From the History and Directory of Yates County - Volume 1, by Stafford C. Cleveland
Published 1873
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Part 3
all religious organizations of the Protestant order, the Friend's Society had
its nucleus or core of thoroughly committed, earnest and devoted members, with a
further belonging of those who were vacillating and periodical in their
attachment. Some run well for a
season, and dropped off into indifference or positive hostility. Others yielded to the adverse influences caused by the land troubles;
and the doctrine of celibate life inculcated by the Friend, was not one that
could be popular with the youthful and ardent, whose lives were yet unscarred by
disappointments and sad experiences. Hence,
it occurred that comparatively few of the second generation united with the
Society, and of those who did there were not may who lived through life quite up
to the rigid requirements of the faith. The
list of members given herewith, includes only those whose names were actually
enrolled at their own request, and who remained throughout devoted and firm
adherents of the society. Some of
these never came to the New Jerusalem, but the most of them belonged to the pioneer families, and they were , as a
body, people of the highest moral and personal worth. They were as follows:
ALDRICH (husb of Mercy ALDRICH)
BARTLESON (husb of Mary Bartleson, afterwards wife of Ezekiel SHEARMAN)
Samuel BARNES, Jr.
BOTSFORD (bro of Elijah)
BOTSFORD (son of Elnathan & 1st husb of Deborah WILKINSON)
BROWN (bro of James BROWN Jr.)
DOOLITTLE (was found a confirmed lunatic by the Friend, and after her discoursewith him became rational, and lived an inmate of the Friend s family about 50years, and until he died at about 70 years of age)
GARDNER (supposed to have been the husband of Mary GARDNER)
HATHAWAY Sr. (supposed husb of Susannah)
KINNEY Sr. (supposed husband of Elizabeth KINNEY)
Sheffield LUTHER
RICHARDS (supposed husb of Sarah RICHARDS, and bro of Asa RICHARDS)
TURPIN was an early adherent of the Friend in New England. He never came here as a settler, but went to South
Carolina where he amassed a fortune. He
visited the Friend in 1802 and afterwards; and the Society several times after
the decease of the Friend. He left$13,000 by his will to the Society - $6,000 to Rachel MALIN, and $7,000 to
poor Friends. He was never a married man. Before
he died, he liberated all his slaves and gave them good homes.
WHIPPLE and Simon WILKINSON were probably relatives of the Friend s family. Stephen WILKINSON was the only brother of the Friend, known to
have settled here with the Friends. He
came very early and stated a nursery on the opposite side of the road from the
Friend s house in Torrey. The
trees in the Friend s orchard were all from this nursery and these were all slugg sweets, a good sweet apple of small size. About half the original orchard still stands. The reason they were all of one variety, is said to have been that
the young trees were all suckers brought from New England, and not seedlings,
which seldom reproduce the original fruit, or any number of a single variety. Stephen WILKINSON after two or three years returned to
New England, came back about 1805, sold out his nursery, married for his second
wife, Lucy, the daughter of Elnathan BOTSFORD, an amiable and interesting woman,
and then settled in Genesee county. A
son of Stephen WILKINSON by a former wife, Preston P. WILKINSON, now resides
with John COMSTOCK, in Jerusalem, at an advanced age. He is an intelligent many and haw always lived unmarried.
INGRAHAM was the son of Nathaniel INGRAHAM, who commenced living in the Friend s family near Philadelphia, and remained with that family a
very devoted adherent till 1814, when he seceded and turned against the Friend. He was about to join Daniel BRACKET, an eccentric
religious zealot, when he was accidentally buried in a well he was digging, and lost
his life.
The most of the male members of prominence were heads of families and are noticed
in their order, chiefly in the towns of Milo, Jerusalem and Torrey as pioneer
Faithful Sisterhood (pg86) - There was a
remarkable feature in the Universal Friend s Society, and probably the most
effective result of her spiritual ministrations, in the number of respectable and
truly excellent women, who, as persistent celebrated, adhered to her teachings. Some of these lived on her domain and some in her family, and all
were true and consistent representatives of her doctrine. Representing chastity and purity of life, they proved not only their
own faith by their life, but that the affective sex, are the best examples of
morality if not of religion. In
this respect they were the jewels of the Friends coronet. They justified the faith she reposed in female integrity and
character, and the partiality it is claimed she manifested for women as controllers of
all social and domestic concerns. Their
record, as abiding and conscientious devotees of the faith they adopted, is
certainly much brighter than that of the masculine portion of the Society; for
few of the latter adhered with like fidelity to the Friend s doctrine to the
end. Perhaps this may be met by a
wicked sneer to the effect that celibacy or its opposite was not equally a
question of choice with the gentle sex as with the brethren of the fold.
is quite clear, form all the facts within our reach, that there was very little
if any constraint to single life, other than voluntary choice among these worthy
and true hearted women. Besides,
temptation is common to all, and there is no such thing as a life of preserving,
indomitable virtue, without unwavering devotion to a lofty ideal, and the
constant cultivation of the purest and sweetest sentiments of the heart. That sexual asceticism is essential to the best results of
spiritual culture, is not a question to be discussed here. The Bible inculcates it very distinctly, and the Friend and her
earnest disciples endeavored to be faithful exponents of the Bible teaching. The following members of the Society belong to the group, which
may properly be ranks as the FAITHFUL SISTERHOOD.
