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History& Directory of Yates Co., Vol 1, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland pgs 639 -
LAWRENCE pg 639 � 643
A noted pioneer was John LAWRENCE, whosename has long been honored in the land, and whose family is still wellrepresented in Milo. He was aQuaker from New Bedford, where he became interested in the preaching anddoctrine of the Friend. His wife,Anna HATHAWAY, was a relative of Thomas HATHAWAY, the pioneer Friend. John LAWRENCE himself was a relative of Commodore James LAWRENCE, whodistinguished himself so nobly in the naval annals of the American Revolution. A ship builder in easy circumstances, it must have been a strong motivethat led him so far into the wilderness with a young family. After coming here they remained on good terms with the Friend and herSociety, but did not identify themselves fully therewith, in later yearsbecoming indeed quite lukewarm in that regard. John LAWRENCE however, always wore the garb and spoke the speech of theQuakers. He bought for 40 cents anacre, lot 3 in township 7 of the first range, and on the 3rd day ofJuly, 1789, they erected their tent thereon, and made their home on the placenow owned by Harvey S. EASTON, formerly the farm of James LAWRENCE. A part of the same lot is still owned by Melatiah H. LAWRENCE, thegrandson of the old pioneer, who resides on it. The family lived 6 weeks in their tent, and then moved into a log house.
With the sober, simple and economical habitsof his sect, coupled with industry and enterprise, he soon became a thrifty andeven a wealthy citizen and large landowner. He started a store at an early day, perhaps the first in the county, ashort distance northeast of his residence, in a log building. He built what was long known as the Lawrence Mill on lot 16, the secondor third mill on Keuka Lake outlet. Thesame structure has been employed as a distillery for several years. The house standing near it was erected by John LAWRENCE, and he livedthere a number of years, keeping his store in a part the building. Afterwards he built a frame house on the present site ofHenry F. HOWE�S fine mansion, on lot 15, where the log store had stood. The mill proved a lucrative property, and when a rival mill wasconstructed a short distance above, he bought it at the extravagant price of$12,000, to avoid a dreaded competition. Anattempt was made to turn the rival property into a cotton factory, with quitepoor success. John LAWRENCE was aman of solid character and commanding presence. His manners were somewhat staid, with an air of austerity, but hisimpulses were kind and benevolent. Hiswife, who was an excellent pioneer mother, died in 1830, at the age of 75 years. He survived her 3 years, and died at the age of 80 years; residing in hislater years with his daughter, Mrs. Anna KENDIG. Their children were Melatiah, Mary, Samuel, Reliance, Anna, Olive, John,Sabra and Silas.
Melatiah, born in 1774, had the advantagesof a fair New England education, became a very important aid to his father inhis extensive business, and a good businessman on his own account. He married in 1811, Mary ALFORD, widow of Jesse ALFORD, whosettled on the farm now owned by Mrs. Stephen H. CLEVELAND, on lot 30 in 1807,and died there in 1810, leaving a daughter, Rebecca. After his marriage, Mr. LAWRENCE lived where the residence ofMorris BROWN now stands, on Main street in Penn Yan. There he died in 1824, at the age of 50 years. Their children were, Melatiah H., Judith A., James and Sabra. The family were left the owners of lot 32 in Milo, embracing the most ofPenn Yan east of Jacob�s Brook. Somelittle encumbrance deprived them of part of it, and some is still owned by thedaughters. The mother is stillliving, at the age of 82 years.
Melatiah H. LAWRENCE, born in 1812, marriedMargaret H., daughter of Isaac BOGART of Dresden and settled on the homestead ofhis grandfather, where he still resides, an enterprising farmer. His wife died in 1864, at the age of 48 years, leaving four (?) children, Maria, Malatiah H., John B., Margaret V. and James D. Melatiah H. LAWRENCE is a prominent and influential citizen;was a member of Assembly in 1850 and of the Constitutional Convention of 1867. He was the Democratic candidate for Senator in 1851 and 1853, on bothoccasions receiving much more than his party vote in Yates County and was onlydefeated by a factional defection of his own party in Tompkins County. He was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1856 and againin 1864. His daughter, Maria,married James C. WOOD, a lawyer of Jackson, Michigan. Melatiah H. LAWRENCE Jr., born in 1840, entered the army in 1862, asSecond Lieutenant, of Co. B., 126th Regiment, NYV. He shared in all the glories and disasters of that regiment, ws severelywounded in the leg at Gettysburg. Heis now in the service of the government in the Treasury Department atWashington. John B. is a student atCornell University.
Judith A. LAWRENCE born in 1815, is the wifeof Darius A. OGDEN.
James LAWRENCE, born in 1817, married Mary,daughter of John ARMSTRONG of Milo. Theysettled on a portion of the John LAWRENCE homestead, where she died in 1858 andhe in 1859. Their children wereMary, Alice and Sabra. Mary is thewife of Marsden HENDERSON of Milo. Theyhave two children, Ella and Charles. Aliceis the wife of James THAYER of Milo and Sabra resides in the family of hergrandfather, John ARMSTRONG, unmarried.
Sabra, daughter of Melatiah LAWRENCE born in1820, is the wife of Oliver STARK of Penn Yan.
