WW I and WW II Veterans that lived in Yates Co., NY
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If you would like to submit any Yates Co. data to this site please contact me. Copyright resides with the contributor.
Information gleaned from various sources. Owned and transcribed by Dianne Thomas.
World War I Veterans | ||||
HARRINGTON | Clyde H. | WW I | 1887 - 1979 US Army WWI | of Italy/Naples |
OUGHTERSON | Ashley W. | WW I | 1895 - 1956 | of Benton |
OUGHTERSON | Edward L. | WW I | 1894 - 1972 | of Benton |
SHEPARD | Milton W. | WW I | 1892 - 1932 | of Italy/Naples |
Bronze Plaque at Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital 1959
Bearing names of WW II Soldiers
World War I I Veterans | ||||
ANABLE | Kenneth R. | WW II | 1913 - 1970; USA Army Air Force | of Italy/Naples |
COOPER | Edwin G. | WW II | 1926 - 1968; US Army | of Italy/Naples |
COOPER | Elwood M. | WW II | 1924 - 1993; US Army | of Italy/Naples |
DUNTON | Charles Lester | WW II | 1926 - 1985 | of Italy/Naples |
HAYES | Altone | WW II | 1912 - 1972; US Air Force | of Italy/Naples |
TEDFORD | George | WW II & Korean | 1916 - 1977; US Air Force | of Italy/Naples
Penn Yan Democrat Friday August 8, 1924 Pg 1 & 4 by Dianne Thomas
S. & S. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - List of Names to Be Placed on Tablet in Yates County Memorial to Her World War Sons.
According to previous announcement the committee on the Memorial Tablet for the hospital has completed its labors, and the list as it now stands will be inscribed on the tablet, where it will stand for all time.
The list which follows has been sent to the manufacturers of the tablets, which are expected to be completed in about six weeks :
(page 1)
Ackerson, Verne Maxwell
Allan, Robert J. Hannay
Allen, Adelbert Berkeley
Allen, Charles. Frederick
Allen, Arthur Lee
*Allen, Valentine P.
Allen, John
Allen, Arthur A.
Allison, Marvin E.
Anderson, David John
Andrews. Archie Graton
*Apps, William
Armstrong, Lawrence S.
Ayres, Sidney Elliott
Bacon, Cassius
Bagley, Amos
Bahr. Harold G.
Baker, Richard Gilbert
Baker, Charles
Baldwin, Bert Emery
Barnes, Arthur McGhee
Barnhart, William Jacob
Barringer, James Lew
Barrus, Sheldon
Barry James Forestel
Bartholomew, Nevin D.
Battista, Luigi Alesandro Mastro
Beard, Charles Adelbert
Beard, Clarence Navarre
Beaumont, Charles
Becker, Raplh Collin
Beckett, Walter William
Beebe, Vincent
Bellis, Harvey Russell
*Benedict. George Wesley
Bentley, Hugh Woodruff
Bias, Robert A.
Bigelow, Claud Myron
Birkett, Howard
Bishop, Charles Arthur
Bishop, Deforest John
Blodgett, Vernon Wilson
Blodgett, Lawrence T.
Blood, Lynn Gerald
Bolster, Harry S.
Brady, Joseph. Jr.
Bradley, James Whalen
*Bradley, John Henry
Brainard, Frank Ellory
Brainard. Ashley Willis
Brainard, Frederick Hayden
Brayman, Eugene .
Brewer, Wilfred
Bridgman, Edwin Chester
Brink, James Russell
Brisbin, Robert Chester
Brown; Jesse ABroun.
Paul Lewis
Brown, George Oliver
Buckle, Arthur Howard
Bullock, George Donald
Burgess, Clifford Whitney
Burgess, Elwood Eclair
Burgess. Harry Conley
Burns, Stanley Livingston.
Burns, Thomas S., Jr.
Burns, Peter A..
Burns. Leo P.
Burns, Robert J.