RICHARDS, whose maiden name was Sarah SKILTON, was a woman of superior mind
and pure character. She and her
husband became members of the Friend s Society in Connecticut, or interests in
her religious teaching. While they
were on a visit to the Friend in Rhode Island, he died, and Sarah at once became
an inmate of the Friend s household, and while she lived, the Friend desired
to keep aloof form direct responsibility for worldly affairs, Sarah RICHARD. She
came her agent to hold in trust, her property. She co-operated faithfully with the Friend in all their works, whether
of religious propagandism or family and society support, and the final great
enterprise of founding a new society in the wilderness. It was to her that all the possessions of the Friend were deeded in
New Jerusalem, and by and through her that most of the business was performed
till the period of her death, which occurred in 1793.
SMITH was the sister of Richard SMITH. She was an inmate of the Friend s family and a person of pure
and estimable character. She was
very affectionately regarded by the Friend and Sarah RICHARDS, and much esteemed
by the Society. She lived
unmarried, and died at the Friend s house in 1792.
WAGENER was a sister of David WAGENER. She was intelligent, well educated and wealthy. She aided with her means in the construction of the Friend s house
in the first settlement and lived there some time after the Friend moved to
Jerusalem. Afterwards she became
the owner of several hundred acres of land in Jerusalem, and lived on the place
where Watkins DAVIS now resides, and died there unmarried a few years later than
the Friend, at an advanced age. She
was remarkable for her sincerity of character and strong religious sentiment,
and was highly respected by all that knew her.
BROWN was the sister of Susannah and Temperance BROWN and of Daniel BROWN Sr., of the Friend s Society. She
was a person of the highest moral worth and one of the first characters in the
Society. She lived on the corner a
little south of the residence of Watkins DACIS, where her house, built by
herself, still stands. Her
residence was on the Friend s land, where she led her single life and
supported herself by making butter and cheese and other little industries. She lived to be quite aged and survived the Friend several years.
WILKINSON, an elder sister of the Friend, married Thomas Hazard POTTER, a
brother of Judge Arnold POTTER. Her
husband died about 1804, and she afterward resided with her son in law, Job
BRIGGS of Potter. She survived her
husband about a dozen years. Her
body, at her own request, was placed in the old vault of the Friend. Her funeral discourse was preached by the Friend, and it was the
last funeral at which she officiated. Patience,
was a highly estimable woman and was greatly devoted to the Friend.
HAZARD was generally called Elsie HAZARD. She was a daughter of Judge William POTTER and married George HAZARD. She visited the Friend several times in Pennsylvania, and in 1790
arrived there again a few days after the Friend, and her retinue, including Mrs.
HAZARD S daughter, had left for the Genesee country. She followed on horseback, making the whole wilderness journey alone,
on the tract of the company of which she was in pursuit, and arrived
simultaneously with them. They had but
barely reached their destination, when speaking of her, some one of the party remarked,
we have come to a place now where Elsie can t find us. Almost at that instant she made her appearance, to
their intense astonishment. They
could hardly believe their senses when she stood before them. She made the same journey on horseback three times, the last
time bringing her son, 8 years old, behind her. Dr. Briton W. HAZARD, and Mrs. Asa RUSSEL were her children. Her husband died in Rhode Island before her first visit to the
New Jerusalem. She was a very warm
adherent of the Friend, to whom she was always true, and she was a talented,
intelligent and highly respected woman. For
a time she lived with her two daughters, Martha and Penelope. Martha married Asa RUSSELL and Penelope died. Mrs. HAZARD then lived some years in Larzelere s Hollow, with
her nephew, William POTTER, and finally made her home with her surviving
daughter, where she died well advanced in years.
GOODSPEED had a home on the Friend s domain, a short distance south of
Lucy BROWN and Anna WAGENER, below the highway. She was a maiden lady, an excellent woman and a zealous Friend. She took part in the public meetings, was a person of intelligence
and active life, and died at an advanced age.
SPENCER came early to the country with the Friends, a widow, and sister of
the elder Peleg BRIGGS. She had a
house in the valley north of the Friend s, a little southwest of Moses
HARTWELL S residence and west of the valley road. She was a mother in the Society and greatly esteemed. In the course of the struggle in regard to the land titles, she
was ejected from her home and her house was burned. She outlived the Friend a short time, and died upwards of 90years old.
REYNOLDS was another faithful spinster of the Friend s Society. Martha and her sister came with the earliest migration and lived
at Nichols Corners till Sarah married Enoch SHEARMAN. Then Martha went to Jerusalem, and built a house on the Friend s
land, about forty rods west of Lucy BROWN S, on the south side of the road, as
it now runs. She made butter
and cheese, and supported herself quite independently. She was an estimable person of very capable mind, and much beloved in
the Society. She lived to be quite
old, and became palsied, after which one John KRITSON worked the land for her. She died about 1844.
ALLEN was from New London, Connecticut and came with the first settlers, was
greatly respected in the Society and was a diligent, intelligent and worthy
woman. She kept house a few years
for Samuel BARNES Jr., and was afterwards a member of the Friend s household. She survived the Friend about 14 years and died an unmarried woman.
