Yates Co. News Articles

for the town of Italy



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Yates County Whig – July 27, 1854         contributed by Cathy Coon

MARRIED:  At Italy Hill, July 3, by Rev. Mr. Smith of Pratsburgh, Mr. Hermon H. Clarke, of Corning, to Miss Harriet E. Lare, of Penn Yan.

YATES COUNTY CHRONICLE,    Dec. 25, 1879      contributed by M. Kelly  [died 2009]

Obituary of Nathan Babcock -
Nathan Babcock died at the residence of his son in Gorham, April 21, 1879. He was born in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, April 21, 1793. He married Phoebe Robinson, daughter of the late Jeremiah Robinson, one of the pioneer settlers on the Green tract in the Town of Jerusalem. She survives him at the age of 85 on the first day of the present month. They had seven children: Maria, Horace, Milo, Lyman H., Phebe M., Marshall N. and Erastus S.

Maria, the oldest married Jackson Wright. They have six children: Maria L., Lucy L., Phebe P., Adeline C., William W., and Lyman J. Maria married Chester French, who died in 1868, and she then married Thomas L. White. They had no children. Lucy L. married William Culver. They have two children, Chester and Alice. Phoebe P. is single. Adeline C. married Samuel N. French of Jerusalem. They have four children: Lewis, Lottie, Mary and Neele A. William W. married Elizabeth Mariner, the present week. Lyman J. married Susan Hewitt. They have one child Kerle C.   Horace, the second child of Nathan Babcock, married Judith Slayton, daughter of the late Chauncey Slayton of Middlesex. They have two children, Chester and Theodore. Chester married Mary E. Faulkner. They have one child Theodore. Theodore lives with his parents and is recently married.

Milo married Catherine Lyons. They have two children, Henrietta and Horace. Both reside with their parents in Jerusalem.

Lyman H. married Maria Turner. They have five children, Mary L., Phebe Ann, Emma, John M. and Charles; one other died young. They live in Pennsylvania.

Phebe M. married John Turner. They have six children: Hannah Jane, Judith Catherine, Angeline J., Phoebe M. and Lewis H. Hannah Jane married Oscar Northrup, and they have three children: Lea E., Elmer J. and Chester.  Judith and Catherine died of diphtheria in 1868. Angeline J. married Theodore Dusenberry. They have one child, Benjamin. Phebe M. and Lewis H. reside with their parents.

Marshall N. married for his first wife, Phebe Brown. They had three children, Augusta E., Cordlia C. and Frank. August E. and Celia C. married brothers by the name of  Merrick. Cordelia has one child, Luman. Frank is a lad living with his grandfather, Alfred Brown of Potter County, Pa. Marshall N. married for his second wife, Ann E. Ludington, and they reside in Brigham, Potter County, Pa.

Erastus E. married Elizabeth Griswold of Jerusalem. They had four children: William, Frankie, Janette and Dora. William and Janette are dead. Frankie and Dora reside with their parents in Italy.

Nathan Babcock was a son of Caleb Babcock, a Revolutionary Soldier who formerly resided in Dryden. He participated in a number of revolutionary battles. Nathan and his father held a tract of land and learned the trade of a mason.  He wrought at that trade in Ithaca for a time and about 45years ago moved into Jerusalem when he bought land of Jackson Wright, and resided on it until he was obliged to relinquish labor at his trade. He and his wife then moved to Gorham to reside with his son, Horace, where they have remained the past 12 or 14 years. Burial was at Italy Valley Cemetery.

The Neapolitan                     Thursday          February 2, 1882           contributed by Dianne Thomas

Italy Hill -  

H. Reynolds farm, at Italy Hill; consideration $5,320, possession to be given April 1st. will proposes to quit pedagoging, for the present at least, and will try his luck as a granger. 

Jim1 Campbell took French leave for parts unknown to us here, last week, leaving his wife to battle with many debts and no dollars to meet them; he being a mail contractor, possibly he imagines himself a Star Route contractor, and must do something, desperate. 

