Yates County, New York

Churches for the Town of Middlesex

From the History of Yates County, NY
published 1892, by L.C. Aldrich

pg.476 - 477


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Churchesof Middlesex   


TheMethodists appear to have gained the first permanent foothold of any of thedenominations in the town, their class having been formed as early as 1820,although preaching of this faith was conducted as early as 1797. The first meetinghouse of this society was built at Overacker�s Cornersin 1836, and at a cost of about $1,000.  Theleading members at that time were Samuel FISK, Harvey FRENCTH, Nathaniel EMORY,Nehemiah BEERS, Mr. WEBB, Ezra FULLER, Jonathan HAWLEY, Jesse KILPATRICK, CyrusADAMS and others.  This societygradually declined and finally merged into other of more strength. The class at the Center was formed in 1820, with Nathaneil EMORY andDurfee ALLEN among the first class leaders. The earlier members were Robert MC NAIR and wife, Chauncey ADAMS andwife, the daughters of Warham WILLIAMS and a few others. The brick church was built in 1841, costing $3,000 but the organizationof the society was effected in 1839, by Abner CHASE.  The first trustees were David G. UNDERWOOD. R. E. ALDRICH,Thomas SEAMANS, M. B. VAN OSDOL, D. B. LINDSLEY, John e. WAGER and JabezMETCALF.  The Middlesex circuit wasformed in 1840. 

TheBaptist Church and society at Middlesex Center had their organization at aboutthe same time as the society in Potter, and was in a measure an offshoottherefrom.  The church at the Centerwas erected in 1840.  The church andproperty of the society represent a value of about $6,000. 

Thehouse of worship of the Free Will Baptist Church at the Center was erected in1840.  It stands in the west part ofthe village.  In the membership ofthis society are numbered some of the strongest and most influential men of thetown.


Transcribedby Dianne Thomas

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