Yates Co. News Articles

for the town of Jerusalem



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Rochester Republican, Rochester, NY   Oct 19,1848             contributed by  GSubyak@aol.com

Marriage  (no date given) -   In Jerusalem, Mr. David R. CONERY to Miss Sally ROBERT

Yates County Whig – July 27, 1854         contributed by Cathy Coon

In Branchport, on Monday, 17th ult., Lynham E., son of James and Rebecca Taylor, after a brief illness of four days, aged 7 years 1 month and 21 days. Lynham was a lovely boy, too pure to dwell in this lower world.

Yates County Chronicle, dated July 1, 1875                                contributed by Bob Phillips

On Tuesday, June 15th the funeral services of Mrs. Mary Watkins were held in the M. E. Church of Italy Hill --- the Baptist meeting home being unfinished.  One of the largest congregations ever assembled in that locality was present to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of a truly good woman.
The deceased was born in Orange county, N.Y., August 11, 1815.  She was a daughter of James and Sally Wilcox.  In February 1844, she married Abraham Watkins, a well-known citizen of Jerusalem, who died near Italy Hill in December 1871. For many years he was a Deacon of the Baptist church, and his memory is sweet and precious unto this day.  In 1835 Mrs. Watkins was baptized by Elder Owens, and united with the Baptist church at Branchport.  For twenty-one years she was a faithful, devoted member of the Baptist church at Italy Hill.
Owing to deaths and removals from the neighborhood, this church, during the last four or five years, has become reduced in numbers, and mainly through her efforts and those of Deacon James Prosser has the organization been sustained.  In her death the church and the community have sustained a loss that will be keenly felt, for in all the relations of life her piety was shown by her acts.
Already beyond the age of "three score years and ten," her mother, Mrs. Sally Wilcox, is left to mourn a daughter's death...  One brother, Isaac Wilcox, of Jerusalem, and four children --- John, Mrs. James Ansley, Mrs. Uriel Shearman, and Mrs. Silas W. Andrews (Andruss) --- are now living.  Amos & Myron, died at the age of fifteen.
Calmly and patiently the deceased bore her last sickness, which lasted several months.  A good life ends well, and she died in peace.  On her rests the sweet benediction:  "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."  These words formed the text on the occasion of her funeral. Her pastor, Rev. G. A. Wilkins, paid a fervent tribute to her excellent, useful life --- ended indeed below, but only commenced above.  The choir, under the lead of Mr. William Hurd, of Branchport, sustained the solemnity of the (??canon) and calmed its grief by their appropriate selections and expressive sounds.  At the grave we heard read the grand old burial service of the Episcopal church --- and "earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust" her body was given to the tomb" until the Savior shalt bid it ascension the resurrection morning".      W. Italy Hollow, June 21.

Prattsburgh News, dated June 1878                               contributed by Bob Phillips

Catherine, wife of Chester Stoddard, of Italy, died May 29, 1878, of heart disease.  Her age was 58 years.  Deceased was the only daughter of Abraham and Rachel Van Tuyl, late of Jerusalem, Yates Co., in which town she was born and lived during most of her life.  Her death has cast a gloom over the entire community, for all who knew her, loved her.  She possessed in an eminent degree that pure spirituality of being and genuine goodness of heart that win the esteem of all.  In the various relations of the family, the church and society, she was true.  Through weary months of pain she waited patiently for the Master's call.  Home and friends were dear, but she felt that it were better to depart.  Her husband and two daughters are left to mourn their great loss.

Prattsburgh News, dated June 1878                               contributed by Bob Phillips

Benjamin Stoddard died at his residence in Jerusalem, on Tuesday, June 4, 1878, aged 82 years. While attending the funeral of the wife of his son Chester, at Italy, on Friday last, he was prostrated by an attack of apoplexy which rendered him unconscious for a time, but he so far recovered as to encourage the hope of full restoration.  He again began to sink into a second attack which came on Tuesday, and soon brought a change which closed a long and active life.
Mr. Stoddard was born in 1796, in Cherry Valley, Otsego, county, N.Y.  At the age of twenty-one years he came to Jerusalem to live, and was at that time the owner of an ax, a gun, a watch and six dollars in money.  He purchased the farm which has since been his home to the day of his death.  The country was at that time an almost unbroken forest, inhabited by wild beasts, and with but a single road leading to Sherman's Hollow on the north, and one to the east through Larzelere's Hollow.  In 1818 he erected a log house and a frame barn on his premises, and returned to the home of his nativity where he married Hannah Kelley, who still lives to enjoy the love and kind offices of her children, and children's children to the fourth generation.  Mr. Stoddard has led a quiet life, although he occupied a position of prominence and of usefulness.  A family of seven sons and daughters well settled in life, bear testimony to his wise example, his faithful instructions, and his never failing parental solicitude.  He comes to his grave like a "shock of corn fully ripe," and fit for the Paradise above through the cleansing blood of the Redeemer of men, in whom he believed and trusted, and whom he confessed before men, as his only hope of eternal life.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY    Tues        Nov 15,1887             contributed by GSubyak@aol.com

Nathan CONKLIN, who was confined in jail for shooting Andrew LANGWORTHY, at Branchport a few weeks ago, was brought before Justice LEAMAN'S for examination last week.  Thomas CARMODY appeared in behalf of the prisoner, and District Attorney BAKER for the people. CONKLIN waived examination. His case will come up before the grand jury in December.

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