Yates County, NY Civil War Solider AlphabeticalListing

 A - C 

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SURNAME First Name Unit Rank
ABEEL Aaron H. Co. E, 126th Regt NYV private
ACKLEY George S. Co. D, 194th NYV private
ACKLEY Harvey  Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt corporal
ACKLEY Henry J. Co. D, 194th NYV private
ADAMS Edgar  Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt private
ADAMS Mortimer Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
ADAMS William Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt private
AGINS Joseph 33rd Regt Inf NYV private
AIKINS J. F. Co. G., 126th Regt NYV captain
ALBRIGHT Judson C. Co. B, 188th Regt NYV private; of Italy, NY  (son of Wm)
ALEXANDER Henry N. Co. C F S, 33rd Regt Inf. NYV private; promoted to quartermaster
ALLEN George A. Co. A, 76th Regt NYV private
ALLEN Richard M. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
ALLEN Warren Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
ALMY James E. Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV private
ALVORD George B. Co. I, 148th Regt private
AMBROSE Patrick 33rd Regt NYV private
ANDREWS Albert S. Co. E, 126th Regt NYV sergeant-major
ANDREWS John T. Co. D, 179th Regt NYV first lieutenant
ANDREWS Samuel Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV private
ANSLEY George A. Co. F, 148th Regt private
ANSLEY James G. Co. F, 148th Regt private
ANSLEY James P. Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
ARMSTRONG Henry N. Co. B, 148th Regt private
ARMSTRONG William H. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
ASHBY Henry N. Co. D, 194th NYV private
ASHLEY John Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV private
ATWATER Henry Co. I, 33rd  Regt NYV sergeant
AUSTIN Charles W. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
AUSTIN George W. Co. D, 194th NYV private
AUSTIN Jonas Co. F, 148th Regt private
AXTILL William Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
BABBIT Lansford O. Co. F, 148th Regt private
BACON Daniel R. Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
BACON R. G. Co. B, 148th Regt orderly
BADGER James Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BAILEY John A. Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV private
BAILEY William C. Co. F & S, 179th Regt Inf NYV lieut.; promoted to assistant surgeon
BAIN William Co. G, 126th Regt NYV private
BAIRD William H. 126th Regt NYV colonel; killed at Petersburg June  1864
BAKER Charles Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
BAKER Daniel G. Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV private
BAKER John Co. D, 194th NYV private
BAKER Josiah C. Co. F, 179th Regt private
BAKER Oliver Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV private
BAKER Oliver Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
BALDWIN Eleazer Jr. Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
BALL James  Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV private
BANKS John Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
BARBER Dorr Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV private; promoted to corporal
BARBER George Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters private
BARDEN George B Co. C, 194th NYV private
BARDEN James M. Co. F, 126th Regt NYV private
BARKER Rice Co. C, 188th Regt NYV private
BARNES George Co. G, 85th Regt NYV private
BARNES Hiram H. Co. F, 148th Regt private
BARNES John W. Co. F, 148th Regt private
BARRAS Samuel A. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV first lieutenant
BARRETT Eli Co. D, 194th NYV private
BARRETT George Co. A, 22nd Cavalry NYV private
BARRETT Patrick Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV private
BARRON James Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt corporal
BARRON John Co. G, 126th Regt NYV private
BARTLETT Morris Co. H, 102nd Regt NYV private
BASSETT D. C. Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt private
BASSETT Dewitt C. Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV private
BASSETT Erasmus E. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV color-sergeant; third sergeant;  killed at Gettysburg
BASSETT Levi Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV private
