan and Dansville.

A sister, Mrs. Augusta M. JonesKinner, the mother of thesubject of this sketch, survives.  Thefather Royal G. Kinner Sr, who died seven years ago, was also a veteran of theCivil War and the son of George B. Kinner, of the firm of Stanford & Kinner,one of the leading business houses of Penn Yan fifty years ago.

The son, Royal G. was educated in the schools of Torrey andthe Penn Yan Academy.  He commenceda training course in Willard State Hospital which he completed in the BuffaloState Hospital, graduating as a trained nurse, making a specialty of nervousdiseases.  All this time he wasbattling with asthma, which often incapacitated him for work. Hoping to find amore congenial climate, he enlisted in the hospital corps of the regular armyand went with his company in their raids in the mountains of Luzon as nurse anddispenser of medicine, when in camp often taking the place of physician,administering to the natives as well as the soldiers.  On account of ill health he was returned to the States andcompleted the last three months of his enlistment in the hospital in thePresidio in San Francisco.  Soonafter reaching home he returned to California on account of his ill health. The climate there gave him comparative freedom from the asthma and he wasquite hopeful of recovery.  Duringthe great earthquake he was seriously injured and narrowly escaped death. At the age of eleven Royal was converted and united with the Methodistchurch in Dresden and during all the years of wandering, seeking health, and inthe army he ever maintained a consistent Christian life and died in fullassurance of Heaven, through Christ whom he early learned to love.

A brother, George B., was accidentally killed while astudent in the Albany Medical College in 1904. The survivors besides his mother are: Mrs. J. M.Payne, Ovid; William R.,Dresden; S. Russell, Bath; Mrs. L. D.York, Eastport, N.Y.; AugustaB., astudent in Syracuse University.  Themother, Mrs. Augusta J., has thus had repeated almost crushing bereavements, yetshe is sustained by a firm Christian faith.      A Friend.

Penn Yan Democrat, Friday     July 19,1907            by: Dianne Thomas

GORHAM-  Death Came to Gorham Man, While in Hammock - The death of Richard BOYCE occurred at his home onSouth street in this village Thursday morning, of last week while lying in ahammock, consumption being the cause.  Mr. BOYCEfor many years lived upon a farm about 2 1/2 miles south of the village, butlast spring, owing to his feeble condition, he moved with his family to thevillage, leaving his son upon the farm.  He leaves a widow, threedaughters, Mrs. Fred CROSS of Stanley,Mrs. Isaac SECOR and Miss Lillian BOYCE andone son, Clarence, all of Gorham.  The funeralwas held from the house Saturday at 2 o'clock, Rev. A. H.KNIGHT, of the Baptist church officiating.  Burial in GorhamCemetery. 




Penn Yan Democrat         July 31,1908    contributed by M. Kelley [d. 2009]

Thomas Robeson/Robinson

Died at his home near Rossberg, Allegany County, NY, June23,1908 of cancer of the stomach. He was born Oct 21, 1833,son of Abram and AnnaRobinson. On 11/4/1860 he married AugustaOakley and had one son, Miles, who waskilled in a railroad wreck. Mrs. Robeson died 3/9/1866, of consumption. Hemarried for his second wife, Philana Bentley 1/1/1868 and had six children,Mary, Cynthia, Bertha, Charles, Pheobe and James. He is survived by his wife andthree children. For many years he resided in Potter, NY and was well known andrespected by all. About 22 years since he removed to Allegany County, where heresided until his death. He was a great sufferer for many months but wascheerful and patient until the last and was conscious that his end was near. Hisfuneral service were held on Thursday,June 21.

Democrat & Chronicle,   Rochester, Monroe, N. Y.    Tues  Feb 23, 1909          by: GSubyak@aol.com 

Penn Yan, Feb. 22 - Theodore FOSTER, of Middlesex, was arrested this afternoon,charged with a violation of the excise law. District-Attorney LINCOLN went to Middlesex, andFOSTER gave bail for a later appearance. Thecomplaint was made by Middlesex officers. FOSTER came here andconsulted an attorney before he was arrested.

Penn Yan Democrat, Friday, July 2,1909      contributed by: Dianne Thomas









TAKEN TO WILLARD - JosephMC CARTHY, a resident of the town of Starkey all his life, was taken tothe Willard State hospital last week, he having been adjudged insane.  Anexciting time was had by the hospital attendants and some of the villageofficers when they tried to secure him at his home, north of Dundee.  Forseveral years, he has resided alone and was in a frightful condition when takenaway.  