BALDWIN was also an early member of the Society, who came with the first
tide of settlement. She was
distantly connected with the COMSTOCKS, and was a devoted, consistent and good
woman, living singly through life. She
was very prominent in the Society and much respected. She maintained herself on the Friend s land by her own industry,
making butter and cheese, with little farming operations. Her house was eastward of the creek from the Friend s house, on
the north side of the road. She
survived the Friend about 25 years, and died at a very advanced age. She was remarkable for her youthful and fresh appearance even in old age.
and Mary BRIGGS, sisters of Peleg BRIGGS Jr., were always great favorites of
the Friend, and devotedly religious women. They inhabited a log house about a mile south of the Friend s
in Jerusalem, and afterwards built a frame house on the west side of the road
which still stands. That house was
built for them by Abraham PROSSER, the father of David B. PROSSER. These were excellent women and lived to be very aged. Sarah, who outlived her sister a long while, was very old at her decease. They too, exalted the doctrine of celibacy by lives of industry,
piety and devotion.
and Phoebe COGSWELL, two spinster sisters, came with the pioneers to the New
Jerusalem, living near the Friend s Mills in the early settlement, and were
pious and devoted Friends. Lydia,
the most talented, was a leading woman in the Society. She died before 1800 in the Friend s Settlement and Phoebe , after
the death of her sister, lived near Mary HOLMES in Jerusalem, and still later in
the Friend s family. She survived
the Friend several years, and died at the age of 100 years.
**contributed by Mallory Smith (please contact Mallory directly on thesefamily lines)
(5) Major Benajah Mallory (Malory) 1 May 1764 Bennington, Vt. Moved from NY State to Burford Twp, Brant Co. Ont, Canada 1793 where his father-in-law hoped to start anew religious town to be named New Jerusalem. Upper Canada Land Book C 5 Jun1797 30 Jun 1797 Benajah Mallory praying for 1200 acres as one of the original associates for settling the township of Burford, and for a further delay to settle the same. Recommended for 1200 acres including former grants, and his wife recommended for 200 acres. The un-located parts of the township to be thrown open to other applicants
After leaving Upper Canada to fight in the
War of 1812 on the US side, he later lived in Lockport, Niagara Co. NY and was living there when his
brother, Gill, died in Benjamin s home. 1840
Census of Lockport Village" age (See
Dictionary of Canadian Biography) d 9 or 16
Aug 1853 a soldier in the Rev War and War of 1812
= (1) Abiah Dayton (Abraham Dayton 14 Sep 1745 New Milford, Ct d 1 Mar 1797Burford Twp = Abigail Coggswell 13 Aug 1750 Preston Ct
d 4 Aug 1843 Gananoque,Ont, CN) (Abraham Dayton 18 Aug 1719 Newton, Fairfield Ct d 1 Mar 1797
Burford CN = Abiah Beardsley 16 Sep 1725 Fairfield) (Nathan Beardsley 7 Oct 1686
Stratford Ct = Elizabeth Hubbell 23 Oct 1689) (1820 Old Burned Over District Census The Old Genesee County West
of Seneca Lake Benajah Mallory) (2) 13 May 1852 Sally (Wright) Jefferson (widow William Jefferson) 15 Mar1784 d 10 Apr 1889 ae 106th year Des Moines IA
Benajah - Praying for 1200 acres as one of the original associates for settling
the township of
Meredith Mallory's descendants married Hendersons.
Richard HENDERSON was born in Ireland, March 17, 1767, and died January 23, 1850.
His wife, Anna WAGENER, was born September 10, 1777 and died November 13,1864.
Their children:
Samuel, born March 5, 1797, married Harriet ARNOT and died April 12, 1834;
David, born December 25, 1798, married December 9, 1819, died February 18, 1883;
Maria, born August 11, 1800, married Samuel GILLETTE, May 9, 1820 and died April 6, 1886;
Mary, born March 16, 1803, married Johnson A. NICHOLS, died April 16, 1889;
Rebecca, born November 8, 1805, married George NICHOLS first and afterwards Nehemiah RAPLEE, lives at Bath; Elizabeth born January 14, 1809, married Caleb J. LEGG, lives in Torrey;
Richard, born January 15, 1810, died May 15, 1864; Anna B., born July 11, 1812, married Barnum MALLORY, lives in Illinois.
Jane, born June 1, 1814, married Smith L. Mallory, lives west;
Harriet, born November17, 1816, married Louis MILLARED, lives in Dundee;
James W., born March 19, 1819, married Martha A. DRAKE and lives at Milo Center;
Rachel, born July 9, 1821, married James C. LONGWELL, lives at Penn Yan.
Children of Richard and Rosalinda HENDERSON: Samuel S., born October 9,1836; Charles, born February 27, 1838, died May 28, 1872; Marvin and Marsden, born April 2, 1842; James A., born October 6, 1845.
Richard HENDERSON, the pioneer, settled between Milo Center and Himrod about the year 1795.
