Yates County, New York

Early Settlers for the Town of Milo

Fromthe History of Yates County, NY

published1892, by L.C. Aldrich

pgs.274 - 285


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Benajah and Joshua ANDREWSwere pioneers in the Friend�s settlement. The former was an early school teacher and the latter was a merchant. Benajah died during young manhood.  Joshuamarried in 1792, Mary, daughter of Thomas Lee Sr.  Their children: Jeremiah B., Elizabeth, Sarah and Maria. 

John ARMSTONG settled on lot12, on land purchased by his father in 1793. His wife was Sarah EMBREE whom he married in 1822, and by whom he had twochildren, Mary Ann and Henry.  Theformer was born in 1823 and died in 1858.  Henrywas born in 1824, married first Adaline HUNT, by whom he had three children:Charles H., Marion, and John.  Hissecond wife was Mercy J. BRIGGS.  Theyoungest son, John, now lives on the old farm. He married Lucy, daughter of John SHEPPARD and has one child. 

William W. ASPELL and familysettled near Milo Center in 1816.  Hewas born in Ireland.  His children,by a second marriage, however, were David B., Mary A., and Elizabeth S. 

Charles and Catharine(SMITH) BABCOCK were natives of Connecticut and New York, respectively, andbecame residents of Milo in 1816, settling on lot 45. Both died in 1829.  Theirchildren were Job, Eunice, Abiram and Stephen.

Gilbert BAKER became asettler on lot 8 in Milo, in 1811.  Hiswife was Margaret CONNER, by whom he had children, viz.: John C., Samantha,Jane, Darius, Lucinda, Eliza, Jonathan G., Cynthia and Gilbert D. 

Thomas BAXTER was born atKinderhook, NY, in 1776 and his wife Lavina (BENJAMIN) BAXTER, was born tenyears later. They lived for many years in Seneca County, but in 1839 moved toMilo, locating on lot 29.  He diedin 1864.  Their children were Mahala, William, Elizabeth, Isaac, Phebe,Caroline, and Gilbert. 

Aaron BAYARD and his familywere pioneers of Benton, having settled in that town in 1798. Their children were Joshua and Benedict. The former married Martha BLAKE and moved in 1811 to Milo, locating onlot 72.  Their children were Allen,Samantha, Martha Ann, Emeline, Marietta, Franklin, Calista, Serepta and John B. 

Thomas BENNETT and Charity(HEDGES) BENNETT, his wife, became settlers on lot 29 in 1812. After clearing and improving a farm, Mr. BENNETT moved his family toStarkey.  Their children were DavidJ., Polly, Elizabeth, Jerusha, Abraham H., Esther, Thomas, Sally, Samuel, Nancy,Stephen, Mehitable, Sophia and Charity. 

Lewis BIRDSELL settled onlot 18, in 11792.  He contractedwith Enoch MALIN to build the first dam, flume and sawmill at the foot of Mainstreet in Penn Yan, for a consideration equivalent to fifty-five pounds. Shortly afterward Mr. BIRDSELL sold the property to David WAGENER andmoved to Seneca County.  

John and Peleg BRIGGS werepioneer settlers on the location where is now the hamlet called Milo Center. They were followers of the Friend.  Thechildren of John and Elizabeth (BAILEY) BRIGGS were John Jr., David, Ruth, Annand Esther.  The BRIGGS family cameto this locality from North Kingston, Rhode Island.  

Peter H. BROWN settled inthe town in 1816. 

Amzi BRUEN, the ancestor ofthe BRUEN families now living in Milo, was born in New Jersey in 1799. His wife was Catharine HALL, daughter of John A. HALL. The children of Amzi and Catharine BRUEN were John H., George, Sarah A.,Horace R., Eveline H., Austin H., and Augustus. 

John BUXTON was born inYorkshire, England, August 5, 1764 and came to this country and to Milo, in1800, his family at that time consisted only of himself and his wife. Their children were Catharine, John, Thomas, Bridget and Mary Ann. John BUXTON Jr., married Lois LORD of Sharon, Conn., by whom he had threechildren, John J., Lois Lavina, and William W. 

