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History & Directory of Yates Co., Vol 1, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland, Pg.378-447

Information listedbelow in (  ) are NOT sourced from this book, but from other sources, suchas census information. 


PACKARD  pg 417   

John PACKARD settled on a part of lot 39,South Survey, in 1819.  He started atannery or put down vats outdoors and curried the leather in a part of hisdwelling.  This was the firstenterprise of the kind in town.  Hesold his place in 1827 to William L. HOBART, who soon erected a large buildingand ground the bark with water power; PACKARD having done so with a horse andsweep.

Alanson PACKARD, a brother of John, was acloth-dresser by trade and lives many years in Italy. His wife was Abigail, daughter of Robert GRAHAM. Their children were Lydia L., Jeremiah, Mary A., Thomas B., Sterry,George W. and Otis. Mrs. PACKARD died in Italy in 1839, at the age of 35 years,and he removed to Ohio. 


PARISH   pg 381

The following brief sketch of the PARISHfamily is furnished by Seymour H. SUTTON of Naples:

In February 1791, Samuel PARISH, his wifeand two sons, Reuben and Levi, were the first to emigrate from Berkshire,Massachusetts to the Genesee country.  Comingall the way in the dead of winter through a new and sparsely settled countrypathless forests, and untrodden snows, crossing rivers and lakes upon ice, withtwo ox teams hauling the goods of the family upon ox sled, they arrived late inthe still cold evening, hungry and cold, in the Valley of Kojandaga, (meaning atthe head of Canandaigua Lake, now Naples) and unyoked their tired oxen to feedon the wild grass, while the pioneers sought shelter in an Indian wigwam, wherethe dusky savages with sullen silence beheld their white intruders partake ofthe frozen food that was once warm in the kitchens of Berkshire. Living in the smoky hut until a log house was erected, using the sledboards for a floor and table, and split basswood for a floor while the roof wasmade of such bark as could be found on dead trees, and split hollow trees. While in their lonely abode, far from friends and neighbors, they werevisited by the Indians in great numbers.  Thetall Indian chief Hointoula, and the venerable ex-chief Canesque, often visitedthe PARISH family, talking in a language that the pioneers did not understand. The PARISH family endured many hardships and dangers, until otheremigrants came on.

Samuel PARISH the great grandfather, hadthree sons, Reuben, Levi and Elisha, and one daughter, Susannah, who taught thefirst school in the new settlement. 

Elisha PARISH married Louisa WILDER,daughter of Gamaliel WILDER, the first pioneer and proprietor of South Bristol,in Ontario county.

Reuben married a Miss BISHOP, and had foursons, Jeremiah B., Oris, Erastus, and Fielden, and three daughters, Almira,Fanny and Polly.  Almira marriedLemuel METCALF and Polly married Dr. Dillis NEWCOMB.

Jeremiah B. PARISH married Clarissa(�Clara�), daughter of Col. William CLARK, one of the first settlers andproprietors of the town. 

Jeremiah B. PARISH, the subject of thishistory, was born in Massachusetts in 1785, studied law in Mr. SALTONSTALL�Soffice in Canandaigua and was a successful school teacher in Middletown, nowNaples.  He was elected a member ofthe Assembly, also elected one of the associate judges of Ontario county. He was engaged in the service of his country in the war of 1812 and was acaptain of a rifle company after the war. 

He had four sons and three daughters. His son, Bishop, removed to Kankakee, Ill., and died there. William and Corydon removed to the same place, and have become wealthy.  The other son, Edwin R. PARISH, (b.1818) now lives in thetown of Italy, Yates county and is the owner of a large estate of severalhundred acres of land.  He embarkedearly, raising the best breeds of sheep that could be obtained in Vermont andelsewhere, and has obtained fabulous prices for his best breeds of sheep in theState and some of the western States.  Alsothe wool grown by him is allowed to be among the best in the Untied States. His sheep barns and shed are elegant in finish and model in constructionfor convenience and comfort. 

The three daughters of Jeremiah B. PARISHwere Mary, Emily and Caroline.  Maryand Emily were married to gentlemen by the name of HIGGINS; they are both dead. The youngest daughter, Caroline married a Mr. A. J. BYINGTON, and nowlives in the village of Naples, NY

Fanny married Tomer STETSON and now lives inKankakee county, Ill.  Oris PARISHremoved to Columbia, Ohio, became a lawyer and circuit judge.  Erastus PARRISH married Charlotte KENT and removed toAshtabula county, Ohio.  FieldenPARRISH volunteered in the War of 1812.  LeviPARISH married Miss DURPHY, had four sons, Hardin, Ephraim, Russel and Levi H.PARISH and four daughters, Laura, Betsey, Chloe and Sylvia.

Levi H. PARISH, son of Levi PARISH, marriedMahala LYON.  He ws in the War of1812, was wounded at the battle of Queenston, drew a pension, was a clerk in theP.O. Department in Washington, and died there in 1858 or �59.