GARDNER came with the earliest settlers; was a widow, a sister of Martha
REYNOLDS and Mrs. Stephen CARD, and the mother of Abner and George GARDNER. She was the mother of an important family, a devoted Friend, and a
woman of remarkable and excellent traits of character. She lived with her sons and finally with her granddaughter in
Jerusalem, where she died in 1848 at the age of 94 years.
HUNT was the daughter of the elder Adam HUNT; lived unmarried and was a
devoted adherent of the Friend. She
was housekeeper for Silas P. SPINK for many years, and died at his house. She was an excellent and highly esteemed woman.
DAVIS was a daughter of John DAVIS, and a sister of Jonathan DAVID. She came early with the Friends from Pennsylvania, and lived with
her parents in Jerusalem. Shed died
about 60 years of age, her death preceding that of her parents. She was a good woman and a steadfast Friend.
HATHAWAY was from New Bedford. She
and her mother, Freelove HATHAWAY, came early and lived in the log part, that
then was, of the Friend s house, now standing in Torrey, and there the mother
died. Eunice, for some time, lived
with Mary HOLMES, and was afterwards a member of the Friend s household. She was a much respected woman, and survived the Friend a few years.
HATHAWAY was a widow who kept house for Jacob WAGENER, on Long Point, till
about 1800. She then lived with her
son, Nathaniel, a shoemaker, in the Log Meeting House, and afterwards in a house
belonging to Benedict ROBINSON. The
son, under the ministration and counsel of the Friend, had a very bright
religious experience and died about 1811. The
Friend preached the funeral discourse at the house of Benedict ROBINSON. The mother was a devoted and worthy woman and died soon after.
HATHAWAY was the widow of James HATHAWAY, a brother of Thomas HATHAWAY Sr. They settled near the west branch of Keuka Lake on the east side,
where he erected a log house and made considerable improvement. They had a son, an only child, named Hunnewell, a young man who
was capsized in a canoe on the lake in a violent wind. He called, Help! Help! . As the dog s name was Help, it was supposed to be a call for the dog. When rescued he was so chilled he could not be restored. This was in 1794, and the
first death in the township. The father died two years later, after building the first vault for
the Friend, in which his own body was laid. The
widow remained a prot g of the Friend, whom she survived a few years. She lived in the old house of the Friend after the removal of the
friend to the large mansion. She was
a woman of excellent character.
DAINS was a daughter of Jonathan DAINS Sr. She came with her father in 1784 and was a thoroughly devoted adherent
of the Friend, always remaining single. She
was for a long time an inmate of the Friend s family, and finally lived with
her nephew, John DAINS of Jerusalem, where she died at the age of 90 years. It was Lavina that pitched the constable out doors with his
raiment somewhat tattered, when he attempted to arrest the Friend for blasphemy.
CARR was a widow and a relative of the HAVENS family of Benton. She came with the earlier settlers, making her home with the Friends. Was an inmate of the Friend s family most of the time, and died about1833. She was called Mother
CARR , in the Society, and was very kindly regarded by all.
STYER was a relative of the WAGENERS and SUPPLEES, and resided at first with
Anna WAGENER, and afterwards with the Friend, and other families of the Society. She was an agreeable person, but subject to an occasional alienation
of mind, and fits of melancholy and self-reproach. She died about 1815, while living with Lucina GOODSPEED upward of 60years.
CLARK was from Boston, a widow lady of character and ability, with no known
relatives in the Society or settlement. She
was one of the early comers and kept house for Thomas HATHAWAY Sr. At his death, he left her by will, 300 acres of land, of which
Beloved LUTHER bought a part just east of Simeon COLE S. She lived for a time in the house where Thomas HATHAWAY died, and
finally in one part of the double log house where Hannah BALDWIN resided. In old age she resided with Beloved LUTHER and died at the age of 96years. She too was one of the
most faithful of the Friends.
HOLMES was a sister of Jedediah HOLMES. She was quite independent in property and lived at first in the
early settlement of the Friends, and afterwards till she died, a little way south
of Moses HARTWELL S just east of the creek, where she kept house mostly by
herself, always living singly. She
died at a very advanced age, some years after the Friend, of whom she was a
devoted adherent. She was regarded
as one of the best of woman.
WHITE, general known as Aunt Katy WHITE, was a widow and kept house
for a time for Jacob WAGENER. She
was a kind, matronly woman and much beloved. Her funeral was attended at the Friend s house about 1815.
BEAN was a near relative of the SUPPLEES. She became an inmate of the Friend s family in early life and
continued so while she lived. She
was mistress of the dairy, and a very industrious and worthy person. She died about 1840, over 60 years old.
BEARD dwelt on the Friend s land in a log house built for her, about 50rods northeast of the residence of James BROWN Jr. She was a single woman and a person of very amiable character,
much respected by the Society. She
survived the Friend.
WOOD was a widow, and lived in the next house north of Anna WAGENER, of whom
she bought her land. When she
became feeble with age, she lived with her daughter, the widow of Beloved
LUTHER. She was an estimable woman
and much respected. She died later
than the Friend, at a very advanced age.
INGRAHAM was the daughter of Nathaniel INGRAHAM, and lived with her parents
while they survived. She was a
steadfast Friend and a worthy woman, and died at an advanced age, firm in the
Friend s faith and an unmarried woman.