In 1801 John CAPELL, then aresident of Middlesex, Mass., married Sally BLOOD and immediately afterwardscame to Yates County and to Milo, where he worked his trade, that of millwright.  He eventually moved to a farm just out of Penn Yan. The children of John and Sally CAPELL were Harriet, Columbus, John, ElizaAnn and Mary Ann (twins), Daniel, Racelia, Henry, William P., Emily and ThomasA. 

Another of the pioneers ofMilo was Stephen CARD, whose settlement dates back to 1788. Both he and his wife, Hannah, were natives of Rhode Island.  Stephen CARD and John REYNOLDS cleared the land and sowed thefirst wheat west of Seneca Lake.  Mr.CARD first settled near City Hill, but afterward moved to a farm near Himrod. The children of Stephen and Hannah CARD were John and Sarah CARD.  

Samuel CASTNER was a pioneerof Milo.  His wife was MaryMagdalene, daughter of David WAGENER.  Theirchildren were Rebecca, Mary Ann, Rachel W., Ann M., Rachel W., Ann M., Elizabethand Susan S. 

Augustus CHIDSEY, native ofConnecticut, became a resident of Milo in 1817, setting on lot 17. His wife was Anna RATHBUN, by whom he had five children: Freelove,Augustus C., Sarah, Samuel B. and Joseph.  Hissecond wife was Sarah BIDLACK, who bore him three children, Frank, Anna andAmbrose. 

Libbeus and Comfort (BOOTH)CLEVELAND were natives of Vermont, but became residents of Milo in 1811. The were the parents of four children: Hannah, Naomi, Stephen H., andHarriet.  Comfort CLEVELAND died in1831 and in 1839, Libbeus married Lavina ONDERDONK. 

John CORNER and his familycame here in 1812.  

Dr. William CORNWELL came toPenn Yan about the year 1809.  Hewas an educated physician, and in connection with his practice taught school fora time.  He also studied law and wasadmitted to practice.  He marriedSarah CHIDSEY, of an old and respected family of Milo, by whom he had tenchildren: John, Achsa Ann, Emily, William Augustus, Henry Baldwin, Elizabeth,Samuel, Caroline, George Rathbun and Frances Helen. 

Peter EASTMAN and Sarah, hiswife, located on the �Pine Tract� in Milo in 1818.  They afterward moved to Seneca County, Ohio. Their children were John W., Daniel W., Polly, James T., Peter O., MosesW., William W., Henry M. and Charles L. 

John and Solomon FINCH,brothers, with their families settled on Seneca Lake in 1808. John moved from this town to Michigan. Solomon married Sally RANDOLPH, by whom he had eleven children, viz.:Azariah, Nathaniel, David, Solomon, John R., Betsey, Keziah, Catharine A.,Caroline, Jeffrey and Lewis.  Thesecond wife of Solomon FINCH was Phylura MARKHAM. 

George and Hannah (DAVIDS)FITZWATER, husband and wife, came to Milo from Pennsylvania in 1799. Their children were John, Sarah, George, Hannah and Thomas (twins) andRachel. 

Among the forty or morepioneers from Pennsylvania, who with their families settled near Himrods, wasMalachi DAVIS and his family.  Hiswife was Catharine GILKERSON and the children who came to this town wereJonathan, Samuel, Rachel, Jesse, John, Malachi and Nathaniel. 

Jacob FREDENBERG is said tohave been a setter in Mil of earlier date that the Friends. He was a refugee from Massachusetts, having fled the State during thefamous Shay�s rebellion, and took up his abode with his wife and children onJacob�s Brook, in the north part of Milo as afterward organized.  He is said to have come here in 1787.  The Senecas permitted the settlement but restricted hisliberties. 

Mary GARDNER, the wife ofGeorge GARDNER, formerly of Rhode Island, became one of the early settlers inthe Friends colony.  Her husbandremained in the East, and she and her children, Dorcas, Abner and George came tothe Genesee county, locating first near the Friend�s home, but later moved toMilo.  Dorcas GARDNER marriedEleazer INGRAHAM Jr., and had seven children: John, Abigail, Mary, George,Rhoda, Rachel and Nancy.  AbnerGARDNER married Mary CHAMPLIN, and had these children: Mary, George W., RowlandJ. and Abner.  Abner Sr., died in 1860 and his wife two years earlier.  