Laura PARRISH married Calvin CLARK, acelebrated hunter, having once shot a panther with the last ball he had, in thetown of Italy.  Betsey PARISHmarried Jacob B. SUTTON, who volunteered in the War of 1812 and held office along time in the town of Naples.  ChloePARISH married Eli WATKINS.  SylviaPARISH married Eli BROWN, a celebrated school teacher, and lives West.

Edwin R. PARISH (b. 1818), the principalrepresentative of the family in Yates county, is the owner of 1,000 acres ofland in the town of Italy, bordering on Naples, and is one of the mostthoroughly enterprising men in the country. As a stock grower, he has few equals. His work is not only personally superintended by himself, but engaged inwith his own hands, It consequently moves with expedition and efficiency.  His lands overlook the valley of Naples, and include abeautiful view of Canandaigua Lake. (1860 census � Edwin 42y, Matilda 43y, Wm.S. 18y, Schuyler 15y, Emily 13y) (His wife is Matilda S. PARKHURST; in 1880census, she aged 64y; he aged 62y) (Edwin R, Dec 6 or 16, 1818 - May 3, 1900)


PARSONS  pg 406  

Thadeus PARSONS settled on lot 11, NorthSurvey in 1809 and lived there many years, when he sold it to his son, AlansonL., who afterwards sold it to Charles H. GREEN and he to Washington GRAHAM, bywhom it was again sold to its present owner, Jacob SMITH. Warham PARSONS, the father of Thadeus, came to the town with his son, andresided with him while he lived. Thadeus PARSONS is still living, in the town ofPhelps.  His wife was Sophia READand their children were: Alanson L., Elisha, Orrin, Elzor B., Truman R.Franklin, Emeline, Angeline and Caroline.  Alansonmarried a daughter of John GREEN.  Elisha married Sally PHELPS and they reside in Wayne county. Franklin died in Italy, unmarried.  Emelinemarried Charles BELL and died on the birth of a daughter. Caroline died unmarried.


PELTON pg 433

Alfred PELTON came soon after HOWARD andARNOLD left and occupied the same land till 1846, when it became the property ofMartin GAGE.


PIERCE  pg 413   

Elisha PIERCE settled on lot 3, south Survey(Italy Hill) in 1816, and remained there till 1823. He sold it to Moses LOCKE who lived on it till 1828, and sod it to Dr.Elisha DOUBLEDAY.  Mr. PIERCE was aconstable many years in Italy.


PORTER  pg 385   

Alexander PORTER settled on lot No. 15,North Survey, in 1794, where he lived till 1808, when he moved to Middlesex,where he resided many years, and again moved to Naples, where he died.


PULVER pg 429 

John PULVER (b 1815) came into Italy about1840 with his father (Peter Sr.).  Hebought lot 28, North Survey, and afterwards parts of lots 27 and 32, marking ahomestead of about 300 acres.  Hedied in 1869.  His wife was MaryFITZWATER.  Their children wereJanette, Alvira, Nelson and George.  Janettemarried Isaac WILCOX and has two children. She is his second wife.  Alivramarried Oscar CONLEY.  They have twochildren, Mary and Freddie.  Theothers are single.  His property wasdivided during his lifetime.  He wasa man of remarkable thrift.  

Peter PULVER junior, (b. 1818) brother ofJohn, also came with his father and purchased lot 36, North Survey, formerlybelonging to William C. KEECH.  Hestill resides on it.  Peter PULVERJr., married Jane HARRIS.  Theirchildren are William (b 1849), James, Francis J., Elias, Alice (b 1860), andIda.  They are all single. The farm belonging to Peter PULVER contains about 300 acres, upon whichhe has built a fine mansion. 

George PULVER, another brother, purchasedlot 10, North Survey, of Thomas GRIFFITHS. It previously belonged to Martin GAGE. Mr. PULVER still resides on it.  ThePULVER brothers are noted as quiet and industrious citizens, diligent andprosperous.  George married first,Eliza CROSBY, and second, Nancy GRISWOLD.  (1860census: Geo. 32y, Eliza 33y, Frank 1y) (1870 census: Geo 43y, Nancy D. 27y,Willard W. 5y, Morris E. 3y)Two sons by the second marriage survive, Willard andMorris. 


RAZEE  pg 411   

Rufus RAZEE settled on a part of lot 42,North Survey in 1814.  He was asmall, lithe and irascible man, concerning whom many anecdotes are rife. He was plaintiff in a lawsuit, in which occurred the first jury trial inItaly.  Israel MEAD, the defendant,was charged with killing the plaintiff�s horse. Asahel STONE Jr., was the justice before whom the trial took place. This was in 1816 and every freeholder in town, twelve in all, wassummoned and in attendance.  Thejurors drawn and sworn, were Jabez METCALF, Henry ROFF Jr., Elias LEE, SilasCROUCH, Edward LOW and Benjamin BARTLETT. It was proved that on a certain night,defendant and others watched at a deer lick, and that during the night,defendant discharged his gun at something he heard, but found nothing as theeffect of his shot.  It was alsoproved that the horse in question was found shot and dead near the deer lick.  The jury found no cause of action. 


