Italy Biographies
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History & Directory of Yates Co., Vol 1, Pub 1873, by Stafford C. Cleveland, Pg.378-447
Information listedbelow in ( ) are NOT sourced from this book, but from other sources, suchas census information.
AIKEN pg398
James AIKEN, (b~1787) who bought the place of JonathanGRAHAM in 1828, on lot 34, South Survey, afterwards purchased a farm of AmosDEAN, on lot 30, where he lived till 1850. He married first, a sister of Ezekiel and John M. PAGE and Mrs. Jesse MCALLASTER.
His second wife, was thewidow of Josephus WOODRUFF and his third, Mrs. FRENCH, of Naples, with whom heremoved to Michigan. Of thechildren of the first marriage, Lois married Eldridge R. HERRICK and died inItaly. Loretta died unmarried. James M. married Philena ARNOLD and moved to Michigan. Erasmus also married and moved to Michigan. Olive married Landy COREY. Sarahmarried John THOMAS and resides in Rushville.
ANNABLE pg 433
Lucian ANNABLE settled in 1830 on the north part of lot 1,North Survey, and after many years sold it and purchased a part of lot 3,Brother�s Survey, and a steam saw mill belonging thereto. This he again sold and purchased lands from lots 21 and 22, North Survey,where he still resides. He has been Justice of the Peace in Italy many years. (Apr 7, 1807 � Sept 8, 1880); wife Nancy)
Archibald ARMSTRONG settled in this hollow in 1794, on lotNo. 11 of the North Survey, or northeast section and resided there till 1817,when he sold to Philander WOODWORTH and moved to Middlesex. He belonged to the advance guard of civilization, and was in somerespects a rough character. Owingto his great physical strength, he was seldom worsted in his pugilisticcontests, which were very frequent, and gave him the name of the �Old Algerine.� His brother in law, Alexander PORTER, was however, sometimes able tothrash him very soundly, and no doubt with salutary effect. ARMSTRONG was of Scotch descent, and was very familiar withthe Indians, understanding their language perfectly, and speaking it fluently. His wife was buried in the orchard on the farm of which he settled inItaly Hollow, and her grave is still enclosed with a picket fence. Philander WOODWORTH sold this place in 1818 to Elder Amos CHASE, by whomit was again sold in 1822 to Jeremiah KEENEY and by him in 1853 to William S.GREEN, who again sold it in 1869 to Spencer CLARK 2nd.
John ARMSTRONG, cousin of Archibald, settled on lot No. 3,North Survey, in 1795, remaining there till 1796, and left about 1801.
ARNOLD pg400
Amos ARNOLD (1/30/1790 VT � 5/24/1856), whose wife wasEliza, daughter of Rufus EDSON Sr., settled on lot 38, South Survey, in 1812. He continued to reside there while he lived, and his wife some yearslater, till her decease (1794 VT � 186?), when it became the property of theirson in law, Philip C. WETHERBY, who still resides on it. Their children were: Henry G., Mary, Cephas H., Philena, William, Louisa,Rufus E., James and Lucy. Henry G.,Rufus E. and James married and moved to Michigan. Mary is married and resides in Ontario county. William married and died at Naples. Cephas and Louisa died unmarried. Philenais the wife of George R. YOUNGS, of Penn Yan, and Lucy is the wife of Philip C.WETHERBY, of Italy.
ARNOLD pg433
Ebenezer ARNOLD, a brother of Amos, settled on lot 22,South Survey in 1820 and resided there till 1830. He and his wife were also constituent members of the Free Will BaptistChurch.
BALDWIN pg 423
Daniel BALDWINsettled on lot 44, North Survey, in 1813 and died there in 1849, at the age of57. His son George W. BALDWIN livedon the same premises several years later, when he sold out and moved to Gorham. It is now the residence of Charles CONLEY. The BALDWINS, father and son, were estimable citizens and both held theoffice of assessor. The wifeof Daniel BALDWIN died in Italy in 1852, at the age of 58.
BARDEEN pg 436
Moses W. BARDEEN (b.1818) settled on lot 36, South Survey,about 1840. His wife was Hannah,daughter of James FISHER. Mr.BARDEEN purchased his land of the PULTNEY estate, and lived there until hisdeath in 1867. His wife resides onthe land with her son. One son, itis supposed, was killed in one of the battles of the Wilderness, under GeneralGRANT.
BARKER pg398 � 400
One of the most peculiar characters of the early period ofItaly history was Isaac BARKER, who came from North Hampton, Mass. He married Martha MC NIEL and they settled on lot 39, South Survey in1810; and there they lived till he died (1781 - 1843). He was an intense lover of wild sport, a great deer and bee hunter andfisherman. He and his �Chum Ben�, as he called Benjamin BARTLETT,after both were past middle age, delighted in fine �bee weather�, andpickerel fishing, long after most of the brook trout had disappeared. Italy was chiefly a wilderness yet, and the deer lingered inits solitudes. The doe with livelymaternal instincts would lead her speckled fawns into the clearings at dusk orearly dawn to crop the tender herbage, and no one was so cruel as to raise themurderous rifle to destroy them. Butwhen the hoar frost had killed the verdure, the leaves had fallen and theslightest noise could be heard, the hunter felt that all his address and craft,were required to hunt down the fleet-footed deer, and the chase was all life andstrategy.
Italy was for a long period a perfect Gibraltar for theDemocracy, and Isaac BARKER was an unfaltering Democrat. He looked with distain on a Federalist and in his eyes a Whig wasscarcely better. When Mr.DOUBLEDAY was in the zenith of his power, and �Uncle Ike� and all his sonswere his backers, the Whigs made a light show of strength in Italy. But the old traditional story was hardly true, that Italy would keep onvoting till the exigencies required by the canvass at Penn Yan were fullysatisfied. �Uncle Ike� was a ardent politician, and true to hisconvictions, but not insensible to acts of kindness, and therefore notimpregnable to the wiles of politicians. MordecaiOGDEN was a candidate for re-election to the Assembly in 1836. He had grievously offended his Italy friends by voting a tax on dogs, andsomething had to be done to placate them. Mr.OGDEN was a man of tack and ready resources. He and �Phil BALDWIN�, John THOMAS and other men of politicaldiplomacy, visited Italy, a grand deer hunt was organized, and the boys werewell paid to drive the deer. Alwaysthereafter, a favorite deer gun of Mordecai OGDEN�S hung on �UncleIke�s� gun hook, and was knownas �Old Ogden.� The electionwhich soon followed was satisfactory in its results. Italy discomfited and disappointed the Whigs very sorely.
The children of this family were Isaac, Enoch, Nelson(�Nub�), Hiram, Judith, Moses, Henry, Martha, Almira, Whitman H., Nancy,Ichabod B. and Lydia.
BARKER pg401-402
JosiahBARKER, settled on lot 30, South Survey in 1813, anddied there soon after, when the farm went into the possession of Asahel STONEJr., who sold it to Asa COOPER, who also died in 1816. COOPER�S administrators sold the land to Asahel STONE Jr., again, whore-sold it to Whitman REYNOLDS, who settled on it in 1816, and died there in1819, at the age of 27 years; the third young and active citizen who died in thesame house within six years, all married men. The wife of Whitman REYNOLDS was Pamelia WHITE, and she continued toreside on the same premises till her death in 1842, at the age of 49 years. Their children were Laura, Minerva, Sally and Whitman H. The widow married a second husband, Joseph COLE, and they hada daughter, Roxana. Laura marriedHiram CAREY and both are dead, leaving children. Minerva married Charles G. MAXFIELD and they reside in Italy. Sally married Ansel TREAT and their children were Whitman R. and Eunice. She obtained a divorce from TREAT and married Ambrose BURDEN. There were four children by the second marriage. Whitman H. REYNOLDS married Ruth PELTON. They have had four children and reside in Italy. Roxana COLE married Albert BAXTER, and died in Steuben county, leavingchildren.
