Yates Co. News Articles

for the town of Italy



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Rochester Daily Union and Advertiser  Rochester,  NY,     Sat    Jan 2, 1900    contributed  by: G. Subyak

Coroner Called to a Case in Italy -- A Big Cocking Main -- Penn Yan Briefs
Penn Yan, N. Y., Jan. 2 - Albert RICHARDSON, a well known farmer of West Italy, was killed by a falling tree Thursday. Coroner COX was summoned, but was unable to get to his home and but few particulars of the fatality are known here, but it is reported that a flying limb of a tree he had felled, killed him.



The Naples Record                   Wednesday              July 23, 1902         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

A sad accident occurred here at  3pm. Sunday, during the hardest part of the flood. Charles Elsworth, accompanied by his little son, Lelo,bright boy about 6 years of age, went to Ingleside after Dr. Fulkerson for his daughter, Mrs. William Grow, who has been quite sick. On returning home he attempted to drive through the water that rushed across the road above Frank Briglin's house.

No sooner than he had entered the water, then the buggy was turned completely over, with his boy clasped in his arms, Mr. Ellsworth was swept out of his buggy into the rushing water.  In attempting to grasp a root to save himself and boy, the child was torn from his grasp and was swept down stream. Mr. Ellsworth managed to draw himself out of the water and immediately dove in again to try and save the boy; but all his efforts were in vain. The child was swept out of sight in an instant. 

Men searched along the banks of the stream, looking for the body that was finally discovered by George K. Kennedy about 7 pm, lodged in a tree in the creek back of Edward Garratt's house.  Mr. Kennedy accompanied by Messrs. Fox and Jamison, rescued the body from the water, and brought it to the home of the distracted parents.  

The bereaved father and mother have the sympathy of the entire community. The horse was saved by Messrs. Wixom and Garratt after standing about an hour in the water. The funeral will be from the house Tuesday, July 22, at 10 am.  Internment in Italy Hill Cemetery.


The Naples Record                   Friday         Aug 30, 1904  &  September 8, 1904         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Phebe Wetherby - This community was very much startled to hear of the death of Mrs. Phebe Wetherby, widow of the late Philip Wetherby, which occurred Sunday, August 7, 1904, at the home of Frank Ferguson, in Rushville, where she had been residing for the past five years.

About four weeks before her death, she was taken with a severe hemorrhage but grew better, and the day before she died her daughter, Mrs. Briglin, received a letter stating that she was coming home Sunday. She was taken with Bright's disease,  Sunday morning at three o'clock and lived only about nine hours. Mrs. Briglin, of this place, and Mrs. Fred Soper, of Elmira, were summoned by telephone, but they did not arrive until their mother was dead.

Mrs. Wetherby was born in the town of Italy,  May 3, 1835, and was a daughter of Amos Arnold and wife.   September 19, 1850, she was married to Philip C. Wetherby, who died November 20, 1879. She leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, Mrs. Frank Briglin, of Italy, and Mrs. Fred Soper, of Elmira. Another daughter, Mrs. Homer Fisher, died May 26,1901.

She is also survived by four grandchildren: Mrs. W. B . Cole, Jr., of Canandaigua; Miss Juanita Wetherby, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; Carleton Wetherby and Miss Georgianna Fisher, of Italy, and by one son, Charles B. Wetherby, of Michigan, who arrived too late to attend the funeral. Besides the children and grandchildren there remain two brothers and one sister, living in the West.

Deceased was a very useful and honored woman in the community. When quite young she joined the Italy M. E. church, and had remained a faithful member.

The funeral was conducted by Rev. Reynolds from the Wetherby homestead, and burial was made in the Italy Hill cemetery,  Italy, N.Y., August 29, 1904. 



Penn Yan Democrat         Friday            March 22, 1907       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Death of an Esteemed Citizen - Burdett Tinney, aged 88 years, died at his  home in this place, on Wednesday at 9 a.m. Mr. Tinney had been in poor health for years, but never complained. He was a member of the M. E. church and a Christian, whom any one could take an a n example. He was one o f those Christians that lived, as he talked and prayed, and any one who visited him on his last sickness and had the privilege of conversing with him could not but be impressed that God was with him as he said to his pastor the morning before he died, it is all peace, peace. It was one of the most remarkable cases that has happened here in years, demonstrating to everyone, better than any sermon that any minister could preach, that Christianity is good to live by and die by.

If the world was composed of such Christians, as Burdett Tinney,  it would be heaven itself on earth, and if ever the passage of scripture was appropriate, " Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death, of his saints," it is in this case. 

Besides a loving and sorrowful wife he leaves an aged father and a brother Ellis, and two sisters, Rose and Lillian. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., of Penn Yan, and the N. P. L., of Branchport.

Funeral was held today, Friday, February 22, 1901, a t 10:30 am, in the  M. E. church, Rev. Mr. Annable officiating at the church, Rev Mr. Frobock, of Penn Yan, officiating on behalf of the Odd Fellows, a n d Rev. Mr. Stevens, of Keuka College, assisting. Interment in the Italy Hill cemetery.


Morris Pulver and wife, are visiting her brother, the Rev. G. E. Campbell, at Elmira.

There will be a donation for the benefit of the pastor, Rev. A. L. Osborne, at the home of Wesley Northrup, on Friday evening, February 22d.

Fred Blood and wife are spending & couple of weeks at the home of his father in Penn Yan.

Earle Houghtailing and wife visited friends and relatives here a portion of last week.

Bessie Davis is ill with peritonitis at the home of her sister, Mrs. George Campbell.

One day last week, Charles Champlin drew to W. A. Kennedy's mill for H. B. Yaxley,  three red oak logs cut from one tree which scaled 1734 feet.


Penn Yan Democrat         Friday            March 22, 1907       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 


ITALY -  Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stewart, March 11th, a son.

Fred Robeson is moving to R. W. Campbell's farm.

Miss Jennie Grace Kennedy has been visiting her sister.. Mrs. Leon H. Conine, at Prattsburgh. 

Mrs. Nelson Pulver visited her sister, Mrs. E. J. Carvey, in Jerusalem, last week.

Mrs. W. B Runner has been visiting her sister, at Savona.

John Sweeney died Monday, at the home of his sister,  Mrs. Henry Reynolds. He is survived by three brothers and two sisters. Interment was made in Italy Hill cemetery, Wednesday.

Mrs. Bertha Wilcox and daughter, Marion, are visiting friends in Pulteney.

The infant son of. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith was buried Monday afternoon. Monday night Claude; their twelve-year-old son, died and was buried Wednesday. Mrs. Smith has pneumonia and the other children have measles.



Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             January  1908       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Clarence Campbell and son, Howard, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hibbard at Milo last week.

Mrs. Floyd Snyder has been spending several days with her daughter,  Mrs. Joseph Crowfoot.

Mrs. Corneila Squire died at the home of her son Frank, in Mitchellville, Wednesday morning, January 15. She was 78 years old, and a former resident of this place. Burial will be in Italy Hill cemetery.


Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             August 20, 1909       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

The baby boy, Durand, two months and twenty days old, of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Yaxley, died on Saturday night; The funeral was held from the house on Monday last. Interment in the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Guyanoga -  Mrs. Mina Northrup, of Italy Hill, visited her sister, Mrs. Anna Griswold, Monday.

Italy Hill - Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Underwood and children, of Geneva, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith.

                Mr. and Mrs. Olin Pulver attended the Hill reunion at M. V. Drake's, Ingleside, Saturday, August 14th.

                John Lamphier, a former resident of this place, died in Torrey, Friday, and the remains were brought here for burial, Sunday.

                Miss Ethel Orr, of Guyanoga, is spending a few weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Nelson Pulver.



Geneva Daily Times    Saturday        October 13, 1909        

Miss Charlotte Slingerland - Penn Yan, Nov. 13- Miss Charlotte Slingerland died at the residence of Dr. J. O. Connelly, Thursday, aged 72 years. The deceased was born in the Town of Jerusalem and reared in the family of Dr. Chisholm. The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 10:30. Interment in Italy Hill Cemetery.


Penn Yan Democrat  Supplement      Friday             March 4, 1910       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Ernest Carlton Rice, infant son of Mrs. Nellie Rice, died Sunday, August 30, 1908, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bugbee. It was seven weeks and three days of age, and death was caused by cholera infantum. The funeral was held at Mr. Bugbee's, Tuesday at 11 a. m., Rev. H. D. Brink officiating, burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osborne and George Harrison, returned to their home in Penn Yan Tuesday afternoon after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bugbee.

Mrs. Elmer Orr and daughters, Edith and Ethel, visited Mrs. Nelson Pulver one day last week.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Emerson, August 31, a daughter.

Mrs. Glenna Smith has returned to her home in Canandaigua after spending the summer with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pulver.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jorgensen, of Bluff Point spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Olin E. Pulver.


Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             September 16, 1910       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 



Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             September 16, 1910       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 


David Burke died at his home here, Wednesday night after a long illness with paralysis.  He was about 60 years of age and is survived by his wife, one son, Weld Burke, of Prattsburg and one daughter, Mrs. Olive Bennett, of Penn Yan. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon in the M. E. church. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery,

Clarence Ansley is dangerously ill with typhoid fever.

Mrs. Hessler and her son, Warren, of Altoona, have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pulver.


Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             November 18, 1910       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Dorothy Laurita, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Emerson, died Friday night at the age of five months. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church, Monday afternoon, Rev. F. Whelply officiating.  Burial in Italy Hill cemetery. This is the second time that Mr. and Mrs. Emerson have been bereaved by the death of an infant daughter in less than two years.



Penn Yan Democrat         Friday           February 10, 1911    contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Sophia Wallace died Wednesday afternoon at the home of her brother, W. Griswold, in Penn Yan, after a brief illness from pneumonia. She was the wife of the late M. S. Wallace, and was 73 years of age. She is survived by one son, Samuel Wallace, and one daughter, Mrs. Frank VanScoy, both of this place. 

The funeral was held in the Baptist church Saturday afternoon, Rev. F. Ray Andrews officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Freeman Bardeen died at his home here Wednesday night, at the advanced age of 87 years. Mr. Bardeen has been blind and in feeble health for several years. He is survived by two daughters, Miss Harriett, who lived with him, and Mrs. S. McGrady, of Potter.  A grandson, Abijah Smith, has lived with him and cared for him for many years. Prayer was offered at the house Sunday at 1 pm, by Rev. F. E. VanDeusen, after which the funeral sermon was preached by Rev, F. E. VanWie, of Prattsburgh, at the M. E. church here. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.


Penn Yan Democrat         Friday            April 7, 1911    contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW  YORK, by the Grace of God Free and Independent:

To Stanley Millspaugh, Louise Henderson. Bessie Henelerson, Marion Henderson, Fred Slingerland, Abraham A. Slingerland. Charles A. Slinger land, Grant A. Tibbals, Walter H. Tibbals, Mary K. Rogers, George Slingerland. Augusta Kemp. Edith Rowles, Sarah J. Hall, Phoebe D. Armstrong, Carrie Frink. Herbert Sprowls. Emma E. Soper. Kate E. Barton. Mrs. Jacob Goettel, Mrs. WiIson Barr. Gertrude H. Ogden, Jennie O. Hunter. Ensie Wooden. Cora Austin, Mary McClure. Grace Early. Edith Bradford. Asa Slingerland, Sarah J. Hall and Margaret L. Palmer. Elmer E. Slingerland, Jennie M. Casper, Herman Slingerland, Emma F. Reddington, Charles R. Slingerland. Emily H. Whitor. Isaac D. Boyd, William H. Boyd,  Dr. C. A. Boyd, Katheren Brainard, Mable Ferry, Arvilla Edwards, May E. Minium,  George Boyd, Hattie D. Corey. Olivia Conley, and David Kennedy, Eberle E. Smith, Charles Lare and William Paddock, as trustees of the Italy Hill Cemetery Association. John E. Watkins , John A. Conley, Charles S. H. Corey, and Belle Finch, Mary Charlotte Slingerland. Frank A. Slingerland. Henry A. Slingerland, Robert K. Boyd, and all unknown heirs at law and next of kin of deceased. 

Send Greeting:  You and each of you are hereby cited and required personally, to be and appear before our Surrogate of the county of Yates, at his office in the village of Penn Yan, In said county, on the 17th day of April. 1911. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon on that day;  then and there to attend the judicial settlement of the account of the proceedings of John E. Watkins. as executor of Mary Charlotte Slingerland, deceased.

And if any of you are under the age of  twenty-one years, you are required to appear by your guardian, if you have one. If you have none, that you appear and apply for one to be appointed, or in the event of your neglect or failure to do so, a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for you in this proceeding.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed.

WITNESS : Hon. Gilbert H. Baker Surrogate of said County of Yates, at the village of Penn Yan, the 24th day of February, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and eleven.  

JULIA D. MEEHAN,  Clerk Surrogate Court

HUSON & LINCOLN, Attorney for executor, Penn Yan, NY



    Rochester Democrat and Chronicle     Tuesday      June 11, 1912         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

David H. Turner - Penn Yan, January 10 - David H. Turner died on Sunday at his home, in West Jerusalem. Besides his wife, he leaves one son, Abraham, and one daughter, Mrs. Byron Hall.  The funeral will he held from the Methodist church at Italy Hill on Trembly, at 2 P.M. with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.



Penn Yan Democrat         Friday            January 16, 1914       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

CONLEY - At the home of her aunt, January 1914, Miss Beatrice Conley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delos Conley, aged 15 years.  She had been attending Franklin Academy, in Prattsburg, driving from the home of her aunt near Italy Hill, every morning. 

Wednesday she was in school, but was taken sick. Death resulted from pneumonia. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.





Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             March 13, 1914       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

ELLSWORTH - At her home near Prattsburg, March 6, 1914, Mrs. Danforth  F. Ellsworth, aged 70 years.  She leaves her husband, three daughters, Mrs. Henry Griswold, of Branchport; Mrs. Bert Johnson and Mrs. Elisha Northrup, of Prattsburg; and a sister, Mrs. Margaret Boyd, of Prattsburg.  Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.


James Bennett, of Vernon, N.Y., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Lottie Myers, at the home of W. W. Northup.


Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             May 15, 1914       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Danforth S. Ellsworth died Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry Griswold, near Branchport, He had been a resident of this place for many years, but since the death of his wife, two months ago, he has made hip home with his daughters. He was 68 years of age, and is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Henry Griswold, of Branchport; Mrs. Bert Johnson, and Mrs. Elisha Northrup, of Prattsburg.

The funeral was held Wednesday at 2 p. m., conducted by Rev. J. C. Crooker, in the M. E. church. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery. He was a veteran of the Civil War, and a member of Gregory Post, G. A. R , Prattsburg.


Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             January 1, 1915      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Chapman Sherwood died at his home north of here Sunday evening. (Dec 27)  He is survived by his wife and one son, James. The funeral will be held Wednesday, at 2 p. m. Burial in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Miss May Chapman is spending a few days at her home in Rochester.



Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             January 1, 1915      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Clarence Campbell, and son, Howard, of Italy Hill were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hibbard from Saturday until Monday.

Cyrus Griswold died at the home of his son Harry, Friday evening, December 25th, after a week's illness, from pneumonia. He is survived by his only son and family, with whom he made his home. The funeral was held at the M. E. Church Monday, at 2 p. m., Rev. J. C. Crooker officiating. Burial in the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Nancy Pulver is visiting her son, Morris E. Pulver and family, at Branchport.

Mr. and Mrs. George McConnell, of Pulteney, spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dunn.


The Naples Record            Wednesday           February 24, 1915            contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Francis M. Kennedy - At his home in Lyon street, this village, at 2:45 p. m. on Tuesday, February 23, 1915, occurred the death of Francis M. Kennedy, after an illness of about two weeks.

Mr. Kennedy was born in Scotland, 85 years ago next May, and came to America when seventeen years of age, settling on Italy Hill, where he remained five years; he then moved to Italy Hollow and bought a farm on which he lived for fifty years, removing from there to Canandaigua, where he remained eleven years. One year ago this spring he came to Naples, and he and Mrs. Kennedy made their home with their daughter, Mrs. Margaret Covel, where he died as above stated.

In early life he was united in marriage to Miss Lillian Griswold, of West River,  who survives. He also leaves three sons, Grant M. and Ralph H., of Canandaigua, and Fred G., of Gloversville; and three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Covel, of Naples; Mrs. Byron Showers, of Syracuse, and Mrs. Claude Wixom, of Italy; and three brothers, Robert M., of Geneva; David, of Ingleside, and John, of Seneca Castle.

During his long residence in Italy, Mr. Kennedy was one of the best known and most prosperous farmers in that locality, and in Naples as well. He was a man of sterling qualities, and respected by all who knew him. He was a life-long member and liberal supporter of the Italy Hollow Methodist church, and lived what he professed.

Funeral services will be held from the residence in Lyon street at 11 a.m. on Friday, conducted by Rev. Jacob Finger, pastor of the Naples Methodist church, and interment will be in the East Italy Hill cemetery.  (several other obits found)



FRANCIS M KENNEDY - died at his home on Lyon St., Feb. 23 at 2:45 p. m.  On February 11th he went to Italy Hollow to attend the funeral services of his nephew, Frank Kennedy and while there, he was taken suddenly ill and was unable to remain to the service.  On his arrival home,  the family physician was summoned and everything possible done for him. He seemed to be recovering until |the day before he died, when be suffered from a stroke. 

He was born in Scotland, May 3, 1830. When he was 17 years of age his family came to America. They lived for a time at East Italy.

In 1852 he settled on the farm where he resided for 50 years. In 1853 he was united in marriage to Phoebe Jane Fisher who died October 13,1867. Four children were born to them, of whom only one,  Grant M. Kennedy of Canandaigua, NY, is living. 

On April 2, 1872, he was married to Lillian I. Griswold of West River, and to them six children were born. In 1903, be moved to Canandaigua, where be lived for 11years. About one year ago he moved to Naples and their home on Lyon street. During his long residence in Italy, Mr. Kennedy was one of the best known and most prosperous farmer in that locality and in Naples as well. He was a man of sterling qualities, and respected by all who knew him. He was a member and liberal supporter of the Italy Methodist Episcopal church and lived what he professed. He served the town of Italy as Supervisor for three terms. 

The funeral services were held at the home last Friday at 11 o'clock conducted by Rev. Finger of the Methodist church and interment was in East Italy Hill cemetery where Rev. Crooker, pastor of the Italy M. E. church gave the committal service. Besides his wife, he is survived by three sons, Grant M., of Canandaigua, Jud G., of Gloversville, Ralph H. of Canandaigua.  Three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Covel of Naples, Mrs. Byron Showers of Syracuse, Mrs. Claud Wixom of Italy.  Three brothers: David of Avoca, John of Seneca Castle, Robert M. of Geneva;



Penn Yan Democrat         Friday            August 6, 1915     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Horace Babcock died at his home here Friday forenoon after an illness of several weeks. He had lived alone for a number of years since the death of his father. He was 60 years of age and his only near relative was a sister, Mrs. Joseph Strong, of Himrod, who took care of him during his last sickness.

The funeral was held in the Methodist church Sunday, at 2.00 p. m. Rev. C. Stewart, of Prattsburg, officiating.  Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.


Rochester Democrat and Chronicle    Friday     Oct 15, 1915  &   Elmira, NY Morning Telegram     October 1915     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas


Mrs. Jennie E. Dunn Shaw, wife of John Shaw, aged fifty-seven years, was Thursday morning found dead in her bed at her home in Benton Center. Heart failure was the cause of death. Besides her husband, she leaves one brother, James Robert Dunn of Italy. The funeral will be held Sunday morning, at 10:30 o'clock, from her late home and at 2 o'clock from the Italy Hill church with burial in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Edward Sheridan, aged seventy-eight years, died Monday in his home in Jackson street. He had lived there nearly all his life,  was formerly in  business and was known by everyone.  He was a veteran of the Civil War and served in company K, of the fifteenth New York engineers. He was affiliated with Sloan post,  G.A R., of Penn Yan.   He leaves one daughter, Mrs. John B. Cramer, of Penn Yan. The funeral was held from his late home on Wednesday, with burial in Lake View cemetery.

George S. John, aged about fifty years, died Monday in his home in Milo Center. Last week Wednesday he was found with a bullet hole just above his right temple from a pistol which was found lying near his hand. He had been an industrious and respected man, but since his death it has developed from talks with neighbors that he has several times of late, in fits of despondency, expressed a determination to kill himself.  At no time since the shooting, has there been hope of his recovery. He was unmarried and leaves one brother, Jay, of Penn Yan.


Rochester Democrat and Chronicle         Wednesday             December 8, 1915      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Mrs. Wilkes Matteson - Prattsburgh, Dec. 7, Sarah Strong Matteson, wife of Wilkes Matteson, died in her home in Italy Hill, early Monday morning. aged 80 years. Besides her husband, she leaves one son, George Matteson, who lives in Potter Center and one brother, Joseph Strong, living near Himrods. The funeral will be held from the Italy Hill Baptist Church, on Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Airdale, of Italy Hollow officiating. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.



Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             December 10, 1915       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Wilson Matteson died at her home here, early Monday morning, after a long illness. She is survived by her husband and two sons, George and William, also one brother, Joseph Strong of Himrod. The funeral was held in the Baptist church, Wednesday afternoon, Rev. R. G. Stewart officiating. Burial in Italy Hill Cemetery.



Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             December 17, 1915       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Sarah Kunow died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Wykoff, early Monday morning. A few weeks ago she underwent an operation for cancer at the Hatmaker Hospital, in  Penn Yan. She was 64 years of age and is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Harry Wykoff, of Pulteney, and Mrs. John Burns, of Syracuse; also two sisters, Mrs. William Hopkins, of this place, and Mrs. Frank Seeley, of Buffalo, and one brother, Richard Hoffmine, of Washington. The funeral was held in the M. E. church Wednesday. Burial in Italy Hill Cemetery.


Merton Bennett, who committed suicide in Penn Yan, was brought to this place for burial last week Thursday.

Oscar Lacy and family have moved to James Sherwood's tenant house, recently vacated by Edwin Bugbee.

The Telegram           Sunday     January 2, 1916           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Mrs. Agnes Kennedy Paddock, aged sixty-eight years, died at 2 o'clock Tuesday  [Dec 28th, 1915] in her home in Branchport. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Jennie Northrup, of Branchport, and Mrs. Robert Burrill, of Scottsvllle, and three brothers, William Kennedy, of Branchport, and John and David, of Italy Hill. The funeral was held from her late home on Friday afternoon, with burial in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Amelia Jane Wheat died Monday [ Dec 27, 1915] at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. B. Wheeler, near Yatesville, aged fifty-five years. She leaves two brothers, Marvin Hopkins, of Friend, and Fred Hopkins, of  Rushville, and two sisters, Mrs. Wheeler and Mary Kennerson, of Benton. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from Yatesville church. Interment was made at Yatesville cemetery.