REED  pg 413 � 414   

Truman REED, born in Windsor, Mass.; in 1790settled on lot 3, North Survey in 1815 and still resides on a portion of thesame land in 1870.  His first wifewas Sally, daughter of John and Sally BROWN. They were married in 1821.  Theymade their home in the woods when they first settled in Italy.  There was no road through the Hollow, except as the brush hadbeen cut away and the trees blazed.  Aroad had been partly cut through by Charles WILLIAMSON, who had designed to makea highway in that direction from Bath to Canandaigua and Geneva, and after apart of the work had been accomplished abandoned the project.  The Indians made their annual hunting visits to that locality, some yearsafter Mr. REED settled there.  Hestates that one day they came to his place with five young wolves they had justcaught east of his house, for which they obtained a large bounty. It was impossible for some time to keep sheep, and the second season hesettled there, a bear came down from the hill and carried off a hog.  It was also a remarkable locality for rattlesnakes, largenumbers of them being killed every year.  Theyare now nearly extinct.  Mr. REEDand his family supported themselves by the most unremitting industry and carefuleconomy. 

His father, Joshua REED came with him, anddied in Italy at the age of 65 years (abt 1817). He was the second person buried in the cemetery in Italy Hollow. (Truman 1790 � Dec 1872)

Truman REED�S mother, Judith, also died inItaly in 1821, at the age of 65 years.  Shewas one of the constituent members of the Baptist Church organized in ItalyHollow in 1816.  Mr. REED was amember of the first grand jury called in Yates county. He was also a constablebefore the town was set off from Naples.  Hehas always been an estimable citizen.  Hemarried a second wife, Rebecca HENNEBERG in 1842.  The children of his first marriage were Wealthy, Clarissa,Calvin B. and Mary; and by the second marriage, Jane and Henry F. Wealthy married James STEBBINS of Middlesex. Clarissa married George W. GREEN of Middlesex. Calvin B. married Miss REYNOLDS and lives in Michigan. Mary married George HUTNER and resides in Italy. Jane married Harvey STORM and resides in Naples. Henry T. is married and occupies the homestead with his father.

Henry HENNEBERG, father of Mrs. Truman REED,was born in Dutchess county in 1780 and resides in the family of his daughter,at the age of 90 years. He states that he saw the first steamboat of RobertFULTON, launched in 1801.  He hadthe yellow fever in 1804, and came to this county with Dr. Uri JUDD in 1820. His mental powers are well preserved and he still leads an industriouslife.

Josiah REED, a brother of Truman, andyoungest son of Joshua REED, settled on a portion of lot No. 4, North Survey in1814.  After living there many yearshe sold his farm and moved to Potter in 1851, where he died in 1859 at the ageof 63 years.   His wife wasBetsey, a sister of Henry ROFF Jr. They were married in 1818, and she died in1864, at the age of 63 years.  Theyhad 13 children, eleven of whom reached adult age: Harriet N., Eliza, Caroline,Josiah, Austin, Almon, Alanson, Laura C., Janette, Emma and Frank M.  Harriet married William S. BOSTWICK of Potter in 1839. They moved to Clifton Springs in 1864, where she died in 1868, just 29years from the day of her marriage.

Eliza married Robert MERRIFIELD, late aresident of Benton, and now of Niles, Michigan. Caroline married William E. JOHNSON of Michigan, now residing at Addison,Steuben Co., NY.

Josiah REED Jr. married Mrs. Mary FINCH in1866 and lives in Potter.  AustinREED married Elizabeth IRWIN, of Niles, Michigan, in 1851 and resides in Potter. Almon REED married Harriet, daughter of Moses A. LEGG of Torrey, in 1853and resides in that town.  Alansonmarried Emma W. IRWIN of Niles, Michigan in 1856, lived in Potter till 1866 andthen moved to Torrey where he died in 1869. 

Laura married Sanford G. STROWBRIDGE ofPotter, in 1858 and resides in that town. Janette married George IRWIN ofBerrien, Michigan, where they live.  Emmamarried Benjamin GLEASON of Potter in 1861, and died there in 1869.  Frank M, the youngest daughter, is still single.



ROBSON  pg 386    ItalyHollow

Andrew ROBSON was a native of England andmarried Phillis STRAUGHAN.  Theyboth came across the ocean in the same vessel while children, but were not awareof the fact till many years later.  Theysettled on lot 38, North Survey, in 1806 and their deed for the lot bears datein 1809.  He died there in 1852 (Feb8th), at the age of 73, and his wife in 1865 at the age of 75. The old homestead is still owned by their son, Joseph S. ROBSON. Their children were fourteen in number and thirteen of them in 1870 arestill among the living, probably an example without parallel in Yates county.Their names are Nancy, Thomas S. (b 1813), Robert (b 1815), Mary, Timothy,Helen, Hanna, Amy, James, David, Joseph S. (b 1827), Charles, Jane and AnnGrace.  Nancy married Asahel HARRIS. They settled in Goshen, Stark county, Ill., five miles distant from allneighbors, where they now have a homestead of 640 acres, in a rich community,besides owning much other land in Kansas and Missouri. They have 11 children, Joseph, James, Isaac Charles, Almeron, Thomas,Phillis, George, Mary, David and DeWitt.