Elisha BARKER settled on lot 63, South Survey, in 1814 andlived there till 1846, when he sold to his son, Elisha D. BARKER, who sold it afew years later to Isaac BARCLAY, from whom it passed to Edwin R. POTTER, andfrom him to Lorenzo D. FOX, the present owner and occupant. Mr. BARKER built a sawmill on this place in 1820. His wife was Thankful STRONG and their children were: Orlando, Moses,Lydia, Joseph S., Thankful, Eliza, Elisha D. and Anna. Orlando married Fidelia, daughter of Samuel BARKER Sr. They lived manyyears in Italy and Naples, and finally moved to Michigan, where both died in1869. Moses died unmarried in Italy. Lydia married first, Dudley FOX, a brother of James and John FOX, andthey have a daughter, Thankful, who died in Michigan. She afterwards became the second wife of Samuel GRAHAM, andthey had two children, Helen and Elisha B.
Joseph S. married Miss MC CONNELL and moved to Michigan. Thankful died young. Elizamoved to Michigan and is dead. Annamarried her cousin, Samuel BARKER Jr., and they had three children. Elisha D. married Clarissa, daughter of Jeremiah FISHER, and they residein Italy, on her father�s homestead.
Elisha BARKER was several times supervisor of Italy. He had 12 brothers, of whom Isaac and Samuel were two, and one sister. It was a favorite conundrum of his father to state that he had twelvesons and each son had a sister. Thecommon response to his query, �How many children have I,� was �twenty-four�.
BARKER pg427
Elisha D. BARKER, the youngest son of Elisha BARKER, wasborn in Italy and resides there still. Hiswife, Clarissa, only daughter of Jeremiah FISHER, owns and occupies part ofFISHER�S homestead. Of theirChildren Amarette is the wife of John KENNEDY. Alwilda married John HILER; Ida married Edward C. BARKER, Gerolda marriedMr. COVILL, Clarissa and Frederick are single.
Orlando BAKER, came to Italy with his father, Elisha andsettled on lot 56, South Survey in 1830; lived there 10 years and afterwardsmoved to Michigan, where he died in 1869. Hisfarm passed into the hands of Azariah PHELPS, in 1840, form whom it passed in1860 to John MC CONNELL, its present owner.
Samuel BARKER senior, settled in 1817 on lot 63, SouthSurvey, lived there many years and died there. The land then passed to his son in law, Jeremiah GRAHAM, who sold it afew years later to Charles, son of Samuel BAKER senior, whose widow still ownsand lives on it. The children ofSamuel BARKER senior, were Samuel Fidelia, Henry, Charles, George W. andHarriet.
Samuel BAKER junior, came to Italy with his father and in1830 settled on a part of lot 63, South Survey. He commenced and continued keeping a public house thereseveral years. His wife was AnnaBARKER and their children were Electa, Samuel and Rhoda.
Charles BAKER, son of Samuel senior, was a native of Italy. His wife was Anna CLARK. Hedied leaving children and she lives on the homestead left by him.
Henry BAKER (�Tall Henry�) was born in Italy, son ofSamuel senior. His wife wasFreelove PECK. They had one child. She became a widow and married Orson A. PARSONS and moved to Michigan.
George W., another brother, was born in Italy and livedthere till 1854. He married first,Wealthy TYLER and they had two children. Hemarried a second wife, Mahala, daughter of John EGGLESTON, of Italy, who withMr. BARKER and their families, emigrated to Michigan, where Mr. BARKER has sincemarried a third wife.
Enoch BARKER settled in 1820 on lot 43, South Survey andlived there till 1849 when he sold to James FISHER and Amos FOX, and moved toMichigan, where he died. His wifewas Harriet GILLETTE and their children were Sally, Harvey, Sophia, Orren, Mary,Martin and Martha, twins, and Charles. Sally,who was born in Italy, married James SERVIS, son of David SERVIS of Italy, andthey moved in 1855 to Michigan. Sophiamarried Wilder M. WOOD and they reside in Italy. Orrin also married in Italy and resides there.
BARTLETT pg397-398
BenjaminBARTLETT, born at North Hampton, Mass., in 1774,married Martha MONTGOMERY of the same place, born in 1775. They settled on a part of lot 30, South Survey, in 1811 and lived theretill 1850, when they moved to Castile, Wyoming county, where he died in 1857, atthe age of 83 years. He was a manof large reading and superior intelligence and his memory was an inexhaustibletreasure of incidents and anecdotes, especially of revolutionary times. Their children were Phebe, Martha, Benjamin, Marian, John M., Jane,Nancy, Elizabeth, Silas, George W., and Sybil. The mother died in Italy in 1852, at the age of 77 years. Phebe was the wife of Orison GRAHAM and Martha of John BRADISH. Benjamin and Marion died young. JohnM. married late in life, Mary MONTGOMERY, a widow. They had one son, George W., who was killed in Tennessee while in theFederal service, during the recent war. Janemarried Benjamin DUMBOLTON, and lives at Mt. Carrol, Illinois. Nancy married Martin R. PIERCE and died at West Mendon, NY, leaving twochildren, Francis and Byron. Elizabethmarried Leonard WHITE and had two children, Martha and Morris. They reside at Honeoye Falls, NY. Silasmarried Hannah PRESTON. They hadthree children, Morris, James and Clinton. Morris was killed in battle at Peach Orchard, Tennessee while in theUnion service. James served threeyears as a solider and married Octavia BARKER. They reside at Prattsburg. SilasBARTLETT died in Italy in 1866, at the age of 52 years. His widow has sincemarried Justus H. SIMPSON and they reside at Prattsburg. George W. BARTLETT is still single. Sybil married Benjamin F. TAYLOR. Theyreside at Prattsburg and have four children.
Eunice, sister of Robert and Orison GRAHAM, married GeorgeMC MURPHY. He was a man noted foringenuity, activity and enterprise. Theysettled in 1812 on a part of lot 30, South Survey, and remained there till 1823,when the family emigrated to Rock Island, Ill. Going to Olean, he constructed with his own hands, a flat-bottomed boatwith which he reached St. Louis. Hewas restless and changeable, and had owned land where Rochester, Seneca Fallsand Waterloo are respectively situated. InIllinois he was made county surveyor and swamp commissioner. He and his wife both died at Rock Island. Their children were Solomon, Betsey, Sophia, Eunice, Margaret, Mary,George R. and Irene.
BASSETT pg 434
Cornelius BASSETT settled in 1835 on lot 1, Brother�sSurvey, and lived there many years. Theland passed into the possession of Mr. SCHLEGELMILK, Lorenzo HERRICK and others,and is now owned by John ANDREWS and Joseph DE WICK.
Ira BASSETT settled in 1835 on lot 33, North Survey andlived there several years. About1845 the land passed into the ownership of Jesse COOK, and was occupied manyyears by William MC KNIGHT. JesseCOOK sold it to Thomas CATTERSON who sill occupies the west part while George G.HAYES has the east part.
William BASSETT settled in 1832 on a part of lot 4,Brother�s Survey, and lived there till he died. The same land with adjoining land on lot 5, is now occupiedby his son Isaac BASSETT and one owned by another son, William P. BASSETT, nowof Rushville.
BEEMAN pg425-426
John B. YOUNG, settled on lot 47, North Survey, in 1823 andlived there till 1837, when the place became the property of Chauncey W. BEEMAN. He was considerably deaf and a man of harmless eccentricities. Mr. BEEMAN also purchased a part of lot 43, adjoining, making a farm ofabout 300 acres which he has cleared and improved mostly with his own hands. He is a prudent and estimable citizen. His children are Louisa, William, Chauncey, Sumner, Adaline, Charles andGeorge. Louisa married James KIRBY. They live on the homestead with her father, and their children are Eugeneand Edward. William BEEMAN marriedElizabeth FISHER, and moved to Michigan. Chaunceylives West, unmarried. Sumner diedin 1860, aged 25 years; Adaline married Terry PELTON and lives in Illinois. Charles married Margaret WILLIAMS. Theylive in Jerusalem and have one child, Catharine. George was a soldier in the 50th NY Regiment of Engineers anddied at White House Landing, Virginia.