IFS TO MAKE YOU THINK - Now that the new year has arrived it would be great - If all of the new year resolutions could be kept for a month.

If many a man who has furnished a gilded cage for a canary would not awaken after the honeymoon and discover that he had landed a sparrow.

If the pretty girl who has a good figure would not be so haughty..... One would think that she is responsible for it.

If every man did not have a patent cigar lighter in his clothes that fails to be of any use.

If the girl with slender ankles did not have so much trouble in keeping her shoe laces tied.

If the man whose spelling is bush league would not invariably have a major league bank account.

If the average person would not have an idea that all a newspaper reporter is thinking of is "something to put in the paper".

If the women  who cry at weddings, were not women who have been married  themselves.

If a real fable could be written now and then. Such as, the following: Once upon a time a man came home on New Year's eve very much the worse for wear and his wife met him at the door with a smile and kissed him and took off his clothes and put him to bed and gave him a cold bottle of beer."


Penn Yan Democrat         Friday             June 30, 1916       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

John Shaw, a former resident of here, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. William Stowe, in Branchport, Friday afternoon. The funeral was held in the M. E. church Sunday afternoon, Rev. Samuel Gill, of Benton, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery. His wife who was Miss Jennie Dunn, of this place, died about eight months ago.

SHAW - In Jerusalem, June 23, 1916, John Shaw.  He died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Edward Wilkelow. Besides Mrs. Wilkelow, he leaves two other sisters, Mrs. William Stowe, of Branchport, and Mrs. Adams, of Auburn. The funeral was held from the Italy Hill Methodist Episcopal church Sunday. Burial in the Italy Hill cemetery.

DUNTON - In Italy, June 19, 1916, Mrs. A. B. C. Dunton, aged about 75 years.

Rochester NY Democrat                Wednesday                 July 12, 1916      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Mrs. Amy L. VanScoy -  Prattsburg, July 11 - Mrs. Amy L. VanScoy died at the home of her son, Frank VanScoy at Italy Hill,  early Monday morning tag.  She was 97 years of age and had been an invalid for a long time. The funeral will be held from the Methodist Church at Italy Hill, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock; conducted by Rev. E. W. Coltiaca, of this village.  Burial will be in Italy Hill cemetery.



Penn Yan Democrat         Friday         July  14,  1916   contributed  by: Dianne Thomas


Gamaliel Conine, of Prattsburg, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hults, of Pulteney, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hults, of Penn Yan, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Sherwood.

Mrs. Amy VanScoy, the oldest resident of Italy Hill, died Monday morning at the home of her son, Frank VanScoy, at the age of 96 years.  She is survived by her son with whom she lived, two grandsons and a grand daughter and several great grand children.  The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, Rev. John Iredale, officiating.  Burial in Italy Hill Cemetery.


Penn Yan Democrat         Friday         November 17,  1916   contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

BELL - In Penn Yan, November 11th, 1916, at the Old Ladies' Home, Mrs. Emily Bell, widow of the late Charles Bell, a former sheriff of Yates county. She leaves one son, Herbert E. Bell, of Penn Yan. The funeral was held Monday.  Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday         April 1917   contributed  by: Dianne Thomas


The funeral of James M. Pulver, who was a former resident of this place, but recently of Canandaigua, was held at the M. E. church, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. C. A. Willson, of Branchport, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Mrs. E. J. Carvey, of Rushville, has been staying a few days with her sister, Mrs. Nelson Pulver, who is ill.

Henry McCann and family are moving from Prattsburg to John M. Pulver's tenant house.

Rochester NY Democrat                 Friday                   June 29, 1917      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Edwin J. Sisson - Prattsburg, June 28 - Edwin J. Sisson died at his home in this village, this morning, at the age of 68 years. His daughter, Alida, who has kept house for him since the death of his wife, several years ago, heard her father go downstairs about the usual time of rising, and when she went to the kitchen, she found that he had fallen on the floor face down, and had died instantly, from a weak heart. 

He leaves two daughters, living in Blaine, Washington, Mrs. Cora, wife of John A. Shea, and Mrs. Lottie, wife of Charles Chisom, and one son, George Sisson, who lives at Italy Hill, and Allen and Lester Sisson, living in the home. The funeral will be held at the home, Sunday at 1 o'clock, conducted by Rev. E. W. Collings, pastor of the Methodist Church of this place with burial at Italy Hill cemetery.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle          Saturday             September 22, 1917     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Caroline Paddock - Penn Yan, Sept. 21  - Mrs. Caroline Paddock, 86 years old, widow of Philip Paddock, died last night at the home of her son, William, in Pultney. The funeral will be held at her late borne on Sunday afternoon at 1:80. Burial will be in Italy Hill cemetery. 

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday              September 28, 1917       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

PADDOCK - in Pulteney, September 20, 1917, Mrs. Caroline Paddock, aged 66 years. She died at the home of her son, William. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Philip Paddock, of Pulteney, was buried in the Italy Hill cemetery last Sunday afternoon, Rev. E. W. Collings, of Prattsburg, officiating.

Corning NY Evening Leader          Tuesday              October 2, 1917          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Mrs. Sarah Keeler - PRATTSBURG, Oct. 4 - Mrs. Sarah Helen Keeler, of Cohocton, died at the home of her father, Bert Johnson, near this place, Sunday afternoon, at the age of 18 years, she leaves beside her husband, her father and mother, and three brothers. The funeral will be held at the home where she died. Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Burial at Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday              October 5, 1917       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

KEELER - At the home of her father, near Prattsburgh, September 30, 1917, Mrs. Sarah Helen Keeler, of Cohocton, aged 18 years. She leaves her husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson, and three brothers. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Second Milo - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hibbard attended the funeral of their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Seymour Hibbard at Italy Hill Saturday.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle          Saturday             October 27, 1917     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Mrs. Jessie Evans PaddockPenn Yan, Oct 26,  Mrs. Jessie Evans Paddock, aged 49 years, wife of Charles Paddock, of Italy Hill, died last night at Canandaigua Memorial Hospital after an operation. Besides her husband, she leaves two children, Anna and Frances; five sisters, Mrs. John Shannon, of Rochester; Mrs. George Schetbo, of Webster; Mrs. Ernest Lane, of Rochester; Mrs. Robert Campbell, of Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Ollie Evans, of Rochester, and one brother, Reuben Evans, of Rochester. The funeral will be held from her late home on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial in the Italy Hill cemetery.  

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday               November 2, 1917       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

PADDOCK - At the Memorial Hospital in Canandaigua, October 25, 1917, Mrs. Jessie Evans Paddock, aged 49 years. She leaves her husband, Charles Paddock, two daughters, Frances and Agnes; five sisters, Mrs. John Shannon, Mrs. Ernest Lane and Miss Olive Evans, all of Rochester; Mrs. Robert Caldwell, of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. George Scheibe, of Webster, N. Y.; and one brother, Robert Evans, of Rochester. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon. Burial in the Italy Hill cemetery.   [various spellings]

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday               November 30, 1917       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Niram Squires, at one time a resident of this place, died at the Soldiers' Home at Bath, Saturday. The funeral was held in the M. E church, Monday afternoon, Rev. Cyril Winkworth officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pulver entertained his brothers and sisters and their families for Thanksgiving.

MRS. MORTIMER HECOXMinnie Livena, wife of Mortimer E. Hecox, died at her recent home in Penn Yan, Friday, November 16, 1917, aged 49 years. Deceased was born in Wayland, March 5, 1868, a daughter of Henry and Sarah Wightman.  She leaves to mourn her loss, her  husband, M. E. Hecox, two daughters, Mrs. Florence H. Howell and Mrs. Wm. E Loghry, and one son, Bert W. Hecox, all of Penn Yan, also her father, H. H. Wightman, of North Cohocton, one sister, Mrs. Fred Whitford, of Toronto, Canada, and one brother, Herbert H. Wightman, of North Cohocton, and a large circle of friends. The funeral was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bloy, at Avoca, the Rev. Clara Morgan, of Silver Springs, conducting the service. Interment in the family lot at Avoca - Cohocton Times.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday               February 8, 1918          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Nancy Griswold Pulver, widow of George Pulver, died at the home of her son, John M. Pulver, Friday evening, February 1. She had been feeling usually well for several days, but was stricken suddenly, living only two hours. 

She would have been 76 years of age, had she lived till March. She is survived by four sons and two daughters: Willard W. of Rochester; Morris E., of Branchport; John M., and Peter D., of Italy Hill; Alice, wife of Alfred Baldwin, of Rushville; Cornelia, wife of Weld Burke, of Prattsburg; also fifteen grandchildren and one great-grandchild also one sister, Mrs. Alice Sutton, of Chapin, and two brothers, George Griswold, of Sacramento, Cal., and Samuel Griswold, of Corning. The funeral was held Monday at 2 p. m., at the M. E church, of which she has long been a faithful member, the pastor. Rev. Cyril Winkworth, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.


Penn Yan Democrat                      Friday              April 12, 1918        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Gibson - At a Sanitarium in Raybrook, N. Y., April 5, 1918, Edward Gibson, formerly of Branchport, aged 31 years. He leaves a wife and daughter, Emogene; his father, Fred Gibson, and a sister, Mrs. Elias Wallace, of Penn Yan.  

The body was brought to the home of his sister, on East Main St. Tuesday, and a prayer service was held there at 10 o'clock, from the Italy Hill church. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat                      Friday               June 14, 1918        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Mrs. James Potts died at Middlesex, Friday morning. Her funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the home of her son, Allen C. Potts, Rev. F. H. Bisbee, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Prattsburg, officiating. She is survived by her husband and one son, Allen, also two grandchildren. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Potts - In Middlesex, June 7, 1918, Mrs. James Potts. The funeral was held Sunday from the home of her son, Allen, in Italy.

Corning Evening Leader                       Saturday               July 6, 1918          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas   

Mrs. I. W. VanScoy -  PRATTSBURG, July 6 -  Mrs. Ida Wallace VanScoy, died at her home in Italy Hill a few miles north of this place, Thursday, July 4th, at the age of 61 years. She leaves beside her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Campbell, of Branchport. and one son, Rev. Earl Van Scoy, and one brother, Samuel Wallace, living at Branchport.    The funeral will be held from the Methodist Episcopal Church at Italy Hill, Sunday at 2 P.M. conducted by the Presiding Elder of the Geneva District. Burial will be made at Italy Hill Cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat                      Friday               July 12, 1918        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Vanscoy  - Italy Hill, July 4, 1918, Mrs. Ida Wallace Vanscoy, aged 61 years. She leaves her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Campbell, of Branchport; one son, Rev. Earl Vanscoy,  and a brother, Samuel Wallace, of Branchport The funeral was held from the Methodist Episcopal church, Italy, Saturday. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat                      Friday               August 30, 1918        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Partridge - In Italy, August 22, 1918, Mrs. Patience Partridge.  She leaves two daughters: Mrs. Kate VanGelder of Penn Yan and  Mrs. Hattie Henus, of Italy; and one son, Frank. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery. 

The Naples Record                  Wednesday            October 9, 1918        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

ITALY - October 7, 1918 - Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Wetherby, of Rushville, were the guests of his mother, Mrs. Anne Wetherby, and his aunt, Mrs. F. F. Briglin, the week end.

The funeral of Wells Beeman was held from the residence of Mrs. Anne Wetherby on Wednesday at 10 a.m. Interment was made in Italy Hill cemetery.

Yates County Chronicle                        March 14, 1919                  contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Isaac Wilcox, a former resident of this place, died Tuesday, March 11, 1919, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. J. Carvey, at Rushville, aged 94 years. He is survived by six daughters and two sons: Myron, of Michigan; Mrs. J. Nelson Pulver, of Italy Hill, Mrs. E. J. Carvey and Mrs. Adam Ledgerwood, of Rushville; Mrs. Geo. Bancroft, of Wethersfield Springs; Mrs. Georgia Ingraham, of Phelps; Mrs. Quincy McLoud, of Wheeler; Benjamin Wilcox, of Painted Post, also thirty-four grandchildren, seven great-great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held in the Baptist church at Italy Hill, Friday at 1:30 p m. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.


Geneva Daily Times             Friday                March 14, 1919                  contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Mrs. Herbert Kennedy Hopewell, March 14 - Mrs. Herbert Kennedy of this village died yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at her home of pneumonia. She leaves her husband and seven children: Mrs. Stanley Mead of Hopewell, Edward C. Kennedy, who recently landed in New York from France, and who was called to the deathbed of his mother just is time to see her alive; Mrs. Claude Ketchum of Penn Yan; Joseph, Lester, Clara and Grace Kennedy, all of Hopewell; one sister, Mrs. Winfield Smith of Prattsburgh, and three grandchildren. 

Prayer service will be held at the house Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The body will then be taken to the Italy Hill Methodist church, where funeral services will be held. Rev. E. E. Grosh of Seneca Castle will have charge of both services. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Yates County Chronicle           Wednesday             March 19, 1919                  contributed  by: Dianne Thomas   

Isaac Wilcox, a lifelong resident of this community, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. J. Carrey, at Rushville, March 11, 1919.  He was born March 14, 18?9, the son of James and Sally Wilcox. He was married twice, first to Mary S. Owen and second to Janet Pulver

He is survived by one son and five daughters, of the first marriage, Myron Wilcox, of Shepardsville, Mich.; Mrs. J. Nelson Pulver, of this place; Mrs. F. J.? Carrey and Mrs. Adam Ledgerwood, of Rushville, Mrs. George Bancroft of Netherfield Springs,  Mrs. Georgia Ingraham, of Phelps, a son and daughter by the second marriage, Benjamin Wilcox, of Corning, and Mrs. Quincey McLoud, of Wheeler also thirty four grandchildren, seventeen great grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.  The funeral was held in the Baptist church at Italy Hill, Friday afternoon,  Rev. Charles  Emerson, of Potter, officiating.  Burial in Italy Hill Cemetery. 

Wilcox - In Rushville, March 11, 1919, Isaac Wilcox, aged 94 years. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Shortsville Enterprise           Friday              March 21, 1919          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Herbert Kennedy, of Hopewell, died last week Thursday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock a t her home, following an illness of pneumonia. She leaves her husband and seven children: Mrs. Stanley Mead, of Hopewell; Edward C. Kennedy, who recently landed in New York from France, and who was called to the death bed of his mother just in time to see her alive; Mrs. Claude Ketchum, of Penn Yan; Joseph, Lester, Clara and Grace Kennedy, all of Hopewell; one sister, Mrs. Winfield Smith, of Prattsburg, and three grandchildren.

A prayer service was held at the house on Sunday afternoon at l o'clock. The body was then taken to the Italy Hill Methodist Church, where funeral services were held. Rev. E. E. Grosh, of Seneca Castle, had charge of both services. Burial was made in the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Yates County Chronicle           Wednesday             March 26, 1919                  contributed  by: Dianne Thomas   

MRS. HERBERT KENNEDY - Mrs Herbert Kennedy died in Hopewell, March 14th.   She leaves her husband and seven children: Mrs. Stanley Mead, of Hopewell,  Edward C. Kennedy, who recently landed in New York from France, and who was called to the death bed of his mother just in time to see her alive;  Mrs. Claude Ketchum, of Pens Yan. Joseph, Lester, Clara and Grace Kennedy all of Hopewell, one sister. Mrs. Winfleld Smith, of Prattsburg and three grandchildren.  The funeral services were held in the Italy Hill Methodist church, with burial In Italy Hill cemetery.

Corning NY Evening Leader               Monday              July 14, 1919    contributed  by: Dianne Thomas   

Wilson Mattison - PRATTBURGH -  July 14 -Wilson Mattison, a lifelong resident of the Town of Italy, and well known in this place, died at the Soldier and Sailors Home in Bath Friday, July 10th,at the age of 80 years.  The body was brought to the McConnell undertaking rooms in this place Friday night, and the funeral was held at the Baptist Church at Italy Hill, Sunday at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. L. R. Snell, pastor of Plattsburgh and Italy churches, with burial at Italy Hill Cemetery. He leaves one brother, William,  of Shingle House, Pa„ and two sons, George, living in Potter Center and William, of Washington State.

Geneva Daily Times          Monday            July 28, 1919       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Mrs. J. Nelson Pulver, Penn Yan, July 28 -  Mrs. Mary Dolphine Pulver, wife of J. Nelson Pulver, died at the family home in the town of Italy on Friday. She was the daughter of Isaac and Mary Susan Owen Wilcox and was born August 3. 1854. 

November 10, 1872. she was married to Mr. Pulver. They have two daughters and two sons, Florence, wife of Elmer Orr, of Jerusalem; G. Ward Pulver, of Prattsburg; Fred H. Pulver, of Sonyea, and Mary, wife of Rev. J. C. Hossler, of Saratoga Springs; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren; she also leaves one brother, Myron Wilcox, of Michigan; four sisters. Mrs. Emma Carver, who was a twin sister, of Rushville; Mrs. George Bancroft, of Warsaw; Mrs. Adam Ledgerwood, of Rushville and Mrs. George Ingraham of Phelps; one half brother, Benjamin Wilcox of Corning and one half sister, Mrs. Quincey McCloud of Wheeler.

The funeral was held from the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Italy Hill, today at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Mr. Fish, of Elmira, who is a minister of the Free Methodist Church, of which Mrs. Pulver had long been a faithful member.  The burial will be in Italy Hill cemetery.


Yates County Chronicle           Monday            Feb 23, 1920               contributed  by: Dianne Thomas   

George Crofoot died at his home, near this place, Sunday. February 15.  His funeral was held last Wednesday, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery. He leaves two sons, Charles and Jasper.

Penn Yan Democrat        Friday           April 16,  1920      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Kennedy - In Hopewell, March 14, 1919, Mrs. Herbert Kennedy.  She leaves her husband and seven children: Mrs. Stanley Mead, of Hopewell, Edward C. Kennedy, who recently landed in New York from France, and who was called to the deathbed of his mother just in time to see her alive; Mrs. Claude Ketchum, of Penn Yan; Joseph, Lester, Clara and Grace Kennedy, all of Hopewell; one sister, Mrs. Winfield Smith, of Prattsburgh, and three grandchildren. The funeral services were held in the Italy Hill Methodist church Sunday afternoon. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat        Friday           April 16,  1920      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. George Matteson passed away at her home near Benton Center on Thursday, after much suffering. She had been an invalid since October. They had only lived in their new home about three weeks. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Sarah Blakesley, who is at home and has cared for her mother during her illness, Mrs. Lydia Excell, of Geneva, three sons, Floyd, of Penn Yan; Louis, of Elmira, and Herman, of Geneva.

Her mother, Mrs. Lydia Campbell, one sister, Mrs. Herbert Yaxley and two brothers, Clarence and George Campbell.

A prayer was held from the home at 12:30 on Monday and services in the Italy Hill Baptist church at 2 pm,  with Rev. Charles Emerson, of Middlesex, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Yates County Chronicle         Wednesday              April 20, 1920         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

MRS. BENJAMIN LAFLER - On Saturday, March 13th, Phebe Emerson, wife of  Benjamin G. Lafler, passed away at her home in Washington, D.C. The sad news came as a shock to all as she had only been here since the Tuesday before.  She had an abscess of the ear and later abscess of the brain, which on the following Thursday night resulted in  paralysis of one side.

She was born in the town of Jerusalem in July 1887 and was united in marriage with Benjamin Lafler about eleven yean ago. She became a member of the Baptist church at Guilford. NY in 1912. . For a number of years she taught school, having received her education at Prattsburg high school.

Mrs. Lafler was an estimable young woman, possessing fine qualities of character, quiet and unassuming, in manner.

She leaves her husband and two young children, Evelyn, aged 9 and Ivan, aged 6, also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Emerson and a sister, Clara.

The funeral was held at Italy Hill Baptist church, Rev. L. S.  Snell, officiated.  Interment was made in Italy Hill cemetery.

The Evening Leader, Corning            Saturday        October 23, 1920       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Mary Jane Turner - PRATTSBURG, Oct. 23 - Mrs. Mary Jane Turner, wife of John Turner of Italy Hill, died at the Bath Hospital Tuesday, and the remains were brought to her home near here today. Mrs. Turner was In her 65th year and leaves her husband, two sons, George and William and one daughter,  Mrs. William Sanderson.

The funeral will be held from the house Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by the Rev. L. G. Snell of Clearfield, Pa., a former pastor of the Baptist Church here and burial will be made in the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat        Friday           April 1,  1921     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Stowe - At her home near Prattsburgh, March 25, 1921, Mrs. George Stowe, aged 51 years. The funeral was held on Monday, at the Italy Hill Baptist church, Rev. Winthrop Stillwell, the pastor, officiating.

Burial in Italy Hill cemetery. She leaves her husband, two daughters, Elizabeth, at home, and Mrs. Claude Miller, of Prattsburgh; and one son, Fred, of Dresden.

The Naples Record                  Wednesday            July 27, 1921          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford LaDue, of Vine Valley, attended the funeral of their grandfather, David Kennedy, of Avoca. Funeral services were held from the Baptist church at Italy Hill on Monday at 2 p. m., and burial was made in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunes of Canandaigua, spent a portion of last week at J. W. DeWick's. Mr. Kunes has recently purchased a farm at Canajoharie. N. Y., and expects to move there soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Francisco, of Bluff Point and John Francisco, of Penn Yan, were Sunday guests of George Shay and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Best entertained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, of Potter.

Corning NY Evening Leader             August 1921          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mabel Elizabeth Wetmore - PRATTSBURG, Sept. 17 - The death of Mabel Elizabeth, the six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wetmore, occurred at the family home a few miles north of this village Thursday evening, following an illness of several months. She leaves her parents and several brothers and sisters. 

The funeral was held from the family home, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and from the Baptist church at Italy Hill, conducted by the Rev. Winthrop Stillwell, pastor, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat        Friday            September 23, 1921     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 


Reynolds - At the Soldiers' Home Hospital, Bath, September 13, 1921, Clark Reynolds, of Italy, aged 77 years. He was a veteran of the Civil War. He leaves his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Robert Kennedy, of Prattsburgh; a son, Charles, of Utica; a brother, Richard, of Prattsburgh; and a sister, Mrs. Melvin Champlin, of Italy Hill. Burial at Italy Hill


Wetmore - At the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wetmore, near Prattsburgh, September 15, 1921, Mabel Elizabeth Wetmore, aged  6 years. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times            Monday           February 13, 1922            contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Frederick Gibson - Penn Yan. Feb. 13 - The death of Frederick Gibson occurred Friday evening at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Wallace on East Main street, aged sixy-six years. He is survived by his one daughter, Mrs. Wallace. 

