Yates County, NY Civil War Solider AlphabeticalListing
A - C
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SURNAME | First Name | Unit | Rank |
ABEEL | Aaron H. | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | private |
ACKLEY | George S. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
ACKLEY | Harvey | Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt | corporal |
ACKLEY | Henry J. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
ADAMS | Edgar | Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt | private |
ADAMS | Mortimer | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
ADAMS | William | Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt | private |
AGINS | Joseph | 33rd Regt Inf NYV | private |
AIKINS | J. F. | Co. G., 126th Regt NYV | captain |
ALBRIGHT | Judson C. | Co. B, 188th Regt NYV | private; of Italy, NY (son of Wm) |
ALEXANDER | Henry N. | Co. C F S, 33rd Regt Inf. NYV | private; promoted to quartermaster |
ALLEN | George A. | Co. A, 76th Regt NYV | private |
ALLEN | Richard M. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
ALLEN | Warren | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
ALMY | James E. | Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV | private |
ALVORD | George B. | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
AMBROSE | Patrick | 33rd Regt NYV | private |
ANDREWS | Albert S. | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | sergeant-major |
ANDREWS | John T. | Co. D, 179th Regt NYV | first lieutenant |
ANDREWS | Samuel | Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV | private |
ANSLEY | George A. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
ANSLEY | James G. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
ANSLEY | James P. | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
ARMSTRONG | Henry N. | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
ARMSTRONG | William H. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
ASHBY | Henry N. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
ASHLEY | John | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | private |
ATWATER | Henry | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | sergeant |
AUSTIN | Charles W. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
AUSTIN | George W. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
AUSTIN | Jonas | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
AXTILL | William | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BABBIT | Lansford O. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
BACON | Daniel R. | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
BACON | R. G. | Co. B, 148th Regt | orderly |
BADGER | James | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BAILEY | John A. | Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV | private |
BAILEY | William C. | Co. F & S, 179th Regt Inf NYV | lieut.; promoted to assistant surgeon |
BAIN | William | Co. G, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BAIRD | William H. | 126th Regt NYV | colonel; killed at Petersburg June 1864 |
BAKER | Charles | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
BAKER | Daniel G. | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | private |
BAKER | John | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
BAKER | Josiah C. | Co. F, 179th Regt | private |
BAKER | Oliver | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | private |
BAKER | Oliver | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BALDWIN | Eleazer Jr. | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
BALL | James | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | private |
BANKS | John | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
BARBER | Dorr | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | private; promoted to corporal |
BARBER | George | Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters | private |
BARDEN | George B | Co. C, 194th NYV | private |
BARDEN | James M. | Co. F, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BARKER | Rice | Co. C, 188th Regt NYV | private |
BARNES | George | Co. G, 85th Regt NYV | private |
BARNES | Hiram H. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
BARNES | John W. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
BARRAS | Samuel A. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | first lieutenant |
BARRETT | Eli | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
BARRETT | George | Co. A, 22nd Cavalry NYV | private |
BARRETT | Patrick | Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV | private |
BARRON | James | Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt | corporal |
BARRON | John | Co. G, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BARTLETT | Morris | Co. H, 102nd Regt NYV | private |
BASSETT | D. C. | Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt | private |
BASSETT | Dewitt C. | Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV | private |
BASSETT | Erasmus E. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | color-sergeant; third sergeant; killed at Gettysburg |
BASSETT | Levi | Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV | private |
BASSETT | Richard A. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | first lieutenant |
BATES | Oren | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BEACH | Rollin G. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BEACH | Theodore | Co. A, 76th Regt NYV | private |
BEAM | Byron | Co. B, 148th Regt | corporal |
BEAMISH | George H. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
BEARD | Aaron | Co. G, 85th Regt NYV | private |
BEARDSLEY | Edward | Co. H, 102nd Regt NYV | private |
BECKER | Franklin | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
BECKER | George W. | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | hospital steard |
BECKER | Walter W. | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
BEEBE | Coradon H. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
BEEBE | George | Co. B, 148th Regt | third sergeant |
BEEBE | John F. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
BEEBE | William | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | drummer |
BEEDEN | Nathan D. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BEEMAN | Charles | Co. C, 188th Regt NYV | private |
BEEMAN | George | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
BEJINGTON | Marvin | Co. A, 76th Regt NYV | private |
BELL | Dewitt C. | Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV | private |
BELL | Robert | Co. G, 14th Regt Art. NYV | private |
BELLIS | Isaac | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BENEDICT | George W. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
BENEDICT | Jewett | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BENEDICT | John H. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
BENHAM | Samuel C. | Co. I, 34th Regt NYV | sergeant |
BENHAM | Samuel S. | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
BENNETT | Albert | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
