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History & Directory of Yates Co., Vol 1, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland, Pg.378-447

Information listedbelow in (  ) are NOT sourced from this book, but from other sources, suchas census information. 



Sylvenus HASTINGS and John MORRIS settled inthe same vicinity in 1798 and both left before 1805. (lot 3, North Survey)

John Card KNOWLES, and a man named VAN NESS,settled in the same neighborhood in 1799, and left before 1806.



HENDRICKSON  pg 415   

Stephen HENDRICKSON settled on lot 12,Chipman�s Survey at an early date and afterwards, moved away.



HERRICK pg 429 - 430 

Avery HERRICK settled in Italy in 1819, onlot 49, South Survey; lived there till 1830; and moved to Naples.  He was drowned in Canandaigua Lake in 1831.

Eldridge R. HERRICK, son of Avery, came toItaly with his father.  He marriedfirst, Lois AIKEN, and they had three children, Marion, Lorenzo and Lydia L. She died in 1831 and he married a second wife, Pamila S., daughter ofDeacon William GREEN.  The children of the second marriage are William A., HarrietS., E. Lucretia, and Lyman E.  EldridgeR. HERRICK has been 46 years a member of the Italy Hollow Baptist Church. His son Marion, died young.  Lorenzomarried first, Alsina, daughter of Charles MUMFORD and their children were,Elmer (dead) and Charles.  Hissecond wife was Laura, daughter of Danforth C. GROW. They live on the NUTTEN farm in Italy. Lydia S. married George STEVER and lives in Jerusalem. William A., married a daughter of William R. WEBSTER of Italy. The otherchildren are unmarried residing with their parents.



HEWITT pg 422  

Randall HEWITT settled on lot 5, SouthSurvey, in 1818, where he remained some years.

Solomon HEWITT settled in 1820 on lot 19,South Survey and remained there a few years when he sold to Smith MC LOUD, whoresided there many years, when the property, passed into the hands of Inslee andSmith, sons of Smith MC LOUD, senior.  Itis now owned and occupied by Smith MC LEOD. Jr.


HOOD   pg 390   

John HOOD settled on 10 acres of thenortheast corner of lot 28, North Survey in 1800. A few years later he sold it to Joel COOPER and moved away.


HOPPER  Pg 418   

John HOPPER came from Middlesex and settledon lot 50, North Survey, in 1820, residing there till 1836. He was addicted to �Coon hunting� and fishing was a particularlythriftless and improvident citizen.  Hewas the poor man of the town.  Hischildren were ill fed, ill clad, and almost unschooled, living two miles from aschoolhouse and unable to attend school except in summer. Fortunately for the children, the ill mated father and mother separatedwhen the youngest was an infant, and the mother was no doubt the redeeming angelof the family.  William, the oldestson, is a wealthy farmer in a neighboring county. John, the second son, is a farmer and mechanic; is also well off andblessed with an interesting family.  Samuelis a prosperous farmer.  Thedaughters Deborah, Caroline and Lydia all married wealthy husbands of characterand position in society.  All aremembers of the Methodist Church and men and women of sterling worth.


HORTON pg 433   

George W. HORTON settled on lot 18, NorthSurvey, in 1835.  He is anindustrious blacksmith, and a worthy, upright man. Andrew J., (b1827) his son, served faithfully in the army of the Unionduring the war of the Rebellion, and died in 1869 from disabilities incurred inthe war.  Lewis, (b 1843) anotherson, died in the service.  (1850Census, George aged 49y;Eleanor aged 39y; Andrew aged 23y; Lewis aged 7y & others)


HOWARD pg 433 

Adolphus HOWARD settled in 1820 on a part oflot 22, South Survey, and remained there till 1830. His wife was also a constituent of the Free Will Baptist Church.


HUTCHINS   pg 406   

Charles HUTCHINS was the father of the wivesof William and John GREEN.  Hesettled in Italy in 1815 and lived on lot 3, North Survey. He died of sunstroke by the roadside unattended, on the 4th ofJuly, 1828.  He was the firstRevolutionary pensioner in Italy and is well remembered by the people of Italyas the man who always had a kernel of corn in his mouth instead of a quid oftobacco.