BLOOD pg437
Luther B. BLOOD settled in Italy Hill in 1832 and has beena merchant there 34 years, and a portion of the time postmaster. In 1837 he married Esther GENUNG. Theyhave two sons, Mortimer L. and Herbert C. MortimerL. married Ella STUARDIVANT and they have a daughter, Lulah May. Herbert C. married Helen VAN SCOY. LutherB. BLOOD was a native of Massachusetts, and served while young as a clerk inRushville and Penn Yan, and two years with Richard H. WILLIAMS, in Potter. He is now a farmer and has been a local preacher of the Methodist faith.
Josiah BRADISH settled on Slot�s survey, in 1793,remaining till 1806, when he returned to Naples. Among his children were John, Josiah, and Luther BRADISH and Mrs. JohnLYON, Mrs. Davis DEAN and Mrs. Jacob N. HANNAH.
John BRADISH settled with his father, Josiah, in 1793, butlived with John MOWER until he was 21, when he married and settled on theunsurveyed tract where he lived till 1830. He moved to Mendon, Monroe county, NY where he died in 1863. His wife was Martha, daughter of Benjamin BARTLETT. She died in 1862. Theirchildren were Lorenzo Dow, Judith, Henry, Nancy, Lydia, William, Benjamin andFrancis. Lorenzo D married Lydia, daughter of William FISHER. They have one son, and reside in North Bloomfield. Judith and Francis died unmarried at Mendon. Henry and Nancy died young. Lydiamarried Mr. BROWN and they live at Grand Rapids, Michigan and have children.
BROWN pg390
John BROWN settled in 1800, on a part of lot 19, NorthSurvey, and remained there ten years, when he moved to Ohio. He was the fatherof Arza BROWN, a noted Methodist preacher of Ohio.
BURK pg416
David BURK (wife Sally) settled in 1820 on a part of lot 9,South Survey. He afterwards sold toHiram DOUBLEDAY and settled on the west part of lot 38, South Survey, where helived till his death in 1853. Theland is still owned by his widow who resides on it with her son, Edward M. BURK. David BURK was an honest, careful man. He held toe office of supervisor several times, and that of assessor. Hewas one of the chain-bearer for Jesse STEVENS in his surveys in Italy in 1826,and Dennis FROST of Sparta was the other. Hehad six children: Joshua H., Albert, Lurania, Harvey H., Horace, Edward M. andJane. Joshua H. is still a residentof Italy, living on a part of lot 37, South Survey. He married first, Almira A., daughter of John GRAHAM Jr. She died in 1852 at the age of 36 years. He married a second wife, Miss (Mary J.) MACK. Children were born of both marriages. (1st marriage: Alvenzi,Rachel, Wm. & Cyrus; 2nd marriage: John, Delbert, Albert &Herbert)
Albert (b. 1821-1863) married first, Miss (Rosina) SHAW anda second wife, Hannah FOSTER and children were born of both unions. (1stmarriage per 1860 census, wife Rosina, children: Darrel H., William A., Mary J.,Franklin V., Shartona? M. and Marla A, 2y) Albert died in Italy.
Lurania married George H. HAYES, and died leaving nochildren. Horace married Miss(Sarah) NOBLE. They live atWallace, Steuben county.
Harvey (b.1832) married (Mary) Jane, daughter of Stephen MUMFORD. They reside in Italy and have children. (1860 census: Lucinda, Helen, Florence, and Charles M.)
Edward M. (b.1826), married Miss (Lamatee M. ROGERS. They occupy the homestead and have children. (1860 census, living w/mother, Sally, his wife listed also as Sally) (1870 census: Ida E., 5y) (1880census: Ida, 15y & Freddie, 6y)
Jane married George A. GELDER and resides in Italy.
Worcester BURK settled in Italy in 1817. He was a blacksmith and a character of note. He was a Methodist and a man of remarkable truthfulness and integrity. His besetment was strong drink by which he was sometimes lured from hisreligious rectitude. But he alwaysbroke the bands of his enemy, and on these occasions expressions of penitence,and his calls on his brethren for forgiveness and aid, were most eloquent andmoving. He died a Christian�sdeath. His wife was Eunice TREAT,and their children were William P., Lyman and George W.
Russell BURNETT settled in 1832 on a part of lot 4,Brother�s Survey. He cleared the land and lived on it till his death. His widow still owns and resides on it, her son cultivating it.
BURNS pg415
Hugh BURNS came to Italy about the same time that HenryROFF Jr., settled there. His wifewas a sister of Mrs. ROFF and Mrs. Josiah REED. In 1830 he purchased a part of lot 6, Brother�s Survey, where heresided till 1844, when he sold to William L. HOBART and moved to Wisconsin.
CADY pg415
PannuelCADY came into the town with Asahel STONE Jr.,lived with and worked for him and left the town with him.
CHASE pg420
John CHASE came into Italy in 1830. He was a shoemaker and stonemason, and lived in Italy and Jerusalem untilhis death in 1869, at the age of 76. Hiswife was Adaline ROBINSON, and the children were Leonard, Eliza, Allen B.,Amanda and Sarah. Leonard went Westand was not afterward heard from. Elizamarried Hezekiah SMITH and they moved to Illinois. Allen B., married Sarah M.GENUNG. They live at Italy Hill andhave one child, William G. Amandamarried John ROBINSON, and their children are Addie and Carrie. They reside in Middlesex. Sarah married William BROWN and their children are Mary and Frank.
CLARK pg 378 -379
William CLARK settled on lot No. 8, Slot�s survey, in1790 and lived there till his death, at the age of 81, in (Dec 27) 1851. His son, Erastus G. CLARK (b. 1812) lived on the same place till hisdeath in (Jan 11,) 1863, aged 50, and the son�s widow, Mrs. Silas WILEY, stillresides on the same premises. A barn of the elder Mr. CLARK was the third frame erected inItaly. The wife of William CLARKwas Fanny METCALF, who died in 1845, at the age of 69. Their children were Nancy, Orisa, Bathena, William, J. Metcalf, Fanny,Aaron B., Erastus G., Submit, Solon and Clarissa.
Nancy married Jared WATKINS and lived in Italy. Orisa married Benoni GREEN. Bathenamarried Russel SLAYTON and lived in Middlesex. William married Eunice WILLIAMS and died in 1829, at 28. Jabez M. married Miss FERGUSON and moved West. Fanny married Barlow BARTOW and they moved West. Aaron married first, Miss DENNISON and second, Louisa WATKINS. Submit married first, James HARKNESS and had a second husband, Mr.GAINES. Solon (b. 1816) marriedMiss NELLIS, and moved to Michigan. Clarissamarried William WYCKOFF, and resides West. Erastus G., married Hannah GREEN. Their children were Helen, Emma, John and Mary. Helen married Orville CHAFFEE and they have one child. John Married Miss JAYCOX.
CLARK pg407 - 408
CharlesCLARK, whose wife was Vesta WATKINS (1789-1863),settled on the north half of lot 26, North Survey in 1818. He purchased other lands and resided there through life. He died in 1862, at the age of 72, and his wife died in 1863 at the ageof 71 years. Their children werePharez, Spencer, Roxana, Jason W., Arza B., Orrin W. and Mary.
Pharez married first Olive P. (1822 � May 1854), daughterof Daniel & Nancy (Graham) SMITH and a second wife, Jane RATHBURN. By the first marriage the children were Lucy (b1853) and Daniel C.(b1849), and by the second, one son. Theyreside in Italy.