BENNETT | John M. | Co. C, 188th Regt NYV | private |
BENNETT | Kingsbury M. | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
BENNETT | Lucius B. | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
BENNETT | Nelson | Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters | private |
BENSON | Isaac | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
BERDAN | H. | 1st US Sharpshooters | colonel |
BETTS | Wallace | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | third sergeant |
BEYEA | Daniel J. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BIEGLOW | Stanford | Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV | private |
BILSON | Henry | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BISHOP | Charles | Co. C, 33rd Regt NYV | private |
BLACKMAR | Charles | Co. I, 179th Regt NYV | first lieutenant |
BLAKESLEY | George H. | Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV | private |
BLANSETT | John | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BLARETT | Robert D. | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BLOOD | Isaac D. | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
BLOUIN | William B. | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
BOGART | Albert L. | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BOGART | Charles | Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters | private |
BOGART | Robert | Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters | private |
BOHALL | Leonard M. | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
BONNEY | Amos J. | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
BONNEY | Cornelius | 33rd Regt NYV | private |
BOOKSTAVER | Lee | Co. B, 3rd Regt Art. NYV | private |
BOOKSTAVER | Lee | Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV | private |
BOOTH | James M. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BOOTH | Moses S. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BOOTHE | John H. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
BOWEN | Edwin C. | Co. I, 179th Regt NYV | captain |
BOWEN | William P. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BOYD | Barrett A. | Co. I, 15th Eng. | private |
BOYD | James J. | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | private |
BRACE | Ansel | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BRADLEY | Andrew | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
BRADLEY | David A. | Co. F, 179th Regt | first lieutenant |
BRADT | Henry W. | Co. D, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BRAZEE | Freeman M. | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | private |
BRENENSTHUL | Warren | Co. B, 3rd Regt Art. NYV | private |
BRENNAN | George | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | private; orderly-sergeant promoted to first lieut. on 12/1/1861 |
BRENNAN | George | Co. M, 14th Regt Art NYV | first lieutenant |
BRENNAN | Patrick | 33rd Regt NYV | private |
BREWER | John H. | Co. E, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
BRIGGS | Able | Co. K, 15th Eng. | private |
BRIGGS | Henry O. | Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV | private |
BRIGGS | James A. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
BRIGGS | Nathaniel S. | Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV | private |
BRIGGS | Robert | Co. G, 85th Regt NYV | private |
BRINK | Jerome | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BRINK | Taylor | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BRITTON | Charles | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
BRIZEE | Levi P. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BROADBOOKS | George | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
BROCKWAY | Isaiah | Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV | private |
BRONSON | John L. | Co. I, 15th Eng. | private |
BROUGH | J. H. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | second lieutenant |
BROUGH | John H. | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | second lieutenant |
BROWN | Abram | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
BROWN | Alfred | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
BROWN | Charles | Co. I, 33rd Regt Inf. NYV | private |
BROWN | J. Smith | 126th Regt NYV | major of Penn Yan |
BROWN | J. Smith | 1st US Sharpshooters | adjutant |
BROWN | John | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
BROWN | Joseph | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
BROWN | Morris Jr. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | orderly; later promoted to captain; killed at Petersburg June 1864 |
BROWN | Robert | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
BROWN | Thomas V. | Co. B, 188th Regt NYV | private |
BUCKLEY | Henry F. | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
BULGER | Hugh | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
BULGER | Patrick | Co. G, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BULLOCK | Reuben | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BULLOCK | Zenas G. | Co. E, 188th Regt NYV | private |
BUNCE | Melvin | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BURCH | George | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BURKE | William | Co. C, 188th Regt NYV | private |
BURNS | James | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BURNS | John | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
BURRILL | Orrin A. | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
BURRILL | Truman N. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | captain |
BUSH | Charles W. | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
BUSH | Harlan P. | Co. I, 15th Eng. | private |
BUTLER | James F. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
BUTLER | John A. | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
BUTLER | Martin | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
BYINGTON | George A. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
CALVER | Fitz E. | Co. H, 179th Regt NYV | first lieutenant |
CAMPBELL | Alexander P. | Co. G, 85th Regt NYV | private |
CAMPBELL | John | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
CAMPBELL | Joseph | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | corporal |
CAMPBELL | Martin P. | Co. A, 76th Regt NYV | private |
CAMPBELL | Ward | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
CAMPFIELD | Francis M. | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
CAPELL | Lorenzo | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
CAREY | Edgar D. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
CAREY | Henry | Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV | private |
CAREY | Jerome H. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
CARLEY | John H. | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private; killed in battle July 30, 1864 |
CARLEY | John H. | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
CARPENTER | Benjamin F. | Co. A, 76th Regt NYV | private |
CARPENTER | Calvin H. | 148th Regt NY Inf. | asst. surgeon to surgeon; of Seneca Falls |