Thomas S. married late in life to AbigailHODGE and they have one son, Flagg. (1860 census � Thomas S. 47y, Abigail 42y,Andrew 3y, Thomas 1y) (1870 census � Thomas S. 58y, Abagal P 52y, Andrew F.13y)

Marry married first, Rufus P. COWING, andthey had one son, Warren, now living in Lucas county, Iowa. Mr. COWING died in 1849 at Toulon, Illinois and his widow married in1852, Henry A. METCALF, son of Jabez METCALF. They reside at Hall�s Corners, Ontario county and have one child,Alice.

Helen married George G. HAYES, and theyreside on a portion of the old homestead.  Theirsurviving children are Warren H. and Roy.

Hannah married Daniel HOWARD, and theyreside at Watkins, NY.  Theirchildren are two daughters. (1860 census - Daniel 42y, Hannah 38y, Mary 11y,Alice 10y)

Robert (b1815) married first, Theresa Maria KIPP. She died in 1865, at the age of 49, and has one surviving son, Seward. Mr. ROBSON married a second wife, Almira KIPP (1870 census as Amanda M.53y), cousin of his first wife.  Heis a man of acute intelligence, noted as a bee culturist, nurseryman and grapegrower.

Amy V. married Alden D. FOX, the presentcounty clerk. (1870 census � Alden D 42y, Amy V. 44y, Anna A 13y, Elmer E. 8y)

James married Mary MATHEWS in 1848. They reside in Illinois and have a large family.

David married Sarah JOHNSON.  She died leaving one daughter, residing with her father atWatkins.

Joseph S. married Elizabeth WILLAIMSON. Their children are Emma o., Andrew, Alice, Isabella, Grace A. andElizabeth.  Emma O. is the wife ofRobert KENNEDY.

Charles married Esther WILLIAMSON.   They reside in Illinois. 

Jane B. (b. 1834), married George GEER. They live in Italy and their children are: Charles M., Mary Jane, GeorgeLeRoy, Emma F., Hubert D., Nettie and William B.

Ann Grace (b 1838) married Champion K.GREEN, and they live at Saxon, Henry county, Illinois (1860 still in Italy, NY)(1870 census children listed as: Charles M 15y, Ellen 11y, Wm. S. 7y)


SCOFIELD  pg 409   

James SCOFIELD settled on lot 3, SouthSurvey [Italy Hill], in 1812 and lived there four years, when he sold his placeand purchased of Robert STRAUGHAN a part of lot 34, North Survey, where heerected a framed house which is still standing and is known as the �ScofieldHouse�.  He was a Methodist andthe grandfather of Major General John M. SCOFIED, late Secretary of War.  In 1819 he sold his place to Andrew ROBSON, and moved away.


SCOTT  pg 387-388   

In 1809, Nathan SCOTT settled on lot No. 30,North Survey, which he owned till 1814, when he sold to Henry ROFF Jr. Nathan SCOTT, born in Peterborough, NH in 1782, was a remarkable exampleof Yankee pluck and perseverance.  Bornwith club feet, he found it difficult to walk, yet he made his way on foot tothe Genesee country and by his unaided industry, achieved a home andindependence for his family.  Withrare generosity he gave up to an elder brother, his parental inheritance, toenable that brother to gain a collegiate education and enter the profession oflaw.  The early death of his brotherleft him empty handed, and he was robbed of a little store of cash that he hadwhen he reached his new home.  In1812 he married Lucy GRAHAM, sister of John GRAHAM Jr., and Mrs. Daniel SMITH. The ceremony was performed by George GREEN, of Potter, then Middlesex. After 1814, they resided on lot 42, of the North Survey, where he died in1864 at the age of 82 years.  Hiswidow still resides on and owns the place, now at the age of 82 years. Their children were William, James, John, Sarah, Frank, Mary Ann, Azubah,Franklin, Nancy, Henry and Robert.

William is a prominent citizen of Italy; isa merchant in Italy Hollow, and postmaster. Her married first, Fanny M. GEER, who died in 1847, and his second wifewas Sophronia E. FISH.  By the firstwife, there were two daughters, Marian and Lucy; and by the second, twodaughters, Frances M. and Sarah Jane.  Mariandied young, and Lucy married Charles H. GROW and resides on the homestead withher grandmother. 

James died at Sacramento, California in1849.

Sarah, who never married, died in 1868. Her father�s property was willed to her, possession to follow hermother�s death.  She left herinheritance to her sister, Azubah, who with her mother, still occupies theproperty.

John marred Cornelia KIPP, who died inNaples, leaving three children.  Hestill resides in Naples.

Franklin is unmarried, and resides with hismother.

Nancy died at 21, and Robert and Henry ininfancy.


SHEPHERD pg 432  

James SHEPHERD settled on a part of lot 17,North Survey, in 1835 and continues to reside there, having added to hisoriginal purchase.  He is a nativeof England and a citizen of enterprise and personal worth. A son of his was killed by an injury caused by a threshing machine in1860.  His sons are worthy,industrious and prosperous citizens.