JOHNSON  pg 415  

Stephen JOHNSON settled on lot no. 11,Chipman�s Survey, in 1819 and there died. His widow still occupies the same place. They had several children, among whom were Platt, John and Jesse, twins,and Hollett.


KEECH  pg 437  

William C. KEECH settled in 1823 on lot 36,North Survey, where Peter PULVER resides.  Hewas a native of Ulster county, where he married Rachel LEMUNYAN of New Paltz. 

Their Ulster county neighbor, Aaron CRAFThad come a few years before to the Italy wilderness and made the firstsettlement on lot 36.  His deathoccurred from running a rye straw under his thumbnail; and Mr. KEECH bought the land and went onfrom the slight beginning made by CRAFT to clear up the place. He remained there 34 years, when he moved to Shearman�s Hollow, and in1866 to Kent County, Michigan, where he still resides, at the age of 77 years. His wife died in 1858, at the age of 61 years. Their fourteen children were: David who died young, Benjamin R., who diedat 22, Alexander, Nathaniel, Joseph, Julia Ann who died at 15, Eliza, Stephen,William, Hiram, Susan Ann, Andrew J., Sarah E. and Lydia. Alexander married Almena RICHARDS of Jerusalem. They live at Rockford, Michigan and have two children, Frank and Emma.

Nathaniel KEECH, born in 1820, (d. 1902)married Sarah E., daughter of John FITZWATER. They lived several years on the Green Tract, in 1854 moved toShearman�s Hollow, and now reside at Branchport. He relates that in his boyhood he helped to chop out every road east ofItaly Hill, in that town.  Theirchildren were Abigail Jane, Elizabeth, George W., and Alice V. They had a son James Emmett, who died at aged 16. Abigail Jane married John W., son of Elisha Otis ALMY. Elizabeth married Asahel BOTSFORD, son of Lorenzo BOTSFORD, a carpenter. They reside at Branchport and have one son, Berlin N.

Joseph married Hannah, daughter of DavidTURNER.  They reside at Cannon, KentCo., Michigan and their children are David H. and William.

Eliza married Edward MINER, son of DeaconButler MINER of Prattsburgh.  Theyreside in Walker, Kent Co., Michigan. 

Stephen married Mary BROWN and resides inJerusalem.  They have five children.

William married Margaret, daughter ofWilliam SANDERS.  They live in KentCo., Michigan and have two children.

Hiram married Eliza FRANCIS of Jerusalem. They reside in Ocean Co., Michigan and have five children. He was a solider of Co. F., 14th NY Heavy Artillery; Capt.George BRENNAN was wounded in Virginia and finally recovered after years ofdisability.

Susan Ann married Alanson MERRITT, who diedin June 1870, a resident of Milo, leaving one son.

Andrew J., and Sarah E. are unmarried,residing with their father.

Lydia J. married Henry WARD of Steuben Co. They reside in Kent Co., Michigan and have three children.


KENNEDY  pg 416   

James KENNEDY, a brother of John, came toItaly about 1845 and lived first on lot 32, North Survey and afterwardspurchased a part of lot 48, South Survey, where he still resides. (James b. 1790; wife is Margaret b. 1795)

Francis M. KENNEDY, his son, married PhebeJ. FISHER and resides in Italy.  Hehas other sons and daughters, as also has John KENNEDY. 

(Francis, b.1830 Scotland; Phebe, b.1836(her mother Rachel, b. 1800); children: James M., Colin H., Grant b. 1866)

(1860 Italy census) - John Kennedy ofScotland b.1806, aged 54y; wife Jane M. age 50y; David, 21, Barbara 20, Margaret18, Agnes 13, Johnston 11, William 9, John 7, Jane 7) [1870 census � John 64y,Jane M. 58y, David b. Canada, aged 31y, Agnes 23y, Johnston 21y, Wm. A. 19, John& Jane aged 17y]



KINNEY  pg 411  

William J. KINNEY settled on part of lot 34,about 1815.  He sold to RobertGRAHAM and left the town



KIRK  pg433 

Henry KIRK settled in 1822 on a part of lot25, South Survey and after several years moved to Chautauque County.  He was a shoemaker and his wife was a sister of Amos ARNOLD.   


