Yates County, New York

Churches in the Town ofMilo

Fromthe History of Yates County, NY

published1892, by L.C. Aldrich

pgs.288 - 291


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Thefirst Baptist Church of Milo is the only religious society having an abidingplace at Himrods.  The earliermeetings of this denomination in the locality commenced in the year 1803, andwere conducted by Elder Simon SUTHERLAND at Nichols Cornersand other places best suited to the convenience of the members. In 1804 an organization was begun at the house of Thomas HOLLOWELL, andcompleted in 1805, march 13th, at the Raplee schoolhouse at EastMilo, then having a membership of twenty-nine persons. It was not until 1833that the society had sufficient strength to erect a church home, but at the timenamed the edifice at Himrods was built at a cost of $1,400. this house was used by the society until 1868 and then replaced by thepresent large and attractive church building. As this is the only church building at Himrods, or in that immediatevicinity, its congregation is made up of church goers of various denominationsas well as by the Baptist portion of the community.  The present membership reaches nearly 125.  Among the ministers of the First Baptist Church of Milo can be recalledthe names of Revs. Simon SUTHERLAND, John B. CHASE.    B. R.  SWICK, Enos MARSHALL,Hezekiah WEST, James PEASE, J. BATCHELDER, A. WELLS, J. SABIN, A. W. SUNDERLIN,J. PARKER, A. B. DE GROAT, M. LIVERMORE, John ROONEY, W. W. HOLT, and otherswhose names have become lost. 

Inthe extreme south part of the town of Milo, about two or three miles west fromHimrods, in the Goundry neighborhood, so-called, was built many years ago aFreewill Baptist Church.  Thesociety was organized about or soon after 1838, the result of the labors ofStephen S. LANNING and Ezra F. CARNE, ministers of the Freewill Baptist faith. Gilbert BAKER was one of the most prominent leaders of the society, andthe own upon whom fell a burden of the society�s indebtedness. The church was built at Baker�s Corners, on lot eight, at a cost ofabout $1,250.  The society wasprospered for a time, but at length, fell into a decline with result in finaldismemberment. 

Theonly public building at the village is the Milo Center Methodist church, asociety having an incipient organization as early as 1797, and drawing itsmembership from throughout the entire township. The pioneer meetings which resulted in the founding of the church, wereconducted by William SMITH, a local preacher of some prominence. Early meetings were held at the Spink schoolhouse, the log schoolhouse inthe Friend�s settlement, and at William SMITH�s and Joseph HOLLOWELL�sresidence.  In 1821, or about thattime, the society became definitely organized, and in 1833 the articles ofassociation were filed to make the organization perfect. A lot was purchased from Isaac NICHOLS, upon which, at a cost of $2,000,the first church edifice was erected.  Itwas dedicated in September, 1833.  In1862, substantial repairs were made, but in 1869 the building was remodeled andenlarged at an extreme expense of $4,000.  Amongthe early class leaders were Samuel KRESS Sr., Samuel CASTNER, Abraham PROSSER,William W. ASPELL, Thomas GOUNDRY, Benjamin B. SPOONER, M.D. JACKSON, John B.HOLLOWELL, Archibald STROBRIDGE, H. F. ANDERSON, P. J. SEELEY, Samuel DEPEW, H.T. ASPELL, William HOLLOWELL, L.M. MILLARD, S.C. HATMAKER and N.B. RAPLEE.

SecondMilo is the name that has been applied to one of the hamlets of the town ofMilo, but this name appears to have been given the only public building of theplace, viz., the Second Milo Baptist Church. Formerly and even to the present day, this particular locality has beenknow as Cat Head.  But Second Milohas never acquired much of a population; neither has it any important industriesor business interests.  The erectionof the meeting-house brought to the place whatever of importance it possesses. The hamlet is situated in the central-western portion of the township, atthe four corners made by the intersection of the telegraph road and theprincipal east and west thoroughfare of the town.

TheSecond Milo Baptist Church had its inception in the early meeting held by ElderSimon SUTHERLAND during the first years of the present century, although it wasnot until the years 1832 that the society was provided with a church home. The first organization was effected in 1811 under the name of SouthBenton Baptist Church, for then Milo as a township, was unknown. But when Milo was set off from Benton and formed into a township, thename became inappropriate.  Therewas already another Baptist society in the town, and for convenience andaccurate designation the name of the society and church was changed to theSecond Baptist Church.  The first church building of the society was erected in 1832at the southwest corner of lot 21, at a cost of $1,200.  In 1851 a new meeting-house was built for the society on thesame site at a cost of nearly $3,000.  ReubenP. LAMB was the first pastor of the society, he assuming the duties in 1830, andwas ordained in 1831.  He resignedin 1836 and was succeeded by Elder a. W. SUNDERLIN, the latter remainingfourteen years.  Others insuccession among the early pastors were Philander SHEDD, John SMITH, N.FERGUSON, George BALCOM, S. S. BIDWELL, William DUNBAR, Thomas ALLEN and MosesLIVERMORE.  The second Milo BaptistChurch now numbers about 150 members.


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