SLAUGHTER  pg 102   

James SLAUGHTER settled on the east part oflot 11, South Survey in 1812, and lived there till 1820. He sold to Thomas SMITH, a colored man, who died suddenly in 1823, andwhose body was �snatched� by the physicians and was proved by opening hisgrave. 


SMITH  pg 412-413  

William E. SMITH settled on a part of lot29, North Survey, in 1813.  His wifewas Margaret, daughter of Rufus EDSON Sr.  After his death she married Moses BARDEEN.

William SMITH came from Vermont, but was anative if Hartford, CT.  He settledfirst in Prattsburg, came into Italy in 1814 and settled on lot 29, SouthSurvey.  He was the father ofDaniel, Chester, William E., Newman S., Abagail and Sally. He lived with his son Daniel, till his death. 

Daniel SMITH came into Italy with hisfather, and took title to a part of lot 29, South Survey. His wife was Nancy, daughter of John GRAHAM Sr. He sold his place toNewton BAXTER and purchased the farm owned by Robert TAIT, where he resided tillhis death. His widow still occupies the farm. He was commissioner of highways and supervisor of Italy many years. Their children were Olive P, Henry W., and Elisha D. Olive P. married Pharez CLARK and had two children, Lucy and Daniel C.She died in Italy in 1854.  Henry W.SMITH married first, Ann MARKHAM and she bore him two children. She died in Rushville in 1868. He married a second wife, Miss BORDEN. He is a homeopathic physician, and resides again in Italy Hollow, afterseveral years residence at Rushville.  ElishaD. married Helen HENDERSON, who died in 1866. He married a second wife, Miss ROWELL and they have one child. He is also a practicing homeopathic physician. 

Chester SMITH settled in Italy with hisfather, and lived on a part of lot 30, South Survey. His wife was Lora, daughter of Thomas TREAT and she survived her husbandmany years, residing where they first settled. Their daughter, Sally, married a Mr. WHEATON and died in Prattsburg. Clarissa, another daughter, married Charles W. BROWN residing at Dresdenin this county.  They have threechildren.  Emily, another daughter,married Andrew J. BARKER, a son of Orlando BARKER. She was the mother of three children and died in Italy.  Mary Jane, the fourth daughter married Andrew J. FERGUSON. They reside in Torrey and have had three children.

Newman S. SMITH married Eunice BLACKMAN andboth died in ITALY.  Their childrenwere George E. and Reuben B.  GeorgeE., married and died in Michigan, and his brother went to Illinois with hismother�s family. 

Abagail SMITH married a Mr. LATIMORE.

Sally, the remaining sister, married a Mr.PROUTY.  They live in Ontario countyand have several children.


SPRAGUE  pg 384

Seth SPRAGUE settled on lot No. 2, Slot�ssurvey, in 1793 and remained till 1805.  Hisdaughter Olive, was the first white child born within the boundaries of Italy. He sold his place to Mr. CONE, by whom it was sold to Jason WATKINS. Isaac WHITNEY settled on lot 4, Slot�s survey in 1800 and moved away in1806.


SQUIER pg 426  

Joseph SQUIER settled on lot 28, SouthSurvey, in 1822, where he remained a few years. In 1830 the land was purchased by Lewis V. ALBRO, who lived on it tillhis death in 1844.  It is still theproperty of his widow and children. 

The first wife of Mr. ALBRO was Miss SHAW. She died in 1840.  His second wife was Lois, daughter of William GUERNSEY, ofPotter.  Emily, a daughter by thefirst marriage, became the wife of Oscar BURNETT, and died in Italy in 1860. Mary VELIETTE, a daughter by the second marriage, became the wife ofCharles GROW and still resides in Italy.  Mr.ALBRO and his wife, Lois, were both early school teachers in Italy. 

Heman SQUIER settled in 1810 on lot 10,North Survey and remained there till 1832, when the place passed into the handsof his son Gideon, from whom it passed to others. Heman SQUIER was the father of Heman SQUIER Jr, for many years, Justiceof the Peace at Kinney�s Corners in Jerusalem.


SQUIER Pg. 430 - 432 

Seba and David SQUIER were brothers andamong the earlier settlers of the town of Seneca. They were natives of Connecticut, where David was born in 1772. Seba came first to the Genesee country, by way of the Susquehanna andChemung Valleys when there was but a single settler on the route; and he a shortdistance below Newtown (now Elmira).  Hesettled a short distance from Kanandesaga, afterwards Geneva, and the first roadcut in his vicinity was from Geneva southwest, four miles to his house. He attended the raising of the first mill erected by the Friends, comingthrough the woods a distance of twelve miles to be present on that occasion. He was one of the first town officers elected in Seneca and died in thattown a few years ago, over ninety years old.