LEE  pg 384

Elias LEE settled on lot No. 3, Slot�ssurvey, in 1800. (b1777NH)  Hemarried in 1806, the widow of Fisher WHITNEY (Polly [�Patsy�] WATKINS). They opened the first public house within the limits of Italy, and keptit until his death in 1826, at the age of 48. His widow continued to keep it till 1840.  For many years it was the only inn between Rushville andNaples.  Their son, Roswell R. LEEcontinued to own and occupy the same, with enough adjoining for a very largefarm, till 1869.  He is now aresident of Lima, Livingston county.  Thechildren of Elias LEE were Betsey, William D., Esther, Clark, Polly, Roswell R.,Diana, Phebe and Olive.  Betseymarried Jason GRISWOLD, who died in 1842 at the age of 45. She still lives on a part of the old homestead. Her children are Sophronia, Fisher W., Lucia Ann and Mary Ann, twins.Sophronia married Adolphus R. FLINT and they reside in Italy. Fisher W. married Jane STYLES and they reside with his mother. Lucia Ann married Thomas CLARK. They reside in Italy.  Mary Ann married Gilbert GRAHAM. They reside at Lima, NY. 

Roswell R. LEE married first, Roxanna,daughter of Charles CLARK.  She diedleaving one son, Clark.  His secondwife was a sister of Robert SHAY, and they have several children. 


LOW  pg 379

Edward LOW settled in 1796 on lot No. 1 ofSlot�s survey.  He died in 1806and his son, Edward, resided on the same premises for many years, and sold toWilliam DUNTON and Charles BECKET.  Theyafterwards sold to Joseph L. GREEN.  Mr.LOW moved to Middlesex, where he died in 1862. Edward LOW Jr. held the office of Justice of the Peace in Italy, duringseveral terms, and was a prominent well-known citizen. The farm first settled by Edward LOW Sr., in Italy, is now the propertyof William Clark WILLIAMS.  The first marriage in what is now Italy, was that of AdelmanJOHNSON and Deborah, sister of Edward LOW Sr., in 1798. Edward LOW Jr. marriedLucy WILLIAMS and their children were Adaline, Minerva, Pamelia and Priscilla,twins, Elizabeth, Mary and Lucy.  Adalinemarried Morey PHILLIPS of Middlesex.  Minerva married Henry HOBART of Middlesex and them emigratedto Michigan.  Pamelia married GeorgeNUTTEN JR., and they also reside in Michigan. Priscilla married first, Job PIERCE of Middlesex and a second husband,MR. CASE.  Elizabeth is the wife ofAbraham MATHER of Middlesex.  Maryand Lucy are unmarried.


MANN  pg 411   

Russel A. MANN settled in 1824 on the farmpurchased of Eli GRAVES and died there in 1854. He deeded the property to Uretta Louisa, his daughter, who resided on ittill 1866.  Mrs. MANN was a MissBALL of Prattsburg.  She stillresides in Italy with her daughter, Uretta. Their children were: Elisha G.A., Uretta L., Charles, Edward, Harmon andEmily.  Elisha G.A. married SarahABBEY and moved West.  Uretta nevermarried.  Charles, Edward and Harmondied unmarried.  Emily marriedFenton COVILLE.  She died in Italyin 1869, leaving children. 


MARSH  pg 433   

Stephen MARSH settled on lot 25, SouthSurvey in 1817, and afterwards lived in several places in Italy. His wife was another sister of Amos ARNOLD.  They moved away in 1830. They were constituents of the Free Will Baptist Society, organized inItaly in 1826.