INGRAHAM, who still lives a single woman at the age of 88 years, is the
daughter of Eleazer INGRAHAM. She
had led a blameless and pious life, and was a member of the Friend s family
for several years with her father. Henry
BARNES, who, with her, are the only survivors of the Friend s Society, relates
that he and Rachel, almost unassisted, in the Spring of 1816, made of 1,500pounds of sugar in the Friend s sugar camp.
TOWERHILL was the daughter of an African slave, stolen from his native
country and she too was a slave. She
was bought by Benjamin BROWN, an uncle of James BROWN Jr., The Friend would not
tolerate slavery, and Benjamin BROWN becoming a member of the Society, gave
Chloe her freedom. She voluntarily
joined the Friend s family was devout and faithful, uneducated but
intelligent, and a very sweet singer. She
was mistress of the kitchen and laundry, over which she presided with industry
and system. She was devotedly
attached to the Friend and lamented her death very tenderly. She died at about 70 years.
KENYON and her daughter, Hannah, came early to the Friend s Settlement
from Rhode Island, leaving her husband, Remington KENYON, behind. The daughter
married George NICHOLS, son of Isaac NICHOLS, and the mother, on removing to
Jerusalem, lived on a little spot on the Friend s land that was cleared for
her, about halfway between Hannah BALDWIN and Mary HOLMES. It is related of her that on one occasion she was lost in
the woods at night. She took refuge
in a hollow tree. She hung an apron
before her for protection from a violent thunderstorm, and remained there till
morning. Her husband came about
1806 and lived with her. After a
bright and sincere religious experience, he joined the Society and died a year
or two after. His wife survived him
several years, and was called Mother KENYON. She was greatly respected in the Society.
KINNEY came from Connecticut a widow, with the earliest of the Friends. She was the mother of Ephraim, Isaac, Samuel and Mary KINNEY. The daughter married a man by the name of BUTLER and the sons went
west in after years. The mother became
a member of the Friend s family, where she remained several years. She was a pious and devoted woman, and greatly esteemed. She died in 1817, and her funeral was at the Friend s house.
HARTWELL was the mother of Samuel HARTWELL, who married Elizabeth WILKINSON,
one of the sisters of the Friend. She
came early to the New Settlement, and lived with her daughter, the wife of Abel
BOTSFORD. She was a faithful Friend
and a woman of excellent character. She
died at the age of about 90 years.
LUTHER was the mother of the LUTHER Family. Coming with the first settlers. When
her family dispersed by marriage, she lived with her son Reuben many years, and
a few of her last years with her son, Beloved. She was a woman without reproach, pious and faithful, one of the
most devoted Friends. She died
upwards of 80 years old.
OVETT, the sister of Abel, Jonathan and Elnathan BOTSFORD, was a widow who
came with the first settlers, and lived alone in the Friend s Settlement, near
the Friend s house, till late in life, when she had a home with her brother,
Abel. She lived to be quite
advanced in years, and was a woman of the most amiable and cheerful character,
and a favorite with all who knew her, and especially with children. She was a true Friend and deeply pious.
POTTER was a daughter of Judge William POTTER. She never married and never came to this country. The Friend bore strong testimony to her worth of character and
religious sincerity.
SCOTT came a widow to the New Jerusalem in 1790, with her two daughters,
Orpha and Margaret. Orpha married
Perley GATES and died at 97 years. Margaret
married Elijah BOTSFORD, and still lives with her son, Samuel BOTSFORD, at the
age of 95 years. Mrs. SCOTT was a
woman of rare energy and virtue of character, and one of the most steadfast
Friends. Her home was for a
considerable time in the Friend s family. None could be more highly esteemed. Shed died well advanced in years.
Aphiand Martha COMSTOCK were sisters of Israel COMSTOCK, and women of
rare excellence of character. They
lived together a little north of the Friend s Mansion, and remained single women. They died in 1867, within a few day of each other, Aphi, 81 years
and Martha 77 years of age. They were firm adherents of the Friend, and were among
the best of her disciples. Their
nephew, Botsford A. COMSTOCK, cared for his worthy aunts in their old age, and
was greatly beloved by them. Their
names were always mentioned with the highest respect. Aphi, in early life, was one of the pioneer school teachers.
This closes our record of the devoted sisterhood. Perhaps a few others should have been included, but the testimony within reach does not warrant it, and guesswork will not pass for history. There was a noble array of devoted women not of this select band, who, as wives and mothers, and true exponents of the highest morality and social virtue, illustrated the pioneer life with examples worthy to be held in honored remembrance, and gave the Friend s Society a name for virtue, industry and matronly worth, of which no pen can speak in adequate praise.
were as follows:
AVERY (wife of Daniel BROWN Jr. cousin of James Brown Jr.; lived in Benton, now Torrey)
BARNES (mother of Henry BARNES; much beloved member of the Society)
BARNES (dau of Nathaniel INGRAHAM; wife of Eleazur BARNES, now 86y old)
BARTLESON (mother of Isaac and Bartleson SHEARMAN)
BOTSFORD (wife of Jonathan BOTSFORD Jr.; mother of Elijah)
BOTSFORD (dau of Jonathan BOTSFORD Jr.; wife of Abel HUNT)
BOTSFORD (wife of Elnathan BOTSFORD)
BOTSFORD (dau of Elnathan BOTSFORD; 2nd wife of Stephen WILKINSON)
BOTSFORD (dau of Abel BOTSFORD; 1st wife of Robert BUCKLEY)
BRIGGS (wife of Peleg BRIGGS Sr.)
