1850 Federal Census

Town of Potter

Pg. 8A & 8 B

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Dwell # House# First Name Surname Age Sex Color Occupation


where born

married in last yr

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Lucretia THOMAS 50 F NY 8 A
Lucina THOMAS 10 F NY 8 A
John THOMAS 8 M NY 8 A
Ellen THOMAS 5 F NY 8 A
Charles THOMAS 3 M NY 8 A
114 116 Janus STOUT 51 M shoemaker 300 NY 8 A
Sarah A. STOUT 27 F NY 8 A
Fanny J. STOUT 5 F NY 8 A
George H. STOUT 3 M NY 8 A
Florence STOUT 2 F NY 8 A
Frank J. STOUT 6/12 M NY 8 A
115 117 Philip H. MC CONNEL 48 M waggon maker 800 NY 8 A
Esther A. MC CONNEL 38 F NY 8 A
Rosilla MC CONNEL 15 F NY 8 A
Margaret MC CONNEL 11 F NY 8 A
Martin MC CONNEL 9 M NY 8 A
James P. MC CONNEL 7 M NY 8 A
Esther S. MC CONNEL 5 F NY 8 A
Nellie MC CONNEL 3 F NY 8 A
Bloomey MC CONNEL 3 F NY 8 A
116 118 Isaac VAN ZANT 34 M farmer NY 8 A
Rachael VAN ZANT 33 F NY 8 A
Eleanor VAN ZANT 13 F NY 8 A
Sara L. VAN ZANT 7 M NY 8 A
117 119 William DEWITT 44 M blacksmith NY 8 A
Ann DEWITT 41 F NY 8 A
Eliza DEWITT 4 F NY 8 A
John BAILEY 45 M blacksmith MA 8 A
118 120 James W. TURNER 55 M merchant 1200 NY 8 A
Marcella TURNER 32 F NY 8 A
Jerome H. TURNER 5 M NY 8 A
Lucy H. TURNER 2 F NY 8 A
119 121 Maria SNYDER 10 F NY 8 A
Thomas G. CASEY 26 M harness maker 1000 NY 8 A
Rebecca CASEY 24 F NY 8 A
George PUTNEY 20 M NY 8 A
120 122 Chester BORDWELL 58 M farmer 1800 NY 8 A
Angelina BORDWELL 55 F NY 8 A
Lorinda BORDWELL 16 F NY 8 A
Rachael BORDWELL 13 F NY 8 A
William A. BORDWELL 11 M NY 8 A
George MC NIGHT 21 M NY 8 A
121 123 James RANDALL 35 M M laborer CT 8 B
Mariette RANDALL 34 F M NY 8 B
Catharine RANDALL 12 F M NY 8 B
George RANDALL 10 M M NY 8 B
James H. RANDALL 5 M M NY 8 B
122 124 Truman G. SLITOR 41 M carpenter 400 NY 8 B
Jane SLITOR 41 F NY 8 B
Richard D. M. SLITOR 16 M cabinet maker NY 8 B
Edward F. SLITOR 8 M NY 8 B
Mary J. SLITOR 5 F NY 8 B
122 125 Charles STROWBRIDGE 28 M NY 8 B
Garret  VAN ZANT 57 M laborer NY 8 B
123 126 James PARSONS 40 M farmer 2100 Ireland 8 B
Ann PARSONS 40 F Ireland 8 B
James PARSONS 15 M NY 8 B
Richard PARSONS 10 M NY 8 B
Catharine PARSONS 8 F NY 8 B
Julia PARSONS 6 F NY 8 B
Mary J. PARSONS 4/12 F NY 8 B
123 127 Richard PARSONS 56 M laborer Ireland 8 B
Ann PARSONS 27 F Ireland 8 B
William PARSONS 2/12 M Ireland 8 B
124 128 Jay SMITH 54 M tavern keeper Ireland 8 B
Permelia SMITH 52 F NY 8 B
Ann SMITH 26 F NY 8 B
Lemuel DEAN 28 M bait keeper NY 8 B
125 129 Leazarus MOON 58 M laborer NY 8 B
Catharine MOON 63 F lower Canada 8 B
126 130 Daniel G. WEARE 58 M farmer 4005 NH 8 B
Lydia WEARE 58 F MA 8 B
Orrin R. WEARE 24 M NY 8 B
126 131 Ashley THOMAS 54 M farmer 8865 NY 8 B
Electa THOMAS 54 F NY 8 B
Jeffrey THOMAS 24 M physician NY 8 B
Silas THOMAS 18 M laborer NY 8 B
Ashley THOMAS 16 M NY 8 B
Charles E. THOMAS 12 M NY 8 B
Sarah A. HEDGER 12 F NY 8 B
127 132 Albert THOMAS 23 M merchant NY 8 B
Maria THOMAS 23 F NY 8 B

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