MAXFIELD pg 423 - 424

Michael MAXFIELD, a clothier, settled inItaly in 1819.  He was from LittleFalls, NY and purchased lots 40 and 46 of Charles GRAVES and Samuel H. TORREYsenior.  He erected the firstfulling mill, carding machine and cloth-dressing establishment in Italy.  An energetic businessman, he gained a good property, and soldto his brother, Abraham MAXFIELD in 1829, his shops and machinery. The land he sold to William PELTON in 1833, and then removed to Naples,where he afterward died.  He was an associate Judge of Yates County in 1825. His wife was Lucy, sister of Nathan SCOTT. She died in Naples in 1868.  Theirchildren were Emeline, Hiram, Catharine, Elizabeth and Frances. Hiram is a very prominent and leading citizen of Naples.  Catharine is the wife of Emory B. POTTLE, anotherdistinguished citizen of Naples.  Elizabethwas the first wife of Samuel H. TORREY Jr.


Abraham MAXFIELD settled in Italy in 1821. He came from Albany and was a merchant. He erected the first store in the town and conducted the business untilhis death.  A man of extraordinarybusiness ability, he became the leader of large industrial operations. Careful, methodical, prompt and energetic, he amassed for that time avery large property.  He erected agrist mill, a distillery and two potash manufactories and had two stores, a sawmill and the carding and cloth dressing works purchased of his brother, all ofwhich were under his personal supervision and profitably conducted. He had more men in his employ and rendered more aid to other men of smallmeans than any other man that has lived in Italy. He was strictly honest and a notable example of a true businessman. Though a Whig in politics, he was repeatedly elected supervisor of Italy. He died a bachelor, of consumption, in 1837 at the age of 47 years. His fatal illness was super induced by incessant labor and exposure. He commenced in Italy with $3,000 he had saved from his salary as aclerk, and left an estate of $50,000.  Fromhis known method and remarked he had made, it was supposed he had made a Willdevising his property to the town to found a school, but no Will was disclosedand the property went to his heirs at law, and was soon dissipated as it wasaccumulated, except so much as became the share of his brother, Michael, whoalready had a competence of his own.

Ichabod B. RANDALL came to Italy withMichael MAXFIELD for whom he worked as a clothier several years and removed toVenango County, Pennsylvania about 1830.

Reuben DURKEY, another clothier, worked forthe MAXFIELDS several years and for some time kept the tavern started by Samuelh. TORREY, Sr. He left Italy in 1836.

Asa BUTLER was a saddle and harness maker.He lived man years near the MAXFIELDS and moved to Naples.

BRADLEY WOODWORTH, a clothier, worked manyyears for the MAXFIELDS.  He was ason of Dr. WOODWORTH of Flint Creek. 

Amos PEABODY was another clothier who workedfor the MAXFIELDS some time.


MARKHAM  pg 419 

Edward MARKHAM settled in Italy and boughtthe farm first owned by Joshua STEARNS, and died there in 1854 at the age of 75years.  His wife was Armenia, sisterof Mrs. George NUTTEN.  Of theirchildren, Samuel lives in Michigan, and Edward and Charles in Steuben County. Keziah married David HENDERSON and died in Italy, leaving children. 

Eliza married Elzor B. JAMES and died inItaly, leaving one son, Franklin.  Helenmarried Elisha D. SMITH and died in Italy. Lucy N. MARKHAM married Francis S. GRAHAM and died in Italy, leaving fourchildren.  (Susan, Francis, John,Henry)

Nancy was the wife of Charles H. GREEN, andalso died in Italy, leaving one son, Emory, who married Miss TOURTLOTT. They have one son and live in Gorham.

George lives in Saxon, Henry Co., Illinois. Ann MARKHAM was the first wife of Dr. Henry W. SMITH.