BRIGGS (sometimes called Esther PLANT); (had a fine estate at Norris Landing)
BRIGGS (wife of Peleg GIFFORD)
BROWN (wife of David FISH; dau of Benjamin BROWN Sr.)
BROWN (dau of Thomas CLARK; wife of Henry BROWN of Benton)
BROWN (dau of Benjamin BROWN Sr. & wife of Judge Arnold POTTER)
BROWN (mother of James BROWN Jr.)
CLANFORD (sis of David WAGENER; marries 1st Peter SUPPLEE; was the mother of
Rachel, wife of Morris F. SHEPPARD & Peter SUPPLEE JR.; afterwards married ___CLANFORD, lived a 2nd time a widow, at first in a part of
the Friend s house, now in Torrey, & subsequently on the place now owned
by John R. HATMAKER, where she died)
COMSTOCK (mother of Israel, Aphi and Martha COMSTOCK)
Mary DAINS (wife
of Jonathan DAINS; lived to be very old)
DAINS (wife of Castle DAINS)
DAYTON (wife of Abraham DAYTON)
DAVIS (mother of Jesse DAVIS; wife of William DAVIS)
DAVIS (wife of John DAVIS)
DAVIS (wife of Jonathan DAVIS)
DAVIS (dau o fJohn DAVIS; wife of Stewart COHOON)
FISHER (wife of Silas HUNT)
HATHAWAY (dau of Susannah HATHAWAY and wife of ___ BRUCE, form whom Bruce s Gully took
its name)
Mary HALL (the 2
Mary HALLS are not remembered as residence here; possibly, mother and dau)
Malin HOPKINS (dau of Mary MALIN, whose 2nd husb was James BEAUMONT; wife of
HOLMES (believed to be the wife of Jedediah HOLMES; buried at City Hill)
HOLMES (dau of Jedediah HOLMES; wife of Elisha LUTHER)
Mary HUNT (wife of Adam HUNT)
HUNT (dau of Adam HUNT; married ___ MAPES)
INGRAHAM (wife of John INGRAHAM; sis of the wife of Jonathan DAVIS)
INGRHAM (dau of Eleazer INGRAHAM)
INGRAHAM (wife of Nathaniel INGRAHAM)
INGRAHAM (wife of Eleazer INGRAHAM)
INGRAHAM (dau of Eleazer INGRAHAM)
KENYON (wife of George NICHOLS)
LUTHER (sis of Beloved & Reuben LUTHER; wife of George BROWN, bro of James BROWN Jr.)
LUTHER (sis of the LUTHERS' of the original family; wife of Reuben HUDSON)
LUTHER (wife of Beloved LUTHER; dau of Lydia WOOD)
NICHOLS (wife ofIsaac NICHOLS)
POTTER (dau of Judge Wm. POTTER, wife of Benjamin BROWN Jr.)
PRITCHARD (wife of Justus P. SPENCER; one of the 1st school teachers)
Orpha ROSE
SISSON (wife of George SISSON; sister of the LUTHERS)
SISSON (dau of George SISSON; wife of Isaac PROSSER)
STONE (sis of John DAVIS; lived in Pultney)
SUPPLEE (dau of Peter SUPPLEE; wife of Morris F. SHEPPARD)
WILKINSON (youngest sister of the Friend; wife of Benajah BOTSFORD & then Elijah MALIN)
Friend believed that there are three persons in the Godhead Father, Son and
Holy Ghost; and that the three are eternal. The Father is the Judge of all; Christ the Mediator; and the Holy
Ghost, the Comforter, promised by Jesus to his disciples. These three form one tribunal.
created man upright and holy, and gave him a law by the breaking of which he
shall surely die; and the Friend held that were there is a law, there is liberty
to keep it or break it.
broke the law given by his Maker, and thus caused death, both spiritual and
temporal, to enter the world. As a
consequence of the broken law, there was required an infinite sacrifice of
atonement for man so that the favor of God might be regained. Christ, therefore, was made an Offering for the redemption of the
Human Family form their lost estate, and hence no other name is given by which man
can be saved, except Christ, the Universal Savior, who atoned for All.
souls that God has introduced on earth to dwell in human bodies, came perfect
and pure from God, their Creator, and have remained so till they reached the
years of understanding, and became old enough to know good from evil. At the age of responsible discretion, they enjoy Free Will or the
choice of good and evil.
human beings, will full understanding, and the free choice before them , do that
which they know to be evil, they realize the just condemnation of a broken law,
and consciously forfeit their title to Heaven and happiness.
only remedy for this forlorn estate is to repent and pray to God for pardon
through the merits of the Redeemer; and not only to be sorry for sin and the
forfeiture of Heaven and happiness, but to be sincerely sorry to have grieved
the Holy Spirit. This is repentance
unto life and not to be repented of.
is also essential as the Friend taught, to persevere in the humble service of
the Lord through life, and labor for a growth in grace, and the knowledge of the
Lord and Savior. The just man s
path is a shining light which grows brighter ad brighter till he arrives at the
perfect day of peace.
regard to the resurrection, it was held by the Friend that flesh and blood
cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven, and that consequently there is no
reappearance of the natural or carnal body. The resurrection is spiritual, and consists in the separation of the
soul from its earthly tenement.