Bums, Joseph E.
Bush, Warner Edgett
Burt, Ferris Henry
Burt. Ansel Mott
Purtch, Forrest Sabin
Butler, Martin H.
Butler, James Frederick
Butler, Charles
Buttons, Charles Lewis
Cadwell, Lewis
Cady, Charles Benjamin
Calhoon, Clark Nathan
Calhoon, William
Carey, William Eddington
Caris, Percy Warner
Carpenter, Carl F.
Carpenter, Earl Disbrow
Carroll, Jeremiah Edward
Carroll, John Bernard
Carroll, Thomas Francis
Carroll, Duane Nelson
Carson, Willard Floyd
Castner, Earl Samuel
Catlin, Lewis Edward
Cecchini Anthony
Cecchini. Nick
Chadwick, Edmund
Chadwick. Philip Ward
Chaffee, Festus M.
Chapman, Clifford Clair
Chapman, Fay Lawton
Chapman, Rogert Edington
*Chisholm, Henry Lester
Chrlstensen, James Andrew
Christensen, Carl Martin
Chrlstensen, Henry John
Clark, Charles Robinson
Clark, Marion Melvin
Clark, Walter Philip
Clark, Franklin Hanford
Clawson,Willard Alexander
Cleveland, Harry William
Cole, Walter James
Cole, Elmer Lionel
Cole Richard Wharton
Collin, George Franklin
Comstock, Donald Remer
Comstock, Herbert George
Conklin, Harold Welcher
Conley, Earle Wyman
Conley, John A.
Conley, Lawrence Hobart
Conley, Ross Matthew
Conley, Leman Oscar
Connell, Harry Dewitt
Connolly, Henry G.
Conrad, T. Gordon
Conrad, Claude Larzelere
Conway, William Albert
Cook, Albert E.
Coons, Howard Bradley
Copson, Donald Francis
Corey, Joseph Albert
Corey, Frank E.
Cornwell, James William
*Costello, Charles Edward
Costello, Joseph L.
Costello, Thomas James
Costello, Michael E.
Cougevan, Francis Robert
Cramer, Edward Sheridan
Cramer, John Balantine
Crane Emmett Carlton
Crane, Leon Daniel
Craugh, James Gerald
Craugh, John M.
Craugh, Joseph Patrick
Craugh, Richard F.
Craugh, Thomas E.
Cronk, Clarence
Cronk, Benjamin Harrison
Crosby, Joseph Fenton
Culver, Hollis Hyde
Culver, William Rufus
Cunningham, William Richard
Daniels, Carroll Cronk
Davis, James Leverett
Davidson. William Sidney
Day, Albert Sherman
Decker, James Clarence
Deitrich, George Raymond
Del Rose, Albert
Dennis, Stanley Booth
Dense, Elijah B.
Dibble, Glenn Everett
Douglass, Perl R.
Douglass, Clarence
•Duell, Jesse Frank
Duell, Claude H.
Duffy, Bernard J.
Dumas, George A.
Dunn, Homer
Dunton. Howard Leroy
Dwyer, Paul B.
Dykeman, Charles
Earle, Courtney Griswold
Eckert, Henry Samuel
Eckert, Irving Edward
Eckert, William Fred
Edgerton, Claude Heath
Edkin, George E.
Edwards, Henry B.
Ellerington, Frank
Elling, Walter A.
Ellis, George Charles
Emerson, George Dewey
Enos, George Elmer
Estey. Laurence Wilkie
Excell, George William
Fals, Fred
Ferenbaugh, Birkett
Finerghty, William
Finger, Melvin Henry
Fish, Milton Hart
•Fisher, Gerald Howard
Fisher, Leon
Fisher, Roy John
Fitzpatrick, Edmund John
Fitzpatrick, Wilfred James
Flynn, Francis Leroy
Folte, Edwin Cole
Ford, David Joseph
Ford, George W., Jr.