Spencer, generally known as Spencer CLARK 2nd,married Lucy L., oldest daughter of William S. GREEN. They have two children, Charles C. and Edward K., and resideon the KEENEY homestead in Italy.
Roxanna married Roswell R. LEE and bore him one son,Charles. She died in 1850 at theage of 30 years.
Jason W., lives in Oswego, NY where he as been twicemarried.
Arza B. (b 1830) married Mary COTTON. They live in Italy and have one son, Orison.
Orrin W. married Margaret WING. He died leaving two children and she married a secondhusband, Alvin DEXTER. They resideon her paternal homestead.
Mary married Stephen MERRITT. He died and she married a second husband, Shepherd ROWELL.
Spencer CLARK, a brother of Charles CLARK, came to Italy in1819, and resided with his brother. Hewas a prominent citizen and held the office of supervisor and assessor a numberof years. He died in (Aug 3)1869,aged 84 years.
CLARK pg436
Anson CLARK settled on lot 51, South Survey, in 1835 andlived there many years. His sonJoel M. CLARK, married Lucelia FOSKET, and they lived in the house built byLewis B. GRAHAM in 1845. Theirsurviving children are Ann Eliza, Ira, Harvey, Lewis, Ethard, Arthur and Judson. Ann Eliza married William C. BEEMAN. Mr. CLARK is a Justice of the Peace.
COLE pg402
HendersonCOLE, settled in 1810 on lot No. 8, northeastsection, remaining there till 1837, when he sold to John HAGADORN, who lived onit till 1851. He sold it to DavidSERVISE, who died in 1856, and his executor, Henry SERVISE, sold it to Inslee MCLOUD. Mr. COLE, who removed fromthe county in 1837, was one of the Justices of the Peace by appointment,previously to the election of Justices by the people.
Simon P. COOKINGHAM settled on lot 31, North Survey, eastpart in 1830. He remained theresome time and the land passed to Augustus COOKINGHAM, from him to Isaac OWEN,and form him to Isaac WILCOX, its present owner.
COOL pg417
Philip COOLJr., settled on a part of lot 3, South Surveyin 1820, where he kept a public house a number of years and in 1834 sod it toNathaniel SQUIER, who still owns the same land. He also purchased 56 acres of the northeast part of lot 4,South Survey, and sold the same to Nathaniel SQUIER and Martin GAGE. Mr. COOL kept the first public house at Italy Hill. In this house in 1824, was organized the only Masonic Lodge everestablished in Italy.
COOPER pg407
Joel COOPER settled on lit 26, North Survey in 1818 andlived there a number of years, finally selling his land to Charles CLARK andremoving to Allegany county. Adaughter of his married Doctor ALLEN of Middlesex.
COREY pg 421
Christopher COREYsettled in 1820 on lot 18, South Survey, soon after moved on lot 11, and in 1823purchased of Thomas TREAT, apart of lot 6, North Survey, which he still owns andwhere he lived till 1866. It is nowoccupied by his son Leman, and the father lives in Penn Yan. His first wife was a daughter of Truman WASHBURN and their children wereDiana, Truman and Leman. He marrieda second wife, Mary COTTON. Onechild, Francis of the second marriage, died in Italy.
Diana marriedAndrew J. ROBSON. Truman marriedfirst, Eveline GILLETT and they had one daughter, Calista, who married Elisha A.DURFEE and resides in Toledo, Ohio. TrumanCOREY married a second wife, Robetta D. BYRAM, and they live in Penn Yan andhave one son, Freddie.
Leman COREYmarried Hannah, daughter of Nathaniel SQUIER. Their children are Harriet, Olivia, Carrie and Charles.
Luther WASHBURNsettled in 1819, on lot 18, South Survey. Heafterwards removed to Herkimer County.
CRAFT pg403
John CRAFT settled in 1812 on lot 36, Northeast Survey. He sold to Philip BUCKHOUT, in 1823, who sold to William C. KEECH. The land is now owned by Peter PULVER.
CRANK pg434
Henry CRANK settled on lot 9, Brother�s Survey, in 1836. He continued to live on a part of the lot till 1854. James FISHER bought a part of it in 1846. Mr. CRANK, who was from New York city, moved to Mt. Morris, LivingstonCounty, where he died in 1860. The50 acres sold to FISHER, passed into ownership of Lewis B. GRAHAM, who sold itin 1863 to Martin STANTON, by whom it was sold to Philip PORTER, who still ownsit. The 50 acres owned by CRANK waswilled by him to his widow who sold it to Mr. WILLIAMSON, by whom it was sold toits present owner, Mr. FISHER.
CROUCH pg388-389
John CROUCH, who married Elizabeth AGARD, settled in Italyin 1813. They were two of theconstituent or first members of the Baptist Church in Italy Hollow, and diedmembers thereof. Their son, ArtemasCROUCH, who was born in Vermont, also settled in Italy the same year, andrelates that when he came into the town there was no clearing from Potter Centre to Armstrong�s. Silasand Caleb, his brothers, came about four years earlier. Artemas CROUCH is a character worthy of note. He is now 77 years old, and his wife, 75. They have been married over half a century, and have had twelve children. Two of his sons died in the war of the rebellion, leaving a good recordas soldiers; and two are in California. Hehas borne the load of poverty through a long life, without crushing theelasticity of his spirit, or diminishing his trust in religion and itsconcomitant virtues. At an earlyperiod he became a convert to the Free Will Baptist faith. He soon became an exhorter, and was afterwards licensed to preach. His circuit extended through the towns of Wheeler and Putlney, andeastward to Seneca Lake. Unable toown a horse, he was obliged to go to his appointments on foot, and receivinglittle to no pay, he was finally obligated to desist from preaching. Endowed with lively poetic sensibilities, and a passionatelove of nature, he would with better advantages have made a preacher ofdistinction. But the hard pressureof poverty kept down his spirit and cramped his culture. Some of his discourses are remembered now by the older peopleas exceedingly moving and eloquent. Histalent has been lie a diamond unpolished, but a diamond still.
Caleb CROUCH married Eunice GRAHAM, and settled on lot 42,North Survey, in 1810. In 1815 hesold it to Nathan SCOTT. He thenpurchased a part of lot 34, South Survey and remained on it till 1831, when hesold to Samuel GRAHAM, and removed to Venango county, PA. He returned to Italy in 1836, settling on a part of lot 53,South survey, inherited by his wife from the estate of her father, RobertGRAHAM. He died there in 1855, atthe age of 66 years. She died in1862. Their children were: RobertG., Mary Ann, Clemy Jane, Electa, David M., Sophia, Valentine, John, Edward,Ayres, Francis and Eliza.
Truman CURTISS settled on a part of lot 31, North Survey,in 1810. He afterwards moved on lot45, South Survey, where he lived many years. But two of his children remained in the county, Joshua B, who moved awaysome years ago, and Mrs. Reuben WHEATON.
DEAN pg 409
SamuelDEAN,senior, settled in 1820 on lot 34, North Survey. He was from Taunton,Mass, and first settled in Jefferson county, moving thence to Italy. Hisfirst wife was Electa CHAMBERLAIN, who died in Jefferson county and his secondwife, widow PIERCE, of Italy. Among the children of the first marriagewere Mrs. James FOX, and Mrs. John GRAHAM Jr. Besides these, there wereRachel, Hannah, Hepsabah, Samuel J., Amos, Davis, Increase, Freeman and Nancy. By the second marriage, there were three children, Harry, Eliza and Harriet. Samuel Dean Jr. married Miss HAYNES and settled on lot 56, south Survey, wherehe died.