The funeral service was held from the home of his daughter this afternoon and the interment was in the family plot at the Italy Hill cemetery. The Rev. Walter Wright, the pastor of the Penn Yan Methodist church, officiated.



Penn Yan Democrat        Friday            February 17, 1922     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Gibson - In Penn Yan, February 10, 1922, Fred Gibson, aged 66 years. He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elias Wallace, East Main street. The funeral was held on Monday, Rev. Walter S. Wright, of the M. E. church officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat        Friday             June 2, 1922     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Kennedy - In Italy, May 30, 1922, David Kennedy, aged 84 years. 

Mr. Kennedy was one of Italy's best citizens.   The last few years of his life Mr. Kennedy had not enjoyed good health. Although a staunch Democrat, he has been elected supervisor of his town. He was a large man physically. In years gone by, when he was a young man, David Kennedy was prominent in all of the activities of the town of Italy.

He leaves his wife and six children: George, Walter, Jennie, Gniee and Elizabeth at home and Arthur and Jessie; wife of Leon Conine, of Prattsburgh. The funeral was held from his late home, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by the Rev. W. W. Stoddard with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

The Naples Record                  Wednesday            November 1, 1922            contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Frank Briglin is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Soper, in Elmira.

Mrs. Lottie Waldron, of Prattsburgh, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oren Eddy.

Charles Eddy, of Prattsburgh, visited his brother, Ray Eddy, a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. William Chapman visited her mother, Mrs. Marjelia Shaut, at Avoca, on Sunday.

Miss Jennie Knapp and Miss Beatrice Parshall, of Penn Yan, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oren Eddy.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Wetherby and son, Harlan, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Donley, at Potter, on Sunday.

The Ladies' Aid will serve dinner and supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geer on election day. Everybody come.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kennedy and family, of Prattsburgh, were over Sunday guests of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kennedy.

Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Perry and family and Mrs. Delia Wood visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, at Italy Hill, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Kilpatrick and his mother, Mrs. Fred Kilpatrick, and Mrs. Charles Fox, of Naples, called on friends here one day last week.

The Ladies' Aid has elected new officers for the coming year, as follows: President, Mrs. Oren Eddy; vice-presidents, Mrs. Carlton Wetherby, Miss Hazel Lafler; secretary, Mrs. Grover Hiler; treasurer, Mrs. Anne Wetherby.

Mrs. Lucelia Kennedy - Died on Sunday, October 20th, 1922, after a two days' illness of arenas convulsions, aged 69 years. She leaves to mourn her loss, five sons and two daughters: Clarence and Leon, of Penn Yan; Claude, of Prattsburgh; John, of West Italy; Edwin and Inez, of Italy Valley, and Mrs. Clifford LaDue, of Vine Valley; also two sisters and two brothers, and many grandchildren.

Funeral services were held on Monday at 1 o'clock from the home and at 2 o'clock from the Methodist church. Rev. William Stokes officiating. Burial was made in the Italy Hill cemetery by the side of her husband, who died eight years ago. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family.

The Naples Record                  Wednesday            November 8, 1922            contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. William Gibson, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chapman attended the funeral of Mrs. Fred Soper, of  Elmira, last Wednesday. Mrs. Soper was a sister of Mrs. Frank Briglin, of Italy, and burial was, made in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat        Friday              July 13, 1923      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

DUNN - In Italy, July 4, 1923, James Dunn, aged 69 years. He is survived by his wife, Jeanette Van Scoy Dunn, and one son, Robert, at home, and two daughters, Mrs. Jennie Moon, of Italy Hill, and Mrs. Anna McConnell, of Pulteney. His funeral was held at his late home last Friday afternoon with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times             Tuesday              April 22, 1924       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Thomas  W. Campbell - Penn Yan, April 22 - Thomas W. Campbell, aged 80 years, died at his home at Branchport, Sunday morning at 8:15 o'clock. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Michael Coyle and Miss Grace Campbell, both of Branchport, one son, Harold Campbell at home and three grandchildren.

The funeral will be held from the Methodist Church at Branchport on Thursday, afternoon, April 24, at 2 o'clock. Rev. B.S. Johnston of Buffalo, officiating. Interment will be made in the Italy Hill Cemetery at Italy Hill.

Geneva Daily Times         Wednesday           May 14, 1924    contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Frances S. Ackerson, Penn Yan, May 14- Mrs. Frances Stoddard Ackerson, aged 27 years, died at her home near Branchport, on Sunday afternoon, after an illness of pneumonia.  She is survived by her husband, Charles Ackerson,  and one little son, three years old; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stoddard and one sister, Mrs. Harry Bell, all of Branchport.  The funeral services  were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late home.  Rev. W. H. Wheatley, of the Penn Yan Baptist church, officiating. Interment was made in the Italy Hill cemetery.



Penn Yan Democrat        Friday              May 16, 1924          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Frances Stoddard Ackerson died at her home in Jerusalem, Sunday, May 11 following a two weeks illness with pneumonia. She was 26 years of age.  She is survived by her husband, Charles Ackerson, a little child, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stoddard, and one sister, Mrs. Harry Bell. 

The funeral was held at the residence Wednesday afternoon with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat        Friday              July 18, 1924        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

FOUND DEAD IN BED -  Elizabeth Moon Emerson, wife of Harry Emerson, died very suddenly Thursday forenoon, July 3. She had been in poor health for some time but was able to attend to her household duties and she attended prayer service at the Baptist church on Wednesday evening. Mr. Emerson went to work Thursday morning and during the forenoon, Mrs. William Emerson, being unable to get an answer to the telephone, went to the house and found her apparently sleeping peacefully on the couch. But it was the sleep from which there is no awakening. 

Mrs. Emerson was born June 23 1850, being 74 years of age. She is survived by her husband; two sons. Leroy, of this place, and Eddie, of Penn Yan; three grandchildren; two sisters Mrs. William Emerson, of this place, and Mrs. Russell Lamplrire, of Washington, D. C. and one brother, William Moon, of this place. The funeral was she was held at the Baptist church of which she was a member, on Saturday afternoon, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.  Six nephews, Edward, Frank, Clifford, Glen and Jay Moon and Charles Emerson acted as bearers.

Among those here for the funeral of Mrs. Harry Emerson were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Emerson and daughter of Earl; Rev. and Mrs. Charles Emerson; and daughter, of Middlesex; Mrs. Fannie Yonge and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moon, of Pulteney; Mrs. Bert Roe, of Bellona; Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins, Mrs. Mark Wilhelm and Mrs. Charles Corey, of Penn Yan; Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop, of Benton Center. Mrs. D. D. Phillips of Hall - Prattsburgh News.

Geneva Daily Times         Monday         October 6, 1924      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

HANGS SELF TO CELL BARS IN CITY JAIL - Lake Street Resident Third Suicide in Ten Days - Improvises Rope by Tearing Strip from Mattress Cover

Coroner P. H. Snyder yesterday issued a certificate of death through suicide in the case of Robert Hunter, aged 42, of Lake street, who was found hanging to the bars of his cell in the city jail, early Saturday evening.

Hunter was arrested earlier in the day by Officer Hawkins after the man's wife had called police headquarters and asked for assistance. She informed Acting Chief Kinney that her husband was intoxicated and had threatened her life with a razor.

After being brought to the city lockup, Hunter was placed in a cell of the men's division of the jail. Little afternoon (attention) was paid to him for the balance of the day, the ponce (police) ...planning on holding him for arraignment before Judge Ditmars this morning.


Early Saturday night, the seven year old twin sons of John Toole, Exchange street grocery man, expressed a request to Michael Toole, Nester Hose Company truck driver and a relative of the boys, to see the interior of the city Jail. After obtaining permission from Night Captain Merry, Mr. Toole  and the two little boys started through the jail.

Opening the door to the men's department, Mr. Toole saw the body of Hunter hanging to the bars of his cell. His feet were touching the floor and it was apparent that he had merely fastened an improvised rope around his neck, tied the other end to the ceil bars over his head and let himself down by withdrawing his feet from beneath him. 

The body was still warm when Mr. Toole and Night Captain Merry succeeded in cutting it down. Life was practically extinct, however and Coroner Snyder, was immediately notified.  The body was removed to the Yells undertaking rooms. 

The rope with which the act had been committed was made from a strip torn from the covering of a mattress in the cell. All mattresses on the bunks of cells in the jail are equipped with covers made from a strong variety of white ticking. Hunter had succeeded in ripping a strip of this covering from the mattress.

It was discovered that before his arrest Saturday, Hunter had visited two local stores and made an tempts to purchase a revolver. He was refused in both establishments because of the fact that he lacked the required license.

Hunter's suicide wan the third to have occurred in Geneva in less than ten days, Edward O'Neill and George A, Crowthers having taken their lives during the past two weeks.

Hunter is survived by his wife, three children. Pearl Beatrice, Josephine Phebe and Roy R. Hunter; his father William Hunter, of Italy Hill; two brothers, Chester Hunter of Geneva and Harley Hunter of Italy Hill.

A short prayer service will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the F.W. Tells and Son Funeral Home, after which the body will be taken to  Italy Hill, where the funeral will be held in the Baptist church, Rev. Fred T. Drewett has charge of the service here. Interment will be in Italy Hill cemetery. 

Penn Yan Democrat        Friday                November  28, 1924        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

McLoud - Sunday, November 22, 1924, At Italy Hill, Clarence McLoud, aged 67 years. He is survived by his wife, Vena Whitmore McLoud; a daughter, Mrs. William Shaw; a son, Shannon McLoud; and two granddaughters. His funeral was held Monday at the Italy M.. E. church with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY         Saturday              Jan 17, 1925            contributed  by: G. Subyak

Naples, Jan. 16 - Mrs. Caroline GOODSELL MANNING, 66 years old, died Wednesday at the home of Vernon FOX on Prattsburgh road initially, after a long illness.  Besides her husband, she leaves one daughter, Mrs. Frederick REISINGER, of Naples; two sons, George MANNING and Melvin MANNING, of  Italy, two sisters, Mrs. Martin FENNER and Mrs. Ira PRICE, both of Penn Yan; and  two brothers, (article cutoff)

Corning Evening Leader       Saturday           August 22, 1925    contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

BRANCHPORT - Abram Turner,  Aug. 22 - Abram Turner died at his home near here Tuesday morning. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, Mae and a son, Howard.  The funeral was held Thursday morning with burial at Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat        Friday                  August 28, 1925        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Turner - At his home north of Italy, Monday, August 17, 1925, Abram Turner, aged 54 years.  He is survived by his wife, Daisy Pierman-Turner; a son, Howard, a daughter, Miss Ethel and his aged mother. His funeral was held at the Italy M. E. church, Thursday afternoon, Rev. C. S. Emerson of Middlesex, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery. 


Geneva Daily Times        Friday       August 28, 1925         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Penn Yan, Aug, 21 -Abram Turner died at his home north of Italy "Hill",  Monday evening, Aug. 17, with cancer of the stomach. He was 64 years of age. He is survived by his wife, Daisy Pierman -Turner, a son, Howard, a daughter, Miss Ethel, and his aged mother. His funeral was held at the Italy M. E. Church, Thursday afternoon, Rev. C. S. Emerson, of Middlesex, officiating. Burial was in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat     Friday                 April 24, 1926        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

COYLE - At Penn Yan, Apr. 16, Bertha E. Coyle, 15, of Branchport.   She leaves her mother, Mrs. Edna Coyle, of Branchport; two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Harndon, of Branchport;  Mrs. Anna FitzSimmons of Geneva.  Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon from Branchport Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. C. L. VanNorman, pastor, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery. 

Geneva Daily Times             Tuesday             May 11, 1926    


Penn Yan Democrat     Friday                 May 14, 1926        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Sweeney - At the Memorial Hospital, in Canandaigua, Sunday, May 9, 1926, James C. Sweeney, aged 76 years. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Bert Matteson, of Wayland, N. Y.; two sons John, of Prattsburg, NY., and James, of Jerusalem, Yates county, NY., and two sisters, Miss Agnes Sweeney, of Milo Center, and Mrs. Henry Reynolds, of Hammondsport, N.Y. The funeral services were held at his late residence in Milo Center, on Wednesday, May 12, at 1 p. m., and in the M. E. church at Italy Hill at 2:30. Rev. A. W. Walker officiating. Burial in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat     Friday                 January 14,  1927   contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Moon - At Italy Hill, Thursday, Jan. 6, 1927, Mrs. Allie Scutt Moon, aged 76 years. She is survived by her husband; one daughter and five sons, Mrs. Bert Roe, of Bellona; Ernest, of Tallahassee, Fla.; Seymour, of Spencer, Ohio; Edward, of Pulteney; Frank and Clifford, of Italy Hill. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon from the Italy Baptist church. Burial was in Italy Hill cemetery.

Hopkins - At his home on the Guy Herries farm, near Branchport, on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 1927, James Hopkins, aged 68 years. He is survived by three sons, William, of Seneca Falls; James, of Penn Yan, and John, of Friend; three daughters, Mrs. Trenchard, of Penn Yan; Mrs. William Wright, of Jerusalem, and Mrs. Charles Tinney, of Elmira;....one brother, William, of Italy. The funeral was held Thursday, afternoon from the Italy Hill church.

Geneva Daily Times            Saturday            July 2, 1927       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. William Stome - Branchport, July 2 - Mrs. Barbara A. Stome, passed away Tuesday evening June 28th at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital in Penn Yan after several weeks illness. She was 72 years old. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Theodore Snyder at home. 

The funeral was held from her late home on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Frank Windagle officiated, assisted by Rev. Eberly. Burial in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times            Wednesday             November 23, 1927       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Fanny B. Kennedy -  Naples, Nov. 28. - Mrs. Fanny Bayles Kennedy, 37 years old, former resident of Naples, died Monday afternoon in the Memorial Hospital in Canandaigua, following an operation for appendicitis.

Mrs. Kennedy was born in Middlesex, the daughter of Erlus and Lillian Brownell Ferris, and had spent most of her life in the vicinity of Middlesex, Canandaigua, Naples and Rushville. 

Her first husband, Lewis Bayles, conducted a bakery in Naples for |several years, and she managed the business for a short time after his death. Later she married Claude Kennedy. Recently they have been residing on a farm near Rushville.

Besides her husband, she is survived by four sons, Ernest Bayles, Harold Bayles, David Kennedy and Donald Kennedy, all of Rushville; her father, Erlus Ferris of Elmira; a brother, Floyd Ferris, of Cincinnati. 

Funeral services will be held from the family home at eleven o'clock, Friday morning. Burial in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat     Friday                 December 2, 1927   contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

KENNEDY - At Memorial Hospital in Canandaigua, Monday, November 21, 1927, Mrs. Claude Kennedy, aged 37 years. Besides her husband,  she leaves four sons, Ernest and Harold Bayles, David and Donald Kennedy, of Rushville; her father, Erlus Ferris, of Elmira; a brother, Floyd Ferris, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Funeral was held from the home Friday morning. Burial at Italy Hill cemetery. 

Mrs. Claude Kennedy -

Mrs. Fannie Ferris Bayles Kennedy passed away at F. F. Thompson Memorial Hospital, Canandaigua, Nov. 21, 1927, at. 3 o'clock, following an, operation for appendicitis on Friday, November 18th. Mrs. Kennedy was born in the town of Middlesex,- September 14, 1888, the only daughter of Erlus and May Brownell Ferris.

About seventeen years ago she was united in marriage with Lewis Bayles, who died ten years ago. On November 28, 1918, she was united in marriage with Claude R. Kennedy, they having always lived around Naples, until three years ago when they moved to the Glenn Loomis farm near Rushville.

Besides the husband she leaves four sons to mourn the loss of a most devoted mother, Ernest and Harold Bayles, David and Donald Kennedy; a brother, Floyd Ferris, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and father, Erlus Ferris, of Elmira, N. Y.

Funeral services were held from the home Friday, November 25th, at 11 o'clock, Rev. A. W. Battey, pastor of the M. E. Church, officiating.

Fannie was laid at rest amid a bank of flowers at the Italy Hill cemetery. The bearers were Clarence, John, Edwin and Charles Kennedy, Clifford  LaDue and Howard Seamans.

Penn Yan Democrat     Friday                 June 8, 1928      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

REYNOLDS - At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Kennedy, in Prattsburgh, Tuesday, May 29th, 1928, Mrs. Nettie Smith Reynolds, aged 80 years.  Besides her daughter, she is survived by two sons, Henry, of Hammondsport, and Charles, of Utica; twelve grandchildren and two great grandchildren.  The funeral was held at the home of her daughter last week Thursday, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

The Naples Record          Wednesday      March 27, 1929     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Russell Simmons, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simmons, passed away last week, and the funeral was held Sunday from their home, Rev. L. C. Eveland officiating.  Burial at Italy Hill cemetery.  


Russell K. Simmons - The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simmons passed away at his home here early Friday morning March 22, 1929. He had been ill only a short time with bronchitis which developed into bronchial pneumonia and although everything was done to save him, It seemed Gods will to call him.  

Little Russell was 2 months and 25 days old and such a comfort to all the family that it seems almost impossible to put away his little things. He was like a beam of sunshine in the home and his going leaves an ache in our hearts, yet we have the assurance that he is safe in the arms of Jesus.

The funeral was held Sunday at 1 o'clock from their home. Rev Eveland pastor of the Italy Baptist church officiating. Burial was in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Oliver H. Perry is Italy's "road commissioner" Sunday, with a force of men and a team of horses, he repaired the Italy Hill road for the convenience of the funeral and burial parties to pass over it. We thank them for this courtesy.

Mrs. Ethelyn Hamlin was called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simmons, in Italy Valley, on Friday morning by the death of their three-months-old son, Russell.  Little Russell had been ill only a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herrick are still under the throes of grip and heart affliction.

Lawrence Cooper and wife, of Rushville, were Sunday visitors of Maynard Cooper, his brother.

Mr. and Mrs. Winne Fisher are now at home from their two weeks' stay with their daughter, at Bristol Springs.

The Naples Record          Wednesday      April 3, 1929     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wixom spent one day last week with their daughter, Mrs. Walton Pulver, at Italy Hill.

Russell K. Simmons - The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simmons passed away at his home here early Friday morning, March 22, 1929. He had been ill a short time with bronchitis, which developed into bronchial pneumonia, and, although everything was done to save him, it seemed God's will to call him home.

Little Russell was 2 months and 25 days old and such a comfort to the family that it seems almost impossible to put away his little things. He was like a beam of sunshine in the home and his going leaves an ache fn our heart.  Yet we have the assurance that he was safe in the arms of Jesus.  The funeral was held on Sunday from their home, Rev. L. C. Eveland officiating. Burial was made in Italy Hill cemetery.

Cards of Thanks - We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses shown us during the illness and death of our darling baby, and also for the floral remembrance.                     Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simmons

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday            May 3, 1929          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Wm. A. Kennedy passed away after a brief-illness with pneumonia, last Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. The funeral was held at the  home Saturday afternoon at 2:30, Rev, G. W. Winkworth officiating, assisted by Rev. W. C. Stevens. Interment in the Italy Hill cemetery.

All places of business in town were closed during the time of the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kennedy, of Summit, N. J., had been with his father for a week.  His grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Merritte P. Woodward, of Orange, N.J.; Wm. Kennedy, of Summit, N. J. and Kenneth Donald, of New York, arrived Friday afternoon for the  funeral.

Among the relatives from out of town were George Kennedy, Jennie, Mary and Bessie Kennedy of Italy Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Connine and Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Kennedy, of Prattsburg; Robert Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witter, of Geneva; Mr. and Mrs. Natt Squires and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith, of Clifton Springs; Dr. and Mrs. Doubleday, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis J. Kennedy and James K. McConnell, of Penn Yan. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome D. Kennedy returned to their home on Sunday, as also did Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Woodward, Wm. Kennedy and Kenneth Donald.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday            May 17, 1929          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Walter Robeson, who has been ailing for some time, died very suddenly, Sunday morning at his home with his sister, Mrs. L. P. Fitzwater.  The funeral was held at the home, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday          July  1929           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

BURNS - At the Soldiers and Sailors Hospital on Saturday afternoon, July 13, 1929, Mrs. Jessie Burns, aged 38 years. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Harry WcKoff, of Geneva. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the Thayer Funeral Home, Rev. S. G. Houghton officiating. Interment in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday           August 23, 1929           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

CHAMPLIN -  At Italy Hill, Wednesday noon, August 21st, 1929, Melvin Champlin, aged 78 years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Livonia Reynolds Champlin and one son, James, of Rushville. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon from his late home, Rev. W, C. Stevens, pastor of the M. E. Church, officiating.  Burial at Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday           Nov 29, 1929           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Adelmer T. Angell, aged 75, died at his Elm street home on Thursday, November 28 after a several weeks' illness. He is survived by his wife.

The funeral will be held from the Methodist Church on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. S. G. Houghton of Canandaigua and Rev. William Hydon of Penn Yan, officiating.   Keuka Lodge, No. 149, I. O.O. F. will be in attendance. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery. 

Mr. Angell served as tax collector for the town of Milo for several terms.



ANGELL - At her home on Elm St., Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, 1929, Mrs. Moses Angell, aged 72 years. Mrs. Angell died three days after her husband was buried. Since her husband's death, Mrs. Angell had not been well, heart trouble adding to her weakness. 

She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Lillian Hallstead, of Rushville. Funeral services will be held from the Methodist Church at two o'clock Friday afternoon, Rev. Win. M. Hydon officiating, assisted by Lake Keuka Rebekah Lodge. Burial will be made in the Italy Hill cemetery.

The Evening Leader, Corning, NY       Friday        December 6, 1929            contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Mra. Adelmer T. Angell - PENN YAN, Dec. 6 - Less than a week after the burial of her husband, Adelmer T. Angell, Mrs. Rose Angell was laid at rest in Italy Hill Cemetery, this afternoon.  Funeral services were held at the Penn Yan Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Angell died Tuesday, at the age of 72.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday          February 14, 1930           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Paddock - At his home in Italy Hill, Monday morning, February 10th, 1930, William Paddock, aged 76 years.  He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Emily Emerson Paddock; five sons and three daughters: Elisha, of Pulteney; Philip and Fanny Wallace, of Italy Hill; Daniel, of Penn Yan; Louise Bishop, of Benton Center; Sally Phillips, of Hall; J. William, at home; Arthur, of Bath; eleven grandchildren; two brothers and three sisters, Daniel, of Rushville; Charles, of Prattsburg; Clara Schmoker, of Penn Yan; Sara Alexander and Anna Prosser, of Branchport. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at the M. E. Church with burial in Italy Hill cemetery. Rev. W. C. Stevens, of Branchport, officiated. 