Penn Yan Democrat, Friday, July 16,1909      contributed by: Dianne Thomas

Bellona Woman Stricken - Mrs.HARFORD, wife of James HARFORD, of Bellona,died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George HOLTBY,in Geneva, Saturday, July 10, 1909.  Mr. and Mrs.HARFORD had been at Atlantic City since last October.  On their wayhome, they had stopped at Geneva, arriving there June 25th.  On July 5th, Mrs.HARFORD was stricken with paralysis, from which she never rallied.  Mrs.HARFORD leaves her husband and nine children: MissAlice HARFORD of Atlantic City; Mrs. H. N. FULTONof Camden, NJ; Mrs. F. H. ALEXANDER of Wilmington,DE; Mrs. F. R. GATES of New York; Mrs.Thomas STEVELY of Clifton Springs; Mrs. GeorgeHOLTBY and J. HARFORD of Geneva; Clarence,of Schenectady and R. Everand HARFORD of Auburn,Me. 

Yates County Chronicle     Wednesday     August 18, 1909                   contributed by Cathy Coon  


Captain L. M. Coe, who wasborn in Penn Yan November 14, 1828, died recently in Cleveland, O., which cityhas been his home since 1863. Captain Coe was a prominent business man, at thetime of his death, being a trustee of the Society for Savings, a member of theadvisory board of the Citizens Savings and Trust Company, a member of theCleveland Chamber of Commerce, and a director of the Lehigh Valley RailroadCompany. At one time he was financially interested in steamers on the GreatLakes. He was also president of the Cleveland City Forge & Iron Company whenhe died, which business he founded in 1864.

Penn Yan Democrat,    Friday    September 10, 1909      contributed by:Dianne Thomas


Charles A. HARFORDdied about 11 o'clock a.m, Wednesday, September 1, 1909, at the home of EdwardC. NUTT, from the effects of a recent severe fall.  He was 63 yearsold.  He is survived by two brothers, Henry and James,and a nephew all of Bellona, and by Mr. and Mrs. BATESof Benton Center.  His funeral was Friday from the home ofE. C. NUTT, where his pastor, Rev. T. MaxwellMORRISON offered prayer, and the Memorial Presbyterian Church, Bellona,of which he was a member, Rev. MORRISONofficiating, assisted by Rev. C. K. BULL of Bellonaand Rev. J. STILL, of Dresden.  He was buriedwith the rites of the Masonic Order, by Seneca Lake Lodge No. 308, of which hewas a faithful member.

Frederick KITTERER,of Hopeton, town of Torrey, died about 2:30 a.m., Thursday, September 2, 1909,on the KEARNEY place, now belonging toH. O. HOOD, where he had been living as a bachelor with his maidensister, Sarah.  He had been ailing more orless all summer, but finally succumbed  to Bright's disease.  He was73 years old.  He is survived by 3 sisters, MissSarah KITTENGER, aged 75, Mrs. Dorothy DOWNING,aged 70, with her two sons, George of Dundee, NYand Charles of Renova, Pa.; and three daughters, Mrs.William BENHAM of Dresden; Mrs. BAIN ofGorham; Mrs. W. D. SLEEPER, of Watkins; and by Mrs.SATTLER, aged 78, with her three sons and a daughter, Mrs.LEDGERWOOD of Hall's Corners. The funeral was Sunday at his lateresidence, where Rev. J. STILL offered prayer, andin the German Lutheran Church in Potter, of which he was a member and where thepastor, Rev. Mr. RISING, officiated.  HE wasburied in Shuman Hollow cemetery.  He was a faithful member of Seneca LakeLodge , F. & A.M., and their ritual was used at the grave. Dinner was servedin one of the original log houses, in which the family lived when they came fromGermany, and which has ever since, been occupied by some of thefamily.  


E. F. PARKS, who isa station agent at Himrod junction, has moved his family from Horseheadshere.  His daughter, Emma, is attendingBusiness school in Elmira. 

Mrs. Peter COON isvisiting her daughter in Dundee for a short time.  

Hans HANSEN sold alarge flock of sheep last week to parties in Watkins.  

Erwin McINTYRE, oneof the operators at the junction, while cutting a wire his knife slipped and inflicteda deep gash in his cheek. 

Mrs. Jennie HARE andMrs. Frances HILDRETH, of Norfolk, Virginia, areguests of Stephen WATKINS and family.

Albeck DENSE andfamily have gone to Newark, NY, where they will reside.  The house occupiedby Mr. DENSE, was recently burned, including theirhousehold furniture and wearing apparel.  Fortunately,Mr. DENSE was insured in the Tompkins County Insurance Co., and waspromptly paid the full insurance.  

Miss Lucinda M. BAKERdoes not improve in health and her friends are much concerned with hercondition. 

Mrs. Eliza H. BAKER,of Penn Yan, was the Monday guest of her nieces, theMisses BAKER

Mrs. O'KANE recentlyentertained her daughters, and their families,  Mrs.James BLAKE and son, Leo, of Elmira, and Mrs.Frank STEVENS and family, of Milo Mills. 