They had sixchildren. Davis DEAN married a sister of John BARDISH. He settled inItaly as early as 1820, where he has lived since, except while a portion of thetime residing in Naples. Amos DEAN came with his father, bought land ofIsaac BARKER and married Betsey LUDLOW. Their children were Amos, Nancyand Darius. Nancy married Jeremiah LAFLIN. She had one child anddied in Italy. Samuel DEAN Sr. sold his property in Italy and moved toMichigan.
DEAN pg 423
Alexander V. DEAN settled on lot 13, South Survey, about 1825 and made the firstimprovement thereon. He built a very notable barn. He sold a part of the lot to a Mr. DEERLOVE and a part to Deacon JohnRAYMOND. DEERLOVE, after severalyears sold to John and William WILSON, who still own and live on it. Deacon RAYMOND�S portion is now owned by David O. TIERS. Mr. DEAN is now a resident of Jerusalem and is a son of Zebulon DEAN.
DOUBLEDAY pg420 - 421
Dr. Elisha DOUBLEDAY (b. 1796) settled in 1820 on a part oflot 2, South Survey. He was thefirst physician that lived in the town. Heat once took a high rank in his profession and held it till his death in (April)1863, at the age of 67. For manyyears while the roads were rough he kept and used three and sometimes fivehorses, exclusively under the saddle. Hispractice took him from Penn Yan on the east to Conhocton on the west, and fromHammondsport south to Rushville north. Hisvigorous constitution and great power of endurance enabled him to perform agreat amount of labor. He was aleading Democratic politician and held an almost unlimited personal influence inItaly for many years. He was anassociate Judge of the Yates County Courts, Commissioner of Deeds, Supervisor,and for thirty years, Justice of the Peace, in which office he was a modelmagistrate, always discouraging litigation, especially among his neighbors. He was the first postmaster at Italy Hill and held the office for manyyears, and held it again at the time of his death. In 1836 he was a Presidential Elector. In 1860 he voted for Abraham LINCOLN. His first wife was Sally STEWART and their children were Sophia, Gavin E.(b.1826), Guy L., Semantha, Livonia, Jerome and Everett, twins. Mrs. DOUBLEDAY died in 1858 at the age of 61. The Doctor married a second wife, Mrs. (Caroline) WILLIAMS, who survives him. (and her dau was MaryWILLIAMS).
Sophia died young.
Gavin married Elmira J., daughter of John GLOUD of Pultney. They reside on a part of the homestead and have no surviving children. (1860 census children Florence E, 4y & Evart M. 2y) (not found on1870 census)
Guy L., married Caroline, daughter of William L. HOBART ofPotter, and they have the old homestead and residence at Italy Hill. He is a practicing physician and Justice of the Peace. Their children are Leander, Floyd and Charles.
Semantha married William WIXOM. He is a practicing physician residing at Italy Hill. They have one son, Guy.
Livonia married Egbert GULICK, formerly resident of Pultney,and now a maltster doing a large business in Starkey. They have two sons, Elisha D. and Dwight E. (on 1870 census has an Ella Doubleday, aged 16y living with Livonia)
Jerome married Mary NEFF. He died a solider in the Union service during the war of the rebellion.
Everett married Sarah A., daughter of John GLOAD. They reside at Chicago.
Hiram DOUBLEDAY, a brother of Elisha, came to Italy in 1830and lived many years on a part of lot 9, North Survey, which he finally sold toDan SWIFT, and moved to Michigan.
Dan SWIFT, whose wife was a sister to Dr. DOUBLEDAY,settled in Italy in 1830 and lived on lot 9, North Survey. In 1810 he sold out and left the town.
WilliamDOUGLASS, whose wife Betsey, was a sister ofArtemas CROUCH, was the first Quaker in Italy. He settled on lot 17, South Survey in 1816 and moved elsewhere after afew years.
Benjamin DUMBOLTON settled in Italy Hollow in 1823. He was from Albany and married Jane, daughter of Benjamin BARTLETT. He was a cooper, and ardent Whig in politics, a Free Thinker in religion,and a man of superior intelligence. Thesecond Fourth of July Oration in Italy was delivered by Mr. DUMBOLTON in 1824 atthe Baptist Church in Italy Hollow. Thefirst was given in 1822 by Elder Amos CHASE at Torrey�s. Mr. DUMBOLTON died at Rushville in 1848. HIs widow and children are now residents of Illinois.
DUNTON pg 378
William DUNTON settled in 1793, on what was then called lot14, but which was afterwards lot 30, of Valentine Brother�s survey. He resided there till his death in 1806. Lucina DUNTON, his widow, and Edward KIBBEE, Administrators of WilliamDUNTON deeded the farm to Hurman SABIN in 1808; and by SABIN it was sold in1813, to Jeremiah B. PARISH from whom it passed to his son, Edwin R. PARISH,whose mansion stands on the same lot. WilliamDUNTON Jr., lived some years in Italy, and afterwards in Middlesex, where hekept a public house many years. Hemarried Judith SLAYTON and their children were William, Esther, Carry, Lorenzo,Henry, Bingham and Helen. Someof these were married and still reside in Yates county, but the father residesin Michigan. The wife of WilliamDUNTON Sr., was Lucina KIBBEE and her second husband was Levi WATKINS.
EDSON pg403
Rufus EDSONSr., settled on lot 16, South Survey, in 1816,where he lived until his decease. Hewas killed by lightning in (June23) 1828. The land then passed intopossession of his son, Barzaleel EDSON, who held it during his lifetime, and itis now owned and occupied by his son, Elisha B. EDSON. Rufus EDSON Sr., was an early Methodist, having joined that church inVermont, with John GRAHAM Sr., and Robert GRAHAM and wife. John Wesley, (b1826) another son of Bazaleel EDSON, married Miss(Rosanna) GILLETT of Naples. She isdead, and he still lives in Italy.
ELLIOTT pg 426
David ELLIOTT settled on lot 22, South Survey, in 1821 andremained there till 1834, when the land passed into the hands of Isaac D.ELLSWORTH. In 1845, it waspurchased by Henry HUTCHINSON who sold it in 1850 to Egbert HURD, the presentowner. The ELLIOTT brothers, Davidand Peter, were stalwart men who had cleared with their own brawny arms manyacres of land in Scipio and adjoining towns in Cayuga County.
Peter ELLIOTT settled on lot 23 in 1821 and lived theretill 1833 when the land was bought by Nathaniel SQUIER. It is now owned and occupied by George W. GELDER. Nelson, a son of Peter ELLIOTT, married and died in Italy. Six other sons and daughters moved West
ELLIS pg 389
AsaELLIS, who married Olive P., daughter of JohnGRAHAM, senior, and sister of Mrs. Nathan SCOTT and Mrs. Daniel SMITH, settledin 1810 on lot 34, North Survey. Their children were Asa, Gideon, Joseph,John, Mary, Daniel P. and Laura. The family moved early to Ohio. Asa ELLIShad been a sailor and on account of his rolling gait and old look, wasnick-named "Old Wither." He was the subject of many anecdotes,of which not a few are still remembered. It was his boast that he couldcarry a bushel of corn on his back to mill at Geneva and return quicker than hecould go without, as the weight balanced him for steadier motion. Hisprowess at fisticuffs was often tested. At a militia training at Naples onone occasion, he subdued a boasting, blackguard bully, by threatening hisfore-fingers into the fellow's eyes, by way of explaining to him how even largermen than he had been whipped with two fingers.
ENSIGN pg402
DanielENSIGN settled on lot 44, South Survey, in 1812 andremained there ten years, when he removed to Bristol, Ontario county, then toOhio. His wife was Sally, a sisterof Robert, Jonathan and Orison GRAHAM and they had nine children. A small stream tributary to Flint Creek, on his land was formerly knownas �Ensign Gully�.
FISHER pg419
David FISHER settled on lot 50, South Survey in 1820. He was not a highly esteemed citizen and left in a few years for otherparts.