BASSETT Richard A. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV first lieutenant
BATES Oren Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BEACH Rollin G. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BEACH Theodore Co. A, 76th Regt NYV private
BEAM Byron Co. B, 148th Regt corporal
BEAMISH George H. Co. D, 194th NYV private
BEARD Aaron Co. G, 85th Regt NYV private
BEARDSLEY Edward Co. H, 102nd Regt NYV private
BECKER Franklin Co. I, 148th Regt private
BECKER George W. Co. E, 126th Regt NYV hospital steard
BECKER Walter W. Co. I, 148th Regt private
BEEBE Coradon H. Co. D, 194th NYV private
BEEBE George Co. B, 148th Regt third sergeant
BEEBE John F. Co. D, 194th NYV private
BEEBE William Co. A, 126th Regt NYV drummer
BEEDEN Nathan D. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BEEMAN Charles Co. C, 188th Regt NYV private
BEEMAN George Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
BEJINGTON Marvin Co. A, 76th Regt NYV private
BELL Dewitt C. Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV private
BELL Robert Co. G, 14th Regt Art. NYV private
BELLIS Isaac Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BENEDICT George W. Co. F, 148th Regt private
BENEDICT Jewett Co. E, 126th Regt NYV private
BENEDICT John H. Co. F, 148th Regt private
BENHAM Samuel C. Co. I, 34th Regt NYV sergeant
BENHAM Samuel S. Co. B, 148th Regt private
BENNETT Albert Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
BENNETT John M. Co. C, 188th Regt NYV private
BENNETT Kingsbury M. Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
BENNETT Lucius B. Co. I, 148th Regt private
BENNETT Nelson Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters private
BENSON Isaac Co. I, 148th Regt private
BERDAN H. 1st US Sharpshooters colonel
BETTS Wallace Co. A, 126th Regt NYV third sergeant
BEYEA Daniel J. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
BIEGLOW Stanford Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV private
BILSON Henry Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
BISHOP Charles Co. C, 33rd Regt NYV private
BLACKMAR Charles Co. I, 179th Regt NYV first lieutenant
BLAKESLEY George H. Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV private
BLANSETT John Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BLARETT Robert D. Co. E, 126th Regt NYV private
BLOOD Isaac D. Co. I, 148th Regt private
BLOUIN William B. Co. I, 148th Regt private
BOGART Albert L. Co. E, 126th Regt NYV private
BOGART Charles Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters private
BOGART Robert Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters private
BOHALL Leonard M. Co. I, 148th Regt private
BONNEY Amos J. Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
BONNEY Cornelius 33rd Regt NYV private
BOOKSTAVER Lee Co. B,  3rd Regt Art. NYV private
BOOKSTAVER Lee Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV private
BOOTH James M. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BOOTH Moses S. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BOOTHE John H. Co. D, 194th NYV private
BOWEN Edwin C. Co. I, 179th Regt NYV captain
BOWEN William P. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BOYD Barrett A. Co. I, 15th Eng. private
BOYD James J. Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV private
BRACE Ansel Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BRADLEY Andrew Co. B, 148th Regt private
BRADLEY David A. Co. F, 179th Regt first lieutenant
BRADT Henry W. Co. D, 126th Regt NYV private
BRAZEE Freeman M. Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV private
BRENENSTHUL Warren Co. B,  3rd Regt Art. NYV private
BRENNAN George Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV private; orderly-sergeant promoted to first lieut. on 12/1/1861
BRENNAN George Co. M, 14th Regt Art NYV first lieutenant
BRENNAN Patrick 33rd Regt NYV private
BREWER John H. Co. E, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
BRIGGS Able Co. K, 15th Eng. private
BRIGGS Henry O. Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV private
BRIGGS James A. Co. D, 194th NYV private
BRIGGS Nathaniel S. Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV private
BRIGGS Robert Co. G, 85th Regt NYV private