The Naples Record           Wednesday               June 18, 1930              contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

LeRoy Fenton, the 5-year-old son of Lemon A. and Maude Joseph Fenton, of this place, died last Saturday, June 14, 1930.  He was born in Nebraska. Besides his parents, LeRoy is survived by two brothers, Edwin and Joy Fenton, and by three sisters, Ella, Mamie and Bessie Fenton, of East Italy.    Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Italy church, Rev. Fargo, of Branchport, officiating, and interment was made in the Italy Hill cemetery.

The funeral of little LeRoy Fenton, of Italy Hill, this afternoon, was largely attended from this valley.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday           May 1, 1931          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

The town was shocked by the sudden death of Mrs. P. D. Pulver on Saturday morning at 9:30.  Mrs. Pulver was in her usual health until Friday.    She leaves, besides her husband, one daughter. Mrs. Allen McMinn, and her mother, Mrs. Lydia Baldwin, of Italy Hill. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery

Geneva Daily Times             Tuesday             August 25, 1931         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Lillian G. Kennedy - Naples, Aug. 25 - Mrs. Lillian Griswold Kennedy, widow of the late F. M. Kennedy of this village died Saturday following a stroke of apoplexy at her home on Weld street.  She was 80 years of age. Mrs. Kennedy has been a member of the M. E. church since her youth and had been an active worker to the church and in the W. C. T. U. many years.

Surviving are six children: Mrs. Margaret Covel, Naples; Mrs. V. D. Showers, Syracuse; Mrs. Claude Wixom, Italy Valley; Fred Kennedy, Gloversville; Ralph Kennedy, Stanley; and a stepson, Grant M. Kennedy of Canandaigua.  Also nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren.  

Funeral services were held Monday, at 2 p.m., Rev. F. C. House, officiating.  Burial was made in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday           October 9, 1931          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

George Stow, of Italy Hill, spent Thursday night with his brother, Wm. Stow, who was then seriously ill.

The funeral of Wm. Stow, who passed away Saturday morning after a lingering illness, was held at his late home Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. E. A. Chapin, of the Second Milo Baptist church, officiating.  Interment in Italy Hill cemetery. 

Mr. Stow was a highly respected and well known citizen of this place, having been engaged in business at various times and until ill health obliged him to retire from active business.


(evening newspaper)

STOW - At his home in Branchport, Saturday, Oct. 3, William Stow, 72. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.  Theodore Snyder, of Branchport, and his brother, George Stow, of Italy Hill.  'The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. E. W. Chapin, of Second Milo, officiating. Keuka Lodge, No. 149, I. O. O. F., had charge of the services at the grave. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Mr. Arthur Adams, of Auburn, was here for the funeral of his uncle, Wm. Stow, on Tuesday.

Penn Yan Democrat         Friday           October 30, 1931          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

LAMPHIRE - At the home of his daughter,  Mrs. George Sisson, in Prattsburg, Sunday, October 25, 1931. Charles Lamphire, formerly of Italy Hill, aged 84 years.  Besides his daughter, he is survived by his wife, Eliza Emerson, to whom he was married 61 years ago.

The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of his daughter, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

The Naples Record           Wednesday                 Sept 14, 1932               contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

RAPALEE - ANSLEY   On September 4, 1932, at the parsonage of the Seneca Castle Methodist Episcopal Church, with Rev. Clayton Comstock officiating. Miss Beulah Ansley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ansley, of Italy Hill, and Walter Allen Rapalee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton L Rapalee of Penn Yan, were married.

On Tuesday of last week the body of Albert H. Stewart, 52, of Italy, was found hanging in a house in Pulteney. Mr. Stewart left a note to his family, dated August 30, 1932, which indicated that death occurred that day.

He was a son of David and Isabelle Farnsworth Stewart, of Italy Hill, and was born near Reeds Corners in September, 1880. He leaves his wife, who was Miss Rose Bagley, of Middlesex, and seven children, Mrs. Jerome Chriscaden, of Pulteney; Mrs. John Hoad, of South Pulteney, and Arthur, George, John, Minnie and William Stewart, at home; also his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. David L. Stewart, of Italy Hill, and one brother and two sisters, George A. Stewart, of Italy Hill, and Mrs. Roy Barnes and Mrs. Frank E. King, of Naples.

Services, conducted by Rev. Mr. Fargo, of Prattsburgh, were held at 3 p. m. last Wednesday at the Italy Hill cemetery, where interment was made.

Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY           Friday           late March  1933     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 


THOMAS - To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomas, of Indian Pines, in Soldiers and Sailors Hospital, March 31 1933, a son.

WESTON - To Mr. and Mrs. Almon Weston, of Pulteney, at the Soldiers and Sailors Hospital, April 3, 1933, a daughter.

KEECH - To Mr. and Mrs. Guy Keech, of Italy Hill, April 2, 1933, twins, a son and daughter.

BALDWIN - At her home in Italy, Sunday, April 2nd, Mrs. Lydia Baldwin, 83.  She is survived by one brother, Wallace Parker, of Flint, Mich. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Charles A. Smith, of Branchport M. E. Church, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY           Friday            April 7, 1933     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Mrs. Lydia Baldwin, widow of the late Orren Baldwin, died at her home Sunday evening, after a short illness of pneumonia. She leaves one brother, J. Wallace Parker, of Flint, Mich. and four grandchildren. The funeral was held on Wednesday, Rev. Chas. A. Smith officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Miss Lydia Bell came home Sunday after spending a month in Penn Yan with her brother, Natt Bell and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Keech are rejoicing over the birth of twins, a boy and girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pulver and children spent Sunday with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd VanHousen, of Italy.

Frances Robson spent Sunday with her brother, Howard Robson, in Ithaca.

Mrs. Floyd Curtis is spending some time with her son, Harry, in Rochester.

Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY           Thursday            December 5, 1934          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Mrs. Rose Angell - Penn Yan, Dec. 8 - Mrs. Rose Angell, 73, died at her home in East Elm street on Tuesday night.  She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Lillian Halstead, of Rushville, and two adopted sons, Charles Tinney, of Elmira, and William Tinney, of Medina. The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Methodist church in this village, Rev. William Hydon, officiating, assisted by Lake Keuka Rebekah Lodge, and the Phil Sheridan Circle, Ladies of the GAR.  Burial will be made in Italy Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Angell, survived her husband, Adelmer T. Angell by one week, his funeral having taken place on Saturday Last.  

Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY           Friday            Jan  1934          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

The funeral of William Smith, of Brockport, was held at the Baptist church Saturday, afternoon, Rev. C. E. Emerson, of Potter, officiating, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery. Mr. Smith was a former resident of the town of Italy.

Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith, of Potter, were here on Saturday to attend the funeral of William Smith.

The home of Grant McLoud caught fire on Thursday from a defective stovepipe. It was finally extinguished after burning through rafters and roof and causing some damage to furniture in one room on the second floor.

Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY           Friday            Jan 19, 1934          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  


Italy Valley


Milo Center






John HALL, tax collector for the town of Gorham, will receive taxes at Gorham on Jan. 16th, 23, and 30th.  The tax rate for the town of Gorham is $13.65.

Bluff Point

Geneva Daily Times             Thursday         May 17, 1934         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Alice G. Sutton Rushville,  May 17 - Mrs. Alice G.  Sutton, aged 84 years, died  Saturday at her home in Rochester. She leaves one son, Theron Sutton of Sandy Creek, N. Y., one grandchild and several nieces and nephews. 

She often visited at the home of her niece, Mrs. A. D. Baldwin in Rushville. The funeral was held Monday at the home of her niece, Mrs. Bertha Smith in Rochester.  

Among those attending the service were Mrs. A. D. Baldwin and daughter. Miss Cornelia, and son, George, and Mrs. Weld Burke of Prattsburgh. The Griswold family is one of the oldest families of Italy Hill and has an interesting history.

Mrs. Sutton's great grandfather, Timothy Griswold, was the first settler to be buried in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat               Wednesday       January 30, 1935         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Mrs. Benjamin Wilcox - Mrs. Grace Leach Wilcox, who had been ill over a year, and confined to her bed the past three months, passed away on Sunday, January 27, 1935, at the home of one of her daughters, in Newark, where she was taken following the death of her husband, Benjamin Wilcox, on November 17, 1934. Funeral services will be held from the Italy Hill church on Wednesday at 2 p. m., with burial beside her husband in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat               Friday       February 8, 1935         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Mr. and Mrs. Shelden Mothersell and little son, Cloyce Maylon, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews, in Italy Hill, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Presler visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Sam Kenyon, at Penn Yan, on Sunday.

The funeral of Grace Leach Wilcox, 51, was held at the Baptist church here, last week Wednesday. Rev. Townsend of Gorham, officiated, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery. She survived her husband only a short time, as his burial took place here on Nov. 20th.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle          Friday         Aug 23, 1935     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Historical Society to Make Tour of Italy Valley Today - Penn Yan (Special Dispatch) - The Fourth Annual Tour of the Yates County Historical Society will be held this afternoon, leaving Penn Yan at 3 o'clock for a trip through Italy, stopping at Italy Valley Church for a picnic supper at 5:30 pm.

The tourist scheduled to visit several points of interest in that part of Yates county known as Italy Hill and Italy Valley, which is considered one of the most picturesque in this part of the state.  The site of the "big elm", "the big rock" and the spot where 40 years ago one of the hills crumbled and a landslide buried acres of land and several cows, will be among the places visited.  

Hiram MAXFIELD, Naples Banker, and A. Flag ROBESON, Penn Yan banker, a native of the town of Italy, will be among the informal speakers.

Penn Yan Democrat               Friday       Nov 15, 1935         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

The funeral of John Sweeney, 45, who died suddenly at his home near Prattsburg on Monday, was held at the Baptist Church here on Thursday afternoon, Rev. R. A. Fargo officiated.  Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Miss Margaret Moon, of Prattsburg was a week-end guest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Shaw.

Mr. and Mrs. David Stewart of Naples, spent last week with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter and Miss Doris Hunter of this place and their daughter, Mrs. Devillo McCann and family of Rochester attended their Uncle John Lounsberry's funeral which was held at his late home at Pulteney on Sunday afternoon.

Penn Yan Democrat               Friday       Nov 22, 1935         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

The death of John Thomas Sweeney occurred at his home in Italy Hill, Tuesday night, Nov. 5th. Death was due to heart attack. Mr. Sweeney was 45 years old. He leaves his sister, Mrs. Bert Madison, of Wayland, a brother, James Sweeney, of Guyanoga, and two aunts, Mrs. Agnes Sweeney, of Milo, and Mrs. Renalds of Hammondsport.  Burial services were in charge of Rev. R. A. Gorgon.  Interment in the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat           Friday                January 17, 1936            contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Frank VanScoy died Jan. 13, at the home of Ralph and Miss Stella Hall, at Campbell Beach. He had been in Branchport for the mail and had been visiting with Miss Hall, who had left the room for about 15 minutes, and when she returned he had passed away. He was born 82 years ago in Italy, where he had spent most of his life. 

Those who survive him are Mrs. George Hall, daughter, and Earl VanScoy, a son, of Ovid; 6 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.  Funeral was held in the Branchport M. E. church, Wednesday afternoon, Rev. C. L. VanNorman officiating.  Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times        Tuesday             February 11, 1936        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Mrs. Viola H. Kennedy Penn Yan, Feb. 11 - Mrs. Viola H. Kennedy, 46, died at Soldiers and Sailors' Memorial Hospital Monday, Feb. 10. Besides her husband, Leon, she leaves five children, Edsell, Roger, Francis, Ronald and Pauline all at home; four brothers, Milford Simmons of Seneca Falls; Wesley, Howard and William Simmons all of Penn Yan; four sisters Mrs. Burr Wood of Elmira; Mrs. Charles Jensen of Penn Yan; Mrs. Edwin Kennedy of Italy Hill; Mrs. Herbert Lathrop of Keuka Park.

Funeral services will be held at Free Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock Rev. R. E. Bohall, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat                Friday           June 26, 1936          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

McLOUD - At Branchport, June 17, Quincy McLoud, 78. Surviving are his wife; Mrs. Bessie Huston, of Bath; six sons, Isaac, of Gorham; Smith, of Guyanoga; John, of Italy Hill; Seymour and Henry, of Wheeler, and Henry, of Penn Yan; two brothers, Grant and Henry, of Italy Hill; a sister, Mrs. Alida Johnson, of Montour Falls. Funeral services at Italy Hill Baptist Church Saturday afternoon, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

The funeral of Quincy McLoud, 78, of Wheeler, was held at the Baptist Church here on Saturday afternoon, Rev. H A. Fargo officiating, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat                Friday           July 24, 1936          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

ANDREWS - At his home in Branchport, Tuesday, July 21, John R. Andrews, 75. Mr. Andrews served as supervisor of the town of Jerusalem from 1924-27, and was a prominent Yates County Democrat and farmer. A member of the Italy Hill Church and of Prattsburgh grange.  Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Charles Conley of Italy Hill, and Mrs. Sheldon Mothersell of Potter, and four grandchildren.  Funeral services will be held from the home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. R.N. Fargo, of Italy Hill Baptist church, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat                Friday          November 6, 1936          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Friday, Oct. 30, occurred the death of Mrs. Lavonia Reynolds Champlin, wife of Melvin Champlin, of Italy Hill, who passed away seven years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Champlin both lived near Italy since childhood.   She had reached her three score years and ten the 14th of last May. Old age caused her death. She leaves one son, James, of Rushville, and one grandson, Kenneth I. Champlin, of Middlesex and a brother, Richard Reynolds, of this place. Also hosts of friends and old acquaintances that will miss her active ways and kind deeds. Funeral services were held from McConnell funeral home Sunday at 2:30 with burial in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat                Friday           December 5, 1936                          contributed by Cathy Coon

LAMPHIRE- At Prattsburg, Nov. 27, Mrs. Eliza Emerson Lamphire, 86.

She was born in England, coming to this country with her father, John Emerson, her mother having died. Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. George Sisson, of Prattsburg; a half-sister, Mrs. Seymour Moon, of Spencer, OH., and two half-brothers, John Emerson of Italy Hill, and George Emerson, of Spencer, O. Funeral was held Monday afternoon at the home of her daughter in Prattsburg, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.   (Her headstone gives her year of death as 1936.)

The Prattsburg Independent     early January 1937      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas   

EMILY M. PADDOCK - The death of Emily M. Paddock occurred at the home of her son Elisha, early Monday morning. She was seventy-eight years old. Until a short time ago she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. D. Phillips in Hall. 

Mrs. Paddock was born in England. She leaves besides her eldest son, Elisha, Mrs. Fannie Wallace of Branchport, Phillip Paddock of Branchport, D. Paddock of Penn Yan, Mrs. Louise Bishop of Benton, Mrs. Sally Phillips of Hall and  Dr. Arthur Paddock of Bath and J. William Paddock of Italy Hill. 

The funeral was held from the Branchport Church Thursday with the Rev. Charles Smith of Branchport, officiating. Burial was made in Italy Hill cemetery.

Naples News    late Nov 1936                 contributed  by: Dianne Thomas   

The death of Mrs. Eliza Lamphier, occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Sisson, Friday November 27, 1936, Mrs. Lamphier has made her home with her daughter for many years.  She was the widow of the late Charles Lamphier, and although born in Suffolk, England, has lived most of her eighty years here. The funeral was held from the home Monday, November 30th with the Rev. William Swales officiating. Burial was made in the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Clifton Springs Press - late July 1938 & Rochester Democrat Chronicle   Sun  July 31, 1938  contributed  by: Dianne Thomas   

KENNEDY -  Funeral services were held, Sunday afternoon, from the Italy Hill Baptist church for James A. Kennedy, 71, who died, Friday, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Fred Pressler, in Prattsburg. He had recently resided with her.

Mr. Kennedy was born in the town of Italy, Yates county, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John ['and Jane'] Kennedy, and had devoted most of his life to farming until poor health forced him to give it up. He spent several years in the Orleans vicinity, making his home with his brother, Walter K. Kennedy, and family, and was well-known there. 

He is survived by two sons, Ellis Kennedy, publisher of the Penn Yan Democrat, and Howard Kennedy of Branchport; two sisters, Mrs. Pressler and Mrs. E. Hatch, both of Prattsburg, and six brothers, Herbert of Elmira, Robert, Hiram and Edward , of Prattsburg. Elisha of Naples and Walter K. Kennedy of Orleans, also three grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.  Burial was made in Italy Hill cemetery.

Rochester Democrat Chronicle        Sunday                   July 31, 1938   and 

The Naples Record                    Wednesday           August 3, 1938         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

James A. Kennedy, 71, father of Ellis Kennedy, one of the publishers of the Penn Yan Democrat, died on Friday, July 29, 1938, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Fred Pressler, in Prattsburg.

He was born in the Town of Italy, Yates County, and had engaged in farming in that vicinity all his life. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy.  Surviving, besides his son in Penn Yan, are another son, Howard M. Kennedy, of Branchport; two sisters, Mrs. Pressler and Mrs. Elmer Hatch, both of Prattsburg; six brothers, Herbert, of Elmira; Robert, Hiram and Edward, all of Prattsburgh; Walter, of Orleans and Elisha, of Naples; three grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

Services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday from the home of Mrs. Fred Pressler, in Prattsburgh, and at 2:30 p. m. from the Italy Hill Baptist church. Burial was in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Rochester Democrat Chronicle       Thursday                  December 5, 1938        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

WIDOW DIES THREE DAYS AFTER HUSBAND - Penn Yan, Dec 4 - Three days after her husband, Adelmer T. Angell, tax collector for the town of Milo, was buried. Mrs. Rose Angell, 72, died at her home in Elm Street. Mr. Angell died on Thanksgiving Day and since that time his widow had not been well, heart trouble adding to her weakness.

She leaves a sister, Mrs. Lillian Halstead of Rushville, and two adopted sons, Charles Tinney of Elmira and William Tinney of Medina. Funeral services will be held from the Penn Yen Methodist Church,  Friday at 2 o clock with Rev. William M. Hyden, Minister of the church, and the Lake Keuka Rebekah Lodge in charge. Burial  will he by the side of her husband in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat                Friday           December 9, 1938       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

William Emerson 52, a  former resident of this town, died at his home at Pulteney Tuesday Nov. 29.  Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church here on Friday afternoon at 2:30. Rev. Hiram Chapman officiated, with burial in Italy Hill cemetery.


EMERSON - At Pulteney, Nov. 29, William Emerson, 52. Ha leaves his wife, of Pulteney; two daughters, Mrs. Blaine Shaw, Mrs. Lillie Wetmore and one son, Charles Emerson, of Italy Hill. Funeral services were held Thursday, Dec. 1, at Italy Hill Baptist Church, Rev. Hiram Chapman officiating.  Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter entertained on Sunday his nieces: Mrs. George Shannon and Mrs. Almerion Dykeman and their husbands, all of Penn Yan, also their grandchildren, Miss Ida Hunter and her brothers Jay and George Jr. of Rochester.

The Prattsburg Independent                     late July 1939            contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

The death of Cora Belle Andrews, 68, occurred at the home of her daughter following a long illness, Tuesday July 25th. She was the widow of John Andrews of Italy Hill, who passed away about three years ago. Mrs. Andrews was born at Potter, the daughter of Norton Conley and Samantha Race Conley. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Mothersell, and Mrs. Charles Conley with whom she made her home. The funeral was held July 28th from the home with burial in the Italy Hill cemetery, Rev. Chapman officiating.

Penn Yan Democrat             Friday      September 1, 1939         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

KENNEDY - At his home at Branchport, Friday, Aug. 25, George K. Kennedy, 74. He was a native of Italy and had lived in that vicinity all his life. Surviving are one brother, William Kennedy, Naples; one sister, Mrs. Frank Lafler, of Potter; several nieces and nephews. Rev. Charley Emerson, of Potter officiated at the funeral services and burial was made in Italy Hill cemetery.

The Naples Record                    Wednesday            November 29, 1939     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

David L. Stewart, 90, died on Thursday, November 23, 1939, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank E. King, on the Naples-Atlanta road. He was born on August 16, 1849, in the town of Howard, a son of John and Mary Davis Stewart.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Isabel Farnsworth Stewart, whom he married sixty-four years ago; two daughters, Mrs. Roy Barnes and Mrs. Frank E. King, both of Naples, a son, George Stewart, of Italy Hill; and a sister, Mrs. Mary Vosburg, of Canisteo. Three other  children preceded him in death.

Services were held on Sunday from the home of Mrs. King, conducted by the Rev. Charles S. Emerson of Potter. Burial was made in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times            Wednesday                July 10, 1940              contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Weld Burke - Rushville, July 10 - Mrs. Cornelia Pulver Burke, 61, wife of Weld Burke of Prattsburgh, died Sunday at her home after a long illness. She was born in the town of Italy, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Pulver.

She is survived by her husband, three sons, Morris Burke of Keuka Park, Howard Burke of Naples, R. F. D. and Ralph Burke of Prattsburgh, and one daughter, Mrs. Forrest Emerson of Sidney Center, N. Y.; five grandchildren; and four brothers. Willard Pulver of Walla, Walla, Washington; Morris E. Pulver and Peter Pulver, of Branchport, and John M. Pulver, who lives on the home farm on Italy Hill; also, one sister, Mrs. Alice Baldwin of Rushville.

The funeral services will be held at the home at 2 p. m. today and at the Ingleside church at 3 p.m.   Burial will be made to the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat             Friday        July 19, 1940         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Prattsburgh - After a lingering illness, Mrs. Weld Burke was called home, July 7. She was born in the town of Italy Sept. 17, 1878, and always lived in her native town and the town of Prattsburgh.  In early life she was married to Weld Burke who survives, with three sons, Morris of Keuka Park, Howard and Ralph, of Prattsburg. and one daughter, Mrs. Forrest Emerson (Dora Burke) of Sydney Center; five grandchildren; four brothers, Willard Pulver, of the State of Washington; Morris Pulver, of Branchport; John and Peter Pulver, Italy Hill; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Baldwin, of Rushville; also several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon from the home and at Ingleside Christian Church of which she was a member for many years. Rev. M. Shellenberger, pastor, officiated. Burial was in Italy Hill cemetery. Not only will Mrs. Burke be missed by her loved ones, but by a host of friends. She was a devoted wife, loving mother, sister and true friend.