Felix FISHER settled on lot 55, South Survey in 1821 anddied there. His land became part ofthe estate of William L. HOBART.
Jeremiah FISHER (b. 1782) settled in 1823 on lot 44, Southsurvey. In 1830 he moved on lot 48,South Survey and died there. Hiswife was Eunice STROM and their children were Deloss, James, John and Clarissa.
James FISHER settled in 1820 on the east part of lot 48,where he died after 1850. His widowstill resides on the same place with her son in law, Francis M. KENNEDY, whoowns. It. She was Rachel GILLETT(b1800) and their children were: Samuel J., James, Rachel, Jeremiah, Hiram,Abigail, Hannah and Phebe.
William FISHER settled in 1821 on a part of lot 48, SouthSurvey, and lived there many years, when he sold to Daniel SERVICE, and bought apart of lot 42, South Survey, which he afterward sold to Samuel J. FISHER, whocontinues its owner. William FISHERis still living.
Deloss, a son of Jeremiah FISHER, married Phebe, daughterof Israel HOBART of Potter, and they emigrated to Jackson, Michigan. James, another son, married Lucy, daughter of Benjamin LAFLER of Italy,where they reside. John, another brother of this family, married his cousin,Eunice STORM of Italy and they reside in Italy. Clarissa the sister of these brothers, married Elisha D. BARKER.
Martin N. FLOWERS settled on lot 12, Brother�s Survey, in1838, and afterward purchased a part of lot 13 of the same Survey. He cleared the farm and still lives on it. He has been a Justice of the Peace and held other offices in the town. His wife was a Miss PARSONS and they have two sons.
FOWLER pg404
Amos FOWLER was the first man of African lineage whosettled in Italy and he took up his residence on lot 7, North Survey in 1815. He was an industrious man, a good citizen and much esteemed. He gained a considerable property, which he lost through the knavery ofwhite men. He and his wife stilllive in Michigan.
FOX pg400-401
JamesFOX, born in Vermont, married Jane DEAN, and theysettled in 1813 on lot 30, South Survey. Hewas the first militia captain in the town, and was always known as Captain FOX. He was a school teacher, and held various town offices including hat ofJustice of the Peace, from 1819 to 1843. Hewas a widely known and highly respected citizen and died in 1868 at the age of82 years. His wife died in 1852, atthe age of 67 years. They had ninesons, Thomas J., James L., Amos D., William H., Ira S., Lewis M., Aden D.,Charles H. and Jeremiah F. ThomasJ. married first Jane CAMERON and a second wife, widow Mary FULLER. A son Melvin was the fruit of the second marriage. James L. married first Judith BARKER, and they had two children, Ira andAlden. He married a second wife,Mary, daughter of Judge John CRAWFORD of Dix, Schuyler county, where theyreside.
Amos D. FOX married first, Mary MC CONNELL. Their children were Holden, Braman, Jane, Freeman, Eugene and Alzina. He has a second wife, widow Hannah BURK.
WilliamH., married Elizabeth GILLETT and they have threechildren, Rosalie, Osbert and Celestia. IraS. died young.
LewisM. married Emeline INGRAHAM, and both are dead,leaving one son, Harlan.
Alden D. FOX married Amy ROBSON. They have two children, Anna and Elmer. He is the present County Clerk of Yates county, and has beenoftener supervisor than any other citizen of Italy.
CharlesH., married Harriet FULLER, and their survivingchildren are Oscar, Merrill and Irving. Bothparents are dead.
Jeremiah F. married Mary SMITH. They had one daughter. Hedied in 1854 and his widow married again.
GALUP pg 427
Joseph GALUP settled in 1810 on lot 59, North East Survey,and lived there until 1822, when the land went into possession of James L.MONIER, of Naples, to whose estate it still belongs. Mr. GALUP died in Venango County, Pennsylvania, whither hehad moved. His children wereWeldon, Ann, Jerusha, Ruby and Charles.
WeldonGALUP, son of Joseph, settled on lot 60, North EastSurvey, in 1822, remaining there till 1830, when Joseph S. BARKER purchased itand resided there till 1846, when the land was purchased by James L. MONIER, towhose estate it still belongs. Mr.BARKER emigrated to Michigan, where he still resides. He was a son of Elisha BARKER.
GILLETT pg435-436
Jabez GILLETT settled on lot 46, South Survey, in 1832 andcontinued to reside there till his death in 1862 at the age of 69 years. He came into Italy from Prattsburgh and was the eldest son of JabezGILLETT senior, a Revolutionary soldier and native of Connecticut, who settledfirst in Ontario County, and afterwards on the highest land in Prattsburgh,guided in his choice by the timber which was similar to that of Connecticut,where he was reared. The wife ofJabez GILLETT Jr., was Mary, daughter of Captain BEEBE, also a Revolutionarysoldier. She still lives in Italyon the old homestead. Theirchildren were Maria, Jeremiah T., Elizabeth and Harmon M. Maria who was the first wife of Lewis B. GRAHAM, was the mother of threechildren. Jeremiah married SophiaFISH. They reside in Italy andtheir children are Eugene, Evelyn, Isabella, Osbert and Sophia.
Elizabeth GILLETT married William H. FOX. They reside in Italy, and their children are Rosalie, Osbert andIsabella.
Harmon M. GILLETT married Laura INGRAHAM. Their surviving children are Francis and Frederick. They reside on the old homestead.
GRAHAM pg391�396
Robert, William and JohnGRAHAM, were brothers, andsoldiers of the Revolution. Robertdied in Windham, Vermont, and William in Scipio, Cayuga county. John GRAHAM married Olive PROUTY, and they settled on lot 30, SouthSurvey in 1811. His deed for 26 �acres on the southwest corner o the lot, was given in 1819. The brothers were of powerful physical development, and it is saidWilliam was able to knock down a horse with his fist. John died in 1834 at the age of 77, and his wife in 1824, at the age of67. Their children were Olive P., Betsey, John, Mary, Lucy,Nancy, Azuba, William and David.
John GRAHAM Jr., born in Vermont in 1784, settled in 1812on 30 acres of the southwest corner of lot 39, South Survey, and still residesthere with his daughter in law. Hesold it in 1835 to his son, William D. GRAHAM who died in 1864, at the age of 53years. The wife of John GRAHAM Jr.was Rachel DEAN, born in Vermont in 1785. Shedied in 1845. Their children were:Elizabeth, William D., Alura, Jeremiah, Adaline, Phebe, Nancy, John B., Racheland Edward B.
William D. married Adaline FISHER, who is still living. Their children are: Homer A., Francis M., Rachael A., Susan M and AzoraA.
Elizabeth married John Fox Jr., and died in Italy in 1849at the age of 44 years.
Alura was the second wife of George C. ELLIOTT and theyreside in Michigan.
Jeremiah married Harriet BAKER. They reside in Italy and have two children.
Adaline married Joshua H. BURK. She died in 1852 at 46, leaving children.
Phebe married Henry BARKER, and died in 1848, at the age of30, leaving three children.
Nancy married Jeremiah VAN RIPER and died in 1848, leavingchildren.
John B. died in 1850 and Rachel in 1848. Edward B. married Rhoda CORNISH and they reside in Michigan.
Robert GRAHAM, the oldest son of Robert GRAHAM, heretoforementioned, married Mary Ann AYERS of Chester, Vermont and in 1811 settled on lot34, South Survey, where he died in 1835, at the age of 63 years. He was the first Methodist class leader in Italy Hollow, and remained theleader of the class while he lived. Hewas a man of piety and personal worth, and his house was the home of theitinerant preachers. Their childrenwere Eunice, Valentine, Samuel, Abagail and Mary Ann. The mother of this family was a woman of remarkable industry and businesscapacity. She was particularly distinguished as a knitter. Several times a year she would fill a large pair of saddlebags with socks and mittens and hanging another large bundle on the hors of theside-saddle, she would visit Geneva and Canandaigua, where she would exchangeher work for merchandize, some of which would be again exchanged for moreknitting material. In this way shecontributed largely to the family income. Shedied in 1836, at the age of 65 years.