Foster, Earl Jackson
Foster, Edwin Carlton
Frederick, Forrest Charles
Gallagher, Charles Lawrence
Gannon, Clarence Joseph
Gardner. Melville Reuben
Gelder, Clyde Benjamin
Geoghegan, James Andrew
Gilbert, Arthur Mearl
Gilbert, Homer Ames
Gilbert. John Harold
Gillette, Charles Clifford
•Goldsmith, William H.
Goldsmith, Frank Lee
Goodman, Lavon L.
Goodspeed, John Irving
Goundry, Harry Barnes
Goundry, Ralph
Grace, Earl Leroy
Grace, Charles Oliver
Graczyk, John
Grady, William Gordon
Grady, George Joseph
Grady, Edward James
Green, George Wallace
Greenfield, Henry James
Gridley, Ross Leighton
Griffiths, John Arthur
Griffiths, Albert Henry
Griswold, Robert Lee
Habberfield, Harold Richard
Habberfield, Frederick Ruscomb
Habberfield, William H.
Hague, James
Hall, Byron Ketchum
Hall, Clinton Leroy
Hallstead, Walter George
Hamilton, Clifford Morgan
Harris, Leland Stanford
Harris, Harold
Harris, Seymour B.
Harris, William
Hart, Harry Sprague
Harter, Ray Cyrus
Harper, Dolyemarx
Harpendiner, Asbury Hathaway;
Hatch, John Augustus
Haxons?, Harry
Hayes Dudley Vernon
Headley, Max Clifford
Heminway, Charles Walter
Heslund, Herman Joseph
Hill, Floyd Melvin
Hill, Ernest Earl
Hill, Harry R.
Hoagland, Fred Carl
Hoban, James Frank
Hoban, Owen Charles
Hoban, Bernard Michael
H9tfanr*John Carr, Jr.
Hobbins, James F.
Holley, William Thompson
Holmes, Charles Earl
Hood, Homer Harold
Hopkins, Bernard Paul
Hopkins, Frew
Henkins, ? George E.
Hopkins, James Albert
Hovey, Claude Armstrong
Howell, Belden Samuel
Hoyt, George Willis. Jr.
Hurd, Morris Ernest
Hurlbut, Gifford George
Hutton, Harold Andrew
Hyland, John James
Hyland, Richard Vincent
Hyland, Justin Edward
Ingraham, Forrest W.
Ins?ho, Kenneth
Jacobs, Edwin Elwood
Jacobsen, Sorney Jacob
Jacobsen, Jens
Jay, Albert Cleveland
Jensen, Axel Holger William
Jensen, Kristian
Jensen, Chris Henry
Jensen, John Nick
Jensen, Bennett Henry
Jessop, Foster
Jessup, Albert H.
Johnson, Parmele
•Johnson. Harold H.
Jones, William Arthur
Jones, Elwin Delon
Jones, William Henry
Jones, Gerald Pierce Owen
Jorgensen, Sirus Erick
Just, Frank J.
Just, Anthony Peter
Kelly, William John
Kelsey, Willard Heth
Kennerson, Stanley
Kenyon, Lee W.
Kessler, Ernest E.
Kindelberger, Emmett L.
Kinne, George Remsen
Kinsman, Edward B.
Kirkpatrick, James Storey
Kirkpatrick, Alexander
Klube, Charles
Klube, Harry Sauter
Knapton, Albert Charles
Knickerbocker, Max Reinhold
Knight, Hixon Ames
Kornum, Mads Vrangdrup
Lafler, Lloyd Raymond
Lane, Elzer
Larsen, Henry
Larsen, Lars
Lathrop, Herbert R.
Lathrop, Albert
Lazennby, James Dewitt
Leader, George Howard
Ledaire, Lawrence
Lee, Jay Henry
Lee, Claude Thomas
Legg, Harold John
Leroy, Leonard S.
Lewis, Fred Joseph
Lizzi, Domenico
Lockwood, George Perry
Loomis, Ralph V.