Friend endeavored always to expound religious doctrine in perfect harmony with
the Bible.
This creed, it will be observed, is substantially the common Trinitarian Creed
of Christendom, with the doctrine of natural depravity omitted. As a doctrine,
it is certainly entitled to very respectful treatment at the hands of Orthodox
people. The apostle of this creed
was a woman, a product of New England in the days of its rigid devotion to a
rigid theology. She softened its
harshest feature, and taught a simple doctrine of duty, repentance and upright
living. It cannot be denied that
she and the faithful portion of her Society honored the doctrine by consistent,
pious lives. Their remarkable
longevity as a body of people, is one proof that they shunned the vices and
excesses which shorten life; and their quiet, uniform demeanor and daily habits,
with avoidance of all strife and improper excitement, at once extended their
days and afforded a proof of the general correctness of their motives.
only printed or recorded discourse, or summary of doctrine or sentiment ever
given by the Friend, that is now known to be in existence, in the following,
copied from a little printed book, now in the possession of Peter S. OLIVER. The same book contains, on otherwise blank pages, the names of those
who belonged to the Society, as probably recorded before the decease of the Friend.
Will of Jemima WILKINSON Feb 25, 1818 History of Yates by L.C. Aldrich pg 90-91
& also History &Directory of Yates County, Vol 1, pub. 1873 by S. CLEVELAND, pg 107 109;
by Dianne Thomas
The Last Will and Testament of the person called the Universal Friend, of Jerusalem, in the county of Ontario and State of New York, who in the years one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, was called Jemima WILKINSON, and ever since that time the Universal Friend, a new name which the mouth of the Lord hath named. Considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory blessed to the Lord of Sabbath and father of mercies therefore, I do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament.
1st. My will is that all my just debts be paid by my executors hereinafter named.
2nd. I give, bequeath and devise unto Rachel MALIN and Margaret MALIN, now of said Jerusalem, all my earthly property, both real and personal, that is to say all my land lying in said Jerusalem in Benton or elsewhere in the county of Ontario, together will all the buildings thereon, to them the said Rachel and Margaret, and to their heirs and assigns forever, to be equally and amicably shared between them, the said Rachel and Margaret; and I do also give and bequeath to said Rachel MALIN and Margaret MALIN all my wearing apparel, all my household furniture, all my horses, cattle, sheep, and swine of ever kind and description, and also my carriages, wagons, and carts of every kind, together with all my farming tools and utensils and all my movable property of every nature and description whatever.
3rd. My will is that all the present members of my family, and each of them be employed as they please, and if employed, supported during natural life by the said Rachel and Margaret, and whenever any of them become unable to help themselves they are, according to such inability, kindly to be taken care of by the said Rachel and Margaret; and my will also is that all poor persons belonging to the Society of Universal Friends shall receive from the said Rachel and Margaret such assistance, comfort, and support during natural life as they may need; and in case any, either of my family or elsewhere in the Society, shall turn away, such shall forfeit the provisions herein made for them.
4th. I hereby ordain and appoint Rachel MALIN and Margaret MALIN executors of my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I, the person once called Jemima WILKINSON, bunt in and ever since the year 1777, known and called the Public Universal Friend, hereunto set my name and seal the 25th day of the 2ndmo. 1818.
John Collins
Ann Collins
Sarah Gregory
Be it remembered that in order to remove all doubts of the execution of the foregoing Last Will and Testament, being the person who in the year 1777 was known and called by the name of Jemima WILKINSON, but since that time as the Universal Friend, do make, publish, and declare the within instrument as my Last Will and Testament, as witness my hand and seal the 7th day of the 7thmo. 1818.
Thomas R. Gold
John Briggs
James Brown Jr.
109 - 112
pursuance of the Friend s will, her mansion and homestead, under the control
of Rachel and Margaret MALIN, continued to be the home of the Friend s family,
the place of meetings and focus of the Society. All things went on as before in peace and quietness, till some
elements of division were introduced, after the arrival among them of Michael H.
BARTON, who was originally an Orthodox Quaker from Dutchess county and came to
Jerusalem in 1830. He was a man of
engaging address, and had the friendship of Rachel and James BROWN Jr., but had not
the favor of Margaret and others of the Society. He preached at the meetings, and had more or less connection with
the Society for several years. In
the memorable political canvass of 1840, he took the field as a canvasser for
General HARRISON, addressed a number of Mass Meetings in Ohio, and gained a
friendly recognition for the old General himself. The early death of the new President cut off his expectation of
an important appointment at his hands. Mr.
BARTON died in 1857, at the age of 59 years. His widow, Sarah F. BARTON still survives. His son, George F. BARTON, is a citizen of Jerusalem, and
his daughter, Angeline S. BARTON, who was a school teacher, died in 1864, at the
age of 22 years.