A remarkable incident is related concerning a �boundboy� reared by this family, named Robert RAZEE and familiarly called �Hardshell�.Finding the rats very numerous in a pile of un-threshed wheat he moved it, oneday; the rates scudding one by one as he proceeded to a dove-cut near by, theoutside entrance of which was closed. His method of destroying them was to reachhis hand into the box and seize one at a time and killed it. In this way he actually destroyed 90 of the black rascals. This was before the gray or Norway rat invaded the country. It may well be credited as related, that the lad presented a bloodyspectacle when his work was done and bore numerous and severe wounds.
Valentine GRAHAM came into the town with his father Robert,in 1811. He married Fanny PIERCEand they settled on a part of lot 34, South Survey, where he erected the firstdistillery in that town, about 1818. Thatwas burned down, and he built another on a different site. He was the firstpostmaster and was appointed in 1824. The office was then called Italy and was changed to ItalyHollow in 1833, when the Italy Hill office was established. He was Justice of the Peace and Town Clerk several years. He sold his original residence in 1841, to William GRISWOLD and moved onlot 49, South Survey, which he had previously owned. He died there in 1864. Hisson in law, William BOOKSTAVER, then became the owner of the place, andafterward sold it to Uretta L. MANN, the present owner and occupant. They had twelve children, Fidelia, Amy, Lydia, Electa, valentine, Jane,Mary, Thankful, Guy D., Martin P., Eliza and one that died in infancy.
Samuel GRAHAM, brother of Valentine, came in 1811 with hisfather (Robert), after whose deathhe occupied the same premises, and still resides thereon with his son in law,Bradford S. WIXOM, who owns with his wife, the homestead. He married first Eleanor GILBERT who died in 1833, aged 24 years. His second wife was Mrs. Lydia FOX. By the first marriage there were three children, Gilbert, Semantha andWashington; by the second, Elisha B. and Helen. Gilbert married Mary Ann, daughter of Jason GRISWOLD, and they have twochildren, Merrit and Emma. Theyreside at Lima, NY. Washingtonmarried PHEBE PELTON. They resideat Kanona, Steuben Co., and have children. Semantha is unmarried, residing with her father. Elisha B. married Miss HUTCHINSON and is a physician at Three Rivers,Michigan. Helen is the wife ofBradford S. WIXOM.
Jonathan GRAHAM married Hannah ARNOLD and settled on aportion of lot 34, South Survey in 1812, where he resided till 1828, when hesold to James AIKEN. The childrenof Jonathan GRAHAM were Huldah, Seba Ann and Gorton. Huldah married Roswell LORD and moved to Ohio. Seba Ann married David D. W. FOSTER. They reside in Springwater, Livingston county. Gorton was a soldier in the war, belonging to the 12th Mich.Volunteers. He was wounded atPittsburg Landing and Shilo, and again at Hatchie Run and died at Middlebury,Tennessee in the hospital in 1862, leaving a widow and several children atMarshall, Michigan. Jonathan GRAHAMdied in Italy in 1855, at the age of 70, and his wife in 1845, at the age of 65. The premises whereon he first settled were sold by James AIKEN in 1832,to A. C. and J. H. SABIN by them in 1838 to Daniel and William WATERBUY, whoagain sold in 1849 to James FISHER, and he in 1851 to Stephen MUMFORD. After several other transfers, the place is now occupied byJohn FISH.
Orison GRAHAM, born in Windham, Chester county, Vermont, in1794, came to Italy Hollow in 1813 and December 10, 1815, married Phebe,daughter of Benjamin BARLETT, who was born in West Hampton, Mass., in 1795. They settled on the west half of lot 25, South Survey, but moved in 1817on a part of lot 34, south Survey, where they resided till 1848, when theyremoved to Lima, NY, where Mrs. GRAHAM died in 1866,,just 51 years after the dayof her marriage. She was one of theearly school teachers in Italy, and a woman of rare excellence of character. Orison GRAHAM is a carpenter, joiner and millwright, and hasbeen a man of laborious industry all his life. He built the Baptist Church in Italy Hollow in 1823, which was the firstchurch erected in the town. He alsobuilt and assisted in the building of most of the mills erected in Italyprevious to 1848. He still lives,at the age if 76, at Honeoye Falls and delights in the labors of his trade,which his good health and active bodily powers enable him to pursue. The children of this pair were eleven in number: Lewis B., Emily M.,Francis S., Oracy S., Sally A., Orison E., Andrew J, Phebe L., Robert H. and IraS., besides on that died in infancy.
Lewis B. GRAHAM born in Italy in 1816, has been one of itsmost noted sons. At an early day hewas active in local affairs and with is ready aptitude for business, held almostevery town office. He wassupervisor four terms, and was postmaster in Italy Hollow several years, whiledoing business there as a merchant. In1855 he was elected county clerk, and held the office through two terms. For some time he was a Lieut. In the 8th Kansas Infantry, aregiment of which his brother, Robert H. GRAHAM, was Colonel. He was honorably discharged from this service for physical disability.Afterwards he was Assistant U.S. Assessor for three years, and is now engaged inthe insurance business in Penn Yan, where he has resided since his firstelection as county clerk. Hemarried first in 1838, Maria GILLETT (3/23/1816 � 5/28/1848) of Italy. He married in 1849 a second wife, Pamela S., (5/1/1831- 8/27/1860),daughter of William S. (and Theodosia Kennedy) GREEN. She died in 1860. By each ofthese marriages, three children were born. Those of the first, Emily M., Alice A., and Lewis C. (died 8/28/1860,aged 13y), are all dead. Thechildren of the second marriage were Orison W., O. Lucretia and P. Theodocia. In 1862 Mr. GRAHAM married a third wife, Sarah, daughter of James MC NAIR. They have one son, Robert Henry.
Emily M., became the second wife of Martin R. PIERCE. They reside at Honeoye Falls. Their surviving children are Martin,Seymour, Emily L., Maria J., Fanny C. and Ella W.
Francis S. married first, Lucy MARKHAM. She died in 1853, in Italy. Theirsurviving children are Susan A., and Francis P. He married a second wife, Amanda MILLER and they now reside at ShermanCity, Cherokee county, Kansas. Theirchildren are John J. and Robert H.
Orison E. died of consumption in 1848, at the age of 22years.
Andrew J. married Helen WILCOX. They live at Leonidas, St. Joseph County, Michigan and havethree children.
Robert H. GRAHAM married Elizabeth KUCK of Orleans Co., anddied of consumption in 1862, at the age of 29 years. He was a young man of remarkable ability and personal worth. Beginning live with few resources except his capacity and courage, in his20th year he edited and published the Genesee Valley Gazette at Lima,which he continued to conduct for two years, while pursuing his academicalstudies. Owing to ill health, heleft that position, and afterwards graduated at the Albany Law School in 1857. Taking up his residence at Moline, Illinois, he conducted there theMoline Independent, and practiced law till 1861. In the summer of that year he raised a company of cavalry at Moline, andrepaired to Leavenworth, where his ability and judgment at once made him aprominent military leader. He hadcommanded at Lexington, MO., kept a large rebel force at bay, and performedother valuable services. MajorGeneral David HUNTER appointed him Colonel of the 8th KansasVolunteers, Provost Marshal General of Kansas and commander of a camp ofinstruction at Leavenworth. Failing health compelled him to a reluctantresignation and he died soon after. Hewas light of no common brilliancy.
Ira S. married Maria WELLS. They live at Hampton, Ill. And have two children, Lewis W. and adaughter.
Oracy S. resides with her father, unmarried
Lucretia died of consumption in 1848, at 18 years. Sally died young in 1823.
