Yates Co. News Articles
for the town of Middlesex
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Ontario Co. Journal Mar 31,1882 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
HERN - FLINT - At the Baptist parsonage, Middlesex, March15, 1882 by Rev. E. T. MALLORY, Charles F. HERN of Springwater and Miss Viola FLINT of Italy.
Ontario Repository-Messenger, Canandaigua, NY Thursday Feb 8, 1894 contributed by: Dianne Thomas
+ Marie WILLIAMS is slowly recovering form a severe attack of fever.
+ John CARR, our present Supervisor, will probably be re-nominated by the GOP. There will probably be a struggle for the minor officers as the thrust is great for office.
+ Wm. PERRY has engaged Wm. FOX as foreman, the coming year.
+ James ROCKHAM is buying wheat at 56 cents. Free trade could not make the priceless.
+ C. S. GATES loaded fat stock at Middlesex, last Monday.
+ A series of revival meetings have commenced at the First Baptist Church, conducted by Rev. Wells HULBURT.
+ Mrs. Oscar TAYLOR had a severe attack of grip recently. Dr. CONLY had the case.
by Dianne Thomas
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