Corning NY Evening Leader           Friday           September 6, 1940     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

HENRY REYNOLDS, HAMMONDSPORT  - The death of Henry Reynolds occurred Tuesday, September 3, after an illness of four months. Mr. Reynolds was born in Pine Grove November 15, 1812, the son of Clark Reynolds and Laura Smith Reynolds and was a vineyardist and had resided near Hammondsport for the past 20 years. 

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ella Reynolds; a son, Harley,  of Corning, a daughter, Gladys Agnes Reynolds at home, and a sister, Mary Kennedy of Prattsburg.  

The body will be at the Bond  Funeral Home where friends are invited to call until 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon when the funeral will be held. 

The Rev, William Perry, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, will officiate and Interment will be made in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times          Friday                August 15, 1941      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

George Hunter - Penn Yan, Aug. 18 - George Hunter, formerly of Geneva, passed away at his home in Great Valley, from a heart attack. Hunter had been employed at the Enditcottville Cutlery Works.  The body was removed to Italy Hill, where Hunter resided until before moving to Great Valley. Funeral services at 2 p. m. Saturday.  Interment will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Hunter was born at that place, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter who survive, with the widow. Mrs. Elsie Hunter, three sons, Charles of Rochester, and George, Jr. and Jay Hunter at home; two daughters, Mrs. Doris Burrell, Willcottville, and Ida H. Hunter at home; two sisters, Mrs. Deville McCann, Rochester, and Vora Hunter, Olean.

Penn Yan Democrat             Friday        October 30, 1941        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Italy Hill

Miss Pauline Perry of Rushville spent part of last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Emma Kennedy.

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Perry and son, Russell, and Mrs. Emma Kennedy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conrow of Rochester, Sunday.

Mrs. Noble Brown spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Frank Coon, of Penn Yan. 

Mrs. C. E. Campbell of Penn Yan has recently purchased a lot at the Italy Hill cemetery.

Rev. and Mrs. Forrest Emerson and family of Sidney Center, were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Emerson, part of last week.

Penn Yan Democrat             Friday          Feb  20, 1942           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Italy Hill

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emerson, & Mrs. Blaine Shaw attended the funeral of George H. Sisson in Prattsburg, Sunday. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Devillo McCann and family of Rochester were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter, Sunday.

Lenda, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurd, is ill of bronchitis after recovering from measles.

Miss Pauline Perry, Penn Yan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry and Mrs. Emma Kennedy over the weekend.

Robert Dunn is ill at his home with attack of grippe. Also Shirley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wetmore, has been ill of grippe.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodworth, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Woodworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Stewart and their children were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry were Sunday evening guests of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Perry of Italy Valley.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emerson, and Mrs. Blaine Shaw attended the funeral of Mrs. Howard Drumm at Prattsburg funeral home, Monday.

Ithel McLoud has returned to school after a recent appendectomy and measles.

Penn Yan Democrat             Friday          Feb  27, 1942           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 



Admiral Frank H. Schofield Dies -  Admiral Frank H. Schofield, 73, native of Yates County, who rose from a farmer's son to the ranking officer of the United States Navy, died in U. S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, Friday, Feb. 20, following a nine months illness.

He was born Jan. 4, 1869, in Jerusalem, son of George and Isabel Daines Schofield and attended the rural schools and Penn Yan Academy.  He often recalled in reminiscing that he walked back and forth from Penn Yan while attending high school. He was ambitious and made every effort to advance.

As a boy, young Schofield admired a relative who was in the service of the U. S. Army and so desired to enter that branch of his country's service. Accordingly he tried and passed the entrance examinations to West Point Military, but was disappoint to learn that due to the fact that  he was too young,  he would not be allowed to enter the military academy.  So the Army lost a capable officer, but the Army's loss proved to be the Navy's gain, for the determined young farmer lad, bent on entering the service of his country, tried entrance examinations to Annapolis, US Naval Academy, and was admitted in 1886.

Admiral Schofield served in the Spanish-American War as executive officer of the USS Hawk, and in the first World War as captain on and  in the Office of Naval Operations. In May, 1930, Admiral Schofield was elevated to command- in-chief of the U. S. Battle Fleet, with the accompanying rank of Admiral, and in September 1931, became commander in chief of the U.S. Fleet.   He served in that capacity until August, 1932, when he returned to the General Board of the Navy, resuming the rank of rear admiral.  

Won Navy Cross - Admiral Schofield's tour of duty included the command of the U.S. battleship, Texas. the destroyer squadron of the Battle Fleet, Battleship Division Four of the Battleship Fleet, as naval representative at the three-power conference at Geneva, Switzerland and as assistant to the  chief of operations in the Paris deliberations preliminary to drawing up the terms of peace with Germany. For the latter service he was awarded the Navy Cross.

Admiral Schofield is survived by his wife; son, Lieut. F. P. Schofield with U. S. Naval Reserve, New York City; a brother, Elmer Schofield, Penn Yan; a sister, Mrs. Mae S. Avery, Penn Yan. 

Full naval honors were accorded Admiral Schofield at the funeral rites conducted at 11 o'clock Monday morning at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, with burial in the distinguished officers' plot in that last resting place for the nation's military and naval great.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schofield left Sunday to attend the services. Mrs. Avery had been with her brother for the greater part of his illness.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emerson, and Mrs. Blaine Shaw attended the funeral of George H. Sisson in Prattsburg, Sunday. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Devillo McCann and family of Rochester were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter, Sunday.

Lenda, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurd, is ill of bronchitis after recovering from measles.

Robert Dunn is ill at his home with attack of grippe. Also Shirley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wetmore, has been ill of grippe.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Van House and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Conley of Penn Yan on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodworth, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Woodworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Stewart and their children were Sunday guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart.



Fred Best has been quite ill for the past few weeks. At present he is staying with relatives at Potter.

Alfred Ellerington observed his 85th birthday on Saturday, February 14.

While preparing to clean a shot gun with which he had been hunting, last Monday evening, Leon White, aged 29, was accidentally shot through the right breast. He was immediately taken to the office of a local physician at Middlesex then removed to the S. & S. Hospital at Penn Yan. Mr. White has been staying at the Alfred Ellerington home for the past couple of weeks and assisting with the work.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodworth, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Woodworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Stewart and their children were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd VanHouse and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Conley, of Penn Yan, Sunday. 

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodworth, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Woodworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Stewart and their children were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry were Sunday evening guests of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Perry of Italy Valley. 

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emerson, and Mrs. Blaine Shaw attended the funeral of Mrs. Howard Drumm at Prattsburg. funeral home Monday.

Penn Yan Democrat             Friday          March 20, 1942           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

George Stewart was called to the home of his sister, Mrs. Katherine Barnes, in Naples, Saturday, because of the death of his mother,  Mrs. Stella Stewart. The funeral was held at the home of Mrs. Barnes, Wednesday afternoon. Burial was made in the Italy Hill cemetery.

Mrs. Anna McConnell and daughter of Pulteney, were Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. McConell's brother, Robert Dunn.

Penn Yan Democrat             Friday          May 15, 1942           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

The body of Richard Sanderson, 20, whose death occurred in Potter several weeks ago, and who was interred at Nettle Valley, was brought here for burial in Italy Hill cemetery, Sunday. 

Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Lewis and family, formerly of Italy Valley, recently have moved to the farm known as the Charles Paddock farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conley attended the funeral of Burr Wood in Elmira, Wednesday.

Mrs. Fred Perry was called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Weaton of Lent Hill, Sunday, by the death of her sister, Mrs. Stewart Weaton.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emerson and daughter were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Chapman of Italy Valley.

Mrs. Lottie Sisson of Prattsburg, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wetmore.

The Misses Muriel Pulver and Unadah Emerson participated in the music state contest at Newark, Saturday with the Prattsburg Central School orchestra.

Mr. and Mrs. Ward Simmons of Potter called at home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd VanHousen , Sunday.

Penn Yan Democrat             Friday          early June  1942           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith attended the funeral of her sister, Miss Harriet Corey, in Penn Yan, Friday. Burial was made in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat             Friday          June 5, 1942           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

McLOUD - At Guyanoga, Tuesday, June 2, Mrs. Shannon McLoud, 73. She is survived by her husband and other relatives. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family home.  Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times             Wednesday            February 11, 1942           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Funeral of Richard Sanderson, Rushville, Feb. 11 - The funeral of Richard J. Sanderson, 29, was held Sunday at Potter Methodist church at 3:30 pm Rev. James Larkin, pastor of the church, officiating.  Burial was to have been made at Italy Hill cemetery, but, because of impassable roads, the casket was placed in the vault at Rushville Cemetery until Spring.

The deceased was found dead in bed about 6:30 Friday morning  (the 6th) at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sanderson of the town of Potter death having been caused by suffocation according to the certificate of accidental death issued d by Coroner P. M. Chaffee of Middlesex who was called. As the deceased was subject to occasional attacks of epilepsy, it was thought that in a seizure he rolled on his face and so suffocated.  

He was apparently in excellent health and had been accepted for army service and was impatiently waiting to be called. 

He had worked for the past eight years for Floyd Bootes, Penn Yan florist, who has part of his greenhouses at the John Bootes farm to Potter.

He is survived by his parents; two brothers, Leslie and Thomas Sanderson at home; and one sister, Mrs. George Danes of the town of Potter.

The Naples Record                    Wednesday            February 25, 1942          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

George Sisson, 71, dropped dead at his home in Penn Yan Street on Thursday, February 12, 1942. He had been in poor health for several years but was up and as well as usual until his death. 

He leaves his wife; one sister, Mrs. Ansel Drew, and a nephew, Allen L. Sisson, of Rochester.

His funeral was held from the home on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock with Rev. Swales, of Lawrenceville, Pa., a former pastor, officiating.  Burial was made in the Italy Hill cemetery.

The Naples Record                    Wednesday            March 4, 1942          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Geneva Daily Times             Tuesday            April 16, 1943           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Mrs. Nettie A. Wykoff - Penn Yan, April 16 - Mrs. Nettie A. Wykoff, aged 62, former resident of Penn Yan, died Thursday in Geneva General Hospital.  Surviving is one daughter, Mrs. Robert Wright of Geneva, R. D.

Funeral services will be conducted Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from Thayer Funeral Chapel, 301 East Elm street, Penn Yan. Rev. Harry L. Williams, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Geneva, will officiate. Burial will be In Italy Hill Cemetery, Yates County.

Corning  N.Y. Leader                 Saturday            April 24, 1943       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

MRS. EDDIE R. EMERSON - Penn Yan - Mrs. Unadah Deighton Emerson, 48, of Penn Yan, died Thursday, April 22, 1943, following an extended illness. Survivors include her husband, Eddie R. Emerson, Yates county clerk; a daughter, Mrs. Harold Phillips of Elmira; son, Lloyd E. Emerson, at home; a grand daughter, a sister, Mrs. Charles Hotchkin of Prattsburg; a brother, the Rev. Wm. L. Deighton, of Barker, NY. 

Funeral services were held today from the family home at 3 pm, the Rev. Royal N. Jessup officiated and burial was made in Italy Hill cemetery.


The Naples Record                    Wednesday           April 28, 1943    contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Eddie R. Emerson, 48, died at her home in Penn Yan on Thursday night, April 15, 1943, after a long illness.  She was the former Unadah Deighton, of Prattsburgh. Besides her husband, she leaves a daughter, Mrs. Harold Phillips, of Elmira; a son, Lloyd E. Emerson, at home; one grand daughter; a sister, Mrs. Charles Hotchkin, of Prattsburgh, and a brother, Rev. William L. Deighton, of Barker.

Services were held from the home on Saturday, and burial was made in Italy Hill cemetery.


Penn Yan Democrat,  Penn Yan, NY        Friday           April 30, 1943           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

EMERSON - Alt the family home, 142 Stark Avenue, Thursday, April 22, Mrs. Unadah Deighton Emerson, 48.  

She had been ill for the past several months. Born in Prattsburg, Steuben County, "she lived there until her marriage to Eddie R A Emerson, Yates County Clerk, 28 years ago. Her parents were Richard E. and Mary Look Deighton

Surviving are her husband; daughter, Mrs. Harold Phillips, Elmira; son, Lloyd E., at home; one granddaughter; a sister, Mrs. Charles Hotchkin, Prattsburg; brother, Rev. William L. Deighton, of Barker. Funeral  services were held at the home Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. R. N. Jessup, pastor of Baptist Church, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times             Tuesday            May 11, 1943           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Harry Griswold - Penn Yan, May 11 - Harry Griswold, 64, died at the home of his son, Leslie Griswold, 20 Maiden Lane, Sunday, May 9. Surviving are two sons, Leslie and Forrest Griswold, both of Penn Yan; one grand-daughter, Doris Griswold. Private funeral services will be held at the home of his son Forrest, 507 Liberty street, Tuesday afternoon, May 11, at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. E. D. Van Dyke officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat,  Penn Yan, NY        Friday            May 14, 1943           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

GRISWOLD - At the home of his son, Leslie Griswold, 20 Maiden Lane, Sunday, May 9, Harry Griswold, 64.

Surviving are two sons, Leslie and Forrest Griswold, both of Penn Yan; one granddaughter, Doris Griswold. Private funeral service were held at the home of his son, Forrest, 507 Liberty Street Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. E. V. Van Dyke officiating.  Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.


Penn Yan Democrat,  Penn Yan, NY        Friday           June 4, 1943           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  


Burial of Mrs. Alida Drew was made in Italy Hill cemetery, Wednesday, following funeral services in Prattsburg.

Rev. and Mrs. Forrest Johnson and two daughters of Everett, Washington, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant McLoud, left Wednesday to visit relatives in Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conley of Elmira called at the home of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conley, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller of Rochester spent a few days last week with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wetmore, after attending the funeral of Mrs. Alida Drew in Prattsburgh, Wednesday.  

Robert Dunn who was taken to Penn Yan hospital for a major operation several days ago, is improving.

Miss Beverly Conley spent the weekend at the home of a class friend, Miss Patricia Stickney, of Prattsburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stowe, of Avoca, called at the home of her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emerson, Friday.

Mrs. Merle Chaapel is recovering from an appendectomy performed at Bath hospital.



Edgar Wood has purchased of  Yates county, the Pratt property consisting of 47 acres. 

Clarke Johnson and son, Clarke Jr., have purchased for sheep pasture,  the Loomis lot that joins the Etta Johnson farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dunton were in Canandaigua recently helping his mother, Mrs. Ina Foster to move.  Mrs. Foster recently sold her large apartment house in South Main Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Earle Randolph and daughter, Doris,  Mr. and Mrs. Claude Randolph, daughter Carol, of Rushville; Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Moyes and family, of Rochester were recent visitors at Orla Johnson farm.

Penn Yan Democrat            Friday                                September 17,  1943        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas     

The burial of Mrs. Margaret Sherwood of Penn Yan, took place in the Italy Hill Cemetery, Sunday afternoon, following funeral services in Penn Yan.


Lieutenant Elizabeth McLoud of New York City arrived  Sunday to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Grant McLoud.

Joyce and Harold Conley of Penn Yan are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Floyd VanHousen, for an indefinite time.

Penn Yan Democrat                   Friday                                 October 8, 1943   and         

The Evening Leader, Corning, NY         Wednesday              Oct 6, 1943           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

JOHN F. PULVER - PRATTSBURG - The death of John F. Pulver occurred suddenly Friday night in Penn Yan Hospital. He had been in his usual good health until Thursday morning. Mr. Pulver was born May 9, 1875 on a farm in the town of Italy. On April 11, 1900 he married Miss Grace Mattoon of Prattsburg and they purchased a farm three miles from his birthplace and lived there for 43 years. He was a prosperous farmer and devoted his time to diversified farming interests. 

He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Floyd Sisson of Milo and one grandson, Cloyse; three brothers, Maynard and Olin, of  Prattsburg; Dr. Arthur Pulver, Brooklyn and one sister, Mrs. Clay Morgan of Prattsburg.

The funeral was held Monday at 2 p. m. in the Friend Church of which he was a member. Burial was made in Italy Hill Cemetery.


Clifton Springs NY Press         mid  November 1943      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

TEARS -  Alva G. Tears passed away at his home at Brockport, November 10, at the age of 70 years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mae Johnson Tears; a sister, Mrs. H. Clay Wilson Sr., and several nephews and nieces. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church, Italy Hill, Saturday afternoon. Burial was in Italy Hill Cemetery.


Those who attended the funeral of Alva G. Tears at Italy Hill, Saturday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wilson. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Everett A Wilson of Geneva.

Penn Yan Democrat   Friday       January 7, 1944      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

KENNEDY- At Italy Hill, Sunday, January 2, Mrs. Emma Kennedy. She is survived by two sons, O. H. Perry, of Italy Valley; Fred E. Perry, of Italy Hill; two brothers, Frank Race, of Middlesex, and Fred Race, of Rushville; one sister, Mrs. Jessie McManus, of Corning; several grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held from the home Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. Jay Bregan officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat, Penn Yan, NY      Friday       May 26, 1944    contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  



CARROLL - At his home on Benham Street, Monday, May 22, John J. CARROLL,72.  Surviving are his wife; two daughters, Mrs. John E. SHERIDAN, Penn Yan; Mrs. Frederick HOLDEN, of Gloversville; a brother, James D. CARROLL of Rochester; two sisters, Mrs. James MALONE of Waterloo and Mrs. William TAYLOR of Willard; three grandchildren.  Funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. SHERIDAN, East Elm Street, Thursday morning, at 8:30 o'clock, and from St. Michaels Church at 9 o'clock.  Burial in Waterloo.

FARRELL - At the Tuttle Health Home, Guyanoga, Sunday, May 21, Anthony FARRELL, 80.  He was born in Penn Yan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony FARRELL and was a boat builder in the early days of Lake Keuka.  Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at Tinsdall funeral home at 8:30 o'clock and at St. Michael's church at 9 o'clock.  Burial in St. Michaels cemetery.  

RECTOR - At Belfast, Maine, Thursday, May 18, Murray RECTOR. He was a former resident of Penn Yan.  Funeral services were held at Thayer funeral chapel, 201 East Elm street, Saturday at 2 pm, Rev. E. D. VANDYKE officiating.  Burial in Lakeview cemetery. 

BRIGLIN - At her home in Italy Valley, Saturday, May 20, Mrs. Frank BRIGLIN,76.  She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Bertha WALKER of Utica and Mrs. John FLEMING of Larchmont; four grandchildren and five great grandchildren.  Funeral was held at the home, Tuesday at 2 pm, Rev. H. S. STOKES of Prattsburg, officiating.  Burial in Italy Naples cemetery.

HEY - At his home in East Potter, Sunday, May 21, Frederick E. HEY,71.  He is survived by three sons, Carl Wibur HEY, Wilbur Reissig HEY and Clyde Martin HEY, all of Potter; four daughters, Mrs. Robert MAUER of Wolcott, Mrs. Burlin ALLEN of Geneva RD1, Mrs. Hubert HEY of Geneva, and Miss Lois HEY of Potter; a sister, Mrs. Gertrude SNOOK, of Naples.  Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 pm, Rev. Harold A. WOLFF, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, officiating.  Burial in Schumann cemetery. 

Geneva Daily Times              Tuesday          December 19, 1944     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Mrs. Jennie Wilson - Clifton, Springs, Dec. 19 - Mrs. Jennie Wilson, widow of H. Clay Wilson,  died Sunday evening.  She had been a resident of Clifton Springs for many years.  

She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank Grimsley of Rochester; three sons, Albert R., George W and H. Clay. Jr., all of Clifton Springs; 8 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services from the Ellis M Weld Funeral Home, 26 Main street, at 2:30 p. m., tomorrow, with the Rev. R. S. Komp officiating. Burial In Italy Hill Cemetery.


Geneva Daily Times              Wednesday          December 20, 1944     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Jennie Wilson Dies at Clifton Springs Home -  Clifton Springs, Dec. 20 - Jennie Wilson, widow of the late H. Clay Wilson Sr., died Sunday evening, December 17. She had been a resident of Clifton Springs for many years.

She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank Grimsley of Rochester; three sons, Albert R., George W. and H. Clay. Jr., all of Clifton Springs; 8 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.

Funeral services were held from the Ellis M. Weld Funeral Home, 26 Main street this afternoon at 2 - 3 o'clock with Rev, R. S. Komp officiating. Burial was in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Clifton Springs Press                 December        1945                contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

WILSON - Mrs. Jennie Wilson, widow of the late H. Clay Wilson, died Sunday  evening, December 17, at the age of  85 years. A native of Yates county, she had been a resident of this vicinity for 57 years. Her husband died November 26, 1941, and up to his death the couple had been married 63 years. Mrs. Wilson was a life-long member of the First Baptist Church.

She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank Grimsley of Rochester; three sons, Albert R., George W. and H Clay Wilson, Jr., all of Clifton Springs; eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at Weld's Chapel, with the Rev. R. S. Korap officiating. Burial In Italy Hill Cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times             Thursday        August 1, 1946     contributed by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Martha Bishop, 95, Dies in Seneca Co. - Penn Yan, Aug. 1 - Mrs. Martha L. Bishop, 95, widow of the late Beth Bishop, Bluff Point, died at Seneca County Wednesday, July 31.  She was born in Yates County, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otto. Surviving are a son, Weld L. Burk, Bluff point; daughter, Mrs. James Tunney, Penn Yan. Funeral service Friday, 2 pm, at Thayer funeral chapel, Rev. Ernest Butterfield of Branchport arid Bluff Point Methodist Churches, officiating, assisted by Rev. E. D. Tan Dyke, of Penn Yan Methodist Church. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery. 

Penn Yan Democrat               Friday                August 2, 1946          contributed by: Dianne Thomas 

BISHOP - In Seneca County, Wednesday, July 31, 1946, Mrs. Martha L. Bishop, 95, of Bluff Point. She is survived by a son, Wilde L. Burk, of Bluff Point, a daughter, Mrs. James Tunney, of Penn Yan.  Funeral services will be held at Thayer Funeral Chapel,  Friday at 2 p. m., Rev. Earnest: Butterfield, of Branchport, and Rev. E, D, VanDyke, of Penn Yan, officiating. Burial will be in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Democrat               Friday                November 15, 1946          contributed by: Dianne Thomas 

MATTESON - At the home of his daughter, in Italy Valley, Friday, November 8, 1946, George Matteson.  He is survived by two daughters, Sarah and Lydia; one son, Louis.   Funeral services were held at the Italy Hill Baptist Church, Monday afternoon, Rev. W. W. Stillwell of Prattsburgh, officiating. Burial in  Italy Hill cemetery.

The Naples Record          Wednesday         May 28, 1947     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Claude H. Wixom, 78, lifetime resident of Italy Valley died on May 21, 1947, in Bath Memorial Hospital. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage on May 11, 1947.  