MAXFIELD   pg 436 

Charles G. MAXFIELD (b.1810) settled on lot41, South Survey, in 1834.  His wifewas Minerva REYNOLDS, and the land came to her from her mother who purchased itfrom the Geneva (PULTNEY estate) Land Office. Mr. MAXFIELD is a son of Elias MAXFIELD, who was a brother of Abraham andMichael MAXFIELD.  They still resideon the same land and are the parents of several daughters. (1860 Census: Charles 50y, Minerva 45y, Zetza 16y, Charles M. 8y) (1870Census: Charles 62y, Minerva 55y, Zetza A. BROWN 23y, Benjamin T. BROWN 30y)


MC ALLASTER  pg 418   

Jesse MC ALLASTER settled in 1821 on a partof lot 39, South Survey, on the corner of the highway leading to the gristmill. He was a blacksmith and worked at his calling there several years, whenhe sold to George C. ELLIOTT, also a blacksmith. He moved to Italy Hill and there continued his business for some years. He was the father of George MC ALLASTER, late a well know merchant ofPenn Yan and now of Rochester.  Hewas also the father of William D., Ezekiel P. Edward G McAllaster, formerbusiness mend of Penn Yan who died in that village. Harriet and Mary were daughters of the same family.


MCLOUD    pg 422 

SmithMC LOUD came to Italy from Starkey.  Hiswife was Eleanor RENYOLD and their children were Inslee, Emily, Smith, Elanor,Ithiel, Henry, Lydia, Diana, Sophia and Ida. Inslee married first, Eliza, daughter of Joshua B. CURTIS; and his secondwife was Ada BRUNDAGE.  He hadchildren by the first marriage.   Smith(Jr) married Sarah HOPKINS and their children are Irving, Deliphine and Grant.

EmilyMC LOUD married Edward CULBER of Milo.  Elanormarried Martin FINCH of Milo.  Ithielmarried Dorcas SHOEMAKER of Starkey.  Theirchildren are William and Francis.  Henrymarried Hulda SHOEMAKER of Starkey.  The others are unmarried and reside in Milo. 


MEAD  pg 411 

DavidMEAD settled on lot 29, South Survey in 1815, where he lived four years and leftwithout the cognizance of his neighbors, to avoid imprisonment for debt. Some of the living, remember yet the excitement caused by a story that hehad been murdered.  Search was evenmade for his body, and it was reported that his ghost has been seen. Parties were set to watch in the haunted house, who gave account ofstrange sights and noises.  MEADafterwards returned and this spoiled the ghost story. 


METCALF pg 380

JabezMETCALF settled in 1807 on Lot 5, Slot�s survey and resided there till he diedin 1859, at the age of 78 years.  Hewas a man or rare excellence and nobility of character. His intelligences, pure morals and simple character, made him a leadingand influential citizen.  He was aMethodist, and his house was the home of the early itinerants of that faith.  He was the first Town Clerk of Italy and several times Supervisor. The office of Justice of the Peace, he held by appointment when the townwas erected and continued to hold it long after the office was filled by popularelection.  His wife was Nancy TORREY,who died in 1843, at the age of 60.  Theirchildren were Chester, Fanny, Henry A., Jabez H., Mary, Hiram and John A. Polly TORREY, the sister of Mrs. Jabez METCALF, taught the first schoolin Italy in 1804.

FisherMETCALF settled in 1805 on 45 acres of the unsurveyed tract.  At the age of 28, in 1815, he was drowned in CanandaiguaLake.  He, with William DUNTON,Elias KINNEY and William WILEY were upset in a skiff. All were good swimmers, but he was chilled and disabled by cramps, whichcaused him to drown.  His wife wasPedee WATKINS and they had two children, Ruby and Lucretia.  The widow married a second husband, Richard HOOKER. They resided on the same premises till his death in 1832, at the age of61.  The children of the secondmarriage were Fisher M., Elizabeth, Rachel, Martha and Samuel.


MOWER pg 378 

JohnMOWER, the pioneer, related as one of the startling reminiscences of thesettlement of the county, that on one occasion while �baiting� his oxen atdinner time, in early spring, he killed 314 rattlesnakes. This was on the west side of the creek and not far from the rocky ledgeswhere these venomous creatures had hibernated. Mrs. Pedee HOOKER, an early resident of the same locality, related thatshe had on more than one occasion seen a mass of rattlesnakes in a pile as largeas a bushel basket; and among these at one time was a blacksnake. 