George GOUNDRY and his wifeElizabeth (HESLOP) GOUNDRY, were both of English birth. In 1798 they came to America and to Geneva. George was employed to look after the Hopeton mill, which brought him tothis country.  In 1802 he bought afarm on the Garter.  The children ofGeorge and Elizabeth GOUNDRY were Thomas, Elizabeth, Catharine, George, Ann,Julia A., Matthew, and Cornelius. 

Jonathan J. HAZARD andPatience his wife, and their family became residents of Milo during the earlyyears of this century.  Theirchildren were:  Jonathan J., GriffinB., Joseph H., Thomas, Susanna, and Abigail. 

Richard HENDERSON was bornin Ireland, March 17, 1767, and died January 23, 1850.  His wife, Anna WAGENER, was born September 10, 1777 and died November 13,1864.  Their children: Samuel, bornMarch 5, 1797, married Harriet ARNOT and died April 12, 1834; David, bornDecember 25, 1798, married December 9, 1819, died February 18, 1883; Maria, bornAugust 11, 1800, married Samuel GILLETTE, May 9, 1820 and died April 6, 1886;Mary, born March 16, 1803, married Johnson A. NICHOLS, died April 16, 1889;Rebecca, born November 8, 1805, married George NICHOLS first and afterwardsNehemiah RAPLEE, lives at Bath; Elizabeth born January 14, 1809, married CalebJ. LEGG, lives in Torrey; Richard, born January 15, 1810, died May 15, 1864;Anna B., born July 11, 1812, married Barnum MALLORY, lives in Illinois; Jane,born June 1, 1814, married Smith L. Mallory, lives west; Harriet, born November17, 1816, married Louis MILLARED, lives in Dundee; James W., born March 19, 1819, married Martha A. DRAKE and lives at Milo Center;Rachel, born July 9, 1821, married James C. LONGWELL, lives at Penn Yan. Children of Richard and Rosalinda HENDERSON: Samuel S., born October 9,1836; Charles, born February 27, 1838, died May 28, 1872; Marvin and Marsden,born April 2, 1842; James A., born October 6, 1845. Richard HENDERSON, the pioneer, settled between Milo Center and Himrodsabout the year 1795. 

Thomas HOLLOWELL was thehead of a pioneer family in Milo, which family consisted of his wife and threechildren, William, Joseph and Thomas.  Williamwas born in 1774 and married Hannah HUNT.  Joseph,born in 1776, married Eleanor SMITH of Milo, who bore him ten children: Mary,Thomas, Joseph, Hannah, Ann, Martha, William, John B., James and George. 

Adam HUNT and Mary, hiswife, were natives of Rhode Island, and came to the Friend�s settlement aspioneers, locating near Milo Center on the Garter. Their children were Sarah, Silas, Mary, Abel, Hannah, Lucy and Lydia. 

Josiah JONES and familysettled near Himrods in 1806.  Hiswife was Sarah ELLIS, who, as well as himself, was a native of Rhode Island. Their children were Timothy, Seth, Nancy, Abigail, and Eunice an Lydia(twins). 

The family of James KNAPPsettled in Milo in 1815.  He hadbeen a soldier of the Revolution, and was with General SULLIVAN on his famouscampaign against the Senecas.  Hiswife was Lucy G. BALL.  Theirchildren were Anna B., Samuel C., Augustus, and Pamelia. Augustus KNAPP married Margaret HELTIBIDAL, by whom these children wereborn: George H., Marsena V.R., Aaron P., Samuel A., Mary L., Charles F., OliverC., William C. and Franklin. 

John LAWRENCE, follower fora time of the Friend, came to Milo from New Bedford, Mass. He was one of the leading men of the settlement and in comfortablecircumstances.  His wife was AnnaHATHAWAY, relative of the prominent Thomas HATHAWAY. The children of John and Anna LAWRENCE were Melatiah, Mary, Samuel,Reliance, Anna, Olive, John, Sabra and Silas. John LAWRENCE, the pioneer, built the first mill struction on theprivilege now utilized by John T. ANDREWS. 