Mr. Wixom was always interested in local and national politics, and had held many offices in the Town of Italy.  He served as town clerk, and as justice of the peace, and was supervisor of the town, twenty-three years.  He has served as chairman of the Yates County Board of Supervisors.

He was born on November 9, 1868, a son of Bradford S. and Helen Graham Wixom, on the family homestead on which he resided to the last. He attended Franklin Academy, in Prattsburgh, and had been engaged in farming for many years.

Mr. Wixom is survived by his wife, Frances Kennedy Wixom; three daughters, Mrs. Laurice Briglin, of Italy Valley, Mrs. Walton Pulver, of Prattsburgh, and Mrs. Oscar B. Fox, of R.D. 1, Naples; a son, Charles Wixom, of Naples; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild; a sister, Miss Jessie Wixom, at home, and a brother, Dr. Charles F. Wixom, of North Cohocton.

Services were held from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Briglin, on Saturday at 2:30 p. m., Rev. Hiram Chapman, of the Prattsburgh Baptist Church, officiating.  Interment was made in Italy Hill cemetery. Neighbors who acted as bearers were Edgar Wood, Henry Coons, Carlton Wetherby, William Anable, Howard Dunton and Roscoe Elwell.

Relatives present from out of town were: Dr. Charles F. Wixom, of North Cohocton, and daughter, Mrs. Almon Thompson, of Cohocton; Charles L. Wixom, of Dundee; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kennedy, of Gloversville; Rev. and Mrs. B. D. Showers, of Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy, of Sodus Point; Mr. and Mrs. Louie Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burgett, of Newark, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Kennedy of Canandaigua.

The Naples Record          Wednesday         June 18, 1947     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

June 16, 1947 - VERNON M. FOX - Vernon M. Fox, 79, died Sunday, June 15, 1947, at his home here; he was born, and always lived on the farm where he died. He retired from farming four years ago, on account of failing health.  He leaves his wife, Mrs. Emily Penny Clason Fox; one son, Bramon Fox, of Rushville; one granddaughter and nephews and nieces.

Services will be held in Prattsburgh on Wednesday at 2:00 p. m., conducted by Rev. Hiram Chapman, of the Baptist Church.  Burial will be made in Italy Hill cemetery.

Penn Yan Courier          Thursday            March 11, 1948          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Mrs. Daisy Turner, 78, RD 4, widow of Abram Turner, died at the Hall nursing home in RD 4, Tuesday morning. She was born November 20, 1869, in the Town of Middlesex, daughter of Frank and Delia Quackenbush Perryman. 

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Ethel Rates, Stanley; son, Howard Turner, Geneva; three grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; brother, Lewis Perryman, Canandaigua; five sisters, Mrs. Lila Sturgis, Churchville; Mrs. Jerome Babcock, Mrs. Eva Bellis, Mrs Estella Carmody, all of Canandaigua; Mrs. Ella O'Rourke, Rochester. 

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m., at the Logan funeral home, 273 Lake St., Rev. Francis Glenister, pastor of the Baptist Church, officiating. Burial in Italy Hill cemetery.

The Evening Leader, Corning, NY       Saturday              Aug 21, 1948            contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

ELMER SHAW, PRATTSBURG - Funeral services for Elmer Shaw, Italy Hill contractor and builder were held today at 2 p. m. from the McConnell Funeral Home in Prattsburg.  The Rev. Hiram Chapman officiated and interment was made in the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Mr. Shaw died Thursday at his home after an extended illness.  He was 73 years old. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Lola Shaw; two daughters,

Mrs. Earl Plaisted and Mrs. Deville Polmanteer; one son, Leon Shaw; a sister, Mrs. Jerome Windagle of Penn Yan; two brothers, William and Blaine Shaw of Italy Hill.

The Evening Leader, Corning, NY      Thursday              April 7, 1948            contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Ella M. Reynolds - BATH - Mrs. Ella M. Reynolds, 87, died Wednesday at Ovid. She was born in 1861, at Italy Hill.  Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Gladys Everritt  of Hammondsport; one son, Harley Reynolds of Corning; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild.  She was a member of the Presbyterian Church.

Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p. m., from the Bond Funeral Home. The Rev. William Perry, pastor of the Presbyterian Church will officiate and interment will be made in the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times        Jan 10,  1949                   contributed  by: Dianne Thomas  

Oliver H. Perry - Italy Town Leader, Dies, Aged Sixty - Penn Yan, Jan. 10 - Oliver Henry Perry, 60, Naples, RD 2, long prominent in the civic life of the Town of Italy, Yates county, died in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital yesterday.

The body was taken to the Weldon funeral home and today was removed to the Perry home in Italy Valley. Funeral services will be held there Thursday at 2:30 pm, Rev. Hiram Chapman, pastor of the Italy Valley Baptist church, will officiate.  Burial will be in Italy-Naples County Line Cemetery.  

Mr. Perry was born in the Town of Italy, son of Everett and Emma Race Perry and had spent his life there. He had served as superintendent of highways for several terms, and as justice of the peace and school trustee. He was a member of the Italy Valley Baptist church and Prattsburg lodge of Odd Fellows.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Flora Coons Perry, son, Charles, Naples, RD2,  two daughters, Mrs. Alice Strong, at home; Mrs. Frederick Corcoran, Penn Yan; four grandchildren and a brother, Fred Perry, Italy Hill.

Chronicle Express,  Penn Yan, NY        April 17, 1949          contributed by Sandy



Penn Yan - Gerald POTTER, 34, son of Mrs. Cora Harrison POTTER of the Town of Italy and the late Edwin Mansell POTTER, died yesterday [April 16, 1949] in Warsaw Hospital of head and internal injuries suffered late Friday night when his car left the Attica Corners Rd.

Witnesses reported to Police Chief Fred JUROS of Attica that POTTER swerved his automobile off the highway to avoid striking a horse, loose on the highway. The  car struck a pole, crashed into a culvert, throwing POTTER out of the vehicle, and then continued on and hit another pole. He was en-route home when the accident occurred near Attica Prison.

 POTTER was a son of the late Edwin M. POTTER, who served as Yates County clerk from 1910 until 1919, dying in Penn Yan hospital Nov.15, 1942.  Besides his mother, the victim leaves his wife and several children.  The body is being brought to the Thayer Funeral Home in Penn Yan where funeral arrangements will be made.

Penn Yan  Chronicle Express                   June  9, 1949                         contributed by Sue Clavin

In The Passing of Henry J. COONS of Italy Valley, this community has lost a loyal friend and neighbor, who will long be remembered and missed.   A son of the late Robert COONS and wife, Mary Ardell (Donnelly) COONS, he was born in West Italy, N. Y., March 5, 1887.   Most of his life was spent in this section of the state.   He married Lela MANNING Jan. 1, 1911, and to this union three children were born, Robert, George, and Lester, all of Italy Valley.

 To have Henry COONS for a friend and neighbor was a privilege, and his many acts of kindness, and charity will never be known.    He was a great lover of the outdoors, hunting, fishing, and baseball, his hobbies.  He had owned a camp at Lake Rondaxe for many years and was planning a trip there when he was stricken.   He had served 14 years as Town Clerk, and 10 years as superintendent of highways, filling both offices with credit.
Beloved of his family and friends alike, the beautiful flowers, acts of kindness, and words of sympathy, expressed the high esteem he was held in by all.  The funeral was held from the family home Friday, June 3, and he was laid to rest in the Italy-Naples Town Line cemetery beside his parents, three brothers, and one sister, who had preceded him in death.
The Rev. Hiram CHAPMAN of Prattsburgh conducted the services at the home and grave.  He is survived by his wife, Lela, three sons, Robert, George and Lester.  Two granddaughters, Clara and Ella, one grandson, Douglas, one sister, Mrs. Flora PERRY two aunts, Mrs. Ellen KILPATRICK of Naples, and Mrs. Ina FOSTER of Clifton Springs.

Shortsville Enterprise              Wednesday              October 12, 1949           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

FORMER LOCAL RESIDENT  DIES IN ROCHESTER HOSPITAL -   Mrs. Isabella McGrady Dries passed away Saturday (Oct. 8) in St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester. Mrs. Dries had lived in Park street, Shortsville, for several years, about 30 years ago, when her father, Elmer McGrady, was employed by the Papec Machine Company.

She married Raymond G. Dries, a brother of Mrs. Harry Gross. Survivors include her husband; on daughter, Mrs. John I. Gocshhar; a son, Donald Dries, all of Rochester; also her father, Elmer McGrady, of Prattsburg, and five grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at 9:30 o'clock Monday morning from a Rochester funeral home and at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon from a Prattsburg funeral home. Burial was made in the Italy Hill Cemetery in the latter village.

The Naples Record          Wednesday                   November 16, 1949     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

MRS. FRANK FITZWATER - Mrs. Zeda Fitzwater, 50, died November 8, 1949, at her home near Branchport. She was a daughter of Bert and Lillian Fingar, and was born in the Town of Jerusalem.  She was a member of the Friend Methodist Church.

Besides her husband, Frank Fitzwater, and her parents, she leaves two sons, Elwood, at home, and Leslie, of Naples; a daughter, Mrs. Thelma Conley, of Branchport, four brothers: Leslie, Clyde and Robert, all of Branchport, and Frederick, of Meridan, Conn.; four sisters, Mrs. Ralph Corey, of Penn Yan, Mrs. John Hopkins, Mrs. Warren Morrison and Mrs. Howard Fox, all of Branchport; three grandchildren.

Services were held from the Friend Methodist church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. E. T. Butterfield, and burial was made in Italy Hill Cemetery.

The Evening Leader Corning, NY           Thursday          February 2, 1950        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

W. T. Paddock Dies, Prattsburg - BATH - William T. Paddock, 77, Prattsburg, died Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1950 at his home, following a long illness. A retired school teacher, he had taught for 33 years. Following his retirement, he resided in Prattsburg for 23 years, and was connected in the insurance business until a few months ago.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Charlotte Brown Paddock; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Whitaker, and a grandson Earl W. Whitaker, all of Prattsburg.

Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p. m„ from McConnell Funeral Home in Prattsburg, the Rev. Hiram Chapman, officiating. Internment will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times          Friday        December 1, 1950   contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Alfred Northrup, Penn Yan Dies - Penn Yan, Dec. 1, Alfred F. Northrup, 71, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Smith McLoud, Penn Yan, RD 5, last night.  He was born in the town of Italy and had spent his life there. Nearest survivor, is his sister, Mrs. McLoud.  

Body is at the Weldon funeral home where funeral service will be held Monday at 2 p. m. Rev, Jacob Hessler, Penn Yan, retired clergyman, will officiate. Burial will be in Italy Hill cemetery.

Geneva Daily Times                   Wednesday      May 16, 1951        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Miss Sweeney, 97, Dies in Penn Yan; Funeral Saturday - Penn Yan, May 16 Miss Agnes Sweeney, 97, died at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial hospital this morning.  She was admitted 12 days ago.

The body is at the Weldon Funeral home where funeral services will be held Saturday, at 2:30 pm, the Rev. Charles Walker, pastor of the Branchport Methodist church, will officiate.  Burial will be in Italy Hill cemetery.

Miss Sweeney was born at Italy Hill,  Sept. 14, 1853. She taught in rural schools in the county until her retirement several years ago. Despite her advanced years, she was interested in current events and always looked forward to each birthday, as the years piled up.

She leaves four nieces, Mrs. Ella Matteson, Wayland; Mrs. Grace Reed, Avoca; Miss Maggie Drum, Avoca; Mrs. Gladys Everrette, of Hammondsport; four nephews, James A. Sweeney, Bluff Point; Amos Drumm, Prattsburg; Harley Reynolds, Corning; Roy Drumm, Avoca and several grand nieces and nephews. 

She lived in Penn Yan for the past several years, going last fall, to make her home in Guyanoga.

The Evening Leader, Corning, NY    Monday        September 29, 1952    contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Ervin H. Thompson - WOODHULL - Ervin H. Thompson, 75, died Sunday evening at 9:30 it the home of his son, Lloyd Thompson in Canasaraga where he had gone from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elwin Wilson in Woodhull,  to spend a month. He made his home with Mrs. Wilson.

He was born in Ohio, December J4, 1876. the son of John and Mary Van Wagner Thompson. Surviving are two sons, Lyle of Cohocton and Lloyd, Canaseraga; two daughters, Mrs. Marlon Clark, Corning; Mrs. Maxine Wilson, of' Woodhull; three brothers: Frank, Everett and Earl, all of North Hill, Mich.; and one sister, Mrs. A. J. Stinchcomb, North Hill. Mich.

The body has been removed to the Smith Funeral Home in Woodhull where friends may call and where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 1 p m. The Rev M. P Wheeler of Austinburg will officiate and burial will he in Italy Hill Cemetery, near Prattsburg.

Geneva Daily Times                  Saturday             November 28, 1953       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Last Rites Slated For Howard Turner -  GORHAM - Funeral services for Howard Turner, 181 Exchange St, Geneva, will be held at 2:30 p. m. Monday in the Crisfield Funeral Home here. The Rev. George Harland, pastor of Gorham Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery, Yates County.

Mr. Turner died in Geneva, General Hospital late Friday after a long illness. Friends may call at the funeral home from 1 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday.   Born in Yates County, he lived in Geneva for many years.

He is survived by a son, Wendell Turner, Endicott; two daughters, Mrs. Howard Dryer, Elmira, and Mrs. Arthur Searles, Elmira, a sister, Mrs. Roy Bates, Stanley RD, and five grandchildren. 

Geneva Daily Times             Wednesday            August 29, 1956          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Laverne P. Fitzwater - RUSHVLLLE - Funeral services for Laverne P. Fitzwater, 88, Guyanoga, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Hobart Funeral Chapel in Rushville.  The Rev. Orrie Stanton, pastor of Branchport Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Mr. Fitzwater died Tuesday at the Griswold Nursing Home in Guyanoga. Friends may call at the Hobart Funeral Chapel.  

Surviving are a son, Frank, Branchport; five grandchildren, five great grandchildren, two brothers-in-law, Frank Robeson, Canandaigua and Charles Robeson, Vine Valley.

Geneva Daily Times             Tuesday                December 28, 1954              contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Last Rites Wednesday For Smith McLoud, 63 - PENN YAN - Funeral services for Smith McLoud, 63, RD 5, will be held at the Weldon Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Wednesday. The Rev. Jacob Hessler, Penn Yan, will officiate. Interment will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.  

Mr. McLoud died at his home Monday. Friends may call at the funeral home today.

He was born in the Town of Jerusalem, son of Quincey and Nettie Wilcox McLoud and had spent his lifetime there where he was engaged in farming. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Bertha Northup McLoud; four sons, Isaac, Penn Yan; John, Bath; Seymour, Romulus; Harry, Penn Yan RD 1, Mays Mill; a sister, Mrs. Bessie Townsend, Bath; an uncle, Grant McLoud, Italy Hill; and several nieces and nephews.

Geneva Daily Times             Thursday     July 14, 1955              contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

Pearle L. Griswold - PENN YAN - Funeral services for Pearle Leslie Griswold, 50, 227 East Elm St., who died Wednesday at Biggs Memorial Hospital, Ithaca, will be held at the Thayer Funeral Chapel at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. The Rev. Sheldon Stephenson, pastor of the Methodist Church will officiate, with interment in the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral chapel today and Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Mr. Griswold was born in the town of Jerusalem, the son of Harry and Isabel Turner Griswold. He was a member of the Penn Yan Methodist Church.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Inez Griswold; a daughter, Mrs. Stillman Erwin, Penn Yan; a brother, Forrest Griswold, Penn Yan; and four grandchildren.

The Geneva Times         Friday         October 7, 1955        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

George W. Turner - PENN YAN - Prayer services for George W. Turner, 73, Yatesville will be held at the home of Mrs. William Sanderson, Potter, at 1:15 pm, Saturday. 

A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. at Yatesville Methodist Church. The Rev. Elroy VanDyke, Canandaigua, assisted by the Rev. Milton Sweet of  the Yatesville Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Mr. Turner died Wednesday after a long illness. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Bessie Turner;  a sister, Mrs. Sanderson and several nieces and nephews.

Shortsville NY Enterprise              Wednesday                    December 28, 1955         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

HIRAM WOLVEN RITES ARE HELD -  Services were held this (Wednesday) afternoon for Hiram L. Wolven, well known dealer in horses, at the Kennedy funeral chapel. Burial was in the family plot in Italy Hill cemetery. Mr. Wolven died at Thompson hospital on Saturday evening. His home was at 184 Fort Hill avenue.  He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. William H. Dalton, of Seneca Falls; four grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. George Shay of West Italy.

Geneva Daily Times             Thursday               July 5, 1956            contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Ethel Bates - CANANDAIGUA  - Funeral services for Mrs. Ethel Bates, 59, 270 Gorham St., will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Dhondt-Johnson Funeral home.  Mrs. Bates died Monday night in Thompson Hospital, where she was taken by ambulance after being found in a state of collapse in Kershaw Park.

The Rev. Beverly Wilson, pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be In Italy Hill Cemetery.  Friends may call at the funeral home from 7-9 pm today.

Mrs. Bates was born in Yates County and has lived at the Canandaigua address for about two years. A certificate of death by suicide was issued after a report established death was due to a nicotine poison.

Survivors are nephews Wendell D. Turner of Winston Salem, North Carolina; two nieces, Mrs. Arthur Searle and Mrs. Howard Dyer, both of Elmira; and a sister in law, Mrs. Earl Grover, Elmira. 

March   1957            Unknown Paper     contributed by:  Sandy Dunn

Obituary:  Mrs. Emma E. Dunton 83, of Italy Valley, died Monday, March 4, 1957, after a long illness. She had always lived in the Valley and West Italy. She was born in West Italy on August 4, 1873, daughter of Harold and Mary Hopper Ellerington and was the last survivor of a large family, she had five brothers and two half-sisters.   She was a member of the Italy Valley Methodist Church.

On December 23, 1893, she was united in marriage with Charles Dunton who died August 5, 1950. To this couple were born two sons, Howard Dunton, of Italy Valley, and Floyd Dunton, who died February 27, 1923.  Besides her son, she leaves three grandchildren and four great grandchildren.  Services will be held Thursday at 2:00 pm. from the Italy Valley Methodist Church. Rev. Olin N. Race officiating. Burial will be made in the Italy Valley Cemetery.

Geneva Times             Saturday               April 27, 1957              contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Charles Hunter - Services Scheduled for Italy Hill Fire Victim - PENN YAN - A certificate of accidental death has been issued by Vick Winship, Branchport, Yates County coroner, in the death of an 87 year old, Town of Italy man. 

Charles Hunter, 87, who lived alone in his home 13 miles west of Penn Yan at Italy Hill, died from burns over his entire body, which made recognition almost impossible, Coroner Winship said.

Origin of the flames which destroyed the Hunter dwelling and resulted in the death of Hunter, is unknown.

The blazing two-story frame structure was leveled in a brief time, with Branchport firemen dousing the fire to keep it from spreading. It was discovered at 10 a. m. by Elden Paddock, Branchport, who was on his milk route.  The home and Hunter were a mass of flames, Paddock said. He reported to sheriffs men that he saw the blaze and noted Hunter through the flames apparently leaning against the flaming dwelling outside the house near his doorway.

Paddock was unable to rescue him as the entire building was a roaring furnace. He notified Mrs. Mary Condon, who hurried to the Meek Daugherty residence about one quarter of a mile distant.

Mrs. Daugherty said today that the Hunter home was visible from the Daugherty home but that she was working on the side of her dwelling opposite from the flaming house. She was not aware of the tragedy until Mrs. Condon told her. 

Mrs. Daugherty tried to telephone Branchport Fire Department, but her home telephone was out of order, apparently damaged by the Hunter home fire. Her husband drove about one mile to phone for help.

The dead man's pet dog and constant companion, "Rover," was at first thought to have perished with his master. When he returned from a morning run, he was turned over to the superintendent of Stone Farms Inc., atop Italy Hill for a temporary home until daughters of Mr. Hunter can determine the dog's future.

Hunter, a widower, had lived alone in his home since the death of his wife about two years ago. Neighbors said he used kerosene for fuel oil and being almost blind, often spilled the oil about as he replenished the oil burners.  Just what occurred Friday morning,  never will be known, according to authorities. The heat from the blazing structure burned wires carrying electric current from a transformer on a pole to the Hunter home.


Employees of New York State Electric & Gas Corp., were called to disconnect the wires which hung from the pole endangering passing traffic. Deputy Sheriff William Leach called the Penn Yan office of the utility company and workmen were sent to cut off the electric current.

Mrs. Daugherty said that she looked toward the Hunter home each night "to see if Mr. Hunter had his light on," and in that way tried to keep watch over the aged man.

Services Monday - Funeral services for Mr. Hunter will be held at Italy Hill Baptist, Rev. Richard Thomas, pastor, will officiate. Burial be in Italy Hill Cemetery.  

The body is at McConnell Funeral Home, Prattsburg, where friends may call today and Sunday, where friends may call today and Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m.   Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Devillo McCann, Rochester  and Miss Vero Hunter, Olean; and a sister, Mrs. Delos Conley, Penn Yan. 

Mr. Hunter was born in Italy Oct. 29, 1870, the son of George and Isabel Mayer Hunter. He was a farmer until advanced years, halted his work.



Funeral services for Mr. Hunter will be held at Italy Hill Baptist Church, Rev. Richard, pastor, will officiate. Burial be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

The body is at McConnell Funeral Home, Prattsburg, where friends may call today and Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Devillo McCann, Rochester, and Miss Vero Hunter; Olean, and a sister, Mrs. Delos Conley, Penn Yan.

Mr. Hunter was born in Italy Oct. 29, 1870, the son of George and Isabel Mayer Hunter.  He was a farmer until advanced years halted his work.

The Naples Record           Wednesday                 March 25, 1959               contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

EDWIN C. KENNEDY- Edwin C. Kennedy, 67, died last Friday, March 20, 1959, at his home in Penn Yan. He was born in Italy Valley, and lived here until he moved to Penn Yan in 1943.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Daisy Simmons Kennedy; four daughters, Mrs. John Wood, Mrs. Daniel Verstireate and Mrs. Sylvia Killdan, all of Penn Yan, and Mrs. George Coons, of Italy Valley; two brothers, John Kennedy, of West Italy, and Leon Kennedy,  of Penn Yan; two sisters, Mrs. Edna LaDue and Mrs. Inez Simmons, both of Penn Yan; eight grandchildren; and nieces and nephews.

Services are Monday, March 23, at 2:00 p. m., in Penn Yan, Rev. Sheldon Stephenson, pastor of the Penn Yan Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Italy Hill cemetery.