Rebecca ALFORD, half sister to the childrenof Melatiah LAWRENCE born in 1808, married William L. WAY of Milo.
Samuel LAWRENCE was a leading citizen in theearly history of the county and a man of force of character. He was one of the early Supervisors, was a member of the Assembly in1818, and was appointed Sheriff of Ontario County by Gov. DeWitt CLINTON in1821, which office he held when Yates county was erected. He married first, Anna, daughter of Widow Susannah CLANFORD of theFriend�s Society. She died early,leaving a daughter, Mary, now the wife of John SQUIER of Grand Rapids, Mich.,formerly of Penn Yan. He married asecond wife, Polly KIDDER, widow, of Benton. They resided near Penn Yan, where both died. Their children were DeWitt C., Samuel, Ann and Laura. DeWitt C. married Caroline, daughter of Dr. Anthony GAGE. They reside at Washington and have a daughter, Virginia. Samuel married W. Anna CLUTE of Schenectady. He died at Washington, leaving his widow and several children. Ann married John THOMAS and both died at Lansing, Michigan, leavingseveral children. Laura marriedDaniel D. VAN ALLEN of Penn Yan. Hedied on a journey overland to California, his widow resides near San Francisco,with three daughters, Calista, Helen and Augusta.
Mary LAWRENCE married James STOKES ofMaryland. He died leaving sevenchildren, Ann, Mary, James, John L., Olive, Elizabeth and Clement. The widow and children returned from Maryland, and finally moved West. Ann married William GRIFFIN and Mary married Asa A. NORTON and both movedto Goshen, Indiana. James married aMiss WEST of Milo and was a shipbuilder at Sandusky, Ohio.
Reliance LAWRENCE was the wife of JoshuaWAY.
Anna LAWRENCE married first, Henry TOWNSENDand after his death, Martin KENDIG. Theyhad two children, Martin H.N. and Henry L.
Olive LAWRENCE was the wife of Joel DORMAN.
John LAWRENCE Jr. married Hannah CORWELL in1817. They lived near the LawrenceMill and he died in 1833 at the age of 37 years and she in 1860 at the age of 70years. Their children were, CharlesF., Adaline and Ormond. Adalinemarried Stephen DORMAN. Ormond diedunmarried in 1860, at the age of 36 years, leaving a goodly estate. He was a man of good business capacity and had many friends.
Sabra, daughter of John LAWRENCE Sr., wasthe wife of Abraham TOWNSEND, brother of Henry TOWNSEND.
Silas LAWRENCE married Caroline, daughter ofJohn CORNWELL. They settled on theold John LAWRENCE homestead, where Henry F. HOWE now resides. Their children were Anna, Henry, Elizabeth, Silas and Sabra. Anna married Nathan T. MADDEN. Shedied in New York leaving three children. Henow resides in Hoboken, NJ. Henrymarried Sarah MACK of Geneva, moved to California and was there employed in theU.S. Mint at San Francisco. Theyhad five children. Elizabethmarried Valentine REIMANN, a worthy tradesman and good citizen. They reside at Greenwood, Steuben county. Silas LAWRENCE Jr., married Miss BRIGGS and resides in Milo. Sabra married George LUDLOW of Milo. They reside in Penn Yan and have one child, Lydia.
JOSHUA WAY pg 643-644
A native of Pennsylvania, Joshua WAY came tothe county with Joseph JONES as soon as 1800. He established himself in the business of wool carding and cloth dressingnear the Friend�s Mill, owned by Richard SMITH. The place became known as Way and Andrews� Hollow. The business was profitable and Joshua WAY became a prosperous citizen. He married Reliance, daughter of John LAWRENCE Sr.. She died leaving four children, Anna, Mary, William L. and Eliza.
Anna married Benjamin BROWN of Milo, andemigrated to McHenry Co., Ill., where she died. Their children were Henry, William, Horace, Reliance, Susan and Mary E. He died in 1868, at the residence of his daughter, Reliance, in Missouri.
Mary WAY was the wife of Dr. Jeremiah B.ANDREWS.
William L. WAY married Rebecca, daughter ofJesse and Mary ALFORD, and went with his brother in law, Benjamin BROWN toMcHenry Co., Ill. He died therebefore moving his family. His widowdied soon after. Their childrenwere Helen and Mary, twins, and Alford. Helenmarried David B. ASPELL of Milo. Maryis the wife of Chester M. BRIDGEMAN of Jackson, Michigan. Alfred is single, residing in Illinois, near St. Louis.
Joshua WAY married a second wife, Sarah,daughter of Amos P. CHASE, a Baptist clergyman. He died on his homestead in 1831. Thechildren of the second marriage were Joshua, Caroline, Jane, Sarah, Joseph,Spencer, and one more. Joshua WAYJr. is a popular physician at Naples, NY where he married a Miss CLEVELAND. They have one daughter.