David LEE came from PutnamCounty and located at the foot of the lake in 1812, but afterward moved toPulteney.  His wife was Patty MEAD, by whom he had eight children:  Polly,Jacob, Robert, Rachel, Joseph R., Jehiel, Erastus and David B. 

Thomas LEE and Waty(SHERMAN) LEE, his wife, with a large family. Settled on lot 2, in 1790. Their children were Abigail, Mary, Elizabeth, Waty, Joshua, Nancy,Patience, Thomas Jr., James and Sherman. 

Samuel V.C. MILLER was anative of New Jersey, born in 1781.  In1806 he married Esther CUTTER, also of New Jersey, and came to Milo in 1822,settling on the Lake road.  Samuel,the pioneer died in 1852 and his wife in 1858. Their children were Maria, Isabel, John C., Sarah F., Samuel V., Abramand Esther (twins), Susan C., Ephraim C., David, Phebe A.W., Stephen W. andRobert F. 

Isaac and Anna (BOON)NICHOLS were numbering among the Rhode Island contingent of pioneer settlers inMilo.  They were followers of theFriend, steadfast and true.  IsaacNICHOLS located on the Garter, and after him the place was named Nichols�sCorners, afterward and now known as Milo Center. Isaac Nichols died in 1829, and his wife nine years later. Their children were George, Alexander, Benjamin and Jacob. George married Hannah GREEN and had one child, George B. NICHOLS. Alexander married Polly or Mary CHAMBERS and by her had these children:Joisah G., Johnson A., Alexander and Loring G. NICHOLS. 

Eliphalet NORRIS was born inNew Hampshire in 1763 and in 1792 came to this town, locating at what becameknown as Norris� Landing, where he established a trading post. In 1793 he married Mary, daughter of Thomas HATHAWAY, who bore him fivechildren, viz.: Thomas H., Benjamin G., George W., James H. and Joshua F. 

Terry OWEN and his wife, whobefore marriage was Polly FINCH, both of Orange County, NY, came to Milo in1810, settling near Seneca Lake near Dresden. Terry died in 1821 and his wife in 1844. Their children were Nathaniel, Hannah, Jonathan, William, Julia, Daniel,Ira, Isaac and Maria. 

The PERRY family were earlysettlers in the town and were in good numbers. The children of the pioneer parents, James and Elizabeth PERRY were:Thomas, Lewis, Phebe, David, Enos, Abigail, Amarillis, Delila and William. 

John PLYMPTON and Rhoda, hiswife, both natives of Massachusetts, came to Milo in 1795 and settled on lot 17. John died at Deerfield, Oneida County and his wife in 1833 at WestBloomfield.  Their children wereEsther, Rachel, Moses A., Aaron, Rhoda, John, Polly or Mary, and Henry. Aaron PLYMPTON married Elizabeth HELITIBIDAL, by whom he had fourchildren, Daniel L., George W., Ezra W. and Mary E. 

Jephtha F. RANDOLPH and hisfamily came from New Jersey and settled on lot 15 of the Potter tract in 1809. His children were William, John, Daniel, David F., Finch F., Eliza,Morris, Jephtha F. and Azariah. 

Charles ROBERTS came fromPhiladelphia to Milo in 1799.  Hemarried Hannah STONE and settled on lot 14, near Milo Center. He was the first town clerk of Milo, holding that office from 1818 to1837.  He died in 1839 and his wifein 1861.  Their children wereCharlotte, Charles H., Robert and Clarissa. 

The surname SHEPPARD is wellknown throughout Yates County.  Thepioneer of this prominent family was Morris F. SHEPPARD, born at Germanton, Pa,November 28, 1774.  In 1799 Mr.SHEPPARD came to Penn Yan.  He hadheard of the Friend, possibly he knew her, but he never became her follower. By occupation Mr. SHEPPARD was a cloth fuller and established himself inthat business soon after arriving here.  Laterhe added a tannery to his business interests. On October 22, 1801, Mr. SHEPPARD married Rachel, daughter of PeterSUPPLEE, by whom he had children as follows: George Ashbridge SHEPPARD, born September 11, 1802, died February 26,1874; Sarah Fletcher SHEPPAARD, born July 26, 1804, married September 14, 1843to Eli SHELDON, died Oct 5, 1849; John Shoemaker SHEPPARD, born June 18, 1806died at Geneva, March 2, 1828;; Charles Clement SHEPPARD, born June 9, 1808;Susan SHEPPARD, born February 26, 1812, died July 28, 1842.