The Geneva Times                 Monday                    August 31, 1959        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Elizabeth Turner - PENN YAN - Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Turner, 79, Penn Yan, will be held at 2 pm Tuesday at Thayer funeral chapel.  The Rev. Sheldon pastor of the Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial  will be in Italy Hill cemetery.  Friends may call at the funeral chapel today from 2-4 p. m. and 7-9 p. m.

Mrs. Turner died at  Knapton Nursing Home, Himrod, RD 2, Sunday. She was widow of George Turner and was born in Yates County, daughter of Frank and Mary Stryker Pinneo. She conducted a nursing home in Elm St. for several years until five years ago. 

Surviving are four brothers, Charles and Harry Pinneo, Penn Yan RD 4; George, Keuka Park; William, Himrod RD 2; two sisters, Mrs. Helen Thurston and Mrs. Maude Ingram, of Canandaigua.

The Geneva Times                   Monday                      May 16, 1960        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

William Sherman - RUSHVILLE - William Sherman, 87, died this morning in the Ontario County Home where he had lived for the past 14 months.

Funeral services will be held at the Hobart Funeral Chapel Inc., at 2 pm, Wednesday.  The Rev. Frank Anderson, pastor of Rushville Methodist Church, will officiate.  Burial will be in North Italy Hill Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral chapel from 2-4 and 7-9 pm Tuesday.

Mr. Sherman was born in Penn Yan, Nov. 14, 1872. His wife was Caroline White Sherman. He lived in Canandaigua for many years before going to the country home.  

The nearest survivors are five cousins: Miss Mary Watkins and Richards Winship, Branchport; Charles L. Andrews, Perryville and Mrs. Ida Tallman, Loudenville.

Shortsville-Manchester Enterprise, Shortsville         Friday        September 23, 1960     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Frances Wixom, aged 80, widow of the late Claude H. Wixom, died in Thompson Memorial Hospital, Canandaigua, Saturday, Sept. 17.  She was born in the Town of Italy, Yates County, and had lived in Italy Valley her entire lifetime.  She was a member of the Italy Valley Church.


She is survived by three daughters. Mrs. Laurice (Helen) Briglin, Naples, Mrs. Oscar (Anne) Fox, of Naples, and Mrs. Walton I.  (Mary) Pulver, of Prattsburg; one son, Charles Wixom, of  Naples; one sister, Mrs. Byron Showers, of Syracuse; two brothers, Fred G. Kennedy, of Gloversville, NY and Ralph H. Kennedy, of Sodus Point, N. Y.; nine grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services were held at the Robert B. Allen Funeral Home. Naples, on Tuesday. September 20, at 2  o'clock, Rev. Birger Halvorsen, pastor of the Methodist Church officiating. Burial was in Italy Hill Cemetery.

The Geneva Times                   Thursday                         September 21, 1961        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Ruby Verstreate - PENN YAN - Funeral services for Mrs. Ruby M. Verstreate, 40, who died yesterday in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, will be at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Weldon Funeral Home. The Rev. Gerald Vanaman, pastor Of Emanuel Baptist Church will officiate and burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Until the services Saturday, the body win be at the family home, 116 Cornwell St, Penn Yan. Mrs. Verstreate was a native of this village, the daughter of Daisy Sinmons Kennedy and the late Edwin C. Kennedy. She was a member of  of Emmanuel  Baptist church.

Survivors are her husband Daniel M. VerStreate Sr., a son, Daniel M. Verstreate Jr.; two daughters, Mrs. Marilyn Mashewske, Penn Yan, and Mrs. Patricia Weiehenthal, Tacoma, Wash., her mother; three sisters, Mrs. John Wood and Mrs. Sylvia Spears, Penn Yan, and Mrs. George Coons, Canandaigua.

The Geneva Times                   Tuesday                         September 4, 1962        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Raymond R. Mashewske 

PENN YAN - Raymond R. Mashewske, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mashewske of Geneva RD 1, died last night at Thompson Memorial Hospital in Canandaigua. The baby was born Saturday. Committal service will be at the convenience of the family in Italy Hill Cemetery. The Rev. Gerald Vanaman, pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church, will officiate. The Weldon Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Surviving, besides his parents, are paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mashewske of RD 4; maternal grandfather, Daniel Verstreate of Penn Yan; maternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Daisy Kennedy of Canandaigua; and paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Anna Mashewske of RD 1.

Geneva Daily Times               Monday      June 22, 1964          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Grace Pulver - PENN YAN - Funeral services for Mrs. Grace Pulver, 85, of Penn Yan, will be at 2 p.m., Wednesday, from the Thayer Funeral Chapel.  The Rev. Raymond Hill, pastor of the Dresden-Milo Methodist churches, will officiate.  Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m today and tomorrow.

Mrs. Pulver died yesterday in the Greatsinger Rest Home. She was a member of the Friend Methodist Church.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Floyd Sisson of Milo Center and a grandson, Cloyce Sisson, of Bath.

Geneva Daily Times         Monday              December 13, 1965       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Harry N. Bell - PENN YAN - Final rites for Harry N. Bell, 68, of 506 Liberty St., who died Friday in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, will be at 2 p. m. tomorrow in St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Branchport, with the Rev. William Kirkpatrick, officiating.  Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.  Friends may call at the Weldon Funeral Home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. today. Mr. Bell was born in Yates County. He was the son of Nathaniel and Mary Spears Bell.  

Geneva Daily Times               Tuesday         February 8, 1966          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Seymour McCloud - PENN YAN - Seymour McCloud, 70, of Dundee, RD died yesterday morning at the Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital. Funeral services will be held at the Wade Logan Funeral Home on Lake St. on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. with the Rev. Dryer of the Weston Baptist Church officiating. Burial will be in the Italy Hill Cemetery.    Friends may call at the funeral home today from 2-4 and 7-9 p. m.

He is survived by his wife, Isabel, three children, Sharon Ann; Nettie Susan; and Norman Quincy and eight step-children. A sister, Mrs. Thomas Townsend of Avoca; three brothers, Isaac of Canandaigua; John of Bath; and Harry of Penn Yan; several nieces and nephews.

Geneva Daily Times               Tuesday        June 28, 1966          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Shannon W. McCloud - PENN YAN - Shannon W. McCloud, 83, of Branchport RD, died yesterday.  Funeral services will be at 11 am Thursday at the Weldon Funeral Home.  Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery

Friends may call a t the funeral home Wednesday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm.  

Mr. McCloud had retired from Mercury Aircraft of Hammondsport and had spent his lifetime in the Branchport area.

He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Charlotte Shaw of Prattsburg; two nieces, Florence Pratt of Branchport and May Horton of Prattsburg.

Geneva Daily Times               Monday         October 24, 1966          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Charles Crofoot - PENN YAN - Charles Crofoot, 92, of 146 Seneca St., died at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, yesterday. Funeral services will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Weldon Funeral Home and burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 p.m. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.  Mr. Crofoot was born in Yates County, the son of George and Ella Hall Crofoot.  He is survived by two nieces; two nephews; one sister-in-law and cousins.

The Geneva Times               Saturday         March 4,  1967          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Compiled by DAR Historian  List of Revolutionary War Veterans - 

PENN YAN - An Executive Board Meeting of the members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was at the home of Miss Alice McConnell.

Mrs. Leo Colmey was the hostess, with the following members attending: Mrs. M. J. Conley, regent; Mrs. H. Marble, vice-regent; Mrs. W. Hendricks, 2nd vice-regent; Miss Jeanne M. Sisson, treasurer; Mrs. Fred J. Egger, secretary; Miss Frances Rose, chaplain; Mrs. Colmey, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. E. Conrad, registrar; and Mrs. Fenton E. Bootes, historian. 


During the business meeting plans were discussed for attending the Continental Congress to be in April. At the same time, Mrs. Bootes said that she has compiled a list of Revolutionary War veterans who are buried, or resided at one time, in Yates County. She explained that the list is sent to the State historian who in turn sends it on to the Historian General in, Washington, D. C. 


Mrs. Bootes said she would like to complete her history and if anyone has a record of their ancestor who might have been a Revolutionary War veteran,  to get in touch with her at her home in Middlesex. 

She has listed the following: 


Town of Benton -  

Bellona Cemetery: Thomas Barden, James Parker, Truman Spencer, Jac Whitney

Benton Rural: Benjamin Dean

Ketchum Cemetery: James Taylor

Cronk Cemetery: John Cronk

Hazen Cemetery: Michael Francisco 

Merrifield Cemetery: Daniel Brown

Old Bellona Cemetery: James A. Baker, John Lester, Peter Wells.


Town of Italy -

Italy Hill Cemetery: Elisha Bennett, Henry Rolf

Italy Valley Cemetery: John Graham

West River Cemetery: Daniel Whipple


Town of Middlesex -

Overackers Cemetery: James Harrington

Pine Corners Cemetery: John Blair, Anthony Blackford


Town of Milo -

Hillside Cemetery - Ichabod Andrews, Tewalt Swarts

Hunt Cemetery - Richard Hendersen

Goundry - Baker Cemetery: John Comer

Old Himrod Cemetery - Phillip Morse

Lakeview Cemetery - William Cornwell, John Raywalt, Richard Smith, Lawrence Townsend, John VanPelt, Amos C. West, Thomas Lee, 

Benedict Robinson, John Dorman, Michael Francisco, Richard Hendersen.


Town of Potter -

French Cemetery - Chester Adams, James Fitch, Isaac Page, Jonathon Pratt, Nathan Loomis.

Yatesville Cemetery -  Achilles Comstock

Nettle Valley Cemetery -  Phillip Robinson, William Hobart.


Town of Starkey -

Eddytown Cemetery - Andrew Booth

Jones Cemetery - Abner Hurd 

Old Presbyterian Cemetery - Simeon Hurd

Old Fulkerson Farm  Cemetery - Caleb Fulkerson 

Harpending Cemetery - Peter Harpending

Rock Stream Cemetery - Nathaniel Rusco, Richard Hurd


Town of Torrey -

Mt. Pleasant Cemetery - Samuel Jayne, Stephen Whitaker

City Hill Cemetery -  Eliphat Norris, John Remer, Andrew Castner, Jonathon J. Hazzard Sr.,  Griffin B. Hazard.

Mrs. Bootes went on to explain that Revolutionary War Veterans are buried somewhere in Yates County but the location is NOT recorded

Jonathon J Hazard Jr., records seem to states that he could have been lost at sea; William Lamport, Thomas Haven, Elisha Brown Jr., John Race, Jonathon S. Barber, Jacob Shuman, Samuel Bigelow, Ezra Loomis, James Knapp, Jabez Gillett, John Coates, George Coates, Andrew Coates, Alexander Andersen, William Thrall, and Henry Hutchins.

She also listed the names of those who died after 1840 whose place of burial in Yates County has not been confirmed: Castel Daines, Isaac Hoard, Jacob Fredenburgh, John Beal, Elisha Benedict, Samuel Abbey, Titus Herman, Asa Olcott, Isaac Whiting, John McLewin, Phillip Dintriff, William Bates, William Smith, Thomas Treat, Michael Pierce, Robert McNair and John Cole

Mrs. Bootes went on to point out that this latter group according to records available, seem to indicate that they resided in the towns of Benton, Italy, Potter, Middlesex, Milo or Jerusalem.  

She paid special tribute to Frederick J. Egger, who is chairman of the American Legion Veterans Graves Registration Committee who helped her to compile the list. Mrs. Bootes went on to explain that she has more than likely left some names out which she is not familiar with and would like to hear from anyone who has this information.  

The Geneva Times               Tuesday         April 18,  1967          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Buried In Yates County - Revolutionary War Veterans Are Listed

PENN YAN - The American Legion Veterans Graves Registration Committee in cooperation with the Gu-Ya-No-Ga Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution has compiled a list of Revolutionary War veterans, who have been buried in Yates County.  

When this information was compiled it has been stated that it was not intended to convey the impression that these are all of the Revolutionary War veterans that may be buried somewhere in Yates County. There may be others that have not been identified.

The DAR and Frederick J. Egger, chairman of the American Legion Veterans Graves Registration Committee desire any information the public can furnish as to the location of any Revolutionary War veterans graves, or of any possible errors or omissions in the list.



Bellona Cemetery: Thomas Barden, James Parker, Truman Spencer, Jacob Whitney 

Briggs Cemetery: Caleb Briggs 

Ketchum Cemetery: James Taylor 

Cronk Cemetery: John Cronk 

Merrifield Cemetery (Flat St.):  Daniel Brown

Benton Rural Cemetery: Benjamin Dean 

Old Bellona Cemetery: James A. Baker, John Lester, Peter Webs




Italy Hill Cemetery: Elisha Bennett, Henry Roff

Italy Valley Cemetery: John Graham

West River Cemetery: Daniel Whipple




Overackers Cemetery: Anthony Blackford, James Harrington 

Pine Corners Cemetery: John Blair, Samuel Smith




Hunt Cemetery: Richard Hendersen (possibly moved to Lakeview Cemetery in Penn Yan) 

Goundry Baker Cemetery: John Comer

Old Himrod Cemetery (Fitzwater): Phillip Morse

Lakeview Cemetery (Penn Yan): William Cornwell, John Ray wait, Richard Smith, Lawrence Townsend, John Van Pelt, Amos C. West, Thomas Lee, Benedict Robinson, John Dorman (awaiting verification), Joseph Finton (removed from Barrington), Michael Francisco (removed from Hazen Cemetery)




French Cemetery: Chester Adams, James Fitch, Isaac Page, Jonathan Pratt, Nathan Loomis 

Yatesville Cemetery: Achilles Comstock

Nettle Valley Cemetery: Phillip Robinson, William Hobart

Baldwin Corners Cemetery (Rushville): Solomon Blodgett, Henry Green




Hillside Cemetery (Dundee):  Ichabod Andrew, Tewalt Swarts 

Eddytown Cemetery: Andrew Booth

Jones CemeteryAbner Hurd (may be incorrectly recorded; likely in Eddytown or Lakemont)

Old Presbyterian Cemetery: Simeon Hurd 

Old Fulkerson Farm Cemetery:  Caleb Fulkerson

Harpending Cemetery: (by Grace Episcopal Church, Dundee)  Peter Harpending

Rockstream Cemetery:  Nathanial Rusco, Richard Hurd, Jessie Cox




Mt. Pleasant Cemetery (Kipps'):  Samuel Jayne, Stephen Whitaker

City Hill Cemetery:  Eliphat Norris, John Remer, Andrew Castner, Jonathon J. Hazzard, Sr., Griffin B. Hazzard (possibly)



There may be other Revolutionary War veterans buried in Yates County, but not recorded. 

They are: Jonathon J. Hazard (reported lost at sea); Enos Tubbs, Seth Hull, Cyrus Buell, William Buell, Sr., Eliphat Hull, William Lapott, Thomas Haven, Elisha Brown, John Race, Jonathan S. Barber, Jacob Shuman, Samuel Bigelow (may be in Steuben Co.), Ezra Loomis, James Knapp, Jabez Gillett, John Coates, Andrew Coates, Alexander Andersen, William Thyall, Henry Hutchings.

Other Revolutionary War veterans who are not recorded but are most likely to be buried in Yates County, since they lived in this county in 1840 are: Castle Daines, Isaac Hoard, Jacob Fredenburgh, John Beal, Elisha Benedict, Samuel Abbey, Titus Harman, Asa Olcott, Isaac Whiting, John McLewin, Phillip Dintriff, William Bates William Smith, Thomas Treat, Michael Pearce Robert McNair, John Cole.

Geneva Daily Times               Monday         January 27, 1969          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

John McCloud - PENN YAN - Funeral service for John McCloud, 78, of Italy Hill, the father of John M. McCloud of Penn Yan and brother of Harry McCloud, Penn Yan, will be Thursday from the Bottoni Funeral Home in Prattsburg at 2 p. m. 

Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery. 

Mr. McCloud died Sunday at the Steuben County Infirmary after a long illness. Friends may call at funeral home after 3 p.m. tomorrow and Wednesday. His survivors include his son, John; three daughters, Mrs. Hazel Wilcox, Mrs. Laura Donley and Mrs. Mary Hull, all of Canandaigua; two brothers, Harry of Penn Yan and Isaac of Canandaigua; a sister, Mrs. Thomas Townsend of Avoca; 16 grand children and two great grandchildren.

Geneva Daily Times            Tuesday        July 15, 1969               contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

PENN YAN - Marjorie C. VanHousen,  65, of Branchport, died this morning at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Penn Yan. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday with the Rev. Raymond Smith, officiating, Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.   Friends may call Thursday and Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. 

She was a lifetime resident of the Branchport area and a member of the Branchport Methodist Church. She was a member of the Middlesex Rebekah Lodge and the Guyanoga Grange.

Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Inez Conley, of Branchport; her husband, Floyd VanHousen Sr., three sons, Floyd of Branchport, Leslie of Penn Yan; and Donald of Bluff Point; one daughter, Mrs. David (Judith) Stenger, of Canandaigua, four brothers, Howard, Charles and Harold of Branchport, and Oscar of Rushville; six sisters, Mrs. Guy Keech of Penn Yan RD, Mrs. Clifford Simmons of Potter, Mrs. Ward Simmons of Rushville, Mrs. Orion Clark of Penn Yan RD, Mrs. Ray Pulver of Branchport and Mrs. Derward Lamphier of Penn Yan, several nieces and nephews and nine grandchildren.



Geneva Times            Saturday       December 13, 1969               contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Donald E. Spears - PENN YAN - Donald E. Spears, 54, of 44 Bristol St., Canandaigua, died today at Thompson Memorial Hospital.                 

Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Weldon Funeral Home, Penn Yan, with the Rev. John Palmer, pastor of Canandaigua Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.  Friends may call at the funeral home Sunday and Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

A native of Penn Yan, Mr. Spears and his family moved to Canandaigua in 1962. He had been retired for several years as an employee of the New York Central Railroad. He was a member of the Canandaigua Baptist Church.

He is survived by his wife, Sylvia Kennedy Spears; two sons, George and Edwin, both at home; a daughter Kimberly, also at home; three sisters, Mrs. Glen (Doris) Johnson of Corning, Mrs. Floyd (Marjorie) Cornell of Penn Yan and Mrs. Clifford (Ellen) Beam of Hammondsport; several nieces, nephews and cousins.

Geneva Daily Times               Wednesday          January 7, 1970       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Weld L. Burke -  PENN YAN - Weld L. Burke, 93, of Mechanic St., Prattsburg, died today at the Soldiers and Sailors Hospital. Funeral services will be at 2 p. m. Friday at the Weldon Funeral Home with the Rev. Raymond Smith, pastor of  the Bluff Point United Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be in the Italy Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 p. m. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Memorial donations may be made to either the Bluff Point United Methodist Church or the Ingleside Christian Church in Naples.

Mr. Burke was a member of the Ingleside Grange of Naples and also of the Penn Yan Grange. He was a member of the Bluff Point United Methodist Church.  He is survived by three sons, Morris W. of Keuka Park, Howard O., of Naples and Ralph P. of Prattsburg; a daughter, Mrs. Dora A. Emerson of Lebanon, N. H.; several nieces and nephews.

Geneva Daily Times       Tuesday              March 10, 1970           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

William Wright - PENN YAN - Funeral services for William W. Wright, 88, of Penn Yan RD 5, who died on Monday at his home, will be at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the Weldon Funeral Home.   The Rev. Daniel Benedict pastor of the Second Milo Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home today from 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. 

Memorial donations may be made in his name to the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital.

Mr. Wright was a life resident of the Town of Jerusalem. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Hopkins Wright; one son, Lewis of Dundee; one daughter, Mrs. Edgar Northrup, of Penn Yan RD 5; four grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Geneva Daily Times       Saturday              March 28, 1970           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Stanley H. Raner NEWARK -  Funeral services for Stanley H. Raner, 53, of Prattsburg, who died Thursday in Ira Davenport Hospital, Bath, will be in at 2 p.m.,  Monday in the Bottom Funeral Home in Prattsburg. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.  He was the father of Mrs. Joyce Hixson of Newark.  Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow at the funeral home.

Other survivors are: his wife, Amelia Becker Raner; six sons, Lavern and Gerald, both of Canandaigua, Harold and Ronald both of Prattsburg, Kenneth of Sacramento, Calif., and Robert of Rochester; two other daughters, Mrs. Etta Stell and Mrs. Carol Fox, both of Penn Yan; three brothers, Harry of Bath, Wilbur of Prattsburg and Clarence of Florida; four sisters, Mrs. Mae Goodrich of Auburn, Mrs. Leona Hayes of Bath, Mrs. Clara Mayo of Belmont and Mrs. Laura Morse of Canisteo.

Geneva Daily Times       Thursday              March 12, 1971           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Thomas Sanderson - PENN YAN - Funeral services for Thomas Sanderson, 65, of RD 3, Penn Yan, who died yesterday at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, will be Monday at 2 p. m. in the Ness Funeral Chapel, Rushville. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery at the convenience of the family. Friends may call at the family home Saturday from 7-9 p. m. and Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 p. m.

Mr. Sanderson was born in the Town of Potter and had lived in Yates County all his life. He was a member of the Yatesville Methodist Church.

Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Flora Sanderson of Penn Yan; a brother, Leslie Sanderson of Penn Yan; a sister, Mrs. Mary Daines of Penn Yan and several nieces, nephews, cousins and grandnieces and nephews.

Geneva Daily Times       Tuesday              March 30, 1971           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Harley Hunter - BRANCHPORT - Harley Hunter, 84, of Branchport, died Monday at his residence. Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at the Weldon Funeral Home, Penn Yan. The Rev. Charles Tyler, pastor of the United Methodist Church of Branchport, will officiate. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 too p.m. Tuesday and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Contributions in his memory may be made to the United Methodist Church of Branchport. 

Mr. Hunter was born in Jerusalem April 21,1886, son of William and Phoebe Turner Hunter. He was a member of the Branchport United Methodist Church, a charter member of the Branchport Fire Dept. and a member of Keuka Lodge, IOOF. 

He operated the first gasoline station in Branchport, for Shell Oil Co. for approximately 35 years until his retirement.

Surviving are his wife, Dora Campbell Hunter; a daughter, Mrs. Harry (Alma) Goodman of Branchport; three step-grandchildren; eight step-great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

Geneva Daily Times            Saturday              October 2, 1971           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Howard E. Simmons - PENN YAN - Howard E. Simmons, 70, of 44 Bristol St., Canandaigua, formerly of Penn Yan, was found dead in his car in the Town of Italy yesterday. He had been missing since Sept. 20.   Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at the Weldon Funeral Home in Penn Yan, with the Rev. David Crandall, pastor of the Penn Yan Emmanuel Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. today and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday.