Lord, Harry Schollar
Lord, George Perry
Lott, Albert E.
Ludlow, Clarence Baldwin
Luppino, Frank
Lynch, James Grover
Mace, Robert Albert
MacCalman, Donald James
MacDonald, Leon Glenn
Magee, Joseph George
Maley, James Joseph
Maloney. Harry
Manchester. Robert J.
Mangipinto, Pietro
Manley, Charles F.
Mann. Claude Richard
Mannon, George Warren
Markey, William Alexius
Markey, John Michael
Mashewske, Charles
Mattason, Harry Albert
Matteson, Floyd Edward
Matthews, Herbert Wood
Matthews, George Weber
[end of pg 1]
Penn Yan NY Democrat 1923-1925 Grayscale - 0538.pdf
(list continued on page 4 )
Maybee, Edward Eugene
McAdams, Gerald Edward
McAdams, Raymond Francis
McCreery, William
McPall, Archie
McParlane, John L.
McFarren, Howard J.
McFetridge, Robert
McGough, Albert George
McGovern, Hugh Bernard
Mc Ilmoyl, Hugh
McManus, John Bernard
McMinn, John
McPherson, Clarence Lowell
McQuiston, Harry Grant
Meade, Paul Joseph
Meaker, Harry Hurford
Meaker, John Jenkin
Meehan, John Joseph
Merrick, George William
Metcalf, Roy Ransom
Mertz, Rodney Clifford
Meyer. Milford Martin
Mikkelsen, Axel
Miller, Chris
Miller, Joseph B.
Miller, Otto Chris
Miller, Sheridan Earl
Millis, Raymond Henry
Moon, Walter Edward
Moore, James Ralph
Moore, James D.
Mordecai, Arthur
Morgan, Arlo Alva
Morris, Arthur M.
Morse, George S.
Morse, Charles Carpenter
Moshier, Albert Alexander
Murphy, Lazear J.
Murray, Robert Allen
Nageldinger, Ernest William
Neilsen, Christian
Neilsen, Neils Peter
Neilsen, Neils John
Neilsen, Karl Osker Herman
Neilsen, Harold Jule
•Nelson, Carl Christian
Nester, Howard Waltham
•Newby, Willard Stanley
Noble, Clarence W.
Norris, Leon Oscar
Norris, William Alfred
Norris, Leon Jay
Norman, Oliver Wendall
O'Keefe, Jerome Joseph
Olmstead, Carl Ray
Olmstead, Arthur Fay
Oleen, Jens Chris
Osternout, Fred Roy
Owens, Howard
Paddock, Arthur James
Paddock, Joseph William
Palleson, Hans
Palmatier, Mervin Arlo Aaron
Pangburn, Newell Truman
Parsons, Harold L.
Patteson, William Sheppard
Pearce, Guy
Pederson, Emil
Pederson, Thowald
Pedley, Clarence Hollister
Peelle, James Francis
Pepper, George
Perry, Leal Luther
Perry, Raymond Arthur
Perry, Laverne Ernest
Petersen, Carl Frederick Ferdinand
Peterson, Arthur John
Plaisted, Ross J.
Plotte, Herbert Edward
Poole, Ledwith Robert
Potter, Emory
Poulson, Chris Martinus
Poyneer, Warner R .
Predmore, Alonzo Henry
Price, Richard
Price, Floyd R.
Prosser, Ivor James
Radder, Louis Walter, Jr.
Randall, William Avery
Rapalee, Harvey McKinley
Reaves, Oliver W.
Rector, Arthur Frederick
Rector, Frank Charles
Reed, Stuart G.
Reddington, Victor Howard
Reilly, Francis Peter
Reilly, James Edward
Reynolds, Nelson Charles
Reynolds. Richard Joseph
Ribble, Orval
Rifenberg, William
Riley, Charles Calvin
•Rilling, Philip John Jr.