Charles Clement SHEPPARDmarried May 26, 1835, Jane W., daughter of Henry BRADLEY. Their children were: Jane s., born July 21, 1838, married WilliamPATTESON, died in Chicago in 1865; John Shoemaker, born August 18, 1840, marriedJanuary 21, 1866; Morris F. SHEPPARD, born July 20, 1843; Henry BradleySHEPPARD, born July 10, 1845, died April 6, 1865; Susan SHEPPARD, born September26, 1847, died April 24, 1861; Charles Clement SHEPPARD Jr., born October 20,1851, died December 30, 1855; Sarah Fletcher SHEPPARD, born December 15, 1856,wife of Hatley K. ARMSTRONG.   CharlesC. SHEPPARD died January 17, 1888.  

Silas SPINK settled on theGore in 1790.  He was a native ofRhode Island, and journeyed to the home of the Friends in company with severalother persons who sought a home in the New Jerusalem. Silas SPINK married Martha BRIGGS, and had two children, Mary and SilasW. SPINK. 

Three brothers and onesister, Frederick, William, Luther and Sophia SPOONER, children of Benjamin andFreelove SPOONER, settled in Milo during the pioneer period about or after 1800. Frederick and his wife, Martha, were parents of four children: Calvin,Benjamin, Polly and Berlin.  William�schildren were: William, Elizabeth, Bennett, Polly, Alanson and Cynthia. The children of Luther and Hannah (ALLEN) SPOONER were Luther, Allen,Freelove, Benjamin, Leonard T., and James C. 

Andrew STONE was a pioneerof Milo.  His wife was Mary DAVIS bywhom he had these children: Jesse, Hannah, Sarah, John, Mary, Samuel, Andrew,Ruth and Eliza.  The family came tothe county in 1799.  

The pioneer of the STRUBLEfamily in Milo was Adam STRUBLE, who was of Holland Dutch descent, but himself anative of New Jersey.  His wife wasMary DEAN.  In 1814 the family cameto Milo and settled near Himrods.  AdamSTRUBLE died in 1867, and his wife, Mary, in 1868. Their children were Moses, Henry, Levi, Louisa, Dean, Sidney, Phebe, Ira,Hannah, Elizabeth, Morgan, Fowler and Ellen.  Hanford STRUBLE, the present county judge of Yates County,and Dr. Henry A. STRUBLE are sons of Levi STRUBLE by his marriage to Mary MISNER. 

John SUPPLEE was a pioneerof the Friends tract, coming thither from Philadelphia prior to 1790. In that year he married Achsa, the daughter of Jonathan BOTSFORD. Mr. SUPPLEE first located in Torrey, but after one or two years moved tothe locality of Himrods.  He was oneof the early distillers of the region, but in 1815 turned his attention to themore agreeable occupation of running a saw-mill on Plum Point. He, in 1825, built two small riverboats, named respectively, Traderand Farmer, in which lumber, grain, and produce were carried to Albany. Peter, John and Jonathan were the children of John and Achsa SUPPLEE. 

Sarah SUTHERLAND, widow ofStephen SUTHERLAND, of Dutchess County, NY, with three of eleven children, wereearly settlers of Milo.  Thechildren referred to were Mead, Lewis and William. From these three sons have descended the several members of theSutherland families who now lives in Milo. 

George F. SWARTHOUT was thefifth son of Anthony SWARTHOUT Jr., and was born in the town of Ovid, October28, 1790.  He married RowenaRUSSELL, of Barrington, December 3, 1818 and settled in Barrington in 1819.  In 1843 he settled in Milo, three miles south of Penn Yan,where he died July 13, 1853.  Hischildren were Seymour, William R., Irene, Willis, Norton R., Anthony, John,George, Nancy N. and Heman S. 