David SQUIER came two years later than Seba,and married Mercy LAY at Geneva in 1794.  Theysettled about two miles west of Bellona, in Seneca and afterwards he was thefirst settler in Benton in 1811, on lot 85, where Thomas M. TOWNSEND nowresides.  Their children were JesseL., Polly, Ezra, Nathaniel, Judah, Abby, Sally, Albert, Alpha, Thursday andClarissa. 

Jesse L, born in 1795, married Tamar YOUNGS. He spent much of his life in Penn Yan, where in early life he learned thetrade of tanner and shoemaker with one BORDWELL, who had a tannery and shop onJacob�s Brook, near where it is crossed by Clinton street.  Theirchildren were William Deloss, Minerva, Murray and Charles Y. Their mother died early and William D. became a clerk with Daniel S.MARSH junior, a merchant of Penn Yan.  Subsequently,he was in business as a partner of Stephen B. AYRES, and afterwards of Darius W.ADAMS.  He married a daughter of Dr.James HERMANS, of Potter, and died while still a young man. Murray went West and Charles Y. became a printer, and pursued his tradefor many years at Syracuse, where he was Foreman in the office of the SyracuseJournal.  He was also a soldier of the Federal army during therebellion.  Jesse L. SQUIER diedupwards of seventy years old. 

Nathaniel SQUIER was born in 1800, in thetown of Seneca.  He married PhebeWELLS in 1825, and in 1833 they took up their residence at Italy Hill. In the enterprises at Italy Hill, Mr. SQUIER was a partner of MartinGAGE.  They bought a large tract ofland formerly owned by Philip COOL and others, and also a lot from the Beddoetract.  Mr. SQUIER stats that hetook $2,100 of his own money and $7,000 of Mr. GAGE to commence operations, andthat there was not �the scratch of a pen� between them as a record ormemorandum of account.  It wasseveral years before they had any settlement, and large transactions in laborand lumber had taken place, and in the meantime Mr. GAGE was stricken withparalysis.  He recovered and thenfinally closed up their accounts in the most amicable manner. Mr. SQUIER had previously made a statement for Samuel G. GAGE, showingthe state of their accounts.  InItaly Nathaniel SQUIER soon became a leading and influential citizen and arecognized power in the Democratic party in the county. He was repeatedly chosen supervisor of the town and in 1852 was electedsheriff of the county, which office he filled three years. Few men have been equally generous and large hearted in dealing withothers who needed air and lenity; and he is highly respected for his kindnessand ready sympathy for those who ask for help. His laborious life has not impaired the vigor of his constitution, and atthe age of three score years and ten, he is still an able bodied andwell-preserved man.  Their childrenhave been Henry, Harriet, Ezra, Hannah, and Martin G.  Martin died young and Harriet at twenty one, much deplored. Henry, who was Under Sheriff while his father was Sheriff, marriedCordelia FRENCH.  They reside inWheeler, Steuben County.  Hannahmarried Leman COREY and they have four children. Ezra married Ellen KENNEDY.  Theylive at Italy Hill and their children are Nathaniel and Jennie.


STANTON  pg 428   

Sherman STANTON settled on lot 2, NorthSurvey in 1821 and lived there many years. He was an early member of the Baptist Church in Italy Hollow. His daughter became the second wife of Timothy BARNES. Sherman E. STANTONwas his son.  The father moved toPennsylvania and there died.

Timothy BARNES purchased in 1818 the saw andgristmills of Asahel STONE junior, and kept them till 1827, when he moved toSheffield, Pennsylvania, where he died.  Hisfirst wife, Almira, died in Italy.


STEARNS  pg 390   

Joshua STEARNS settled on a part of lot 11,North Survey, in 1806, remained there till 1810 then moved to Middlesex. The land then became the property of Thaddeus PARSONS. It is now ownedand occupied by Jacob SMITH.  Mr.STEARNS, who was a prosaic man, had a vision in his dreams, which occurred threetimes.  A stranger of foreign aspect appeared before him and relatedhow he and others had come from distant climes and buried treasure and built afort, and returned home to lose their lives. It was said the directions were followed, the fort found on the hill westof Italy Hollow, on ground that bore the outlines of a fort overgrown withtrees.  They found also a trench andstream of water that had been described.  Butmuch digging did not reveal the buried treasure. The fort was probably one of those curious earthworks, which have beenfound in all parts of the country, and have been refereed by archeologists to arace of people who preceded the Indian occupation. It was located directly west of the residence of Ansel MUMFORD, on lot21. 


STONE  pg 413   

Holden STONE settled on a part of lot 4,South Survey in 1816 and resided there till his death in 1842, at the age of 76years.  His wife, Sally, remained onthe same premises till her death in 1857, at the age of 79 years; their son,Leonard lived on the same land till 1860, when he sold it and moved from thecounty. 


STONE  pg 415  

Asahel STONE Jr. settled on lot 39, SouthSurvey in 1815, and built the first sawmill and the first gristmill in Italy, in1817.  He sold the property in 1818to Timothy BURNS who again sold it in 1827 to William L. HOBART.  Mr. STONE moved to Naples and lived there several years. He was a son of Asahel STONE of the Friend�s Society, ad was the firstsupervisor of Italy.