MUMFORD   pg 406-407  

CharlesMUMFORD  (b abt 1807) settled on apart of lot 18, North Survey in 1819 and lived there till 1837, when the placebecame the property of his son, Ansel MUMFORD, who occupied it till 1863 andthen sold it to H. U. GARRETT, who lived on it till his death in 1869. His widow still retains it.  CharlesMUMFORD was a quiet, industrious citizen and serves many years as constable andcollector.  He reached the age of 89years and died in 1869.   Hemarried three times, and by the first marriage with a Miss CURTISS, the childrenwere Ira, Stephen (b. 1808), Elijah, Curtiss (b. 1816) and Ansel (b.1813).  By the third marriage with a Miss BELL, there was one child,Alsina. (1860 census- Alvina HERRICK aged 18y, Loren HERRICK aged 25y andCharles MUMFORD aged 79y of CT)

Iramarried Uretta L., sister of Russell A. MANN and removed to St. Joseph,Michigan.

Stephen(b abt 1846) married Mary Ann, daughter of Robert GRAHAM and their children wereJane, Mary Ann, Semantha, Charles, Adaline, Martin V.B, Thales L., Stephen andAdelaide. 

StephenMUMFORD was many years a class leader in Italy Hollow; was a supervisor severaltimes, and a man of activity and importance in the community.  He was celebrated as a veterinary surgeon and in late yearsas a homeopathic physician.  He diedin Naples in 1863.

Elijahmarried Clarinda GILMAN and their children were Lavina and Emory. He has been dead many years.

Curtissmarried Amanda COLE and they reside in Rushville. Their children are Josephine,Julia and Ella.

AnselMUMFORD married Mary, daughter of William GREEN. Their children are Mary, Ira and Ella. They are residents of Italy.  Marymarried Elzor B. LINDSLEY of Middlesex, a noted farmer of that town. Ira married Emma JONES of Middlesex.  Ella married James W. HARTSOUGH.

AlsinaMUMFORD married Lorenzo HERRICK.


NICHOLS  pg 425    Italy

It was in the gristmill of Abraham MAXFIELDin 1829, that Jeremiah W. NICHOLS met his death. He entered the large over-shot wheel to cut out the ice by which it wasimpeded, and by some means the wheel started and crushed him.  He was a man of superior personal worth, and 43 years of age. His son Samuel married Mary An GILBERT and is now an acceptable preacherof the East Genesee Conference of the Methodist Church. Clarissa, a sister of Samuel. became the second wife of Thomas PECK, alocal pioneer preacher of the Methodist faith, and moved West. Pamelia A., married James G. ARNOLD, son of Amos ARNOLD, and moved to St.Joseph Co., Mich.,, where both died.  Thewidow of Jeremiah W. NICHOLS, married a second husband, becoming the 2ndwife of William GRISWOLD.  Theymoved from Italy many years ago.  Mr.GRISWOLD had sons by a former marriage, William, Lyman H., and Alonzo. William Jr., married Mary Ann, daughter of Truman CURTIS, and died inItaly, leaving children.  Lyman H.married Miss BURR and also died in Italy, leaving children. Alonzo married and moved from the town.


NORTHRUP  pg 434  

Theodorus NORTHRUP settled in 1830 on a partof lot 29, North Survey and resided there till his death. The same land is now owned by John E. WAGER of Middlesex.


NUTTEN  pg 418  

George NUTTEN settled on lot 11 North Surveyin 1823.  His wife was a sister ofMrs. Jeremiah KEENEY.  He bought theland on lot 3, which he cleared and occupied with other lands till 1843, when hesold his land to Alfred BROWN and moved to Hinsdale, Michigan.  He was a quiet, industrious man and a prominent citizen whilehe lived in Italy.  Rev. DavidNUTTEN (wife, Esther), of the Methodist Church is his son.  Another son, Jonathan, married Susan, a sister of JohnUNDERWOOD.  She died at Hinsdale,Michigan.  His third wife was Sarah,daughter of James JENNINGS of Benton.  Warrenmarried a daughter of Thomas STORM of Italy. They reside in Michigan.  GeorgeNUTTEN Jr., married Pamelia, daughter of Edward LOW. They also live in Michigan.  Adaughter married Weston TINNE and lives also at Hinsdale, Michigan. 



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