Yates County, New York
Businesses in the Town of Jerusalem
From the History of Yates County, NY
published 1892, by L.C. Aldrich
pg .425 - 426
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Businessesof Jerusalem
Thuswas the village of Branchport established. From the beginning made by ELLSWORTH and BOOTH, there has been built upin later years the third village of importance in Yates County; likewise it isone of the three incorporated villages of the shire. However interesting it might be to the reader to see here the successionof operators in the various branches of mercantile and business pursuits, thoseusually found in every trading center, it can hardly be done with reliableaccuracy; still, some of the earlier merchants can be called by name, among themEllsworth & Booth, William D. HENRY, Peter YOUNGS Sr., Lawrence & Smith,Harvy I. ANDRUS, Goodrich, Easton & Co., Solomon D. WEAVER, Myron H. WEAVER,Bradley SHEARMAN, Frederick PARRIS, James H. GAMBY, John LAIRD, Asa E.PETTENGILL, Peter H. BITLEY, Clark RIGHTER. Nearly of all those, during their time, were general or countrymerchants, keeping stocks which embraced dry goods, groceries, hardware, drugsand medicines, boots and shoes and in fact almost every commodity incidental toaverage country stores. However,drugs were the special stock kept by Bush & Andrews, Elliot BUSH, L. J.BEDDOE, Robert BOYD, Tomer Bros., T .B BOYD and James H. GAMBY. Hardware dealers were James T. DURRY, C. J. HATHAWAY, and Joel DORMAN.
Thepresent business interests of the village of Branchport mayb be summed up aboutas follows: Parris & Stever, general store; Alfred E. HAYES, dry goods andgroceries; William JOY, general store; Charles BEAN, druggist; David PARRIS assuccessor to Parris & Boyd, foundry, basket factory and planning mill;Philip WHEELER, builder, planing and matching; Edwin MATTISON, harness shop; S.S. Ellsworth & Co., lumber, coal, lime and cement; George S. WEAVER, lumberdealer; Jasper C. SHULL, proprietor of the Branchport Hotel.
Thefirst post office in the tow was establishedin 1824, called Jerusalem, was located near the ancient Havens Tavern. Nathaniel COTHERN was its postmaster. He was succeeded by Henry LARZELERE, who held the position from 1826 to1832, when the office was discontinued. AtBranchport, a post office was established in 1832, the incumbents of which havebeen Spencer BOOTH till 1849; Myron H. WEAVER till 1853; William S. BOOTH till1861; Bradley SHEARMAN, succeeded by Peter H. YOUNG, and the latter by his wife,Almeda YOUNG; she having held office for 27 consecutive years. An office was established at Shearman�s Hollow in 1841 and atKinney�s Corners (Bluff Point) in 1850.
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