STRAUGHAN   pg 390  

Robert STRAUGHAN settled in 1808 on a partof lot 34, North survey.  His deedfor 80 acres bears date August 1, 1809.  Hesold his land in 1816 to James SCOFIELD, who built a framed house and residedthere till 1819, when he sold it to Andrew ROBSON who remained on it till hedied.  A part of this land belongsnow to Mrs. Daniel SMITH, and the rest to G. G. HAYES. Mrs. STRAUGHAN was a brother of Mrs. Andrew ROBSON. They came from England.


TEALL  pg 434   

Thomas W. TEALL, a native of England,settled in 1840 on lot 25, North Survey, and has added to his original purchase. He is an industrious citizen and has become somewhat noted as an attorneyin Justice�s courts


THOMAS  pg 434 

Jacob THOMAS settled in 1835 on the eastpart of lot 29, North Survey, and lived there about ten years when he sold apart of it to Sewall CHAPMAN, who lived on it till 1865. It is now owned by Thomas W. TEALL and Mrs. LAFLER. 


TORREY  pg 409  

Samuel H. TORREY settled on the south halfof lot 15, North Survey in 1812 and lived there till 1821. He then moved on lot 45, North Survey, and continued to keep the publichouse previously kept by Charles GRAVES, with whom he exchanged land. In 1825 he sold the place to Abraham and Michael MAXFIELD. While he owned this place, he sold from it the site of the Baptist churchin Italy Hollow, and the Society built on it the house of worship they stilloccupy.  The MAXFIELDS sold theplace to PELTON, PELTON to NICERSON and he to Obadiah GEER. It is now owned by his son, George W. GEER.

The wife of Samuel H. TORREY was MarySTRAUGHAN, sister of Mrs. (Phillis) Andrew ROBSON. Their children were: Jane, Samuel B., Nicholas, Lucy, Olive and Henry. Samuel H. TORREY Jr., married Elizabeth, daughter of Michael MAXFIELD. He represented the western district of Ontario county in the Assembly, in1868 and �69. 


TOURTELOTTE  pg 403   

James TOURTELOTTE settled on lot 29, SouthSurvey, in 1818, and resided there many years. His wife Lucy, was a sister of Mrs. William SMITH.  Their children were Adam, Lucy and Abraham.  Mr. TOURTELOTTE was an excellent nurse, and was longremembered for his care of the sick during an �Epidemic Fever� in 1820. Adam TOURTELOTTE married first, Amy GAY, and his second wife was MissWING.  The children of the firstwife were: Joseph, Amos, Lucy and others.  Therewas one child by the second marriage.  Joseph,son of Adam TOURTELOTTE, married Almina WOOD. They live at Liberty, NY.  Amosmarried Octavia BARKER and they reside in Italy. Lucy is the second wife of Walter D. GREEN.

Abraham TOURTELOTTE moved away and Lucymarried Amos TANNER residing in Steuben county.


TREAT    pg 422  
Thomas TREAT settled in 1817 on lot 6, North Survey, and moved to Italy Hollowin 1823, settling on lot 25, South Survey, where he lived till 1834.  Hethen sold and moved to Wayne County where he died.  He and his wife Rachelwere among the first members of the Baptist Church in Italy when firstorganized. 

Mrs. Treat died in 1857 at the age of 86years.  Their daughter Eunice married Worcester BURK.  Nancy married aMr. MACE, who died leaving one son, Thomas T.  She married a secondhusband, Alamander POWERS, and they had a large family and moved to Wisconsin. Lora married Chester SMITH.  Lovina and Russel married in Wayne County. Ansel married Sally REYNOLDS.  Alva left the town unmarried, and Jared, theoldest son, married early, became a widower, and remained single.


VAN NORDSTRAND   pg 435   

Abraham I. VAN NORDSTRAND settled in 1832 onlot 5, Brother�s Survey, and also took a part of lot 10.  He cleared the land and lived on it man years, but devotinghis gains to improvements rather than paying for the land, the accumulation ofinterest finally compelled him to sell at great loss.  He removed from the town about 1855, and his lands became theproperty of Henry SQUIER, who sold them to William P. BASSETT.  


VAN RIPER  pg 430 

Garrett VAN RIPER settled on the South partof lot 49, South Survey, in 1830, where he lived till his death.  His widow still resides on the same premises at the age of88.  She was widow STRATTON beforeshe married Mr. VAN RIPER, and had two children, Samuel and Sarah by her firstmarriage.  Her children by thesecond marriage were Jeremiah, Amy, William and Abraham.

Jeremiah married first, Nancy, daughter ofJohn GRAHAM Jr., and their children were Margaret, Mary Jane, James, and Nancy. His second wife was Laurailla, daughter of John FOX, and their childrenare John E. and Emma.  Margaret married Charles PELTON and has two children. Mary Jane married Warren A. WAGNER and has one child. James married Frances HAYNES.  Theothers are unmarried.

Amy VAN RIPER married James TOTTEN. William married Lucinda MANNING.  Theyhave several children and live at Liberty, Steuben County. Abraham VAN RIPER married Mary, daughter of Levi S. WOOD. They have a surviving daughter, Jane.