Mr. Simmons moved to Canandaigua to live with his niece, Mrs. Donald Spears, after his wife, Mrs. Inez Kennedy Simmons, was taken ill and took up residence at a nursing home in Corning, last year.    

He was formerly employed by the Walkerbilt Woodwork Inc. plant in Penn Yan.

Besides his wife and niece, he is survived by several other nieces and nephews.

Geneva Daily Times      Friday             January 7, 1972           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas   

Mrs. Ruth Trenchard - PENN YAN - Funeral services for Mrs. Ruth Trenchard, 49, of RD 5, Penn Yan, who died Jan. 4 in Bartow, Fla., will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Weldon Funeral Home. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Trenchard, a life resident of Yates County, was visiting in Florida at the time of her death. She is survived by her husband, Lawrence; her mother Mrs. Marion McCloud of Bath; her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Bertha McCloud of Hammondsport; one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Myrna McNeil of Lakeland, Fla,; two brothers, J. Ross McCloud of Bath and Robert O. McCloud of Penn Yan; and two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Bowlby of Napa, Calif., and Mrs. Gladys Wiederhold of Penn Yan.

The Geneva Times                    Saturday                      May 6, 1972        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Bertha McCloud  - PENN YAN -  Funeral services for Mrs. Bertha McCloud, 90, of RD 1, Branchport, who died Thursday at the Ira Davenport Hospital, Bath, were at 2 p.m. today at the Weldon Funeral Home, Penn Yan. The Rev. Edwin Dansforth, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene of Penn Yan, officiated. Burial was in Italy Hill Cemetery.

She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Marian McCloud of RD 2, Bath; four grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.

The Geneva Times                    Monday                     July 24,  1972     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

William Wallace - PENN YAN - Funeral services for William M. Wallace, 87, of Branchport, who died Saturday at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Weldon Funeral Home. Dr. Elroy Van Dyke, pastor emeritus of the Penn Yan United Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 7-9 p.m. today. Memorial donations may be made to the Branchport United Methodist Church. 

Mr. Wallace was a native of the Town of Jerusalem and was a member of the Branchport United Methodist Church.  He is survived by a brother, Elias F. Wallace, and a sister, Mrs. Paul (Inez) Sands, both of Penn Yan; and several nieces and nephews.  

The Geneva Times                    Monday                    Aug 14,  1972     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

PENN YAN - Funeral services for Mrs. Daisy Kennedy, 74, formerly of Perm Yan, who died Saturday at the Thompson Nursing Home, Canandaigua, will be at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at  the Weldon Funeral Home. The Rev. Clyde Mitchener pastor of the Canandaigua Baptist Church, will officiate.  Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call at the family home  at 42 Bristol St., Canandaigua, Sunday evening through Monday evening. Memorial donations may be made to the Heart Fund.

Mrs. Kennedy had resided in Penn Yan from 1942 to 1961 and then moved to Canandaigua. She was a member of the Penn Yan Baptist Church.

She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. John (Ruth) Wood of Perm Yan and Mrs. George (Catherine) Coons and Mrs. Orval (Sylvia) Ribble, both of Canandaigua; a sister, Mrs. Loretta Wood of Canandaigua; 10 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren.

The Geneva Times                    Wednesday                      November 15, 1972     contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Mrs. Elizabeth Wright - PENN YAN - Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Mae Wright, 78, of 181 Seneca St., Penn Yan, who died Tuesday at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital will be at 11 a.m. Friday at the Weldon Funeral Home. The Rev. Stanley C. Robinson, pastor of the Penn Yan United Methodist Church, will officiate the burial in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday. Memorial contributions may be made to the Heart Fund.

Mrs. Wright was a member of the Penn Yan United Methodist Church. She is survived by a son, Lewis R. Wright of Dundee; a daughter, Mrs. Edgar (Mary) Northrup of Penn Yan; two brothers, James A. Hopkins of Penn Yan and John L. Hopkins of Seneca Castle; four grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.

Geneva Daily Times      Wednesday                December 27, 1972           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Eddie Emerson

PENN YAN - Funeral services for Eddie R. Emerson, 89, of 7 Grant Ave., who died Sunday at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, were today at 2 p.m. at the Weldon Funeral Home. The Rev. Douglas Passage of the First Baptist Church officiated. Burial will be at Italy Hill Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the First Baptist Church parsonage fund.

Mr. Emerson taught in area rural schools for several years. He became Yates County deputy clerk in 1910 and county clerk in 1925, until his retirement in 1948.

He is survived by one son, Lloyd of Penn Yan; one daughter Mrs. Harold (Mary) Phillips of Elmira; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

Geneva Daily Times       Thursday                December 28, 1972           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

PENN YAN - Funeral services for Mrs. Ruth L. Wood, 54, of 2544 Macedon Rd., Canandaigua, formerly of Penn Yan, who died yesterday at Thompson Memorial Hospital, Canandaigua, will be Friday at 2 p.m. at the Weldon Funeral Home. The Rev. David Crandall of the Penn Yan Immanuel Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery at the convenience of the family. Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 p.m.

Mrs. Wood was an employee of the Barden and Robeson Corp. in Penn Yan for 15 years and had lived in Canandaigua for about two years. She is survived by one son, John E. Wood of Penn Yan; one daughter, Mrs. Raymond (Jacqueline) Bounds of Shortsville; two sisters, Mrs. George (Catherine) Coons and Mrs. Orval (Sylvia) Ribble, both of Canandaigua; and four grandchildren.

Geneva Daily Times   Monday       August 16, 1973          contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

BRANCHPORT - Frank C. Fitzwater, 84, of Branchport, died this morning at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Penn Yan.  Funeral Services will be Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Weldon Funeral Home.  Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Friday from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. 

Mr. Fitzwater was a life resident of the Branchport area and formerly operated a farm near Guyanoga. He retired about 15 years as an employee of Comstock Canning Co., Penn Yan. 

Surviving are his wife, Mary; three sons, Elwood of Prattsburg, Lesley of Italy Valley and Dale of Branchport, three daughters, Mrs. Harold (Thelma) Conley and Mrs. Daniel (Betty) Irwin, both of Branchport, and Melody Ann, at home; 11 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

The Geneva Times           Saturday             August 18, 1973      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

John Hopkins - Private funeral services for John L. Hopkins, 74, of Seneca Castle, who died yesterday in Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Weldon Funeral Home. The Rev. Gerald Vanaman of Barrington Community Church will officiate. Burial will be in  Italy Hill Cemetery.  There are no prior calling hours.

Surviving are a wife, Myra; a son, Frederick of Branchport; four daughters, Mrs. Walter (Lillian) Crevelling and Mrs. Charles (Elsie) Gillette, both of Penn Yan, Mrs. Stanley (Beth) Konopko of West Bloomfield and Mrs. Charles (Onalee) Martin of Branchport; a brother, James Hopkins of Penn Yan; 16grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

Geneva Daily Times          Saturday             January 26, 1974    contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Penn Yan Tragedy - 16 years old dies in fire at friend's home - (pic of Richard Burleigh) - By PAM HENDERSON and KAREN STONE

PENN YAN - A 16-year old Penn Yan youth, who stayed overnight at his best friend's house, died early this morning in a fire which gutted the upstairs bedroom where he slept.

A short circuit in an electric blanket on the metal-framed bed where Richard L. Burleigh, 16, was sleeping caused the blaze, Yates County Sheriff's investigators determined this morning. An autopsy reportedly showed he died of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Six members of the Harry and Cathlene Best family of Potter Rd., with whom Richard was staying overnight, escaped unharmed. The upstairs bedroom was gutted, while the rest of the two-story wood frame house was damaged by smoke and water.

"I didn't know Rich was home," said Thomas Best, 16, Richard's best friend, this morning.  Thomas told reporters that he and Richard had gone together to listen to a rock band at Keuka College last night, but split up during the evening. He said that Richard often spent the night at the best home. The Best youth said he went home and was asleep on a downstairs couch when he was awakened.

"I tried to get upstairs to put the fire out, but I didn't know anyone was in the room at the time. I didn't realize the fire was as bad as it was," he said. Sheriff's deputies said that Penn Yan volunteer firemen, under the direction of Chief John McKercher, and assisted by Benton volunteer firemen, ware called to the scene about 2:30 a.m. and found the bedroom engulfed in flames.

The Burleigh youth's body was discovered by fireman John Houck Jr. about 3 a.m. on the bedroom floor after the fire was brought under control. Mr. and Mrs. Best, their son Thomas, and three other children, Tina, 12, Brenda, 8, and Robert, 6, all fled the house unharmed.

They were at the Salvation Army In Penn Yan this morning. The Best family had lived in the Potter Rd. home, two miles northwest of the village, for seven years. The house is owned by a neighbor, Fred Hamm.

"Tom Best and Richard were best friends and the two were always together," Hamm said this morning. "Richard often spent two or three nights a week at the house ".   

Richard, a student at Penn Yan Academy and a former Boy Scout, was the son of Lee and Pauline Burleigh of Legg Rd. He was a life long resident of Yates County.  

He also is survived by a brother, Leslie A., at home; and four sisters, Terri, also at home, Mrs. Roger (Jo Ann) Kerrick and Mrs. Donald (Jacqueline) Pratowski, both of Penn Yan, and Mrs. William (Lueratta) Peilacano of Geneva. 

Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Monday at the Weldon Funeral Home. The Rev. David Crandall, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, will officiate.

Burial will be, in Italy Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. 

The Geneva Times           Thursday             March 20, 1975      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Morris L. Stewart - BRANCHPORT - Morris L. Stewart, 62, of Clayton Rd., RD 3, Penn Yan, died today at his home. Friend may call from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Friday at the Weldon Funeral Home. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home with the Rev. Raymond Hill of Branchport United Methodist Church officiating. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Heart Fund.

Mr. Stewart was a lifetime resident of Yates County. He was employed by Roto Salt Co. In Penn Yan and was a member of the Penn Yan Moose Club. Surviving are his wife, Dorothy; two sons, Lewis and James, both at home, three daughters, Audrey and Linda, both at home, and Helen of Hornell; two stepdaughters. Helen and Dora Rudy; two brothers, Carlton of Naples and Charles of Bath; three sisters. Agnes Henry of Cenisteo, Mary Woodworth of Greenwood, and Isora Woodworth of Cameron Mills, and one granddaughter.

The Geneva Times           Saturday              July 5, 1975      contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Richard Emerson

PENN YAN - Richard L. Emerson, 22, of 9 Grant Ave., who died Thursday at Strong Memorial Hospital of leukemia, was buried today during 2p.m. funeral services at the Italy Hill Cemetery. The Rev. Douglas Passage officiated.  

Mr. Emerson was a graduate of Penn Yan Academy and of the Wellsville division of Alfred State College. He was also a member of the Wellsville Volunteer Ambulance Corp. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Emerson of Penn Yan; a sister, Diane Emerson of Seneca Falls; a brother, Daniel, at home; and his grandfather, Oliver B. Earley of Penn Yan.

Finger Lakes Times             Monday              Jan 23, 1978         contributed  by: Dianne Thomas

PENN YAN - Lee J . Burleigh, 63. of RD 3, died Saturday at a New York State Electric & Gas power station at Dresden after an apparent 45 foot fall from a walkway at a fourth-floor level. Burleigh's body was discovered by Donald Mortensen, a Greenridge plant employee, at  a.m. Mr . Burleigh, employed by Summerhayes Co. of Rochester, had been doing Insulating work at the utility plant but was not working on Saturday. It was not known this morning what he was doing there that day. The incident is under investigation by the Yates County Sheriff's Department. Sheriffs Deputy,  John Gleason and Detective, Jan Scofield investigated at the scene. Burleigh's Volunteer Ambulance to Soldiers and Sailors Hospital in Penn Yan where a coroner's verdict is pending on cause of death.

There will be no prior calling hours for Mr. Burleigh.  The funeral will be conducted at the convenience of the family. Burial will be In Italy Hill Cemetery.

Mr. Burleigh was a Penn Yan resident for the past 30 years and was an asbestos mechanic with the Summer-Hayes Co. He was a member of Local 26 of the Asbestos Workers Union and a member of the Loyal Order of the Moose.

Surviving are his wife, Pauline, one son, Leslie A. at home; four daughters, Mrs. Roger (Joann) Kerrlck. Mrs. Donald (Jacqueline) Pratowski, both of Penn Yan, Mrs. William (Lucretia) Pellecano of Canandaigua and Miss Terri Burleigh of Penn Yan; a brother, Charles of Michigan; a sister, Mrs. John (Helen) Wade of Washington, and eight grandchildren.

Finger Lakes Times          Monday             June 12, 1978       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

BRANCHPORT - Merrill (John) McLoud. 57, of RD 2, died Sunday at Soldiers and Sailors Hospital. Friends may call from 7-9 p.m. tomorrow at the Weldon Funeral.   The funeral will be at the convenience of the family. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

He is survived by his wife Vivian; three sons. Bruce of Clifton Springs, Paul of Palmyra, and David of Clifton Springs; one daughter, Janet of Canandaigua; two sisters, Mrs. Laura Donnelly and Mrs. Hazel Wilcox, both of Canandaigua; and one granddaughter.

Finger Lakes Times          Friday             March 14, 1980        contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

BRANCHPORT - Mrs. Blanche E. Kennedy, 95, died yesterday afternoon at Penn Yan Manor Nursing Home. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m Sunday at the Weldon Funeral Home. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Monday at the funeral home with the Rev. Theodore Bleck officiating. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Kennedy was a member of the Branchport United Methodist Church, a member of the Mother's Club of Branchport and a retired employee of Michaels Stem in Penn Yan.

Surviving are one son, Robert Kennedy of Brookview, Fla.; one daughter, Mrs. Mae Frederick of Branchport; one sister, Mrs. Hazel McCovick of Orlando, Fla.; 12 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren; and several great-great-grandchildren.

August 1980      Unknown  Paper     contributed by  Sandy Dunn


Tina Louise DALY, 16, of 121 Benham Street, Penn Yan, formerly of Naples, and daughter of Robert DALY of Naples, died Wednesday, August 13, 1980, in Soldiers and Sailors Hospital Penn Yan, after a long illness.

She was born in Brockport, June 18, 1964, and until recently,  resided in Naples and attended Naples Central School.  Besides her father, she is survived by her mother, Shirley LEGG of Penn Yan; three sisters, Anna Marie Steffen of Brockport, Teresa May Daly of Naples, and Christine Daly of Penn Yan; two brothers, George and Harold Daly, of Penn Yan and grandparents.  A funeral service was held from the Moore Funeral Home, Naples, at 2 pm, Saturday with burial in Italy Valley Cemetery, Naples RD#2. Contributions in her memory may be made to the Spina Bifida Association.

Finger Lake Times                 Tuesday                    June 23, 1981                  contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Lindsley G . McLoud

BRANCHPORT - Lindsley G. McLoud, 61, of Italy Hill Turnpike, died Monday at the Bath Veterans Administration Center. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.  Wednesday at the Townsend-Wood Funeral Chapel, Penn Yan.   The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the funeral chapel with  the Rev. Benjamin Disbrow officiating.  Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery. Mr. McLoud was born July 16, 1919, the son of Grant and Belle Hopkins McLoud. He was a veteran of World War II, serving with the US. Army, the 21st Engineers in Europe.   He was a former member of  the Italy Hill Baptist Church and the Branchport American Legion.

Surviving are his wife, Irene Doan McLoud; a son, Danny R. of Branchport; three daughters, Linda Stone of Hammondsport, Kathleen Walrath of Shushan, NY., and Diane Cazda of Tampa, Fla.; three sisters, Miss Elizabeth McLoud of Zephyrhills, Fla., Mrs. Mary Johnson of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Lilah Roof of Dundee; three brothers, Roy McLoud of Bowdon, Ga., Donald Mc Loud of Zephyrhills, Fla., and Richard McLoud of Amherst, Va.; eight grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

Finger Lakes Times         Tuesday       December 13, 1983    contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

GORHAM - Mrs. Amelia L. Raner, 71, of Prattsburg, died Sunday (Dec. 11) at Thompson Memorial Hospital, Canandaigua, after a short illness. She was the mother of Mrs. Carol Fox and Mrs. Etta Stell, both of Gorham and Mrs. Joyce Hixson of Newark.

Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today at the Bottoni Funeral Home, Prattsburg. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Raner was born in Howard, Jan. 31, 1912 She was a resident of the Prattsburg area all her life. She was the widow of Stanley H. Raner who died in 1970. Surviving besides her three daughters are six sons, Lavern and Kenneth, both of Canandaigua, Harold of Prattsburg, Robert of Greece, Ronald of Branchport and Gerald of Williamson; one sister; two brothers, 27 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.

Penn Yan Chronicle                      Wednesday                     August 22, 1984              contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

SHIRLEY A. WRIGHT, 54, of 41 Millard Street Dundee, died Saturday, August 18, 1984, at Schuyler Hospital, Montour  Falls. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Aug. 21, at the Royce-Chedzoy Funeral Home, Watkins Glen, the Reverend Ronald R. Linton officiating. Burial in Italy Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Wright is survived by her husband, Lewis Wright;  mother, Mrs. Erma Moore of Burdett; son and daughter-in-law, Brian and Karen Welch of Montour Falls; daughters and sons-in-law, Brenda and Neil Updike of Burdett, Bonnie and Rick Davis of St Petersburg, Florida; ten grandchildren. a sister, Mrs. Charles (Geraldine) Moore of Bloomingdale, New York; brother, Gerald Lum of Governor, N.Y. 

She was employed by Cook's Kitchen, Montour Falls and previously worked for 25 years at Willard State Hospital.

May 1985            Unknown Paper     contributed by Sandy Dunn

Obituary:   Condolences to the family of C. (Charles) Leslie Dunton, 59 of Middlesex, who died Monday, May 6, 1985, at Thompson Hospital, Canandaigua.  Mr. Dunton, a US Navy veteran of World War II, is survived by his wife Doris: two daughters, Mrs. Kent Fuller of Canandaigua and Mrs. George Armlin of Penn Yan: three sons, Floyd, Howard, and Charles, all of Italy Valley, 10 grandchildren, nieces and nephews.  A funeral service was held at 11 am. Thursday from the Weldon Funeral Home, Penn Yan. with burial in Italy Valley Cemetery.

Finger Lakes Times        Thursday            May 8, 1986       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

PENN YAN - Mrs. Elsie M. Hunter, 87, formerly of 301 Elm St., died Wednesday (May 7) at the Homestead. A memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 17, at the Townsend-Wood Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Paul Plasencia, will officiate. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Hunter was born July 22, 1898, in the town of Baldwin, the daughter of Edmund and Permilla Crandall Woodhouse. She was the widow of George Hunter. Surviving are three sons, Charles of Rochester, Jay of Dundee and George of California; two daughters, Mrs. Doris Leaf of Sun City, Ariz., and Mrs. Ida Cooley of Virginia Beach, Va.; nine grandchildren, several great grandchildren.

Finger Lakes Times        Thursday            May 15, 1986       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

Elsie M. Hunter - PENN YAN - A memorial service  for Mrs. Elsie M. Hunter, 87, of 301 Elm St.. who died Wednesday (May 7), will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 17, at the Townsend-Wood Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Paul Plasencia will officiate. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Genesee County Express       Thursday             October 8, 1987           contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

James David Howden Jr., infant son of James and Rebecca  Rosell Howden Sr. of 119 S. Main St., Wayland, died Thursday (Oct. 1,1987) at home. In addition to his parents, survivors include a sister, Kelly Sue at home; grandparents,  Mrs. Marion Rosell, Lewis Gallton, Edna and Cleveland Purvis and Leon Howden; aunts and uncles and cousins.

A service was conducted Monday afternoon in the Walter E. Baird and Sons Funeral Home, Wayland, with the Rev. Dean Bembower officiating. Burial was in Italy Hill Cemetery, Naples.

Finger Lakes Times, Geneva             Friday             July 8, 1988             contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

PENN YAN - Mrs. Marion L. McLoud, 84, of 2822 Route 14A, died today (July 8) at Perm Yan Manor Nursing Home. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday at the Weldon Funeral Home.  The funeral will be at 3 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home with burial in Italy Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. McLoud was born Sept. 7, 1903, at Lindley, NY., daughter of Levi and Bertha May Northrup Wilcox. She was predeceased by her husband Henry and three children: Ruth E. Trenchard,  Mildred A. Bowlby and Doris M. Sorenson.

Surviving are two sons, J. Ross of Bath and Robert Q. of Penn Yan; a daughter, Gladys M. Tanner of Penn Yan; 14 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren, great-great- grandchildren; and nieces and nephews.

Finger Lakes Times, Geneva            Saturday         October 29, 1988       contributed  by: Dianne Thomas 

BRANCHPORT - Leslie R. VanHousen, 59, of 3021 Italy Friend Road, died Friday (Oct. 28) at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital. Calling hours are at the Weldon Funeral Home, Penn Yan, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday. 

The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home, with the Rev. Barbara Gilford officiating. Burial will be in Italy Hill Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Penn Yan Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps or the American Heart Association.

Mr. VanHousen was born in Branchport April 9, 1929, son of Floyd A. and Marjorie Convey VanHousen Sr. He was a driver for Home Run Inc. of Victor. He was a former member of the Penn Yan Fire Department. He was predeceased by a daughter, Sandra VanHousen.

He is survived by his wife, Pauline, a son, William, of Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo.; three stepsons, Gary and Troy Bailey of Penn Yan, and Roger Bailey of Branchport; two step-daughters, Lisa Knapp of Barrington and Carta Jackson of Irondequoit, three grandsons; and five step-grandchildren; two brothers, Floyd VanHousen Jr. of Branchport and Donald VanHousen of Bluff Point, a sister, Judith Ventura of Tampa, Fla. and several nieces and nephews.

February 1990            Unknown  Paper     contributed by  Sandy Dunn

Obituary: Darrell Thomas Dunton, 16 of West Lake Road, Candice, died February 25, 1990 of hypothermia, A junior of Honeoye Central High School, he is survived by his father, Floyd Dunton of Italy Valley; his mother, Dathryn Dunton of Honeoye; three brothers, Floyd Jr., Donald and William Dunton, all at home, a sister, Nancy Dunton, at home, maternal grandfather, Donald Weatherup of Naples; paternal grandmother Doris Dunton of Middlesex; and several cousins, aunts, and uncles.  Contributions may be made in his memory to the Darrell Dunton Scholarship Fund, in care of Honeoye Central School. Services will be held Thursday at 11am, at the Moore Funeral Home.  Burial will be in the Italy Valley Cemetery.

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