Simeon THAYER was thepioneer in Milo of a family that has been as prolific as perhaps any in thetown.  He was born in this Sate, asalso was his wife, Elizabeth LUCAS, whom he married in 1805. They first settled on lot 35 but afterward moved to the lake shore aboutfive miles from Penn Yan.  Theirchildren were Jacob, Joseph, James, Samuel, Sally Ann, Simeon, David, William,Laura, Emeline, Reuben, Andrew and John. 

Allen VORCE and his familysettled on lot 51 in 1818. 

Abraham WAGENER settled nearHimrods in 1792, but afterward moved to Penn Yan. On may 26, 1796, he married Mary CASTNER, by whom he had seven children:David, Samuel, Jacob, William, Mary, Charles and George. In 1809 Mary, wife of Abraham, died and in 1811 he married JoannaEDMANDSON of Philadelphia, who bore him these children: Abraham N., George,Annette, Henry N., Henrietta and Henrietta 2nd (the first child ofthat name having died in extreme infancy). Abraham WAGENER died May 21, 1853. 

Where now is situated theprincipal business portion of the village of Penn Yan, was prior to 1796 anextensive area of untilled and uninhabited land. In that year, David WAGENER became the owner by purchase of nearly allthis tract, extending north to about the present Court street, and includingabout 275 acres of land.  DavidWAGENER was the head of one of the most prominent pioneer families of YatesCounty, and he was, moreover, a faithful and ardent follower of the Friend. He was born January 25, 1752.  Hiswife, Rebecca SUPPLEE whom he married January 13, 1774, was born November 25,1749.  As near as can be determinedat this time, David WAGENER came to the New Jerusalem in 1791, form which willbe discovered the fact by reference to the following record, that nearly all ofhis children were natives of Pennsylvania, near or at Norristown, from whencethe family came to Yates county.  Thechildren of David and Rebecca were as follows: Abraham, born November 9, 1774;Mary Magdalene, born February 14, 1776; Anna, born September 10, 1777; Melchoir,born January 31, 1779; Elizabeth, born August 27, 1780; David, born April 27,1783; Rebecca, born January 1, 1785; Lament, born November 13, 1787; Rachel,born September 11, 1789; Rebecca 2nd , born February 1, 1794.

It is said that DavidWAGENER came to live upon his lands at Penn Yan soon after making the purchase;and that he dwelt for a time in a log house. In 1796 he commenced the erection of a saw-mill on the south side of theoutlet, but in constructing a dam across that stream, contracted a severe coldthat ultimately resulted in his death.  Hedied August 26, 1799, and his body was buried in the cemetery west of where thevillage was built up.  He donatedthis land for  burial purposes, andwas himself the first person to be interred therein.

To his eldest child,Abraham, David WAGENER devised that part of his lands which lay north of theoutlet, while to his second son, Melchoir, likewise descended the lands south ofthe stream.  Abraham subsequentlypurchased Melchoir�s portion and later moved to Pultney, Abraham came upon thelands immediately following the death of his father, completed the improvementsthe latter had begun, and became one of the foremost men of the county. No man contributed more than he to the establishing and building up thevillage.  The story of his life andactions are told on later pages in this chapter, relating particularly tovillage history.   

In 1803 Jonas YOCUM, PhilipYOCUM, his son, George Heltibidal, son-in-law, John REYNALT, and Peter COLDRENwith their families came from Northumberland, Pa., and settled near Penn Yan. George Heltibidal was a man of influence and large means, and had much todo with the early affairs of the locality. He died in 1808.  His children were Elizabeth, Peter, Catharine, George, Polly,Jacob, Margaret, Phebe and John.   

Isaiah YOUNGS settled in1802 on the Potter location, near Seneca Lake. He was a native of New Jersey and there married Mary HAGGERTY. Their children were: Experience and Temperance (twins), Stephen, Peter,George, Mary and Benjamin.  GeorgeYOUNGS was prominently connected with the early history of this town and of thevillage of Penn Yan.  He marriedRebecca PITNEY, by whom he had these children: George R., Isaiah, Caroline,Harriet, Rebecca and Phebe Ann.


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