Robinson, James Lee
•Robson, William C.
Roche, Angelo James
Roe, Harold
Roese, Frederick
Rosenkrans, Edmund Christie
Rovito, Adolph
Ruddick, William Ensley
Rugar, George Francis
Rugg, George Daniel, Jr.
Rugg, Raymond
Rutenber, James Blackmer
Sage, William A.
Sample, Frank Leslie
Sanderson, Leonard R.
Santee, Efner Hiram
*Savage, James Hayward
Sawyer, Dorphes Cidney
Sayre, Frank Easton
Scherer, Edward Lauriston
Schofleld, Frank Herman
Schubert, Hiram Arthur
Schultz, William Joseph
Schweickhard, Leo Handley
Scism, William Myer
Seeley, Robert Lampson
Serfine, Nicholas
Serfine, John F.
Sharpe, Cameron Alexander
Sharpe, Homer John
Sheehan, Ambrose Howard
Shepherd, Milton William
Shepherd, Clayton Bigelow
Sheridan, John Edward
Short, Frank
Short, Sidney Elbert
Shutts, Arthur Langdon
Shutts, Paul Nelson
Simmons, Milford
Slutter, Carl J.
Smith, Leo Herbert
Smith, Ernest Jacob
Smith, Edward Bernard
Smith, Leon Hemenway
Smith, Floyd
Smith, Clarence Randall
Smith, Charles DeWolfe
Snook, Leroy Charles
Snyder, Glenn Haven
Snyder, James Henry
Sorensen, John Herman
Sorenson, Anton M.
Spencer, John Darrell
Spike, Warren Robert
Spoor, Clarence Alonzo
Sprague, Howard O.
Sprague, William
*Sproul, Harold
Staples, Archie Raymond
Stark, Paul Martin
Stevens, Arthur Francis
Stevenson, George Edward
Stever, James Lewis
Stewart, Herbert Charles
Stone, Clarence E.
Strait, Bernard Samuel
Sturdevant, Benjamin Franklin
Sumner, Marion Jewell
Sutherland, Earl Lloyd
Swarthout, John P.
Symonds, Wilbur Mills
Tears, John Edward
Thiers, Pearl Underwood
Thomas, Burnett David
Thomas, Fred Burnett
Thomas, Rufus Garland
Thomsen, Neils Peter
Tindall, Horace F.
Tongate, William John Jr.
Tower, Donald MacLean
Townley, Lyle Brunskill
Travis, Ray P.
Travis, Fred James
Travis, Lewis Warren
Trimmingham, James William
Tubbs, George William
Tuthill, Harold Franklin
Twilllger, Raymond B.
Van Gelder, Earl
Van Gelder, Elmer
Van Horn, Ben
•Vermilyea, Sidney
•Waddell, Frank Saville
Walker, Raymond Charles
Waters, Hubert William
Webster, Mitchell Riley
Weinstein, Harold Long
Welch, William Bernard
Wheat, William Ward
Wheaton, Arlie E.
Wheeler, Horace Brown
Wheeler, Howard Edwin
Wheeler, Bradley Longwell
•Wheeler, Charlie
Wheeler, James Harvey
Whitaker, John North
Whitbeck, Byron G.
White, Albert Josiah
Whitman, Stephen Michael
Wickum, Charles Edwin
•Williams, Alfred
Williams, T. Chauncey
Williams, Charles Enos
Williams, Roy Dwight
Williams. William Warren
Williams, William Wright
Wilson, Percy Charles
Windnagle, Dewey Fenton
Windnagle, George Frederick
Wixom, Norman Bert
Wood, George Dunlap
Wood, Ernest Leon
Woodhouse, Frank Leslie
Woodruff, Joseph Dudley
World, Fred Andrew
Wright, Valentine William Morris
Wright, Alexander F.
Yost, Theodore
Young, Vernon
Young, Herbert Allen
Youst, Anthony J.
Youst, Joseph James
_________ END _________
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