CARPENTER | George D. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | second lieutenant |
CARPENTER | George D. | Co. A, 179th Regt NYV | captain |
CARR | Andrew H. | Co. E, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
CARR | Charles | Co. E, 179th Regt | first lieutenant |
CARR | George W. | Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV | private |
CARR | John | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
CARR | William A. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
CARVEY | Lewis R. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
CASSION | William | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
CASTNER | Clark | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
CATON | John S. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
CHAMBERLAIN | George W. | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
CHAMBERS | Charles | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
CHAMBERS | Harmon O. | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
CHAMBERS | William H. | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
CHAMPALIN | Rowland | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
CHAPMAN | Charles | Co. I, 33rd Regt Inf. NYV | private |
CHAPMAN | George | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | sixth corporal |
CHAPMAN | Richard | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
CHASE | Benjamin F. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
CHIDSEY | Augustus A. | Co. I. 33rd Regt NYV | private |
CHIDSEY | Ervin | Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters | private |
CHIDSEY | William | Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters | orderly-sergeant |
CHILDS | Henry O. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | fifth sergeant |
CHISSOM | Alvah B. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
CLAFFEY | John | Co. H., 148th Regt (from Waterloo. Seneca Co.) | musician; promoted to Corporal |
CLAPP | A. R. | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | second lieutenant |
CLARK | Albert W. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
CLARK | Ebenezer B. | Co. E, 188th Regt NYV | private |
CLARK | Harrison | Co. I, 34th Regt NYV | private |
CLARK | John | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
CLARK | Joseph B. | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
CLARK | Lewis | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
CLARK | Roswell S. | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
CLEVELAND | G. W. | Co. K, 3rd NY | [see Benton Center Ceme] |
COLE | A. J. | Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt | private |
COLE | Edward | Co. I, 148th Regt | orderly |
COLE | William H. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
COLE | Wolcott | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
COLE | Edward | Co. I, 148th Regt | captain |
COLE | Levi | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
COLEMAN | Archibald | 33rd Regt NYV | private |
COLEMAN | William A. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | captain |
COLGROVE | Newton | Co. E, 188th Regt NYV | private |
COLLINS | James | Co. G, 126th Regt NYV | private |
COMPTON | Stephen | Co. A, 179th Regt NYV | second lieutenant; wounded Apr 1865 |
COMSTOCK | Charles | Co. I, 33rd Regt Inf. NYV | private |
CONDON | William | Co. A, 76th Regt NYV | private |
CONKLIN | John | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
CONKLIN | Joseph | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
CONKLIN | Percival A. | Co. G, 188th Regt NYV | private; of Italy, NY |
CONKLIN | Peter J. | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
CONKLIN | Philo H. | Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt | private |
CONLEY | John J. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
CONNOLLY | J. M. | Co. K, 15th Eng. | private |
CONSTANTIN | John S. | Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV | private |
CONWAY | John | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
CONWAY | Owen | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
CONWAY | Thomas | 33rd Regt NYV | private |
COOK | Aaron J. | Co. F, 148th Regt | captain to second lieutenant |
COOK | Daniel | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
COOK | David A. | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | corporal |
COOK | Foster P. | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
COOK | Fred P. | Co. F, 148th Regt | first lieutenant |
COOK | George W. | Co. B, 179th Regt NYV | first lieutenant; promoted to adjutant |
COOK | Henry P. | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | fourth sergeant |
COOLEY | Bruen | Co. I, 33rd Regt Inf. | private |
COOLEY | John | Co. I, 148th Regt | second lieutenant |
COOLEY | John | Co. I & C, 148th Regt | lieut.; promoted to major; of Penn Yan |
COOLEY | Justus Jr. | Co. H, 126th Regt NYV | corporal |
COON | Stephen | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
COONEY | Lawrence Jr. | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
COONS | George | Co. B, 148th Regt | private |
COONS | James H. | Co. B, 148th Regt | corporal |
COONS | Robert N. | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
COOVERT | John | Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV | private |
COREY | Edwin L. | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
COREY | George W. | Co. I, 33rd Regt Inf. | private |
COREY | Hiram | Co. G, 85th Regt NYV | private |
COREY | James W. | Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV | private |
CORNING | John W. | Co. B & F; 33rd Regt Inf. | adjutant; promoted from 1st lieut. to 2nd lieut. |
CORNING | Joseph W | Co. B & I, 33rd Regt Inf. | captain; promoted to lieutenant-colonel |
CORYELL | Edwin | Co. B, 126th Regt NYV | private |
COTTON | Julius F. | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
COURTNEY | Edward | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
COVELL | Samuel | Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt | private |
CRANDALL | Lester | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
CRANS | Orlando V. | Co. F, 179th Regt NYV | private |
CREED | James A. | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | private |
CREED | Jonathan | Co. E, 126th Regt NYV | private |
CREED | Thomas | Co. D, 194th NYV | private |
CRISCADEN | William L. | Co. I, 126th Regt NYV | corporal |
CRISCADON | Hugh | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
CRISCADON | Theodore | Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. | private |
CRISCADON | William | Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt | private |
CRISS | David | Co. F, 148th Regt | corporal |
CROCKER | William H. | Co. F, 148th Regt | private |
CROFOOT | Orlando M. | Co. I, 34th Regt NYV | private |
CROUCH | James B. | Co. I, 148th Regt | private |
CROUSE | Joseph S. | Co. G, 85th Regt NYV | private |
CULVER | John P. | Co. G & E, 126th Regt NYV | private to corporal |
CULVER | Lyman | Co. A, 76th Regt NYV | private |
CUMMINGS | John | Co. A, 126th Regt NYV | private |
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