BRINK Jerome Co. E, 126th Regt NYV private
BRINK Taylor Co. E, 126th Regt NYV private
BRITTON Charles Co. D, 194th NYV private
BRIZEE Levi P. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
BROADBOOKS George Co. F, 148th Regt private
BROCKWAY Isaiah Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV private
BRONSON John L. Co. I, 15th Eng. private
BROUGH J. H. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV second lieutenant
BROUGH John H. Co. E, 126th Regt NYV second lieutenant
BROWN Abram  Co. D, 194th NYV private
BROWN Alfred  Co. B, 148th Regt private
BROWN Charles Co. I, 33rd Regt Inf. NYV private
BROWN J. Smith 126th Regt NYV major of Penn Yan
BROWN J. Smith 1st US Sharpshooters adjutant
BROWN John Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
BROWN Joseph Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
BROWN Morris Jr. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV orderly; later promoted to captain; killed at Petersburg June 1864
BROWN Robert Co. I, 148th Regt private
BROWN Thomas V. Co. B, 188th Regt NYV private
BUCKLEY Henry F. Co. B, 148th Regt private
BULGER Hugh Co. D, 194th NYV private
BULGER Patrick Co. G, 126th Regt NYV private
BULLOCK Reuben Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BULLOCK Zenas G. Co. E, 188th Regt NYV private
BUNCE Melvin Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BURCH George Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
BURKE William Co. C, 188th Regt NYV private
BURNS James Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
BURNS John Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
BURRILL Orrin A. Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
BURRILL Truman N. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV captain
BUSH Charles W. Co. B, 148th Regt private
BUSH Harlan P. Co. I, 15th Eng. private
BUTLER James F. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
BUTLER John A. Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
BUTLER Martin Co. I, 148th Regt private
BYINGTON George A. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
CALVER Fitz E. Co. H, 179th Regt NYV first lieutenant
CAMPBELL Alexander P. Co. G, 85th Regt NYV private
CAMPBELL John Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
CAMPBELL Joseph Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. corporal
CAMPBELL Martin P. Co. A, 76th Regt NYV private
CAMPBELL Ward Co. I, 148th Regt private
CAMPFIELD Francis M. Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
CAPELL Lorenzo Co. I, 148th Regt private
CAREY Edgar D. Co. D, 194th NYV private
CAREY Henry Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV private
CAREY Jerome H. Co. D, 194th NYV private
CARLEY John H. Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private; killed in battle July 30, 1864
CARLEY John H. Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
CARPENTER Benjamin F. Co. A, 76th Regt NYV private
CARPENTER Calvin H. 148th Regt NY Inf. asst. surgeon to surgeon; of Seneca Falls
CARPENTER George D. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV second lieutenant
CARPENTER George D. Co. A, 179th Regt NYV captain
CARR Andrew H. Co. E, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
CARR Charles Co. E, 179th Regt first lieutenant
CARR George W. Co. G, 144th Regt Art. NYV private
CARR John Co. I, 148th Regt private
CARR William A. Co. F, 148th Regt private
CARVEY Lewis R. Co. F, 148th Regt private
CASSION William Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
CASTNER Clark Co. I, 148th Regt private
CATON John S. Co. F, 148th Regt private
CHAMBERLAIN George W. Co. B, 148th Regt private
CHAMBERS Charles Co. B, 148th Regt private
CHAMBERS Harmon O. Co. B, 148th Regt private
CHAMBERS William H. Co. B, 148th Regt private
CHAMPALIN Rowland Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
CHAPMAN Charles Co. I, 33rd Regt Inf. NYV private
CHAPMAN George Co. B, 126th Regt NYV sixth corporal
CHAPMAN Richard Co. B, 148th Regt private
CHASE Benjamin F. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
CHIDSEY Augustus A. Co. I. 33rd Regt NYV private
CHIDSEY Ervin Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters private
CHIDSEY William Co. B, 1st US Sharpshooters orderly-sergeant