CLARK and Osa HYMES came a little alter that Michael H. BARTON, and united in
engrafting new features on the steady going Society that cherished the faith and
tradition of the Friend. They
claimed to give a fresh inspiration of the Friend s doctrine, but the results
were a notable departure therefrom. The
strictness of the Friend s faith and discipline, was not maintained by the new
infusion. HYMES attempted to
prepare a history of the Friend and the Society, with abortive results so far as
the writer has been able to learn. He
was shortly driven off. George
CLARK, after a few years residence at the Friend s house, brought there his
daughter, Maria, who by her amiable character became favorite of the family. After his marriage, he made little if any pretence
to religious character, and his career was not favorable to the interest of the
establishment or his own welfare. He
died a few years ago in New York. Margaret
MALIN died in 1844, leaving by will her estate and interest to James BROWN
Jr., with the purpose to place him in her own position toward the Society. He was a life-long devoted disciple of the Friend, had been for a
long period a member of the Friend s household, and was an important member of
the Society. After the death of
Margaret, and at 60 years of age or upwards, he married Maria CLARK, who was
still under 20 years, and accepted a division of the estate, taking for his
portion, 700 acres of land, and several thousand dollars of personal property. He lived to be 86 years old, a much respected citizen. He served the town of Jerusalem as Supervisor in 1838 and 1839, and
made a good officer. Peter S. OLIVER afterwards married his widow, and she died in1868, leaving in Mr. OLIVER S possession such mementoes of the Friend s
Society as had been preserved by James BROWN Jr., including the portrait of the
Friend, which was framed by John MALIN in very elaborate style, from a number of
different varieties of wood that grew on the Friend s domain.
In1848, Rachel MALIN died, after conveying to descendants of her brothers
and sisters, a large share of the Friend s estate. This was a departure from the Will of the Friend, and doubtless proved
so than Rachel designed. She was
nearly 80 years old and was surrounded by those who had selfish purpose to sub
serve. What they did not
appropriate, she gave chiefly to her relatives. John A. GALLETT obtained 50 acres of land, it is said, in
consideration of money advanced by his grandmother, Lydia WOOD, to the purchase of the
land originally bought of the State for the Friend s Settlement on the shore
of Seneca Lake. The Friend s
mansion, with 150 acres of land, was bequeathed to Mary Ann, the wife of George
CLARK. James Harvey and William T.
CLARK, his sons, each had farms given them. William died a solider in the war of the rebellion, and James
Harvey still survives; but the Friend s place, which became his inheritance, has
been for some years out of his possession.
was purchased at the close of the war by John ALCOOKE, who clamed to be an
English Quaker, for a home for disabled soldiers. He
collected a considerable number of these unfortunate men and made them a
comfortable abode in the old residence of the Friend. By appeals to the charity of the people, aid from
the Sanitary Commission, and other contributions, he was supporting his crippled
veterans and paying for their home, when he suddenly died in 1866. Leaving no heirs know to the authorities, his property fell to the State. It was discovered that his charities were coupled with some
duplicity, but it is to be hoped his general intentions were good. The Friend s place has since passed through the hands of Charles
C. SHEPPARD to his son, Morris F. SHEPPARD, by whom it was considerably improved
and renovated. It is now the
property of Thomas J. WHITE. It is
no longer a shrine of religious worship, nor a center of great social interest. The 50 years that have elapsed since the Friend departed, have
brought their mighty changes and still the old mansion stands a subject of
curious interest and enquiry. The engraving which represents it will be readily
recognized by those who have seen the building. The
fall fir trees which stand before it, were planted by Henry BARNES, whose pious
hands wrought so much and so willing there in the early years.
INGRAHAM, Henry BARNES and Experience BARNES, are still surviving members of the
Friend s Society. In
contravention of her just and straightforward will, in which kin and
consanguinity were disregarded, and spiritual and social ties alone recognized,
Henry BARNES is dependent in his declining years on the generosity of others. They should all have had an assured and liberal competence to the
latest ay of their lives, as they would, but for the perversion of trusts designed
and undersigned, which accompanied the distribution of the Friend s estate.
longevity of these worthy persons, is carrying the life of the Friend s
Society almost to the end of a century from its inception in that wonderful
Trance in 1776, when the mind of a young girl was impressed with the conviction
that the effulgence of a brighter and purer order of existence was disclosed to
her vision. She was thus prompted
to a life-long effort to bring others as near as possible to the better and
higher state, as she interpreted the vision. It was a noble essay, whatever its errors, against long and
weary discouragements, and was not without its fruits. The best successes of life, are not always its most showy and
apparent triumphs. A few, won to the side
of self-denying virtue, weigh more in the best results of life, than crowds led
by acquiescence in the baser tendencies of perverted humanity.
The Friend s Society belongs to the past. That it could not perpetuate itself must have been evident to its founder long before her own decease. Perhaps it was no part of her final purpose that it should. It was an interesting social and religious experiment, that can be studied with profit by those who would read aright the structure of human character and anticipate its developments in the future.
**contributed by Mallory Smith
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