Some 30 couples assembled at the "old-folks party  at John Harris' Italy Hill, despite the rain on Thursday night of last week.  His aged mother, after a short illness, "peacefully laid down to her rest," on Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sutton, in Pittsburgh; the funeral was held at the Presbyterian church there on Tuesday, and the remains were taken to Italy Hill cemetery in burial.  She was numbered with the few remaining old settlers of Italy.    [note, they do not give the NAME of their dearly departed mother.......]       : (

West Italy

Alfred Ellington is the happy father or a bouncing girl.

Mrs. Anable has returned from her daughter Nancy's' where she has been making a long visit.

Rufus Flowers, of Greenville, Mich., was telegraphed for and arrived here a few hours before his mother died.

The friends of John Donley, who went west a short time ago, have received a telegram that he died at a hotel in northern Michigan, of heart disease; his brother James and brother-in-law Job Ellick, have gone to see about it.

Died - At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Adam Kunes, West Italy Hill, at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, the 22d inst., Mrs. Eloisa Flowers, in the 73d year of her age.  

Her funeral was held on Monday, at the M. E. church, Rev. E. C. White officiating, and her remains were interred in the cemetery at the F. W. Baptist church.  Mrs. Flowers was born in the town of Potter, Yates county. Was a daughter of Joshua Parsons, and a niece of the well-known, Lawrence Hobart, who took such an active part in the early settlement of this country. She was married to the late Martin N. Flowers, Esq.

The first three years of their wedded life were spent on a farm in the town of Gorham, Ontario county, near Canandaigua. This farm was then sold and another bought in the town of Potter, Yates' county, near the then famous old log tavern. Here they lived until 1838, when they again sold out and moved to what was then almost a wilderness, West Italy.  Here they bought the improvements of Jared Mabey, which consisted of a small clearing, a log barn and house without windows; holes had been cut through the logs and boards fitted in; when light was needed a board was removed. Here they lived and labored, converting their once wilderness home into one of the finest farms of the town. In 1871,  they bought a farm in the Wheeler settlement, town of Naples. Here Mr. Flowers died in 1877, and Mrs. Flowers remained on, the farm with her daughter, Mrs. Gorton, until a little more than a year ago, she came back here to her daughter's,  where she died. She had been an invalid for years, and for the last few months a great sufferer. For her to die was gain, as the Elder so beautifully portrayed it in his discourse. She was converted when only nine years old, joined the F. W. Baptist church, and ever lived a life that adorned her profession. A true Christian, a deep Bible scholar, a good wife and a kind mother.

The Naples Record             Wednesday                   January 13, 1897              contributed by Dianne Thomas

Death has again entered our community and taken a well known and devoted lady, Mrs. Elisha McGrardy- She has been a great sufferer since last Tuesday morning, and she longed for her time to come and take her from her misery.  On Sunday at half-past twelve she breathed her last, which was a great relief to her and also to her friends who had seen her suffer. 

Funeral Tuesday at 1 o'clock at the M. E. church. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all. Beside her husband, eight children, three brothers and two sisters survive her. Interment at the Italy Hill cemetery.     January 11, 1897

The Naples Record             Wednesday                   January 5, 1898              contributed by Dianne Thomas

MRS. AGNES NORTHRUP, of  Elmira Heights, a former resident Italy and a  niece of Mrs. Clara Benjamin, of this village, died very suddenly Saturday while visiting at the home of Mrs. Fred Presler, Ingleside. She was 56 years old and leaves a husband and three sons. The burial was in Italy Hill cemetery

On Sunday occurred the death of Frank Gorton, aged 20 years, at his home at West Italy Hill. The funeral was held yesterday from the West Italy FM Church, the Rev. P. D. Jacobus, of this village, officiating.  The interment was in the Italy Naples cemetery.



GORTON - In Italy, Jan, 2, 1898, Frank Gorton, aged 20 years.

NORTHRUP - In Italy, Jan. 2, 1898, Mrs.  Agnes Northrup, of Elmira Heights, formerly of Italy, aged 36 years.

Penn Yan Democrat          Friday          July 7, 1899                         contributed by Dianne Thomas


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