One summer evening in 1812, John and Valentine GRAHAMwatched a deer lick, near the bank of a ravine, on the place afterwardsowned by Amos ARNOLD. Each climbeda tree to be above the keen scented animals when they came to the lick. After waiting somewhat late, and the moon had gone down, they heard thesniffing of some animal, which seemed to suspect their proximity. After some time, its fears seemed to subside, and it commenced sippingthe water. They firedsimultaneously and a shriek so human in its tone echoed through the wood, thatthey supposed they had shot an Indian. Thewounded creature struggled to escape, and they heard it fall down the steep bankinto the ravine below. Theycarefully descended and went home. Earlythe next morning the procured of Robert GRAHAM an Indian dog, and returned torescue the Indian they believed they had shot. Samuel GRAHAM, a brother of Valentine, accompanied them, and the dogpursued the trail till they found a large bear at bay, instead of the Indianthey were looking for. Bruin hadtired to climb the sides of the ravine, but could not, had finally slipped fromthe body of a fallen tree on which he was trying to cross the stream, and wasfound in deep water. He kept thedog aloof by his offered embraces, and the hunters fired nearly all theirbullets into the head without any apparent effect. One finally severed the jugular vein and finished him. They found their previous bullets had all flattened on his skull. The bear was a fat one, weighing about 400 pounds, and the meat wasconsidered a valuable acquisition.
In the fall of 1816, OrisonGRAHAM, who lived near wherethe Italy Hollow churches are located, had a hog taken form his pen at night bya bear. Mr. GRAHAM�S gun waslent, and his axe was not in its place, but he soon found it and pursued thefelonious bear, but too late. Bruinbore off his booty in triumph. Atrap set by what remained of the hog after the bear�s feast, caught the oldIndian dog, but the bear did not return.
GRAVES pg410
Charles GRAVES settled on the east half of lot 45, NorthSurvey in 1813, where he erected and kept he first inn in Italy. He remained there till 1821, when he exchanged farms with Samuel H.TORREY, Sr. In the meantime, he had sold parcels of his first purchase to hisbrother, Eli GRAVES, Austin GRAVES, Joseph BROWNELL, Michael MAXFIELD and TrumanCURTISS and a cluster of houses had been erected near the carding and clothdressing works of Michael MAXFIELD. WhileMr. GRAVES owned the land, he also erected the sawmill, which preceded the onenow owned by Aaron MATTHEWS. Henext moved on that part of lot 15, obtained of Samuel H. TORREY, and lived theretill 1828, when he sold it to George NUTTEN and moved to Howard, Steuben county. NUTTEN sold the place in 1851 to Salmon BURTCH who afterwardssold it to Henry W. SMITH. By him,it was again sold to Charles H. GREEN. Itis now owned by David SCHUYLER, the present occupant.
On this lot stands the celebrated �Big Elm of ItalyHollow�, by far the largest tree in the county. Tradition says the Indians met in council under its branches. A few rods from the northwest corner of this lot, a boring for oil wasmade in 1865 to the depth of 680 feet. Anexcellent salt well was the result and many barrels of a fine quality of saltwere manufactured from this brine, in 1867.
Eli GRAVES, settled on a part of lot 45, in 1814 andresided there till 1828, when he sold his place to Russel A. MANN, by whom itwas sold to his daughter, Uretta L. MANN. Shesold it to Henry WILLIAMS, who still owns and lives on it.
GREEN pg404-405
William GREEN settled on lot 7, North Survey, in 1815 andon land previously owned by Jacob VIRGIL. Hethere erected the first ashery in town, which he carried on for several years. He lived on the same place until his death in 1860. He was one of the constituent members of the first Baptist church inItaly, and his widow (Miss Polly HUTCHINS), who died in Potter in 1868, was thelast one of that original number. WilliamGREEN was a man who honored his Christian profession and of him it could trulybe said, he had no enemy. His firstwife was Pamila SANGER, and their children were: William S., and an infant thatwas buried with its mother in 1810. Mr.GREEN�S second wife was Polly HUTCHINS, and their children were: Lyman H.,Henry, Pamila S., Charles H., Semantha, Harriet, George W. and Esther A. Lyman H. GREEN died in Middlesex in 1849, from injuries by a fall form anapple tree. His wife was BathenaCHRISTIE, and their children were William, Franklin J. and Ella.
Pamila S. married Eldridge R. HERRICK.
Charles H. married first, Nancy MARKHAM, and his secondwife was Miss BLAIR. He lives inGorham with a third wife, Miss BLAIR, a sister of the second wife. One child was born of the first and one by the second marriage, and thereare also children by the third marriage.
George W. married Clarissa, daughter of Truman REED. They reside in Middlesex and have children. Semantha married Eli QUICK and they also lived in Middlesex. Esther A. married John S. PHELPS. Theyreside in Potter and have children.
William S. GREEN, the oldest son of William GREEN, andstill a prominent and estimable citizen of Italy, married Theodosia KEENEY. Hecame into the town with his father and settled on lot 23, North Survey, where henow resides. He has been a careful,upright, industrious and religious citizen from his earliest manhood. He has held numerous offices in the town and is in the quiet enjoyment ofa well-earned competence. His firstwife died in 1856. Their childrenwere: Lucy L., Pamila S., Walter D., Champion K., Emily A., Laura J. andCharlotte A.
Lucy L. married Spencer CLARK 2nd. They have two children, Charles W. and Edwin and reside in Italy.
PamilaS. was the second wife of Lewis B. GRAHAM and diedin Penn Yan in 1860 at the age of 29 years.
Walter D. married first Frances BLAIR in 1855. His second wife was Lucy TOURTELOTTE and they reside at Canandaigua.
Champion K. married Ann Grace ROBSON and they reside inIllinois. Emily A. married CharlesBELL and they reside at Rushville. LauraJ. married Elzor B. JAMES and they reside in Italy. Charlotte A. married Robert MC GILLIARD. They have one child and reside at Saxon, Henry county, Illinois.
William S. GREEN has a second wife, Elmina COLTON.
William GREEN, the head of this family, was a son ofCaptain Henry GREEN, one of the pioneers of Rushville and who died there in1849, at the age of 86 years. Hischildren were William, John, Clark, Henry, Erastus, Bingham, Hezekiah, Esther,Jerusha and Sally. The sons allbecame fathers of families. Williamand John settled in Italy and some of their descendants remain there still.
John GREEN settled on lot 28, Brother�s Survey, in 1825. His wife (Miss HUTCHINS) was a sister of Mrs. William GREEN, and Harvey,Hezekiah and Asahel GREEN were their sons. John GREEN died in 1865, at the age of 77 years. His son, Harvey has been twice married. Hezekiah married Miss GEROULDS, and has a surviving daughter, Alice. They reside in Middlesex. Asahel H. married Miss BENNETT and also resides in Middlesex. A daughter (Hannah) of John GREEN married Erastus G. CLARK. She (Hannah) is now the wife of Silas WILEY and resides on the oldWilliam CLARK homestead. Anotherdaughter (Alvira) of John GREEN married Alanson L. PARSONS and resides inMiddlesex. Charles HUTCHINS was the father of the wives of William(Polly HUTCHINS) and John GREEN.
William GRISWOLD settled in 1815 on the west part of lot 9,North Survey, and remained there till 1838. He sold to Peter DAGAN. Hethen purchased of Valentine GRAHAM a part of lot 34, South Survey. He afterwards sold to John FISHER and then moved on a part of lot 54,South Survey, which he soon sold and left the county.
Erastus GRISWOLD settled in 1815 on the east part of lot 9,North Survey, and remained there many years. He sold to David BURK and he to Hiram DOUBLEDAY, who again sold to DanSWIFT. John KENNEDY, a native ofScotland, bought it about 1845 of Dan SWIFT. He still owns that and adjoining lands.
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