Yates County, New York
Schools for the Town of Jerusalem
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History & Directoryof Yates County, Volume I
Pub1873 by Stafford C. Cleveland, pg 572-573
Transcribed byDianne Thomas
In 1814Jerusalem was divided into 8 school districts, by Elijah BOTSFORD, AchillesCOMSTOCK and Ebenezer SLAWSON, Commissioners of Schools. In1823 the town had fourteen school districts and $297.19 of public money forschools. Henry SNAPP, Jonathan WELDON and John B. CHASE were Commissioners ofSchools. Joel DORMAN, Elenezer SHATTUCK, Jonathan WELDON, Dr. Ezekiel B.PULLING, Jacob HERRICK, Zabina C. ANDRUSS, Benjamin STODDARD, John COLEMAN,Albert R. COWING and William MOORE were Commissioners before 1830.
A partial survey of Col. WILLIAMSON�s landon Bluff Point was made by Peter C. LOOP in November, 1813, for the WILLIAMSONheirs. The surveyor describes the lots to No. 8, and mentions the owners.Beginning on the Beddoe line, lot 1 (Silas NASH), of 77 acres, �is a very goodlot;� Lot 2 (Azor NASH), 114 acres, �also a good lot;� Lot 3 (WilliamBOYD), 159 acres, �very fine grass land;� Lot 4 (Hugh HERRICK), the southline striking the school house or log church, 154 acres, much like No. 3; Lot 5(William GRANT), 105 acres; Lot 6, east part (John FINCH), 117 acres, �aboutthe best land on the Bluff;� Lot 6, west part (Jonathan FINCH), 189 acres,�a part very steep, the residue very good land;� Lot 7, east part (CalvinCOLE and Isaac HEWITT), 116 acres, �a very good lot;� No. 8, east part, 28on county map (John BEAL), 204 acres, �a very good lot of land, mostly level,about 80 acres improved and well fenced.� A small marsh is noted as coveredwith �black alder and Tamarag.�
In 1860 Daniel LYNN while engaged in pullingstumps on the ELLSWORTH farm, west of the inlet near Branchport, raised oneunder which was found a collection of boulders of moderate size, which had beengathered with care to form a mound or burial urn. It was found by a carefulexamination that the body had been walled about and a fire burned over it. Theashes and coal of the wood and the charred remains of the subject were clearlydistinguishable. A portion of the skull and a thigh bone were in a fair state ofpreservation. It is most probable that this was the burial place of somechieftain among the red men. The tree which had grown on this spot wasthirty-two inches in diameter, and must have been growing five hundred yearsago, judging from the concentric rings of its trunk and adding the period sinceit was cut down. The locality was a wonderful thicket of over one hundred largetrees, standing on a single acre, and several acres being thus thickly woodedwith pine. As pine only starts in open ground, the place was perhaps once anopen plain or an Indian cornfield.
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