WORTMAN pg 747 - 750
William WORTMAN was born near New Brunswick, New Jersey and at an early age he and an only sister were left orphans. He came to the town of Hector, now Schuyler county, with one of the pioneers of that town (MAC INTYRE) and there grew to man's estate, and married Anna, daughter of Anthony SWARTHOUT. After a few years they moved to Wayne, and later in 1812, purchased a farm in what was afterwards Barrington, near the Bath road, and bounded south by the county line. There they remained through life. He died in 1850 at the age of 71 years, and she in 1860, aged 77 years. Their children were Fanny, Amos, Charlotte, Mary A., Asa, Joel, Lavina, Halsey, Sally, William, Andrew, and David.
Fannyborn in 1801, married Selah CROSBY of Barrington. Their children were John,Lucinda, Harvey, Amos, Mary, Ruth, Daniel W., Nathan, Susan A., David, Martha,William and James. John died a young man. Lucinda married Charles PETERS,settled in Steuben Co., and died there leaving two children, one of whom, Susan,resides with Selah CROSBY. Harvey died at the age of 30 years, single. Amosmarried Mary Ann MILLER, and is a physician at Hart, Ocean county, Mich. Theyhave one son and two daughters. Mary married Richard COLLIER, a farmer residingin Thurston, Steuben Co. They have had three sons. Ruth married Isaiah JORDANand resides in Tyrone. They have a daughter, Mary. Daniel W. married Agnes COLESTOCK,and is a farmer at Hart, Mich. They have three children. Nathan marriedElizabeth WHITE of
Campbelltown, and is a lawyer at Hart, Mich. Amos, Daniel W. and Nathan are respectively, County Judge, County Clerk and District Attorney of Oceana Co. Daniel W. was formerly an Indian agent. Susan A. died a young woman. David is a Theological student at Rochester. Martha married George HILL, a merchant at Wayne. They have two children, Georgia and Lavina. William married Euphemia GREGG of Bath, and is a lawyer at Lansing, Mich.; also a clerk in the government land office. They have one daughter. James married Maria CLARK of Wayne, and is a farmer and vineyardist in Barrington.
Amos married Catharine HERRICK of Wayne, and lives in that town. Their children are Ogden, Eliza, William and Joel. Ogden, who alone became a resident of Yates county, married Jane SNYDER of Milo, and resides in Barrington. Their children are Phebe, Amos, Arvilla, Melissa and one other. Phebe married Mr. DE CAMP, and resides in Tyrone.
Charlotte married Ogden SHERWOOD of Barrington and resided there. Their children were Amos, Wortman, Gilbert, Nelson, Joel, Mary, Anna, Asa and Harriet. Amos married Ann Eliza, daughter of Philo CHUBB. He was a soldier of the 126th NYV., and became a Captain. After the war he emigrated to Michigan where he is a merchant. Wortman married Harriet DRAKE and died near Elmira. Joel married Anice ELMER and is a merchant in Michigan. He too was a soldier in the war.
Mary Ann married Alonzo W. SUNDERLIN, a noted Baptist clergyman, residing at Wayne. Their children are Van Rensselaer, Lorenzo, William, Byron and Alonzo A. Van Rensselaer married Elisabeth BISSEL of Milo, and emigrated to Mich. Lorenzo died at Cincinnati. William married Sarah MISNER. Alonzo A. went to Michigan, and married there Anna COREY.
Asa married Harriet BOYCE and resides in East Barrington. Their children, are Emily, William, Ezra, Chauncy, Andrew, Charlotte and John. Emily married James BASKIN of Tyrone. They have one child. William married Susan, daughter of Nathaniel HUSON, and resides in Barrington. Ezra married Mary HORTON, and died leaving three children. Chauncy is married and resides in Barrington.
Joel WORTMAN, born in 1812 married first Martha A. BAILEY of Tyrone. She died in Barrington, where they first settled, leaving three children, Mariette, D. Anna and Amos. He married a second wife, Hiley T. BUNCE a widow and daughter of Jonathan TAYLOR. They moved to his present residence on the Bath road on lot 44 in Milo, where she died leaving two children, Ella E. and Martha. He married a third wife, Rebecca, daughter of John STONE. His daughter Mariette married Jacob W. THAYER. Amos married Hortense SWARTHOUT, and resides in Barrington.
Lavina married Charles, son of James A. SWARTHOUT, and emigrated to Palo,Iona county,Mich., with four children, Louisa, Sarah, William and Betsey.
Halsey married Huldah ROBINSON of Barrington, and they emigrated to Barrington, Cook Co, Illinois, where he died and his widow and children reside.
Sally married Erastmus WRIGHT of Barrington.
William married Jane JORDAN of Tyrone, and settled in Barrington where she died. He moved to Barrington, Ill., where he married Phebe, sister of Halsey WORTMAN�S wife.
Andrew married Julia, daughter of Allen BASSETT and resides in Barrington. Their children are Huldah, Eugene, C., Loella and an infant. Huldah married Henry FFREEMAN and moved to Urbana. They have two children, Charlena and an infant.
Davidmarried Louisa, daughter of Dr. Daniel SUNDERLIN of Tyrone. They settled inBarrington and finally emigrated to Palo, Mich., where he is a practicingphysician. Their children are Daniel, Charles and Frank.
The descendants of William WORTMAN number upwards of 170, and 140 are still among the living.
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