VIRGIL   pg 386   

Jacob VIRGIL settled on lot 7, North Survey,in 1798, remained thereon till 1815 when he sold to William GREEN and moved away


WATKINS   pg 380

Jason WATKINS born in Berkshire, Mass., in1768, settled on lot No. 2 of Slot�s survey in 1807 and died there in 1844. He married Polly IDE, also a native of Berkshire and she died in 1833, atthe age of 63 years.  Their childrenwere Vesta, Jared and Jason, twins, Lucinda, Polly, Asahel and Orren. Vest was born in 1792, married Charles CLARK.  Jared born in 1794, married Nancy, daughter of William CLARK. She died at 45 in 1841.  JasonWATKINS Jr., married Electa ABBEY and moved to Michigan. Lucinda born in 1796, married Pitts PARKER. Polly born in 1798, was not married. Asahel born in 1799, married first, Sally CROUCH, and a second wife, Hannah WING and moved to Michigan. Orren married first Amanda WING, who died in Italy in 1853. Their children were Maria, Orrin E., Jane, Vesta and Charles. Orrin E., married Martha SPRAGUE and resides in Italy. They have a daughter, Helen Maria and Jane died young. Vesta married Floyd ROBINSON and they reside in Michigan. Charles is unmarried and resides with his father, who had a second wife,Jane KETCHUM, widow, and still resides in Italy. 


WHEATON   pg 428  

Reuben WHEATON settled on lot 18, SouthSurvey, in 1821, buying the land of Christopher COREY. It finally passed to his son, Justus WHEATON, who afterward sold it tohis brother, David R. WHEATON, its present owner, who had a son killed in battlewhile in the Union army during the war of the Rebellion. 


WHITNEY  pg 379

Fisher WHITNEY settled in 1800 on lot No. 4of Slot�s survey, where he died in 1805, at the age of 29.  His wife was Patty WATKINS and they were married inPartridgefield, Mass in 1799. They had two children, Patty and James.


WHITE pg 423

LeonardWHITE came into Italy in 1820, with his father, Nehemiah WHTIE, a very deaf man. Leonard married Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin BARTLETT, and purchased alarge share of lot 12, South Survey, on which he made the first improvement. He finally sold his farm to William SISSON, who still owns and resides onit.  This lot and lot 13 were takenby John SMITH, in 1795, when he surveyed the tract.


WILLIAMS pg 436-437 

PollyWILLIAMS the second wife of John MOWER, was a native of Connecticut, born in1782.  Mary Ann, a daughter by thesecond marriage, was the wife of Reuben W. SLAYTON. They were married in 1827.  Huldah,another daughter, born in 1809, married William d. LEE in 1829. John Warner MOWER married Elizabeth FOLSOM* in 1837. They have a surviving daughter, Alice. The third wife of John MOWER was Judith LARNED, widow of Samuel H. TORREY.    [* should be spelled as FOLSTON - Margaret]


WILLIAMSON  pg 435   

James G. WILLIAMSON first settled on lot 3,Brother�s Survey.   It passedinto other hands and a steam saw mill was erected on the place, which had asuccession of owners until the timber was mostly sawed and taken off.  Mrs. WILLIAMSON still resides in Italy.  Their children were Julia Ann, Catharine, Cornelia, Henry andFrank.  All but Cornelia aremarried.  Frank lives in Illinoisand Henry in Italy.


WING  pg 408   

Jeduthan WING (b. 1784) settled on the southhalf of lot 26, North Survey in 1817, where he remained through his life. Hedied within a few years, while on a visit to his son, Holden T. WING, inMichigan.  His widow occupied theplaces some years later.  It is nowthe home of his son in law, Alvin DEXTER, who married their daughter Margaret,the widow of Orrin CLARK.  Sarah,the first wife of Jeduthan WING, died in 1829 at the age of 39 years.  His second wife was Mrs. Cyntha ODELL, who died in 1834 atthe age of 43 years.  His third wifewas Mrs. HUBBARD.  By the firstmarriage, the children were: Holden T., Minerva and Jeduthan; and by the third,George, Samuel J., Margaret and Robert.  HoldenT WING was a prominent citizen of Italy and a candidate in the election of 1844for Member of Assembly.  He was anative of Italy and was one of the early school teachers in that town. His defeat as a candidate for the Assembly was caused by the �Hunker�Democrats, he being an ardent Anti-slavery man. He moved to St. Joseph, Michigan where he is a leading citizen.


WOLVIN  pg 432   

Levi WOLVIN settled on the south half of lot 17, South Survey in 1830 and lived there many years. After the death of his wife he lived with his son Levi WOLVIN junior, whoresided on lot 17, North Survey.  Thewife of Levi WOLVIN Jr., was a daughter of David ELLIOTT. On this land white wheat was grown that received a first premium at theWorld�s Fair in London in 1852.

Joseph DE WICK also a native of England, isa recent purchaser of part of lot 16, North Survey, known as �Hall Brothers�Farm.�


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