CHILDS Henry O. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV fifth sergeant
CHISSOM Alvah B. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
CLAFFEY John Co. H., 148th Regt (from Waterloo. Seneca Co.) musician; promoted to Corporal
CLAPP A. R. Co. A, 126th Regt NYV second lieutenant
CLARK Albert W. Co. F, 148th Regt private
CLARK Ebenezer B. Co. E, 188th Regt NYV private
CLARK Harrison Co. I, 34th Regt NYV private
CLARK John Co. B, 148th Regt private
CLARK Joseph B. Co. B, 148th Regt private
CLARK Lewis  Co. D, 194th NYV private
CLARK Roswell S. Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
CLEVELAND G. W. Co. K, 3rd NY [see Benton Center Ceme]
COLE A. J. Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt private
COLE Edward  Co. I, 148th Regt orderly
COLE William H. Co. F, 148th Regt private
COLE Wolcott Co. D, 194th NYV private
COLE Edward Co. I, 148th Regt captain
COLE Levi  Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
COLEMAN Archibald 33rd Regt NYV private
COLEMAN William A. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV captain
COLGROVE Newton  Co. E, 188th Regt NYV private
COLLINS James Co. G, 126th Regt NYV private
COMPTON Stephen Co. A, 179th Regt NYV second lieutenant; wounded Apr 1865
COMSTOCK Charles Co. I, 33rd Regt Inf. NYV private
CONDON William Co. A, 76th Regt NYV private
CONKLIN John Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private
CONKLIN Joseph Co. B, 148th Regt private
CONKLIN Percival A. Co. G, 188th Regt NYV private; of Italy, NY
CONKLIN Peter J. Co. I, 148th Regt private
CONKLIN Philo H. Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt private
CONLEY John J. Co. F, 148th Regt private
CONNOLLY J. M. Co. K, 15th Eng. private
CONSTANTIN John S. Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV private
CONWAY John Co. F, 148th Regt private
CONWAY Owen Co. F, 148th Regt private
CONWAY Thomas 33rd Regt NYV private
COOK Aaron J. Co. F, 148th Regt captain to second lieutenant
COOK Daniel Co. B, 148th Regt private
COOK David A. Co. I, 33rd  Regt NYV corporal
COOK Foster P. Co. B, 148th Regt private
COOK Fred P. Co. F, 148th Regt first lieutenant
COOK George W. Co. B, 179th Regt NYV first lieutenant; promoted to adjutant
COOK Henry P. Co. B, 126th Regt NYV fourth sergeant
COOLEY Bruen Co. I, 33rd Regt Inf.  private
COOLEY John Co. I, 148th Regt second lieutenant
COOLEY John Co. I & C, 148th Regt lieut.; promoted to major; of Penn Yan
COOLEY Justus Jr. Co. H, 126th Regt NYV corporal
COON Stephen Co. I, 148th Regt private
COONEY Lawrence Jr. Co. I, 148th Regt private
COONS George Co. B, 148th Regt private
COONS James H. Co. B, 148th Regt corporal
COONS Robert N. Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
COOVERT John Co. L, 14th Regt Art NYV private
COREY Edwin L. Co. D, 194th NYV private
COREY George W. Co. I, 33rd Regt Inf. private
COREY Hiram Co. G, 85th Regt NYV private
COREY James W. Co. I, 33rd Regt NYV private
CORNING John W. Co. B & F; 33rd Regt Inf. adjutant; promoted from 1st lieut. to 2nd lieut.
CORNING Joseph W Co. B & I, 33rd Regt Inf. captain; promoted to lieutenant-colonel
CORYELL Edwin Co. B, 126th Regt NYV private
COTTON Julius F. Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
COURTNEY Edward Co. D, 194th NYV private
COVELL Samuel Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt private
CRANDALL Lester Co. D, 194th NYV private
CRANS Orlando V. Co. F, 179th Regt NYV private
CREED James A. Co. E, 126th Regt NYV private
CREED Jonathan Co. E, 126th Regt NYV private
CREED Thomas Co. D, 194th NYV private
CRISCADEN William L. Co. I, 126th Regt NYV corporal
CRISCADON Hugh Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
CRISCADON Theodore Co. A, 50th Regt NY Eng. private
CRISCADON William Co. M, 148th Regt/ Co. C, 44th Regt private
CRISS David Co. F, 148th Regt corporal
CROCKER William H. Co. F, 148th Regt private
CROFOOT Orlando M. Co. I, 34th Regt NYV private
CROUCH James B. Co. I, 148th Regt private
CROUSE Joseph S. Co. G, 85th Regt NYV private
CULVER John P. Co. G & E, 126th Regt NYV private to corporal
CULVER Lyman  Co. A, 76th Regt NYV private
CUMMINGS John Co. A, 126th Regt NYV private


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