Spink FamilyCemetery
Barrington, Yates Co., NY
If you would like to submit Yates Co Cemetery data to this site please contact Dianne Thomas. Copyright resides with the contributor.
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SPINK | Barbara | 1770 RI - 1863; wife of Samuel |
SPINK | Samuel | 1774 RI - 183; husb of Barbara |
SPINK | Sarah Ann | 1800 RI - bet 1855 - 1860; unwed dau of Samuel & Barbara |
VAUGHN | Benjamin Sr. | 1785 RI - Dec 25, 1865; husb of Ruth & Hanna |
VAUGHN | Hannah | 1799 RI - abt 1872; 2nd wife of Benjamin Sr. |
VAUGHN | Ruth | 1788 RI - abt 1853; 1st wife of Benjamin Sr. |
Notes: Samuel Spink's farm was on Lot 9, west of thePre-emption Line. When the property was sold after his death,mention was made of the family burying ground, reserving the small plot to thisuse. The deed says it is in the southeast part of the lot, near thelarge maple tree west of the barn. Today, there is no trace of this cemetery. Some of the family members are buried in the HillsideCemetery in Dundee, Yates county. Those not otherwise accountedfor are listed as mentioned, in the expectation that this is their finalresting place.
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contributed by SonjaAbate
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