Miss Lizzie O' KANE,visited in Rochester last week.

Mrs. Harry KILLIGREW,of Rochester, has returned home. 

John POWERS, who hasa badly broken arm,  is now able to be on our streets.

Mrs. Frank ALLISONand Mrs. Jane BROWN, of Lodi, are guests of theMisses POST.


Rev. E. E. CARTWRIGHT,a former pastor of the Free Will Baptist Church at Potter, died at the home ofhis daughter, Mrs. Howard RECTOR, Thursdayafternoon, September 2nd, at 2 o'clock, after a lingering illness of dropsey. The deceased was born in Albany county, NY in 1850, being the youngest of 8children born to Constant and Lavilla CARTWRIGHT.In 1870 he married Eleanor PARKES.  He wasordained to the ministry in 1880, his first charge being at Potter, where heremained for 5 years.  The present church was built during Mr.CARTWRIGHT'S pastorate in Potter. During his various pastorates, he wasinstrumental in building five churches.  From Potter he went to Fabius,NY.  Other charges were: Dale, NY; Elmira, NY; Bellevernon, Pa.; Spencer,O., where he was elected president of the State Baptist Assoc. of Ohio;Pierceton, Ind., where he was elected President of the Baptist association ofthe state of Indiana. While at Pierceton, Ind., Mrs.CARTWRIGHT died, and Mr. CARTWRIGHT remainedbut one year, preaching at Brookston, Ind., when his health failed and he wasobligated to come east.  He had lived for the past year with his daughter, Mrs.Howard RECTOR.  The funeral services were held from the residence,Friday, September 3d, at 4 o'clock, Rev. Z.A. SPACE, Keuka Park, NY, former president of Keuka College, officiated.  OnSaturday the remains were taken to Birdsall, Alleghaney county, for interment inthe family lot.  Mr. CARTWRIGHT leaves hisdaughter, Ella Cartwright RECTOR, of Rushville; one sister Mrs.George MERRITT of Leroy, Mich., and two brothers, AaronCARTWRIGHT of Olean, NY and Jerome CARTWRIGHTof Washington, D.C.


Mr. and Mrs. John BABCOCKand daughter, visited at Martin BABCOCK'S, nearBeaver Dam, Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles CASEand children, visited at the home of John DEWITT,of Bluff Point, from Friday until Sunday.  

Mrs. Laura RUSSELL,of Rochester, spent last week with relatives here.


The death of James BOWERMAN,a veteran of the Civil War,  occurredat the home of his son in law, Joseph WILCOX, nearGorham, Monday morning, August 30, 1909, after a lingering illness of Bright'sdisease.  The deceased was 78 years of age, and was born in England. Hecame to this country when 15 years old.  When about 26 years old, hemarried Johana SULLIVAN, who was born in Ireland,and also came to this country at the age of 15 years old.  To the time ofher death which occurred 7 years ago, they lived in this vicinity, for 35 yearson the place they owned, two miles south of this village.  The deceasedleaves 3 children.  Richard & James BOWERMAN andMrs. Mary WILCOX, all of Gorham.[14th Heavy Art, Batt B - Civil War Soldier]


The marriage of Miss M.Elizabeth ROSE, of Bluff Point, NY, and John H.ZIMMERMAN of Bradford, NY, was solemnized at St. Luke's Church,Branchport, Wednesday, September 1, 1909, at 12 o'clock noon by Rev.J. Howard PERKINS.  The church was prettily decorated with flowersand vines.  The wedding was a quiet affair, being witnessed by only theimmediate relatives.  The bride's gown was white messeline satin and crepede chene, hand embroidered.  She wore a white picture hat.  Her goingaway gown was a tailored suit of Taup, with hat to match.  The groom wasunattended and the bride was accompanied to the alter by her father, Luncheonwas served at the home of the bride's parents at Bluff Point, immediately on thereturn of the bridal party.  The bride's table was tastefullydecorated  with pink and white asters and roses and smilax. In theafternoon, Mr. and Mrs. ZIMMERMAN, left for awedding trip, starting on the first part of it, in the A.M. Taylor's automobileto the regret of their many friends who had gathered in Penn Yan to assist intheir departure.  They will be at home in Bradford, NY, after September15th. 


T. D. BEEKMAN, Mr. and Mrs.L. B. EARNEST and Miss Josephine BEEKMAN,took an auto trip to Buffalo, Monday, where Mr. BEEKMANgoes to the Alden Sanitarium for the benefit of his health. 

Mrs. George B. RICHARDSON,of Carl Junction, Mo., and her little son, Kenneth,are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ithel McLEOD,and her sister, Mrs. Elmer H. PADDOCK. She willremain a month before returning home in the west.  Her husband is now astate evangelist in Mo. 

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